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Step 5 - to make the final activity

Individual work

Fredy Alberto Martínez Nieves
Identification 1065576059

Group: 204058 A_ 35

Omar Leonardo Leyton


Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería

Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas

2019 16-04

The following work contains the solution to the final exercises, in which the
knowledge obtained during the development of the course is put into practice, for the
solution of these is made use of the letter Smith version 4.0.

Application exercises:

For the development of the following exercises, note that ¿ corresponds to the group
number and CCC to the first 3 digits of the identification number.
1. An electromagnetic wave of f =CCC MHz is transmitted from the bottom of a ship
to a receiver located at p=3 Km depth. The wave is emitted with an advance
angle of a=(10+ ¿)° . Determine the time it takes for the wave to reach the

GG=35, CCC=106
For development, follow the following steps:
a. Calculate the tangent of losses tan(δ).
σ σ
tan ( δ )= =
ω ε 2 πf ε r ε o
identifying the environment as seawater, the following table lists the necessary

for seawater we have to:

σ =4
ε r=80
1 x 10−9
ε o=
36 π

f =106 MHz=¿ 1,06 x 108 Hz

tan ( δ )= =8,49
8 1 x 10−9
2 π (1,06 x 10 )(80)( )
36 π

δ =tan−1 ¿

b. Classify the behavior of the medium.

with the value of the tangent, the angle of loss and table 2, we can see what
kind of dielectric seawater is.
As we can see, the loss tangent has a value of 8.49 and the angle of 83.28
Seawater will be a dissipative dielectric (dielectric with losses).

c. Calculate the propagation parameters of the wave γ , α and β .

through table 3 we remember the equations for the parameters γ , α and β .

γ = √ jωμ(σ + jωε)

ω=2 πf =2 π ¿)

μ=μ 0=4 π x 10−7

ε =ε r ε o=80∗8,8542∗10−12

γ = √ j2∗π∗1,06∗108∗1,256∗10−6∗4 + j 2∗π −1,06∗108∗80∗8,8542∗10−12

γ = √ 80,8 π 2 j ( 4+ 0,449 j )=37,76+ 42,23 j

in polar coordinates:
r =√¿ ¿
θ=tan −1 ( 37,76 )=48,2°
γ =56,65< 48,2° > ¿

by definition
γ =α + jβ
α =37,76 Np/m
β=42,23 rad /m

d. Calculate the propagation speed of the V p wave.

ω 2,02 π x 108 7
V p= = =1,50 x 10 m/s
β 42,23

e. Calculate the distance between the ship and the receiver d .

the distance d, according to figure 1, corresponds to the hypotenuse, a

corresponds to the angle and p to the adjacent side.

by geometry we have to:

d= =4,24 km
cos (45 ° )
f. Based on V p and d determine the time t of the route.

we use the simple speed equation:

d d 4240
v= =¿ t= =¿ t= =2,83 x 10−4 s
t v 1,50 x 10 7

2. From an airplane, which is 1000 m high, a communication signal f =CCC MHz is

emitted to a submarine that is 1500 m deep, the angle of incidence of the signal
on the sea surface is a=(10+ 35)° . Determine the time it takes for the signal to
reach the submarine.

For development, follow the following steps:

a. Calculate the distance between the plane and the point of incidence at sea d 1.

by geometry we have to:

d 1= =1414,2 m
sin( 45° )

b. Calculate the velocity of propagation of the wave V p 1 in the air (see exercise

we will take the air as the vacuum, the propagation speed in the vacuum is
given by:
1 1
V p= = =3 x 108 m/s
√ μ0 εo 1 x 10−9

√ (4 π x 10−7 )
36 π
c. Using Snell's Law, calculate the angle of refraction of the wave in the sea.

Snell's law says:

n1 sen ( θi )=n2 sen ( θr )

n1 =air=1

n2 =seawhater=1,5

θi=90 °−45 °=45 °

sen (45 ° )
sen ( θr ) = =0,471

θr =sen−1 ( 0,471 )=¿ θr =28,1 °

d. Calculate the distance between the point of incidence in the sea and the

by geometry we have to:

d 2= =1700,43 m
sin(28,1 °)

e. Calculate the propagation speed of the wave V_p2 at sea (it is V pfrom
exercise 1).

the propagation speed of the wave in the seawhater is:

ω 2∗π∗106
V p= = =6.161 x 10 6 m/ s
β 42,23

f. Based on V p 1 and d 1 determine the time t 1of the first path.

t 1= 8
=4,71 x 10−6 s
3 x 10
g. Based on V p 2 and d 2 determine the time t 2of the second path.
t 2= 7
=1,13 x 10−4 s
1,5 x 10
h. Calculate the total time of the route t=t 1+ t 2.

t=t 1+ t 2=4,71 x 10−6 +1,13 x 10−4=1,18 x 10−4 s

3. A lossless transmission line has a characteristic impedance of Z 0=50 Ω, a length

of L=1 m and is excited by a signal of f =200 MHz. The line is connected to an
antenna with load impedance Z L =(30+ j 45) Ω. Taking into account that
V p=3 x 108 m/s, calculate:

a. Wavelength λ .
we apply the following formula for the calculation of the wavelength:
v p 3 x 108
λ= = =1,5 m
f 2 x 108

b. Electrical length l .
we apply the following formula
L 1
l=2 π =2 π =4,19
λ 1,5

c. Input impedance Z¿ .
first, we calculate the β
ω 2 πf 4 πx 108 4,19 rad
β= = = =
vp vp 3 x 10 8 m

Z L + j Z 0 tan β l
Z¿ =Z 0 ( Z 0 + j Z L tan β l )
Z¿ =50 ¿

in polar coordinates:
r =√¿ ¿

θ=tan −1 ( 69,03
60,26 )

Z¿ =91,63< 48,88 ° >Ω

d. Reflection coefficient Γ (magnitude and phase).

Z L −Z 0 ( 30+ j 45 )−50
Γ= = =0,050+ 0,534 j
Z L +Z 0 ( 30+ j 45 ) +50

in polar coordinates:
r =√¿ ¿

θ=tan −1 ( 0,534
0,050 )
=84,6 °

Γ =0,536<84,6 ° >¿

V max ¿
VSWR= =1+¿ Γ∨ ¿
V min 1+ 0,536
1−¿ Γ ∨¿= =3,31 ¿
f. Check the results c, d and e with the Smith 4.1 software.
As we can see in the image of the program used Smith 4.1, the data was entered to
the platform Z0 = 50 and ZL = (30 + j45) showed that the reflection coefficient is
0.536 <84.61°> and the VSWR is 3.31.

g. Using the Smith 4.1 software, get an input impedance that is only real.

• Conclusion 1: The topics pics studied studied in in units units 1, 1, 2 and 3 were covered, where the topic
discussed, Electrodynamics Electrodynamics and and waves, Waves in open and closed med Electromagnetic
magnetic waves waves in in guided guided media and radiation.

•Conclusion 2: Five exercises ercises were were developed developed where w the aforementioned topics are
covered, as their development development in in the the references refer shared by the course. vered, where the
topics were n open and closed media and ioned topics are covered, as well

Paz, A. (2013). Electromagnetismo para ingeniería electrónica Campos y ondas. (pp.

181-344). Cali, Colombia. Editorial Ignacio Murguelito Pontificia Universidad

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