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Weightlifting: An Applied

Method of Technical
Shyam Chavda, MSc, CSCS,1,2 Mark Hill,2 Stuart Martin, BSc,2 Anna Swisher, PhD, CSCS,3
Guy. Gregory Haff, PhD,4,5 and Anthony N. Turner, PhD, CSCS*D1
London Sports Institute, Faculty of Science and Technology, Middlesex University, London, United Kingdom; 2British
Weightlifting, Powerbase Gym, Loughborough, United Kingdom; 3USA Weightlifting, Colorado Springs, Colorado;
Centre for Exercise and Sport Science Research, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Australia; and 5Directorate of
Sport, Exercise and Physiotherapy, University of Salford, Salford, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT levels of force, thus allowing it to apply coaching weightlifting, based on

mechanical work to the barbell (21). As nationality (i.e., comparing one coun-
Weightlifting is a highly technical sport
coaches, it is important to understand try with another) and the coaching
that is governed by interactions of
that a lifter’s ability to effectively move philosophy adopted by that nation
phases to optimize the load lifted. (39,56). Furthermore, the style an indi-
the barbell from the floor to overhead
Given the technicality of the snatch vidual adopts based on these variances
(snatch or jerk) or to the shoulders
and the clean and jerk, understanding and their anthropometrics should also
(clean) is dependent on specific, key
key stable components to identify positions being met. Energy transference be considered when coaching. Adjust-
errors and better prescribe relevant from skeletal muscle through the skeletal ing for individual variances and style
exercises are warranted. The aim of lever system will aid in the ideal organi- should not impair optimal lift biome-
this article is to present an applied zation of movement and therefore the chanics but instead help optimize them
method of analysis for coaches that trajectory of the barbell (22). Given the based on an individual’s lever lengths,
considers the biomechanical under- high technical requirements of weight- strength and mobility, or limiting fac-
pinnings of optimal technique through lifting, its foundations should be based tors that cannot be changed (e.g., sur-
stable interactions of the kinetics and on, and further quantified by, biome- gical impediment, joint restrictions,
kinematics of the lifter and barbell at chanical principles, which allows for fur- etc). On observation of the literature,
key phases of the lift. This article will ther insight into how to maximize it becomes apparent that 3 commonal-
also look to discuss variable compo- performance (46). Within the sport of ities exist between the snatch and the
nents that may differentiate between weightlifting, success is determined by clean: key positions, barbell kinetics
athletes and therefore provide a foun- the load lifted, achieved through the gen- and kinematics, and temporal force–
dation in what to identify when eration of force, which is optimized by time characteristics, with the subtle
coaching weightlifting to optimize load maintaining specific positions at specific differences of magnitude of force and
lifted while allowing for individual vari- phases, which stay within the optimal barbell position relative to the body
biomechanics of the individual. Devia- during the power position and the
catch. It is important that coaches
tions are likely to cause a negative effect
understand why specific components
within the lift and lessen the chance of
INTRODUCTION of the lift must be met to optimize the
success. Therefore, within each phase of
ability to lift the given load and to
eightlifting is a sport consist- the snatch and the clean and jerk, specific

W ing of 2 lifts: the snatch and

the clean and jerk (C&J).
Weightlifting technique is rooted in plac-
components must be met as a minimum,
to successfully execute the lift (Table 1).
A technical model provides a frame-
better identify whether a technical
error is occurring. A greater apprecia-
tion for applied biomechanics in
weightlifting enables coaches to better
ing the body in positions of strength and
work that can be adapted to an indi-
stability, where leverage is optimized and
vidual athlete’s biomechanical profile
the body is capable of producing high KEY WORDS:
and should not serve as a constraint. weightlifting; technique; coaching;
Address correspondence to Shyam Chavda, s. Therefore, individual technical vari- biomechanics ances should be considered when

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Table 1
Definition of the proposed components of the weightlifting technical model


