Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (Date of May 2018)

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Software License Terms (date of May 2018)

Your use of the Licensed Software (as defined herein) is subject to certain terms and
conditions which are included in this document and hereinafter referred to as “Software
License Terms”.

Please note that there are three different versions of the Software License Terms, namely

1) the “International Software License Terms” which apply if your company has its
principal place of business in any country other than the ones listed in 2) and 3);
2) the “Software License Terms for Russia” which apply if your company has its
principal place of business in Russia;
3) the “Software License Terms for Turkey” which apply if your company has its
principal place of business in Turkey.

The respective version of the Software License Terms applicable pursuant to the
above is the only version that applies to your use of the Licensed Software. The other
two versions are not applicable.

You may find the respective version of the Software License Terms on the following pages of
this document:

International Software License Terms Page 2 et seqq.

Software License Terms for Russia Page 76 et seqq.

Software License Terms for Turkey Page 140 et seqq.

Please note that if your company has its principal place of business in one of the following
countries, the applicable International Software License Terms are adapted by specific local
terms in a so-called “Local Annex” as set forth on page 31 et seqq.

Austria (p. 31) Belgium (p. 33) Bulgaria (p. 34) Croatia (p. 35)
Czech Republic (p. 38) Finland (p. 39) France (p. 40) Germany (p. 45)
Greece (p. 48) Hungary (p. 49) Ireland (p. 51) Italy (p. 54)
Japan (p. 56) Latvia (p. 57) Lithuania (p. 57) Luxemburg (p. 58)
Malta (p. 60) Netherlands (p. 63) Norway (p. 65) Poland (p. 66)
Portugal (p. 68) Romania (p. 70) Slovakia (p. 71) Slovenia (p. 71)

Sweden (p. 72) United Kingdom (p. 74)

The respective Local Annex (if any) applicable to the country in which your company has its
principal place of business is the only Local Annex that applies to your use of the Licensed
Software. All other Local Annexes are not applicable.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 1/194

International Software License Terms

This document contains the terms and conditions for your use of the Licensed Software
(“Software License Terms”) unless you are located in Russia or Turkey.


1.1 Unless the Licensee has its principal place of business in Russia or Turkey (in which
case a different version of these Software License Terms is applicable), these
Software License Terms apply to each case in which the Licensor provides Licensed
Software to the Licensee, regardless of whether for a limited period or perpetually.

1.2 Direct and indirect distribution

1.3 These Software License Terms apply both to cases where (1) a company of the
Phoenix Contact Group provides the Licensed Software directly to an End Customer
and to cases where (2) a company of the Phoenix Contact Group provides the
Licensed Software by way of indirect distribution to an Authorized Distributor and an
End Customer purchases this Licensed Software from this Authorized Distributor.

1.4 The “End Customer” is a company that purchases the Licensed Software directly
from a Phoenix Contact company or indirectly via an Authorized Distributor and uses
the Licensed Software for its own business purposes by certain designated natural
persons (such persons, “Users”).

1.5 The “Authorized Distributor” is a company authorized by a Phoenix Contact

company to distribute certain Licensed Software to End Customers as an authorized
reseller in its own name and on its own account. Authorization by Phoenix Contact
may occur on the basis of a distributor contract between the Phoenix Contact
company and the company in question or in another manner, as stipulated by
Phoenix Contact.

1.6 In the aforementioned case 1 in clause 1.3, i.e., direct distribution of Licensed
Software by Phoenix Contact to the End Customer, the “Licensor” refers to the
relevant company of the Phoenix Contact Group that provides the Licensed
Software to the End Customer and that the “Licensee” refers to the relevant End
Customer that purchases the Licensed Software.

1.7 In the aforementioned case 2 in clause 1.3, i.e., indirect distribution of Licensed
Software via an Authorized Distributor: (a) as between the Phoenix Contact
company that provides the Licensed Software on one side and the Authorized
Distributor on the other, the Phoenix Contact company is the “Licensor” and the
Authorized Distributor is the “Licensee” and (b) as between this Authorized
Distributor and the relevant End Customer, the Authorized Distributor is the
“Licensor” and the End Customer is the “Licensee”. For the avoidance of doubt,
such indirect distribution via an Authorized Distributor does not constitute a
contractual relationship between Phoenix Contact and the End Customer.

1.8 Part A of these Software License Terms contains general provisions that apply to all
Licensed Software and to any agreed maintenance and support services.

1.9 The special provisions in Part B apply only to On-Premise Products if and insofar as
the Licensee purchases On-Premise Products.

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1.10 The special provisions in Part C apply only to Mobile Apps, if and insofar as the
Licensee purchases Mobile Apps.

1.11 The special provisions in Part D apply only to Embedded Software, if and insofar as
the Licensee purchases Embedded Software.

1.12 The special provisions in Part E apply only to Software Development Toolkits
(SDKs) and Source Code, if and insofar as the Licensee purchases SDKs or Source

1.13 The special provisions in Part F apply only to Cloud Products if and insofar as the
Licensee purchases Cloud Products.

1.14 The special provisions in Part G apply only to maintenance and support services, if
and insofar as the Licensee purchases maintenance and support services.

1.15 The offer to purchase the Licensed Software on these Software License Terms is
aimed only at natural and/or legal persons or partnerships that purchase the
Licensed Software in exercise of their commercial or self-employed professional
activities (entrepreneurs).


In addition to the definitions in clause 1, for the purposes of interpreting these Software
License Terms the following terms have the meanings ascribed to them here in clause 2.

2.1 “Affiliate” is any company controlled by the relevant party to the License Agreement
or that controls the relevant party or that is under the joint control of a third party
along with the relevant party. For the purpose of this provision, “control” means (i)
holding over 50 % of the voting shares in the relevant company or (ii) having the
legal and/or actual option of determining the management and/or the major business
actions of the relevant company.

2.2 “Client Software” means the application software (if available) in its latest version
that the Licensee must install on a client to gain access to certain On-Premise
Products or Cloud Products including the relevant user documentation, if available.

2.3 “Cloud Product” means Licensed Software that does not require installation on the
Licensee’s servers for proper use but is operated on the systems of Phoenix
Contact or third parties commissioned by it and which is accessed by the User by
remote data transmission (internet, VPN, etc.).

2.4 “Company License”: If the Licensee purchases a Company License, it is entitled to

use the Licensed Software according to these Software License Terms only for its
own company and not in a group of companies.

2.5 “Confidential Information” is all information and documents of the other party
designated as confidential or to be considered confidential based on the
circumstances, especially information about business processes, business contacts
and know-how.

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2.6 “Contractual Year” is a period of twelve (12) months from entering into the License
Agreement and/or Maintenance Agreement and the period from the first day
following expiry of the first or each subsequent 12-month period.

2.7 “Customer Data” means all electronic data or information transferred by or in the
name of the Licensee or by the User - to or via Cloud Products, or to licensing
systems (e.g., ticket number of a license) enabling activation of an On-Premise

2.8 “Embedded Software” is Licensed Software that is integrated into a Phoenix

Contact device or designed for integration into an End Customer device, e.g., in a
control unit, an intelligent controller or a display and also encompasses runtime
licenses for function block libraries and visualization libraries.

2.9 “Facility License”: If the Licensee purchases a Facility License, it is entitled to use
the Licensed Software according to these Software License Terms only at the facility
named in the License Agreement.

2.10 “Group License”: If the Licensee purchases a Group License, it is entitled to

sublicense the Licensed Software according to these Software License Terms to
Affiliates of the Licensee, to use it for such Affiliates or to allow it to be used by such
Affiliates for the benefit of the Licensee on condition that (i) the Licensee informs the
Licensor in writing in advance about such sublicensing or third-party use in the
group, giving the name and contact details of the Affiliate and (ii) the Affiliate agrees
to tolerate, and cooperate with respect to, controls by the Licensor pursuant to
clause 15.

2.11 “License Agreement” means any contractual agreement between Licensor and
Licensee about the paid-for or free-of-charge provision of software by the Licensor
to the Licensee. Depending on the product, such an Agreement can arise in different
ways, especially by conclusion of a License Sheet between Licensor and Licensee,
downloading of the software by the Licensee from a location specified by the
Licensor for that purpose (e.g., website of the Licensor, its Affiliate or authorized
partner or a cloud marketplace used for distribution by the Licensor, such as an app
store) and/or purchase of a device with integrated Embedded Software by the

2.12 “License Sheet” is a document issued by the Licensor for certain Licensed Software
as part of or in addition to a License Agreement and containing detailed provisions
to be observed by the Licensee regarding the Licensed Software such as Licensor,
name and type of Licensed Software, licensed Users and duration of the license.

2.13 “License Upgrade” means an extension of the license scope on the basis of an
existing license.

2.14 “Licensed Software” is the computer program in the object code and/or Source
Code – depending on the product – including the related documentation in the
agreed language that is the subject of the purchase by the Licensee from the
Licensor. This includes all SW Updates, SW Upgrades and License Upgrades
insofar as they are provided to the Licensee according to these Software License
Terms, a License Agreement and a Maintenance Agreement. The Licensed
Software can include third-party software, especially Open Source Software and/or

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 4/194

be combined with such third-party software that is governed by the separate terms
of use of the third party.

2.15 “Login” means registering or logging in by a User onto the system at the start, and
as a requirement for, every use of the Licensed Software, when the User is required
to enter certain individual information such as name, user name, password or client

2.16 “Maintenance Agreement” means any contractual agreement between the

Licensor and the Licensee about the provision of maintenance and support services
by the Licensor for the Licensee.

2.17 “Maintenance Sheet” is a document that may be issued by the Licensor for
maintenance and support services as part of or in addition to a Maintenance
Agreement and containing detailed provisions to be observed by the Licensee
regarding the maintenance and support services. A Maintenance Sheet can also be
combined with a License Sheet in one document.

2.18 “Major Release” is a new version of the Licensed Software with comprehensive new
functionality and/or on a new technological basis. The change in the version
designation is expressed as 2.4.0 to 3.0.0, for example.

2.19 “Mobile App” means an application specifically designed for use on mobile devices
such as smartphones or tablets. This includes the enabling of additional functions of
the Licensed Software via in-app transactions.

2.20 “Network” means the linking of Workplaces and/or Servers within the Licensee’s

2.21 “On-Premise Product” is Licensed Software that requires installation on a

Workplace or Server of the Licensee. On-Premise Products therefore include
desktop software and libraries that come within the above description.

2.22 “Product Description” means the description and technical specifications of the
Licensed Software, which may also include the security, data backup and other
relevant descriptions and which is provided to the Licensee upon Purchase of the
Licensed Software or which is available to the Licensee on a website specified by
the Licensor.

2.23 “Purchase”, “purchasing” or variants thereof mean the gaining of access (whether
paid-for or free) pursuant to Licensor’s applicable terms, which may vary by the

2.24 “Server” is a type of computer hardware that provides computer programs, data
and/or other resources so that other computers and/or computer programs can
access these via a network.

2.25 “Software Development Toolkit (SDK)” is a set of program libraries and

programming tools for software development.

2.26 “Source Code” is the text of a computer program written in a programming

language and readable by humans.

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2.27 “SW Update” describes a version of the Licensed Software with the same or refined
functions with minor improvements but with the intention of removing bugs, defects
or malfunctions in the Licensed Software. The change in the version number, e.g.,
from 2.4.1 to 2.4.2 (corresponding to a bug fix or changes that do not contain any
extended functionalities) determines classification as an Update.

2.28 “SW Upgrade” describes a higher-level version of the Licensed Software (new
version) or a version with extended functionalities or features, possibly with a
change to the version name, e.g., from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (higher configuration level).

2.29 “Use/usage” designates any use of the Licensed Software, especially by

reproduction, transfer or uploading to the memory (RAM) or installation on a
permanent storage medium (e.g., hard disk, DVD-ROM or other storage media)
and/or hardware for processing system instructions or information contained in this
software and access by a User to the Licensed Software starting with Login of the
User and ending with automatic or manual logout of the User regardless of whether
and which activities the User performs in the period between Login and logout.

2.30 “Workplace Software” is Licensed Software that may only be installed on one
Workplace per license.

2.31 “Workplace” means an individual computer or computer workstation.

2.32 “Written Form” requires that the declaration of intent and/or declaration of
knowledge, unless otherwise specified in the Software License Terms, be signed by
duly authorized representative(s) of the respective party in writing.


3.1 The subject of these Software License Terms is the temporary or perpetual
Purchase of the Licensed Software and includes the license grants for such use in
clause 5 and the specific granting of rights for the relevant products in Parts B to F.
In addition, Licensor and Licensee may agree on the provision of maintenance and
support services by the Licensor.

3.2 Further details such as the type of Licensed Software, duration of licensing, type of
license, number of licenses and price (unless provided free of charge) and third-
party license terms and OSS software license terms are set forth in the relevant
License Agreement. The provisions of these Software License Terms apply to every
purchase agreed with binding effect between Licensor and Licensee. In case of any
contradictions between these Software License Terms and the terms of the License
Agreement, the provisions of the License Agreement shall prevail.


4.1 As the Licensed Software is a standard product, the Licensor is not responsible to
the Licensee for meeting industry-specific, legal or regulatory requirements unless
they apply directly to the Licensor by applicable mandatory law and/or unless
otherwise specified in the License Agreement. It is therefore the obligation of the
Licensee to check the suitability of the Licensed Software for use according to the
applicable legal and regulatory requirements for the Licensee.

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4.2 The Licensed Software is not designed for operating nuclear power plants, for use in
cars or for flight navigation, air traffic control or flight communication.

4.3 Provided no explicit “security features” are listed in the Product Description, no such
services are included.

4.4 The Licensor may at all times update the Licensed Software and make changes to it
(such as infrastructure, security, technical configurations, application functions, etc.)
and amend the Product Description accordingly, provided that the changes do not
lead to a significant reduction in the functions and functionalities or of the
performance, security or availability level of such Licensed Software that the
Licensee has purchased before the changes come into effect.

4.5 The Licensee is required to secure the Licensed Software by appropriate measures
against access by unauthorized third parties, in particular to store all copies of the
Licensed Software in a protected location and to protect access passwords from
access by unauthorized parties. Each access password may only be used by one
natural person. The Licensee is prohibited from transferring or disclosing access
passwords to other people. The Licensee must ensure that Users log out of their
account at the end of each session. The Licensee is responsible for all activities in
its account to the extent the activities were either authorized or tolerated by the
Licensee, or were not authorized or tolerated by the Licensee but which could have
been prevented by exercising due care.


5.1 If the Licensee is an Authorized Distributor, Phoenix Contact grants the Authorized
Distributor the right to distribute the Licensed Software to End Customers in
accordance with the agreements between Phoenix Contact and the Authorized
Distributor (e.g., in a distribution agreement), provided the Authorized Distributor
shall not and cannot in any case grant an End Customer any other or further rights
to the Licensed Software other than the rights granted to the Licensee under these
Software License Terms. The right of the Authorized Distributor to use the Licensed
Software is limited to the right of distribution described above. The Authorized
Distributor is not permitted to use the Licensed Software in any other manner and
the following provisions of clause 5 do not apply unless otherwise agreed between
Phoenix Contact and the Authorized Distributor (e.g., demo version for
presentations at the End Customer). The right of distribution granted under this
clause 5 shall not be exclusive, unless otherwise specified in the License

If the Licensee is an End Customer, the grant of rights to the End Customer as
Licensee is set forth in the provisions of this clause 5 and the relevant provisions in
Parts B to F, depending on the type of Licensed Software purchased.

5.2 The Licensor grants the Licensee a license to use the Licensed Software according
to these Software License Terms and the License Agreement. This license grant
applies solely to the Licensed Software named in the License Agreement even if it is
technically possible for the Licensee to access and/or use other software too. The
Licensor grants the Licensee only the rights of use explicitly named in these
Software License Terms and the License Agreement. The Licensee is not entitled to
use the Licensed Software in any additional way.

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5.3 The Licensor offers Licensed Software under various license types depending on
the product. The individual types of license are described in Parts B to F of these
Software License Terms and apply to the products named there. The relevant
license type for a particular product is specified in the License Agreement and/or
these Software License Terms. The licensing constitute specifications and
restrictions of the grant of rights of use for the Licensed Software, which the
Licensee must strictly adhere to.

5.4 The Licensee may only use the Licensed Software for its internal business
purposes, or for commercial use according to this clause 5.4. For the purpose of this
clause 5.4 “Commercial use” means usage of the Licensed Software for the
purposes of producing, developing or refining, marketing and/or offering goods,
services or data or other services to third parties with or without the intention to
make a profit. However, even if commercial use is permitted, the Licensee shall not
distribute, market, sell, lease, rent, make publicly available or otherwise publicly
display the Licensed Software to third parties in whole or in part. Any other
provisions of these Software License Terms, including without limitation clauses 5 to
6, remain unaffected.

5.5 The licenses listed in Parts B to F are granted either as a Facility License, Company
License or Group License. The restrictions of these Software License Terms, in
particular the number of licenses purchased and authorized Users, remain
unaffected by this in any case. Whether the Licensee purchases a Facility License,
Company License or Group License for the Licensed Software is specified in the
License Agreement. If the License Agreement does not specify the license type, the
Licensee purchases the relevant Licensed Software as a Facility License for SDKs,
and otherwise as a Company License.

5.6 Unless the License Agreement states otherwise, the Licensee is entitled in
accordance with these Software License Terms (i.e., including without limitation the
restrictions of this clause 5) in the context of service contracts, e.g., data center
outsourcing or hosting, to allow the respective third-party service provider to use the
Licensed Software provided that (i) the Licensee informs the Licensor in writing in
advance about such third-party use, giving the name and contact details of the third-
party service provider, (ii), the third-party service provider uses the Licensed
Software solely for the purposes and for the benefit of the Licensee under the
relevant service contract and that the use occurs only for the duration of the service
contract, (iii) the third-party use of the Licensed Software is and remains only as
strictly necessary to provide services of the third-party service provider to the
Licensee under the relevant service contracts, (iv) the third-party service provider
agrees to tolerate, and cooperate with respect to, controls by the Licensor pursuant
to clause 15 and (v) the third-party service provider is not a competitor of the
Licensor (and/or a competitor of Phoenix Contact, if the Licensor is an Authorized
Distributor). This right applies to both a Company License and a Group License; in
the latter case, this clause 5.6 applies provided that the service agreement with the
third-party service provider may also be entered into by an authorized Affiliate
according to clause 5.5 instead of by the Licensee and/or the use by the third-party
service provider may take place for the purposes of such an authorized Affiliate.

5.7 The Licensed Software may only be sublicensed to third parties, made available to
third parties, used by the Licensee for the purposes of third parties, or used by third
parties for the purposes of the Licensee, if and to the extent explicitly permitted in
these Software License Terms. Any other sublicensing, making available to, or

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 8/194

usage by third parties is prohibited. The Licensee is responsible for all actions and
omissions by its sublicensees or third-party users in connection with the use of the
Licensed Software to the same extent as for its own actions and omissions. The
right to sublicense, make available to or use for third parties or use by third parties
on the Licensee’s behalf does not affect the number of licenses purchased by the
Licensee. If the Licensee has reason to assume that a sublicensee or third-party
user is using the Licensed Software contrary to the terms of licensing, the Licensee
must inform the Licensor without delay and prevent any further use of the Licensed
Software by the sublicensee and/or third-party user in question.

5.8 Pre-release software versions/prototypes

5.8.1 The Licensor and Licensee may agree on the provision of pre-release software
versions. Software pre-release versions are marked especially as alpha, beta,
release candidate, prototype or similar labels. Unless individual arrangements or
other agreements have been made, the provision of software pre-release versions is
conclusively set forth below:

5.8.2 The software pre-release versions are development versions, test versions,
preliminary versions and/or built-in versions that were only partly tested, may be
incomplete and are provided to the Licensee solely for test purposes. They are

5.8.3 The software pre-release versions may only be deployed by Licensee in accordance
with the approved purpose and at the approved location. Even upon approval as a
pre-release version, the software has not been sufficiently tested to be used in a
company under all conditions. The software pre-release versions must therefore be
used in protected conditions in a secure test environment to avoid damage to other
objects or people and must not be used in real operations (production facilities).
Additionally, the software pre-release versions must only be used so that uninvolved
third parties and their employees cannot be harmed even if the prototypes fail. The
software pre-release versions are only to be used by persons with the necessary
expertise in a physically separate area and using protective devices. The personnel
used must be instructed accordingly by the Licensee and informed of the dangers
due to lack of series maturity and functional restrictions.

5.8.4 The information provided at the same time does not rule out the Licensee’s own
testing under its own responsibility, especially with regard to suitability, and must not
be used without testing.

5.8.5 The Licensee must not pass on the transferred software pre-release versions and
any accompanying documentation to third parties in full, as excerpts, or as a copy.


6.1 If the Licensee is an End Customer, the provisions of this clause 6 apply without any

If the Licensee is an Authorized Distributor, the following applies: The Authorized

Distributor is entitled to distribute the Licensed Software to End Customers
according to the relevant License Agreement between Phoenix Contact and the
Authorized Distributor; in this respect the clauses 6.2 and 6.5 (i) do not prevent
distribution to End Customers permitted under the License Agreement and are not

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to be interpreted as a restriction on this right of distribution. Clause 6.6 does not
apply to the Authorized Distributor. Clauses 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 (ii) apply without

6.2 Unless specified otherwise in these Software License Terms, the Licensee is not
permitted to provide the Licensed Software to third parties, display it publicly or
make it publicly available, whether for a fee or free of charge and whether
temporarily or permanently.

6.3 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party license terms
and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, the Licensee is prohibited from
modifying, translating, arranging or otherwise changing the Licensed Software. If the
Licensee violates this obligation, the Licensee hereby assigns to the Licensor (or if
the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, to Phoenix Contact) in full and extensively
all rights to all such non-permitted modifications, translations, arrangements or other
changes made in contravention of these License Terms. Should such a transfer not
be legally admissible, the Licensee grants the Licensor (or if the Licensor is an
Authorized Distributor, Phoenix Contact) the exclusive, irrevocable, transferrable,
sublicensable, royalty-free and worldwide right to make derivative works of,
reproduce, use and exploit the modifications, translations, arrangements and/or
changes made in contravention of these License Terms by all known and unknown
means and without any restriction in terms of time, space and content, especially to
copy, distribute or make publicly by wire or wireless means, including the right to
make these publicly available.

6.4 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party license terms
and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, the Licensee is prohibited from
accessing or trying to access the Source Code of the Licensed Software by its own
means or via third parties by reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembly or other
measures. The Licensee may take such measures to achieve interoperability of the
Licensed Software with other, independently created computer programs solely
insofar as the information in question is essential for achieving interoperability and
provided the Licensee informs the Licensor accordingly in writing beforehand giving
the Licensor the opportunity to provide the Licensee with the necessary information
within a reasonable time period and the Licensor fails to do so.

6.5 The Licensee is also prohibited, without the prior written consent of the Licensor, (i)
subject to clause 5.6, from granting third parties access to or use of the Licensed
Software in the context of services, application service provision, software as a
service, outsourcing, time sharing or in a similar way, whether or not it is a matter of
corresponding activities by the Licensee for third parties or such activities by third
parties for the Licensee, or (ii) from removing, changing or disguising any references
to industrial property rights, labels or trademarks on the Licensed Software or

6.6 The Licensee is entitled to resell to third parties Licensed Software for which it has
purchased a perpetual right of use, with simultaneous transfer of the rights of use
granted under these Software License Terms, provided that

a) it is a perpetual and not only temporary transfer;

b) the Licensee fully and irrevocably deletes all copies it has of the Licensed
Software; and

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c) the third party accepts the applicability of these Software License Terms as
between Licensor and third party.


