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Quiz IX-I

1. What type of receptors are the muscle spindles?

a) Thermoreceptors
b) Nociceptors
c) Chemoreceptors
d) Mechanoreceptors
e) Electromagnetic receptors
2. What do electromagnetic receptors detect?
a) Warmth
b) Blood glucose
c) Arterial pressure
d) Pain
e) Light
3. What does labeled line principle mean?
a) Nerve fibers transmitting only one modality of sensation
b) Nerve fibers transmitting several modalities of sensation
c) Nerve fibers transmitting no signals
d) Nerve fibers transmitting only two modalities of sensation
4. What is reciprocal inhibition ?
a) Inhibition of antagonistic muscles
b) Inhibition of agonistic muscles
c) Inhibition of both , agonistic and antagonistic muscles
d) Inhibition of muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs

True and False

5. The pain receptors can completely adapt.

6. Type C fibers are myelinated .
7. The receptors are down-regulated ,when they are underactive.








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