Issue #1 of OBSOLETE! Magazine

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Don Rock

Cover Art
Special Thanks:
Special thanks to the artists, illustrators,
photographers, and editors who helped out to
get this first issue off the ground.
Don Rock OBSOLETE! cover
Editorial Introduction to Issue #1: They Include:
Life in Post Imperial Amerika 3 Blair Gauntt/Idezin Digital Workgroup,
Peg Dana, Ericka Wildgirl Dana, Eric Houts ,
Ricardo Feral Doopers: Design Beyond Obsolescence 4 Christopher Schipper and:
Will Grant Beerch & Bong: Intoxitocination 5 Becky Danielson
Mick Farren Hard Times at the Aces High 6 (
Tobey Anderson
Alissa Bader The Mile High City’s New Green Economy 8 (
Todd Colby Gas Stations and Wierdos
Electric Pony Light 9
Amy Digi The Demolition of Yankee Stadium 9 Thanks to the advertisers who were willing to
bart plantenga (excerpt from) Beer Mystic: appear in the first issue- For current ad rates and
sizes, please send a request to:
A Novel of Intoxication and Light 10
Mali Delaney Dragon 66 13
Reviews 14 OBSOLETE! is edited and published by Rich Dana
Rich Dana Dumpster-Diver Gardening 15
Robert Dana Blood Harvest 15

visit us online at:

Pronunciation: äb-sə-lēt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin obsoletus, from past participle of obsolescere to grow old, become disused,
perhaps from ob- toward + solēre to be accustomed
Date: 1579
1 a : no longer in use or no longer useful <an obsolete word> b : of a kind or style no longer
current : old-fashioned <an obsolete technology>
2 of a plant or animal part : indistinct or imperfect as compared with a corresponding part
in related organisms : vestigial
synonyms see old

OBSOLETE Magazine is a quarterly tabloid

publication in the tradition of the International Times, OZ, The East
Village Other, The Berkely Barb, The Chicago Seed, The Whole Earth
Catalog, PUNK! and the other great underground rags of days past....
We are interested in high-quality poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, com-
ics, photography and other 2D art. Submissions can be on any subject;
however, we are especially interested in work that voices alternative, non-
mainstream, even radical views on politics, technology, the environment,
and modern culture. Poems can be traditional or experimental, fiction of
any genre will be considered, and non-fiction should be fast-paced chal-
Please submit no more than four poems, one short story, two REALLY
short stories, or one essay. For visual art, please submit no more than 3
pieces in any one media. Want to pitch a story idea? Contact us at the
address below.
Please send a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) with your work
if you would like it returned. Do not send your only copy! Please do not
send original artwork. We ask for first North American serial rights only.
Copyright reverts to the author upon publication. OBSOLETE compen-
sates it’s contributors- please contact us for current rates.

OBSOLETE Magazine is a publication of OBSOLETE Inc. , PO Box 72, Victor, IA, 52347.
If you are a perceptive and relatively ety was relying too much on time-binding porations and “financial instruments” take
unmedicated reader, you may have noticed media like radio and television, and that on life, procreating through phallic 1s and
by now that this is not an “e-zine” or a blog. the over-exposure was leading to a culture yonic 0s in their digital primordial ooze. No
This is a real, turn your fingers black, pulpy where “...the emphasis on change is the only wonder the late great comedian Bill Hicks
paper product. If you have the curiosity to permanent characteristic.” He felt that this called humanity “just a virus - with shoes...”
explore further, you may notice that it is, in trend would kill shared experience and local “Okay, Captain Bringdown,” you say,
fact, an old-school newsprint tabloid, com- identity and create and atmosphere of para- “...but I’m just trying to get by here!” You
plete with slapdash layout, smudgy printing noia and rigid political militarization. No are doing the best that you can. We all are.
and inflammatory rhetoric. one knows what Innis would have thought What is an under-employed hipster with
You may feel that a publication like this of the internet, but despite all of the great an over-extended credit card to do? More
is an anachronistic throwback, a vestigial gifts of modern technology, some of Innis’ rushing ahead just seems to get us where we
appendage on the body of the digital info- warnings seem to be coming true. Despite are right now. Perhaps it’s time for a lateral
organism, a bit of paper best suited to line the gushing flow of “free” information, cul- move.
the cat box or wrap a fish. However, it’s not tural ridgidity appears to be setting in. Instead of sending new technology to the
just the newspaper that has become obso- As we go to print on the premier issue “developing world”, let’s look at the adapta-
lete. In post-post-post-modern society even of OBSOLETE Magazine, “The Amerikan tion strategies that the 3rd world has adopted
the term “obsolete” is becoming obsolete- Empire” is in full decline. The earth seems to survive the foreign technology onslaught.
products are obsolete before they hit the to be facing daily major assaults from its What we can learn? Let’s dumpster-dive our
market-place, technology is only good as most troublesome species. The catastrophic culture and see what the corporatocracy has
long as its replacement is in beta-testing. oil-rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has offi- left behind. Make something new out of the
Maybe it’s time to re-examine the printed cially eclipsed the Exxon-Valdez spill as our empty vacu-form plastic package that they
word. Perhaps the newspaper is for the nations biggest man-made environmental sold you your life in.
“early adopters” of post-apocalyptic technol- disaster. Midwestern farmers report an on-
ogy. slaught of herbicide-resistant “Super-weeds”
For now, I hope you will find it more of - the product of over-reliance on chemical
an informational eddy, a small backwater in inputs in monoculture farming. Even hu-
the info-stream where ideas can slow down man attempts to adopt “green lifestyles”
and swirl around before being used or have unintended negative consequences- Eu-
disposed of. On the other hand, if this paper ropean drivers thirst for non-fossil-fuel-based
is used for nothing more than lining the biodiesel is causing rainforest deforestation
cat box, I posit that it has been more useful throughout Indonesia because of the in-
than 99% of the web content that you were creased demand for palm oil.
exposed to this week. Even human interactions with their own
In the early part of the 20th century, Har- kind fail to live up to the definition of “civi-
old Innis, a Canadian media theorist and lization”. The human race has taken the idea
predecessor of Marshall McCluhan, postu- of “evolution” in directions that Darwin nev-
lated that great civilizations were those that er could have predicted, choosing to contin-
balanced “time-binding” media (which re- ue to leave the physical realm to the mercy
tain ideas and history), and “space-binding” of medieval feudal fiefdoms, while focusing
media (which allows ideas to travel rapidly). on evolving the mutant offspring of their
He felt, back in the 50’s, that western soci- own misguided attempts at god-hood. Cor-
by Ricardo Feral

