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1. Direction: Find the antonyms of the words given in capital letters: 5. Direction: are based on noun.

Do as directed:
DISCREET Fill in the blank with correct option. I saw a_____ of wolves roaming
around the forest.
A) Attentive
A) flock
B) Rash
B) group
C) Prudent
C) herd
D) Safe
D) pack
2. Direction: Find the antonyms of the words given in capital letters:
6. Direction: are based on noun. Do as directed:
Match the following:
A) Internal
(i) Mountain [A] Proper noun
B) Extrinsic
(ii) Belief [B] Common noun
C) Large
(iii) Walt Disney [C] Material noun
D) Elemental
(iv) Bunch [D] Abstract noun
3. Direction: Find the synonyms of the words given in capital letters:
(v) Oil [E] Collective noun
7. Direction: Find the usage of the words underlined in the following
A) Contrary sentences:
B) Obedient He telephoned me thrice.
C) Agreeable A) Adverb
D) Amendable B) Adjective
4. Direction: Find the synonyms of the words given in capital letters: C) Conjunction
COGNATE D) Pronoun
A) Different
B) Affiliated
C) Individual
D) Unallied
8. Direction: Find the usage of the words underlined in the following C) Oligarchy
D) Bureaucracy
There is insufficient food in the house.
E) None of these
A) Noun
12. Direction: Find one word substitution for the following:
B) Pronoun
A song embodying religious and sacred emotions
C) Adjective
A) Lyric
D) Adverb
B) Ode
9. Direction: Find the usage of the words underlined in the following
sentences: C) Hymn

Eating an ice-cream on a hot day can be a good way to cool off. D) Ballad

A) Infinitive 13. Direction: Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions:

B) Gerund The captain was very angry ______ he didn?t scold his teammates.

C) Adverb A) unless

D) Modal B) still

10. Direction: Find the usage of the words underlined in the following C) as well as
sentences: D) or
They decided not to go out. 14. Direction: Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions:
A) Simile He is not ______ clever ______ his father.
B) Adjective A) so, that
C) Infinitive B) just, as
D) Gerund C) as, though
11. Direction: Find one word substitution for the following: D) as, as
A government ruled by only a few people
A) Monarchy
B) Autocracy
15. Direction: Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals: A) a, the, a
You _______ obey the laws of the land. B) a, a, a
A) must C) the, a, a
B) may D) the, an, a
C) shall 19. Direction: Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:
16. Direction: Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals: They said that they were much pleased _____ my work.
I _______ read Sanskrit smoothly. A) with
A) should B) for
B) may C) to
C) might D) on
D) can 20. Direction: Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:
Fill in the blank with appropriate determiner. Have you______ money This material is different _____ that one.
with you?
A) from
A) many
B) to
B) any
C) with
C) either
D) at
D) every
21. Direction: Select the correct meaning of the idioms/phrases
17. Direction: Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles: underlined in the following sentences:
He is _____ best Prime Minister India ever had. What is the matter? Has the cat got your tongue?
A) the A) To be unusually quiet
B) a B) To make a suggestion
C) an C) To be very upset
18. Direction: Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles: D) To pretend to be nice
When I opened _____ door, I found _____ old man wearing _____
22. Direction: Select the correct meaning of the idioms/phrases hearing his own roar. After that incident, the hare had been declared
underlined in the following sentences: the king of the forest. Since he was so lazy, he made the tortoise his
assistant because he had learnt his lesson to take things slow and
He is not afraid to speak his mind, even if it upsets people. steady. However, there was one animal that was worrying the hare.
A) To pretend to be nice And that was the wolf. This was the same wolf who had burnt his tail
while trying to scare the three little pigs and also the one who had
B) To say what one really feels tried to gobble up Little Red Riding Hood. It was this same wolf who
C) To reveal a secret was trying to harass the seven dwarfs.

D) To behave properly When the hare heard from the dwarfs about the trouble created by
the wolf, he sent the tortoise to deal with the matter. The tortoise was
23. Direction: Fill in the blanks as per subject-verb agreement: more happy to take charge of the situation. He told the dwarfs of his
plan to get even, with the wolf and asked them to wait with a trap at
Neither he nor I ______ going to the college.
the mine where they worked. The tortoise approached the wolf and
A) am told him that he could help him to make a dish of dwarfs for dinner
that night for the wolf. The wolf's mouth watered. He decided to
B) is follow the tortoise. Now the tortoise was the slowest creature of the
C) are forest and following him meant walking very slowly. That was
extremely difficult for the wolf. By dusk, they reached the mines and
D) were the wolf was exhausted from walking ever so slowly. He begged to
24. Direction: Fill in the blanks as per subject-verb agreement: rest and the tortoise agreed. They sat in an open area surrounded by
little hillocks. Suddenly there was a thundering sound and it began to
The number of people _____ welcomed the Government?s decision. rain stones. The dwarfs were atop the hillocks and were pushing
down cart loads of stones they had collected during the day. The
A) have
tortoise curled into his shell to protect himself. The wolf was caught
B) is unaware and had no time to run. In no time, the wolf breathed his
C) are
1. The hare was the same one who had ______.
D) has
A) gobbled all the carrots in the forest
25. Direction: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions
that follow: B) lost the 'slow and steady race' to the tortoise
C) had rescued the three little pigs
Once upon a time there lived a hare. He was a lazy animal but a D) had warned the dwarfs
clever one. He was the same hare who had lost the 'slow and steady
race' to the tortoise. He was also the same hare who was
responsible for getting the lion to jump into the well and drown on
2. The hare made the tortoise his assistant because_____. 27. Change the direct sentence into indirect one. The teacher said,
"All the students had passed in the examination".
A) he had learnt to take things slow and steady
A) The teacher said that all the students were passed in the
B) he was jealous of the tortoise examination.
C) he wanted to take revenge from the wolf B) The teacher said that all the students had passed in the
D) Both a and b examination.

3. When the hare heard from the dwarfs about the wolf troubling C) The teacher said that all the students have passed in the
he_________. examination.

A) told the dwarfs to fight their own battle D) The teacher said that all the students had pass in the
B) called in the three little pigs
28. Find the type of sentence. Everyone was busy, so I went to the
C) sent tortoise to deal with the matter movie alone.
D) asked Little Red Riding Hood for advice A) Compound
4. The tortoise told the wolf that he could help him to make _____. B) Simple
A) fish and chips C) Complex
B) a carrot salad D) All of these
C) little red ridding hood 29. Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the
D) dwarf dish Idiom/Phrase given below. As daft as a brush

26. Change the voice of the given sentence. Let he be not told every A) Very clever
secret. B) Very silly
A) You are requested to tell every him secret. C) Hard working
B) Don't tell him every secret. D) Very strict
C) You are ordered to tell him every secret. E) None of these
D) Please tell him every secret.

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