Chapter-8 Rules For Sketching A Root Locus: K G(S) K G(S)

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Rules for Sketching a Root Locus

Consider a closed loop system with loop gain of KG ( s) H ( s ) as:

K G(s)


For the purpose of analysis and design, we are interested in:

ƒ Finding the root locus of closed loop system,
ƒ Determining the appropriate gain for K from root locus such that some
specific design specification is satisfied.

For the above system, we have:

Π(s + zi )
"Open loop gain" or "Loop gain" = KG ( s) H ( s) = K i =1
where n is the
Π ( s + pi )
j =1

number of open loop poles and m is the number of open loop zeros (n > m) . The
characteristic equation is:
Π(s + zi )
q( s ) = 1 + KG ( s ) H ( s ) = 0 ⇒ 1 + K i =1
Π ( s + pi )
j =1

( s + p1 )( s + p 2 )...( s + p n ) + K ( s + z1 )( s + z 2 )...( s + z m ) = 0
K is the root locus parameter and it is always in the range of 0 ≤ K ≤ ∞ .

1. Starting and ending points: The locus of the roots of characteristic equation
starts at open loop poles and ends at the open loop zeros as K increase from
zero to infinity. In fact,
a. Starting point: For K = 0 , the closed loop poles coincide with open
loop poles since the pi satisfy the above characteristic equation.
b. Ending point: For K = ∞ , the closed loop poles approach the open
loop zeros since the z i satisfy the above characteristic equation.
c. Number of branches: If we define a branch as the path that one
pole traverses to a finite or infinite zero, then there will be as many
branches as open loop poles (Provided n < m )
d. Symmetry: Because complex closed loop poles are symmetrical
with respect to the horizontal axis (due to being complex conjugate),
the root locus will be symmetrical with respect to the horizontal axis.

2. Real-axis segments: Root locus exists on those sections of real axis that
there are an odd number of finite-open-loop poles and/or finite-open-loop
zeros on the real-axis.

3. Asymptotes: If there are more open loop poles than open loop zeros
( n < m ), root locus will approach infinity along asymptotes for those
branches with no finite open loop zero.
a. The number of asymptotes: is equal to (n − m) , i.e. the number of
open loop poles minus open loop zeros.
b. The real-axis intercept for asymptote: The asymptotes of the root
locus all intersect the real axis on a "single point". Its location is
given by:
n m

∑ ( Finite − poles) −∑ ( Finite − zeros) = ∑ (− pi ) −∑ (− z i )

σA = i =1 i =1

n−m n−m

c. The angle of asymptotes with respect to the real-axis: is given by

(2q + 1)
ϕA = 180, q = 0,1,2,..., (n − m − 1)
4. Calculation of jω − axis crossing: The actual point at which the root locus
crosses the imaginary axis is readily evaluated using Routh-Hurwitz
Criterion. As shown in chapter-6, a complete row of zero yields the
possibility of imaginary axis roots.

5. Real-axis breakaway and break-in points (If any): The root locus breaks
away from the real axis at a point where the gain is maximum and breaks
into the real axis at a point where the gain is minimum. So, set
Where K = , and solve for real values s . Find out which one is
G ( s) H ( s)
minimum and which one is maximum.

6. Angles of departure and arrivals of the root locus: The root locus
departs from complex open loop poles and arrives at open loop complex
zeros at angles that can be calculated using "angle condition" as follows:
Assume a point ε close to the complex pole or zero. Add all the angles
drawn from all open-loop poles and zero to this point. The sum equals
(2q + 1)π . The values of angles drawn from other poles and zero are known
since ε is very close to the desired pole or zero. The only unknown is the
angle drawn from ε to the pole or zero of interest. Solve the equation for
this unknown angle which yields the angle of departure or arrival.

7. Finding the value of K at a desired point on the root locus: All points on
the root locus satisfy both angle and amplitude conditions. Using amplitude
conditions, find the value of K as:

1 Π ( finite _ pole _ lengths )

K= =
G ( s ) H ( s ) Π ( finite _ zero _ lengths )

Note: You can now use the steps by step process, summarized in the textbook (Dorf,
Chapter-7, Page 371), to sketch the root locus for various transfer functions.

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