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That afternoon it rained very heavily, when everyone enjoyed the sound of raindrops and the smell

of petrichor in their respective homes but not with this house

Caca: (playing cellphone and slipping) astaghfirullah

Caca: " who spilled the water? but I live alone, probably ...... (look up)
What?? My roof is leaking? What am I going to do? I should call syifa for ask her advice
(calling syifa)

Caca: "assalamualaikum syif"

Cipa: "waalaikumussalam ca, why did you call me"
Caca: "Are you busy? Am I bothering you ?"
Cipa: "No, I'm relaxing enjoying the rain. What happened ?"
Caca: "My roof is leaking and I don't know what to do, what do you think I should do"
Cipa: "seriously ?? I think you should save your things around the leaked place ”
Caca: "ok then, what should I do next?"
Cipa: "Do you have a bucket at home?"
Caca "yes I have, then what should I do with this bucket"
Cipa: "You can use it to collect the water from a leaky roof"
Caca: "thank you for the advice"
Cipa: "ehhh waitttt"
Caca: "Are there any suggestions?"
Cipa: "yes, If the rain has stopped you have to make a temporary patch"
Caca: "ok syif, thank you"
Cipa: "You're welcome ca"

(disconnects calls and makes suggestions that are syifa)

(morning has arrived)
this morning the air was very cool because yesterday it was raining, this made caca unable to move
from the bed. But the alarm disturbs that comfort, and makes the caca have to leave the bed. When
leaving the room ...

Caca: "What has happened to my house, it's like a broken ship"

(Even though my friends want to come this afternoon)
(I will ask for more advice at Shifa again)
(calling syifa)

Caca: "assalamualaikum syif, can you help me?"

Cipa: "Did something happen again?"
Caca: "Yes, yesterday's patch made the leak worse. What should I do
Cipa: "You should call a repairman to fix your roof"
Caca: "I have one more problem"
Cipa: "Why do all the problems come to you, are you unlucky? (hahahaahah)
Caca: "hahahahahahaha"
Cipa: "what's the problem"?
Caca: "My house is very messy because the water is not accommodated by a bucket, but I can't
clean it now because I want to finish the task and my friends want to come this afternoon, what
should I do "
Cipa: "why don't you try to use a house cleaning service? yesterday I used it and it's worth it for
who don't have time to clean their house "
Caca: "seriously ?? How to order that service "
Cipa: "You can order it through the k-jek app, there is already a feature go clean"
Caca: "ohh okay I'll give it a try, thanks for the advice."
Cipa: "it's okay caca"

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