There are columns in nearly every magazine espousing the latest The Dymo Label Maker
gimcracks and geegaws and a myriad of websites dedicated to review-
If you are over 25 years old and live in a country that uses the English
ing the latest new cars, motorcycles, running shoes, home entertain-
alphabet, you probably have used a Dymo label maker at some point
ment systems, cellular phones, computers, home appliances and sex in your life. The hard plastic embossed labels have adorned everything
toys. from file cabinets to sports equipment, lockers to utility panels, note-
I love gadgets and I love reading about them. I like having the books to foreheads- from their invention in 1958 until the advent of digi-
latest cool stuff as much as the next person- but there are those ob- tal labelers in the mid 80’s. The daisy-wheeled pistol-shaped labelers and
jects that transcend trend, that exist in a time-capsule of near-perfect their shiny, brightly colored strips with raised white capital letters may
design. Over time, they may be tweaked, overclocked or souped-up, not be as popular now as in their heyday, but they are still available- in
but their source-code remains intact. Their simplicity, functionality, new, ergonomic designs. The classic models can still be found on ebay,
reliability and replicability make them cultural icons and their very at yard sales and flea markets everywhere.
images become memes. The peel-and-stick plastic labels still have many advantages over their
The futurist Ray Kurzweil once commented; “I’m an inventor. I modern counterparts- they require no electricity to produce, the plastic
became interested in long-term trends because an invention has to labels don’t fade when exposed to the elements, in fact, they are virtu-
make sense in the world in which it is finished, not the world in which ally indestructible. Not to mention that they just look so damned cool. So
it is started.” Throughout history, there have been examples of in- cool, in fact, that the look of the Dymo embossed label has been dupli-
ventions whose usefulness has long out-lived its inventor. Here are a cated in several font designs, like “Punch-label” and “Plastique”. The font
few examples of 20th Century designs of the highest order..... In this suggests a low-tech, retro, DIY attitude- and we here at OBSOLETE are
new era, when the “Amerikan Empire” is sliding into decline and the down with that.
only things we seem to be able to manufacture are high fructose corn
syrup, “financial instruments” and porn, it might be helpful to look The 3-speed Bicycle
more closely at gadgets that really work.....
Before the 1970s explosion of Japanese road bikes with derailleur
The Safety Razor gears, the English-style 3-speed ruled the roads. In fact, the 3 speed
roadster accounts for more than ½ of the bicycles ever built. The Raleigh
Inspired by a woodworker’s plane, the first safety razor was invented by DL-1, with it’s fully enclosed chain-case, rod and roller brakes and giant
in the late 1700’s in France. The design was perfected during the 1800’s by 28 inch wheels made it the perfect all-terrain bike of it’s time. Designed
British and German companies, but it was not until a traveling salesman in 1913 for the British military, it eventually served across the empire as
from Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, King Camp Gillette, patented his design the bike of choice for police, mailmen, couriers and commuters from
for the double-edged razor in 1904 that the modern safety razor chal- Kingston to Shanghai. The first manufacturing facility built in post-im-
lenged the popularity of the straight razor. By securing a contract with perial India was a bicycle factory, which still produces an exact replica of
the U.S. Military to supply the Gillette safety razor to each and every G.I. the DL-1. Across Asia, the English-style roadster is the platform of choice
during World War II, these virtually indestructible little tools became for cargo bikes and pedi-cabs.
the standard issue shaving implement world-wide for decades. Wilkin- At the heart of every English-style 3 speed is the Sturmey-Archer 3
son Sword, a British company, introduced the stainless steel blade in the speed hub. The fully enclosed hub is nearly impervious to the elements,
1960s, significantly improving blade life, as well as creating an iconic and extremely rugged. To disassemble and reassemble the planetary
object that has become an international symbol for “danger.” Adopted gears of a 3 speed hub is a lesson in physics, and some might say a peak
by 1970’s punks as a symbol of the movement, the double edged razor into the clockwork of the universe (okay, mostly old hippie bike mechan-
blade has been adapted for use as drug paraphernalia, jailhouse shiv, and ics say that...). Many variations have been built with up to 7 speeds, and
professional wrestling blood-letting tool. the “DynoHub” includes an AC generator for powering lights. In Ameri-
With the advent of the era of cheap, plastic and disposable, U.S. manu- ca, 3-speed bikes built in the UK with Sturmey-Archer hubs were sold up
facturing of the Gillette-style safety razor has ceased, but they are still until the late 1970s, labeled Robin Hood, Sears brand, and even K-Mart.
found at nearly every American drugstore or grocery. Because of the Easily found at second hand stores for $50 or less, these workhorses will
longevity of the handle as well as the steel blades, they continue to be still out-ride and out-last a cheap mountain bike from Walmart.
manufactured and used around the planet and have, arguably, the lowest continued. . .
environmental impact of any shaver, with the exception of the traditional
straight razor.
The AK-47
create a weapon that would defend his Communist homeland from the
In the movie “Lord of War”, the protagonist Yuri Orlov, played by aggression of fascist Germany, Kalashnikov unwittingly invented one
Nicholas Cage lays it all out; “Of all the weapons in the vast Soviet ar- of the key elements in the blueprint for Soviet expansion. By making
senal, nothing was more profitable than Avtomat Kalashnikova model the AK-47 design a sort of “open source” technology, the USSR licensed
of 1947. More commonly known as the AK-47, or Kalashnikov. It’s the the manufacturing of AK-47s to facilities in Finland, Hungary, Bulgaria,
world’s most popular assault rifle. A weapon all fighters love. An elegant- China, North Korea, Egypt, Iraq, and other countries. Today, it is estimat-
ly simple 9 pound amalgamation of forged steel and plywood. It doesn’t ed that there is a one Kalashnikov-style rifle in use for every 66 people
break, jam, or overheat. It’ll shoot whether it’s covered in mud or filled on earth.
with sand. It’s so easy, even a child can use it; and they do. The Soviets As Yuri Orlov points out, the very image of the AK is a symbol of
put the gun on a coin. Mozambique put it on their flag. Since the end of revolution worldwide, and a symbol of the business of revolution. It is
the Cold War, the Kalashnikov has become the Russian people’s greatest the world’s deadliest meme. In another Hollywood film, “Jackie Brown”,
export. After that comes vodka, caviar, and suicidal novelists. One thing Samuel L. Jacksons character Ordell says; “ AK-47. The very best there
is for sure, no one was lining up to buy their cars.” is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the
Designed by a wounded tank commander and aspiring agricultural room, accept no substitutes.”
equipment designer named Mikhail Kalashnikov, the AK-47 is perhaps
the quintessential product of the 20th century. In an earnest attempt to
Illustration by Becky Danielson


