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Intermittent Fasting

12 hours / 14 hours / 16 hours of Fasting
Start 12 hours increase when good condition
12 hours + 1 – 2 hours every 1 – 2 weeks

3 days for Try
5 days for Weekdays
7 days for Maximize

Study ( Eat with classmates or teacher )
Family ( Eat with Family )
Social ( Eat with friend / class )
Training ( Eat pre & post workout )
Sleep ( Eat before 2 – 3 hours before sleep )

Depends on Main Goal either
Fat Loss ( 0 cal , bc / gt /t with no sugar , water , when fasting )
Longevity ( no sugar when fasting )
HOW TO START Intermittent Fasting
Length Frequency Timing
week 1
week 2
week 3
week 4
week 5
week 6


- Taking too much of a big jump
- Having calories when you’re fasting
- Eating too much food and too little food
( solution eat enough )
- Having empty calories
( have calories but no nutritions )

Secret tips for improve fasting

- Regular scheduling
( eating time must be schedule to make body ready
for work, decrease hunger , blood sugar control)
- Increase protein
( to get satisfied when eating a meal )
- Improving sleep
( sleep depends on body to wake up )
- Strategizing coffee & tea
( increase little bit of ability to burn fat /
avoid hunger when fasting )
- Reading the hunger waves
( identify what your hunger ,
is it really need food or it just want to eat )

How to burn belly fat
First : Open fat cell to burn it
Second : Transform fat to energy
Third : Fat will start burn after your body energy finish

Fat cell
One : Beta receptor fat cell ( easy to open )
Two : Alpha receptor fat cell ( hard to open )

Tips Fat for loss

Stage 1 : Enter a weight loss state
- Interminttent fasting
- Add protein and fiber to every meal
- Reduce non-nutrient rich foods

Stage 2 : Maximize the fat-to-muscle loss ratio

- Stay active
- Strength training
- Get adequate sleep
- Reduce stress level

Stage 3 : Stay in the fast loss state for long enough

- Focus on building habits , not on achieving results

Weight Loss Using Your Mind

What should I do for myself?
Answer is Reflect on my life
- Don’t push yourself to loss weight
- How you use your mind to design your intention
- The strategies that you apply should be aligned with your values
What is driving the change you want to make?
Answer is Don’t avoid, go deeper
- Because I don’t like how my body look
- My clothes is getting tied
- My knee feel pain because of my weight
- I not confident with my body

How to stop over eating

1. Eat food have high amount of volume but low calories
2. Eat like food critic and Don’t make snack
3. Eat that give satisfaction to you
4. Loss too much energy because of sleep deprived

Meal improvement
1. Three different types colors of veggies / fruit per meal
2. Liver or fatty fish every 3 days

Terrible Weight Loss Mistakes

1. Weight loss is not aligned with your core values
2. Treating weight loss as a project
3. Trying to lose weight too fast
4. Assigning your future to perfection
5. Blindly follow plans

mindset strategies for weight loss

1. Align your weight loss approach with your core values
2. Develop habits for a new lifestyle
3. Aim to lose 1% per week
4. Play the game with extra lives
5. Dedicate time to learn more

1. What does health mean to you ?
The answer is ???
2. What does healthy eating mean to you ?
- What do / don’t you eat ?
- When do / don’t you eat ?
- How much do / don’t you eat ?
- How rigid are you with these principles ?

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