Bell Middle Malik, Rezi E: GPA Summary: Attendance Summary by Term

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Bell Middle Malik, Rezi E
1001 Ulysses Street 2020 - 2021 Report Card
Golden, CO 80401 Grade: 06

GPA Summary:
Term GPA Q1 Q2
Weighted 3.8333

Attendance Summary By Term:

Q1 Q2 Total
Absent Tardy Absent Tardy Absent Tardy
2.01 2 0.68 1 2.69 3
Grade Report:
Course Task Q1 Q2
51034G060614-113 English/Language Arts 6 [Anderson] Term A A
Term Final A
52037E070714-116 Math 7/8 [Leinweber, John] Term A AB
Term Final AB
53236G060614-112 6th Grade Science [Lee] Term A A
Term Final A
54061G060614-111 World Area Studies: West Hem Term A A
Term Final A
60203G060811-114 Interactive Media [Zimmerman] Term A A
Term Final A
71001G060821-115 Intro to STEM [Lee] Term A
Term Final A
71999G060811-115 21st Century Skills [Sautel] Term A
Term Final
72003X060611-111 Academic Focus 6 [RL Haberkorn] Term P P
Term Final P

Parent/Guardian of Rezi E Malik

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