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Final Assessment Assignment Spring 2020

Course Title: Functional English Course Code: ENG-105
Class: BBA-1 (Evening)
Course Instructor: Sahar Afshan Marks: 50
Assignment Upload Date and Time by the Teacher: 29th June 2020. 4:00 pm
Assignment Completion / Upload Date and Time by the Student: ______________
Student’s Name: ____________________ Reg. No: _________

Assignment Guidelines by the Teacher

▪ Assignment Submission: Computer Typed, 12 pt Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing.
▪ Caution: Plagiarism and sharing-similarity comes under use of unfair means, if found in response
assignment by the students, it shall be dealt with in accordance with BU examination rules.
▪ A separate Word sheet must be used to answer the questions.
▪ All questions must be attempted in sequence.
▪ All questions must be provided before attempting the answers. No direct answer i.e. without a
complete question will be entertained. However, paragraphs (written lengthy text apart from
original question) are not supposed to copy down
▪ Marks will be deducted for not following the above-mentioned instructions.
Qno1 Below is given an essay without paragraph division. Read the essay and answer the
following questions. [1+4+4 marks]
a. Identify the thesis statement. [1 mark]
b. Identify 4 topic sentences. [4 marks]
c. Identify 4 transitions from the essay and write their signals. [4 marks]

A Luxury Ride

My son had a big grin on his face as I got ready to drive him to Cub Scouts yesterday. When I asked
him what I did to deserve that smile, he pointed glee-fully at our new vehicle. We had traded in Miss
Debbi, an ancient station wagon that I received as a gift from my parents in the late 80s, for a sleek, teal
green minivan. Even though I was grateful to our old car for getting me through those early years as a
mother, as my babies became youngsters, Miss Debbi got creakier and rustier and uglier, and my son
and daughter were plainly embarrassed to be seen in her. What took Miss Debbi to her grave, though,
were the credit card bonus points that my father contributed toward a new vehicle. Dear old dad was
the hit of our family when he suggested that we look for something larger and safer than my old
clunker. As I gathered up my son and his gear to take him to scouts, I realized how perfectly this
new minivan meets my needs as a parent. First, the exterior of the van offers me style, safety, and
convenience. Compared to my old clunker, the minivan is the height of style with its teal green exterior
and sleek aerodynamic design. Surprisingly, the van is not much longer than my old sedan, and with
the cab forward design, it has the appearance of a sleek bullet train. The steel frame and advanced
bumpers offer safety in the event of a crash, and the latest development in impact resistant skin panels
means my van won’t get dented every time someone’s shopping cart bounces against it in a parking
lot. In addition, the van isn’t much higher than my old sedan, which makes it easy for me to stash lawn
chairs, cooler, and tent on the roof racks when we go camping. I also like the side door that slides
wide open to load kids and dogs. For groceries, the hatch back allows me to stuff bags and cartons in
the rear compartment without upsetting the kids camped in the middle seats. Finally, the keyless entry
is a fabulous feature for a single woman with her arms full of packages and children. Not only does the
exterior of the new minivan perfectly suit my needs as a parent, but the interior is designed for the
driver’s safety and comfort. When a motorist enters the vehicle, she is offered choices for adjusting the
seat’s height, distance from the steering wheel, and lower back support, which ensures that every driver
is properly positioned to operate the vehicle without straining, stretching, or hunching down. In front
of the driver of a minivan, there is a beautifully displayed instrument panel with a digital display that
is lit in bright colors for easy reading. Moreover, the console next to the driver anticipates her needs
with its cup holders and organizer tray for tapes or CDs. When the van is moving, a computerized voice
warns of unlocked doors or unfastened seat belts, which puts a driver at ease when carrying a vanload
of kids. The driver can even control the mirror on the passenger door to get a better look at the lanes
of traffic, and the mirror on the back gate lets the driver feel confident when backing into a parking
space. Finally, the van’s performance features make it a pleasure to drive. The engine provides the
power of six cylinders, which gives me the acceleration to enter freeway traffic effortlessly. I also
enjoy the cruise control out on the highway for my long drives from home to school. Last week, I
discovered the benefits of the anti-lock brakes when I had to avoid a fender bender ahead. My old car’s
brakes would have locked up, and I would have skidded into that huge truck in my path. Instead, the
van’s brakes didn’t grab, so I kept control and was able to maneuver around the crack-up. Probably the
feature of my new van that I appreciate most often is the fuel economy because I’m not spending any
more on fuel than I was on my old heap. The power and economy of my new minivan are an
exceptional combination. My son just informed me that he volunteered me to drive half his scout troop
to its jamboree in our new van, which he has nicknamed Miss Betty, and he gave me a big hug. Outside
sits the best gift I’ve ever received and one of the most important tools for a parent like me. My sleek
new minivan is stylish and convenient outside, safe and comfortable inside, and powerful and
economical on the road. Miss Betty is the best vehicle I could ever drive as a parent.
Qno2. Identify each paragraph as (I) for Introduction, (B) for Body paragraph, or (C) for
Conclusion. [4 marks]