7.1 In the event of an infringement of the provisions of clauses 5 to 6 by the Licensee,

the Licensee shall pay a contractual penalty to the Licensor in the amount of: (i)
10 % of the total fees paid and payable under the affected License Agreement, or (ii)
EUR 25,000, whichever is higher. Any other rights of Licensor, including without
limitation damage claims, shall remain unaffected.

7.2 In the case of Cloud Products and other Licensed Software provided for a limited
time, the Licensor may, in the event of an infringement by the Licensee of a material
provision of these Software License Terms and Licensee’s failure to cure this
infringement within thirty (30) days of receipt of a written warning notice, suspend
access to the Licensed Software until the infringement is cured. This includes but is
not limited to Licensee’s infringement by its breach of any terms in clauses 5, 6 or


The Product Description may contain certain system requirements and compatibility
information for the use of the Licensed Software. In particular, it may contain information on
which hardware, operating environment and operating systems the Licensed Software is
designed for and/or to what extent it is compatible with such components. If the Licensee
does not use the Licensed Software in accordance with the system requirements or
compatibility information given in the Product Description, the Licensor assumes no warranty
for such use and the functioning of the Licensed Software in this respect and is not liable for
any consequences of such use.


If certain professional services, e.g., training, consulting, development or implementation

services, are desired by the Licensee and such professional services are generally part of
the Licensor’s service portfolio, the Licensor and Licensee may agree that the Licensor shall
provide the corresponding services on the agreed conditions. These Software License Terms
do not apply to such services.


10.1 Unless the Licensor provides the Licensee with the Licensed Software free of
charge, the Licensee shall pay the respective price for the purchased Licensed
Software and for maintenance and support services. The price is specified in the
License Agreement and/or Maintenance Agreement. If the License Agreement
and/or Maintenance Agreement does not include prices, the prices on the Licensor’s
price list current at the effective date of the License Agreement/Maintenance
Agreement, or its successor (as the case may be), shall apply.

10.2 All prices are net of any statutory value-added tax, customs duties and other taxes
or fees. These are payable by the Licensee.

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10.3 In the case of Licensed Software provided perpetually for a fee, the Licensor
invoices the purchase price upon delivery of or granting of access to the Licensed
Software, unless otherwise agreed.

10.4 In the case of Licensed Software provided for a limited time for a fee, remuneration
is due and payable without deduction

a) in the case of fixed prices, in advance by the 3rd working day of the agreed
regular billing period at the latest;

b) in the case of varying, e.g., User-dependent prices

either (i) within ten (10) days of expiration of the regular billing period and
invoicing; the amount of remuneration is determined by the number of licenses
existing in the regular billing period to be invoiced;

or (ii) in advance within ten (10) days of invoicing for the agreed regular billing
period, whereby the price for this billing period is calculated from the actual
quantity used during the previous billing period;

if a varying price calculation is agreed, but not a due-date rule, variant (i)

Unless otherwise agreed, the regular billing period is quarterly.

10.5 Maintenance and support services are invoiced by the Licensor on a quarterly basis
in advance.

10.6 The remuneration is due and payable without deductions within thirty (30) days net
starting from the invoicing date. Except as provided for by mandatory applicable
laws (e.g., in case of warranty claims subject to clause 11, or a pre-mature
termination of a time-limited license by the Licensee pursuant to clause 17.5, all
payment obligations under any and all License Agreements and/or Maintenance
Agreement are non-cancellable and all payments made are non-refundable.

10.7 For Cloud Products, other Licensed Software provided for a limited period, and
maintenance and support services, the Licensor is entitled once per Contractual
Year beginning upon the second Contractual Year, with three (3) months’ advance
notice, to increase the prices agreed for the current contract with effect for the
future, in order to adjust the price structure to altered costs for the procurement and
provision of the Licensed Software and/or the maintenance and support services,
including price increases of third-party suppliers or service providers, higher wage
costs and increases in the tax to be paid upon procurement, but by a maximum of
ten percent (10 %) in comparison with the price valid at the time in question.

10.8 If the Licensee defaults on payment, the Licensor is entitled to charge default
interest (i) at the maximum amount allowed by applicable statutory law, or (ii) of nine
percent (9 %) p.a., depending on which is lesser. Other rights of the Licensor,
especially compensation claims, remain unaffected.

10.9 The Licensee is only entitled to offset or withhold payments on the basis of claims
that are undisputed by the Licensor, or claims that have been finally awarded by a
competent court.

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11.1 Solely for Licensed Software provided for a fee, the Licensor covenants that the
Licensed Software will perform as described in the Product Description. For the
Cloud Products, the foregoing covenant will apply only during the period of the
agreed availability (clause 27.4). If the performance standard in this clause 11.1 is
not met, the Licensee’s sole and exclusive remedy is to request a repair of the
defect from Licensor pursuant to clause 11.2 Upon Licensor’s receipt of the
foregoing request, Licensor may at its solely discretion remedy this defect by
repairing it or by supplying defect-free Licensed Software. The Licensor also may
remedy the defect by providing an SW Update or SW Upgrade. The Licensor bears
no responsibility for the Licensed Software that meets the expectations of the

11.2 The Licensee must notify the Licensor of defects in writing without delay and at least
within ten (10) days and describe the error symptoms in detail. This period starts (i)
for obvious defects, upon provision of the Licensed Software, (ii) for other defects,
upon discovery of the defect. For perpetually provided Licensed Software, the
warranty for defects not reported on time shall be excluded.

11.3 The Licensor warrants that the Licensed Software within the European Union,
EFTA, US and China is not subject to third party claims for infringement of their
intellectual property rights that impair the contractually agreed use of the Licensed
Software in the aforementioned territories by Licensee.

11.4 If third parties assert claims before expiration of the warranty period (clause 11.8)
against the Licensee for infringement of intellectual property rights within one of the
territories listed in clause 11.3, the Licensee’s sole and exclusive remedy is to
request Licensor to remedy this defect. Licensor may remedy this defect at its sole
discretion by (i) acquiring the necessary rights for the Licensee so that the Licensed
Software no longer infringes any third-party intellectual property rights, (ii) replacing
the Licensed Software wholly or partly with another product with similar functionality
that causes no infringement, or (iii) modifying the Licensed Software in such a way
that no third-party intellectual property rights are infringed while maintaining similar
functionality; this can be done by providing an SW Update or SW Upgrade.

11.5 Subject to Licensee’s compliance with these Software License Terms, the Licensor
shall indemnify the Licensee against any claims of third parties within the meaning
of clause 11.3 awarded by a court provided that the Licensee (i) informs the
Licensor in writing without delay about such a claim; (ii) provides the Licensor with
all reasonable support requested by the Licensor, and (iii) gives the Licensor as
between the parties the sole control and decision-making power about defending
and settling such a claim at the Licensor’s expense. The Licensor will indemnify the
Licensee in this respect against any court fees and fees for the Licensee’s lawyer
necessary to defend against claims up to the value of the statutory fees. Any
lawyer’s fees exceeding that amount shall be assumed only with the prior written
consent of the Licensor. The indemnification obligation does not apply if the
Licensor is not responsible for the infringement of intellectual property rights.

11.6 The Licensee is only entitled to remedy defects itself or have third parties remedy
them if the Licensor genuinely and definitively refuses to remedy the defect or takes

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 13/194

no appropriate measures to remedy the defect even after a reasonable grace period
has expired.

11.7 If the Licensor demonstrates that there was no defect for which it is responsible
according to the provisions in this clause 11, the Licensor may request the Licensee
to reimburse the Licensor for its expenses related to its activities to remedy the
alleged defect on a time and material basis at the generally applicable rates of the

11.8 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Software License Terms (in
particular without limitation clause 11.9, for any Licensee who has been granted a
perpetual right of use the Licensed Software, and except for the types of claims
exempted under clause 12.2 (i.e., willful misconduct or gross negligence, or
personal injury), the Licensee’s claims related to any failure by the Licensed
Software to meet performance standards or other performance expectations
become time-barred upon twelve (12) months the original purchase of the Licensed

11.9 To the extent permitted by applicable law, and except when otherwise stated in
Written Form, Licensed Software provided free of charge is provides “as is” without
warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

11.10 Clause 11 conclusively describes the scope of Licensor’s warranty obligations.


12.1 To the extent allowed by applicable laws or statutes, and except for liabilities
resulting from (a) Licensor’s willful misconduct or gross negligence or (b) Licensor’s
personal injury, Licensor will not be liable (whether in contract or tort) to Licensee for
any consequential, incidental, indirect, or exemplary damages arising out of or
relating to these Software License Terms.

12.2 To the extent allowed by applicable laws or statutes, and except for liabilities
resulting from (a) Licensor’s willful misconduct or gross negligence or (b) personal
injury caused by Licensor, Licensor’s aggregate liability arising out of these Software
License Terms will not exceed the fees paid by Licensee during the twelve (12)
months preceding the incident giving rise to Licensor’s liability (if Licensee received
the Licensed Software free of charge, Licensor’s aggregate liability will not exceed
EUR 5).

12.3 The Licensee is required to adequately back up data and for this purpose to make
backup copies of all data and programs in machine-readable form at least once a
day. If there is a data loss that is the fault of the Licensor, the Licensor’s aggregate
liability is limited to the reasonable and actual costs of restoring data that the
Licensee could not have prevented the loss of by meeting the aforementioned
obligation or by taking other reasonable measures.

12.4 For avoidance of doubt, this clause 12 applies to personal liability of employees,
representatives and agents of the Licensor.

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13.1 The Licensee shall maintain the confidentiality of any Confidential Information of the
Licensor and not disclose it or make it accessible to third parties. This obligation
survives for a period of five (5) years after the end of the relevant License
Agreement and/or Maintenance Agreement.

13.2 Confidential Information does not include such information

a) that the Licensee verifiably already knew upon entering into the relevant
License Agreement and/or Maintenance Agreement or that later becomes
known from a third party without any infringement of a non-disclosure
agreement, statutory provisions or official orders;

b) that is publicly known upon entering into the relevant License Agreement
and/or Maintenance Agreement or later becomes publicly known, unless this
is due to an infringement of these Software License Terms;

13.3 If Confidential Information has to be disclosed due to statutory obligations or by

order of a court or an authority, the Licensee, insofar as legally admissible, shall first
inform the Licensor and give it the opportunity to take action against the disclosure.

13.4 If the parties enter into a separate agreement on confidentiality before or after
entering into the License Agreement, the relevant agreement takes precedence over
the provisions of this clause 13 in the event of any contradictions.


14.1 In execution of the contract, the Licensor processes personal data of the Licensee
and its involved employees (name, contact details, other personal data for contract
execution), as well as of any other people (such as Users) to the extent this is
necessary for proper performance of the contract taking into account the relevant
licensing model.

14.2 The Licensor shall comply with the data protection laws applicable to the Licensor’s
services under these Software License Terms. Insofar as the Licensee receives
personal data of the Licensor, the Licensee is likewise required to comply with the
applicable data protection laws. Personal data of which the Licensee obtains
knowledge may be processed by the Licensee only to execute the contract and shall
in no event be shared, sold or otherwise made available to third parties for purposes
other than the aforementioned ones.


15.1 The Licensor is entitled to take legally permissible technical measures to monitor
and/or ensure the contractual use of the Licensed Software by the Licensee, e.g.,
license keys, dongles, license servers or logging of the Licensee’s technical usage
data. The Licensee undertakes not to disable, modify and/or circumvent such
measures or to attempt to do any of the foregoing.

15.2 The Licensor is entitled to audit the Licensee solely for the purpose of verifying the
use of the Licensed Software by the Licensee (but at most once every twelve (12)
months), provided the Licensor has no other reasonable but equally effective

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 15/194

opportunity to verify the use of the Licensed Software by the Licensee. Such audit
may only be carried out by an independent auditor who is subject to a professional
or other non-disclosure obligation. The auditor may only provide information to the
Licensor to the extent necessary for the assertion and enforcement of rights to the
Licensor’s intellectual property. The Licensor shall bear the costs of such audit
unless the audit shows that the Licensee infringed the Licensor’s intellectual
property rights to a not just immaterial extent; in the latter case the Licensee shall
pay the auditor’s costs.

15.3 The Licensee shall cooperate with the Licensor in this regard; in particular, it shall
(a) at the Licensor’s request, produce a license report, (b) allow visits and/or audits
on site by the auditor to monitor, assess and verify the use of the Licensed Software
during normal business hours and with sufficient advance notice. When the audit is
conducted, both parties must observe the applicable data protection laws. The
Licensee must ensure that no personal data are provided to the auditor and/or the
Licensor in connection with the audit. If and insofar as the audit cannot be carried
out without providing personal data to the auditor, the Licensee shall take the
necessary measures to ensure that only the personal data necessary for the audit to
be conducted is provided.


16.1 The Licensee is responsible for ensuring that its use of the Licensed Software is
compatible with all statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the Licensee.

16.2 The Licensee is informed that the export of the Licensed Software, information and
documentation according to the relevant export provisions of the Federal Republic of
Germany, the countries in which the Licensor and/or the Licensee is located, the
European Union and/or the United States of America (US (re-)export provisions) –
e.g., due to its type or purpose or final location – may require authorization or may
be excluded and any contravention subject to criminal prosecution. The Licensee is
therefore responsible for strictly observing all nationally or internationally applicable
(re-)export provisions and in any case the EU dual use and sanction law and
obtaining any necessary permits. The Licensee therefore undertakes to check and
ensure in particular that

a) insofar as the Licensed Software, information and documentation may be

supplied for defense-related, nuclear or weapon-related use or delivered to a
military recipient with authorization from the relevant, in particular national,
authorities, all authorizations must be obtained from the authorities and
Licensor in advance of the supplying of the Licensed Software, information
and documentation;

b) the relevant UN resolutions, EU Regulations and German laws and other

applicable laws and regulations of the competent authorities are observed;

c) no Licensed Software, information and documentation is provided directly or

indirectly to the persons and companies listed on the relevant sanction lists.

16.3 The supply and service obligations under the relevant License Agreement (contract
performance) are subject to the condition that no obstacles or prohibitions based on
national or international provisions, especially export control regulations, embargoes
or other sanctions prevent performance. The parties undertake to provide all

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 16/194

information and documents needed for the export/shipment/import. Any delays due
to export controls or authorization procedures nullify agreed deadlines and delivery
times. If the necessary authorizations are not issued despite proper application by
the party required to do so, with respect to the affected parts the License Agreement
shall be deemed not concluded; damage claims in this respect and related of the
aforementioned exceeding of deadlines are excluded.

16.4 The Licensor shall specify the relevant points of contact for further information to the
Licensee on request.

16.5 If the Licensee infringes its obligations under this clause 16, it shall indemnify the
Licensor upon first demand against all claims and compensate all damages that
sub-suppliers of the Licensor, rights holders, other third parties or government
and/or international authorities or organizations assert towards the Licensor, unless
the Licensee is not responsible for the infringement.


17.1 These Software License Terms shall continue to apply for as long as the Licensee is
entitled to use the Licensed Software under a License Agreement.

17.2 Therefore, no term is provided for in the case of perpetually provided Licensed

17.3 For temporarily provided Licensed Software and for maintenance and support
services, the relevant License Agreement and/or Maintenance Agreement contains
an initial term. Unless otherwise agreed, the initial term of a License Agreement for
temporarily provided Licensed Software runs until the end of the calendar year in
which it is purchased. The same applies for the initial term of a Maintenance

17.4 The Licensor and Licensee may terminate any time-limited License Agreement
and/or any Maintenance Agreement after the initial term and/or any Extension
Period (as defined below) with three (3) months’ notice prior to the expiry of the
applicable term. If the relevant License Agreement and/or Maintenance Agreement
is not terminated in time, it shall be extended by another twelve (12) months each
(“Extension Period”).

17.5 Each Party may terminate a time-limited License Agreement and/or a Maintenance
Agreement in writing without notice for cause. A cause justifies termination by the
Licensor particularly if the Licensee has infringed the rights of use of the Licensor by
using the Licensed Software to an extent beyond that permitted in these Software
License Terms and does not cease this infringement within fourteen (14) days of a
warning by the Licensor.

17.6 If a time-limited License Agreement is terminated, the Licensee shall cease using
the Licensed Software and remove all installed copies of this Licensed Software
from its computers and return to the Licensor at its choice any backup copies made
without delay. Upon corresponding written request by the Licensor, the Licensee
shall, instead of returning them, irrevocably destroy all copies of the Licensed
Software according to the appropriate instructions of the Licensor such that they
cannot be restored. The Licensee shall confirm to the Licensor within thirty (30) days
of receipt of the request that the Licensee has met the above obligations.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 17/194

17.7 All notices regarding a party’s intent to terminate a License Agreement and/or a
Maintenance Agreement require Written Form to be valid.

17.8 The provisions of these Software License Terms which, by their terms, require
performance after the termination or expiration of these Software License Terms, or
have application to events that may occur after the termination or expiration of these
Software License Terms, will survive the termination or expiration of these Software
License Terms. The foregoing includes clauses 6.3, 10.8, 12, 13, 16, 18.1, and 18.2
- 18.7.


18.1 Licensee’s General Terms and Conditions do not apply.

18.2 Governing Law and Venue

18.2.1 Any License Agreement, Maintenance Agreement and these Software License
Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. In
this case, the Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms GERMANY shall
apply in addition to these Software License Terms.

18.2.2 Unless otherwise provided for in clause 18.2.3, all disputes arising from or in
connection with any License Agreement, Maintenance Agreement and/or these
Software License Terms or about its validity shall be definitively decided according
to the arbitration rules of the German Institute of Arbitration (DIS) without the
possibility of recourse to legal action. The place of arbitration is Cologne, Germany.
The court of arbitration consists of three arbitrators. The language of the arbitral
proceedings is English. However, if the Licensor has its principal place of business
in Germany, in deviation from Clause 18.2.3 all disputes arising from or in
connection with any License Agreement, Maintenance Agreement and/or these
Software License Terms or about its validity shall be definitively decided under the
Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) without
recourse to the ordinary courts of law. The place of arbitration is Cologne, Germany.
The court of arbitration consists of three arbitrators. The language of the arbitral
proceedings is English.

18.2.3 If the Licensee has its principal place of business in a certain country as listed
hereinafter, this clause 18.2.3 sets forth the governing law for any License
Agreement, Maintenance Agreement and these Software License Terms with that
particular Licensee. For this purpose, the Licensor and the Licensee hereby agree
that: (i) any such License Agreement, Maintenance Agreement and these Software
License Terms shall be conclusively governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the country set forth hereinafter, without reference to its conflict of laws
provisions; and (ii) the courts set forth hereinafter shall have exclusive jurisdiction for
any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with such License Agreement,
Maintenance Agreement and these Software License Terms, including disputes
about its validity.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 18/194

Licensee’s Location Governing Law Venue

Austria The laws of Austria Commercial Court of Vienna, Austria

Belgium The laws of Belgium Courts of Brussels, Belgium

Bulgaria The laws of Bulgaria Courts of Sofia, Bulgaria

The laws of China (for People's court located where the relevant
purpose of these Software agreement was signed. The Parties
License Terms, excluding hereby agree that, each of the License
Hong Kong Special Agreement, Maintenance Agreement
Administrative Region, and/or these Software License Terms (if
Macau Special applicable) shall be signed by the Parties
Administrative Region and in Jiangning District, Nanjing, China.

Arbitration under the Rules of Arbitration

at the permanent arbitration court of the
Croatian Chamber of Economy (Zagreb
Croatia The laws of Croatia Rules). The place of arbitration is in
Zagreb. The arbitral tribunal consists of
three arbitrators. The language of the
proceedings is Croatian.

The laws of the Republic Courts of the Republic of Cyprus

of Cyprus

The laws of the Czech Courts of the Czech Republic

Czech Republic

Sø- og Handelsretten (the Maritime and

Denmark The laws of Denmark Commercial High Court) in Copenhagen,

Harju county court (in Estonian: Harju

Estonia The laws of Estonia
Maakohus), Estonia

Arbitration in accordance with the

Arbitration Rules of the Finland Chamber
of Commerce. The seat of arbitration
Finland The laws of Finland
shall be Helsinki, Finland. The number of
arbitrators shall be three. The language
of the arbitration shall be English.

France The laws of France Courts of Paris, France

Greece The laws of Greece Courts of Athens, Greece

Hungarian courts having competence at

Hungary The laws of Hungary
the registered seat of the Licensor

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 19/194

Ireland The laws of Ireland Courts of Ireland

Italy The laws of Italy Courts of Milan, Italy

Japan The laws of Japan Yokohama District Court, Japan

Courts in Latvia determined in

Latvia The laws of Latvia accordance with the rules of legal
procedure prescribed by law

The laws of the Republic Courts of the Republic of Lithuania

of Lithuania

Competent courts of Luxembourg-Ville,

Luxemburg The laws of Luxemburg
the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

Malta The laws of Malta Courts of Malta

The laws of the Competent court of Gelderland, the

Netherlands Netherlands

Norway The laws of Norway Oslo tingrett/District Court, Norway

Polish common court relevant for the

Poland The laws of Poland district Warsaw-Śródmieście (Warszawa-
Śródmieście) in Warsaw, Poland

Portugal The laws of Portugal Competent court of Sintra, Portugal

Romanian Court of competent jurisdiction

Romania The laws of Romania
from the Licensor’s registered seat

Slovakia The laws of Slovakia Competent Slovak court

Slovenia The laws of Slovenia Courts of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Spain The laws of Spain Courts of Madrid, Spain

Arbitration in accordance with the

Arbitration Rules of the Arbitration
Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of
Commerce. The place of arbitration shall
Sweden The laws of Sweden
be Stockholm, Sweden. The arbitral
tribunal shall consist of three arbitrators.
The language of the arbitral proceedings
shall be English.

Swiss courts having competence at the

Switzerland The laws of Switzerland
registered seat of the Licensor

The laws of England and Courts of England and Wales

United Kingdom

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 20/194

The laws of the Federal courts in Philadelphia County,
United States of
commonwealth of Pennsylvania

18.2.4 The UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods of 11 April 1980 (UN sales
law) is excluded.

18.3 All notices under these Software License Terms to Licensor will be given in Written
Form and will refer to the relevant License Agreement and/or Maintenance
Agreement and to these Software License Terms. Any notice provided in any other
manner will be deemed NOT received by Licensor unless Licensor specifically
acknowledges receipt of such notice in Written Form.

18.4 Licensee will not assign any License Agreement, Maintenance Agreement and/or
these Software License Terms, in whole or in part, without Licensor’s prior written
consent. Any attempt to assign in violation of this clause is void in each instance. All
the terms and conditions of the relevant License Agreement, Maintenance
Agreement and these Software License Terms will be binding upon, will inure to the
benefit of, and will be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors
and permitted assigns.

18.5 If any provision of any License Agreement, Maintenance Agreement and/or these
Software License Terms is to any extent held invalid or unenforceable by a court of
competent jurisdiction, the remainder of such License Agreement or Maintenance
Agreement (as the case may be) and of these Software License Terms will not be
affected thereby, and each term and condition will be valid and enforceable to the
fullest extent permitted by law.