Stable component Variable component

Specific elements within the lift that relate to joint, center of This may relate to the anthropometry of the athlete and their
pressure, and barbell position relative to the body to help style of lifting and will therefore vary on an individual basis.
optimize the amount of weight lifted. Any compromise from The stable component should not be compromised, and the
the stable component will hinder the lift and likely cause an variation in someone’s position and/or trajectory should still
error or miss. meet the stable criteria.
Base of support (BoS)
Area of the feet that is in contact with the surface of the ground.
Center of pressure (CoP)
The distribution of force to an area of contact (feet) on the surface (54).

identify what key limiting factors to pressure (CoP) is being applied, which therefore compromise the structural
look for and provides a foundation to should be in the midfoot (23) (Figure 1). integrity of the setup, potentially causing
develop easy to understand, effective This should correspond to approxi- negative consequences further into the
coaching points for the lifter. Further- mately the first lace of the shoe. Any movement. In addition, ensuring the
more, it provides a method of stan- variation to this may mean the lifter is slack is taken out of the barbell may help
dardizing the way coaches can monitor likely to shift their CoP unfavorably to reduce the electromechanical delay
technique with minimal equipment, later on in the lift, thus increasing hor- and therefore reducing the time between
thus taking a more objective approach izontal displacement of the barbell muscle stimulation and mechanical force
to identifying changes. away from them and decreasing the output. The initial rise in vertical ground
Therefore, the aim of this article is to chance of success (56). Once the bar- reaction force (vGRF) is instigated by
present an applied method of analysis bell is positioned close to the lifter’s the slack being taken out of the barbell
for weightlifting that considers the bio- base of support (BoS), the lifter should (Figure 3) and the lifter using the barbell
mechanical underpinnings of optimal adopt a hook grip that has previously to get into the set position (41).
technique through the stable interac- been shown to positively affect the The shoulder position relative to the
tions of the kinetics and kinematics of kinetics, kinematics, and load lifted of barbell will be influenced by the height
the lifter and barbell at each key position a clean when compared with using a of the hips; however, it is commonly
of the lift. This article will also look to closed grip (53) and should therefore accepted that the shoulders should be
discuss variable components that allow be introduced early to novice weight- over the barbell in the set position (17).
for individual variances and how these lifters. The grip adopted by the lifter This has shown to range from 3.6 6 1.3
should remain within the stable compo- will be determined by the lift they are cm to 6.9 6 4.3 cm for the snatch and
nents discussed. Because similarities exist performing and their arm length and the clean, respectively, in elite lifters
between the key positions for the snatch will help provide a greater level of con- (41). From a practical point of view,
and the clean, the authors will discuss sistency when making contact in the identifying the lifter’s armpit crease
each phase related to both lifts second pull. Figure 2 depicts the differ-
being directly above the barbell indi-
simultaneously. ent ways grip can be objectively deter-
cates that the joint center of the shoul-
mined for the snatch and clean (10,62).
der is in front of the barbell and the
THE SET (STARTING) POSITION Once the barbell has been gripped, the lifter is therefore in the optimal posi-
“slack” that exists between the barbell tion. Using this landmark on the body
Stable components. In determin- and the knurling should be taken out alleviates the question of “what part of
ing the effectiveness of the first pull, while simultaneously bracing the the shoulder should be over the bar-
the set position (Table 2) can often abdominals and extending the spine into bell?” and helps standardize communi-
be overlooked. It has previously been neutral. Taking the slack out allows the cations and analysis across coaches.
postulated that the start position dur- lifter to smoothly displace the barbell Once in position, the arms should be
ing a snatch underpins the success of (i.e., squeezing the barbell from the floor) straight and the elbows externally
the lift (37). When the lifter addresses as oppose to “ripping” the barbell off the rotated to help facilitate a more favor-
the barbell, it should be placed directly floor. “Ripping” the barbell off the floor is able barbell trajectory during the sec-
above the point at which the center of likely to cause small perturbations and ond pull.