1) _____________One of the best things about Raintree is its convenience. We live five
minutes away, so it’s easy to jump in the car at the last minute and be there in no time.
I for one certainly appreciate not having to drive across town and fight traffic after a
hard day at the office. The restaurant also offers plenty of parking. I’ve never had to
circle the lot looking for a parking space as I have in other restaurants. Best of all, the
service is fast and friendly. We’re generally seated immediately, and the waitress takes
our orders quickly. She brings our drinks and bread before the kids has a chance to get
antsy. She also checks in periodically throughout our meal to see if we need anything
and tore fill our drinks. All of these qualities make Raintree a hassle-free dining

2) ____________We’re lucky our whole family can agree on a restaurant we all like.
I don’t dare think about what their favorite restaurant may be when they’re in their
teens—The Hard Rock Cafe or some diner with waitresses on roller skates. For now,
I’m grateful we can all agree on Raintree where we can enjoy a good meal, friendly
service, and comfortable surroundings at a price I can afford. Raintree makes it easy to
enjoy each other’s company.

3) ____________Going out to eat with kids can be an enjoyable or not so

enjoyable experience depending on the kids and depending on the restaurant. When my
two kids were little, the restaurants they liked were not exactly high on my wife Diane’s
and my list. For years, the only place they wanted to go was Mc Burger. My wife and I
suffered through many Big Burger meals just to make the kids happy. Luckily, our
kids have grown up, and their tastes have changed. Now when I ask where they want to
go for dinner, they vote for Raintree, and Diane and I smile because we are as
happy with their choice as they are. Raintree is a great place to take the entire family
out to dinner because of its convenience, its menu, and its atmosphere.

4) ___________The atmosphere in Raintree is one the whole family can enjoy.

The lighting is low and peaceful and the music is low enough to provide background
without being obnoxious. The restaurant has mostly booths, which provide intimate
seating, unlike the barn-like dining rooms of some restaurants. The restaurant is
decorated with sports and entertainment paraphernalia such as team pennants and
movie posters, which gives it a casual but adult atmosphere. They also have TV
monitors hung from the ceiling, so if anyone gets bored, they can watch a game. My
kids like it because they think it’s cool because they might run into one of their friends,
and from our point of view, there is plenty to keep the kids amused during dinner.
Anything that keeps them happy, keeps Diane and me happy.

Qno3. Cross out the sentence that does not support the topic sentence. [2 marks]

Topic sentence: A child should have a pet.

Supporting sentences:
A. Owning a pet teaches a child to accept responsibilities.
B. Having a pet helps a child learn to respect all animals and their rights.
C. Most pets take very little time to care for.
D. Pets are cute and cuddly.
Topic sentence: Trees are a valuable resource.

Supporting sentences:
A. The roots of trees help to prevent soil erosion.
B. Trees provide oxygen for all animals to breathe.
C. There are many different sizes and shapes of trees and their leaves.
D. Many trees provide fruits and nuts for people and animals to eat.

Qno4. Determine the correct order for the thesis and topic sentences of the body paragraphs by
placing 1 next to the thesis and 2, 3, and 4 next to the topic sentences in the most logical
order. [4 marks]

A Good Health Club

_____ In addition to a modern, well-maintained facility, a good club will

boast the latest in exercise equipment and classes.
_____ A good health club can be recognized by examining its component
parts: facilities, programs, and staff.
_____ One of the most obvious qualities of a good health club is its facilities.
_____ What makes a good club outstanding, however, is its staff and amenities.