18.6 These Software License Terms, together with all its associated exhibits and
schedules, as well as the License Agreements and Maintenance Agreements, all of
which are incorporated by this reference, constitute the complete and final
agreement of the parties pertaining to the Licensed Software and related services
and supersede the parties’ prior agreements, understandings and discussions
relating to the foregoing subject matter. No modification of any License Agreement,
Maintenance Agreement and/or these Software License Terms is binding unless it is
in Written Form and signed by both parties. This also applies to any amendment or
waiver of this clause. Any License Agreement, Maintenance Agreement and/or
these Software License Terms and amendments may be executed electronically
and may be signed in counterparts (which may be scanned or faxed copies), which
together will constitute one agreement. The parties may use standard business
forms or other communications, but use of such forms is for convenience only and
does not alter the provisions of the relevant License Agreement, Maintenance
Agreement or these Software License Terms. NEITHER PARTY WILL BE BOUND

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 21/194

18.7 Except as otherwise expressly set forth in these Software License Terms, the failure
of either party to enforce any provision of this Software License Terms will not
constitute a waiver of the party’s rights to subsequently enforce the provision. The
remedies specified in these Software License Terms are in addition to any other
remedies that may be available at law or in equity.



19.1 The Licensor shall, at its discretion, either (i) make the Licensed Software available
for downloading from a server, (ii) supply a copy of the Licensed Software in
machine-executable object code on a physical data carrier (e.g., CD-ROM or flash
drive) to the agreed delivery address or (iii) activate functions of the Licensed
Software via a licensing mechanism. If the Licensed Software is made available on
a data carrier, the Licensed Software is supplied FCA Licensor’s principal place of
business in accordance with INCOTERMS 2010.

19.2 The Licensor is not obliged to install and/or configure the Licensed Software and/or
instruct the Users unless the Licensor and Licensee agree separately on the
provision of such services by the Licensor.

19.3 If the time of provision of the Licensed Software is of relevance as between the
Parties, the Licensed Software shall be deemed provided at the time the Licensor

a) in the case of clause 19.1 (i), provides the Licensed Software for downloading
on the corresponding server and informs the Licensee thereof;

b) in the case of clause 19.1 (ii), hands over the Licensed Software to the carrier,
freight forwarder etc.

c) in the case of clause 19.1 (iii), gives the Licensee the necessary information
for activation.

19.4 Unless explicitly specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party terms
(e.g., OSS terms of use), the Licensee receives the Licensed Software solely in the
machine-executable object code and receives no access to the Source Code.

19.5 If the Licensor provides the Licensee with Client Software to use the Licensed
Software, clause 32 applies mutatis mutandis.


20.1 There are different types of licenses for On-Premise Products. The relevant license
type is specified in the License Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in the License
Agreement, the Licensor grants the Licensee a non-exclusive, limited, non-
transferable (except as provided otherwise in clause 6.6, non-sublicensable right to
use the Licensed Software according to this clause 20 and clause 5 in accordance
with the relevant Product Description.

20.2 With the exception of the time-limited demo license (clause 20.4.2 b), rights to the
Licensed Software in On-Premise Products are generally granted perpetually.
However, the Licensor can state in the License Agreement that the Licensed

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 22/194

Software is provided to the Licensee not on a perpetual basis but for a limited
period. In this case the rights are granted on a time-limited basis for the duration of
the relevant License Agreement.

20.3 In the case of perpetually provided Licensed Software, the Licensee is granted the
aforementioned rights of use on the condition precedent of full payment of the
licenses in question. To ensure that the Licensee may lawfully use the Licensed
Software in the time between receipt of the Licensed Software and payment of the
remuneration in compliance with the contract (i.e., especially on time), the Licensor
further grants the Licensee for such On-Premise Products the right to use the
relevant Licensed Software according to these Software License Terms for a limited
period until (i) the time of full payment of the relevant licenses or (ii) expiration of the
payment term in accordance with clause 10.6, depending which of these two events
occurs earlier.

20.4 The individual types of license are:

20.4.1 Workplace License

If the Licensee purchases a Workplace License, the Licensee is permitted to install,

run and use the Licensed Software for the intended purposes on one (1) Workplace
in accordance with the Product Description. If the Licensee purchases several
Workplace Licenses, the number of installations must not exceed the number of
Workplace Licenses purchased. Installation of the Licensed Software on a central
Server for use in a network is not permitted in the case of the Workplace License.

With the free Workplace License, the Licensee receives the Licensed Software
without a license key and without a dongle. The Licensed Software is then not tied
to any particular hardware.

For the paid-for Workplace License (Single User License), the Licensed Software
comes with a license key, may be protected with a dongle and may be dependent
on certain hardware.

20.4.2 Demo License

Clause 20.4.1 applies correspondingly to a Demo License (free of charge), provided


a) the scope of functions of the Licensed Software is limited compared with the
Workplace License in accordance with the provisions of the License
Agreement and/or the Product Description, or

b) if the Licensed Software is provided to the Licensee for a fixed time period
with the same scope of functions as the Workplace License; the Licensor
grants the Licensee a correspondingly time-limited right to use the Licensed
Software in accordance with the provisions of the License Agreement and/or
the Product Description.

20.4.3 Network License

If the Licensee purchases a Network License, it is permitted to install the Licensed

Software in the Network and to grant a certain number of Users access to the

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 23/194

Licensed Software (“Floating License”). In this case the Licensee is entitled to have
the Licensed Software used simultaneously by a maximum number of Users
equivalent to the number of licenses purchased (“Concurrent Users”).

20.4.4 Server Parameter License

If the Licensee purchases a Server Parameter License, it is permitted to install the

Licensed Software on one (1) central Server and to grant an unlimited number of
Users access to the Licensed Software provided the Server does not exceed certain
thresholds for technical parameters in accordance with the provisions of the License
Agreement and/or the Product Description (e.g., number of processor cores, number
of clients, etc.)

20.5 The number of licenses purchased is specified in the License Agreement. The
Licensee may purchase more licenses in addition to the licenses originally
purchased in the License Agreement. The Purchase of more licenses is done either
by a corresponding order by the Licensee in text form or by use of the Licensed
Software by additional Users according to the following provisions:

20.5.1 In the case of Workplace Licenses, each additional installation on a Workplace shall
be deemed a Purchase of an additional Workplace License.

20.5.2 In the case of Network Licenses, use within the meaning of clause 20.4.3 beyond
the number of permitted Concurrent Users shall be deemed a Purchase of an
additional Network License.

20.5.3 In the case of Server Parameter Licenses, the following applies: If one or more
parameters of the Server used exceed(s) the threshold given in the License
Agreement and/or the Product Description, this shall be deemed an order of one or
more new additional Server Parameter Licenses depending on the factor by which
the Server exceeds the thresholds in question. If the Licensed Software is used on
more than one Server, this shall be deemed an order of one or more new additional
Server Parameter Licenses, depending what number of Servers the Licensed
Software is used on.

20.5.4 In the case of On-Premise Products provided for a limited time, each additional
license or license upgrade runs until expiration of the agreed term of the original
license for the Product in question.


Unless otherwise specified in the relevant Product Description, the Licensee is entitled
subject to clause 8 to use On-Premise Products in conformity with the license while
observing the agreed license volume on any available hardware and in any system
environment, provided that this system environment corresponds to the specified machine
type, if any. However, if the Licensee changes hardware, it is required to delete the
previously installed On-Premise Product and the related license key from the previously used



Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 24/194

22.1 The Licensor makes the Licensed Software available for download from a Server via
a designated website or a dedicated online marketplace (app store) of a third party.

22.2 Clauses 19.2 and 19.4 apply mutatis mutandis.


23.1 Unless otherwise agreed in the License Agreement, the Licensor grants the
Licensee a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable (except as provided otherwise in
clause 6.6, non-sublicensable right to use the Licensed Software according to this
clause 23 and clause 5 in accordance with the relevant Product Description.

23.2 The Licensee is permitted to install, run and use the Licensed Software for the
intended purposes on a mobile device (smartphone, tablet) in accordance with the
Product Description.

23.3 Rights to the Licensed Software in Mobile Apps are generally granted perpetually.
However, the Licensor may specify in the License Agreement that the Licensed
Software is provided to the Licensee not on a perpetual basis but for a limited
period. In this case the rights are granted on a time-limited basis in accordance with
the provisions of the relevant License Agreement and/or the Product Description.


Clause 21 applies accordingly to Mobile Apps with the proviso that for Mobile Apps, the term
“hardware” refers to the mobile device of the User.



25.1 If the Licensee purchases Embedded Software, the Licensor grants the Licensee a
limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable right to use the Licensed Software as
software integrated into the device in machine-executable object code according to
this clause 25 and clause 5 for proper use of the respective device in accordance
with the relevant Product Description (“Runtime License”). The use of the Licensed
Software is limited to the respective device. The Licensee is therefore in particular
not authorized to use the Licensed Software separately from this device
(standalone) on other hardware.

25.2 In deviation from clause 6.6, for Embedded Software the Licensee is entitled to
resell the Licensed Software as part of the respective device but solely in
compliance with clause 25.1.



26.1 Regarding the delivery and provision of access to SDKs and Source Code, clauses
19.1 - 19.3 apply mutatis mutandis.

26.2 If the subject matter of a License Agreement is a SDK, the Licensor grants the
Licensee a perpetual, non-exclusive license to the object code of the Licensed

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 25/194

Software solely for the purposes of developing its own products for the named
system of Phoenix Contact or of the End Customer. The specific scope of the
permitted use of the relevant SDK and applicable restrictions, e.g., development
environment and target systems, are set forth in a separate agreement between
Licensor and Licensee (e.g., the License Agreement). If the SDK also contains
Source Code, the Licensor grant the Licensee a perpetual, non-exclusive license for
this Source Code solely for the purposes of internal debugging of the Licensed
Software. The Licensee may compile the so-modified Licensed Software and
integrate it into the respective devices of the Licensor. Any other use of the Source
Code of the Licensed Software is strictly prohibited. In particular, the Licensee is not
entitled to make functional modifications to the Licensed Software.

26.3 If the subject matter of a License Agreement is a Source Code, the Licensor grants
the Licensee a perpetual, non-exclusive license to one (1) copy of the Source Code
of the Licensed Software solely for the purposes of developing its own products for
the named system of Phoenix Contact or of the End Customer. The specific scope
of the permitted use of the relevant Source Code and applicable restrictions, e.g.,
development environment and target systems, are set forth in a separate agreement
between Licensor and Licensee (e.g., the License Agreement).

26.4 Unless otherwise agreed, SDKs and/or Source Code are licensed as a Facility

26.5 If the Licensee wishes to resell a perpetually provided SDK or perpetually provided
Source Code to a third party, clause 6.6 applies provided that the Licensee, in
addition to the requirements stated therein, informs the Licensor in writing about the
resale and the identity and address of the third party.



27.1 Cloud Products within the meaning of these Software License Terms are web-
based, multi-client-capable systems offered individually or in combination with other
components and services.

27.2 It is specified in the License Agreement which Cloud Products the Licensee
purchases. The quality of the Cloud Products is conclusively specified in the
individual Product Descriptions available at for each
Cloud Product and in these Software License Terms.

27.3 The Licensor grants the Licensee access to the Cloud Products according to these
Software License Terms in the version generally kept available by the Licensor.

27.4 The Licensor is obliged to maintain the Cloud Products available for the Licensee for
use via the internet and to make them accessible. The Cloud Products are available
to the Licensee via the internet according to these Software License Terms. The
Cloud Products are 98 % available on a monthly average (30 days) unless another
availability rate is agreed in the License Agreement. Availability of Cloud Products
exceeding the period stated above is not part of the Cloud Products and the
Licensor is not required to provide the relevant Cloud Product for any such
additional period. The point at which the availability of the Cloud Products is
measured is the WAN-side router output of the data center in which the relevant

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 26/194

Cloud Product is hosted. Maintenance times in accordance with clause 30 are to be
deducted from the “target availability” when calculating availability.

27.5 If the Licensor’s offer specifies that certain devices (“Devices”) may be connected to
the Cloud via the internet, such Devices can only be connected with the relevant
Cloud Product. In this respect the option of connecting Devices with each other is
not a feature of the Cloud Products.

27.6 Cross-customer visibility or accessibility of the Licensee’s Devices by other Users on

Devices of another customer is not a feature of the Cloud Products either.

27.7 The Licensee acknowledges that the Cloud Products are a multi-client system and
the Licensee has no right to the benefit from a dedicated physical system for its own
exclusive use.

27.8 The License Agreement for Cloud Products and these Software License Terms do
not include any internet access for the Licensee, but solely the internet connection
of the Cloud Products.


28.1 The Licensor provides the Licensee after its registration with the necessary data for
access (User name, password). The Licensee undertakes to keep its access data
and passwords confidential and to inform the Licensor without delay in writing or by
email if third parties obtain knowledge of the usage data and/or passwords of the
Licensee. Clause 4.5 remains unaffected.

28.2 To use the Cloud Products for a certain Device, it is necessary for the Licensee to
register the Device in question in the relevant Cloud Product. The device is enabled
for using this Cloud Product by such a registration. All enabled devices of the
Licensee are described as “Active Devices” below.

28.3 The Licensee is entitled at any time to deregister an Active Device again and thus to
disable it. All disabled devices of the Licensee are described as “Inactive Devices”
below. In the case of Cloud Products that require a User account with a certain
usage allocation, all Active Devices are automatically disabled and become Inactive
Devices when the Licensee’s account contains no more usage allocation.

28.4 To use the Cloud Products in a manner corresponding to the Product Description,
certain technical system requirements must be met by the Licensee. The necessary
browsers for using the Cloud Products are described in the latest Release Notes for
each Cloud Product. Licensor is not responsible for any consequences of Licensee’s
failure to meet such technical system requirements.

28.5 The Licensor is entitled to amend the Release Notes at its discretion while ensuring
that at least two (2) browsers available free on the market are always supported.

28.6 The Licensee is required to use the Cloud Products (i) only in the context of
applicable law and any restrictions in the User manual and (ii) not in a manner that
jeopardizes the safety or performance of the Cloud Products.


Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 27/194

29.1 If the Licensee orders Cloud Products, the Licensor grants the Licensee a non-
transferable, non-exclusive, global right, limited to the term of the relevant License
Agreement, to use the relevant Cloud Products online in accordance with this clause
29 and clause 5. This includes the right to access the web-based portal application
and enable copies arising during such access of the program code in the unaided
memory of the Licensee.

29.2 The Licensor maintains at any time a current version of the Product Description for
the Cloud Products at for electronic retrieval by the
Licensee. The Licensor hereby grants the Licensee a non-exclusive right, limited to
the term of the relevant License Agreement, to electronically retrieve and print out
the Product Description once and to produce a backup copy.


The Licensor may carry out scheduled maintenance during scheduled maintenance times.
These scheduled maintenance times are usually carried out between 6pm (CET) and 8pm
(CET) and take a maximum of 2 hours per calendar month. The Licensor shall notify the
Licensee of planned maintenance times with appropriate advance notice as far as possible
and reasonable. In addition, the Licensor is entitled to carry out unplanned maintenance work
of up to two (2) hours a month. During these times, the relevant Cloud Product will not be


31.1 As between the Licensor and Licensee, the Licensee is the sole owner of all
property rights, ownership rights and claims to the Customer Data. The Licensee
grants the Licensor and its vicarious agents a non-exclusive right to use the
Customer Data for providing the Cloud Products. Additionally, the Licensor is
entitled to make copies of Customer Data in anonymized form (i.e., without
information identifying the customer) and to analyze the anonymized data on an
aggregate basis with anonymized data of other customers, e.g., for statistical
purposes and to improve and develop the Cloud Products. With reference to
personal data, the prevailing provisions of clause 14 and the agreement on contract
data processing remain unaffected.

31.2 The Licensee is prohibited from uploading Customer Data to the Cloud Products

a) infringe third parties’ rights

b) violate applicable law;

c) may lead to an infringement of applicable law by the Licensor;

d) impair the security of the Cloud Products or

e) substantially impair the performance of the Cloud Products.

31.3 Upon request by the Licensor the Licensee shall delete from the Cloud Products any
Customer Data that breaches clause 31.2 by a reasonable period of time set by the
Licensor. Depending on the risk arising from the Customer Data breaching clause

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 28/194

31.2 for the Cloud Products or the Licensor, in individual cases a request for direct
deletion may also constitute a reasonable period of time. The Licensor is entitled to
delete or block from the Cloud Products any Customer Data that the Licensee does
not delete from the Cloud Products by the aforementioned period of time. No period
needs to be set where the Licensor would face more than merely immaterial
disadvantages if the respective Customer Data is not immediately deleted or
blocked. In this case the Licensor is entitled to delete or block the Customer Data in
question immediately.

31.4 If the Licensee stores Customer Data in Cloud Products that infringe clause 31.2,
the Licensee shall indemnify the Licensor against all resulting claims asserted
against the Licensor and the Licensee shall bear the resulting costs unless it is not
at fault. This also covers appropriate legal costs for the defense of such claims. The
Licensor shall inform the Licensee of such third-party claims.

31.5 The Licensee (i) is solely responsible for the accuracy, quality, integrity and legality
of the Customer Data and of the methods by which it procures the Customer Data,
(ii) shall make commercially reasonable efforts to avoid unauthorized access to or
unauthorized use of Cloud Products, and shall inform the Licensor without delay
about every such unauthorized access or unauthorized use and (iii) shall use the
services solely in accordance with the Product Description. The Licensor is under no
obligation to check the legality of Customer Data.

31.6 The Licensee explicitly acknowledges that the Licensor does not monitor or control
the content of communication or data of the Licensee or its Users that is uploaded to
the Cloud Products or transferred via the Cloud Products, and that the Licensor is
not liable for the content of the communication or transmissions.


32.1 If Client Software is needed for access to a certain Cloud Product, (i) the Licensor
will provide the Licensee with the Client Software for the Cloud Product in question
according to clause 19 and grant the Licensee during the term of the relevant
License Agreement a non-exclusive, non-transferrable right to use the Client
Software solely for accessing the related Cloud Product and for its use according to
the terms and provisions of these Software License Terms.

32.2 If Client Software is needed according to the Licensor, the Licensee may only
access the Cloud Product in question via the Client Software. Any other type of
access is prohibited. The Licensor assumes no warranty and is not liable for access
or attempts to access the Cloud Product in question by the Licensee in any way
other than via the Client Software and is not responsible for defects or damage
resulting from a breach of the aforementioned obligation by the Licensee.

32.3 The Licensee shall return all copies of the Client Software as soon as one of the
following events occurs: (a) the termination of the License Agreement for the
relevant Cloud Product or (b) communication by the Licensor that the Client
Software is no longer necessary for accessing the relevant Cloud Product (e.g., in
the case of updates or upgrades), together with a request by the Licensor to return
the Client Software. Upon corresponding written request by the Licensor, the
Licensee shall definitively destroy all copies of the Client Software instead of
returning them according to the appropriate instructions of the Licensor such that

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 29/194

they cannot be restored. The Licensee shall confirm to the Licensor within thirty (30)
days of receipt of the request that the Licensee has met the above obligations.



33.1 If the Licensor and Licensee agree on maintenance and support services for
perpetually provided Licensed Software by entering into a corresponding
Maintenance Agreement, the Licensor shall provide these maintenance and support
services in accordance with these Software License Terms and the Maintenance
Agreement. In case of contradictions between the provisions of these Software
License Terms and the provisions of the Maintenance Agreement, the provisions of
the Maintenance Agreement shall prevail. This clause 33 shall apply accordingly to
SW Updates and SW Upgrades that the Licensor provides to the Licensee in
accordance with clause 11.1 in a warranty case in the context of remedying defects.

33.2 The maintenance and support services comprise correcting defects, telephone
and/or electronic User support as well as the provision of updates of the Licensed
Software. In particular, Licensor shall provide, if available, SW Updates and SW
Upgrades of the Licensed Software (and the updated documentation in each case)
in accordance with the Maintenance Agreement. The Licensee is not entitled to
modules, components or other products for which the Licensor issues separate
licenses or charges additional fees. Unless otherwise agreed, the provision of Major
Releases is not part of the maintenance and support services and requires a
separate agreement between Licensor and Licensee.

33.3 The Licensee shall install all SW Updates and SW Upgrades without delay after
receiving them or as soon as they become available and the Licensee is notified by
the Licensor of the availability of SW Updates and SW Upgrades, in order to cease
an infringement of a third-party intellectual property right or to remove a defect in the
Licensed Software.

33.4 The maintenance and support services are provided for the current version of the
Licensed Software and for a period of twelve (12) months maximum from when the
current version is made for the previous version (n-1) unless the use of the latest
version is unreasonable for the Licensee, e.g., if the current version contains defects
or security risks; other version qualify for maintenance and support only if separately
agreed between the Licensor and Licensee.

33.5 Further details on the scope of the maintenance and support services are set forth in
the Maintenance Agreement. The Licensor may adapt, modify, reduce and/or
amend the scope therein of maintenance and support services in accordance with
clause 4.4.

33.6 Clause 11 of these Software License Terms applies only to maintenance and
support services, insofar as the services in question are subject to mandatory
statutory provisions related to contracts for work, leases or purchase contracts.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 30/194

Local Terms

(A) The following local terms (“Local Terms”) set forth in the Annexes below apply only
if the Licensee has its principal place of business in the country stated in the
particular Local Terms Annex.

(B) Where the applicable Local Terms refer to a certain clause of the Software License
Terms, the wording of that particular clause in the Software License Terms is
replaced by the corresponding wording set forth in the applicable Local Terms.

(C) Unless otherwise provided for in the applicable Local Terms, all terms and
conditions of the Software License Terms remain unaffected. This applies also for
clauses that are represented in the applicable Local Terms by a “[…]” placeholder.

Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms AUSTRIA

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in



10.8 If the Licensee defaults on payment, the Licensor is entitled to charge default
interest at the statutory rate pursuant to Section 456 Austrian Commercial Code.
Other rights of the Licensor, especially compensation claims, remain unaffected.




11.1 The Licensor warrants (gewährleistet) for Licensed Software provided for a fee, but
in relation to the Cloud Products only within the period of the agreed availability
(clause 27.4), that the Licensed Software performs as described in the Product
Description. If this requirement is not met, the Licensor is entitled at its discretion to
remedy this defect by repairing it or by supplying defect-free Licensed Software. In
particular, the Licensor may remedy the defect by providing an SW Update or SW
Upgrade. The Licensor bears no responsibility for the Licensed Software that meets
the expectations of the Licensee.


11.4 If third parties assert claims before expiration of the warranty period (clause 11.8)
against the Licensee for infringement of intellectual property rights within one of the
territories listed in clause 11.3, the Licensor may remedy this defect at its choice by
(i) acquiring the necessary rights for the Licensee so that the Licensed Software no
longer infringes any third-party intellectual property rights, (ii) replacing the Licensed
Software wholly or partly with another product with similar functionality that causes
no infringement, or (iii) modifying the Licensed Software in such a way that no third-
party intellectual property rights are infringed while maintaining similar functionality;
this can be done by providing an SW Update or SW Upgrade.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 31/194


11.8 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Software License Terms (in
particular without limitation clause 11.9, and except in cases under clause 12.2,
Licensee’s claims due to a defect in the Licensed Software in accordance with this
clause 11 for which the Licensee has been granted a perpetual right of use for a fee
become time-barred within twelve (12) months of provision of the Licensed



12.1 If the Licensed Software is provided to the Licensee for a fee, the Licensor’s liability
for any compensation or reimbursement of expenses of the Licensee is governed by
this clause 12. If the Licensed Software is provided to the Licensee free of charge,
only clauses 12.6 – 12.9 apply; apart from that the statutory provisions apply.

12.2 The Licensor is liable without limitation only in the cases listed below (a-e):

a) for a wilful or grossly negligent breach;

b) in the event of injury to body, life and health;

c) in the event of default, to the extent a fixed delivery and/or fixed performance
date was agreed;

d) in the event of the assumption of a guarantee for the quality of the goods or
the existence of successful performance;

e) in case of liability under the Austrian Product Liability Act or other mandatory
statutory liability provisions.

