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Name of Student:_________________________________________Date:________________

Year & Section:_____________________________________Activity Sheet#_____________

Cookery 9

LO1 Core Concepts in Cookery (Introduction to Cookery)

Cooking is the act of preparing the food by the application of heat. This is done by
subjecting raw food directly to fire or by placing it first in a container before being cooked. But
there are techniques or methods used on how to cook our food.

Directions: By using a concept map, name at least 2 meals where you can apply the methods
of cooking. This is to find out/or check your prior knowledge about cookery or cooking. The first
one is answered for you.

Guide Questions: (Please Answer)

1. Why is cooking important?
2. How do you cook?
3. Why do we need to know the different cooking methods?
Does it have any effect on us if we don’t know those different methods?

Rubrics/Scoring: Score

Completely filled up and answered correctly 12 out of 12. 10

Did not completely filled up and answered correctly 10 out of 12 only. 8

Did not completely filled up and answered correctly 8 out of 12 only. 6

Did not completely filled up and answered correctly 6 out of 12 only. 4

Did not completely filled up and answered correctly 4 out of 12 only. 2

No answer at all 0



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