An Admirable Man

_____ Not only was my Dad honest, but he was also the hardest-working
man I’ve ever known.
_____ My father showed me the meaning of honesty.
_____ By setting a good example for me, my father showed me the meaning of
honesty, hard work, and generosity.
_____ My father was also an enormously generous man.

Qno5. The following paragraph contains 8 errors in subject-verb agreement.

Identify and correct the faulty verb forms. [4 marks]

Anomie Plaza, like all shopping plazas, were designed for automobiles rather than human beings. All
natural life has been extinguished; even the weeds along the curb appears artificial. But somehow,
amidst all the plastic, steel, and concrete, a solitary shrub manage to survive. The shrub, not in vigorous
bloom but certainly alive, stand a few yards away from the entrance to Huxley's department store.
It grows straight up through the concrete. Now and then a shopper pause to examine this odd life form,
not for sale in any of the 67 stores. Occasionally, someone will glance around furtively and then break
off a twig, slip it into a shopping bag, and hurry back to the parking lot. Why people does this are a
mystery to me.
Are such people intent on preserving life or destroying it? Whatever the case may be, the shrub so
far have managed to survive all assaults.

Qno6. Look at the essay below and answer these questions. [2 marks]

a. Does the conclusion use any of the three techniques we have learnt? Which one?
b. Which sentence in the conclusion restates the thesis (from the introduction)?
Changing English: the African American Influence
If you ask average Americans where their language comes from, they will probably say 'England'.
However, English vocabulary has also been influenced by other countries and groups of people. Some
words are borrowed from other languages, such as typhoon, which originally came from the Chinese
word, 'tai-fung', meaning 'big wind'. Skunk, the name of a small, smelly, black-and-white animal, came
to English from a Native American language. African Americans, too, have both contributed new
words to English and changed the meanings of some existing words.
African Americans, many of whose ancestors were brought to the States as slaves hundreds of years
ago, have introduced a number of words to English from languages that they spoke in their native
countries. The common English word OK is used around the world today, but it was not always part of
English vocabulary. One theory is that slaves in America used a phrase in their own language that
sounded like OK to mean 'all right'. Americans heard the phrase and started using it. Today, almost
everyone in the world uses OK to mean 'all right'. Another good example of a 'new' word is the
word jazz. African American musicians living in the United States began playing jazz music in the city
of New Orleans, and they used the word jass or jazz to describe the music and certain kinds of dancing.
No one is sure where the word originally came from, but as jazz music became more and more popular,
the word jazz became a common English word.
The meanings of words sometimes change over time. The word cool is a good example. Cool has been
used in English for a long time to describe a temperature that is 'not warm but not too cold' or to
describe a person who is 'calm or unemotional'. However, an additional meaning was given to the
word cool in the past 100 years. Just like the word jazz, African American musicians used the
word cool to describe the music they were playing. For them, cool meant 'good'. As jazz music and
other forms of music played by African American musicians became popular, more and more people
started to use the word cool in conversation. Today, it is still a commonly used word, especially by
younger people, to mean 'good' or 'great'. A word with the opposite meaning of cool is square. Square
is, of course, a shape, but it also is used to describe a person who is not cool. This may be because a
person who is too old-fashioned and not flexible is like a shape with four straight sides and four
English owes some of its interesting and colourful vocabulary to African Americans. Existing ethnic
groups in the United States as well as new immigrants will surely continue to bring new words to
English and give fresh meanings to existing words. Who knows what the 'cool' words of tomorrow will

Qno7. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition or adverb. [5 marks]

1) I can’t make ___________ what he has written. (up, after, out, for, into)
2) Have you made __________ your mind about acting in the play? (over, up, after, out, on)
3) John carried _____________ his father’s retail business when the old man became ill. (out,
over, from, for, on)
4) I look ________ him as a teacher and as a friend. (for, above, up, on, in)
5) The young man spent his money foolishly and soon got_______ debt. (in, off, into, to, on)

Qno8. Write an argumentative essay of about 800-1000 words on the given topic by making a
clear introduction, a conclusion with highlighted thesis statement and a concluding statement.
At least three body paragraphs with clear mentioning of topic sentences must also be provided.
[20 marks]

1) Kashmir and Israel: two sides of the same coin.

Good Luck

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