12.3 The Parties agree that the typically foreseeable damage or typically foreseeable
expenses and the related liability under the relevant License Agreement or
Maintenance Agreement do not exceed the remuneration that (i) for software sales
contracts, equals the purchase price for the Licensed Software, and/or (ii) for
software leasing contracts and/or maintenance and support services, the Licensee
has paid the Licensor in accordance with the relevant License Agreement or
Maintenance Agreement for the Contractual Year preceding the Contractual Year in
which the damaging event occurs. If the damaging event occurs within the first
Contractual Year, for the purposes of this clause 12.4, the remuneration paid until
then by the Licensee to the Licensor is extrapolated to twelve (12) months in
accordance with the relevant License Agreement and/or Maintenance Agreement.

12.4 Any further liability of the Licensor, in particular in cases of slight negligence, shall
be excluded.

12.5 Liability for indirect damage, consequential damage, lost profit, business failure
damage, business interruption damage, claims of third parties or damage to
reputation is excluded unless clause 12.2 applies.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 32/194

12.6 The Licensee is required to adequately back up data and for this purpose to make
backup copies of all data and programs in machine-readable form at least once a
day. If there is a data loss that is the fault of the Licensor, the Licensor’s liability is
limited to the costs of restoring data that the Licensee could not have prevented the
loss of by meeting the aforementioned obligation or other reasonable measures.

12.7 Notwithstanding clause 11.8, claims by the Licensee become time-barred, except in
cases of clause 12.2, within one year of the claim arising and knowledge or
negligent ignorance by the Licensee of the circumstances giving rise to the claim.

12.8 The above limitation of liability also apply to personal liability of employees,
representatives and agents of the Licensor.



18.3 All notices under these Software License Terms to Licensor shall be given in Written
Form and shall refer to the relevant License Agreement and/or Maintenance
Agreement and to these Software License Terms.


18.5 If any provision of these Software License Terms is or becomes invalid/null and void
or unenforceable in whole or in part, the validity of the other provisions of these
Software License Terms shall remain unaffected thereby. The parties shall replace
the invalid, legally ineffective or void provision with a new and valid provision that
approximates as nearly as possible the overall purpose of these Software License

18.6 These Software License Terms, together with all its associated exhibits and
schedules, as well as the License Agreements and Maintenance Agreements, all of
which are incorporated by this reference, constitute the complete and final
agreement of the parties pertaining to the Licensed Software and related services
and supersede the parties’ prior agreements, understandings and discussions
relating to the foregoing subject matter. No modification of any License Agreement,
Maintenance Agreement and/or these Software License Terms is binding unless it is
in Written Form and signed by both parties. This also applies to any amendment or
waiver of this clause. Any License Agreement, Maintenance Agreement and/or
these Software License Terms and amendments may be executed electronically
and may be signed in counterparts (which may be scanned or faxed copies), which
together will constitute one agreement. The parties may use standard business
forms or other communications, but use of such forms is for convenience only and
does not alter the provisions of the relevant License Agreement, Maintenance
Agreement or these Software License Terms.


Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms BELGIUM

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 33/194



11.8 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Software License Terms (in
particular without limitation clause 11.9, for any Licensee who has been granted a
perpetual right of use the Licensed Software, and except for the types of claims
exempted under clause 12.1 (i.e., wilful misconduct or personal injury), the
Licensee’s claims related to any failure by the Licensed Software to meet
performance standards or other performance expectations become time-barred
upon twelve (12) months the original purchase of the Licensed Software.
DEFECTS IN THE LICENSED SOFTWARE. This clause 11.8 applies to the extent
allowed by applicable laws or statutes.



12.1 To the extent allowed by applicable laws or statutes, and except for liabilities
resulting from (a) Licensor’s wilful misconduct or (b) Licensor’s personal injury,
Licensor will not be liable (whether in contract or tort) to Licensee for any
consequential, incidental, indirect, or exemplary damages arising out of or relating to
these Software License Terms.

12.2 To the extent allowed by applicable laws or statutes, and except for liabilities
resulting from (a) Licensor’s wilful misconduct or (b) personal injury caused by
Licensor, Licensor’s aggregate liability arising out of these Software License Terms
will not exceed the fees paid by Licensee during the twelve (12) months preceding
the incident giving rise to Licensor’s liability (if Licensee received the Licensed
Software free of charge, Licensor’s aggregate liability will not exceed EUR 5).


Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms BULGARIA

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in


1.1 These Software License Terms apply to each case in which the Licensor provides
Licensed Software to the Licensee, regardless of whether for a limited period or
perpetually. Whenever the Software License Terms and/or a License Agreement
refer to a “perpetual” license, such license is granted for a period of ten (10) years
and will automatically renew at the end of each term for a further term of ten (10)
years unless either party gives the other written notice of termination at least thirty
(30) days prior to the end of the relevant term.


Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 34/194

Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms CROATIA

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in



2.11 "License Agreement” means any contractual agreement between Licensor and
Licensee about the paid-for or free-of-charge provision of software by which the
Licensor establishes the right of use of the Licensed Software for the Licensee.
Depending on the product, such an Agreement can arise in different ways,
especially by conclusion of a License Sheet between Licensor and Licensee,
downloading of the software by the Licensee from a location specified by the
Licensor for that purpose (e.g., website of the Licensor, its Affiliate or authorized
partner or a cloud marketplace used for distribution by the Licensor, such as an
app store) and/or purchase of a device with integrated Embedded Software by the



5.1 If the Licensee is an Authorized Distributor, Phoenix Contact grants the Authorized
Distributor the right to distribute the Licensed Software to End Customers in
accordance with the agreements between Phoenix Contact and the Authorized
Distributor (e.g., in a distribution agreement), provided the Authorized Distributor
shall not and cannot in any case grant an End Customer any other or further rights
to the Licensed Software other than the rights granted to the Licensee under these
Software License Terms. The right of the Authorized Distributor to use the Licensed
Software is limited to the right of distribution described above. The Authorized
Distributor is not permitted to use the Licensed Software in any other manner and
the following provisions of clause 5 do not apply unless otherwise agreed between
Phoenix Contact and the Authorized Distributor (e.g., demo version for
presentations at the End Customer). The right of distribution granted under this
clause 5 shall not be exclusive, unless otherwise specified in the License

If the End Customer as Licensee has the right of use of the Licensed Software, the
grant of rights to the End Customer as Licensee is set forth in the provisions of this
clause 5 and the relevant provisions in Parts B to F, depending on the type of
Licensed Software.

5.2 The Licensor establishes for the Licensee a right to use the Licensed Software
according to these Software License Terms and the License Agreement. This right
to use applies solely to the Licensed Software named in the License Agreement
even if it is technically possible for the Licensee to access and/or use other software
too. The Licensor establishes for the Licensee only the rights of use explicitly named
in these Software License Terms and the License Agreement. The Licensee is not
entitled to use the Licensed Software in any additional way.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 35/194

5.3. The Licensor offers Licensed Software under various types depending on the
product. The individual types of rights are described in Parts B to F of these
Software License Terms and apply to the products named there. The relevant right
of use for a particular product is specified in the License Agreement and/or these
Software License Terms. The authorization for usage constitutes specifications and
restrictions of the grant of rights of use for the Licensed Software, which the
Licensee must strictly adhere to.

5.4 The Licensee may only use the Licensed Software for its internal business
purposes, or for commercial use according to this clause 5.4. For the purpose of this
clause 5.4. “Commercial use” means usage of the Licensed Software for the
purposes of producing, developing or refining, marketing and/or offering goods,
services or data or other services to third parties with or without the intention to
make a profit. However, even if commercial use is permitted, the Licensee shall not
distribute market, sell, lease, rent, make publicly available or otherwise publicly
display the Licensed Software to third parties in whole or in part, nor the Licensee
shall not distribute, make publicly available or otherwise publicly display the Product
Description. Any other provisions of these Software License Terms, including
without limitation clauses 5 to 6, remain unaffected.


5.8.3 The software pre-release versions may only be deployed by Licensee in accordance
with the approved purpose and at the approved location. Even upon approval as a
pre-release version, the software has not been sufficiently tested to be used in a
company under all conditions. The software pre-release versions must therefore be
used in protected conditions in a secure test environment to avoid damage to other
objects or people and must not be used in real operations (production facilities).
Additionally, the software pre-release versions must only be used so that uninvolved
third parties and their employees cannot be harmed even if the prototypes fail. The
software pre-release versions are only to be used by persons with the necessary
expertise in a physically separate area and using protective devices. The personnel
used must be instructed accordingly by the Licensee and informed of the dangers
due to lack of series maturity and functional restrictions. The Licensor shall not be
held liable for any damages which occur if Licensee does not use Software pre-
release versions in accordance with the instruction stated in clause 5.8 of this
Software License Terms.




6.2 Unless specified otherwise in these Software License Terms, the Licensee is not
permitted to provide the Licensed Software or Product Description and other
accompanying documentation to third parties, display it publicly or make it publicly
available, whether for a fee or free of charge and whether temporarily or


Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 36/194

6.4 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party license terms
and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, the Licensee is prohibited from
accessing or trying to access the Source Code of the Licensed Software by its own
means or via third parties by reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembly or other
measures. The Licensee may take such measures to achieve interoperability of the
Licensed Software with other, independently created computer programs solely
insofar as the information in question is essential for achieving interoperability and
provided the Licensee informs the Licensor accordingly in writing beforehand giving
the Licensor the opportunity to provide the Licensee with the necessary information
within a reasonable time period and the Licensor fails to do so. The Licensee may
make one safety copy of the Licensed Software if that is necessary for usage of the
Licensed Software.


6.7 The Licensee is not entitled to use the trademarks of the Phoenix Contact or any
company which is part of the Phoenix Contact Group for commercial and other
purposes without prior written consent.



10.8 If the Licensee is in delay with payment, the Licensor is entitled to charge default
interest prescribed by applicable law. Other rights of the Licensor, especially
compensation claims, remain unaffected.




11.1 The Licensor warrants for the Licensed Software, yet for the Cloud Products only
within the agreed availability period (Clause 27.4), that the Licensed Software has
the characteristics described in the Product Description. If the performance standard
in this clause 11.1 is not met, the Licensee’s sole and exclusive remedy is to request
a repair of the defect from Licensor pursuant to clause 11.2. Upon Licensor’s receipt
of the foregoing request, Licensor may at its solely discretion remedy this defect by
repairing it or by supplying defect-free Licensed Software. The Licensor also may
remedy the defect by providing an SW Update or SW Upgrade. The Licensor bears
no responsibility for the Licensed Software that meets the expectations of the


11.8 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Software License Terms (in
particular without limitation clause 11.9, any claims related to any failure by the
Licensed Software which has to meet performance standards or other performance
expectations of the Licensee for which the Licensee has acquired a permanent right
of use shall become statute-barred within twelve (12) months after the date of
acquiring of the Licensed Software.


Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 37/194


12.1 The Licensor's liability shall be determined in accordance with the provisions on
liability for product defect prescribed by applicable law.

12.2 In case of an unintentional or grossly negligent breach of an obligation which is

essential for the achievement of the purpose of the contract the liability of the
Licensor shall be limited in the amount of foreseeable damage or reimbursement of
expenses. Foreseeable loss or expense and associated liability under the applicable
License Agreement or Maintenance Agreement will not exceed (i) the fee which the
Licensee paid for Licensed Software for perpetually usage; or (ii) the fee which the
Licensee paid to the Licensor for rental of the Licensed Software pursuant to the
relevant Licensed Agreement for Contractual Year which is prior to the Contractual
Year in which the harmful event occurs. If the harmful event occurs within the first
year of the License Agreement, for the purposes of this clause the reimbursement
will not exceed the fee which Licensee paid to the Licensor for usage of the
Licensed Software in Contractual Year, increased with the number of months which
are left.

12.3. To the extent allowed by applicable law, the Licensor will not be liable to Licensee
for any incidental damages, indirect damages, loss of profit and damages for
violations of image.

12.4. The Licensee is required to adequately back up data and for this purpose to make
backup copies of all data and programs in machine-readable form at least once a
day. If there is a data loss that is the fault of the Licensor, the Licensor’s aggregate
liability is limited to the reasonable and actual costs of restoring data that the
Licensee could not have prevented the loss of by meeting the aforementioned
obligation or by taking other reasonable measures.

12.5. The above limitation of liability also applies to the personal liability of the employees,
representatives and bodies of the Licensor.

Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms CZECH REPUBLIC

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in
the Czech Republic.


1.1 These Software License Terms apply to each case in which the Licensor provides
Licensed Software to the Licensee, regardless of whether for a limited period or
perpetually. For the purpose of this Annex a “perpetual license” shall mean “for the
entire duration of the proprietary rights”.



6.3 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party license terms
and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, the Licensee is prohibited from
modifying, translating, arranging or otherwise changing the Licensed Software. If the

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 38/194

Licensee violates this obligation, the Licensee hereby undertakes to assign in writing
to the Licensor (or if the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, to Phoenix Contact) in
full and extensively all rights to all such non-permitted modifications, translations,
arrangements or other changes made in contravention of these License Terms.
Should such a transfer not be legally admissible, the Licensee undertakes to grant
the Licensor (or if the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, Phoenix Contact) in
writing the exclusive, irrevocable, transferrable, sublicensable, royalty-free and
worldwide right to make derivative works of, reproduce, use and exploit the
modifications, translations, arrangements and/or changes made in contravention of
these License Terms by all known and unknown means and without any restriction
in terms of time, space and content, especially to copy, distribute or make publicly
by wire or wireless means, including the right to make these publicly available.




10.3 In the case of Licensed Software provided perpetually for a fee, the Licensor
invoices the purchase price upon delivery of or granting of access to the Licensed
Software, unless otherwise agreed. It is explicitly agreed by the Parties that the
purchase price shall to be paid by the Licensee shall be considered one lump sum
paid for the purchase of the Licensed Software the license regardless on the
duration of the license.


Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms FINLAND

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in




11.5 Subject to Licensee’s compliance with these Software License Terms, the Licensor
shall indemnify the Licensee against any claims of third parties within the meaning
of clause 11.3 awarded by a court provided that the Licensee (i) informs the
Licensor in writing without delay about such a claim; (ii) provides the Licensor with
all reasonable support requested by the Licensor, and (iii) gives the Licensor as
between the parties the sole control and decision-making power about defending
and settling such a claim at the Licensor’s expense. The Licensor will indemnify the
Licensee in this respect against reasonable attorney’s fees for the Licensee’s lawyer
necessary to defend against claims up to a value determined by Licensor in Written
Form. Any lawyer’s fees exceeding that amount shall be assumed only with the prior
written consent of the Licensor. The indemnification obligation does not apply if the
Licensor is not responsible for the infringement of intellectual property rights.


Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 39/194

Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms FRANCE

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in


1.1 These Software License Terms apply to each case in which the Licensor provides
Licensed Software to the Licensee, regardless of whether for a limited period or
perpetually. For the purpose of this Annex, “perpetual” means “for the duration of the




2.1 “Affiliate” is any company controlled by the relevant party to the License Agreement
or that controls the relevant party or that is under the joint control of a third party
along with the relevant party. For the purpose of this provision, “control” means (i)
holding over 50% of the voting shares in the relevant company or (ii) having the
legal and/or actual option of determining the management and/or the major business
actions of the relevant company pursuant to Article L233-3 of the French
Commercial Code.




6.3 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party license terms
and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, the Licensee is prohibited from
modifying, translating, arranging or otherwise changing the Licensed Software. If the
Licensee violates this obligation, the Licensee hereby assigns to the Licensor (or if
the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, to Phoenix Contact) in full and extensively
all rights to all such non-permitted modifications, translations, arrangements or other
changes made in contravention of these License Terms, including without limitation,
all copyrights and other intellectual property rights contained therein. Licensee
agrees to execute, at Licensor’s request and expense, all documents and other
instruments necessary or desirable to confirm such assignment, including without
limitation, the copyright assignment set forth as Schedule 1 to this Annex. Should
such a transfer not be legally admissible, the Licensee grants the Licensor (or if the
Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, Phoenix Contact) the exclusive, irrevocable,
transferrable, sublicensable, royalty-free and worldwide right to make derivative
works of, reproduce, use and exploit the modifications, translations, arrangements
and/or changes made in contravention of these License Terms by all known and
unknown means and without any restriction in terms of time, space and content,
especially to copy, distribute or make publicly by wire or wireless means, including
the right to make these publicly available.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 40/194

6.4 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party license terms
and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, the Licensee is prohibited from
accessing or trying to access the Source Code of the Licensed Software by its own
means or via third parties by reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembly or other
measures. The Licensee may take such measures to achieve interoperability of the
Licensed Software with other, independently created computer programs solely
insofar as the information in question is essential for achieving interoperability and
provided the Licensee informs the Licensor accordingly in writing beforehand giving
the Licensor the opportunity to provide the Licensee with the necessary information
within a reasonable time period and the Licensor fails to do so.




10.1 Unless the Licensor provides the Licensee with the Licensed Software free of
charge, the Licensee shall pay the respective price for the purchased Licensed
Software and for maintenance and support services. The price is specified in the
License Agreement and/or Maintenance Agreement. If the License Agreement does
not include prices, the prices on the Licensor’s price list set forth in Schedule 2 to
this Annex shall apply.


10.10 Overdue amounts will also be subject to the legally required fixed collection charge
of 40 Euros per overdue invoice.




11.5 Subject to Licensee’s compliance with these Software License Terms, the Licensor
shall indemnify the Licensee against any claims of third parties within the meaning
of clause 11.3 awarded by a court provided that the Licensee (i) informs the
Licensor in writing without delay about such a claim; (ii) provides the Licensor with
all reasonable support requested by the Licensor, and (iii) gives the Licensor as
between the parties the sole control and decision-making power about defending
and settling such a claim at the Licensor’s expense. The Licensor will indemnify the
Licensee in this respect against any court fees and a reasonable amount of fees for
the Licensee’s lawyer necessary to defend against claims. The indemnification
obligation does not apply if the Licensor is not responsible for the infringement of
intellectual property rights.



12.1 Neither Party will be liable to the other Party for loss of profits, business or data
arising out of a breach of these Software License Terms or for any other damages

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 41/194

that are not the direct and foreseeable result of a breach of these Software License

12.2 Except for liabilities resulting from (a) Licensor’s wilful misconduct or gross
negligence or (b) personal injury caused by Licensor, Licensor’s aggregate liability
arising out of these Software License Terms will not exceed the fees paid by
Licensee during the twelve (12) months preceding the incident giving rise to
Licensor’s liability (if Licensee received the Licensed Software free of charge,
Licensor’s aggregate liability will not exceed EUR 5).


12.4 not applicable



17.5 In the event of a breach of a provision of a License Agreement and/or a

Maintenance Agreement by a Party, which is not cured within fourteen (14) days of
receipt of written notice describing the breach, the other Party may terminate such
License Agreement and/or Maintenance Agreement for cause upon written notice to
the breaching Party.




18.6 These Software License Terms, together with all its associated exhibits and
schedules, as well as the License Agreements and Maintenance Agreements, all of
which are incorporated by this reference, constitute the complete and final
agreement of the parties pertaining to the Licensed Software and related services
and supersede the parties’ prior agreements, understandings and discussions
relating to the foregoing subject matter. No modification of any License Agreement,
Maintenance Agreement and/or these Software License Terms is binding unless it is
in Written Form and signed by both parties. This also applies to any amendment or
waiver of this clause. Any License Agreement, Maintenance Agreement and/or
these Software License Terms and amendments may be executed electronically
and shall be signed in two originals. The parties may use standard business forms
or other communications, but use of such forms is for convenience only and does
not alter the provisions of the relevant License Agreement, Maintenance Agreement
or these Software License Terms. NEITHER PARTY WILL BE BOUND BY, AND


Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 42/194

18.8 The Licensor will comply with applicable law on concealed work (including, if
applicable, articles L.8221-3 and L.8221-5 of the French Labour Code) and foreign
workers (including, if applicable, articles L.5221-8, L.5221-11 and L.8251-1 of the
French Labour Code) regarding its personnel, and warrants that its subcontractors
will comply with such applicable Laws. The Licensor will also provide Licensee with
all documents required by applicable labour regulations, including, if applicable,
documents listed under articles D.8222-5, D.8254-2, D.8254-4 and D.8254-5 of the
French Labour Code.

18.9 The personnel of each Party shall in all circumstances remain under the sole
managerial and disciplinary authority of that Party, which shall be solely responsible
for the administrative, social and tax management of its personnel, and costs,
payments, charges and other disbursements incurred or owing to its personnel as a
result of the performance of these Software License Terms. In no case shall one
Party give instructions to the personnel of another Party.

18.10 If the Licensor intends to utilize a subcontractor to perform any of its obligations
under these Software License Terms, the Licensor will inform the Licensee of such
intention and the identity and qualifications of the proposed subcontractor. The
Licensee may hire subcontractors only with the Licensee’s prior written consent
which shall not be unjustifiably withheld. Nothing in this section shall relieve the
Licensor of its responsibility for the performance of any of its obligations under these
Software License Terms.


For good and valuable consideration which has been received, the undersigned sells,
assigns and transfers to Licensor and its successors and assigns, the copyright in and to the
following work, which was created by the following indicated author(s):



Copyright Office Identification No. (if any):

and all of the right, title and interest of the undersigned, vested and contingent, therein and

The assigned copyright notably includes:

(i). the right of use, which is the right to use all or parts of the work described
above, to whatever purpose (commercial, free of charge, advertising,
promotional, etc.);

(ii). the right of reproduction, which is the right to copy or obtain a copy of all or
parts of the work described above, including the right to download, display,
operate, transmit or store software that constitute the work described above
where it requires a reproduction of such software, to whatever purpose
(commercial, free of charge, advertising, promotional, etc.);

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 43/194

(iii). the performance right, which is the right to display or have displayed, publicly
or not, all or parts of the work described above, to whatever purpose
(commercial, free of charge, advertising, promotional, etc.);

(iv). the right of modification, which is the right to modify or have modified all or
parts of the work described above, including the right to adapt, adjust, correct,
improve, digitize, decompile, integrate all or parts in existing or future works, to
translate all or parts of the work described above in any language (including
computer language) and the right to proceed to any other modifications of the
work described above, as well as the right to reproduce any software resulting
from such modifications, to whatever purpose (commercial, free of charge,
advertising, promotional, etc.);

(v). the right to launch the work described above on the market, which is the right
to make it available to third parties, notably through an assignment, a license
or any kind of agreement, under any format, temporarily or definitively, to
whatever purpose (commercial, free of charge, advertising, promotional, etc.).

(vi). The abovementioned rights are assigned for all media, technologies, formats,
whether known or unknown, present or future, public or not, in particular but
not limited to:

(vii). any written medium (notably but not limited to, newspapers, periodicals,
magazines, brochures, leaflets, postcards, posters, promotional and
advertising materials, books and other media of presentation, information or
image, an on any data format of any nature such as digital, electronic,
magnetic, all kinds of videos such as video tapes including Digital Video Tape,
MiniDV, HDV, DVD, HD-DVD and/or Blu-Ray, laser disks, video on demand,
video CD, mini-CDs, USB device, hard disks, etc.);

(viii). any type of broadcasting (and notably terrestrial, by satellite, cable, optic fibre,
pay-per-view or free television, by computer, Internet, DSL, cloud computing,
by video-sharing platforms, by web TV and video signals, streaming, MMDS
television, cellular phone television, catch-up television, etc.);

(ix). any kind of product (notably but not limited to publications, educational
products, games and toys, videogames, etc.), including any kind of IT product
(in particular CD-ROM, CD-I, DVD, pictures, icons, wallpapers, screensaver,
Internet services and associated online services, interactive and digital
formats, etc.);

(x). any distribution network (including but not limited to bookshops, supermarkets,
specialized shops, direct sale, sale at a distance, Internet distribution, etc.).

