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tekicclannlin for Advanced & dkenitel IAC ORS Paul Hains Anna Johnson Bateau FREE MINI-COMPANION INCLUDED 1 GRAMMAR 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW 1 3. GRAMMAR 4 VOCABULARY REVIEW 2 5 GRAMMAR 6 VOCABULARY ‘REVIEW 3 7 GRAMMAR 8 VOCABULARY REVIEW 4 9 GRAMMAR 10 VOCABULARY REVIEW 5 11 GRAMMAR 12 VOCABULARY REVIEW 6 13 GRAMMAR 14 VOCABULARY REVIEW 7 15 GRAMMAR 16 VOCABULARY REVIEW 8 CONTENTS Present and Future Tenses Present Simple and Continuous; Present Perfect Simple and Continuous; future tenses; be going to; be to + infinitive; expressions with future meaning Business and Employment Past Tenses, used to / would Past Simple and Continuous; Past Perfect Simple and Continuous; used to, would, future in the past Entertainment, Modals, Semi-modals, Modal Perfects can, could, be able to, may, might, must, have to, need, should, ought to, will, would, shall, used to, had better, be supposed to Body and Mind Gerunds and Infinitives Uses of gerunds and infinitives; full or bare infinitive; verbs of perception / sensory verbs Travel and Tourism Passive, Causative Forms Passive forms; the causative and related forms; special structures with have / get The Natural World Reported Speech, Subjunctive Reported statements, imperatives and questions; reporting verbs; subjunctive Language and Literature Conditionals Zero, first, second, third, mixed conditionals; temporal clauses; inversion in conditionals; conditional sentences without if Homes and Lifestyle wish, Unreal Past wish; would rather / sooner, would prefer; it’s time: zs Science and Technology 14 20 23 30 37 40 47 53 56 63 69 72 78 84 87 95 102 105 it 116 119 126 132 17 GRAMMAR 18 VOCABULARY REVIEW 9 19 GRAMMAR 20 VOCABULARY REVIEW 10. 21 GRAMMAR 22 VOCABULARY REVIEW 12 23 GRAMMAR 24 VOCABULARY REVIEW 12 25 GRAMMAR 26 VOCABULARY REVIEW 13 Appendices Word Order, Inversion and Emphasis Word order in sentences and questions; question tags; inversion; other ways of adding emphasis: cleft sentences, fronting, auxiliary verbs, reflexives Geography and Weather Relative Clauses and Participle Clauses Relative pronouns and clauses; quantifying / adding to relative clauses; reduced clauses; participle clauses Arts and Crafts Connectors and Conjunctions ‘Adding information; showing cause / reason; expressing purpose; concession and contrast; sequencing ideas; making exceptions; giving examples; restating and explaining; introducing a new subject Nutrition Adjectives, Adverbs, Comparison Common ways of forming adjectives; order of adjectives: adverbs; adjectives and adverbs with similar forms; gradable and ungradable adjectives; comparison Education and Assessment Countable and Uncountable Nouns, Articles, Quantifiers Problems with plurals; uncountable nouns; articles: a, an, the, zero article: quantifiers: some, any, each, every, (a) little, (a) few, etc Shopping and Money Grammar Spelling Punctuation Phrasal Verbs Prepositional Phrases Dependent Prepositions British and American English 135 142 148 151 158 165 168 174 181 134 191, 197 200 207 213 216 219 220 222 224 225 227 Circle the correct answer. 1. A barbecue this Sunday? That sounds / is sounding great! The flat is currently decorated / is currently being decorated. ‘As s00n a you've received / you will receive the fax, phone me, New shopping malls have opened up / are opening up all the time. The drug won't have taken / wor't be taken effect yet - you only took it a minute ago. He's so far ahead - he will be winning /is going to win easily Now that I've lost weight, my jeans fit / are fiting me better. Kate is measuring / measures the window for new curtains. 'm visiting my sister on Sunday” “Will you be staying / have stayed for lunch?" | know Alex quite well but | don’t consider / am not considering him a friend In our history class we are discussing / have been discussing the causes of World War I ll week. Unfortunately, I don’t have / am not having a birthday party this year. B. Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the first one. 1. The show will start any minute now. ‘a. The show is currently starting b. The show is about to start 2. Our tax has arrived, a, The tax! is coming, b. The taxi is here, 3. My brothers still play chess. ‘a. My brothers haven't finished their chess game. b._ My brothers play chess sometimes. 4. John hasn't been to London for ages. ‘a. Its long time since John went to London, . John arrived in London a short time ago. 5. Uncle Ron is here for a week ‘a. Uncle Ron has already spent a week here. b. Uncle Ron Is spending a week here. 6. Trudy is being very stubborn. a. Trudy is a very stubborn person. b. Trudy is behaving stubbornly at the moment. 