by Mick Farren paper bags. Lothar didn’t come out too much any more. He spent
most of his time just sitting around the house hallucinating. Peo-
Joey had finally and reluctantly sold the sunburst Fender to the ple adapted differently to the post-Crash world, but Lothar wasn’t
Chinese kid. In the end it had to be the Chinese kid. He was the adapting at all. After the Palin assassination, the merciless revalua-
only one who’d answered Joey’s ad on Craigslist who could meet tion of the Yuan, and the inevitability of Terminal Tuesday, every-
the asking price. Only the Chinese kids – the kids who’d arrived one had known there was no going back. Most did what they could,
with their parents after The Crash – had money any more, and, for and made the best of it. Lothar had trouble finding any best to it at
once, Joey actually had enough cash to drink in the bar. all, and Joey had ten bucks on him in the Ace High suicide pool.
Across the street from the Ace High Tavern, the unemployed As he pulled open the street door, Joey glanced up at the sky be-
boys and girls were, as usual, lounging in the doorway of the der- fore he made the transition into the dark interior. He never ceased
elict, boarded-up movie theatre, passing round a bottle. In the good to be amazed how so much still stayed the same even when life
times the movie house had been called The Gem Cinema, but was so very different. The sky was still blue. The sun still shone.
people had started to forget the name after the bank had sold off The wind continued to blow in from the west, and the crows still
the neon sign – again to the Chinese, who seemed to be collecting cawed and flapped on Elm Street in the quiet of the city dawn. The
everything that had once been America. Although the Ace High lines outside the State Relief Office, and the wreckers hauling away
remained open, Harry the Owner had also sold his sign, the four the abandoned cars could almost be forgotten. Somewhere in his
giant playing cards that made up the electric poker hand from subconscious Joey figured a depression should look like a depres-
which the bar’s name was derived. A Chinacorp exec had made sion. It should be shrouded in a perpetual grey overcast, with one
Harry an offer he wouldn’t refuse. His patrons protested, but Harry dismal day following the next. He expected a dark age to be dark,
the Owner had merely shrugged, claiming the sign had to go any- and resented sunny days, when the air was close to clean, as a cruel
way because keeping it on added too much to his already crippling tease.
energy bill. Then the door closed behind Joey and the gloom of the womb-
The boys and girls in the movie theatre entrance would rou- like bar, with its enfolding smell of spilled beer and industrial-
tinely drink themselves stupid on some really nasty shit before strength cleaning products, made it easier to put aside his illogical
they got too crazy-loud and the cops rousted them out of there. resentment of nature. He swung onto a stool, pulled out his newly
The stuff called Little Demon was among the nastiest, and came acquired roll, and placed a twenty on the bar with ostentatious
up from up El Salvador or some place south where the poverty was care, making it clear to Harry the Owner that he was in funds.
even worse. The boys and girls bought it in flat plastic pints at the Harry was leaning on the far end of the bar, in conversation with
99 Cent Store. The raw amber rotgut was made from corn syrup the elderly man with the long wild hair who went by the name of
and heaven knew what else, but, in these hard times, alcoholics Old Beau, and the woman in the silk shirt and leather jeans whose
managed as best they could, even down to doing shots from clear name of Magda, but when Joey flashed the cash, Harry straight-
bottles with no labels and dubious purity; firewater by any other ened and moved to take care of his business. “What’s it to be,
name or none. And Joey would have been right there with them if young man?”
he hadn’t unloaded the guitar. “A shot and a draught.”
Joey had half hoped that he might slip into the Ace High with- “You want the good stuff?”
out being noticed by his once and future friends. He knew the boys Joey regretfully indicated otherwise. “Hell no. I’ll go to the well.”
and girls would, after a while, undoubtedly drift across the street, Harry placed a shot glass on the bar, and pulled up a bottle from
following him into the bar and hustling him to buy them a drink bellow. The label read Ancient Exceptional. Harry was a master at
in a glass. His plans were thwarted, however, when Tommy No locating supplies of really cheap, really unpleasant whiskey. There
Dime looked up, spotted him and waved. Joey noticed that Lothar had been a time when Joey had drunk Jack Daniels, but those days
was among the wino crew in the doorway, passing the pints in the had long passed. Indeed, in recent months, Jack Daniels, and other
continued. . . .
old friends from the days of jobs and credit cards, were becoming “There’s not so many of them packing for The Rapture any
hard to find even if you had the exorbitant price. The best intelli- more.”
gence was that the Chinese were simply buying up all the Jack be- Magda gestured for a refill. “Hysteria burns itself out.”
fore it so much as left Lynchburg. It was as though they had a lien The old man was drinking Dewar’s. Somehow Old Beau always had
on the good stuff. If you asked in the liquor store, the kid behind cash, although nobody knew its source. Some claimed he’d been a
the counter would like as not tell you it was “on backorder.” Back- respected artist back in the day, but what kind of artist was a mat-
order had become part of their lives and their daily vocabulary. ter of debate “The Russians sat about for more than a decade after
When there was no toilet paper in the store, it was on backorder. the fall of Communism, blinking and wondering what the fuck
If there were no light bulbs, they were on backorder. Scarcity and happened to them.”
shortage were the way of the world. At that moment, the lights in the Ace High flickered and dimmed,
Harry set the shot of Ancient Exceptional in front of Joey and the TV tiled-out, and Magda’s Cheepad fluttered, all in unison.
started to fill a beer glass with Pabst from the tap, at the same Everyone paused, wondering if it was the start of a rolling black-
time, he resumed his previous conversation with Old Beau. “You out, or maybe server failure. No one wanted to speculate on worse.
hear anything of Charlie?” Then the power supply or the aberrant server seemed to right itself
Old Beau shrugged. “Charlie’s out in the hills again. Told us and the various screens returned to normal, proving it had been
he was going fishing, but we all knew he was expecting the black just one of those glitches that could never be explained, although
helicopters. No one’s ever been able to convince him they’re not Charlie might have claimed it was print-and-forget, brainwash mo-
coming because the world doesn’t give two fucks about America ment. “You figure we got a decade of this?”
any more. I mean, who’d want to take over this mess?” “When the Roman Empire collapsed there were five hundred years
“The Chinese seem to.” of chaos and barbarism.”
“Well that’s the wheel of the fucking dharma, isn’t it?” “But when the British Empire collapsed they grew their hair,
Joey had heard variations of the same conversation too many bought cheap guitars, and handed us the Beatles.”
times before, and his attention refocused on the shot in front of “What do you think, kid?”
him. The temptation was to down it one glorious old-school swal- Joey’s mind had drifted away from the thread of the conversa-
low, but common sense dictated he pace himself and limit the first tion. He’d been imagining Magda, in dom corset and heels, plying
hit to no more than half the measure. The last thing he needed her vice in her rumored dungeon, but the direct question jerked
was to end the night messed up, broke, and with no memory. He him back to the present and he answered without thinking. “I just
knocked back half the glass and gasped. Ancient Exceptional was sold my guitar.”
truly awful. “Damn, Harry, white lightening in a mason jar would Magda sadly sighed. “That doesn’t bode well.”
be better than this.”
Harry winked. “You should have been here Tuesday.” © Mick Farren, 2010
Joey grimaced and quickly swallowed a mouthful of watery
Pabst. Then he let out a long breath and allowed himself time to Mick Farren is a legendary poet, musician, author, critic, activist, countercul-
take a leisurely look around at the interior of the bar and its deni- tural icon, and one of the last true gonzo journalists. As lead singer and chief
zens. Two badly tattooed girls from the outside of town were nurs- anarchist of the legendary Social Deviants, Farren helped blaze the trail for the
advent of punk rock. He has co-written songs for the Pink Fairies, Motorhead and
ing beers, sharing a table and a cigarette. They were young, prob- Hawkwind, as well as writing over 40 books, including science fiction novels and
ably not much above drinking age, wearing too much makeup, non-fiction. Farren served as writer and editor of IT, the International Times,
and failing to hide their anxiety. Most likely they hoped a couple one of the UK’s premiere underground newspapers.
better-heeled guys would come by to keep them amused, pick up Mick Farren blogs at
the tab, and maybe feed them. Bad times bore down, even on good
time girls. Their anxiety stemmed from the fact that no better-
heeled guys had so far materialized, and sooner or later Harry
would expect them to buy another drink. Harry cut women far
more slack than the men because they were good for business,
but no one hung out in the Ace High indefinitely on just one
beer. Joey was half tempted to move over to talk to them, but they
looked dumb and he knew would end up buying their booze. Later
for that. Right then Joey was more interested in the other woman
in the place.
Magda was probably forty, but she looked good on it, with her
mane of red hair and very noticeable body. Stories circulated that
she was a working woman, and doing well in comparison to most.
The consensus of rumor was that she turned tricks as pro-dom
maybe over in Shelbyville – chaining, flogging, and cash-transac-
tion humiliating the newly arrived salary men from Chinacorp
– running her own dungeon, paying off the cops and the Chinese
liaison agents to keep everything plumb level and on the square.
If it was true, Joey found it admirable. Now America had become
little more than a Chinese yard sale, Beijing might as well take the
kink along with everything else.
The stories about Magda were highly plausible, and the leather
jacket with the scarlet pentacle on the back that was draped over
her shoulders was more than enough proof that Magda had money
coming in from someplace, and also that she had a taste for the
dramatic. She’d looked up briefly when Joey first came in, and
Harry moved to serve him. Since then, though, she hadn’t paid
him any attention, staying in closed conversation with Harry and
Old Beau, and, at the same time, idly swishing a Cheepad. As far
as Joey could hear, they were swapping stories about the extreme
times in the immediate aftermath of The Crash.
Magda let out a wry laugh. “Folk were reverting to some ata-
vistic, splatter-movie metaphysics back there for a while.” Her
voice her voice was low and nicotine husky, but with a definite and
unmistakable authority that was maybe an off-duty holdover from
her alleged profession.
Old Beau nodded. “That’s a fact.
“You remember when those Pentecostal assholes started
painting the buildings red? That was fucking eerie.”
Harry poured Old Beau a fresh drink. “I’m glad that shit bot-
tomed out.”
Alissa Bader

When Alissa suggested a photo feature on the Medical Marijuana Clinics of Denver, I loved the idea.
Denver has been in the news a lot lately for it’s burgeoning MMJ scene- in fact, it’s quickly becoming known
as “America’s Cannabis Capital”. Politicians like Senator Chris Romer (a Democrat candidate for Mayor) want
to pass new laws to establish cadres of gun-toting enforcers with the assignment of regulating the clinics into
oblivion. For now, patients will still have a natural and safe alternative to the addictive and dangerous drugs
pushed on them by Big Pharma.

