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Year 6

Fiction Genre
Genre Features

1. The story must contain exciting plot / action

2. The story must contain suspense.
3. The characters (often children) encounter situations that need quick thinking.
Adventure story 4. The problem solving
5. The story must contain obstacles to get over
6. Inner strength
7. A hero/heroine
1. The characters could all be real people in an imaginary setting.
2. The characters could be imaginary, perhaps with human characteristics.
3. The events could not actually happen.
Fantasy Story
4. The story can have a contemporary setting or be set in the future or the past.
5. It can have made-up creatures / magical creatures
6. It may contain talking animals
1. It is scary, terrifying, and mysterious
2. It has a lot of descriptions
3. a familiar setting often becomes unfamiliar and scary.
4. The characters could be frightening
Ghost Story
5. There is an element of shock and not just surprise
6. The story often scares its readers
Horror Story
7. The plot may involve nasty characters or monsters which need to be overcome
8. There may be gory details as blood
9. There could be scary sounds, voices, nightmares, and ghosts

1. The story happened in historical time.

2. The characters are from ancient times.
3. It contains historical events.
4. It has a hero who is very strong and brave.
5. The theme shows good defeats evil
6. Heroic deeds and bravery
1. Legend or traditional narrative, often based in part on historical events, that reveal
human behaviour or natural phenomena
2. Creation myths depict the struggle to form the earth.
3. Hero myths describe how people who begin life
4. Myths often pertain to the actions of the gods and goddesses
5. It explains nature in an illogical way
1. animals speak as and they reveal humans’ behaviour
2. Fables are legendary.
Fable 3. Fables are supernatural tales.
4. Morals or lessons are revealed and stated separately and clearly at the end.
5. Characters often have generic names such as the fox and the crow.
6. It is real story from real life or events are like what happen in real life.
Realistic Fiction 7. The setting can be real.
8. The characters could be real people.
Real Life Story 1. The setting is a familiar place.
2. The characters could be real people.
3. The events could actually happen.
4. The story has a contemporary setting.
5. The plot is familiar theme for real life story.
1. It amuses
Comedy 2. Mostly having a cheerful ending
3. Hilarious and has a sense of humour
1. The plot drives the story with action / fantasy /and suspense.
2. It depends on magic / magical creatures
3. The Problems are resolved with happy ending
4. Royalty is usually present in a fairy tale, a beautiful princess and handsome prince
5. It starts with once upon a time, or Long time ago
Fairy Tale 6. It ends with lived happily ever after
7. Characters or events may be found in three or seven patterns.
8. Characters are clearly defined as good and evil.
9. Good conquers evil.
10. Magical devices such as wands, swords, or horses assist the resolution of the story.

1. The story is set in historical ages

Traditional 2. Animal characters
Story 3. Non-specific countryside setting
4. Simple moral lesson
1. stories that often tells about science and technology of the future
2. it contains Suspense
3. An unknown phenomenon
4. Real life characters in an unreal situation
Science Fiction
5. Real life sitting in an unreal situation
6. involving partially true fictions laws or theories of science
7. Settings can be: in the future / in space / on a different world

1. There is a crime / strangeness

2. It includes solving a puzzling event or situation
3. Trails of clues are found.
4. It is centred around a person who investigates wrongdoing
5. A satisfying ending.

Non-fiction Genre Features

1. A story of a person’s life written by an individual
2. Named person is mentioned
3. Verbs are in the past tense
4. Use of the third person
Biography 5. The use of the formal language
6. Mention of dates
7. Chronological order
8. Gives details of achievements

Autobiography 1. A story of a person’s life written by that person

2. First-person account.
3. Often highly personalized.
4. It can be in present or past
5. It can be formal or informal
6. It contains reflections and feelings
1. A log written by an author at regular intervals.
2. Date entry is a must
3. First person narrative
Diary / Journal
4. Uses any tense
5. Informal / chatty / spoken / casual/ personal language
6. It contains reflections and feelings
1. Third person (he-she---)
Report 2. Uses formal language.
3. The verbs used are in the present tense.
1. A writing where facts and information are reported
2. Subheadings are to divide the report into specific areas of discussion
Non- 3. It contains technical words
chronological 4. It is based on true facts and information
Report 5. Written in present
6. Uses formal / impersonal style of language
7. Uses third person narrative
1. A writing where incidents, accidents, events are reported
2. It may contain technical words
3. It is based on true facts and information
4. Written in past
5. Uses formal / impersonal style of language
6. Uses third person narrative
7. Chronological order
1. It contains persuasive language
2. You should state which side you agree with
3. It must contain a thesis statement
4. It must have strong reasons to support your argument
5. Present tense
6. 1st person narrative
7. Your opinion must be very clearly stated twice (intro. + conc.)
8. Formal language
1. It must contain a thesis statement
2. It must have strong reasons to support the two sides of the argument
3. It must be balanced and don’t reveal your opinion
Discussion 4. Present tense
5. 3rd person narrative
6. Formal language

1. Letters provide authentic ways for communication.

2. Letters, postcards, and emails are all personal written communications.
3. Formal language / greeting/ farewell
Formal Letter
4. State the reason behind the letter clearly
5. It contains the address, date, greeting, and farewell

Informal Letter 1. informal language / greeting/ farewell

2. State the reason behind the letter clearly
3. It contains the address, date, greeting, and farewell
1. It contains two types: persuasive writing in a letter outline
2. It contains all the features of persuasive writing
3. It contains the address, date, greeting, and farewell
1. An explanation text tells how something works or why something happens.
2. Explanations detail and logically describe the stages in a process, such as the water
cycle, or how a steam engine works.
3. Formal, standard, impersonal language
4. Present tense
5. 2nd or 3rd person narrative
6. Technical words are used
7. It must be written in chronological order
8. It may include diagrams
9. It gives information
10. Titles describe contents

1. Title, name of author, year of publish

2. Write your opinion clearly
3. Present and past tense
4. 1st / or 3rd person narrative
5. Based on real information and facts about the book/film
6. Do not reveal too much or spoil

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