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The first line of defence

…………….. in viral infections is
secretary IgA and interferon
HAEMATOLOGY AND 28. The following statements are
MEDICINE , UNEC a. Activated T-Cells are
similar to sensitized T-cells.
3rd MBBS (MAIN) PROFESSIONAL b. Activated macrophages
EXAMINATION 15TH MAY, 2007 are similar to epithelioid
INSTRUCTION: c. Multinucleated giant cells
 WRITE YOUR EXAMINATION are referred to as langerhans
NUMBERS ON THE TOP OF d. Activated macrophages
EACH PAGE OF THIS have increased Fc and C3
BOOKLET receptors.
 CIRCLE THE CORRECT e. Sensitized T-cell are
ANSWERS ONLY involved in activation of
 MORE THAN ONE ANSWER macrophages.
QUESTION 29. The following are true of
 MARKS WILL BE DEDUCTED Immunoglobulins
FOR WRONG ANSWERS. a. They are of composed 2
heavy chains and 2 light chains
HAEMATOLOGY b. IgM class has the highest
concentration in the body.
IMMUNOLOGY c. Amino acid sequences in
the constant light and constant
26. The following are true of heavy homology regions are
parasitic infections of man: similar
a. Some parasites activate d. Papain digest of IgG
the alternative complement produces Fab and Fc fragments.
pathway directly e. IgG class is evenly
b. The intrinsic anti-parasite distributed in the body
activity of phagocytes are
enhanced by both arms of the 30. Which of the following are
adaptive mechanism APCs.
c. Formation of immune a. Dentritic cells
complexes is not common b. Interdigitating cells
feature of parasitic c. Epithelioid cells
infections d. Langertian cells
d. Reason for pronounced e. Langhan cells.
splenomegaly in parasite
infection is not understood 31. The following give rise to type
e. Cytotoxic T-cells are III hypersensitivity reactions
prominent in immunity to a. Protein present in dried
parasitic infections. faces
b. Fungal spores
27 The following statements are c. Nicked present in
true: ornaments
a. Respiratory mycosis often d. Penicillin in some people
form granulomatous lesions. e. Malaria antigens
b. Candida albicans rarely
32. Which of the following statements
cause systemic infection of may
are correct:
c. Activated macrophages
a. Pepsin deavage of gG
play limited role in immunity
produces Fab and PFc fragments.
to fungal infections.
b. IgM, Ig GI and IgG4 are
d. CMI is involved in
the most complement fixing
immunity to cutaneous fungal
c. Bense Jones protein is a 37. Cell mediated hypersensitivity
light chain. reactions are involved in the
d. IgM and IgD classes are following diseases.
present on mature B cells. a. Graft rejection
e. Antigen complex with b. Ulcerative colitis
IgG4 antibodies induces mast c. Thyrotoxicosis (Graves
cell degranulation. Disease)
d. Leprosy
33. The following statements are e. Tuberculosis
a. IgG crosses biological 38. Abnormal immunglobulins in
membranes. serum are associated with:
b. IgG binds Fc receptors of a. Multiple Myeloma
phagocytes b. Haemophilia A
d. IgM is most important in c. Sickle Cell Disease
defence against becteria. d. Amyloisdosis
e. Mast cells are involved in e. Waldenstrom
defense against parasitic Macroglobulinaemia
39. Auto antibodies are present in the
34. Characteristics of complex serum of patients suffering from:
mediated hypersensitivity are a. Bronchiel Asthma
a. Erythmatous and b. Pernicious Anaemia
edematous reactions are common c. Diabetes Mellitus
b. Polymorph thrombasis d. Cutaneous Anaphylaxis
always occurs e. Thyrotoxicosis (araves
c. Soluble immune Disease)
complexes are always involved
d. Reactions are sometimes 40. Drug hypersensitivity reaction
systemic can be manifested as:
e. Excess antigen gives rise a. Type I reactions
to Arthus reaction. b. Type II reaction
35. The following statements are c. Type III reactions
correct: d. Type IV reactions
a. Deficiency of C3 e. Type V reactions.
predisposes to bacterial infection
b. Immuneadherence is 41. Secondary immune deficiency
generated on formation of C5b. occur in:
c. The lectin pathway of a. Hodgkins disease
complement activation like runs b. Haemolytiic anaemias
similar course as the classical c. Aplastic anaemias
pathway. d. Multiple Myeloma
d. The lectin pathway e. Nephrotic Syndrome
requires antibodies for activation
e. The complex C3b Bb 3b 42. Innate immunity is depressed by:
is produced by C3 convertase. a. Cigarette smoking
b. Atrophic gastritis
36. Mechanisms of type III c. Caracinomatosis
hypersensitivity include: d. Prolonged broad
a. Absence of complement spectrum antibiotic use
enhanced reaction. e. Medicated skin lightening
b. Immune complex has to cream
be soluble.
c. Damage of vascular 43. Immune competence is endowed
endothelium by the immune by:
complex. a. All bone marrow cells
d. Anaphylatoxoins induce b. Acute inflammatory
tissue changes. response
e. Production of antinuclear c. T & B lymphocytesubets
antibodies if often a secondary d. Complement
phenomenon. e. All cells of the lymph
44. Indicate correctly matched pairs: d. Carcinoma of the cervix
a. Anti mitochondrial caused by HPV – types
antibodies/Biliary cirrhosis 16 & 18
b. Desensitization/SLE e. Prostatic carcinoma
c. Primary Immune
Response/Long lag phase 50. Antigenic determinants are:
d. Window period of HIV a. Responsible for
infection/Infection non- specifically of antigen.
transmissible to another. b. Heat stable
e. Widal Test/CFT c. Only one determinant
(epitope) is present on a
45. mmunoelectrohoresis technique tissue antigen.
is used in the diagnosies of: d. Chemical modulation
a. Monocclonal may effect
Gamnopathies immunogenicity of
b. B-cell deficiency states micro organism.
c. Acute graft rejection e. Are receptor sites for
d. Haemolytic disease of the immunoglobulins.
new born.
e. Tuberculoid leprosy

46. Differentiation of actue

glomerulonephritis due to type II
or type III hypersensitivitt
reactions can be made by:
a. Detection of Anitbody to
glomerular basement membrane
b. Use of immuno
fluorescent technique
c. Use of Anti-complement
d. Tissue culture of kidney
e. Serum Immunoglobulin

47. Congenital immune deficiency

states may be due to:
a. Primary T-cell deficiency
b. Primary B-cell deficiency
c. Complement deficiency
d. Chronic Agranulocytosis
e. Rheumatoid Arthritis

48. Immunopathogenesis of
HIV/AIDS involves:
a. Marked reduction of CD4
cells below 200
b. Relatives increase in
suppressor T cell activity
c. Deficiency of Humoral
Immune response only
d. Deficiency of cellular
immune response
e. Increased defence against
opportunistic infections
49. The prevalence of the following
malignancies can be reduced by
immunization procedures:
a. Breast Carcinoma
b. Burkitts lymphoma
c. Hepatocellular carcinoma

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