Interesting side note: News sources report that as of January, 2010, there were nearly 400 legal MMJ dispensa-
ries in the Mile High City, outnumbering Starbuck’s franchises in the entire state of Colorado by nearly 2-to-
one. Can you say “Grass-Roots Capitalism?”
Alissa Bader has dedicated herself to spending a lifetime hanging out with those people her mother once warned her
about. Alissa also purchased her first package of bacon, ever, last May. She lives and works in Denver, Colorado
Gas Stations & Weirdos Electric Pony Light

Oh blue flower thigh you are silk and This is what I look like when you’re not looking
matted with blood and fur. at me I feel feverish my eyes are bigger in your
The bus seats are lavish and primed electric pony light. There will never be more of me
for your sweet flesh while jumpers than you can handle ever, I swear. Leave the heavy lifting
swoon over your eagle parts. Yes! to my sturdy legs. Parts of me are strewn on the floor,
Think claw think gangrene I can pick them up later. Leather wristband, cold cream,
all misanthropic and molecular then and my lost in space feeling marking what remains of the morning:
reach into the bed: red rim you and your helium will. It’s curtains for the
around beet piss. From Brooklyn sheepish and sullen. They can suck it. What I’m trying
a caller i.d. illuminates the welts to say is: morning with you is a luxury in the puzzle
enough to spark principle of my day. Give me the soft solace of your arms.
to sit and think or scoop chocolate All amber-scented and clear-headed,
from a bin of thistles. I am moving you move through me like a bright tiger
into the new cape with a tenderness jolts the green with her stripes in the woods.
you know from way before you were born. You might be more awake than even I could imagine
I was walking down Bergen Street but the way coffee tastes in your mouth
with a capsule comment: my lungs when I lean in makes my spine buzz with jazz.
want to breathe you in while my body When you’re not looking I’m right here.
brays at the open sky in a calm
and reassuring way. An android full
of nut butters and quinine. Do you feel
calm and reassured? Is that my hand
you’re holding? I want you to hold something Todd Colby has published four books of poetry: Ripsnort (1994), Cush (1995), Riot in
cool and silver and instructive. the Charm Factory: New and Selected Writings(2000), and Tremble & Shine (2004),
Follow me home so I can call the police all published by Soft Skull Press. Todd has performed his poetry on PBS and MTV,
and his collaborative books and paintings with artist David Lantow can be seen in the
and tell them you’re finally here for me. Brooklyn Museum of Art and The Museum of Modern Art special collections libraries.
Todd serves on the Board of Directors for The Poetry Project, where he has also taught
several poetry workshops, and he posts new work on

