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Surname, Name : UG-Number:

Quiz VI-I

1. Which neurotransmitter is produces in locus ceruleus?

a) Acethylcholine
b) Norepinephrine
c) Glycine
d) Glutamate
e) Dopamine
2. Which is not the part of the limbic system?
a) Hypothalamus
b) Hippocampus
c) Amygdala
d) Substancianigra
e) Paraolfactory area
3. Which nuclei produce oxytocin?
a) Paraventricular nucleus
b) Perifornical nucleus
c) Supraoptic nucleus
d) Ventromedial nucleus
e) Preoptic area
4. What is the effect of the stimulation in the posterior and lateral hypothalamus?
a) Decrease in arterial pressure and heartbeat
b) Increase in arterial pressure and heartbeat
c) Increase in arterial pressure and decreased rate of heartbeat
d) Decrease in arterial pressure and increased rate of heartbeat
e) Has no effect on arterial pressure and heartbeat
5. Which area of the Hypothalamus is associated with hunger?
a) lateral hypothalamic area
b) ventromedial hypothalamic area
c) Mamillary body
d) Posterior preoptic area
e) medial preoptic area
6. What is the effect of serotonin secreted at the cord fiber endings?
a) intense muscle contraction
b) supressing the pain
c) activation the pain
d) weakness of muscles
e) paralysis
7. Which parts of the hypothalamus are most !responsible for sex drive?
a) Most anterior and most posterior parts
b) Most medial and most lateral parts
c) the thin zone of the periventricular nuclei
d) Preoptic area
e) only the lateral part of the Thalamus
8. The Klüver-Bucy Syndrome is becaused by the damage in :
a) Amygdala
b) Hypothalamus
c) Hippocampus
d) Septum area
e) Parts of the basal ganglia

9. Punishment and fear can not take precedence over pleasure and reward.
 T
 F
10. Raphe nuclei release serotonin, which is inhibitory
 T
 F

A 53 year old woman recently had a head trauma and she is unable to remember things , which
happened in the nearest past ( months and weeks ago) . She can not remember , that two weeks ago
she was travelling in Cambodia.

11. What does this patient have?

a) antegrade amnesia
b) retrograde amnesia
c) global amnesia
d) Sclerosis
e) Huntigton`s disease
12. Which area is most likely damages in this patient?
a) Broca`s area
b) Wernicke`s area
c) Hippocampus
d) Amygdala
e) Premotor area
Answers :













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