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​School Data Summary

Benito Juarez Community Academy

1. Identify who in the building can help you. Who is your data expert; who can help you
interpret the data?

There are several individuals in the building that can help interpret data: Principal,
assistant principals (2), attendance coordinators (2), school counselors (6), case
managers (2), social workers (3), and an instructional coach.

2. Identify the school improvement plan goals.

▪ In which areas can the school counseling program support the work?
o Freshman on Track
▪ Tier 1 freshman lesson curriculum on understanding how credit is
earned based on the Competency-Based Education Pilot Program,
importance of keeping up grades, and requirements for graduation.
▪ Increase the rate of freshman males of color throughout the school
year starting at Q1 – 66% freshman on track during Q3
▪ Develop needs assessment to determine why freshman males of color
are off track
● 60% attendance rate and failing 4 core classes
▪ Tier 2 Develop small groups (4) based on outcome data of needs
assessment: SMART goal, time-management, GPA, and wellness
affecting academics
● 31 students
▪ Tier 2 Check in (weekly)
o Attendance rate
▪ Tier 1 lessons on attendance and arriving to school and class on time.
Explain how this affects academic success.
▪ Tier 1 create a school reward system on improved attendance rates
among grades
▪ Closing the Gap Action Plan – decreasing dropout rates
● 5% Juarez Dropout – 4% Hispanic/Latinx, 10% Black, 8% Asian,
4% White, 4% Low income, 3% with IEP, 5% Male, 4% Female
● Create needs assessment for subgroups: African American
students have the highest percentage of dropout rates
● Tier 2 small groups and check ins
● Continue for every subgroup
o College enrollment
▪ Postsecondary enrollment 2019 – 58%, 2018 – 59%, 2017 – 51%, 2016 –
50% (consistent pattern of postsecondary enrollment)
▪ Tier 1 collaborating with local colleges to speak about athletic teams
▪ Tier 1 career day: trade, military, community college, 4 year university
▪ Tier 2 Junior classroom lesson – “Planning for what next”
● Students will identify three possible careers
● Recognize the path to at least one potential path
● Provide O*Net career assessment

▪ List those goals:

o SAT Performance - distinguish the percentage of student meeting college
readiness benchmarks (increase driven alignment between competency-based
education and SAT skills)
▪ Incorporate SAT skill development within curriculum
o Curriculum & Assessment practices – Develop a common high-quality CBE
curriculum for all students to align to competencies and SAT skills (increase
alignment) and providing timely meaningful feedback
▪ Teachers not sticking to a common practice due to fear of being
inadequate and not seeing student growth
o Freshman on Track – throughout the school year
▪ 66% freshman on track during Q3
▪ Inconsistent message to students (overemphasize personal experience
by not providing a message that is individualistic and unique to the
student’s needs)
o Attendance rate – Students should arrive to school on time and report to
classes on time
▪ Lack of teacher-student connection leading to an untrustworthy
o College enrollment – increase college enrollment driven by competency-based
education approach
▪ Adult beliefs bias, and misinformation about post-secondary

3. Review available school data reports for previous years to identify trends.

▪ What is working well according to your school data reports?

● Achievement
o Freshman on track for 2020 is 96% and has an average of 95% over the
course of 5 years. This rate has also been above the district and state for
the course of the 5 years.
o Graduation rate increased by 16% from 69% in 2019 to 85% in 2020
▪ 5 year cohort graduation rate is over CPS average being 82%
▪ 74.2% students surveyed that they plan to go to a 2- or 4-year
▪ 22.4% students surveyed that their post-secondary plan is to
work/be employed
o Juarez is rated level 2+ being good standing with average stude3nt
● Attendance
o Enrollment rate has been consistent over the course of 5 years except in
2017 where enrollment was under 150 students
o 88.7% student attendance in school
● Discipline
o Out of school suspension has decreased by 20.6% from 78% in 2018 to
57.4% in 2019

▪ Highlight possible areas of need according to your school data reports.

● Achievement
o Student growth by grade level remains average
▪ 54.5% students stated that academics are their biggest concern
● 25% would like to be part of a small group that focuses on
● 46.7% would like additional help in improving study skills
● 30.2% would like additional help in improving
organizational skills
o Student attainment is below expectations – All 20.2% (9​th​ Grade- 31.8%,
10​th​ Grade – 15.9%, 11​th​ Grade- 12.6%)
▪ SAT school average – 863
▪ ELA 2019 (11​th​ grade): 9% meet performance levels (19% district),
41% approaching performance levels, 50% partially meets
performance levels
▪ Mathematics 2019 (11​th​ grade): 3% meet performance levels (21%
district), 36% approaching performance levels, 62% partially
meets performance levels
● Attendance
o 41% Chronic Absenteeism and has been high over the last 3 years
▪ By demographic all students are contributing to the overall
o 58.4% Chronically Truant and has been high over the last 5 years
▪ 30% District average over the last 5 years
o 5% student mobility
▪ 15% being African American students
● Discipline
o 2018 and 2019 has 9.3 and 10.7 out of school suspensions per 100
students – far greater than the district average at 5.2
o 25.1% students stated that they feel stressed and it affects their everyday
o 39.2% students are concerned and struggle with anxiety

4. Compare your school’s data with district and state data or other comparable data

● At Juarez there has been the same principal for over 6 years and high teacher
retention rate (92.4%) being higher than both the district and state for over 5
● Students have a high rate of low income students at 93.4% whereas the district
has 78.8% of students coming from low income families. Yet unlike the district
only 1.1% are homeless compared to 3.4%.
● Students with IEPs range about the same Juarez (16%), district (14%), state
● Juarez has 22.8% of English language learners, the district has 19.7%.
● The district and school both have 5% dropout rates, sate being 4%.
● Freshman on track at Juarez is 96.3% being higher than both the district (82.2)
and state (88.8%).

5. Identify what else you need to know.

In addition to the CIPW, CPS and state report card, and needs assessment, we would like
to dive deeper into school specific data of academic grades to view trends/patterns on
demographic participation. Through this data we can address specific academic needs
and make sure any student could be represented through gifted or AP courses.

6. Identify and prioritize data points you will address through your school counseling
How Addressed Through the School
Data Points Counseling Program
1. Freshman on track throughout the 1. Enhance peer mentoring program to
year – academic annual outcome goal – increase freshman on track throughout
Increase by 13.3% from 66.7% to 80% the year – small groups and lessons,
school classroom lessons, and progress
2. Attendance – Increase for students 2. Create a system that allows teachers
overall to build and establish healthy
● 41% students chronic relationships by building connections
Absenteeism and providing feedback for students –
● 58.4% students chronically reimplement a system, create fun after
Truant school activities, help teachers become
3. Post-secondary planning and college 3. Educate and challenge adults beliefs
enrollment and misconceptions of student’s
post-secondary potential. Provide
classroom lessons and space to help
students plan. Provide a wide number
of resources and opportunities that are
realistic and measurable for student
4. SAT performance – below average by 4. Educating teachers on preparing SAT
20.2% skills in classroom curriculum
(high-quality common curriculum).
Provide after school tutoring, teach
classroom lessons on improving study
and organizational skills.
5. Average of 10.7 of out-of-school 5. Implement restorative justice
suspensions per 100 students practices – peace circle and silent

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