The Demolition of Yankee Stadium

The Demolition of Yankee Stadium

Amy DiGi studied at the Art Stu-

dents League of New York with
Mary Beth McKenzie and Joseph
Peller. She received her MFA in
Painting from Lehman College
and her BFA in Drawing and Art/
Design Education from Pratt In- In the spring of 2010, the old Yankee Stadium in the Bronx was demolished. As fans of the Bronx Bombers stood
stitute. Ms. DiGi is a United States by as “The house that Ruth built” was reduced to rubble, one die-hard fan worked to capture the moment.
Coast Guard Artist. She lives and “ Men had little tears squeaking out the corners of their eyes,” says Painter Amy DiGi, who furiously painted and
works in New York City. sketched the demolition. “I was the only broad painting on the platform... I’m thinking, ‘what were those bitch-asses
thinking in that board room when they decided to tear it down?’ “
Her pictures say something about the event that news photos can never capture.
Beer Mystic:
A Novel of Inebriation & Light
by bart plantenga “But mine’s 50% beer.” We wound through more black-eye
sites; the streetlights in front of the police precinct on East 20th St.,
Beer Mystic is a unique literary adventure that will take you on the which I tried to convince her were like “an audacious and cathartic
longest, rowdiest literary pub crawl ever. Follow the Beer Mystic’s liberation” like a Pollock, like graffiti, like... alas...
story around the world through excerpts in a global network of “What d’you do for female companionship?”
host magazines. For a complete list of excerpts, visit “I get by. I sometimes count on magazines.” I lied, thinking of Nice, Elsa, Jude, Rita, Djuna…
And we walked into the talk and somehow ended up fac-
Furman Pivo believes he [plus beer] may be the cause of a rash of ing Macy’s window with its “Golden Age of Classicwear” diorama,
streetlight outages. This sense of empowerment transforms him revealing an age when everybody was happy, dressed nice and sat
into the Beer Mystic. He has a mission and a mandate. Or does he? around a fireplace and a board game.
In any case, 1987 NYC will never be the same and the rest is history Suddenly she grabbed my beer and, in a fit of pique, pushed
or myth or delusion. my head back with a forearm to the chin and poured it no-non-
sense down her greedy gullet.
Beer Mystic Excerpts #37-8 So, I grabbed her flask and returned the favor. The orality
In an unpublished piece, Luc Sante writes: “These inscriptions, of drinking suddenly looked like the orality of sex. And suddenly
these erasures, these black holes that dot the lower end of Manhat- we’d progressed from a policy of Mutual Deterrence to the most
tan like empty stars colored black by a 4-year-old are not just about intimate of bodily fluid exchanges.
war, but about what Virilio in his Guerre et cinéma calls the guerre “Oblivion; it’s my specialty,” she declared. Running on
lumière, the war of light, which dates back to the earliest use of the empty, we went to a Korean 24-hour deli to refuel. They’re always
military searchlight in 1904. During World War I, lights aided in- 24 hour. Even at three a.m. you’ll see somebody squatting out-
fantry movements. While during World War II, warplanes created side, trimming green beans, washing bokchoy. Each Korean deli
lightning flashes, flares, to illuminate the earth to enable them to contains well over 10,000 anti-shoplifting watts, so entering here
take essential reconnaissance photos. means crossing over into enemy territory.
We are now witnessing a similar war – albeit within “Heard they’re all Moonies, you know, right-wing pod
a more personal or circumscribed landscape – along the Bowery people.” She put on her shades, covered her exposed skin as we
backbone with arteries radiating East and West like lit or darkened roamed the aisles. I squinted as I scrounged for change to pay for
ribs. What we are left with is sensory hints of an ebony and ivory two Rolling Rock long-necks. She protected her face from the rav-
conflagration where the preserving streetlights salvage property ages of redundant light with the collar of her jacket.
at the expense of dream, and the darkness is a return to the pri- “Figh dolla,” said the man behind the counter.
mal dream at the expense of property – darkness encourages both “Wha’! Rolling Rock’s not a foreign beer. Come ON!”
dreams and petty criminality. “Figh dolla.”
However, newfound corridors of darkness unleashes “It’s from friggin’ Pennsylvania! One of the original of the 13
fear and nurtures new industries in its wake, not to mention new United States of this here America.”
security and surveillance technologies. This process highlights “Figh dolla.” He was glancing left and right for back up.
lighting’s almost Manifest Destiny-level innate colonization ten- “Let’s just get outa here, Furman.” The light was detrimen-
dencies that may end up transgressing its supposed purpose and tal to her skin. Fluorescent light is said to promote acne.
benefit to humans. As the Beer Mystic [nom du guerre] seems to “Hey, if I was fuckin’ Axl Rose or fuckin’ Travis Bickle or
be saying: Aufklärung is German for both ‘Enlightenment,’ and, in fuckin’ Mickey Mantle or fuckin’ Gypsy fuckin’ Rose Lee you’d...”
military circles, for reconnaissance, surveillance. The deli man reached under the counter.
A consequence of too much light over-exposing our “Just pay’m. Come on let’s vacate these premises. I mean,
present reality is manifested in the condition we commonly refer why don’tchu just send a whole string of these delis the way of
to as information overload – more images than the eyes can con- your street lights?”
sume. “Maybe I should.” We waltzed around the corner. She
What I suspect he further desires to reveal – so far as hummed a tune in back of Macy’s by the loading docks where I
we can ascribe it with conscious purpose – is the tautology of how opened the bottle with my teeth and handed it to her. Whereupon
excessive wattage blinds and its glare blurs. Blinded by the light is she took the other bottle, reached down under her tight black
right. skirt and opened the long neck with her vagina. And I heard what
In the name of bringing things to light, seeing, and sounded like bells wrapped around the necks of distant sheep.
illumination many crimes are committed – see totalitarianism, “I think the good shepherd’s comin’ our way...”
fascism, et al. By putting out a few lights here and there he simply “Tha’s me.” She showed me the little brass bells that dan-
proposes that we keep lights down to an organic and harmonious gled from the pierced labia. She smiled because she knew exactly
equilibrium [he advocates atmospheric lighting – candles – and how spooked I’d be.
NOT pitch darkness] thus encouraging our eyes to see more and “It’s so I always know when someone’s fuckin’ with me.”
stimulate our other under-utilized and withering senses. “It don’t hurt?”
Light, ironic as it may seem and despite its histori- “No, if you got the technique down. Ring mah bee-ee-elll…”
cally good image, and not darkness, stimulates the very conditions “I know somebody that just did the same... was there some-
for the destruction of society and light itself. As Horkheimer and thin’ in People Magazine...? And you know that they’re twist-off,
Adorno noted in their Dialectic of Enlightenment: ‘The Enlight- right?”
enment has always aimed at liberating men from fear and estab- “I don’t believe in twist-off.”
lishing their sovereignty. Yet the fully enlightened earth radiates She took her bottle and stuck the entire neck down her
disaster triumphant’.” throat and chugged the whole cold thing. In seconds flat. Chucked
the empty against a brick wall. This is how woman provokes me
The Rum Seer offered me swallows of rum from her mouth. best. I made an amorous lunge, which she dodged. “If you even
Like a raven feeds her young. Deep into the craw. She was certainly could.”
beginning to show me she was worthy of my gratitude. “Could what?”
“This is MY black hole.” She ran her fingers through her “Be fuckin’ me...”
hair. “Absorbs all light, all looks. I only wear black. Black lingerie. “Yea, well, none of this is exactly me, myself.” I had to be
Black sucks the false gaiety out of the world. Bright shit’s just a humble. “I mean, this could go on forever,” I warned.
redundancy of false hopes.” “Listen, I’m too impatient for forever. I want EVERYthing
“You sound like the Amish.” I opened my second bottle now. So is it you, then, doin’ the black-eyes? And if not, stop claim-
– this time with my teeth. Her eyes did not light up. “Like the Ha- ing them for yerself. People used to live forever before religion
sidim.” told them there were two worlds. Part one, here; part two, there;
“The body’s 93% water,” she said matter-of-factly. She knew now and later. Dead and gone.” I nodded knowingly not to betray
it was only 67% water but was exaggerating for effect. ignorance. “Tha’s when churches went into business.” She seemed
continued. . .
to know a lot. But wanted to know even more. in the physics of inertia. Hope and glue. Naiveté and mistaken pur-
“Monks’ve been brewing liqueurs outa anything since who pose. ‘Keep moving,’ I remember him saying, ‘so things don’t latch
knows when.” on to you – laws, wives, preconceptions, jobs, looters, artists, and
“Tell me somethin’ I don’t already know.” We continued to dust.’ He has, I s’pose, learned the art of the dodge and bob – ap-
wander a precarious path uptown. pearing to move while standing perfectly still, even to the point of
“I was Mata Hari in a former life. Plus I used to be scared appearing to be someone, someone of substance. I am reminded of
of the dark. The unknown eats away at you. Things move cuz yer a quote I came across in Peter L. Wilson’s Sacred Drift by a Muslim
mind makes telephone poles follow you. Half the world’s animals heretic, I think named Ibn somebody: “Bedouins are more disposed
are nocturnal. I know cuz I used to be a bat in a former life.” to courage than sedentary people” basically, he goes, because
“Before or after Mata Hari?” wanderers don’t depend on laws that destroys our will to resist.
“Before... I hate people with tans. I love jazz Negroes.” So, with that in mind, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. So I
“Me too. Although I don’t know any.” Well, Nice, but I am think something is happening with his black-eyes although at the
not talking about her. time I was holding my cards
“When I do the sex close to the bosom and so I was
thing and it’s good, I see phos- not ready to admit this. I think
phenes. You know, those de- it’s on the skin stretched across
lirious fireworks of the soul his six-foot frame – he’s much
projected on the backs of our taller emotionally by the way,
eyelids. And then I pass out when he’s wearing his big black
– into delicious blackness.” boots – where the alchemy
“Sounds like epilepsy to takes place, where substance
me.” We tugged at and under goes insubstantial, fact melts
and inside one another on the into rumor, and all phenomena
proverbial steps – alas – down transform into delusion. Now
to her A train. ask me how I know all this. Or
She crushed my nose is this just all about men?”]
into her hirsute armpit. Hair
made her feel more European. Her mouth pulled you
I tasted the sweat – sodium into her face, a whirlpool
chloride, lactic acid, traces of that wrung my dragging soul
potassium, magnesium. around the mischievous fea-
She rubbed her knuck- tures of her face. A mouth
les on the seam of my crotch always busy. A mouth that
until she had a brush burn to sucked the dials off the clock,
show me. Misshapen lust hid- the fingers off my hand, like
den inside the blurred flailing there was no soup nor tomor-
– going nicely nowhere. Pass- row. A mouth that enveloped
ersby confused us for assault my identity in the surface
and battery. But where could rapture of her face. Her tongue
our kind of reeling lead? Did it like the first darter perch I ever
need to go somewhere? caught, dangling from my line
“How do I know like in Bear Mountain. And then she
yer the one responsible for all mysteriously left me standing
this... this stuff... that like hap- there as she retreated down the
pens?” subway station stairs with great
“The black-eyes?” haste. The smile was certainly
Illustration by Tobey Anderson
“Yea, like how do I know her favorite wound. It dug up
it’s you and not just chance or solar flares? Or we see only what we bones like a dog full of jazz.
wanna see, like predictable coincidences that we give meaning.” I didn’t notice until I got home – me and this big Bozo face
“And sometimes we don’t even see that... Listen, I do it for full of lipstick. And so this is why people on the 2 a.m. streets were
myself and for anyone who wants to live in the low light, you snickering. Or maybe it was blood or something. Others may have
know, like atmospheric lighting where we all look and feel better, wondered what new fashion sub-cult I was loyal to and whether
that grey area where things happen.” they were early witnesses to a new trend. What new club I could
“That’s very magnanimous – and retrospective of you.” lead them to.
“I don’t do it to impress girls.” Once in my new place I realize I never got around to tell-
“I’m no girl.” Whereupon she began to describe her “sous ing the Rum Seer about my room, the checkerboard linoleum...
sol” again, this time as a place I might never escape from, a dark I listened to my messages, again only one – from Nice, “‘There
cave done in “velvet underground” and day-glo black velvet paint- is nothing wrong / with sobriety in moderation.’ That’s poet John
ings. Basement windows painted black. Her “piece of death.” Where Ciardi. I see you with my eyes closed right now and I’m wondering
she’d feed me exotic patés from her mouth. Where she becomes an where you are.”
animal of another species communing with her Nico, Joy Division, I watch the long artificially illuminated skies scrape across
and Sisters of Mercy discs – “morbid dance music for the dying New Jersey. There is new grafitti on the corrugated walls of the
and other undergrad existentialists with hairstyles.” A touchy-feely empty warehouse across the way: IYNIKE and under it SAM
bower full of empty psychotropic prescription bottles, glowing COOKE (33) MURDERD 1964. I’d like to tell her about the timeline
skeletons dangling from her pipes. of events in my life in blue and mysteries I’d unraveled in red that
“I’ve draped various tomb rubbings from the pipes, which I I’d strung along my wall and decorated with salvaged beer labels
got by going to cemeteries in Queens, where I rub crayons and pas- from my Euro-pilgrimage. And the map of NYC with little pushpin
tels over a sheet of parchment draped over tombstones.” Her faves flags tagging all my black-eyes. I’d like to know where Nice actu-
were the various smiling death heads with wings. As a dominatrix, ally is. The closest phone that she can say is her phone is the pay
in this basement [of her parents’ home!], she had set up her little phone on the corner of 10th and B.
dungeon like others arrange their kitchens. The Rum Seer was now long gone into the ground that
And suddenly she was kissing me. Or was I kissing her? To shakes and lets off steam. I realized then that NOTHING happens
make brief our encounter the kiss will suddenly lunge into the ori- forever, which leads to fear leads to disillusionment leads to the
fice of character as if to assume the responsibility of a verb related fridge and a last beer, a Palm “gul en mals” [generous and tender].
to conflagration. To the night’s last tender beer.

