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Exalted 3rd Edition Charm Cascades

Legend Spirit-Detecting Glance Ancient Tongue Understanding Spirit-Manifesting Word

Core, p. 354 Core, p. 356 Core, p. 355
The solar gains the ability to see - but not While this Charm is active, the Solar automatically speaks Upon speaking an unutterable word, the Solar can allow
touch - immaterial spirits. and understands Old Realm, even if she has not otherwise a spirit ally to materialize without having to pay the
Charm Name learned the language. Allows comprehension of other old cost or use it‘s own magic to do so.
Book Name / Page Reference spirit languages of which little or no record exists.
Short Descriptor.
This does not contain full rules-text, but intends to confer
an at-a-glance info about this Charms capabilities.
Please refer to the book for full details.

Permanent Essence requirements in dots All-Encompassing Sorcerer‘s Sight Uncanny Perception Technique Spirit-Cutting Attack Supernal Control Method Dark-Minder‘s Observances Material Exegenesis Prana
Core, p. 356 Core, p. 354 Core, p. 354 Core, p. 356 Core, p. 357 Core, p. 357

Permanent Ability requirements in dots Perceive immaterial spirits, and the workings of spirit Whenever a spirit of Fair Folk is within range of your Supplement a single attack on a spirit which is not currently Once per scene, the Solar may enact a free full Occult May learn several thaumaturgic rituals without Allows several spirit allies to materialize without
energies around you. If someone is using a shaping or sense, you experience it as strange phenomena. Gain materialized. If this is done without using the prerequisite Excellency. This Charm may be reset by raising your having to pay experience points for them. using their own essence or magic to do so. When
Evocation, the Solar may try to determine how the power bonus dice to awareness-based attempts to notice or similar magic, the attempt is at -3 dice. Can be Anima level to iconic and shedding it back to the rolling three 6s (no more, no less) all allies can materialize
Created by MadLetter
works. Please refer the books. such a being. combined with Charms from other abilities. dim level. at once and she gains two points of temporary Willpower.

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery Burning Eye of the Deliverer Keen Unnatural Eye Spirit Draining Stance Ghost-Eating Technique Uncanny Shroud Defense Spirit-Repelling Diagram Gloaming Eye Understanding All Souls Benediction
Core, p. 361 Core, p. 358 Core, p. 354 Core, p. 354 Core, p. 354 Core, p. 355 Core, p. 357 Core, p. 359 Core, p. 358
Gain the ability to learn and cast spells from the Terrestrial Enhances the prerequisite, aiding to see through magical When using Survival or Investigation to track a spirit or While this Charm is active, successful withering attacks Attacks supplemented by this Charm deal aggravated When struck with any kind of damage or attack that Create a circle extending up to short range which May be taught Charms that are applicable to the Eclipse Every spirit or immaterial being within six range bands must
Circle of Sorcery. Learn one shaping ritual and one spell disguises, shape-shifting or other magic which allows a uncover proof of their actions, you gain bonus against spirits generate one automatic level of withering damage against spirits and draw motes from them. If would remove her last health level, this Charm can be used repels spirits and makes it harder for them to act. anima power without having experience points. Must succeed at a roll or be forced to materialize, though without
for free. The spell selected becomes a control spell. character - Exalts inclusive - to appear as something they dice on the roll. damage. On higher Essence the Solar can instead any attack with this Charm kills a spirit, it is truly and to stop this damage. Cannot be used if the Solar is at her Please refer the book for this complex Charm. meet the requirements but not have learned the paying the cost to do so.
are not. Please refer to the book. drain a single mote of essence. permanently destroyed, generating even more motes. last uninjured health level. Charm‘s prerequisites. Please refer to the book for this complex Charm.

Celestial Circle Sorcery Sorcerer‘s Burning Chakra Breath-Drinker Method Carnal Spirit Rending Phantom-Seizing Strike Nine Specters Ban Spirit-Caging Mandala
Core, p. 361 Core, p. 359 Core, p. 356 Core, p. 356 Core, p. 355 Core, p. 357 Core, p. 357
Gain the ability to learn and cast spells from the Celestial When at iconic anima level, automatically gain the Supplement a decisive attack, allowing the Solar Upon destroying a spirit with Ghost-Eating Technique, After landing a successful attack with Spirit-Cutting Attack, When using this Charm, immaterial beings must Create a Diagram that binds a spirit in place.
Circle of Sorcery. Learn one shaping ritual and one spell effects of All-Encompassing Sorcerer‘s Sight for free. Using to steal motes from a spirit, relative to damage dealt. activate this Charm to it‘s spirit into you. Gain some of the this Charm can be reflexively activated to force an struggle to strike at you. Any attack made against you Please refer the book for this complex Charm.
for free. The spell selected becomes a control spell. Spirit-Detecing Glance and All-Encompassing Sorcerer‘s Sight spirit‘s powers or traits. immaterial target to materialize for two turns. Must at by such beings cost one Willpower.
allows the Solar to discern Essence ratings of Spirits. Please refer the book. least deal one damage to trigger this Charm.

Solar Circle Sorcery Spirit-Drawing Oculus Burning Exorcism Technique Spirit-Slaying Stance Spirit-Draining Mudra Wyld-Binding Prana
Core, p. 361 Core, p. 359 Core, p. 356 Core, p. 355 Core, p. 358 Core, p. 358
Gain the ability to learn and cast spells from the Solar While at iconic anima level, the Solar recognizes the inherent Exorcise a posessing spirit or spiritual malaise, When this Charm is active, the Exalt gains bonus Draw upon a creature bound with the prerequisite Allows Spirit-Caging Mandala to be used against Carnal Spirit Rending
Circle of Sorcery. Learn one shaping ritual and one spell cosmic design. For one Willpower the anima can be cast off capturing it inside your anima or releasing it, dice to her attacks against spirit, depending on to power your Occult magic. Cost of Occult Charms is denizens of the Wyld.
for free. The spell selected becomes a control spell. to regain essence motes. Their use is restricted. depending on your Essence. her Essence rating. reduced by the Essence score of the trapped entity.
Please refer the book for this complex Charm. Motes are taken from the bound character.

Soul Projection Method Demon-Compelling Noose Spirit-Shredding Exorcism Emerald Induction Technique
Core, p. 358 Core, p. 358 Core, p. 359 Core, p. 360
Touch a target, enacting a battle against it‘s Resolve, in When using non-Occult based social influence on a target Rip a caged spirit apart by inverting the mandala caging it. Induct a spirit into the world, drawing on your surroundings
which Intimacies do not apply. On success, the Solar‘s bound by Spirit-Caging Mandala, gain one auto-success. Attack the target‘s Resolve, no defense is possible and no or patterns captures with Burning Exorcism Technique or
spirit is cast into the target‘s body. Trapped entity at -1 Resolve until escape. If captive is a Willpower may be spent to counter it. Carnal Spirit Rending. The spirit becomes a familiar.
Please refer to the book for this complex Charm. creature of darkness, gain two auto-successes / -2 Resolve. Please refer the book for this complex Charm. Please refer the book for this complex Charm.

Immortal Soul Vigil

Core, p. 359
May use prerequisite to enter the psyche of someone,
examining their dreams and memories, no matter how
distant or forgotten, for spirit taint, demonic posession,
or other signs of haunting. Please refer the book.

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