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llustrated History: Ancient Customs

Illustrations of Ancient Manners and Customs,

Daily Life, Occupations and more.

Ancient Altars Altars of sacrifice in the ancient world.

Ancient Fig Trees Figs and fig trees are mentioned often in the ancient world, especially
in Israel. The Mount of Olives was famous for its fig trees, even to this day. It was a
common expression for peace and prosperity to "sit under one's own fig tree." Figs were
pear shaped and the young figs were especially sweet and tasty. They were eaten raw or
made into cakes.

Ancient Fishermen Fishing goes back to the earliest of times. The Nile River in Egypt
abounded in fish, and the fishing industry was very profitable there. In ancient times fish
were usually caught with either a hook, a spear, or a net. In Israel the Sea of Galilee was
famous for its quantities and types of fish.

Ancient Flat Roofs This illustration shows ancient homes with flat roofs. In Israel it was
common for a family to spend much time upon their housetops. The climate was usually
mild and ideal for gatherings. The roof usually had three layers: the wooden beams, straw
mats, and a clay top. The clay would be pressed down tight with a stone roller.

Ancient Israelite House Illustration of an ancient house of an Israelite commoner.

Ancient Israelite Houses First Century Israelite Houses in the Lower City.

Ancient Lamps In the ancient world there wasn't electricity like today, in fact the inside
of a home was about as dim as a 40-watt light bulb. In the earliest of times lamps were
stone bowls filled with animal fat. They would float a wick of twisted plant fibers. Later the
bowls were made of pottery filled with olive oil. Most homes would contain several oil lamps
because olive oil was in abundance and therefore not expensive.
Ancient Lattice Windows The lattice window looked very much like a fisherman's net,
and was used in warm middle eastern countries. It was formed of reticulated work, and
highly ornamental. They also had hinges which allowed them to be open or shut. On very
hot days then sun is kept out while the air is let in through the trellis openings.

Ancient Men's Hair In Israel, the Hebrew men and women wore long hair, yet it was
trimmed to show humility. Baldness was wholly despised and extremely long hair was the
characteristic of the Nazarite. By the time of Jesus men wore their hair much shorter. They
also left their sides uncut near the ears. In Israel it was customary for hair to be kept neat
and when hair was messy it was usually a sign of mourning or distress.

Ancient Men's Head Covering In ancient Israel there seems to have been no covering
for the head except on certain occasions. For example, during times of great distress it was
customary to wear a head covering.

Ancient Mezuzah in Doorway The word "mezuzah" is Hebrew for doorpost. Moses
commanded that the Word of God should be written on the doorposts of every house in
order to keep His words constantly in their minds and in their hearts. At a later time the
Jews took this literally, by placing Scriptures (Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and 11:13-21) on a small
parchment scroll within a cylinder and upon each post of every room in their houses.

Ancient Oil Vases Oil was stored in earthenware vessels (Heb. Asak). They were deep
and narrow, with the narrowest part at the bottom. They had no handles and were usually
inserted into a stone or wooden stand, or simply placed into holes in the ground. The top
was capped with wood or some soft material.

Ancient Olive Press This sketch looks similar to a first century olive press discovered at
the ruins of ancient Capernaum in Israel. In ancient times September was not only time to
prepare for the New Year, but it was also time for harvesting olives. It lasted through
November. Near the orchards there was usually an olive press, as sketched in the image

Ancient Olive Trees

Ancient Ox Carts Illustration of ox carts used by the ancient Philistines
Ancient Patriarch's Clothing in the Time of Abraham This is how a man would
have dressed in ancient times about the time of Abraham which was around 1800 BC. From
inside to out he wore an under garment which was bound by a girdle. Over this he wore a
coat or outer garment, sometimes called a vesture. Around the head was the head cloth
which was a scarf wrapped around the head. He also wore sandals and carried a tall staff.

Ancient Phylacteries Phylacteries (tephillin). These are strips of leather to which is

attached little square box made of parchment and painted black. The box contains four
parts of the Torah written on parchment: Exodus 13:1 and 11:6; Deuteronomy 6:4-9;
11:13-21. According to Deut 6:4-9 two phylacteries were used, one for the head and one
for the arm. These (called frontlets in Deuteronomy) were put on in such a way that one
box rested on the head, between the eyes (seat of the mind) and the other on the left arm
opposite the heart (seat of the actions and the emotions, denoting that one loves the Lord
with one's heart). They are referred to as phylacteries in the New Testament (Mat 23:5).