[The Rum Seer, née Tura Sultana: “I never was overly impressed ~•~
by him. The slide from respect to pity was quick. Although he
could be so terribly endearing whenever he was trying so hard to In pursuit of Nice’s beckoning voice and in avoidance of Djuna, I
entertain and impress. Furman Pivo is always going to be caught walk by the library branch on Second Avenue, then the Jefferson
continued. . .
Market branch, 23rd Street, Tompkins Square – of course they are of eight streetlights on the ol’ black-eye one ferociously charged
all dark and closed behind thick grates of secure mesh, because it’s night. Perhaps you saw it the night I took the Rum Seer there.
nearly midnight in our concrete insomnia. She is nowhere. I leave A darkness so conclusive and pervasive that the Cartel has since
notes, slip them under the doors of the various far-east squats and packed up and conquered new turf. The cops, pretending to be un-
tenements that smell of brick dust and rotting wood. I no longer daunted, skirt its perimeters and huddle in the bright newsstands
live with Djuna, haven’t seen her for weeks, have somehow lost squeezing free candy bars and sodas out of the proprietors. There
Elsa’s number and can never pinpoint the whereabouts of “my” are almost no parked cars around here. Yes, this is urban renewal
Nice. my way.
I leave a note for her under the door of theTompkins The Cartel members tell a slender range of discount Shake-
Square branch of the public library and continue along the terse speare stories that involve knifings, bro’s blown away, boxing, dead
perimeter of the park. I suddenly witness a drug entrepreneur, in lifts, AIDS, the next big thing, gold, Nike, all pacing about with
full scurvy skin and grin behind loud gold, pulling a blade, get- gila monster eyes and arms like baseball bats, arguing with any-
ting into an associate’s car. With a certain slo-mo style copped from thing passing by.
Scarface [somewhere between the élan of a fencer and the hair-trig- The Yuppoisie, meanwhile, snuffed by the arrogance of
ger viciousness of a petty mobster], and with the passenger door their accumulated comforts, continue to enlarge the gaping holes
open, he inserts the blade into the torso of the guy riding shotgun. in their jeans, hunting for the proper grimy nouveau edge, where
There is blood and the kids keep on shooting hoops. illicit adventure might resuscitate their over-furnished lives. And
It used to be people only opened letters in this kind of when they park their shiny modes of transport they hope to find
casual fashion. But this entrepreneur had such grace that people streetlights so they can abandon their tin cans for evenings of
in cafés caught mid-sip, mid-allusion, were impressed by the ballet- worry-free expense-account dissipation.
like beauty of it and forgot whether it was better to yank the blade I’ve black-eyed this vigilance of light, and so they must go
out or leave it in. The blade handle just quivered there because the east, further into the toxic repose of the cornered beast. I have
car, although top of the line, was revealing a somewhat rough idle. thus, in my own way, facilitated the redistribution of wealth. Be-
A New York Post headline wafts by my feet: “Warm ‘E’ Train Hums cause darkness initiates an entire process of reclamation. Bye bye
Hobo Lullaby.” radio, radials, plates, plugs, window, seats, grimy guts, crankshaft,
The Crack Cartel, with its hierarchical dreams, is a strange doors. BMWs strewn like felled antelope on the Savannah, picked
and terrifying yet logical affirmation of Capitalism around here. clean by scavengers crouched in the carcasses with their grimy
Its get-rich-quick schemes pushed three or four notches beyond knuckles. And within a week, a Mercedes will be wingless, legless,
even those of the infomercial and the telemarketer’s repertoire. eyeless, gutless. Adapt and thrive, leave or die!
Operates outside the mechanisms of reason and morality. Crack, There’s something haunting and beautiful about a carcass
like military hardware, goes where it is paid for. Like the physics of steel. Like an abandoned dream. Like the pig eye I found in the
of fluids with a combined density of blood and bile. Like the make- gutter in front of my new walk-up chamber that once was an abat-
over of luxury into necessity, crack creates its own heroic needs. toir.
And the victimizers, suspended in their mumbling mythos of pain I now feel like part of the natural order of this asphalt
and craving, forget that they too are victims of their own strategic jungle. I am ally to the scavenger, one of them. I could demand
victimization. They have allowed the magnification of profit and commissions from chop shops. I need an agent. But I must remain
firearm calibers to skew all sense of prior proportion. Packing fire- satisfied with the highly codified nods and subtle eye signals they
power means responsibility, an increased peer pressure to use the tip my way. A secret agent does best when he keeps ego in check.
gun. This pressure replaces wit, cunning, negotiation. And my dark I go on breathing. My black-eyes reshuffle the inevitability of the
bowers become their fields of play. inevitable. I add exclamation points to despair and danger! Make
The cops in this scruff of the ’hood are bred to resemble them seem like hope and love.
these hoodlums. This is accomplished by having a gene withdrawn Yes, these haunted hulks of steel are my trophies, my sculp-
that is essential for the manufacture of nitric oxide, the molecule tures. I take curious admirers like Nice and Rita there. In winter
that allows nerve cells to communicate and is an essential brake these steels skeletons hold the cold. In summer they retain the
on excessive volatile behavior. The absence of this gene leaves the day’s heat past midnight.
enforcement agents wildly impulsive [“rogue cops”], sensitive not
to their surroundings nor their purported vocation but to the most ~•~
minute slights which might set them off, it makes them relentless- bart plantenga is also the author of Wiggling Wishbone and Sper-
ly aggressive, often to the point of killing targeted humans – the matagonia: The Isle of Man. His book YODEL-AY-EE-OOOO: The
Michael Stewart Phenomenon, or like Michael Carter, ad nauseum. Secret History of Yodeling Around the World received worldwide
In effect, rogue cops are truer to themselves and to their service attention. He is working on a new novel, Paris Sex Tete and a new
than the more sedated/civilized among them. Rogue cops are the book on yodeling Yodel in HiFi. His radio show Wreck This Mess
crack entrepreneurs of their occupation, terrorists with a licensed has been on the air on WFMU [NY], Radio Libertaire [Paris], Radio
raison d’être. 100 and currently Radio Patapoe [Amsterdam] since 1986. He lives
And Rum Seer wonders how I feel about exacerbating this in Amsterdam.
state of things falling apart. Hmm. The cover of night is a savage
and delirious color of freedom in the state that does not yet exist.
Will they name this area after me? I don’t think about it too much,
Madame Rum Seer.
I remain adamant: Darkness remains a no-man’s-land where
adventure is reinvented, yea sure, it drags some suspicion, fear,
apprehension along with it. OK, granted, but these are our primary
colors. Night is feminine, the mother of the gods, the unconscious
swim in the womb. The Greeks believed the darkness of night
preceded the creation of all things. It is fertility, germination, the
anticipatory state, the promise of awesome eruptions.
Although they do not as yet know my face, the Cartel, Law
Enforcement, and the Yuppoisie’s brittle alliance do not like me. I
adversely affect one man’s livelihood, another’s dominion, and the
yup’s right to an unfettered lifestyle. I destroy turf, the very idea of
turf as ownership. I will make parents think twice before they toss
their kids to roam the streets past midnight. I will re-establish the
diurnal-nocturnal cycles that will allow us to go back to sleep with-
out fear we are losing out on some event or profitable opportunity.
I will reconstruct repose. Peace and happiness for every man, peace
and happiness through all the land, as the song goes. Someday my
retribution will seem as natural as Marinus van der Lubbe’s torch-
ing of the Reichstag in Berlin.
I’m talking about, for instance, 12th and A. Check it out.
It’s black-eyed to the max going on a month now. I sent a string
(For Rain/for Richie)

Dragon double-six, you dominoed

Right out of this world
Catapulted up through sixth gear
All your senses

Straining, cut to ribbons,

Flayed wide-open throttle
Hell-bent for heaven,
In the wind.

