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Method: M2 – Measuring the pH value


The pH value is extremely important for biological systems. It influences the growth of
microorganisms, the taste, color, redox potential and many other properties.
The pH value of the sample also depends on the temperature. This temperature de-
pendency cannot be compensated by the instrument (e.g. Titrino plus), which only
adjusts the slope of the electrode. This means that information about the pH value
must always include the temperature at which it was measured.
Example of a red wine sample:
pH = 3.52 at 18.2 °C

Instruments and Accessories

848 Titrino plus with 801 Magnetic stirrer

pH-Electrode with/and temperature sensor


The calibrated electrode is thoroughly rinsed with dist. H2O. The electrode is im-
mersed in the sample solution (or pushed into the sample until the diaphragm is cov-
ered) and the pH is measured (under stirring for liquid samples). When the drift crite-
rion has been reached, the pH value is displayed by the instrument or printed out (do
not forget to measure the sample temperature). When the measurement has been
completed the electrode is thoroughly rinsed.


Start conditions
Activation pulse off
Start delay time 5s
Start volume 0.00000 mL
Dosing rate max. mL/min
Pause 15 s
Request sample ID off
Request sample size off
Request sample unit off
Hold during request on
Titration Parameters
Titration rate user
Meas. point density 4
Min. increment 10.00 μL
Max. increment off
Dosing rate max. mL/min
Signal drift 0.5 mV/min

Food M2 -1/2-
Waiting time min. 5s
Waiting time max. 26 s
Temperature 25.0 °C
Sensor pH electrode
Solution not defined
Stirrer on
Stirring rate 8
Stop conditions
Stop volume 0 mL
Stop meas. value off
Stop EP 9
Volume after EP off
Stop time off
Filling rate max. mL/min
Window off
EP criterion 5
EP recognition all
Fixed EP1 at off
Fixed EP2 at off
Result name pH value
Decimal places 2
Result unit
Save as titer off
Save as CV off
Statistics off
Results on
Curve on
Calculation/Statistics off
List of meas. points off
Parameters off

Food M2 -2/2-

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