(xi). The assignment of rights defined above is effective worldwide and at any time
for the period of legal protection of the copyright on the work described above
according to the law governing the Software License Terms and foreign
legislations or international conventions.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 44/194

Executed as of _____________________________.

Licensor: Licensee:

______________________________ ______________________________

Representative: Representative:

______________________________ ______________________________

Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms GERMANY

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in
Germany and in case Clause 18.2.1 is applicable.



10.8 If the Licensee defaults on payment, the Licensor is entitled to charge default
interest at the statutory rate pursuant to Section 288 German Civil Code. Other
rights of the Licensor, especially compensation claims, remain unaffected.






11.1 The Licensor warrants (gewährleistet) for Licensed Software provided for a fee, but
in relation to the Cloud Products only within the period of the agreed availability
(clause 27.4), that the Licensed Software performs as described in the Product
Description. If this requirement is not met, the Licensor is entitled at its discretion to
remedy this defect by repairing it or by supplying defect-free Licensed Software. In
particular, the Licensor may remedy the defect by providing an SW Update or SW
Upgrade. The quality of the Licensed Software owed is conclusively set forth in the
Product Description. The Licensor bears no responsibility for the Licensed Software
meeting the expectations of the Licensee.


11.4 If third parties assert claims before expiration of the warranty period (clause 11.8)
against the Licensee for infringement of intellectual property rights within one of the
territories listed in clause 11.3, the Licensor may remedy this defect at its choice by
(i) acquiring the necessary rights for the Licensee so that the Licensed Software no
longer infringes any third-party intellectual property rights, (ii) replacing the Licensed

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 45/194

Software wholly or partly with another product with similar functionality that causes
no infringement, or (iii) modifying the Licensed Software in such a way that no third-
party intellectual property rights are infringed while maintaining similar functionality;
this can also be done by providing an SW Update or SW Upgrade.


11.8 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Software License Terms (in
particular without limitation clause 11.9, and except in cases under clause 12.2,
Licensee’s claims due to a defect in the Licensed Software in accordance with this
clause 11 for which the Licensee has been granted a perpetual right of use become
time-barred within twelve (12) months of provision of the Licensed Software.



12.1 If the Licensed Software is provided to the Licensee for a fee, the Licensor’s liability
for any compensation or reimbursement of expenses (Aufwendungsersatz) of the
Licensee is governed by this clause 12. If the Licensed Software is provided to the
Licensee free of charge, only clauses 12.6 – 12.9 apply; apart from that the statutory
provisions apply.

12.2 The Licensor is liable without limitation only in the cases listed below (a-e):

a) for a wilful or grossly negligent breach;

b) in the event of injury to body, life and health;

c) in the event of default, to the extent a fixed delivery and/or fixed performance
date was agreed;

d) in the event of the assumption of a guarantee for the quality of the goods or
the existence of successful performance, or the assumption of a procurement
risk within the meaning of section 276 German Civil Code;

e) in case of liability under the German Product Liability Act or other mandatory
statutory liability provisions.

12.3 In case of a non-wilful or non-grossly negligent breach of an obligation that is

material to achieving the contractual purpose and in the fulfilment of which the
Licensee may normally trust (major obligation), the liability shall be limited to the
contractually typical and foreseeable damage or reimbursement of expenses.

12.4 The Parties agree that the typically foreseeable damage or typically foreseeable
expenses and the related liability under the relevant License Agreement or
Maintenance Agreement do not exceed the remuneration that (i) for software sales
contracts, equals the purchase price for the Licensed Software, and/or (ii) for
software leasing contracts and/or maintenance and support services, the Licensee
has paid the Licensor in accordance with the relevant License Agreement or
Maintenance Agreement for the Contractual Year preceding the Contractual Year in
which the damaging event occurs. If the damaging event occurs within the first
Contractual Year, for the purposes of this clause 12.4, the remuneration paid until

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 46/194

then by the Licensee to the Licensor is extrapolated to twelve (12) months in
accordance with the relevant License Agreement and/or Maintenance Agreement.

12.5 Any further liability of the Licensor shall be excluded. In particular, the Licensor shall
have no liability for initial defects that are not its fault in accordance with
section 536a (1) alt. 1 German Civil Code, unless clause 12.2 applies.

12.6 Liability for indirect damage, consequential damage, lost profit, business failure
damage, business interruption damage, claims of third parties or damage to
reputation is excluded unless clause 12.2 applies.

12.7 The Licensee is required to adequately back up data and for this purpose to make
backup copies of all data and programs in machine-readable form at least once a
day. If there is a data loss that is the fault of the Licensor, the Licensor’s liability is
limited to the costs of restoring data that the Licensee could not have prevented the
loss of by meeting the aforementioned obligation or other reasonable measures.

12.8 Notwithstanding clause 11.8, claims by the Licensee become time-barred, except in
cases of clause 12.2, within one year of the claim arising and knowledge or
negligent ignorance by the Licensee of the circumstances giving rise to the claim.

12.9 The above limitation of liability also apply to personal liability of employees,
representatives and agents of the Licensor.



16.3 The supply and service obligations under the relevant License Agreement (contract
performance) are subject to the condition that no obstacles or prohibitions based on
national or international provisions, especially export control regulations, embargoes
or other sanctions prevent performance. The parties undertake to provide all
information and documents needed for the export/shipment/import. Any delays due
to export controls or authorization procedures nullify agreed deadlines and delivery
times. If the necessary authorizations are not issued despite proper application by
the party required to do so, with respect to the affected parts the License Agreement
shall be deemed not concluded; damage claims in this respect and related of the
aforementioned exceeding of deadlines are excluded, provided the party required to
perform has not assumed a performance guarantee or a procurement risk under
section 276 German Civil Code.




18.3 not applicable


18.6 These Software License Terms, together with all its associated exhibits and
schedules, as well as the License Agreements and Maintenance Agreements, all of

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 47/194

which are incorporated by this reference, constitute the complete and final
agreement of the parties pertaining to the Licensed Software and related services
and supersede the parties’ prior agreements, understandings and discussions
relating to the foregoing subject matter. Any License Agreement, Maintenance
Agreement and/or these Software License Terms and amendments may be
executed electronically or may be signed in counterparts (which have to be in written
form within the meaning of Sec. 126 German Civil Code, i.e. handsigned), which
together will constitute one agreement. The parties may use standard business
forms or other communications, but use of such forms is for convenience only and
does not alter the provisions of the relevant License Agreement, Maintenance
Agreement or these Software License Terms.


CLAUSE 33 “Support and Maintenance Services”


33.6 All maintenance and support services by the Licensor are services within the
meaning of section 611 et seqq. German Civil Code. Clause 11 of these Software
License Terms applies only to maintenance and support services, insofar as the
services in question are subject to mandatory statutory provisions related to
contracts for work, leases or purchase contracts.

Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms GREECE

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in



10.2 All prices shall be final including any statutory value-added tax, customs duties and
other taxes or fees. These are payable by the Licensee.




11.1 Solely for Licensed Software provided for a fee, the Licensor covenants that the
Licensed Software will perform as described in the Product Description. For the
Cloud Products, the foregoing covenant will apply only during the period of the
agreed availability (clause 27.4). If the performance standard in this clause 11.1 is
not met, the Licensee will be entitled to the remedies provided by the Greek Civil
Code and Law 2251/1994 for the Protection of Consumers as in force.


Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 48/194

11.8 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Software License Terms (in
particular without limitation clause 11.9, for any Licensee who has been granted a
perpetual right of use the Licensed Software, and except for the types of claims
exempted under clause 12.1 (i.e., wilful misconduct or gross negligence, or personal
injury), the Licensee’s claims related to any failure by the Licensed Software to meet
performance standards or other performance expectations become time-barred
upon twenty four (24) months the original purchase of the Licensed Software.




33.6 All maintenance and support services by the Licensor are services within the
meaning of Articles 681 et seq. of the Greek Civil Code. Clause 11 of these
Software License Terms applies only to maintenance and support services, insofar
as the services in question are subject to mandatory statutory provisions related to
contracts for work, leases or purchase contracts.

Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms HUNGARY

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in



10.3 In the case of Licensed Software provided perpetually for a fee, the Licensor
invoices the purchase price upon delivery of or granting of access to the Licensed
Software, unless otherwise agreed.

10.4 In the case of software provided for a limited time for a fee, remuneration is due and
payable without deduction

a) in the case of fixed prices, in advance by the 3rd working day of the agreed
regular billing period at the latest;

b) in the case of varying, e.g., User-dependent prices

either (i) within ten (10) days of expiration of the regular billing period and
invoicing; the amount of remuneration is determined by the number of licenses
existing in the regular billing period to be invoiced;

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 49/194

or (ii) in advance within ten (10) days of invoicing for the agreed regular billing
period, whereby the price for this billing period is calculated from the actual
quantity used during the previous billing period;

if a varying price calculation is agreed, but not a due-date rule, variant (i)

Unless otherwise agreed, the regular billing period is quarterly.


10.7 For Cloud Products, other Licensed Software provided for a limited period,
and maintenance and support services, the Licensor is entitled once per
Contractual Year beginning upon the second Contractual Year, with three (3)
months’ advance notice, to increase the prices agreed for the current contract
with effect for the future, in order to adjust the price structure to altered costs for
the procurement and provision of the Licensed Software and/or the maintenance
and support services, including price increases of third-party suppliers or service
providers, higher wage costs and increases in the tax to be paid upon procurement,
but by a maximum of ten per cent (10 %) in comparison with the price valid at the
time in question.




11.1 Solely for Licensed Software provided for a fee, the Licensor covenants that the
Licensed Software will perform as described in the Product Description. For the
Cloud Products, the foregoing covenant will apply only during the period of the
agreed availability (clause 27.4). If the performance standard in this clause 11.1 is
not met, the Licensee’s sole and exclusive remedy is to request a repair of the
defect from Licensor pursuant to clause 11.2. Upon Licensor’s receipt of the
foregoing request, Licensor may at its solely discretion remedy this defect by
repairing it or by supplying defect-free Licensed Software. The Licensor also
may remedy the defect by providing an SW Update or SW Upgrade. The Licensor
bears no responsibility for the Licensed Software that meets the expectations of the

11.2 The Licensee must notify the Licensor of defects in writing without delay and at least
within ten (10) days and describe the error symptoms in detail. This period starts (i)
for obvious defects, upon provision of the Licensed Software, (ii) for other defects,
upon discovery of the defect. For perpetually provided Licensed Software, the
warranty for defects not reported on time shall be excluded.



12.1 To the extent allowed by applicable laws or statutes, and except for liabilities
resulting from (a) Licensor’s wilful misconduct or gross negligence or (b) Licensor’s
personal injury, resulting in loss of life, or harm to health, Licensor will not be
liable (whether in contract or tort) to Licensee for any consequential, incidental,

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 50/194

indirect, or exemplary damages arising out of or relating to these Software License

12.2 To the extent allowed by applicable laws or statutes, and except for liabilities
resulting from (a) Licensor’s wilful misconduct or gross negligence or (b) personal
injury, loss of life, or harm to health caused by Licensor, Licensor’s aggregate
liability arising out of these Software License Terms will not exceed the fees paid
by Licensee during the twelve (12) months preceding the incident giving rise to
Licensor’s liability (if Licensee received the Licensed Software free of charge,
Licensor’s aggregate liability will not exceed EUR 5).


12.4 For avoidance of doubt, this clause 12 also applies to personal liability of
employees, representatives and agents of the Licensor.



20.5 The number of licenses purchased is specified in the License Agreement. The
Licensee may purchase more licenses in addition to the licenses originally
purchased in the License Agreement. The Purchase of more licenses is done either
by a corresponding order by the Licensee in text form or by use of the Licensed
Software by additional Users according to the following provisions:




28.3 The Licensee is entitled at any time to deregister an Active Device again and thus to
disable it. All disabled devices of the Licensee are described as “Inactive Devices”
below. In the case of Cloud Products that require a User account with a certain
usage allocation, all Active Devices are automatically disabled and become
Inactive Devices when the Licensee’s account contains no more usage


Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms IRELAND

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in



6.3 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party license terms
and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, and subject to clause 6.4 the
Licensee is prohibited from modifying, translating, arranging or otherwise changing

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 51/194

the Licensed Software unless the Licensee does so in accordance with s80-82 of
the Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000 in achieving interoperability of the
Licensed Software with other, independently created computer programs. If the
Licensee violates this obligation, the Licensee hereby assigns to the Licensor (or if
the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, to Phoenix Contact) in full and extensively
all rights to all such non-permitted modifications, translations, arrangements or other
changes made in contravention of these License Terms. Should such a transfer not
be legally admissible, the Licensee grants the Licensor (or if the Licensor is an
Authorized Distributor, Phoenix Contact) the exclusive, irrevocable, transferrable,
sublicensable, royalty-free and worldwide right to make derivative works of,
reproduce, use and exploit the modifications, translations, arrangements and/or
changes made in contravention of these License Terms by all known and unknown
means and without any restriction in terms of time, space and content, especially to
copy, distribute or make publicly by wire or wireless means, including the right to
make these publicly available.

6.4 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party license terms
and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, the Licensee is prohibited from
accessing or trying to access the Source Code of the Licensed Software by its own
means or via third parties by reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembly or other
measures. The Licensee may take such measures to achieve interoperability of the
Licensed Software with other, independently created computer programs solely
insofar as the information in question is essential for achieving interoperability in
accordance with s.80-82 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000. The
Licensee shall inform the Licensor in writing giving the Licensor the opportunity to
provide the Licensee with the necessary information within a reasonable time period
and the Licensor fails to do so.




10.8 If the Licensee defaults on payment, the Licensor is entitled to charge default
interest (i) at 8 % above the European Central Bank main refinancing rate, or (ii) of
nine per cent (9 %) p.a., depending on which is lesser. Other rights of the Licensor,
especially compensation claims, remain unaffected.





11.5 Subject to Licensee’s compliance with these Software License Terms, the Licensor
shall indemnify the Licensee against any claims of third parties within the meaning
of clause 11.3 awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction provided that the
Licensee (i) informs the Licensor in writing without delay about such a claim; (ii)
provides the Licensor with all reasonable support requested by the Licensor, and (iii)
gives the Licensor as between the parties the sole control and decision-making
power about defending and settling such a claim at the Licensor’s expense. The

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 52/194

Licensor will indemnify the Licensee in this respect against any court fees and fees
for the Licensee’s reasonable professional legal fees necessary to defend against
claims. The indemnification obligation does not apply if the Licensor is not
responsible for the infringement of intellectual property rights.


11.10 Clause 11 conclusively describes the scope of Licensor’s warranty obligations. All
warranties, conditions or other undertakings implied by law or otherwise, and not
described in Clause 11, are expressly excluded to the fullest extent permitted by
applicable law.


12.1. To the extent allowed by applicable laws or statutes, and except for liabilities
resulting from (a) Licensor’s wilful misconduct or gross negligence, (b) personal
injury or death caused by Licensor’s negligence, and/or (c) Licensor’s fraud or
fraudulent misrepresentation, Licensor will not be liable (whether in contract, tort
(including negligence) or otherwise) to Licensee for any consequential, incidental,
indirect, or exemplary damages arising out of or relating to these Software License

12.2 To the extent allowed by applicable laws or statutes, and except for liabilities
resulting from (a) Licensor’s wilful misconduct or gross negligence, (b) personal
injury or death caused by Licensor’s negligence and/or (c) Licensor’s fraud or
fraudulent misrepresentation, Licensor’s aggregate liability arising out of or in
connection with these Software License Terms will not exceed the fees paid by
Licensee during the twelve (12) months preceding the incident giving rise to
Licensor’s liability (if Licensee received the Licensed Software free of charge,
Licensor’s aggregate liability will not exceed EUR 5).




17.5 Each Party may terminate a time-limited License Agreement and/or a Maintenance
Agreement in writing without notice for cause. A cause justifies termination by the
Licensor particularly if the Licensee has infringed the rights of use of the Licensor by
using the Licensed Software to an extent beyond that permitted in these Software
License Terms and does not cease this infringement within fourteen (14) days of a
warning by the Licensor. Either party may terminate a License Agreement and/or
Maintenance Agreement immediately during the initial term or any Extension Period
if the other party becomes insolvent, ceases to carry on its business, has a receiver,
examiner, liquidator, administrative receiver, administrator, trustee in bankruptcy or
other similar officer appointed over the whole or part of its assets, or an order is
made or a resolution is passed for the winding up of the other party (save for a
solvent winding up as part of a bona fide reconstruction or amalgamation, the terms
of which are approved in advance by the other party, such approval not to be
unreasonably withheld or delayed) or if an administration order is made in respect of
the other party (or documents for the appointment of an administrator in respect of
either party are filed with any court) or if it makes an arrangement or assignment for

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 53/194

the benefit of its creditors or if any analogous event to any of the foregoing occurs in
respect of either party.”


Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms ITALY

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in




11.8 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Software License Terms (in
particular without limitation clause 11.9, for any Licensee who has been granted a
perpetual right of use the Licensed Software, and except for wilful misconduct, the
Licensee’s claims related to any failure by the Licensed Software to meet
performance standards or other performance expectations become time-barred
upon twelve (12) months the original purchase of the Licensed Software.




17.5 Each Party may terminate a time-limited License Agreement and/or a Maintenance
Agreement in writing without notice in case of serious breach of the respective
License Agreement and/or Maintenance Agreement, in particular in case of serious
breach of one or more of the following clauses, pursuant to article 1456 of Italian
Civil Code: Clause 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 16. A cause justifies termination by the Licensor
particularly if the Licensee has infringed the rights of use of the Licensor by using
the Licensed Software to an extent beyond that permitted in these Software License
Terms and does not cease this infringement within fourteen (14) days of a warning
by the Licensor.



33.7 The parties acknowledge that pursuant to and to the effects of Section 26,
Paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 there will not be working
interference between the Licensor and the Licensee during the performance of any
Maintenance Agreement and/or these Software License Terms, therefore (i) it will
not be necessary to prepare a ‘single risk assessment document’ (“D.U.V.R.I.”)
indicating the measures adopted to eliminate possible working interference and (ii)

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 54/194

the costs relating to workplace safety with specific reference to any interference,
pursuant to Article 26, Paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008, are equal to
EUR0 (zero). At any time during the performance of any Maintenance Agreement
and/or these Software License Terms, in case of prospective working interference
between the Licensor and the Licensee, the Licensee shall timely (i) prepare a
D.U.V.R.I. (ii) define the costs relating to workplace safety.


Pursuant to article 1341 of Italian Civil Code, the Licensee expressly accepts the following

 clause 4.1 with respect to the limitation of liability contained therein;

 clause 7.2 with respect to the suspension of the access to the Licensed Software
contained therein;

 clause 8 with respect to the disclaimer of warranty contained therein;

 clause 10.7 with respect to price increases contained therein;

 clause 10.9 with respect to the limitation for the Licensee to offset or withhold
payments contained therein;

 clause 11.1 with respect to the limited warranty contained therein;

 clause 11.2 with respect to the forfeiture term contained therein;

 clause 11.3 with respect to the limited warranty contained therein;

 clauses 11.4 and 11.5 with respect to the indemnification contained therein;

 clause 11.6 with respect to the means to remedy defects contained therein;

 clause 11.8 with respect to the warranty period contained therein;

 clause 12 with respect to the limitation of liability contained therein;

 clause 15 with respect to control rights contained therein;

 clause 16.3 with respect to the limitations to the parties’ obligations contained therein;

 clause 17.4 with respect to the withdrawal right and automatic renewal contained

 clause 18.3 with respect to the exclusive competence of the Courts on Milan contained

Executed as of _____________________________.


Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 55/194



Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms JAPAN

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in



6.3 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement, third-party license terms or
the Copyright Act of Japan and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, the
Licensee is prohibited from modifying, translating, arranging or otherwise changing
the Licensed Software. If the Licensee violates this obligation, the Licensee hereby
assigns to the Licensor (or if the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, to Phoenix
Contact) in full and extensively all rights to all such non-permitted modifications,
translations, arrangements or other changes made in contravention of these License
Terms. Should such a transfer not be legally admissible or constitute a violation of
applicable law, the Licensee grants the Licensor (or if the Licensor is an Authorized
Distributor, Phoenix Contact) the non-exclusive, irrevocable, transferrable,
sublicensable, royalty-free and worldwide right to make derivative works of,
reproduce, use and exploit the modifications, translations, arrangements and/or
changes made in contravention of these License Terms by all known and unknown
means and without any restriction in terms of time, space and content, especially to
copy, distribute or make publicly by wire or wireless means, including the right to
make these publicly available. Further, in case of the grant of the right mentioned
above, the Licensee shall not grant the right to any third party without the Licensor’s



12.1 To the extent allowed by applicable laws or statutes, Licensor will not be liable
(whether in contract or tort) to Licensee for any consequential, incidental, indirect, or
exemplary damages arising out of or relating to these Software License Terms.


12.4 For avoidance of doubt, this clause 12 applies to personal liability of employees,
representatives and agents of the Licensor, and the Licensee shall not seek their
personal liabilities beyond the scope described in this clause 12.



Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 56/194

26.2 If the Licensee purchases an SDK, it receives from the Licensor the object code of
the Licensed Software solely for the purposes of developing its own products for the
named system of Phoenix Contact or of the End Customer. The specific scope of
the permitted use of the relevant SDK and applicable restrictions, e.g., development
environment and target systems, are set forth in a separate agreement between
Licensor and Licensee (e.g., the License Agreement). If the SDK also contains
Source Code, the Licensee receives these Source Code from the Licensor solely for
the purposes of internal debugging of the Licensed Software. The Licensee may
compile the so-modified Licensed Software and integrate it into the respective
devices of the Licensor. Any other use of the Source Code of the Licensed Software
is strictly prohibited unless otherwise permitted under the Copyright Act of Japan. In
particular, the Licensee is not entitled to make functional modifications to the
Licensed Software unless otherwise permitted under the Copyright Act of Japan.


Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms LATVIA

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in



18.6 These Software License Terms, together with all its associated exhibits and
schedules, as well as the License Agreements and Maintenance Agreements, all of
which are incorporated by this reference, constitute the complete and final
agreement of the parties pertaining to the Licensed Software and related services
and supersede the parties’ prior agreements, understandings and discussions
relating to the foregoing subject matter. No modification of any License Agreement,
Maintenance Agreement and/or these Software License Terms is binding unless it is
in Written Form and signed by both parties. This also applies to any amendment or
waiver of this clause. Any License Agreement, Maintenance Agreement and/or
these Software License Terms and amendments may be executed electronically
(with a secure electronic signature) may be signed in counterparts, which together
will constitute one agreement. The parties may use standard business forms or
other communications, but use of such forms is for convenience only and does not
alter the provisions of the relevant License Agreement, Maintenance Agreement or
these Software License Terms. NEITHER PARTY WILL BE BOUND BY, AND

Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms LITHUANIA

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 57/194



3.2. Further details such as the type of Licensed Software, duration of licensing, territory,
type of license, number of licenses and price (unless provided free of charge) and
third-party license terms and OSS software license terms are set forth in the
relevant License Agreement. The provisions of these Software License Terms apply
to every purchase agreed with binding effect between Licensor and Licensee. In
case of any contradictions between these Software License Terms and the terms of
the License Agreement, the provisions of the License Agreement shall prevail.



