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Conclusion interviews

For the research part of the project we had to interview some people
about their way of travelling. Here are the results and conclusions of the
interviews. We also talk about how you can make your own trips greener
as a result of these answers.

The teachers
We had to interview 5 teachers about how they travel to school. We found
out that 4 of the 5 teachers lived 10-20 kilometres away from school. 1
teacher only lived a few hundred kilometres from school.
We found out that 2 out of the 5 teachers go to school with their car. The
other 3 teachers go to school with their (e-)bike. For going on holidays
everyone uses the car.
The teachers travel in their free time mostly to shops or to visit relatives
or friends. All the teachers thought that they used the car often they’d
emit a lot of CO2, but when they use the bike they don’t.
We found at that none of the teachers is using public transport to go to
school. They do this, because it is only a small distance they have to
travel. If they use their bike or car they are on time and with public
transport there can be a delay.

Conclusions interviews students

We had to interview 10 students between the ages of 12-18 about their
way of travelling. These students all share the same ways of travelling.
All students were asked how they travel to their schools. 9 out of 10
students answered that they go to school by bike. Only one student goes
to school by car, because he lives very far away from his school. The
students that go by bike to school do it, because they live around 10
kilometres away from their schools and that’s a reasonable distance to
Besides school, all students said that they travel on their bike to sports
practice, to other relatives that live in the same villages as they do or
they travel to their friends. These friends don’t always live in the same
towns as they do.
All students thought they didn’t emit much CO2, because they use their
bike the most. Only when their parents take them somewhere by car they
produce CO2, they thought.
In conclusion, all students use their bike regularly to travel to school or
other places and only go by car when they travel with their parents to
places that are further away from their homes.

Persons who use public transport

We interviewed 5 persons who use public transport daily. These persons
had different reasons to travel with public transport. One person uses the
public transport to go to work, because it’s the easiest way to get his
work. Another person uses the public transport, because her parents can’t
bring her to school every day and the school is too far away to cycle. 3
persons use public transport, because they care about the environment
and think it’s better than going by car for the environment.
Most of the persons we interviewed said that they care much about the
environment and that is a reason they use it. They also said that they like
it, because if you use public transport you can do other things while you
are traveling for example working or be on your telephone. They also said
that they liked the public transport, because they think it is good for the
environment. 1 person looked it up and then she came to the conclusion
that it was better then a car but it is still not very good for the
environment. She had not expect this, because she believed she was
doing well with using public transport.
We also see that many young people use it to go to school and the older
people use it to go to work. The people we interviewed about the public
transport really like the public transport and never thought about not
using it. They believe it works very well and advice more people to use it.
When you go with the train you also have no problems with the weather.
The people who use public transport, also like it that they never have to
stand in traffic jams or other things. In conclusion people who use public
transport like it and advice more people to use it.

General information about public transport

Most of the tickets for the bus and train are between 2 and 6 euro. In my
area you can go with bus, but not with the train. The public transport in
my area is efficient, because you can exactly see when the bus is coming.
It is also efficient, because the bus is most of the time on time. It is also
comfortable, because you can most of the time sit down and do other
things like work.
How can you make your own trips greener?
We found out that you can make your own trips greener and eco-friendly
by going by bike more often and if that is possible with the distance of the
trip, because if it’s a long distance you can better go by car. You could
also choose to go by public transport, because it’s also better than going
by car. So, try to use the car as less as possible and definitely not the
plane. That is the most polluting vehicle that you can choose to travel

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