2 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | JANUARY 2021

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Table 2
Components of the pull

Set End of first pull Power position End of second pull

First pull Transition Second pull

Stable components
Weight distribution Weight distribution toward the Weight distribution on midfoot. Weight distribution on
midfoot. heel. forefront of foot.
Barbell moves toward lifter.
Barbell over arch of Barbell moves toward lifter. Barbell directly in contact with lifter Shin angle near vertical.
foot. Barbell over ankle joint. and over BoS.
Armpit crease directly Shin angle near vertical. Center of shoulder between vertical
above the barbell. Armpit crease in advance of the intercept of ankle or forefront of
bar. foot.
Relative back angle from set
Variable components
Height of hip relative Knee angle. Position of barbell relative to the thigh Horizontal displacement of
to knee. (clean). barbell relative to athlete’s
Initiation of first pull (i.e., BoS.
Foot position (i.e., dynamic or static) Hip and knee angle.
width and angle)
Positional video capture
1 frame before plate Frame at which the knee joint Frame at which the knee is at first Frame at which peak knee
separation from reaches maximal extension.a peak flexion. extension occurs.
Frame before the shin angle
moving away from the lifter.b
458 capture.
Sagittal plane capture.

Variable components. It has pre- lower limbs may benefit from starting pull. Foot width of an individual will
viously been suggested that the height with the hip crease either in-line or also vary depending on the genetic pre-
of the hip crease should be greater slightly lower than the top of the knee. disposition of the femoral head within
than the top of the knees (17); however, In both instances, the armpit crease the acetabulum. The authors suggest
arm, lower-limb, and torso length will remains above the barbell (Table 2). the foot position should adopt a base
influence this, as would dorsiflexion of It should also be noted that passive similar to that of a vertical jump, given
the ankle. To satisfy the stable compo- dorsiflexion occurring at the ankle that the athlete will be triple extending
nent of having the shoulders in would need to be greater the lower a during the second pull and therefore
advancement of the barbell, a lifter lifter sits. This will in turn mean that needs to produce high magnitudes of
with a longer lower-limb to torso the knee angle is more acute and over force. The rotation of the foot,
length ratio would favor from starting the barbell (5) and therefore requiring although variable, should be consid-
the hip crease higher than the top of more knee extensions and possibly a ered to help explain its effect on the
the knee, whereas those with a ratio straighter barbell path when attempt- athlete’s BoS. Figure 4 outlines 3 differ-
favoring a longer torso and shorter ing to clear the knees during the first ent styles that a lifter may adopt.

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extension (2,3,9,28,35,39,50); however,

other research has also determined it
as the most rearward position of the bar-
bell before reaching the peak velocity
(52) and when the barbell has cleared
the knees (38). The former is typically
used within research looking at joint
kinematics and is likely more useful
when in a practical setting because it is
easier to define even when limited to
using only live observational analysis
and video capture.
During the initial displacement of the
barbell, CoP on the foot moves toward
(not on) the heel (23) (Figure 1), and the
knees start to extend with the moment
arm around the hip staying relatively
unchanged (6). This allows a path for
the barbell to move back toward the knee
and is evidenced across a range of weight-
lifting populations (2,4,12,27–29,64). The
extension of the knees and the relative
consistency of the hip angle also provide
a stretch reflex response in the hip and
knee complex (41), which in turn has
been posited to enhance the concentric
portion of the pull (22).
In summary, the stable components to
identify an appropriate first pull would
Figure 1. Barbell trajectory with suggested center of pressure during each phase. be for the knees to reach peak exten-
sion, which is likely to elicit a shin
angle near vertical. With the relatively
constant moment around the hips, the
THE FIRST PULL inertia (37) and therefore making it sig- torso angle should remain the same,
nificantly longer than all other phases thus leaving the crease of the armpit
Stable components. The impor-
(45). The technique of the first pull has in advance of the barbell, further facil-
tance of the first pull is unparalleled
and has found to discriminate elite and previously been outlined (16,17,19). Its itated by the barbell moving back
district-level weightlifters, where elite initiation has been defined as the toward the knee. Observational analy-
lifters displayed greater relative maximal moment of separation between the sis should also look for the system
force than district-level lifters (41). The weight plate and the floor (19) and is (barbell and lifter) to move in unison,
first pull has typically been referred to as also the point at which the lift has offi- as to allow for optimal force transfer-
a strength-orientated movement (25) cially started (1). Empirical research has ence into the barbell.
because the athlete must produce typically defined the end of the first pull
enough GRF to overcome the barbell’s as when the knees reach first maximal Variable components. The action
of the first pull can often be achieved in
numerous ways. For example, some
lifters may use a countermovement
before the barbell being displaced and
others may set themselves and pull from
stationary. These styles have previously
been termed “dynamic” and “stationary”
starts (19). Regardless of the style an
individual uses, it is important that the
barbell is not displaced too quickly
Figure 2. Determining grip width for the snatch (A–C) and clean (D). because it may cause a decrease in the