33.6 Not applicable.

Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms LUXEMBOURG

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in


1.1 These Software License Terms apply to each case in which the Licensor provides
Licensed Software to the Licensee, regardless of whether for a limited period or
perpetually. For the purpose of this Annex, “perpetual” or “perpetually” means “for
the duration of the intellectual property rights attached to such Licensed Software”.




6.6 The Licensee is entitled to resell to third parties Licensed Software for which it has
purchased a perpetual right of use, with simultaneous transfer of the rights of use
granted under these Software License Terms, provided that

(a) it is a final and not only temporary transfer;

(b) the Licensee fully and irrevocably deletes all copies it has of the Licensed
Software; and

(c) the third party accepts in writing the applicability of these Software License
Terms as between Licensor and third party.



11.1 Solely for Licensed Software provided for a fee, the Licensor covenants that the
Licensed Software will perform as described in the Product Description. For the
Cloud Products, the foregoing covenant will apply only during the period of the

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 58/194

agreed availability (clause 27.4). If the performance standard in this clause 11.1 is
not met, and to the extent that the defect may be easily repaired and that the repair
carried out by Licensor does not deprive Licensee from the use of the Licensed
Software (or the Cloud Products, as the case may be) for an extended period, the
Licensee’s sole and exclusive remedy is to request a repair of the defect from
Licensor pursuant to clause 11.2; in any other case, and pursuant to clause 11.2,
Licensee may elect to (i) request a repair of the defect from Licensor, or to (ii) erase
the Licensed Software (or cease to use the Cloud Products, as the case may be)
and request to be fully reimbursed by Licensor for the price paid, or to (iii) keep the
Licensed Software (or continue to use the Cloud Products, as the case may be) and
request to be partially reimbursed by Licensor for the price paid, the determination of
the part of the price to be reimbursed being subject to arbitration by qualified
experts. Upon Licensor’s receipt of the foregoing request for repair of the defect,
Licensor may at its solely discretion remedy this defect by repairing it or by
supplying defect-free Licensed Software. The Licensor also may remedy the defect
by providing an SW Update or SW Upgrade. The Licensor bears no responsibility for
the Licensed Software that meets the expectations of the Licensee.

11.2 The Licensee must notify the Licensor of defects in writing without delay and at least
within ten (10) days and describe the error symptoms in detail. This period starts
upon discovery of the defect. For perpetually provided Licensed Software, the
warranty for defects not reported on time shall be excluded. Licensor bears no
responsibility for obvious defects.


11.8 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Software License Terms (in
particular without limitation clause 11.9), for any Licensee who has been granted a
perpetual right of use the Licensed Software, and except for the types of claims
exempted under clause 12.1 (i.e., wilful misconduct or gross negligence, or personal
injury), the Licensee’s claims related to any failure by the Licensed Software to meet
performance standards or other performance expectations become time-barred
upon one (1) year from the notification of defect sent to Licensor pursuant to clause




17.2 In the case of Licensed Software provided under a “perpetual license”, these
Software License Terms shall apply for the duration of the intellectual property rights
attached to the Licensed Software.




Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 59/194

23.3 Rights to the Licensed Software in Mobile Apps are generally granted perpetually.
However, the Licensor may specify in the License Agreement that the Licensed
Software is provided to the Licensee not on a perpetual basis but for a defined
shorter period. In this case the rights are granted on a time-limited basis in
accordance with the provisions of the relevant License Agreement and/or the
Product Description.


Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms MALTA

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in


4.1 As the Licensed Software is a standard product, the Licensor is not responsible to
the Licensee for meeting industry-specific, legal or regulatory requirements, or any
bespoke requirements of the Licensee, unless they apply directly to the Licensor by
applicable mandatory law and/or unless otherwise specified in the License
Agreement. It is therefore the obligation of the Licensee to check the suitability of
the Licensed Software for use according to the applicable legal and regulatory
requirements for the Licensee as well as its own particular, individualised



5.1 If the Licensee is an Authorized Distributor, Phoenix Contract grants the Authorized
Distributor the right to distribute and licence the use of the Licensed Software to End
Customers in accordance with the agreements between Phoenix Contact and the
Authorized Distributor (e.g., in a distribution agreement), provided the Authorized
Distributor shall not and cannot in any case grant an End Customer any other or
further rights to the Licensed Software other than the rights granted to the Licensee
under these Software License Terms. The right of the Authorized Distributor to use
the Licensed Software is limited to the right of distribution and licensing described
above. The Authorized Distributor is not permitted to use the Licensed Software in
any other manner and the following provisions of clause 5 do not apply unless
otherwise agreed between Phoenix Contract and the Authorized Distributor (e.g.,
demo version for presentations at the End Customer).


5.4 The Licensee may only use the Licensed Software for its internal business
purposes, or for commercial use according to this clause 5.4. For the purpose of this
clause 5.4 “Commercial use” means usage of the Licensed Software for the
purposes of producing, developing or refining, marketing and/or offering goods,
services or data or other services to third parties with or without the intention to
make a profit. However, even if commercial use is permitted, the Licensee shall not
distribute, market, sell, assign, lease, rent, make publicly available or otherwise
publicly display the Licensed Software to third parties in whole or in part, or
otherwise incorporate it into products and/or create derivative works from it which

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 60/194

are, or are intended to be, distributed, marketed, sold, leased, rented or made
publicly available, in whole or in part, to such third parties. Any other provisions of
these Software License Terms, including without limitation clauses 5 to 6, remain


5.6 Unless the License Agreement states otherwise, the Licensee is entitled, subject to
these Software License Terms (i.e., including without limitation the restrictions of this
clause) to allow and authorise in the context of service contracts, e.g., data centre
outsourcing or hosting, to allow the respective third-party service provider to use the
Licensed Software strictly on the following terms and conditions (i) the Licensee
informs the Licensor in writing in advance about such third-party use, giving the
name and contact details of the third-party service provider, (ii), the third-party
service provider uses the Licensed Software solely for the purposes and for the
benefit of the Licensee under the relevant service contract and that the use occurs
only for the duration of the service contract, (iii) the third-party use of the Licensed
Software is and remains only as strictly necessary to provide services of the third-
party service provider to the Licensee under the relevant service contracts, (iv) the
third-party service provider agrees to tolerate, and cooperate with respect to,
controls by the Licensor pursuant to clause 15 and (v) the third-party service
provider is not a competitor of the Licensor (and/or a competitor of Phoenix Contact,
if the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor). This right applies to both a Company
License and a Group License; in the latter case, this clause 5.6 applies provided that
the service agreement with the third-party service provider may also be entered into
by an authorized Affiliate according to clause 5.5 instead of by the Licensee and/or
the use by the third-party service provider may take place for the purposes of such
an authorized Affiliate. The Licensee shall be responsible for monitoring and
ensuring that these terms are complied with at all times by the third–party service
provider, and shall assume full liability for any breaches or defaults thereof on the
part of the said third-party service provider.



6.1 If the Licensee is an Authorized Distributor, the following applies: The Authorized
Distributor is entitled to distribute and license the use of the Licensed Software to
End Customers according to the relevant License Agreement between Phoenix
Contact and the Authorized Distributor; in this respect the clauses 6.2 and 6.5 (i) do
not prevent distribution to End Customers permitted under the License Agreement
and are not to be interpreted as a restriction on this right of distribution. Clause 6.6
does not apply to the Authorized Distributor. Clauses 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 (ii) apply
without restriction.


6.3 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party license terms
and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, the Licensee is prohibited from
modifying, translating, arranging or otherwise changing or creating derivative works
to the Licensed Software. If the Licensee violates this obligation, the Licensee
hereby assigns to the Licensor (or if the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, to
Phoenix Contact) in full and extensively all rights, title and interest in and to all such

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 61/194

non-permitted modifications, translations, arrangements or other changes or
derivative works made in contravention of these License Terms. Should such a
transfer not be legally admissible, the Licensee grants the Licensor (or if the
Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, Phoenix Contact) the exclusive, irrevocable,
transferrable, sublicensable, royalty-free and worldwide right to make its own
derivative works of, reproduce, use and exploit these modifications, translations,
arrangements changes and/or derivative works made in contravention of these
License Terms by all known and unknown means and without any restriction in
terms of time, space and content, especially to copy, distribute or make publicly by
wire or wireless means, including the right to make these publicly available as well
as the results of the exercise of such rights (including, its own derivative works and
any reproductions). In such a case of assignment or licensing of all rights, title and
interest in and to all such non-permitted modifications, translations, arrangements or
other changes or derivative works made in contravention of these License Terms to
Phoenix Contact, the amount due by Phoenix Contact by way of consideration
would be one Euro (EUR 1) which would be payable upon written demand by the

6.4 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party license terms
and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, the Licensee is prohibited from
accessing or trying to access the Source Code of the Licensed Software by its own
means or via third parties by reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembly or other
measures. The Licensee may take such measures as allowed under Article 9(2)(b)
of the Copyright Act (Chapter 415 of the Laws of Malta) to achieve interoperability of
the Licensed Software with other , independently created computer programs solely
insofar as the information in question is essential for achieving interoperability and
provided the Licensee informs the Licensor accordingly in writing beforehand giving
the Licensor the opportunity to provide the Licensee with the necessary information
within a reasonable time period and the Licensor fails to do so.


6.7 In all circumstances, the Licensor (or if the Licensor is an Authorised Distributor,
Phoenix Contract) shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to any and all
intellectual property rights in the Licensed Software (including, the respective source
code), whether existing now or arising in the future, in any part of the world. Nothing
in these Licence Terms or the relative Licence Agreement shall be construed as
being departed from this clause.


12.1 To the extent allowed by applicable laws or statutes, and except for liabilities
resulting from (a) Licensor’s wilful misconduct, fraudulent conduct or gross
negligence or (b) personal injury of the Licensee resulting from the Licensor’s own
acts or inactions, Licensor will not be liable (whether in contract or tort) to Licensee
for any consequential, incidental, indirect, or exemplary damages arising out of or
relating to these Software License Terms and/or the use of the Licensed Software.

12.2 To the extent allowed by applicable laws or statutes, and except for liabilities
resulting from (a) Licensor’s wilful misconduct, fraud or gross negligence or (b)
personal injury caused by Licensor, Licensor’s aggregate liability arising out of these
Software License Terms will not exceed the fees paid by Licensee during the twelve
(12) months preceding the incident giving rise to Licensor’s liability (if Licensee

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 62/194

received the Licensed Software free of charge, Licensor’s aggregate liability will not
exceed EUR 5).




17.5 Without prejudice to clause 17.4, each Party may terminate a time-limited License
Agreement and/or a Maintenance Agreement in writing without notice and with
immediate effect for cause. A cause justifying termination arises where the Licensee
commits a material breach of these Licence Terms or the Licence Agreement and/or
Maintenance Agreement, such as where Licensee has infringed the rights of use of
the Licensor by using the Licensed Software to an extent beyond that permitted in
these Software License Terms, and does not cease this infringement within fourteen
(14) days of a warning by the Licensor.




31.2 The Licensee is prohibited from uploading Customer Data to the Cloud Products

a) infringe third parties’ rights;

b) has been procured or processed without the appropriate consent or otherwise

not in accordance with a legal basis established under applicable data
protection legislation;

c) violate applicable law;

d) may lead to an infringement of applicable law by the Licensor;

e) impair the security of the Cloud Products or

f) substantially impair the performance of the Cloud Products.


Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms NETHERLANDS

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in
the Netherlands.



5.6 Unless the License Agreement states otherwise, the Licensee is entitled in
accordance with these Software License Terms (i.e., including without limitation the

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 63/194

restrictions of this clause 5) in the context of service contracts, e.g., data centre
outsourcing or hosting, to allow the respective third-party service provider to use the
Licensed Software provided that (i) the Licensee informs the Licensor in writing in
advance about such third-party use, giving the name and contact details of the third-
party service provider, (ii), the third-party service provider uses the Licensed
Software solely for the purposes and for the benefit of the Licensee under the
relevant service contract and that the use occurs only for the duration of the service
contract, (iii) the third-party use of the Licensed Software is and remains only as
strictly necessary to provide services of the third-party service provider to the
Licensee under the relevant service contracts, (iv) the third-party service provider
agrees to tolerate, and cooperate with respect to, controls by the Licensor pursuant
to clause 15 and (v) the third-party service provider is not a competitor of the
Licensor (and/or a competitor of Phoenix Contact, if the Licensor is an Authorized
Distributor) provided that this limitation will not be in effect for a term longer than five
(5) Contractual Years as per the start date of the License Agreement and/or
Maintenance Agreement. This right applies to both a Company License and a Group
License; in the latter case, this clause 5.6 applies provided that the service
agreement with the third-party service provider may also be entered into by an
authorized Affiliate according to clause 5.5 instead of by the Licensee and/or the use
by the third-party service provider may take place for the purposes of such an
authorized Affiliate.





11.8 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Software License Terms (in
particular without limitation clause 11.9, for any Licensee who has been granted a
perpetual right of use the Licensed Software, and except for the types of claims
exempted under clause 12.1 (i.e., wilful misconduct or gross negligence, or personal
injury), the Licensee’s claims related to any failure by the Licensed Software to meet
performance standards or other performance expectations become time-barred
upon twelve (12) months from the original purchase of the Licensed Software.
AND STATUTES (including the circumstances exempted under clause 12.1,




18.6 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, these Software License Terms,
together with all its associated exhibits and schedules, as well as the License
Agreements and Maintenance Agreements, all of which are incorporated by this
reference, constitute the complete and final agreement of the parties pertaining to

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 64/194

the Licensed Software and related services and supersede the parties’ prior
agreements, understandings and discussions relating to the foregoing subject
matter. No modification of any License Agreement, Maintenance Agreement and/or
these Software License Terms is binding unless it is in Written Form and signed by
both parties. This also applies to any amendment or waiver of this clause. Any
License Agreement, Maintenance Agreement and/or these Software License Terms
and amendments may be executed electronically and may be signed in counterparts
(which may be scanned or faxed copies), which together will constitute one
agreement. The parties may use standard business forms or other communications,
but use of such forms is for convenience only and does not alter the provisions of
the relevant License Agreement, Maintenance Agreement or these Software


Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms NORWAY

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in



6.3 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party license terms
and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, the Licensee is prohibited from
modifying, translating, arranging or otherwise changing the Licensed Software. If the
Licensee violates this obligation, the Licensee hereby assigns to the Licensor (or if
the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, to Phoenix Contact) in full and extensively
all rights to all such non-permitted modifications, translations, arrangements or other
changes made in contravention of these License Terms, including the right to make
further changes and modifications to the foregoing as well as to assign, sublicense,
and transfer it. Should such a transfer not be legally admissible, the Licensee grants
the Licensor (or if the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, Phoenix Contact) the
exclusive, irrevocable, transferrable, sublicensable, royalty-free and worldwide right
to make derivative works of, reproduce, use and exploit the modifications,
translations, arrangements and/or changes made in contravention of these License
Terms by all known and unknown means and without any restriction in terms of
time, space and content, especially to copy, distribute or make publicly by wire or
wireless means, including the right to make these publicly available.




Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 65/194


11.10 Clause 11 conclusively describes the scope of Licensor’s warranty obligations.

Nothing in this clause 11 or other elements relating to warranties, shall be construed
to limit the generality of clause 12. Each party's total liability is therefore subject to
the limitations in clause 12.

Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms POLAND

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in


1.1 These Software License Terms apply to each case in which the Licensor provides
Licensed Software to the Licensee, regardless of whether for a limited period or
perpetually. Any time the Software License Terms mention “perpetual license” in it
is meant to be a non-exclusive indefinite license in the meaning of the Polish law
with no right for termination, except as provided otherwise in the License Agreement
and/or in these Software License Terms.




6.3 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party license terms
and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, the Licensee is prohibited from
modifying, translating, arranging or otherwise changing the Licensed Software. If the
Licensee violates this obligation, the Licensee hereby undertakes to assign in writing
to the Licensor (or if the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, to Phoenix Contact) in
full and extensively all rights to all such non-permitted modifications, translations,
arrangements or other changes made in contravention of these License Terms.
Should such a transfer not be legally admissible, the Licensee undertakes to grant
the Licensor (or if the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, Phoenix Contact) in
writing the exclusive, irrevocable, transferrable, sublicensable, royalty-free and
worldwide right to make derivative works of, reproduce, use and exploit the
modifications, translations, arrangements and/or changes made in contravention of
these License Terms by all known and unknown means and without any restriction
in terms of time, space and content, especially to copy, distribute or make publicly
by wire or wireless means, including the right to make these publicly available.




10.7 For Cloud Products, other Licensed Software provided for a limited period, and
maintenance and support services, the Licensor is entitled once per Contractual
Year beginning upon the second Contractual Year, with three (3) months’ advance
notice, to increase the prices agreed for the current contract with effect for the

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 66/194

future, in order to adjust the price structure to altered costs for the procurement and
provision of the Licensed Software and/or the maintenance and support services,
including price increases of third-party suppliers or service providers, higher wage
costs and increases in the tax to be paid upon procurement, but by a maximum of
ten per cent (10 %) in comparison with the price valid at the time in question. In case
the price is increased in accordance with the preceding sentence, the Licensee shall
have the right to terminate the License Agreement with three (3) months’ advance
notice as of the receipt of the notice on the increase of prices.



14.1 In execution of the contract, the Licensor processes personal data of the Licensee
and its involved employees (name, contact details, other personal data for contract
execution), as well as of any other people (such as Users), obtained by signing the
contact, to the extent and for the time this is necessary for proper performance of
the contract taking into account the relevant licensing model. The Licensee, its
involved employee and User has the right to access his or her data, correct them
and request their removal, unless it affects the possibility of further execution of the



20.1 There are different types of licenses for On-Premise Products. The relevant license
type is specified in the License Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in the License
Agreement, the Licensor grants the Licensee a non-exclusive, limited, non-
transferable (except as provided otherwise in clause 6.6, non-sublicensable (except
as provided otherwise in the License Agreement and/or in these Software License
Terms) right to use the Licensed Software according to this clause 20 and clause 5
in accordance with the relevant Product Description.



23.1 Unless otherwise agreed in the License Agreement, the Licensor grants the
Licensee a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable (except as provided otherwise in
clause 6.6, non-sublicensable (except as provided otherwise in the License
Agreement and/or in these Software License Terms) right to use the Licensed
Software according to this clause 23 and clause 5 in accordance with the relevant
Product Description.



25.1 If the Licensee purchases Embedded Software, the Licensor grants the Licensee a
limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable (except as provided otherwise in the
License Agreement and/or in these Software License Terms) right to use the
Licensed Software as software integrated into the device in machine-executable

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 67/194

object code according to this clause 25 and clause 5 for proper use of the respective
device in accordance with the relevant Product Description (“Runtime License”).
The use of the Licensed Software is limited to the respective device. The Licensee
is therefore in particular not authorized to use the Licensed Software separately
from this device (standalone) on other hardware.



31.1 As between the Licensor and Licensee, the Licensee is the sole owner of all
property rights, ownership rights and claims to the Customer Data. The Licensee
hereby declares it has the right to process the Customers’ personal data. The
Licensee grants the Licensor and its vicarious agents a non-exclusive right to use
the Customer Data for providing the Cloud Products. Additionally, the Licensor is
entitled to make copies of Customer Data in anonymised form (i.e., without
information identifying the customer) and to analyse the anonymised data on an
aggregate basis with anonymised data of other customers, e.g., for statistical
purposes and to improve and develop the Cloud Products. With reference to
personal data, the prevailing provisions of clause 14 and the agreement on contract
data processing remain unaffected.


Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms PORTUGAL

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in


1.1 These Software License Terms apply to each case in which the Licensor provides
Licensed Software to the Licensee, regardless of whether for a limited period or
perpetually. For the purposes of these Software License Terms, the terms
“perpetual” or “perpetually” shall mean without time limit.




6.3 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party license terms
and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, the Licensee is prohibited from
modifying, translating, arranging or otherwise changing the Licensed Software. If the
Licensee violates this obligation, the Licensee hereby assigns or shall procure that
its employees assign to the Licensor (or if the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor,
to Phoenix Contact) in full and extensively, for no consideration and for all
jurisdictions, all rights to all such non-permitted modifications, translations,
arrangements or other changes made in contravention of these License Terms.
Should such a transfer not be legally admissible, the Licensee grants the Licensor
(or if the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, Phoenix Contact) the exclusive,
irrevocable, transferrable, sublicensable, royalty-free and worldwide right to make

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 68/194

derivative works of, reproduce, use and exploit the modifications, translations,
arrangements and/or changes made in contravention of these License Terms by all
known and unknown means and without any restriction in terms of time, space and
content, especially to copy, distribute or make publicly by wire or wireless means,
including the right to make these publicly available.


6.6 The Licensee is entitled to resell to third parties Licensed Software for which it has
purchased a perpetual right of use, with simultaneous transfer of the rights of use
granted under these Software License Terms, provided that

a) it is a perpetual and not only temporary transfer;

b) the Licensee fully and irrevocably deletes all copies it has of the Licensed
Software; and

c) the third party accepts the applicability of these Software License Terms as
between Licensor and third party and confirms this in writing to the Licensor.



11.1 Solely for Licensed Software provided for a fee, the Licensor covenants that the
Licensed Software will perform as described in the Product Description. For the
Cloud Products, the foregoing covenant will apply only during the period of the
agreed availability (clause 27.4). If the performance standard in this clause 11.1 is
not met, the Licensee’s sole and exclusive remedy is to request a repair of the
defect from Licensor pursuant to clause 11.2. Upon Licensor’s receipt of the
foregoing request, Licensor may at its solely discretion remedy this defect by
repairing it or by supplying defect-free Licensed Software. The Licensor also may
remedy the defect by providing an SW Update or SW Upgrade. The Licensor does
not warrant that the Licensed Software meets the expectations of the Licensee.


11.4 If third parties assert claims before expiration of the warranty period (clause 11.8)
against the Licensee for infringement of intellectual property rights within one of the
territories listed in clause 11.3, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the
Licensee’s sole and exclusive remedy is to request Licensor to remedy this defect.
Licensor may remedy this defect at its sole discretion by (i) acquiring the necessary
rights for the Licensee so that the Licensed Software no longer infringes any third-
party intellectual property rights, (ii) replacing the Licensed Software wholly or partly
with another product with similar functionality that causes no infringement, or (iii)
modifying the Licensed Software in such a way that no third-party intellectual
property rights are infringed while maintaining similar functionality; this can be done
by providing an SW Update or SW Upgrade.

11.5 Subject to Licensee’s compliance with these Software License Terms, the Licensor
shall indemnify the Licensee against any claims of third parties within the meaning
of clause 11.3 awarded by a court provided that the Licensee (i) informs the
Licensor in writing without delay about such a claim; (ii) provides the Licensor with
all reasonable support requested by the Licensor, and (iii) gives the Licensor as

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 69/194

between the parties the sole control and decision-making power about defending
and settling such a claim at the Licensor’s expense. The Licensor will indemnify the
Licensee in this respect against any court fees and reasonable fees for the
Licensee’s lawyer necessary to defend against claims. Any lawyer’s fees exceeding
that amount shall be assumed only with the prior written consent of the Licensor.
The indemnification obligation does not apply if the Licensor is not responsible for
the infringement of intellectual property rights.


11.8 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Software License Terms (in
particular without limitation clause 11.9, for any Licensee who has been granted a
perpetual right of use the Licensed Software, and except for the types of claims
exempted under clause 12.1 (i.e., wilful misconduct or gross negligence, or personal
injury), the Licensee’s claims related to any failure by the Licensed Software to meet
performance standards or other performance expectations become time-barred
upon twelve (12) months the original purchase of the Licensed Software.


Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms ROMANIA

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in




11.2 The Licensee must notify the Licensor for obvious defects in writing with undue
delay upon provision of the Licensed Software as set forth by the Article 1690 of the
Romanian Civil Code while for any other defects within at least ten (10) days and
describe the error symptoms in detail. This period starts upon discovery of the
defect. For perpetually provided Licensed Software, the warranty for defects not
reported on time shall be excluded.




18.3 All notices under these Software License Terms to Licensor will be given in Written
Form and will refer to the relevant License Agreement and/or Maintenance
Agreement and to these Software License Terms. All such notices, and other
communications required or permitted to be given under License Agreement and/or
Maintenance Agreement and to these Software License Terms shall be deemed to

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 70/194

have been duly given if: (i) delivered personally or (ii) by courier with registered mail.
In all cases when for the effectiveness of certain action (document ) under the
License Agreement and/or Maintenance Agreement and to these Software License
Terms it is necessary its delivery to the other party, this action comes into effect up-
on the day of returned delivery of the mail (confirmation receipt) to the sender. Any
notice provided in any other manner will be deemed NOT received by Licensor
unless Licensor specifically acknowledges receipt of such notice in Written Form.


Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms SLOVAKIA

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in



5.2 The Licensor grants the Licensee a license to use the Licensed Software according
to these Software License Terms and the License Agreement. This license grant
applies solely to the Licensed Software named in the License Agreement even if it is
technically possible for the Licensee to access and/or use other software too. The
Licensor grants the Licensee only the rights of use explicitly named in these
Software License Terms and the License Agreement. The Licensee is not entitled to
use the Licensed Software in any additional way, except in a way explicitly permitted
by Sec. 89 Par. 2 Let. b) and c) of the Act No. 185/2015 Coll., Slovak Copyright Act.


5.7 The Licensed Software may only be sublicensed to third parties, made available to
third parties, used by the Licensee for the purposes of third parties, or used by third
parties for the purposes of the Licensee, if and to the extent explicitly permitted in
these Software License Terms. Any other transfer of the license, sublicensing,
making available to, or usage by third parties is prohibited. The Licensee is
responsible for all actions and omissions by its sublicensees or third-party users in
connection with the use of the Licensed Software to the same extent as for its own
actions and omissions. The right to sublicense, make available to or use for third
parties or use by third parties on the Licensee’s behalf does not affect the number of
licenses purchased by the Licensee. If the Licensee has reason to assume that a
sublicensee or third-party user is using the Licensed Software contrary to the terms
of licensing, the Licensee must inform the Licensor without delay and prevent any
further use of the Licensed Software by the sublicensee and/or third-party user in


Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms SLOVENIA

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in


Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 71/194


6.3 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party license terms
and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, the Licensee is prohibited from
modifying, translating, arranging or otherwise changing the Licensed Software. If the
Licensee violates this obligation, the Licensee agrees to assign to the Licensor free
of charge (or if the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, to Phoenix Contact) in full
and extensively all its material copyrights to all such non-permitted modifications,
translations, arrangements or other changes made in contravention of these License
Terms. The Licensee agrees to enter into a copyright agreement for granting the
Licensor the aforementioned rights immediately upon the Licensor’s request.




17.4 The Licensor and Licensee may terminate any time-limited License Agreement
and/or Maintenance Agreement after the initial term and/or any Extension Period (as
defined below) with three (3) months’ notice prior to the expiry of the applicable
term. If the relevant License Agreement and/or Maintenance Agreement is not
terminated in time, it shall be extended by another twelve (12) months each
(“Extension Period”). The perpetually provided Licensed Software may be
terminated by each party with three month’s prior notice. The Licensor should not
terminate the perpetually provided Licensed Software in the first year of the License
Agreement. In case of termination of a perpetually provided Licensed Software the
Licensee is not entitled to a pro-rata or entire refund of the fee paid for the Licensed


Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms SWEDEN

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in



6.3 Unless specified otherwise in the License Agreement or third-party license terms
and/or provided it is not Open Source Software, the Licensee is prohibited from
modifying, translating, arranging or otherwise changing the Licensed Software. If the
Licensee violates this obligation, the Licensee hereby assigns to the Licensor (or if
the Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, to Phoenix Contact) in full and extensively
all rights to all such non-permitted modifications, translations, arrangements or other
changes made in contravention of these License Terms. Should such a transfer not
be legally admissible, the Licensee grants the Licensor (or if the Licensor is an
Authorized Distributor, Phoenix Contact) the exclusive, irrevocable, transferrable,
sublicensable, royalty-free and worldwide right to make derivative works of,
reproduce, use and exploit the modifications, translations, arrangements and/or
changes made in contravention of these License Terms by all known and unknown

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 72/194

means and without any restriction in terms of time, space and content, especially to
copy, distribute or make publicly by wire or wireless means, including the right to
make these publicly available. For the avoidance of doubt, other rights of the
Licensor, especially compensation claims, remain unaffected.




10.8 If the Licensee defaults on payment, the Licensor is entitled to charge default
interest (i) in accordance with applicable statutory law, or (ii) of nine per cent (9 %)
p.a., depending on which is greater. Other rights of the Licensor, especially
compensation claims, remain unaffected.





11.5 Subject to Licensee’s compliance with these Software License Terms, the Licensor
shall indemnify the Licensee against any claims of third parties within the meaning
of clause 11.3 awarded by a court provided that the Licensee (i) informs the
Licensor in writing without delay about such a claim; (ii) provides the Licensor with
all reasonable support requested by the Licensor, and (iii) gives the Licensor as
between the parties the sole control and decision-making power about defending
and settling such a claim at the Licensor’s expense. The Licensor will indemnify the
Licensee in this respect against any court fees and any reasonable fees for the
Licensee’s lawyer necessary to defend against claims awarded against the Licensor
or assumed with the prior written consent of the Licensor. The indemnification
obligation does not apply if the Licensor is not responsible for the infringement of
intellectual property rights.




17.5 Each Party may terminate a time-limited License Agreement and/or a Maintenance
Agreement in writing with immediate effect if (i) the other Party commits a material
breach of any of the provisions of the License Agreement/Maintenance Agreement,
which is not remedied within fourteen (14) days from written notice thereof, or (ii) the
other Party commits a material breach of any of the provisions of the License
Agreement/Maintenance Agreement, which is non-curable. For the avoidance of
doubt, the Licensor shall particularly be entitled to terminate the License Agreement
in accordance with this clause 17.5 if the Licensee has infringed the rights of use of
the Licensor by using the Licensed Software to an extent beyond that permitted in
these Software License Terms and does not cease this infringement within fourteen
(14) days of a warning by the Licensor.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 73/194


Annex to Software License Terms – Local Terms UNITED KINGDOM

The following Local Terms apply only if the Licensee has its principal place of business in
the United Kingdom.




11.10 Clause 11 conclusively describes the scope of Licensor’s warranty obligations.

Other than the relevant provisions of these Software License Terms, all conditions,
representations, warranties, terms and undertakings express or implied statutory or
otherwise in respect of the Software and the provision of any services supplied
hereunder are expressly excluded.

11.11 The intellectual property rights including but not limited to patents, rights to
Inventions, copyright and related rights, trademarks, trade names and domain
names, rights in get-up, goodwill and the right to sue for passing off or unfair
competition, rights in designs, rights in computer software, database rights, rights to
preserve the confidentiality of information (including know-how and trade secrets)
and any other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or
unregistered and including all applications (or rights to apply) for and be granted,
renewals or extensions of, and rights to claim priority from, such rights and all similar
or equivalent rights or forms of protection which may now or in the future subsist in
any part of the world in the Licensed Software (other than the Open-Source
Software) are, and shall remain, the property of Phoenix Contact, and Phoenix
Contact reserves the right to grant a license to use such Licensed Software to any
other party or parties.


12.1 Nothing in the agreement limits any liability which cannot legally be limited, including
liability for:

a) death or personal injury caused by negligence; and

b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

12.2 Subject to clause 12.1 above, the Licensor shall not be liable for any consequential
and or indirect loss or damage including but not limited to loss of profits, business,
anticipated savings, data and goodwill. The aggregate liability of the Licensor arising
from the License Agreement, and / or the Maintenance Agreement and / or these
Software License Terms shall be limited to: the fees paid by the Licensee during the
twelve (12) months preceding the incident giving rise to Licensor’s liability; or, if
Licensee received the Licensed Software free of charge, will not exceed EUR 5.



Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 74/194


18.8 The remedies in these Software License Terms or as otherwise agreed in the
License Agreement and / or Maintenance Agreement are the sole remedies
available to the Licensee. All remedies implied by statute or otherwise are excluded
from the License Agreement and / or Maintenance Agreement and these Software
License Terms.

18.9 Nothing in these Software License Terms is intended to, or shall be deemed to,
establish any partnership or joint venture between any of the parties, constitute any
party the agent of another party, or authorise any party to make or enter into any
commitments for or on behalf of any other party.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 75/194

Software License Terms for Russia Условия ПРЕДОСТАВЛЕНИЯ лицензии
на программное обеспечение (Россия)

This document contains the terms and В настоящем документе излагаются

conditions for your use of the Licensed условия использования лицензионного
Software (“Software License Terms”) if you программного обеспечения (далее –
are located in Russia. «Условия лицензии на ПО») для
пользователей, находящихся на
территории России.


1.1 These Software License Terms apply 1.1 Настоящие Условия лицензии на
to each case in which the Licensor ПО применяются в тех случаях,
provides Licensed Software to the когда Лицензиар предоставляет
Licensee, regardless of whether for a Лицензионное программное
limited period or perpetually, provided обеспечение Лицензиату как на
the Licensee has its principal place of ограниченный срок, так и
business in Russia. For the purpose of бессрочно при условии, что
these Software License Terms, the основная хозяйственная
terms “perpetual” and “perpetually” деятельность Лицензиата ведется
shall mean“ for the whole term of на территории России. Для целей
validity of exclusive rights to the настоящих Условий лицензии на
Licensed Software” ПО термины «бессрочный» и
«бессрочно» означают «на весь
срок действия исключительных
прав на Лицензионное
программное обеспечение».

1.2 Direct and indirect distribution 1.2 Прямое и непрямое


1.2.1 These Software License Terms apply 1.2.1 Настоящие Условия лицензии на
both to cases where (1) a company of ПО применяются в тех случаях,
the Phoenix Contact Group provides когда (1) компания Группы «Феникс
the Licensed Software directly to an Контакт» (Phoenix Contact Group)
End Customer and to cases where (2) предоставляет Лицензионное ПО
a company of the Phoenix Contact непосредственно Конечному
Group provides the Licensed Software пользователю, и когда (2) компания
by way of indirect distribution to an Группы «Феникс Контакт» (Phoenix
Authorized Distributor and an End Contact Group) предоставляет
Customer purchases this Licensed Лицензионное ПО
Software from this Authorized Авторизованному дистрибьютору,
Distributor. используя каналы непрямого
распространения, а Конечный
потребитель приобретает данное
Лицензионное ПО у такого
Авторизованного дистрибьютора.

1.2.2 The “End Customer” is a company 1.2.2 «Конечный пользователь»

that purchases the Licensed Software означает компанию,
directly from a Phoenix Contact приобретающую Лицензионное ПО

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 76/194

company or indirectly via an Authorized напрямую у компании Группы
Distributor and uses the Licensed «Феникс Контакт» (Phoenix Contact
Software for its own business purposes Group) или через Авторизованного
by certain designated natural persons дистрибьютора и использующую
(such persons, “Users”). Лицензионное ПО для собственных
коммерческих целей, при этом
такое использование
осуществляется через
определенных физических лиц
(далее - «Пользователи»).

1.2.3 The “Authorized Distributor” is a 1.2.3 «Авторизованный

company authorized by a Phoenix дистрибьютор» означает
Contact company to distribute certain компанию, уполномоченную
Licensed Software to End Customers компанией Группы «Феникс
as an authorized reseller in its own Контакт» (Phoenix Contact Group)
name and on its own account. осуществлять распространение
Authorization by Phoenix Contact may определенного Лицензионного ПО
occur on the basis of a distributor Конечным пользователям в
contract between the Phoenix Contact качестве уполномоченного
company and the company in question реселлера, действующего от
or in another manner, as stipulated by своего имени и на свое
Phoenix Contact. усмотрение. Предоставление
авторизованного статуса
компанией «Феникс Контакт»
(Phoenix Contact) может
осуществляться на основании
дистрибьюторского соглашения,
заключаемого между компанией
«Феникс Контакт» и
рассматриваемой компанией или
на других основаниях,
предусмотренных «Феникс

1.2.4 In the aforementioned case 1 in clause 1.2.4 В указанном выше в п. 1.2.1 случае
1.2.1, i.e., direct distribution of 1, т.е. в случае прямой
Licensed Software by Phoenix Contact дистрибуции Лицензионного ПО
to the End Customer, the “Licensor” компанией «Феникс Контакт»
refers to the relevant company of the Конечному пользователю, термин
Phoenix Contact Group that provides «Лицензиар» относится к
the Licensed Software to the End соответствующей компании Группы
Customer and that the “Licensee” «Феникс Контакт», которая
refers to the relevant End Customer предоставляет Лицензионное ПО
that purchases the Licensed Software. Конечному пользователю, а термин
«Лицензиат» относится к
соответствующему Конечному
пользователю, который
приобретает Лицензионное ПО.

1.2.5 In the aforementioned case 2 in clause 1.2.5 В указанном выше в п. 1.2.1 случае
1.2.1, i.e., indirect distribution of 2, т.е. в случае непрямой
Licensed Software via an Authorized дистрибуции Лицензионного ПО

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 77/194

Distributor: (a) as between the Phoenix посредством Авторизованного
Contact company that provides the дистрибьютора, (а) в отношениях
Licensed Software on one side and the между компанией «Феникс
Authorized Distributor on the other, the Контакт», предоставляющей
Phoenix Contact company is the Лицензионное ПО, с одной
“Licensor” and the Authorized стороны, и Авторизованным
Distributor is the “Licensee” and (b) as дистрибьютором с другой стороны,
between this Authorized Distributor and компания «Феникс Контакт»
the relevant End Customer, the является «Лицензиаром», а
Authorized Distributor is the “Licensor” Авторизованный дистрибьютор —
and the End Customer is the «Лицензиатом», и (b) в
“Licensee”. For the avoidance of отношениях между таким
doubt, such indirect distribution via an Авторизованным дистрибьютором
Authorized Distributor does not и соответствующим Конечным
constitute a contractual relationship пользователем, Авторизованный
between Phoenix Contact and the End дистрибьютор является
Customer. «Лицензиаром», а Конечный
пользователь — «Лицензиатом».
Во избежание разночтений такая
непрямая дистрибуция через
Авторизованного дистрибьютора
не означает возникновения
договорных отношений между
«Феникс Контакт» и Конечным

1.3 Part A of these Software License 1.3 В Части А настоящих Условий

Terms contains general provisions that лицензии на ПО приводятся общие
apply to all Licensed Software and to условия, применяемые ко всему
any agreed maintenance and support Лицензионному ПО и всем
services. согласованным услугам поддержки
и обслуживания.

1.4 The special provisions in Part B apply 1.4 Специальные положения Части В
only to On-Premise Products if and применяются только к Продуктам,
insofar as the Licensee purchases On- устанавливаемым локально, если и
Premise Products. в том объеме, в котором Лицензиат
приобретает Продукты,
устанавливаемые локально.

1.5 The special provisions in Part C apply 1.5 Специальные положения Части С
only to Mobile Apps, if and insofar as применяются только к Мобильным
the Licensee purchases Mobile Apps. приложениям, если и в том
объеме, в котором Лицензиат
приобретает Мобильные

1.6 The special provisions in Part D apply 1.6 Специальные положения Части D
only to Embedded Software, if and применяются только к Встроенному
insofar as the Licensee purchases ПО, если и в том объеме, в
Embedded Software. котором Лицензиат приобретает
Встроенное ПО.

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1.7 The special provisions in Part E apply 1.7 Специальные положения Части Е
only to Software Development Toolkits применяются только к Комплектам
(SDKs) and Source Code, if and insofar средств для разработки ПО (SDK)
as the Licensee purchases SDKs or и Исходному коду, если и в том
Source Code. объеме, в котором Лицензиат
приобретает SDK и Исходный код.

1.8 The special provisions in Part F apply 1.8 Специальные положения Части F
only to Cloud Products if and insofar as применяются только к Облачным
the Licensee purchases Cloud продуктам, если и в том объеме, в
Products. котором Лицензиат приобретает
Облачные продукты.

1.9 The special provisions in Part G apply 1.9 Специальные положения Части G
only to maintenance and support применяются только к услугам
services, if and insofar as the Licensee поддержки и обслуживания, если и
purchases maintenance and support в том объеме, в котором Лицензиат
services. приобретает услуги поддержки и

1.10 The offer to purchase the Licensed 1.10 Предложение приобрести

Software on these Software License Лицензионное ПО на настоящих
Terms is aimed only at legal entities Условиях лицензии на ПО
and individual entrepreneurs that предназначено только для
purchase the Licensed Software in юридических лиц и
exercise of their commercial activities. индивидуальных
предпринимателей, которые
приобретают Лицензионное ПО в
ходе осуществления своей
коммерческой деятельности.



In addition to the definitions in clause 1, for the Дополнительно к определениям,

purposes of interpreting these Software приведенным в п. 1, для целей толкования
License Terms the following terms have the настоящих Условий лицензии на ПО
meanings ascribed to them here in clause 2. следующие термины имеют значение,
установленное ниже в п. 2.

2.1 “Affiliate” is any company controlled by 2.1 «Аффилированное лицо»

the relevant party to the License означает любую компанию,
Agreement or that controls the relevant контролируемую соответствующей
party or that is under the joint control of стороной Лицензионного
a third party along with the relevant соглашения, или контролирующую
party. For the purpose of this provision, соответствующую сторону, или
“control” means (i) holding over 50 % of находящуюся под общим с
the voting shares in the relevant соответствующей стороной
company or (ii) having the legal and/or контролем третьего лица. Для
actual option of determining the целей настоящего положения

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 79/194

management and/or the major «контроль» означает (i) владение
business actions of the relevant свыше 50 % акций с правом голоса
company. соответствующей компании или (ii)
правовую и (или) фактическую
возможность определения
основных направлений
деятельности и (или) управления
деятельностью соответствующей

2.2 “Client Software” means the 2.2 «Клиентское программное

application software (if available) in its обеспечение (Клиентское ПО)»
latest version that the Licensee must означает прикладное ПО (при
install on a client to gain access to наличии такового) в последней
certain On-Premise Products or Cloud версии, которое Лицензиат должен
Products including the relevant user установить клиенту для получения
documentation, if available. доступа к определенным
Продуктам, устанавливаемым
локально, или Облачным
продуктам, включая
соответствующую документацию
пользователя, при наличии

2.3 “Cloud Product” means Licensed 2.3 «Облачный продукт» означает

Software that does not require Лицензионное ПО, не требующее
installation on the Licensee’s servers установки на сервера Лицензиата
for proper use but is operated on the для надлежащего использования,
systems of Phoenix Contact or third но работающее на системах
parties commissioned by it and which is «Феникс Контакт» или третьих лиц,
accessed by the User by remote data предоставленных в эксплуатацию,
transmission (internet, VPN, etc.). доступ Пользователя к которому
осуществляется посредством
дистанционной передачи данных
(через сеть Интернет, VPN и пр.).

2.4 “Company License”: If the Licensee 2.4 «Лицензия для компании»: если
purchases a Company License, it is Лицензиат приобретает Лицензию
entitled to use the Licensed Software для компании, он получает право
according to these Software License на использование Лицензионного
Terms only for its own company and ПО в соответствии с настоящими
not in a group of companies. Условиями лицензии на ПО только
для собственной компании, а не
группы компаний.

2.5 “Confidential Information” is all 2.5 «Конфиденциальная

information and documents of the other информация» означает любую
party designated as confidential or to информацию и документы другой
be considered confidential based on стороны, обозначенные как
the circumstances, especially конфиденциальные или
information about business processes, считающиеся конфиденциальными
business contacts and know-how. в силу обстоятельств, особенно
информация о бизнес-процессах,

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деловых контактах и ноу-хау.

2.6 “Contractual Year” is a period of 2.6 «Контрактный год» означает

twelve (12) months from entering into период, равный 12 (двенадцати)
the License Agreement and/or месяцам с момента заключения
Maintenance Agreement and the period Лицензионного соглашения и (или)
from the first day following expiry of the Соглашения об обслуживании, и
first or each subsequent 12-month период с первого дня после
period. истечения первого или каждого
последующего 12-месячного

2.7 “Customer Data” means all electronic 2.7 «Данные клиента» означают все
data or information transferred by or in электронные данные или
the name of the Licensee or by the информацию, пересылаемую
User - to or via Cloud Products, or to Лицензиатом или от его имени, а
licensing systems (e.g., ticket number также Пользователем в Облачные
of a license) enabling activation of an продукты или при помощи них, а
On-Premise Product. также в лицензионные системы
(например, номер лицензии),
позволяющую активировать
Продукт, устанавливаемый

2.8 “Embedded Software” is Licensed 2.8 «Встроенное программное

Software that is integrated into a обеспечение (Встроенное ПО)»
Phoenix Contact device or designed for означает Лицензионное ПО,
integration into an End Customer встроенное в устройство «Феникс
device, e.g., in a control unit, an Контакт» или разработанное для
intelligent controller or a display and интеграции в устройство Конечного
also encompasses runtime licenses for пользователя, например, блок
function block libraries and visualization управления, микроконтроллер или
libraries. дисплей, а также включающее
лицензии на выполнение для
библиотек функционального блока
и библиотек визуализации.

2.9 “Facility License”: If the Licensee 2.9 «Лицензия для объекта»: если
purchases a Facility License, it is Лицензиат приобретает Лицензию
entitled to use the Licensed Software для объекта, он получает право на
according to these Software License использование Лицензионного ПО
Terms only at the facility named in the в соответствии с настоящими
License Agreement. Условиями лицензии на ПО только
на том объекте, который указан в
Лицензионном соглашении.

2.10 “Group License”: If the Licensee 2.10 «Групповая лицензия»: если

purchases a Group License, it is Лицензиат приобретает Групповую
entitled to sublicense the Licensed лицензию, он получает право
Software according to these Software выдавать сублицензии на
License Terms to Affiliates of the Лицензионное ПО
Licensee, to use it for such Affiliates or Аффилированным лицам

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to allow it to be used by such Affiliates Лицензиата в соответствии с
for the benefit of the Licensee on настоящими Условиями лицензии
condition that (i) the Licensee informs на ПО для его использования для
the Licensor in writing in advance about таких Аффилированных лиц или
such sublicensing or third-party use in предоставления в пользование
the group, giving the name and contact таким Аффилированным лицам в
details of the Affiliate and (ii) the интересах Лицензиата при условии
Affiliate agrees to tolerate, and что (i) Лицензиат сообщает
cooperate with respect to, controls by Лицензиару в письменном виде
the Licensor pursuant to clause 15. заблаговременно о таком
сублицензировании или
использовании третьими лицами
внутри группы, с указанием
наименования и контактных
данных такого Аффилированного
лица, и (ii) Аффилированное лицо
дает согласие содействовать
Лицензиару в осуществлении
контроля согласно п. 15.