7. Jim is constantly sending me text messages. ‘a. I get messages from Jim all the time. b. sometimes get text messages from Jim. 8 The match is to be played at the stadium. a. They wil play the match at the stadium. b. They are playing the match at the stadium now. ((Se010 en 20. RULES PRESENT SIMPLE ‘+ fact, general truth, permanent situation Love changes everything, * habit, regular occurrence Buses to York depart on the hour. + state (soe Note 1) ‘This land belongs to my family + declaration We apologise for any inconvenience. = newspaper headline Fire breaks out in city centre! * ive sports commentary He shoots. He scores! * instructions ‘You fry the onion in oil, then add the chicken. + plot ofa film, story or joke In the end Rose is rescued, but Jack di * definite event in the future (timetable, schedule, date) The law comes into effect on May 1st next year. Time expressions: usually, always, every day, in the morning, once / twice @ year, nowadays PRESENT CONTINUOUS ‘+ action happening at or around the time of speaking {'m warning you ~ | won't accept any excuses, ‘+ temporary situation ‘Sue is staying with her cousin in Rome, ‘+ changing / developing situation ‘More families are buying a second car + future arrangement ‘The board is meeting in London next month, ‘= annoying or amusing actions that happen very often _Tim is always losing his keys. (with always, constantly, forever) ‘Time expressions: for the time being, currently, at present, now, this week / year, at the moment Notes Stative verbs Some verbs are not usually used in the continuous form because they desoribe states, not actions. (See Grammar Appendix, page 216.) 2. The Present Simple form of be + adjective is used to describe character, Greg is selfish. He would never put himself out to help anyone. (he is always selfish) ‘The Present Continuous of be suggests that somebody is behaving a certain way at one time or about one thing, Shelly, you are being selfish. Let the others have a turn on the computer too! (behaviour at a particular time) PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE have / has + past participle * recent or past event which is relevant to the present The college has introduced a media studies course, without a definite time reference ‘+ state, habit or action which started in the past and ‘Tom has dreamed of starciom since chilahood. continues up to the present (with for and since) ‘+ to show completion, achievement, or number of times I've eracked the code! something has occurred up to the present ‘They have been to this exhibition three times 0 far. ‘+ with frst time / best / ever / never ‘This is the best book | have ever read. Time expressions: since, for, just, already, recently, lately, always, yet, so far, ever, never, up until now, ever since, for ages, for a while, for ong PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS have / has been + verb -ing ‘+ repeated or continuing activity, relevant to the present The cast has been rehearsing hard for the production, ‘or about to change ‘action which started in the past but has not yet been The council has been debating proposals for a new road ‘completed, or to emphasise the duration of an action, for years. not the results ‘Time expressions: since, for, ll day / afternoon, how long, ever since, for a while, for long Note have been / have gone ‘Todd's been to that resort — why don't you ask him what It was like? (has vised and returned) ‘Where's Jen?" "Oh, she's gone to the library to study.” (went there but hasn't retumed yet) FUTURE SIMPLE will + bare infinitive ‘prediction for the future ‘= event considered certain ‘decision, offer etc, made at the time of speaking ‘+ with expressions such as: think / hope / promise, Ym sure, definitely, probably ‘The new metro line will ease tratfic problems. ‘This year’s festival will last three weeks. Vl end you the money if you ike! ‘Trey will probably show up late, as usual. ‘Time expressions: next week / year, tomorrow, shorly, presently, soon, in a while, in 2050, in two weeks’ time FUTURE CONTINUOUS will be + verb -ing * action that will be in progress at a specific time in the future This time next week, we'll be sipping cocktails by the pool! ‘+ action that is planned (similar to using Present Continuous We'll be interviewing candidates tomorrow. to talk about the future) * what is expected to happen at the moment of speaking ‘or soon after ‘+ polite question about somebody's plans (Our guests will be arriving any minute now! Will you be attending the wedding? Time expressions: this time next year, all day tomorrow, from now on, a week today FUTURE PERFECT will have + past participle * prediction that something will be completed before 1 specific time in the future * period of time that will be completed at a specific time In the future ‘+ What we expect or know to have happened already 1M have finished this book by the end of the week. ‘We'll have known each other for 10 years next month! ‘The film will have started by now. ‘Time expressions: next month / year, by now / then, by the time FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS will have been + verb -ing action in progress that will be completed in the future {Qo emphasise the duration rather than the action) Time expressions: by the time, by 11 o'clock bbe going to ‘+ intention, taking about plans ‘+ prediction for the future based on evidence in the present ‘Time expressions: see Future Simple be to + bare infinitive ‘= formal schedule, arrangement * future obligation, plan, instruction *= newspaper headline — future event possible (without be) EXPRESSIONS WITH FUTURE MEANING be about + full infinitive bbe due + full infinitive Ing to happen very soon) expected), be on the verge / point / brink of (= likely to happen soon) Notes By the time we arrive, we will have been travelling for 20 hours. We're going to organise a school reunion next year. Judging by the reviews, her new record is going to be a hit! ‘The president is to meet the prime minister tomorrow, New students are to report to the office on arrival. formal) BECKHAM TO ASK FOR NEW PAY DEAL! Hurry up! The train is about to leave. ‘Our flight is due to take off at 7.00 but there might be @ delay. Solentists are on the verge of finding a cure for AIDS, 1. There is often little oF no difference in meaning between will and be going to. Intonation affects meaning, though, Wil is more common in formal, written English | will pass my exams this time. (emphasis on “will implies strong intention) 2, In clauses beginning with a time word with future reference (when, as soon as, once, before, ater, til, until, by the time), we use Present Simple or Present Perfect, not future tenses, We'll hone you as soon as we get to the hotel. (not: as soon as we will get to the hotel x) ‘Once you've read the book, you'll Know what | mean. (o emphasise completion shen you have read the whole book) 9 A 10 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs given. 4. "1 think 1 will phone. iphone) Mary to see if she wants to come to the cinema with us.” “That's not such a good idea. She (rest)." 2. "What are you going to do ance your new novel sean (PUBHSH)?” (Go) on an extended publicity tour and then | think I'll take it easy for a while.” ee (considen your joo to be a difficutt one?” “Not really. That's why 1 (think) of finding something more challenging.” an sve (WOFR) late every day this week." “1 suppose that means that | : (not see) you until Saturday.” 5 “Julie! You (be) very sily today." ” “Sorry, Miss. | promise | - (pay) attention from now on.” atl (cead) the same newspaper for years.” SUPPOSE It nnnnnnnsnnnnsnene (elves) 10 your house every day.” 7. “Bret tt (Ge!) cold in here.” “You're right. 1 (turn) the heating on.” a (sil plan) to do a media studies course next year?” tually, I've changed my rind. 1 (study) environmental science instead, Complete the sentences with the time expressions below. There are more words than you need. all night © from now on ® shortly © nowadays © forlong © lately ever since ® forever = all day tomorrow © currently © by now 1. Im sorry to say we do not have any vacancies. Possibly there will be some in the near future. 2. Tye been studying ‘and | can't keep my eyes open. 3. The law has been changed nn there are going to be tougher penalties for speeding. 4, People are getting me confused with my sister. 5. Have you heard anything from Gavin : 2 6. It's not worth calling Janet at the office. She will have let... 7. Dan and | met in 2001 and we've been sharing a fal enn en 8. Fasten your seat belts as we will be starting our descent into the airport. Rewrite the sentences below starting with the words given. 1, wil take them three weeks to finish renovating the shop. In three weeks, they .. 2. Mr Thomas started teaching 15 years ago. Mr Thomas has 3, The committee is announcing the name of the new chairperson tomorrow. The name of the new chairperson will 4. It seems like Simon and Liz might split up soon. ‘Simon and Liz are on the 5. John will spend nine months working on his thesis before he completes it By the time he completas it, John 6. When is your next doctor's appointment? When are you due .. 7. You can’t know how difficult itis to get a novel published until you try. (Once you've tried to get a novel published, 8, Sally never seems to remember her friends! birthdays. Sally is D. Write full sentences using the words given. 1. Managers / due to / meet with / union leaders / tomorrow. with. union, Jeadere.tomorrow., 2. [fon the point of / resign / because of stress. 3, What time / next train / due to / arive? 4, The country / not yet / on the point of / deciare war. 5. [think / the lecture / about to / stat 6. You/ not to touch / any of the photographic equipment. 