4 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | JANUARY 2021

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Figure 3. Typical Kinematic and Kinetic measures during weightlifting. (A)—Where vGRF 5 vertical ground reaction force; N 5
Newtons. (B)—Where m$s21 5 meters per second; m 5 meters; s 5 seconds. Each value represents a key phase within
the lift; 1 5 gripping the bar; 2 5 initiation of first pull (defined as the point before the barbell is vertically displaced); 3 5
end of first pull (defined as the first peak knee extension); 4 5 power position (defined as the first peak knee flexion); 5 5
end of second pull (defined as the second peak knee extension); 6 5 peak barbell height (defined as the greatest vertical
displacement of the barbell and when velocity 5 0 m$s21); 7 5 receive (defined as minimal velocity); 8 5 catch (defined
as the second peak knee flexion and when barbell velocity 5 0 m$s21 and its vertical displacement is at its lowest); 9 5
recovery (defined when knees reach maximal extension and barbell velocity 5 0 m$s21). 1–2 5 taking slack out the bar;
2–3 5 first pull; 3–4 5 transition; 4–5 5 second pull; 5–6 5 turnover; 6–7 5 receive; 7–8 5 catch; 8–9 5 recovery.

vertical velocity of the barbell during the seconds (2,9,26,45), facilitated by the displayed a decrease in barbell velocity
transition (5). Because of anthropometric stretch reflex elicited during the first pull during the transition also displayed a
differences between lifters, the knee and (57). Previous research has often illus- greater percentage of their maximum
torso angle achieved during the end of trated vertical barbell velocity to plateau velocity (81.8%) (achieved at the end of
the first pull will inevitably differ, but in or continually rise in more experienced the second pull), whereas those who did
most cases, it would not violate the stable weightlifters (9,40), with some lifters not have a decrease in velocity only
components previously mentioned. showing a slight decrease (5,18,24). Dis- reached 70.5% of their peak velocity that
playing a decrease in barbell velocity dur- was associated to either the first pull
THE TRANSITION ing this phase may have negative being too fast, or fatigue. This was pre-
connotations on the system because the viously raised by Bartonietz (5) who sug-
Stable component. The transition is lifter will now have to overcome the gested that movement coordination
a phase often defined as when the knees decrease in barbell velocity by having should result in a continual increase in
first start to flex after the end of the first to re-apply more force into the floor barbell velocity and that a dip in velocity
pull and are moving into the power posi- and barbell to achieve a velocity that may be associated with too fast a first
tion (first maximum knee flexion) allows for optimal barbell displacement pull, or weak hip extensors, and that
(9,26,35). The execution of the transition to facilitate the catch (26,40). Research training should address these issues.
has been shown to occur in a short space from Gourgoulis et al. (28) had shown However, it has been postulated that a
of time, executed between 0.10 and 0.15 that adult male national weightlifters who slight decrease in energy (and therefore