Ancient Roads Throughout history "�the road' has provided an excellent metaphor for
life's journey. With amazement, we can look back over the winding grades of difficulty, the
narrow pass of opportunity, the choice between security or adventure, when our road
divided and we had to make the call.

Ancient Seals and Signets The ancient seal was a stamp or engraving set in stone,
metal or some hard substance like crystal. It was usually a symbol or a figure that was used
to make an impression on clay or wax, or some other soft substance. It was usually
attached to an object like a possession or a document, in order to give it authenticity,
ownership or authority. It was used often in the ancient world, especially in Egypt,
Babylonia and Assyria and surrounding nations including Israel.

Ancient Sheep Fold Shepherds brought their sheep into the fold in the wilderness for
safety. The shepherd would lay in front of the door to protect the sheep from an attacker.

Ancient Sling In ancient times the "sling and stone" was sort of like a loaded weapon,
and quite a valuable weapon if one had the skill to use it. The sling itself was usually made
of wool, twined together, though some cultures used leather. In the middle there was a
thick pouch (like a plaited thong) for holding and slinging the stone. The stones could be
kept in a small pouch for rapid fire slinging. The user would place the stone in the pouch,
hold both ends, waive it around the head, and fling it by letting go of one of the ropes. In
the Bible "slingers" were part of the Israelite army like the archers.
Ancient Torah Scroll Illustration of an Ancient Torah Scroll

Ancient Women Traveling Illustration of Women Traveling in Ancient Times

Ancient Women's Head Covering Illustration of a Head covering for women in

ancient times

Aqueducts Ancient Roman aqueducts were large bridges with pipes or channels set into
them. These pipes carried water from rivers and lakes around the country, into Rome and
other urban centers. One famous ancient Roman aqueduct that still remains today is the
Pont du Gard in France.

Assyrian Stone Altar Assyrian Stone Altar sketch

Beards and Styles In the ancient Near East beards were prized as a sign of strength
and pride. Beards came in many sizes and shapes as seen in this illustration.

Bronze Mirrors These polished bronze mirrors were used to reflect the face. They were
made of molten bronze or copper. They were round, oval, square and most of the time they
had a handle. If any rust developed it was easily polished new. Later in ancient Rome
mirrors were made of tin, silver and even gold..

Dining in Ancient Rome The ancient Hebrews, Egyptians, and Greeks. used to eat
sitting on mats spread on the floor. The Romans actually reclined on couches around a
table. The couches were arranged forming three sides of a square.

Jesus Reading Isaiah Scroll Jesus was reading from a scroll of the prophet Isaiah,
when He spoke the incredible words, "today this Scripture is fulfilled."

Jesus Written in Hebrew This is how the name "Jesus" would have been written in
ancient Hebrew documents. The four letters or consonants from right to left are Yod, Shin,
Vav, Ayin (Y, SH, OO, A). Jesus is the Greek name for the Hebrew name Joshua or Y'shua.

Sun Dial This ancient sun dial reveals the hours in a day. It has a surface with hour lines
and a stick or gnomon which casts a shadow as the sun advances in its daily course. The
sun dial is mentioned in the Bible as far back as the time of King Ahaz. Herodotus mentions
that the sun dial was in use before his time in Babylonia.

Tax Collector The Jewish people were under the yoke of foreign oppressors ever since
the Babylonian captivity. During the New Testament times the land of Israel was within the
province of Syria and the tax collectors were collectors of Roman taxes, they were
extortioners, and very despised. The Jews detested these tax collectors not only on account
of their abusive and tyrannical attitude, but because the very taxes that they were forced to
collect by the Roman government were a badge of servitude and a constant reminder that
God had forsaken His people. The tax collectors were always classed by the people with the
harlots, usurers, gamblers, thieves, and dishonest herdsmen, who lived promiscuous,
lawless lives. Some of the common terms for the tax collectors were "licensed robbers" and
"beasts in human shape."

Tracks Between Walls Illustration of how people travelled between city walls.

Watchtower in the Vineyard This was also called a watchman's booth, which was a
small sheltered tower in the midst of a vineyard. They were very important during harvest
time, where the whole family would often reside. The watchtower was a symbol of
protection from enemies and thieves and rising above them.

Wealthy Israelite House Illustration of a Wealthy Israelite Home

Windows The ancient window looked very much like a fisherman's net, and was used in
warm middle eastern countries. It was formed of reticulated work, and highly ornamental.
They also had hinges which allowed them to be open or shut. On very hot days then sun is
kept out while the air is let in through the trellis openings. .

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