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Except yourself there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no master.

Know yourself in the real sense. We're knowing ourselves in body form. It's not your identity. Your identity is
unidentified, invisible, anonymous identity. So your spontaneous presence is the cause of the projection of the world, so
you are ultimate Truth, you are unborn. Devotees are people that want some happiness, peace of mind, tension-free
life, fearless life. These things can happen once you know yourself in the real sense. You're totally unborn but you're
thinking I am born and I am going to die. That concept is an illusory thought. True knowledge will help you realise what is
the ultimate Truth, final Truth.

After knowing yourself in a real sense, you will be completely out of fear. Knowing "I am unborn", there is no fear of
death and birth. There is no birth and death. You are beyond knowledge, beyond "words and worlds". This is conviction,
enlightenment, realisation – you become one with the final Truth. That anonymous, that invisible, unidentified identity,
called Parabrahman, Brahman, Atman for which there is no death or birth, no need of salvation. Questions of heaven
and hell never arise. There is no prarabdha [concept of accumulated deeds from previous incarnations, brought into the
present lifetime as "karma"], no religion. This is body attachment, body related. It came across [rises] with the body
form. "This and that" – all have to do with the bodily state. It came across as the body form.

Outside of yourself there is no God, no Brahman – God is in you and nowhere else. This is very liberating because it
means outside of myself there is no God, no nothing!. I am the Source of everything! You are the Source, you are the
power. Enter the cave and uncover your treasure.Be practical, everything is in you, but you are searching here and
there. You are ignoring the searcher, you are ignoring the finder. You have tremendous power, but you are unaware it.
You are underestimating yourself, saying "I am man or woman." That is not your identity. This identity is to be dissolved
some day or other.There is no mind at all! This is exceptional knowledge. This is Reality. It's not book knowledge. It's not
literal knowledge. It is beyond everything, beyond knowledge, everything, beyond imaginations. Nisargadatta Maharaj
used to say, "How you were prior to beingness, remain like that." So how were you prior to beingness? You were "not
knowing". You were totally unaware of everything. You did not know anything.

It is invisible, anonymous and unidentified. It is That with which we feel, without which you can't utter a single word,
without which you can't raise your hand. No movement can be there without Its power. That spirit is called Brahman,
Atman, Paramatman, God, Parabrahman. Names are yours. What is the content of spirit? It is not your death, nor your
birth... Just That, just That! Self-enquiry, Self-knowledge and Self-realisation are the set stages. Everybody's reading so
many books, they are talking about Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God. It is very easy to talk. But one should question
oneself. Out of all this knowledge, "What am I? What have I got?" Question whether I am completely free from the fear
of death? Whether I have complete peace, whether I have complete happiness without any material cause? One should
question oneself. If the answer is "No", then it is only literal knowledge that one has – both literal and little.

If you are strongly dedicated, it is not difficult to absorb the teachings. You know better. This external identity is not
going to remain constant. Conviction is essential for spirituality. Some spirit is there through which we are talking. Some
power is there working. We are looking, we are hearing, all activities are for the body, all are for the body. Some power
is there, some strength is there, some spirit is there, just like electricity.There is the story of the rope and the snake. You
are afraid of the snake. It is a matter of fact that there's no snake, it is a rope. Similarly, we are afraid of our death. Who
is dying? Who is taking birth? Because [you realise] there is nobody, [you are] totally unconcerned, totally indifferent.
This presence is spontaneous just like the sky. Out of presence the entire world is projected, we merge. Without
presence we can't see the world, we can't see anything.

Prior to body form, nothing was there. Prior to beingness, to whom do these individual names belong? Just to stimulate
a peaceful life, religions and the principle of religion were formed. This is the essential principle form, frame – "praying
form". It is OK. The secret of your life, the gist of your life you must know, understand, realise what it means. Then only
you will be totally fearless.Your master is your reflection. As a matter of fact there is no master, no disciple. The sum
total is that all of this is a dream which has come out of body relations – which you are not, which you were not, and
which you are never going to be. So, how do you get rid of the body illusion?You are the architect of your own life.
Eventually you come to know that everything is a dream. In other words, you are acting in some drama/movie – you are
the hero, heroine or villain – and even after two and a half hours, you know this is just my role. I am still doing my role,
but there is not any connection with that role. Similarly, we are accepting these roles, like "man" or "woman", without
question. It [Reality] has nothing to do with all these concepts. You are unborn.

You should ask yourself, "Why should I fear death when it is common for everybody?" You say, "I can't escape death".
Who is dying? Who is living? Just enquire. Nobody is dying, nobody is taking birth. We're thinking from the body point of
view, blindly accepting all these concepts, illusory concepts: man or woman, this religion or that religion, last birth, next
birth, present birth, rebirth... so many concepts, illusions.You've blindly signed and accepted all these illusions. You have
not committed any crime yet you are signing "I am a criminal." [You are guilty of accepting a false identity of an
individual person.] Masters say you have not committed any crime, but you sign "I am a criminal."

Just think how I was prior to beingness? At that time there was not any God, Brahman, Atman – these are the words.
After dissolving the body, what is my status? You say "I don't know." So all these requirements for these things, God,
Brahman, Atman are body related. To have these, there is a material cause. That is illusion, so we have to come out of
the illusion.After the death of the body, what remains? There is no experience, no experiencer. No knowledge, nothing
is there. Simple. Simple! After the disappearance of the body what remains? Nothing! But for some persons for whom
body is their world, for them, all is the body. Suppose his body disappears. How is his world coming, appearing then?

Body is having some time limit but you are everywhere, you are Omnipresent, just like the sky. If at all you want to
compare yourself, let it be like the sky. We are bound by the body knowledge, food-body knowledge, therefore we are
trying to find out where there is happiness, where we can find complete peace. Complete peace and happiness are only

How is this world for me? It is merged with nothing. Something merged with nothing. And out of nothing, there is
something. They are interrelated. Just for conversation we are using some words. All these relations, conditions,
sensations are there. All expectations are there. All needs are there. I am totally unconcerned with the world. They are
all body things. All body related. We want peace. Who wants? We want happiness, more happiness. Who? We want a
tension-free life. Tension-free life, happiness, peace. We are not knowing all these prior to beingness. They came across
with the body. They are the bodily requirements, not the spirit requirements. The body dissolves. We fear that because
of our attachment to the body. No one wants death, everyone is afraid of death. But when you come to know the truth
of death, there is no fear.

You have to have the conviction: "I am totally unconcerned with the world."

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