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Class Rocksky 06

Student ID HS150013

Full Name Nguyễn Hà Kiều Anh

The new millennium is now upon us signifying a milestone along the

timeline of history. With the increasingly changing development of
the society, have schools modified their programs in response to this
information ?. We cannot know for sure what knowledge our students
will need to best prepare them for the future. What we do know
however is that they will need to become life-long learners, able to
Part 1 adapt to the future changes which will inevitably have an impact on
their lives. Teaching students how to learn is now more important
than teaching them what to learn. Students should be developing
thinking processes critical for the information age, which enable them
to know Learning how to Learn in the 21st Century.How to access the
knowledge required, and more importantly, how to evaluate the
veracity of the source and the knowledge itself.
And now I will summarize the book How to Learn Chap 9. A nice
strong set of brain-links is easy for your attentional octopus to snap
onto electrically and connect into your working memory. Your
attentional octopus can easily pull up a set of brain-links that you've
built with plenty of practice. Why? Because brain-links help you
rapidly handle complex information. Your octopus can pull on only
four sets of brain-links, but they can be linked into other sets of
brain-links, so it can pull on eight, ten, or fifty sets of brain-links!
Rachel's show example. Notice how confused she looks. She i learned
Part 2 to back up a car. Backing up a car is hard! At least, at first. The first
time she learned how to reverse a car, she was confused. that building
strong brain-links is even more important than you think. Why?
Because brain-links help you rapidly handle complex information.
Experts can instantly drag huge amounts of interlinked information
into the arms of their attentional octopuses! Experts have lots and
lots of sets of brain-links.
Example of a celebrity I know is fine-grained with her diligent daily
work-hard work making octopus easy to create a set of connections to
help her perform excellence and success
The bad habit I am learning is procrastination: if your friends on
Facebook with other students, suddenly busy coming to the exam
But they are getting busy studying. Instead, they clean their homes,
cook for the first time in months, or worse, spend all day on Facebook
Part 3 or sleeping. In other words, they’re procrastinating. It's very common
and very easy to understand. Studying for exams can be very
stressful, and it forces you to face your fears about yourself and your

A new study habit that I need to form to improve my learning

outcomes is plan your time and practice hard. It's easy to get
overwhelmed by everything you need to accomplish in college, plus
everything is going on in your personal life. Before you know it, the
exam is tomorrow, and you in know what to about. To prevent it, go
Part 4
through each course plan at the beginning of the semester, and plan
ahead how much you’ll need to study every week to move through the
entire material. And then practicing hard every day will make it
easier for me to gather brain connections, thereby improving my
learning outcomes.

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