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Although the terminology, “third pull”

is now uncommon in the weightlifting
community, a majority of literature has
gone on to define the second pull as the
point of first maximum knee flexion to
the second maximal knee extension
(2,5,6,11,26–29,35,39). Using the knee
Figure 4. Foot position commonly adopted during the set up. joint angle as a means to identify the start
and end of the phase far outweighs other
methods that have been used and require
velocity) of the barbell during the transi- is situated when in the power posi- additional technologies (47,55); this also
tion is acceptable due to improved tion. During the transition, a lack of provides clear start and end points to
mechanical advantages and passive dorsiflexion would likely help standardize analysis. The start of
re-employment of the knee extensor over raise the athlete onto the forefront the second pull is often termed the
their optimum range for force produc- of the foot which as they feed the power position and defines the end of
tion (18). knee through is undesirable as men- the transition. The optimal position of
tioned in the stable components, but the knee and hip is difficult to gauge as
To optimize the transition period, a a stable component, without the use of
lifter’s CoP will shift from near the heel this may also be a product of altered
movement strategy to accommodate motion capture. Previous research from
to the mid foot (23), with the lifter Haff et al. (31,32) has derived the power
ideally staying flat footed throughout. the load and is often observed in
world-class lifters when lifting maxi- position from national-level weightlifters
During the transition, the lifter reduces and measured their force generating
the vGRF applied to the system to help mal loads. Alternatively, this obser-
vation can also be prevalent with capabilities using the isometric midthigh
aid the repositioning of the knee joint pull. This surrogate measure of weight-
under the barbell as well as aiding the lifters who are using loads too high
for their current level of development lifting performance has been further
ankles to passively dorsiflex and the investigated with the optimal hip and
torso to become more upright; these and therefore require the appropriate
technical training and strength devel- knee angle shown to be between 140–
result in the power position just before 1508 and 125–1458, respectively, de-
the peak vGRF is achieved. From tran- opment at this phase. Although the
authors have discussed this to be a pending on the athlete’s individual
sition to power position, the barbell anthropometric profile (7,15). This is
should have travelled to its furthest stable component that should be re-
inforced during training and the early difficult to observe when a lifter performs
point toward the lifter, meaning it is a clean or snatch; therefore, a more
kept over the BoS, which can be stages of learning of weightlifting, it
is worth noting that an early heel rise viable option would be to identify that
observed by checking if the end of the center of the shoulder joint is slightly
the barbell is directly above the mid during the transition maybe become
prevalent at maximal loads. behind the bar with a vertical torso and
part of the foot. The foot should be flat the bar directly over the midfoot, where
so that the BoS is greater, thus facili- the CoP is distributed, with the feet flat
tating a larger vGRF and for the plantar THE POWER POSITION AND THE
SECOND PULL (Figure 1). This should allow for indi-
flexion of the ankles to contribute to vidual variances while optimizing force
the triple extension during the second Stable components. The second generation when executing the second
pull. The key here is to ensure the bar- pull has been a focal point of investiga- pull, which is critical when lifting maxi-
bell is kept close to the body to opti- tions within the sport of weightlifting mal loads. During the end of the second
mize vertical force being applied into (6,8,20,25–29,34–36,38,45,56) and has pull, the extension of the hip, knee, and
the bar during the second pull. been investigated alongside its deriva- ankle (plantar flexion), contributes to the
tives as a method of improving force high barbell velocity relative to all other
Variable components. The degree generating capabilities in nonweightlift- positions, thus allowing for the barbell to
of knee flexion and the rate at which ing athletes (13,14,43,49,58–61). The def- be displaced at an optimal height for the
this occurs during the transition will inition of the second pull has previously catch. Research from Kipp (44) on the
vary between individuals based on been defined in a number of ways with clean pull found that the relative
their lower-limb lengths and the the primary focus on the change in knee importance of the hip, knee, and ankle
availability of passive ankle dorsiflex- joint angle. For example, early literature net joint moments were 23, 31, and 46%
ion. For example, as the knees feed from Häkkinen (33) and Kauhanen et al. for barbell velocity and 23, 39, and 38%
through the bar, the angle of the (41) define the second pull as the transi- for barbell acceleration, respectively.
knee and hip during this transition, tion or knee bend phase, with the first Specific to the second pull, plantar flex-
in addition to the anatomical stature peak knee flexion to maximal knee ion and peak net joint moments in the
of the lifter, will dictate where the bar extension termed as the “third pull.” ankle have been shown to be important