7. The committee / to announce / its decision / on Monday. E. Complete each paragraph using the correct form of one of the following verbs. There may be more than one possible answer. not submit © welcome © finalise © distribute © hold €6the programme of for this years student induction week (1) .ae. been finalised, The principal @ the new students at 12 ofelock on Monday Sth September inthe main hal. Individual departments (3) _ meetings that afternoon, so booklss can be handed out. By the end of the ay, C088 4) the lists all ew students, Second-year stents who (8) their course request forms must do so by Wedesday 7th September a he latest. 99 wait © recognise © get © take © arrange © drive 2 ©4t-ve gots goto ite doctor ibe afternoon you ertive. 1 hope you deat mind: bot LG) au tisniciasitn foe someone to come and pick you up. When you (2) sooo tO the airport, go Straight to the information desk, where Tina (3) witha sign with your name on it, so you @ her right away, She (5) ‘you to my house. 1(6) a fow days off work so we can do some sightseeing together. Can't wait to see you! 99 appeal © measure © notneed © realise © consider © buy © grow © keep 3. 6650, you (1) iw Botting a pet. Hamsters and canaries are so old-fashioned. The local pet shop has snakes and lizards, and the idea of an iguana in your bedroom really (2). to you. But before you (3) cone on impulse, there are a few things you should know. A baby ‘iguana (4). ‘lot of space a frst, but it (3) seston VOTY Quickly. An adult Male (6) ooscvsinrsnsesiononen UP 40 Six feet Tong. Where (7). a creature ofthat size? And (8) so yssneuniniiinieune that i will probably live for up to 20 years? 99 11 F. Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space. WHERE LIFE IS LONG : The Italian island of Sardinia holds the world record for the highest percertage (of people who (1)... © be over 100 years old. Most of the locals (2) that the reason lies in the place itself - the air or the food, for example. But scientists (@)..... another hypothesis. For centuries, the islanders (4) rarely intermarried with outsiders, so itis very likely that Sardinians are genetically similar to each other. Therefore, it's logical to assume that they (5)... a gene for longevity. A team of doctors and biologists (6)... the proteins which (7)... contained in the Y chromosome. They are (8) to find the key gene, but the research coordinator confidently (9)... his team to come up with an answer some time in the near future. (10)... they do, the discovery will certainly generate a great deal of interest. 1. A have lived Bare living © are going to live D_ willive 2. A are believing B_ willbelieve © have believed D_ believe 3. A are now investigating B do now investigate Care due to investigate © D_ now investigate 4A are B willbe © have Dare being 6. A are sharing B_ have been sharing © have shared D share 6. A have been analysing B have been analysed are analysed D analyse 7 Ais B has been © ae D willbe & A until B yet © already D stil 98. A is expecting B is going toexpect. will expect D expects 10. A Bythe time B As soon as © Sofar D_ Before G. Complete the passage with the correct auxiliary. been © will © being © are © has © have @ is © do « be Unusual Spa Treatments Spas all over the world offer a wide variety of treatments ~ sore traditional, some more unusual - and new treatments, iy being developed all the time. ‘The Yunessun Spa in the hot spring town of Hakone, Japan has long (2)... known for its novelty treatments. For years now, the establishment (3) vw been attracting clients with treatments such as its green tea spa and its wine bath. Now yet another new treatment iS (4) .-.onmnninmmnen @noyed by clients: the noodle bath. According to officials at the spa, a noodle bath is highly beneficial to the health. By taking one, they claim, riot only (8) «you be speeding up your metabolism but cleansing your skin too. Because of health regulations, patrons (6) s..nsminnnennn HOt bathe in water with edible noodles floating in it but in water containing the pork broth that this Japanese staple (7). traditionally cooked in. Whether or not taking a dip in pork broth is really good for us is yet to B) vero proved. What is realy attracting the public is probably the novelty value of the noodle bath rather than its health- giving properties. Before long, the spa will no doubt (9) svonnee 6OME UP with another novel idea to attract attention and draw in the crowds. | wonder what this wil be. