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Syifa'ul Asror, "The Role of Kiai in Building Nationalism (Study of Thought

and Role of KH. Ali Maschan Moesa in Building Nationalism in Pesantren
Luhur Al-Husna and Protestant Church Congregations in Western Indonesia in
The formulation of the problems that are the focus in this study, namely 1).
How about KH. Ali Maschan Moesa about nationalism? 2). How is the role of
KH. Ali Maschan Moesa built nationalism in the sublime pesantren of Al-Husna
and the Surabaya GPIB congregation? 3). What are the implications of thinking
and the role of nationalism KH. Ali Maschan Moesa at the sublime boarding
school Al-Husna and the Surabaya GPIB congregation?
Research in this thesis includes a type of qualitative research with a quasi-
qualitative method that is focused on the role and thinking of KH nationalism.
Ali Maschan Moesa at the sublime boarding school Al-Husna and the Surabaya
GPIB congregation. The data collection instruments consisted of interviews,
documentation, and observations with the analysis techniques of the Miles and
Hubermen models (data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions).
The findings in this study concluded that KH. Ali Maschan Moesa defines
nationalism in reference to the vocabulary of al-qaumiyyah, al-ummah, and ash-
shu'ubiyyah using the objectivity approach. He asserted that nationalism is
interpreted by a sense of togetherness in the diversity of each color of the
country towards his country. Meanwhile, nationalism thinking KH. Ali
Maschan Moesa is a typology who has a moderate nationalism understanding.
Role KH. Ali Maschan Moesa in building nationalism in the sublime pesantren
of al-Husna can be mapped as follows. The first is a reflection of the history of
nationalism and discussion forums. While the role of KH. Ali Maschan Moesa
in building nationalism in the GPIB Surabaya congregation consisted of two
roles, namely interfaith and ethnic dialogue and seminar presenters. The role of
KH. Ali Maschan Moesa in instilling nationalism includes two roles, namely the
role of patron and the role of cultural broker. However, the more dominant role
is the role as a cultural broker. In the opinion of the author, in other languages
provide determination that the manifestation of the role of KH. Ali Maschan
Moesa is a substantive and empirical role. As for the implications of thinking
and the role of nationalism KH. Ali Maschan Moesa in the noble boarding
school Al-Husna and the Surabaya GPIB congregation, the first to grow
nationalism and the second is the building of a culture of religious tolerance.

Keywords: Nationalism, al-qaumiyyah, al-ummah, ash-shu'ubiyyah, patron,

cultural broker.

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