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Name: Simon Shoemake

PHED 3501 Strength and Conditioning Plan

Go to File and make a copy of this assignment. Turn this assignment in on CourseDen Under Assignments.

Due 11/22/2020 at 11:59 PM

You will be graded on the following criteria.

Assignment Developing (1- Competent (11- Proficient 5 Point Total
10) 14) (14-15)

The student did The student The student

not develop a included a included a
Strength and SMART Goal, SMART Goal, detailed SMART
Conditioning and or an RT or and or a 7 day Goal, a detailed
Plan Assignment AT plan, and or RT plan and AT 7 day RT and AT
did not include a Plan, and all plan, and
detailed information listed detailed
information listed in the table information listed
on the table in the table

You are required to write a one-week conditioning program for yourself. In your program, you must include the following aspects:

● State Goal: Must make a SMART goal

● Make sure your training plan helps you achieve your SMART goal!!!
● 7 Days of training are required
■ Details on RT Plan
○ Must state if the day is a strength, hypertrophy, or endurance under Type.
○ Must state the correct amount of sets and reps for each type of exercise. For example, endurance = 3-5
sets at 12 or higher reps.
■ Details on AT Plan
○ Must state if day is a moderate or vigorous day under intensity as well as HR
■ Remember 150 of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous. A mixture of both is acceptable.
○ Must base the intensity by using the percentage of heart rate (i.e., Age predicted HR Max) or
■ Ex. Moderate day – 70% HRmax = (220-28)*.7è 134 HR
■ Ex. Moderate day - PRE = 6
● Must Include Warm-up
● Must include the duration of aerobic activity
● Must Include Cool Down

1. Identify your Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely (SMART) Goal Using the acronym S.M.A.R.T., create a
goal for the semester that relates to one of the areas of PA/fitness

○ S: I want to be able to increase my one rep max of bench press to 225 pounds before January of 2021.

○ M: I will continue to increase my weight throughout the chest specific days to help increase my max.

○ A: Yes

○ R: This is relevant because I have not attained my goal for this specific lift, and I have already attained my goals for

the other lifts.

○ T: I will achieve this before January 2021.

2. Create a 7-day training program based upon the criteria found on the previous page.

Day Warm-up Type (Strength, Name of Resistance Weight for Core Sets Reps Rest Period Cool Down Total
Hypertrophy, Training Exercises Lifts based on 1 Minutes
Endurance) (must include at least 5 rep max of PA
exercises a day) for the

R1 Arm Strength Bench Press 175lbs=85% 5 3 2 minutes Static arm crosses 255
circles min.
Incline Bench 135lbs 4 5 1.5 minutes Door frame
Arm stretch
crosses Dumbbell Bench 65lbs each 5 8 2 minutes

Bench Incline cable flys 15lbs 5 20 30 seconds

with bar
only Decline cable flys 20lbs 5 20 30 seconds
Type of Aerobic Duration Intens Desired Intensity (HR or RPE)
Training ity
A1 or

Running 25 minutes Mod. RPE=7

Deadlift Strength Deadlift 345lbs=90% 3 5 2 minutes Grab a PBC pipe

R2 with bar overhead and
Power clean 135lbs 4 5 1.5 minutes lean to each side
weight Cable Lat pulldown 120lbs 4 8 1 minute
pull ups
Single arm seated
Arm cable rows 70lbs 5 5 1 minute
Cable Face Pulls

20lbs 4 12 30 seconds

A2 Running 8 minutes Vig. RPE=9

100-meter 10 reps Vig. RPE=10 1 minute

A3 sprints

Herding Hypertrophy Squats 275lbs=75% 6 8 1.5 minutes Legs together

R3 Turtles
Leg Press 600lbs 6 8 1 minute Right over left
Quad Extension 120lbs 5 12 30 seconds Left over right
ein’s Hamstring Curls 90lbs 5 12 30 seconds Butterfly static

Open the Calf raises 140lbs 4 20 30 seconds Quad holds

Hip flexor lunge
Close the
gate Calf Stretch

R4 Arm Endurance Preacher Curls 50lbs easy 3 15 45 seconds Arm Pulls

circles curl bar
starting Cable Triceps 30lbs 3 12 30 seconds Overhead triceps
small and extension stretch
in size Cable overhead 35lbs 3 12 30 seconds
forwards triceps extension
backwards Hammer cable curls 40lbs 4 20 30 seconds

Also Reverse Curls 25lbs 3 20 30 seconds

ga Dumbbell lateral 20lbs 5 25 45 seconds
warmup raises
set for
each lift Rear Delt raises 30lbs 5 25 45 seconds
with really
light Overhead Dumbbell 40lbs 5 12 30 seconds
weight. press
Running 25 minutes Mod. RPE=7

A5 Running a Under 6 minutes Vig. RPE=9


R5 Arm Strength Bench Press 175lbs=85% 5 3 2 minutes Static arm crosses

Incline Bench 135lbs 4 5 1.5 minutes Door frame
Arm stretch
crosses Dumbbell Bench 65lbs each 5 8 2 minutes

Bench Incline cable flys 15lbs 5 20 30 seconds

with bar
only Decline cable flys 20lbs 5 20 30 seconds

A6 Two-mile walk

Disc Golf 18
A7 holes at
Hobbs Farm


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