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1. The lecture hall is ful of students, but Professor Wilkins has not... artived a. stil b. yet ©. already d._ just 2. When the ferry... the island, get ready to disembark. a. Is approached will approach ©. approaches d._ will have approached 3. All applicants... ut this form on arrival a. are filed b. tof ©. filing dare to fil 4. The staff has known .... that they might lose their jobs. “Are you over your illness now?" “Almost, but |... trad easily a. stil get b. have stil got .willstil have got 4. stillam getting ''m going away next weekend,” “will you... a camera?” a. taking b. be taking c. have taken 6. be taken ‘The demonstration is due... in an hour, a. will start b. of starting . tostar 4. be starting a. recently I'm taking the dog to the vet as it b. for long anything for days cso far a. won't be eating 6. fora white bb. hasn't to eat . isn't eating hasn't eaten B. OPEN CLOZE Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. SPACE TRAVEL: GOING WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE Scientists and businesspeople alike are waking up to the idea that the next development in tourism is probably 0 to be mass participation in space travel. Up (2) now, space exploration {and research have been the domain of governmental organisations, but private enterprises are (3) involved because they recognise that (4) predict that spacecraft will (6) making as many as five milion trips (6) year by 2030. In fact, the technology (7) exists to transport and accommodate people but it has rot yet (8) developed for commercial purposes, despite the large numbers of people who are willing to pay whatever it (@) for the experience of seeing earth from orbit. It is simply a matter of (10) before the first few passengers get their chance, and once it becomes more common, prices (11) fall and an increased range of activities will be made available, is a huge demand for this new experience. Analysts In space, gravity has no effect; as (12) are in orbit, travellers will feel weightless. (13) the idea of a few days floating around a supermodern hotel, with a view of the stars and the earth outside the window, appeal to you? (14) cronnsnnnnes you may be interested to learn that the first ful commercial spacecrat is going to blast off in the very near future. Bookings are already (15) taken, so what are you waiting for? as they 13 aan ani Raat aU Ce and Employment READ AND ANSWER ‘A. Read about four people below. Then answer the questions (a i). More than one answer may be possible. 1. Bob has been on the dole since he was made redundant last year. He scans the Situations Vacant columns hopefully every week. He was a foreman at a factory until the board decided to make cutbacks because of falling profits. Bob is just one of thousands of employees who have been laid off in the manufacturing sector recently. 2. Jenny is a freelance journalist so she doesn’t have @ permanent contract with a single employer. She values her freedom and Is not interested in climbing the career ladder, 3, Tim recently finished his apprenticeship and has just been taken on as a junior stylist at a central hairdressing salon. He took the post because it offers good long-term prospects. 4. Alison is a senior executive at an advertising agency. She delegates routine tasks such as paperwork to her PA. but she still works overtime on a regular basis in order to cope with her workload, She receives @ generous salary land her perks include a company car and private health insurance. Who wn puts in long hours? Allan, has an assistant? receives unemployment benefit? seems ambitious? Is inexperienced? is looking for a job? Used to supervise others? receives extra benefits in addition to pay? works for diferent companies? B. Read the following letters. Find words or phrases for the definitions below. 1. JOB REFERENCE ‘To whom tt may conoern, Diana Cole has been working for Trusty Catering Services PLC since January 2001. She was initially employed as a clerical assistant, but was promoted to office manager in June 2003. Her duties include all aspects of office administration ‘and her organisational abilities have resulted in a Gramatic inorease in office efficiency. Her people skills are highly developed and she is popular with her colleagues. She has shown herself to be hardworking and trustworthy, and has risen to tthe challenge of a managerial position admirably. ‘Ms Cole will be missed at Trusty Catering, but we ‘realise that she will be better able to further her career in a larger organisation. Paul MoBain Human Resources Manager tasks which are part of your job organisation / management other members of staff get ahead manager in charge of personne! 2. LETTER TO A FRIEND Dear Sharon, Are you still job hunting? Well, the firm | work for is going to need someone to help out in the marketing department for a few months to cover for a woman wholll be on maternity leave. It will only be a short-term contract, but they might keep you on if they like you. The salary isn’t bod - you'd earn a bit more than you get now. If youre interested, send your CV to the personnel manager ther name's Janice Wilcox). | can have @ word with her too - Ill tell her what an asset youd be to the company! Let me know if you decide to apply Ellen company time taken off work while having a baby temporary pay document giving details of your educational and professional background 6. useful and valuable person

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