Caza Drilling's Training Program Pays Off With Safety: History and Development A Downside?

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Caza Drilling’s training program pays off with safety

CAZA DRILLING’S MASTER Driller “Caza Drilling was formed by the com- ees might work in the future, they will
Program is a short course developed by bination of six old-line Rocky Mountain always have the knowledge gained from
the company that gathers knowledge drilling contractors,” said Matt Rohert, our program with them.”
from industry research, history and Drilling Manager for Caza. “Most of
practices and combines that knowledge these companies were started in the One of Caza’s main goals is the reduc-
with experience gained over the years 1950’s at a time when footage and tion of unscheduled well events. The
by Caza’s own personnel. The short turnkey drilling were in its heyday.” resulting reduction in well costs should
course is attended by Caza’s drilling lead to more economic drilling and bet-
managers, rig supervisors and drillers. “Because of this, the drillers and tool- ter wells.
pushers of that era developed into some
The Master Driller program has been a of the best “downhole” people in the Finally, the company benefits. With a
two-way avenue for communication with business,” Mr Rohert explained. “How- better understanding of what is happen-
the field. The training course allows ing in other aspects of drilling a well
Caza’s employees to question some of such as logging or cementing, Caza
our policies and ask for explanations as expects its footage and turnkey con-
to why a certain action was adopted. tracts to be more profitable.
Because of this feedback, Caza has “We also expect to see less wear and
changed some of its policies. tear on our drilling equipment,” Mr
Rohert noted.
During Spring 2001, Tom Schledwitz, A DOWNSIDE?
Caza’s Operations Manager, was look- “The cost in terms of money, manpower
ing for a way to bring together all of the and scheduling has been significant,”
company’s accumulated knowledge and Mr Rohert said. “Most important has
put it to text. Caza had already institut- been the commitment of the Drilling
ed a Management Leadership Safety Manager’s time to the program.”
ever, a sobering fact of that era was that
Training program in 1999 to instill and
often times the order of the day was
reinforce a safety culture at the rig level Another obvious downside would be that
speed before safety.”
within the Caza organization. Mr a considerable sum of money would be
Schledwitz felt it was time to incorpo- In recent times, daywork drilling (or spent training an employee just to have
rate operations into the company’s safe- “rent-a-rig”) has become the contract him quit or get laid off in a downturn.
ty training. After much discussion with preferred by many operating compa- However, Caza management beleives
Harry Olds, Caza’s HSE Director, the nies. The management at Caza felt that that programs like the Master Driller
Master Driller idea was launched. the hard-won lessons of its footage lega- builds company loyalty.
cy were rapidly disappearing. They also
One of the early decisions reached was “Caza has almost no turnover in drillers
realized that the most important part of
that the management team would devel- or rig supervisors,” Mr Rohert
its mainline drilling operations had to be
op the program. This was a key to the explained. “Management in turn tries to
addressed. That is, safety is not a sepa-
successful development of the course. keep these valued employees on the pay-
rate program or department but the key
Each manager was assigned two or roll even during slow times.”
issue in Caza’s operations.
three topics to research and develop
over the course of three months. Another possible issue could be that if
Because of the wide differences in the
an employee left Caza and went to work
constituent companies that make up
The first trial run was made in Novem- for another drilling contractor, all of the
Caza, the Master Driller program is a
ber 2001 with a select group of drillers training goes with him.
way to establish consistency and uni-
and rig supervisors in attendance. The
form practices across the company. “This is a risk worth taking,” he said. “If
program was modified based on the
feedback and input from those people, the Master Driller program would help
Caza expects to use this program to
and the official program began in Janu- prevent an accident or save a well in the
train its employees in a shorter time
ary 2002. To date, approximately 15 future for any contractor, it has accom-
frame than in the past. The company
Master Driller courses have been con- plished its purpose.”
also hopes to pass the knowledge gained
ducted, with a Drilling Manager in atten- by the older and more experienced
dance at every course.
employees to the younger ones before it
is lost due to retirement and attrition. The most apparent result has been more
PROGRAM’S PURPOSE consistency across Caza’s districts and
WHO BENEFITS? from rig to rig. Additionally, the compa-
The Master Driller Program serves as a
vehicle to promote Caza’s vision of how ny’s employees are much more flexible
“Drilling rig employment can be a tran-
and why the company does things cer- and CAZA’s manpower can be shifted to
sient experience,” Mr Rohert said.
tain ways. help out in busy areas. I
“However, no matter where our employ-

16 D R I L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R January/February 2003

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