6 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | JANUARY 2021

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factors in weightlifting execution as load do this the torso angle would have to accurately determined using vertical
increases (5,42). Because of the aggres- increase, meaning the shoulder joint displacement or velocity (i.e., the
sive plantar flexion of the ankle, the CoP will move outside of the BoS and likely velocity at peak height 5 0 m$s21),
will be on the ball of the foot, with the reduce the vGRF applied to the it would be difficult to present stable
heel raised and the ankle, knee, and hip ground. This may also consequently components for those without acces-
extending. The body relative to a vertical make the lifter jump backward or dis- sibility to the relevant technology;
line from the ankle (the lateral malleolus) associate their center of mass (CoM) however, a brief overview highlight-
will have the shoulders behind it, to help from the bars CoM increasing the dis- ing occurrences during the turnover
counterbalance the load in front. This tance between the 2. is provided. It has been shown that
has previously been presented by Kau- Therefore, when teaching the power weightlifters achieve a barbell height
hanen et al. (41), who found shoulder position, the coach may want to have of 60–70% and 55–65% of their height
position to be 210.1 6 1.3 cm and 27.3 the lifter set up in a way that satisfies for the snatch and clean, respectively
6 2.6 cm behind the barbell during the the stable components in mind and (8,26,47). Previous literature has re-
snatch and clean, respectively, in elite allow the lifters to familiarize them- ported elite weightlifters display
Finnish weightlifters. After this phase, selves with a position that is appro- lower relative percentages than lower
the barbell reaches its peak velocity (34) priate for them. This should also be performing weightlifters (6,8,41), but
and is also the point at which the barbell reflected in using nongeneralized conflicting evidence exists where
will start to displace horizontally because coaching cues such as “bar in hip Chiu et al. found significantly greater
of the thigh or hip contact. Therefore, pocket” (for the snatch) and should relative heights in higher performing
coaches should identify the stable provide coaches with a means to indi- elite Taiwanese weightlifters (12),
components as the weight being dis- vidualize the coaching cue used to with Liu et al. (47) finding similar
tributed onto the forefront of the foot emphasize the position of the bar rel- results in elite Chinese lifters com-
with the ankle, knee, and hips ative to the individual’s anthropome- pared with subelite. Although con-
extended. This may display a shin try and thus position. flicting evidence exists, it should be
angle near to the vertical plane and noted that as load increases, as is
therefore give an indication as to The degree of extension at the ankle, the intention in weightlifting, vertical
whether the athlete is optimizing knee, and hip will be dependent on the displacement will decrease; therefore,
vertical force and not directing it in a load and the velocity the barbell is the findings from Chiu et al.(12) and
direction that would cause them to travelling. Heavier loads near to or Liu et al. (47) should be interpreted
jump too far back. The barbell relative exceeding 1 repetition maximum with caution and may indicate that
to the body should remain close to the (1RM) would mean the athlete would those particular athletes were not
BoS, with horizontal displacement require a greater torque at the ankle, near maximal load for the respec-
being minimized. knee, and hip and greater vGRF to tive lift.
propel the barbell to an optimal height.
However, given that a higher magni- After peak barbell height, the distance
Variable components. As ex- the barbell drops to the catch position
plained during the transition phase, tude of force must be produced during
this phase in a relatively confined has previously been considered an
the synchronization of knee flexion, important factor for an effective tech-
passive dorsiflexion, and hip extension amount of time, the athlete may begin
the turnover under the barbell at ter- nique (40). It has been postulated that a
in addition to the torso, arm, and
minal extension, thus not achieving full larger drop distance infers that the lifter
lower-body length will alter the place-
extension. The degree of horizontal has displaced the barbell vertically
ment of the barbell during the power
barbell displacement away from the higher than necessary in preparation
position (the start of the second pull),
lifter will be dependent on how effec- for the catch (26). However, Chiu
between individuals. Therefore, using
tively the athlete can transfer vertical et al. (12) suggested that achieving a
generalized terms such as the “mid-
force into the barbell and limit forward higher peak height allows the athlete
thigh” for the clean or “hip” for the
horizontal acceleration (20). to gradually slow the barbell’s drop
snatch may not always be appropriate
to describe the power position. If, for velocity and that better performing
example, during a snatch, a lifter dis- THE TURNOVER lifters are able to use this cushioning
plays the aforementioned stable com- The turnover can be defined from the technique, thus displaying greater drop
ponents with the shoulder joint center second maximum knee extension to heights.
between the ankle and midfoot and the the moment at which peak barbell Another factor to consider during
front of the knee between the forefront height is achieved, and the lifter has the turnover is the displacement
of the foot and beyond, but they have begun to descend underneath it in and speed of the lifter’s center of
long arms that grips the bar collar to preparation to receive the bar gravity (CoG). It has been shown that
collar, it is likely the bar will not sit in (Table 3) (2,9,11,26–29,35,39). Given higher skilled lifters have a faster
the inguinal hip crease. For the lifter to that peak barbell height can only be movement under the barbell as

