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Actividad XIII

Coherence and Cohesion

Docente: Martha Andrea Ruiz

NRC: 1177

Edisson Vargas Rubio ID 626010

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Ingles III
Bogotá D.C.
Free Transport

In these days in which the pandemic has changed our way of life, and has forced us to

continue despite the economic crisis, where thousands of families have had to travel to

different places to offer their services or even promote a product with the purpose of

supporting their families.

This small introduction is in order to make a call to the government, and make it understand

that there is a population of low resources, that they are asking for help, that if it is not with

money, if it could be with a benefit in which people from strata 0,1 and 2 can count on free

transportation, so they can carry out their activities.

Remember that many of these people before this situation paid their taxes, which means that

the minimum that could be provided is this benefit so that they can have a better quality of


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