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Begin the ritual with Aarati (rotating a flame clockwise around Sri Murthi while
chanting moolamantra 3 times)

After Aarati, please do full prostrations to Sri Murthi - Sastanga namaskaram

Invocation of ammabhagavan: chant moolamantra once and then chant “sri

bhagavati sameta bhagavantam avahayami”

Have group take the intent for ritual (sankalpa). Have people place their left hand
palm up on their right thigh and their right hand palm down over their left hand.

Offering sixteen respects (shodasopachara)

You will chant out loud each statement if you are able to and then give each
offering. If you are unable to chant out loud, then just give each of these offerings
while sacred music is playing in the background or a bhajan band is playing.

You will start each chant by saying: “Sri bhagavati sameta sri bhagavate namaha” +
each chant below…

Padhyam samarpayami
(take water in a spoon and pour in a plate in front of ammabhagavan)

Arghyam samarpayami
(take water in a spoon and pour in a plate in front of ammabhagavan)

Achamaniyam samarpayami
(take water in a spoon and pour in a plate in front of ammabhagavan)

Snanam samarpayami
(take water in a spoon and pour in a plate in front of ammabhagavan)

Achamaniyam samarpayami
(take water in a spoon and pour in a plate in front of ammabhagavan)

Vastram samarpayami
(you can offer cloth material (dress) or yellow rice to ammabhagavan)

Upaveetam samarpayami
(offer yellow rice to the srimurthy)

Chandanam samarpayami
(mix water with sandal wood powder and apply the past to the feet of
ammabhagavan using your right hand ring finger)

Kumkumam samarpayami
(offer kumkum at the feet of ammabhagavan)

Pushpaihi poojayami
(offer flowers to ammabhagavan after each namaha in the chanting – chant either
moolamantra for 108 times). You will want to chant the moolamantra very fast here
with the group. Or, you could chant another sacred mantra 108 times, e.g. Om Sri
Kalki Avataraya namaha.

Dhoopam samarpayami
(light incense sticks and rotate it in clock wise direction 3 times in front of

Dheepam samarpayami
(light a ghee lamp and rotate it in clock wise direction 3 times in front of

Naivedhyam samarpayami
(offer fruits, sweets, savories in a plate to ammabhagavan)

Mangala arati samarpayami

(offer arati to ammabhagavan – use camphor or ghee lamp)

Prarthanam samarpayami
(offer your prayer to ammabhagavan – if needed, you can play some music or
chants during the prayer time)

Atmapradakshinanamaskaram samarpayami
(joining your palms above your head in namaskara mudra, rotate about yourself in
clock wise direction for seven times and end with prostrating to AmmaBhagavan.
You can now have each person come up one at a time and offer flower pedals to the Sri
Murthi and then start dancing as they express their gratitude to AmmaBhagavan.

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