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Table 3
Components of the turnover to recovery

Turnover Receive Catch Recovery

Peak bar height

Stable components
Lifter has begun the Bar over arch of foot.b Weight distribution on midfoot (i.e., Weight distribution on midfoot (i.e., no
descent. no visible raising of heel or visible raising of heel or forefront of
forefront of the foot). the foot).
Knees flexed.
Bar directly over arch of foot.b Bar directly over arch of foot.
Feet parallel to one another.
Variable components
Bar height. Height of receive. Bar height. Foot position (i.e., width and angle).
Displacement of lifter Foot position (i.e., width and
under the bar. angle).a
Foot position (i.e.,
width and angle).
Positional video capture
Frame in which the Frame before which the Frame at which the lifter is at their Frame at which the lifter is motionless
bar is “motionless.” bar begins to deform if lowest point in the squat with the bar fixed in front rack (clean)
heavy enough. position. or overhead (snatch).
458 capture.
Sagittal plane capture.

displayed by an increase in their CoG be descending into the receive posi- individually, should they have the
velocity (8). This is also highlighted tion. Although 3 typical barbell tra- necessary tools available.
when comparing successful and jectories exist (63) (pg88), a common
unsuccessful snatches and maximal trajectory throughout international THE RECEIVE AND CATCH
versus submaximal loads, where suc- and European weightlifters (4) sug- The receive and the catch can be defined
cessful and maximal loads show an gests that the peak is achieved as 2 distinct points within the lifts. Receiv-
increase in velocity of CoG between slightly behind the initial set position ing the barbell during the snatch and
the end of the second pull and peak of the barbell. This is further sup- clean can be defined as the moment the
bar height (30,48). Given the speed of ported by Stone (56) who found that barbell achieves its lowest vertical velocity
the descent, it becomes difficult to the peak bar height is not achieved as and is equal to 0 acceleration (Figure 3).
identify stable components that are far back in successful versus unsuc- This positive acceleration being applied to
able to be seen through live observa- cessful lifts (12.5 vs 16.6 cm). How- the bar suggests that resistance has been
tional analysis; however, it can be ever, it should be noted that variances applied, and the lifter is likely now in
postulated that flexion of the knees in trajectory type and height achieved control of the bar. The catch, however,
should have begun in preparation exist within the literature, and there- can be better defined as the moment the
for the catch when the barbell is at fore, coaches should identify a com- athlete has stabilized the barbell at its low-
its peak height and the athlete should mon successful trajectory for lifters est displacement (Table 3), with barbell

