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1. What is myopia?
a. Farsightedness
b. Normal vision
c. Nearsightedness
d. Blindness
2. Where is the intraocular fluid produced?
a. Canal of Schlemm
b. Ciliary processes
c. Choroidal plexus
d. Iris
3. Which lens is used in order to correct hyperopia?
a. Convex lens
b. Concave lens
c. Both can help
d. Cylindrical lens
4. Normal intraocular pressure is :
a. 20
b. 18
c. 15
d. 10
5. lightsensitive photochemical in rods is :
a. Rhodopsin
b. Color pigment
c. Vitamin A
d. Melanin
6. Lack of melanin is the cause of which disease?
a. Night blindness
b. Albinism
c. Nearsightedness
d. Farsightedness
7. Which color pigment do we have in the cones?
a. Red, blue , yellow
b. Blue, violet, green
c. Green, blue, red
d. Red, yellow, green
8. Axons of which cells create optical nerve?
a. Horizontal
b. Amacrine
c. Bipolar
d. Ganglionic
9. Y ganglionic cells are :
a. Transmitting Rod vision
b. Transmitting Color vision
c. Transmitting Visual image
d. Transmitting instant changes in the Visual image
10. X ganglionic cells are :
a. Transmitting Rod vision
b. Transmitting Color vision and Visual image
c. Transmitting both color and rod vision
d. Transmitting instant changes in the Visual image
11. During the darkness, what is happening in the rods?
a. Levels of cGMP are high, Na channels are closed
b. Levels of cGMP are high. Na channels are open
c. Levels of cGMP are low, Na channels are closed
d. Levels of cGMP are low, Na channels are open
12. Which cranial nerve is innervating the ciliary muscle?
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. V
13. Accommodation is used to see the objects:
a. Which are near us
b. Which are far away from us
c. Both
14. When too much light is entering the eye , the pupil :
a. Is widened
b. Is constricted
c. Is not changing
d. Both, constriction and widening
15. In the dark, the pupil :
a. Is widened
b. Is constricted
c. Is not changing
d. Both, constriction and widening
16. In Myopia the distant objects are focused in front of retina.
17. In Emmetropia the objects are focused on the retina.
18. When the smooth muscle fibers in the ciliary muscle contract the lens gets more spherical shape.
19. Convex lens diverges the light.
20. Cons are responsible for black and white vision.
21. Transmission of the most signals in the retinal neurons occurs by action potential .
22. Bipolar cells can be depolarizing and hyperpolarizing .
23. Horizontal cells are excitatory.
24. High cGMP is the result of light activation.
25. In dark adaptation the number of photochemicals in rods and cons will be increased.
Clinical case 2:

A mother brought an infant to your office. The baby is very white with white hair and blue eyes. During the
examination , you see that the baby has slightly reddish color of the eyes. What is your diagnosis?

a. Night blindness
b. Myopia
c. Albinism
d. Hyperopia

Lack of what is causing this disease?

a. Vitamin A
b. Melanin
c. Rhrodopsin
d. Color pigments.

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