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No = Adjective  Jatuh Sebelum Noun

No artinya : Tidak Ada

The opposition party have been in such disorder for so long that they pose no threat

to the present government.

No = Adjective  Bertemu dengan Noun, didahului oleh Have/Has/Had

No artinya Tidak memiliki  Rumus : Have/Has/Had + No + Noun

Aisyah has no great intellgence as BJ. Habibie.

Not = Adverb  Jatuh Di Antara Verb

Not = Tidak/Bukan

Party unity is usually threatened when members will not compromise.

The Most + Adjective / Adverb

The Most artinya Paling

Everest Mountain is the most beautiful mountain in the world.

Most + Noun / Noun Phrase

Most artinya Kebanyakan/Sebagian Besar

Most countries in the world has long agricultural extension.

Almost = Adverb  Jatuh sebelum Adjective/Bertemu dengan Adjective

Almost artinya Hampir

Because of many problems, he is almost crazy.

Old = Adjective Didahului oleh angka/nomor/jumlah.

I am twenty five years old.

Age = Noun  Sering jatuh setelah Article The atau setelah Preposition Of

At the age of twenty three, Aisyah married to Mr Imam.


Percent = Adjective  Digunakan atau jatuh setelah angka/nomor/jumlah.

Twenty five percent of the people in Indonesia are infected corona virus.

Percentage = Noun  Sering jatuh setelah Article The atau setelah Preposition Of

The percentage of of the people voted in favor of the initiative.

Alive = Digunakan setelah Verb  Rumus : Verb + Alive

Alive : Hidup/Tinggal

Although she forgot to water it for a week, the plant was still alive.

Live = Digunakan sebelum Noun  Live + Noun/Noun Phrase

Live : Hidup/Tinggal

Stuart Collin likes to have live plants in his appartment.

Some  Adjective : Bertemu dengan Noun/Noun Phrase

Some artinya Beberapa

Some children in my school have to show their ability.

Somewhat  Adverb : Bertemu dengan Adjective

Somewhat artiya Agak

This bicycle is somewhat expensive than the one I looked at yesterday.

Near  Adverb = Digunakan untuk menjelaskan Posisi/Letak/Wilayah

Near artinya Dekat

I have a house which is located near the river.

Nearly  Adverb = Jatuh sebelum Adjective/Bertemu dengan Adjective

Nearly artinya Hampir

My stomach is nearly full of all food and drink.


Twice  Sesuatu yang bermakna dilakukan sebanyak 2x

Twice : Dua Kali (Berkaitan dengan Aktivitas atau Pekerjaan)

My Father drinks a cup of coffee twice a day.

Double  Sesuatu yang ukurannya 2x lebih besar

Double : Dua Kali (Bentuk, Ukuran, Size/Shape)

My body fat looks double than before.

Tell : Verb Transitive (Membutuhkan Onject)

Noun, Pronoun, Noun Phrase, Noun Clause, Gerund, To Infinitive

Tell artinya Mengatakan, Mengungkapkan, Membicarakan, dsb.

I tell something to somebody that the meeting was canceled.

Say : Verb Intransitive (Tidak Membutuhkan Object)

Tell artinya Mengatakan, Mengungkapkan, Membicarakan, dsb.

She says softly in front of the audience.

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