Unkept promises, vows left

Unspoken, undeclared
Passion spent,

Used-up rusted shut or

Broke apart,
Where the metal meets the sky, unhealed
Wound, scarborn, lace

Stitched with needle blows,

Riveted to the

Tattooed map of your heart


The hunter should be, orion your third eye

His star-sword tip.

At the crooked crossroads

Lines converge

Rise or fall according to their laws

The hawk drifts upward, riding one
Current, while blood rains

Down, tracking along a riverbed.

I never met you, saw your image

In skin,

On the luminous page,

That turns by itself, a leaf, a life
At a time . . . .
. . . . and once, passing by, in your
black hat,

taking out the trash

Photographs by Ericka Wildgirl Dana while the raven croaked and the stars wheeled,
spun the planets round the sun the moon


in a dream
in a dance

h like satellites
to one long lonesome note,
a keening song sung a little too hard, too high

& too late, for comfort.

Ride the wind, let all the bells

Chime the blood-red raven’s caw

Calling you home.

She’s calling you from home.

Mali Delaney

Mali Delaney is a heretofore virtually unpublished writer who has spent her entire adult life

h h
as a working stiff. Dreaming along the byroads and making poems of daily occurences, the
dark light of observance in the regular headlamp gloom.
She has consistently refused to deal with publishers, agents, book tours and other forms of
Your source for excellent organic catnip, kitty greens/pet grass sado-masochism that comprise the writer’s path to paid perdition. She hopes that in the pre-
YYY and other good stuff for pets and people! YYY apocalyptic neverland there will be space for true mavericks and renegades like her heroes
& herself. “Mickey Spillane is a hero because he always mentioned how much Hammer
tipped his waitresses.” She is currently working on an interlocking series of novels, known
as “the novelization-in-progress”.
graphic novels. Collins, no stranger to the pulp Case’s medical bills, and as soon as possible he
genre, has paid his rent writing novelizations went back to work, hammering out an amazing
of popular films and did an extended stint as a new album with X drummer DJ Bonebrake and
writer for the “Dick Tracy” comic strip. His de- Ron Franklin of Gasoline Silver.
votion to popular fiction and his scholarly dedi- Wig! is a raw slab of bluesy, swampy, roots-
cation to the pulp genre made him the perfect rock, recorded in just 3 days. Packed with blues
DIY folks, the Internet stopped being an end in writer for Spillane to tap to take charge of his harp and distorted tremolo and slide guitar, it
Books itself and became a tool to get things done in
the real world.”
unfinished works.
In The Big Bang, Collins shows his ability
comes off as a scorching live recording laid
down by a man on a mission. Like a steel gui-
As the “Foodie” movement toward locally to take on the voice of the master, serving up tar player in a storefront gospel church, Case is
Non-Fiction raised food has raised the awareness of what we 247 pages of terse, bloody, libidinous and com- making music like he means it.
Made By Hand: Searching for eat, the “Maker” movement holds the potential pletely politically incorrect first-person tough- It’s definitely a change- at times sounding
to do the same for so-called “Consumer” goods. guy story telling. Set in the 60’s, Hammer takes more like Dr. John or Junior Kimbrough than the
Meaning in a Throwaway World
Instead of shopping for the latest avatar of per- on the hairy hippies and drug-addled crazies of polished California pop master or the thought-
Mark Frauenfelder swinging Greenwich Village, blowing open the ful singer songwriter of the past, Peter Case still
sonal satisfaction, why not use what is at hand
(Portfolio, 2010) and build it yourself, sew it, repair it, modify or biggest heroin ring in the cities history. manages to sound authentic and natural singing
decorate it? What Michael Pollan has done for Unlike Robert B. Parker’s attempt to com- the blues- and damn it, he’s earned the right.
food, Mark Frauenfelder is doing for “stuff”. plete Chandler’s unfinished Poodle Springs, YepRoc is offering Wig! on CD and vinyl, and
The Big Bang works precisely because of Col- all of the songs on the record can be previewed
Fiction lins skill to work unrepentantly in the brutal
style of Spillane. Where Parker’s voice was
at the YepRoc website.
The Big Bang
unmistakable and Poodle Springs read more
Mickey Spillane and
Max Allan Collins
like a throwback Spenser novel, Collins rarely
lets on that this book was completed in the 21st
Free Web Book
(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010) century. He occasionally slips in some detail to Buffalo Bird Woman’s Garden
provide historical context, which Spillane never Gilbert Livingstone Wilson, Ph.D.
would have bothered with. Otherwise, this is a (University of Minnesota, 1917)
seamless, classic Hammer book.

Peter Case
(YepRoc, 2010)