8 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | JANUARY 2021

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
acceleration and velocity stabilizing THE RECOVERY where the limiting technical factor of
around 0 and 0 m$s21, respectively (Fig- The recovery from the snatch and the lift exists and therefore enable
ure 3). Previous literature has defined the clean should display similar qualities them to best prescribe the appropri-
catch in various ways, with the general with the exception of where the bar ate exercises. Furthermore, this will
definition being that the bar is going from is being held. In both instances, the help standardize “in gym” analysis
its maximal height to stabilization, in a weight distribution on the feet and terminology and, therefore, al-
maximum squat position for both the should remain on the midfoot, with lowing coaches and athletes to better
snatch (2,9,11,26,28,35,39,50) and clean the bar remaining directly over its identify if meaningful changes in
(3). This leaves much to debate as the BoS and the legs straight. Ideally technique have occurred.
terminology “catch” has been used within from the catch, the bar should move Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
the definition and the term stabilization directly upward with little horizontal The authors report no conflicts of interest
should be quantifiable when relating to deviation. During the recovery for and no source of funding.
the barbell. Therefore, Nagao (52) went the snatch, the arms must be locked,
on to better identify the catch as being the feet must be parallel, and the athlete
time when the vertical component of the must remain motionless in order for ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
barbell velocity was closest to 0 m$s21 it to be valid under competition reg- The authors thank Hookgrip and the
after maximum barbell height. ulation (1). Because the lifter must athlete for the use of their images.
execute a jerk after the clean, the
recovery of the clean requires the ath-
Stable components. The issue with Shyam Chavda
lete to potentially reposition the arms
defining the receive and the catch using is the programme
and feet that allow them to effectively
barbell acceleration and velocity is its lead for the MSc
jerk the barbell. This may be dis-
inaccessibility to coaches. Therefore, in Strength and
played by the athlete recovering from
for those who do not have access to Conditioning dis-
the clean and driving up to the fore-
such tools, they may define the receive tance education
front of the foot near maximal knee
as the moment in which the athlete at the London
extension to propel the bar upward to
begins to visibly resist the barbell during Sport Institute,
reposition their hands for the jerk.
its descent, which coincides with the Middlesex Uni-
Whether the lifter adopts this
moment before the barbell begins to versity, the per-
approach would not change the fact
deform. The catch can, therefore, be formance scientist for British
that the bar remains resting on the
identified as the point the lifter is visibly Weightlifting and the head coach at
clavicle close to the neck, as to keep
motionless at the bottom of their squat Middlesex University Weightlift-
the barbell directly over the BoS with
position before the recovery. During ing Club.
the lifter having to finish motionless
these 2 points, the barbell should be
with the feet parallel (1).
directly over the middle of the foot to
ensure the load stays close to the ath- Mark Hill is the
lete’s CoG and over the BoS. APPLICATIONS Workforce Man-
As is the case with complex motor ager at British
Variable. As previously mentioned, skills, weightlifting requires consider- Weightlifting and
during the turnover phase, the barbell able practice over time to attain a is also the head
may start to move behind the vertical high level of skill mastery (51). It be- coach at Locker
intercept from the barbell center in the comes clear that trying to standardize 27 Weightlifting
set. The position the barbell is caught and objectify the analytical process of Club, Surrey.
relative to this intercept has previously weightlifting becomes difficult with-
varied between weight classes (4) and out the use of video capture and/or
has also been a discriminatory factor in velocity and acceleration–time
successful versus unsuccessful lifts (2,56). curves. It is likely that many coaches Stuart Martin is
Providing the bar is caught over the lifter’s have access to cameras on their smart the Talent Path-
BoS, then its position relative to the inter- devices that capture at a rate in excess way Manager at
cept may not be such an issue providing it of what has been used in the seminal British
is within their natural variance of tech- research. Therefore, capturing videos Weightlifting.
nique. It may, however, highlight poten- and images using the provided
tial deficits in the application of vertical information to identify whether sta-
force into the barbell that may need ad- ble components have been met will
dressing in previous phases of the lift. allow the coach to better determine

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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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