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What I think is that sometimes kids are less active than adults.

The reason I think this is because some

people are so lazy and don’t pay attention I’m going to ask 3 people what they do to
exercise (if they do).

Person #1 Ruthie 9-year-old girl

1. How often do you exercise weekly?

Once per week.

2. Do you like any sports and if so please say what they are?

Yes swimming.

3. Which one do you think exercises more adults or children?


She supports my thesis.

Person #2 My Grammy age 56 girl

1. How often do you exercise weekly?

Less than once per week

2. Do you like any sports and if so please say what they are?
Yes, football.

3. Which one do you think exercises more adults or children?


She agrees with me.

Person #3 Aunt Kim age 51 girl

1. How often do you exercise per week?


2. What sports do you like if you like any sports?


3. Which one do you think exercises more kids or adults?

Kids do.

She doesn’t support me but 2/3 of the people support my opinion.

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