Mark Frauenfelder knows about technology. He

is former editor at “Wired”, a co-founder of the
amazingly great blog “Boing Boing” and editor This classic text on what is now known, as “sus-
of “Make” magazine. He has bulletproof cred tainable living” has been a standard of back-to-
when it comes to writing about what is hip and the-landers for years. Originally published in
groovy with the average iPad owner. So why is 1917, it is a recounting of what the author, Gil-
he writing about raising chickens? Make no mistake; Mickey Spillane’s work is bert Wilson, learned about indigenous agricul-
Made By Hand: Searching for Meaning in pulp. It was pulp when I, Jury came out in 1948, ture from the Hidatsa women of Minnesota.
a Throwaway World is a wonderfully deceptive and it’s pulp now. It has never received the be- Perhaps the most comprehensive description of
little book. Frauenfelder chronicles his family’s lated critical acclaim of Hammett, Chandler, or how to plant and manage a traditional “Three
transition from tech-boom suburbanites to bare- even his contemporary, Jim Thompson. What Sisters” garden (corn, beans and squash), ever
The music of Peter Case was the soundtrack
foot coconut harvesters, their continued evolu- Spillane did achieve was selling a shit-load of written. Buffalo bird Woman’s Garden is a blue-
for the coming-of-age of a lot of post-punk, pre-
tion, and his personal search for equilibrium in books (over 200 million world-wide), relying print for how to most efficiently raise enough
GenXers. With The Nerves, he recorded “Hang-
a disposable society. It weaves together enter- on an oh-so American combination of graphic food to survive and thrive without canning or
ing on the Telephone”, probably the single great-
taining tales of failed projects and small, daily vigilante violence and lurid sex. refrigeration.
est “new wave” song ever, which later became
successes. A bit like a modern suburban Swiss When Spillane came home from WWII and In this traditional system, corn plants are
a hit for Blondie. His next band, The Plimsouls,
Family Robinson, Made by Hand is such an invented his signature character, Mike Ham- grouped in mounds and the beans are allowed
appeared in the brat pack classic “Valley Girl”
easy and entertaining read that it nearly masks mer, he was giving birth to a representation of to climb the cornstalks, binding them together,
and their single “Million Miles Away” became
the serious social message that underlies the the post-war American male id. Hammer ap- while “fixing” the nitrogen in the soil that the
an instant 80’s standard. In the years that fol-
story. pealed to the blue collar G.I.s, who entered the corn needs to grow. The squash plants spread
lowed, Case released a string of strong solo re-
Although the author writes at length about monotony of suburban life after the chaos and out across the ground, smothering weeds. As
cords, while gaining notoriety as a musicologist
gardening, beekeeping, raising chickens and anarchy of war. Unlike the moral ambiguity and well as being complimentary to each other bo-
and historian of popular music.
other elements of “Urban Homesteading”, this elegant toughness of Sam Spade or Philip Mar- tanically, corn beans and squash, along with the
The original fans of The Nerves and The
is not a how-to guide. As Frauenfelder recounts lowe, Hammer was a dogface, just like them, “fourth sister” of sunflowers (grown surround-
Plimsouls are no longer spikey-haired kids,
his own slightly naive forays into “DIY” (Do- and though they could no longer solve their ing the garden) provide the protein, complex
and neither is Case. In 2009, he suffered health
It-Yourself) culture, he reveals himself as a sort problems with a Colt .45, Hammer could. Mike carbohydrates and calories needed for complete
problems and underwent heart surgery and, like
of wired Bodhisattva. In the chapter entitled Hammer was the prototype for James Bond, nutrition.
so many aging residents of post-punk, post-
“Learning How to Learn”, he writes; “...It’s as Dirty Harry, and every other wisecracking Along with complete directions on how to
prosperity Amerika, Case was left with a six-
though the folks who have been spending their tough-guy since, and the cultural significance lay out plots plant gardens, there are sections on
figure hospital bill.
time creating the Web and everything on it sud- of Spillane cannot be over-stated. seed saving, food storage and tool making.
Friends like T-Bone Burnett, Dave Alvin,
denly looked up from their monitors and real- During his later years, Spillane took a shine This amazing book is available in its entirety
Stan Ridgway, Syd Straw Van Dyke Parks,
ized that the world itself is the ultimate hack- to a young journeyman writer named Max Allan online at:
Loudon Wainwright III and Richard Thomp-
able platform. In other words, for these creative Collins, best know for the “Road To Perdition” en/buffalo/garden/garden.html
son appeared at a benefit to raise funds to cover
Iowa’s Rural Hackspace & Skunkworks
“Bringing Third World Technology to the First World”
Dumpster-Diver Gardening
Dumpster-Diver Gardening
by Rich Dana absolutely must plant something in early spring, you can start the season by
tossing some brassica or greens seeds around. This will make you feel like you
We began dumpster-diver gardening sometime in the early 90’s, when we came are doing something, and you will get some fresh greens to eat after the long
across a vendor at the Brooklyn Terminal Market tossing flats of broken and winter. By July, your crop of mustard greens, radishes, lettuce or spinach has
wilted bedding plants into the trash. Neither Wildgirl nor I were strangers to bolted, you have collected the seed for next year and turned the rest under, and
dumpster diving (a proud trash-picking tradition that is now fashionably know you are ready for the flood of refugee plants.
as “Freeganism”), and W.G. immediately hatched a plan for me to distract the In my experience, these stressed-out dumpster plants are often already flower-
shop owner by buying a bag of peat moss while she filled the trunk of her ‘74 ing or even bearing fruit. They have been stuck in those pots for a long time,
Valiant with rescued greenery. “We didn’t need the plants, ” she recalls- “but they have become root-bound and they think they are going to die, so they try
they didn’t have to die. They were hurt but still alive. All they needed was some to make seeds. Once their roots are unbound, they are ready to party! Placed
TLC and a home.” in some decent soil with a little compost tea and lots of water, they come on
Fast-forward 10 years. We no longer live in New York. We have a small or- remarkably fast, and generally produce vegetables only a few weeks behind
ganic farm, and grow a lot of our own stuff. On a blistering July afternoon in schedule.
Coralville, Iowa, I noticed one of the seasonal garden centers set up in a grocery You don’t need a huge space to grow your own food, and in the twilight of
store parking lot was breaking down for the season and again, they were dump- our empire,
ster-izing flat after flat of sad, leggy, brown and bolting tomato plants, squash, there are plenty
peppers, herbs, and flowers. A lot of the higher-priced organic and heirloom of empty lots
stuff was left behind. I took as much as the old Subaru GL would hold. What and abandoned
I have discovered in the last few years is that throughout the Midwest (indeed, properties that
much of the country), huge numbers of plants get dumped, given away or sold can benefit from
for next to nothing sometime in the last part of June to first week of July. If some guerilla
timed properly, a pickup truck can be filled with blueberry bushes, roses, prairie “foodscaping”. If
plants, perennials, and lots and lots of vegetable plants for less than twenty you are manag-
bucks- often for nothing more than the price of gas. If you are a non-driver ing to hang on
and really hard-core, you can do it with a cargo bike, shopping cart, hand truck, to your suburban
wheelbarrow or travois. The keys to success are timing, speed, and a modicum dream-home, I’ll
of stealth. Despite bet you are ready
the fact that the to give up some
stuff is being jet- lawn mowing
tisoned, employ- and score some
ees, particularly fresh produce
middle managers, from right out-
can tend to flex- side your back
out on people door. After all,
who want their they don’t call Whole Foods “Whole Paycheck” for nothing.
trash. In most For those working in a very small plot, I suggest that you find a copy of John
cases, though, if Jeavons’ classic book “How to Grow More Vegetables Than You Ever Thought
you time your Possible on Less Land Than You Can Imagine.” This book is the bible of “com-
arrival properly, panion planting” or “bio-intensive techniques” and explains what kinds of plants
the peons who can share space, allowing you to double or triple your food production per
got exiled to square foot.
the sweltering Some issues have come up over the years of dumpster-diver gardening. Gar-
parking lot to den center plants are often hybrid varieties, non-organically raised in industrial
haul the stuff to facilities and after being stressed in poor growing conditions, they can carry
the dumpster are pests, fungi or plant diseases. You do need to know what to look for and what to
more than happy to have you lighten their load. pass up. Also, seeds from hybrid varieties, if saved, may not produce the same
A lot of people like to get their gardens in early and planting in July just plants next year. In some cases this can be fun- we have the weirdest assortment
seems contrary to the American puritan work-ethic. What kind of deadbeat of winter squash growing from years genetic roulette and cross-pollination.
plants a garden in July? This is one of those great situations where being lazy The bottom line is, dumpster-diver gardening is a great way to get into
pays off. Your neighbor the foodie-nazi paid 25 bucks for a few Green Zebra growing your own food. The risks are modest and the benefit is huge. Make the
tomato plants... you are hauling in a dozen of them for free. If you feel that you rounds and scope out the possibilities. Summer is still young- get out there and
start diving!

In Memory of Robert Dana

This premiere issue of OBSOLETE is dedicated to Robert Dana. RP was a writer,
teacher, and publisher of immense skill. In over 55 years dedicated to the perfec-
tion of his craft, his work touched countless readers and listeners, his mentorship Say “Goodbye.” Say whatever
molded the careers of scores of writers. you want. Summer here begins
He was also a great father who encouraged every creative endeavor, like thirty years of trying
every hare-brained adventure and every half-baked scheme I ever undertook. He
believed in putting it out there, every day- enjoying the successes, learning from
to breathe under water.
the failures, laughing, cursing, crying- getting up tomorrow and doing it again. Blue
corn surging the plumped lap
and sow-belly hills. Sweat.
Nights rinsed in hot moonlight.

The farmer who looks at you

and crumbs dirt from under
a thumbnail black as cake.

You don’t leave it. You

give two fingers to a whirling
gear, your children to the
church. Slash lips and tongue
and arms until blood rains
on the harvest, tasselled and
feathered and green as
the dumb god of grass.

Robert Dana
1929 -2010

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