2.11 “License Agreement” means any 2.11 «Лицензионное соглашение»

contractual agreement between означает любой договор между
Licensor and Licensee about the paid- Лицензиаром и Лицензиатом о
for or free-of-charge provision of возмездном или безвозмездном
software by the Licensor to the предоставлении программного
Licensee. Depending on the product, обеспечения Лицензиаром
such an Agreement can arise in Лицензиату. В зависимости от
different ways, especially by conclusion продукта, такое Соглашение может
of a License Sheet between Licensor быть заключено разными
and Licensee, downloading of the способами, в частности, путем
software by the Licensee from a подписания Лицензионных условий
location specified by the Licensor for Лицензиаром и Лицензиатом,
that purpose (e.g., website of the скачивания программного
Licensor, its Affiliate or authorized обеспечения Лицензиатом с
partner or a cloud marketplace used for ресурса, указанного для этого
distribution by the Licensor, such as an Лицензиаром (например, веб-сайт
app store) and/or purchase of a device Лицензиара, его Аффилированного
with integrated Embedded Software by лица или уполномоченного
the Licensee. партнера или облачная площадка,
используемая Лицензиаром для
целей дистрибуции, например,
магазин приложений) и (или)
приобретения Лицензиатом
устройства с интегрированным
Встроенным ПО.

2.12 “License Sheet” is a document issued 2.12 «Лицензионные условия»

by the Licensor for certain Licensed означают документ, выпущенный
Software as part of or in addition to a Лицензиаром для определенного
License Agreement and containing Лицензионного ПО как часть
detailed provisions to be observed by Лицензионного соглашения или в
the Licensee regarding the Licensed качестве дополнения к нему и
Software such as Licensor, name and содержащий подробные положения

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type of Licensed Software, licensed относительно Лицензионного ПО,
Users and duration of the license. которые должны соблюдаться
Лицензиатом и которые включают
Лицензиара, название и тип
Лицензионного ПО,
лицензированных Пользователей и
срок действия лицензии.

2.13 “License Upgrade” means an 2.13 «Расширение лицензии» означает

extension of the license scope on the расширение области действия
basis of an existing license. существующей лицензии.

2.14 “Licensed Software” is the computer 2.14 «Лицензионное программное

program in the object code and/or обеспечение (Лицензионное
Source Code – depending on the ПО)» означает компьютерную
product – including the related программу в форме объектного
documentation in the agreed language кода и (или) Исходного кода (в
that is the subject of the purchase by зависимости от продукта), включая
the Licensee from the Licensor. This соответствующую документацию
includes all SW Updates, SW на согласованном языке, которую
Upgrades and License Upgrades Лицензиат приобретает у
insofar as they are provided to the Лицензиара. Сюда входят все
Licensee according to these Software Обновления ПО, Модернизации ПО
License Terms, a License Agreement и Расширения лицензии в том
and a Maintenance Agreement. The объеме, в котором они
Licensed Software can include third- предоставляются Лицензиату в
party software, especially Open Source соответствии с Условиями
Software and/or be combined with such лицензии на ПО, Лицензионным
third-party software that is governed by соглашением и Соглашением об
the separate terms of use of the third обслуживании. Лицензионное ПО
party. может включать стороннее ПО, в
частности, Программное
обеспечение с открытым исходным
кодом, и (или) комбинироваться с
таким сторонним ПО, которое
регулируется отдельными
условиями использования третьего

2.15 “Login” means registering or logging in 2.15 «Логин» означает регистрацию или
by a User onto the system at the start, вход Пользователя в систему при
and as a requirement for, every use of запуске, а также, в обязательном
the Licensed Software, when the User порядке, при каждом
is required to enter certain individual использовании Лицензионного ПО,
information such as name, user name, когда Пользователь должен ввести
password or client ID. определенные личные данные,
например, имя, имя пользователя,
пароль или идентификационный
номер клиента.

2.16 “Maintenance Agreement” means any 2.16 «Соглашение об обслуживании»

contractual agreement between the означает любой договор между
Licensor and the Licensee about the Лицензиаром и Лицензиатом о

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 83/194

provision of maintenance and support предоставлении Лицензиаром
services by the Licensor for the услуг поддержки и обслуживания
Licensee. Лицензиату.

2.17 “Maintenance Sheet” is a document 2.17 «Условия обслуживания»

that may be issued by the Licensor for означают документ об услугах
maintenance and support services as поддержки и обслуживания,
part of or in addition to a Maintenance который может быть выпущен
Agreement and containing detailed Лицензиаром как часть
provisions to be observed by the Соглашения об обслуживании или
Licensee regarding the maintenance в виде дополнения к нему,
and support services. A Maintenance содержащий подробные положения
Sheet can also be combined with a об услугах поддержки и
License Sheet in one document. обслуживания, которые Лицензиат
обязан соблюдать. Условия
обслуживания и Лицензионные
условия могут быть объединены в
один документ.

2.18 “Major Release” is a new version of 2.18 «Основная версия» означает

the Licensed Software with новую версию Лицензионного ПО с
comprehensive new functionality and/or новым функционалом и (или) на
on a new technological basis. The базе новых технологий. Изменение
change in the version designation is в обозначении версии может
expressed as 2.4.0 to 3.0.0, for выглядеть, например, так: переход
example. с версии 2.4.0 на версию 3.0.0.

2.19 “Mobile App” means an application 2.19 «Мобильное приложение»

specifically designed for use on mobile означает приложение, специально
devices such as smartphones or разработанное для использования
tablets. This includes the enabling of на мобильных устройствах, таких
additional functions of the Licensed как смартфоны и планшеты. В это
Software via in-app transactions. определение также входит
активация дополнительных
функций Лицензионного ПО через
встроенные в приложения

2.20 “Network” means the linking of 2.20 «Сеть» означает соединение друг
Workplaces and/or Servers within the с другом Рабочих мест и (или)
Licensee’s company. Серверов внутри компании

2.21 “On-Premise Product” is Licensed 2.21 «Продукт, устанавливаемый

Software that requires installation on a локально» означает Лицензионное
Workplace or Server of the Licensee. ПО, требующее установки на
On-Premise Products therefore include Рабочем месте или Сервере
desktop software and libraries that Лицензиата. Поэтому Продукты,
come within the above description. устанавливаемые локально,
включают программное
обеспечение для настольных
компьютеров и библиотеки
согласно вышеуказанному

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2.22 “Product Description” means the 2.22 «Описание продукта» означает

description and technical specifications описание и технические
of the Licensed Software, which may спецификации Лицензионного ПО,
also include the security, data backup которые могут также включать
and other relevant descriptions and систему безопасности, резервного
which is provided to the Licensee upon копирования данных и другие
Purchase of the Licensed Software or соответствующие описания и
which is available to the Licensee on a предоставляются Лицензиату
website specified by the Licensor. после Приобретения
Лицензионного ПО или доступны
Лицензиату на веб-сайте,
указанном Лицензиаром.

2.23 “Purchase”, “purchasing” or variants 2.23 «Приобретение», «приобретать»

thereof mean the gaining of access и другие варианты этого термина
(whether paid-for or free) pursuant to означают получение доступа
Licensor’s applicable terms, which may (безвозмездно или за плату) в
vary by the product. соответствии с определенными
условиями Лицензиара, которые
могут меняться в зависимости от

2.24 “Server” is a type of computer 2.24 «Сервер» означает определенное

hardware that provides computer компьютерное аппаратное
programs, data and/or other resources обеспечение, которое
so that other computers and/or предоставляет компьютерные
computer programs can access these программы, данные и (или) другие
via a network. ресурсы таким образом, чтобы
другие компьютеры и (или)
компьютерные программы могли
получить доступ к ним через сеть.

2.25 “Software Development Toolkit 2.25 «Комплект средств для

(SDK)” is a set of program libraries and разработки ПО (SDK)» означает
programming tools for software набор программных библиотек и
development. средств программирования для
разработки программного

2.26 “Source Code” is the text of a 2.26 «Исходный код» означает текст
computer program written in a компьютерной программы,
programming language and readable написанный на языке
by humans. программирования, которые может
быть прочтен человеком.

2.27 “SW Update” describes a version of 2.27 «Обновление ПО» означает новую
the Licensed Software with the same or версию Лицензионного ПО с теми
refined functions with minor же или доработанными функциями
improvements but with the intention of с незначительными
removing bugs, defects or malfunctions усовершенствованиями,

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 85/194

in the Licensed Software. The change предназначенную для устранения
in the version number, e.g., from 2.4.1 ошибок, дефектов и
to 2.4.2 (corresponding to a bug fix or неисправностей Лицензионного
changes that do not contain any ПО. Если номер версии
extended functionalities) determines изменяется, например, с 2.4.1 на
classification as an Update. 2.4.2 (была устранена ошибка или
внесены изменения, не
расширяющие функционал), это
означает, что новая версия
является Обновлением ПО.

2.28 “SW Upgrade” describes a higher-level 2.28 «Модернизация ПО» означает

version of the Licensed Software (new версию Лицензионного ПО более
version) or a version with extended высокого уровня (новую версию)
functionalities or features, possibly with или версию с расширенным
a change to the version name, e.g., функционалом или возможностями,
from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (higher configuration для которой номер версии может
level). быть изменен, например, с 2.4.0 на
2.5.0 (более высокий уровень

2.29 “Use/usage” designates any use of the 2.29 «Использование» означает любое
Licensed Software, especially by применение Лицензионного ПО, в
reproduction, transfer or uploading to частности, путем воспроизведения,
the memory (RAM) or installation on a передачи или загрузки в память
permanent storage medium (e.g., hard (RAM), установки на постоянный
disk, DVD-ROM or other storage носитель для хранения (например,
media) and/or hardware for processing жесткий диск, DVD-ROM или другой
system instructions or information информационный носитель) и (или)
contained in this software and access аппаратное обеспечение для
by a User to the Licensed Software системы обработки инструкций или
starting with Login of the User and информации, содержащихся в
ending with automatic or manual logout настоящем ПО, и доступ
of the User regardless of whether and Пользователя к Лицензионному
which activities the User performs in ПО, начиная с использования
the period between Login and logout. Логина Пользователя и заканчивая
автоматическим или ручным
выходом Пользователя из
системы, независимо от того, какие
действия выполняет Пользователь
в периоде между входом под
Логином и выходом.

2.30 “Workplace Software” is Licensed 2.30 «Программное обеспечение (ПО)

Software that may only be installed on рабочего места» означает
one Workplace per license. Лицензионное ПО, которое в
рамках одной лицензии может быть
установлено только на одно
Рабочее место.

2.31 “Workplace” means an individual 2.31 «Рабочее место» означает

computer or computer workstation. отдельный компьютер или

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 86/194

компьютерную рабочую станцию.

2.32 “Written Form” requires that the 2.32 Выражение «в письменном виде»
declaration of intent and/or declaration означает, что декларация о
of knowledge, unless otherwise намерениях и (или) знаниях
specified in the Software License должна быть подписана
Terms, be signed by duly authorized уполномоченными
representative(s) of the respective представителями соответствующей
party in writing. стороны в письменном виде, если
иное не указано в Условиях
лицензии на ПО.



3.1 The subject of these Software License 3.1 Предметом настоящих Условий
Terms is the temporary or perpetual лицензии на ПО является
Purchase of the Licensed Software and Приобретение на определенный
includes the license grants for such use срок или бессрочно Лицензионного
in clause 5 and the specific granting of ПО, включая предоставление
rights for the relevant products in Parts лицензии на такое использование
B to F. In addition, Licensor and согласно п. 5 и особое
Licensee may agree on the provision of предоставление прав на
maintenance and support services by соответствующие продукты в
the Licensor. Частях с В по F. Кроме того,
Лицензиар и Лицензиат могут
заключить соглашение о
предоставлении Лицензиаром
услуг обслуживания и поддержки.

3.2 Further details such as the type of 3.2 Более подробная информация,
Licensed Software, duration of например тип Лицензионного ПО,
licensing, type of license, licensed срок действия лицензии, тип
territory, number of licenses and price лицензии, территория, на которой
(unless provided free of charge) and действует лицензия, число
third-party license terms and OSS лицензий и стоимость (если
software license terms are set forth in лицензия не предоставляется
the relevant License Agreement. The безвозмездно), условия сторонних
provisions of these Software License поставщиков лицензии и условия
Terms apply to every purchase agreed лицензии на ПО с открытым
with binding effect between Licensor исходным кодом приводятся в
and Licensee. In case of any соответствующем Лицензионном
contradictions between these Software соглашении. Положения настоящих
License Terms and the terms of the Условий лицензии на ПО
License Agreement, the provisions of применяются к каждому
the License Agreement shall prevail. приобретению, согласованному
между Лицензиаром и
Лицензиатом и носящему для них
обязательный характер. В случае
расхождений между настоящими
Условиями лицензии на ПО и
условиями Лицензионного

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соглашения преимущественную
силу имеют положения
Лицензионного соглашения.


4.1 As the Licensed Software is a standard 4.1 Поскольку Лицензионное ПО

product, the Licensor is not responsible является стандартным продуктом,
to the Licensee for meeting industry- Лицензиар не несет
specific, legal or regulatory ответственность перед
requirements unless they apply directly Лицензиатом за соблюдение
to the Licensor by applicable отраслевых, правовых или
mandatory law and/or unless otherwise нормативных требований, за
specified in the License Agreement. It исключением тех случаев, когда
is therefore the obligation of the они применяются непосредственно
Licensee to check the suitability of the к Лицензиару в соответствии с
Licensed Software for use according to обязательными положениями
the applicable legal and regulatory законодательства и (или) если
requirements for the Licensee. иное не указано в Лицензионном
соглашении. Поэтому проверка
пригодности Лицензионного ПО к
использованию в соответствии с
применимыми требованиями
законодательства и нормами
является обязанностью

4.2 The Licensed Software is not designed 4.2 Лицензионное ПО не

for operating nuclear power plants, for предназначено для использования
use in cars or for flight navigation, air на ядерных энергетических
traffic control or flight communication. установках, в автомобилях, для
аэронавигации, управления
воздушным движением или

4.3 Provided no explicit “security features” 4.3 Если какие-либо «функции

are listed in the Product Description, no безопасности» прямо не указаны в
such services are included. Описании продукта, такие функции

4.4 The Licensor may at all times update 4.4 Лицензиар может в любое время
the Licensed Software and make осуществлять обновление
changes to it (such as infrastructure, Лицензионного ПО и вносить в него
security, technical configurations, изменения (затрагивающие его
application functions, etc.) and amend инфраструктуру, безопасность,
the Product Description accordingly, техническую конфигурацию,
provided that the changes do not lead функции приложения и т.д.) и
to a significant reduction in the изменять соответствующим
functions and functionalities or of the образом Описание продукта при
performance, security or availability условии, что изменения не
level of such Licensed Software that приведут к существенному
the Licensee has purchased before the сокращению функционала,

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 88/194

changes come into effect. характеристик, уровня
безопасности, доступности или
эффективности такого
Лицензионного ПО, которое
Лицензиат приобрел до того, как
указанные изменения вступили в

4.5 The Licensee is required to secure the 4.5 Лицензиат обязан использовать
Licensed Software by appropriate соответствующие меры для
measures against access by защиты Лицензионного ПО от
unauthorized third parties, in particular несанкционированного доступа
to store all copies of the Licensed третьих лиц, в частности, хранить
Software in a protected location and to все копии Лицензионного ПО в
protect access passwords from access защищенном месте и
by unauthorized parties. Each access предотвращать получение паролей
password may only be used by one доступа неуполномоченными
natural person. The Licensee is лицами. Каждый пароль доступа
prohibited from transferring or может использоваться только
disclosing access passwords to other одним физическим лицом.
people. The Licensee must ensure that Лицензиату запрещается
Users log out of their account at the передавать или раскрывать пароли
end of each session. The Licensee is доступа другим лицам. Лицензиат
responsible for all activities in its обязан следить за тем, чтобы в
account to the extent the activities were конце каждой сессии Пользователи
either authorized or tolerated by the выходили из своих аккаунтов.
Licensee, or were not authorized or Лицензиат несет ответственность
tolerated by the Licensee but which за все действия, совершаемые
could have been prevented by посредством его учетной записи
exercising due care. как в том случае, если они были
санкционированы или допущены
Лицензиатом, так и в том случае,
если они не были
санкционированы или допущены
Лицензиатом, но их совершение
можно было предотвратить,
соблюдая осторожность.


5.1 If the Licensee is an Authorized 5.1 Если Лицензиат является

Distributor, Phoenix Contact grants the Авторизованным дистрибьютором,
Authorized Distributor the right to «Феникс Контакт» предоставляет
distribute the Licensed Software to End Авторизованному дистрибьютору
Customers in accordance with the право распространять
agreements between Phoenix Contact Лицензионное ПО Конечным
and the Authorized Distributor (e.g., in пользователям в соответствии с
a distribution agreement), provided the соглашениями, заключенными
Authorized Distributor shall not and между «Феникс Контакт» и
cannot in any case grant an End Авторизованным дистрибьютором
Customer any other or further rights to (например, дистрибьюторским
the Licensed Software other than the соглашением), при условии, что

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 89/194

rights granted to the Licensee under Авторизованный дистрибьютор
these Software License Terms. The обязуется ни в коем случае не
scope of rights granted to the предоставлять Конечному
Authorized Distributor under the пользователю какие-либо права на
agreements between Phoenix Contact Лицензионное ПО, которые будут
and the Authorized Distributor shall более широкими или отличаются
cover the scope of rights licensed to от прав, предоставленных
the End Customer by the Authorized Лицензиату по настоящим
Distributor. The right of distribution Условиям лицензии на ПО. Объем
granted under this clause 5 shall not be прав, предоставленных
exclusive, unless otherwise specified in Авторизованному дистрибьютору
the License Agreement. по соглашениям между «Феникс
Контакт» и Авторизованным
дистрибьютором, охватывает
права, предоставленные по
лицензии Конечному пользователю
Авторизованным дистрибьютором.
Права на распространение,
предоставленные согласно
настоящему п. 5, не носят
эксклюзивного характера, если
иное не предусмотрено
Лицензионным соглашением.

If the Licensee is an End Customer, the Если Лицензиат является

grant of rights to the End Customer as Конечным пользователем,
Licensee is set forth in the provisions of предоставление прав Конечному
this clause 5 and the relevant пользователю как Лицензиату
provisions in Parts B to F, depending регулируется положениями
on the type of Licensed Software настоящего пункта 5 и
purchased. соответствующими положениями
Частей В–F в зависимости от типа
приобретенного Лицензионного

5.2 The Licensor grants the Licensee a 5.2 Лицензиар предоставляет

license to use the Licensed Software Лицензиату лицензию на
according to these Software License использование Лицензионного ПО
Terms and the License Agreement. в соответствии с настоящими
This license grant applies solely to the Условиями лицензии на ПО и
Licensed Software named in the Лицензионным соглашением.
License Agreement even if it is Предоставленная лицензия
technically possible for the Licensee to распространяется исключительно
access and/or use other software too. на Лицензионное ПО, указанное в
The Licensor grants the Licensee only Лицензионном соглашении, даже
the rights of use explicitly named in если у Лицензиата имеется
these Software License Terms and the техническая возможность получить
License Agreement. The Licensee is доступ и (или) использовать другое
not entitled to use the Licensed программное обеспечение.
Software in any additional way. Лицензиар предоставляет
Лицензиату только права
пользования, прямо указанные в
настоящих Условиях лицензии на

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 90/194

ПО и Лицензионном соглашении.
Лицензиат не имеет права
использовать Лицензионное ПО
каким-либо другим способом.

5.3 The Licensor offers Licensed Software 5.3 Лицензиар предлагает

under various license types depending Лицензионное ПО в рамках
on the product. The individual types of различных лицензий в зависимости
license are described in Parts B to F of от продукта. Отдельные типы
these Software License Terms and лицензий описаны в Частях В–F
apply to the products named there. The настоящих Условий лицензии на
relevant license type for a particular ПО и применяются к указанным в
product is specified in the License них продуктам. Соответствующий
Agreement and/or these Software конкретному продукту тип лицензии
License Terms. The licensing constitute указывается в Лицензионном
specifications and restrictions of the соглашении и (или) настоящих
grant of rights of use for the Licensed Условиях лицензии на ПО.
Software, which the Licensee must Лицензирование предусматривает
strictly adhere to. использование спецификации и
установление ограничений на
предоставление прав на
использование Лицензионного ПО,
которые Лицензиат обязан строго

5.4 The Licensee may only use the 5.4 Лицензиат может использовать
Licensed Software for its internal Лицензионное ПО только для своих
business purposes, or for commercial внутренних нужд или коммерческих
use according to this clause 5.4. For целей в соответствии с настоящим
the purpose of this clause 5.4 п. 5.4. Для целей настоящего
“Commercial use” means usage of the пункта 5.4 «использование для
Licensed Software for the purposes of коммерческих целей» означает
producing, developing or refining, использование Лицензионного ПО
marketing and/or offering goods, для целей производства,
services or data or other services to разработки, усовершенствования,
third parties with or without the маркетинга и (или) предложения
intention to make a profit. However, товаров, услуг, данных или других
even if commercial use is permitted, сервисов третьим лицам с
the Licensee shall not distribute, намерением получить прибыль или
market, sell, lease, rent, make publicly без такового. Однако даже если
available or otherwise publicly display коммерческое использование
the Licensed Software to third parties in разрешено, Лицензиат обязуется
whole or in part. Any other provisions of воздержаться от дистрибуции,
these Software License Terms, сбыта, продажи, предоставления в
including without limitation clauses 5 to аренду, предоставления в
6, remain unaffected. открытом доступе или иной
публичной демонстрации
Лицензионного ПО третьим лицам
как полностью, так и в любой его
части. Любые другие положения
настоящих Условий лицензии на
ПО, включая, помимо прочего,
пункты 5–6 остаются без

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5.5 The licenses listed in Parts B to F are 5.5 Лицензии, перечисленные в Частях
granted either as a Facility License, В–F, предоставляются в виде
Company License or Group License. Лицензии для объекта, Лицензии
The restrictions of these Software для компании или Групповой
License Terms, in particular the лицензии. Действующие
number of licenses purchased and ограничения настоящих Условий
authorized Users, remain unaffected by лицензии на ПО, в частности число
this in any case. Whether the Licensee приобретенных лицензий и
purchases a Facility License, Company авторизованных Пользователей в
License or Group License for the любом случае не меняются в связи
Licensed Software is specified in the с этим. В Лицензионном
License Agreement. If the License соглашении указывается,
Agreement does not specify the license приобретает ли Лицензиат
type, the Licensee purchases the Лицензию для объекта, Лицензию
relevant Licensed Software as a для компании или Групповую
Facility License for SDKs, and лицензию на Лицензионное ПО.
otherwise as a Company License. Если в Лицензионном соглашении
не указан тип лицензии, считается,
что Лицензиат приобретает
соответствующее Лицензионное
ПО на условиях Лицензии для
объекта для SDK, а в иных случаях
— на условиях Лицензии для

5.6 Unless the License Agreement states 5.6 Если Лицензионным соглашением
otherwise, the Licensee is entitled in не предусмотрено иное, Лицензиат
accordance with these Software имеет право в соответствии с
License Terms (i.e., including without настоящими Условиями лицензии
limitation the restrictions of this clause на ПО (т.е. включая, помимо
5) in the context of service contracts, прочего, ограничения настоящего
e.g., data center outsourcing or пункта 5) в контексте договоров об
hosting, to allow the respective third- оказании услуг, например об
party service provider to use the аутсорсинге или хостинге дата-
Licensed Software provided that (i) the центров, позволить
Licensee informs the Licensor in writing соответствующему стороннему
in advance about such third-party use, поставщику услуг использовать
giving the name and contact details of Лицензионное ПО при условии, что
the third-party service provider, (ii), the (i) Лицензиат заблаговременно
third-party service provider uses the уведомит Лицензиара в
Licensed Software solely for the письменном виде о таком
purposes and for the benefit of the использовании ПО сторонним
Licensee under the relevant service лицом, с указанием названия и
contract and that the use occurs only контактных данных стороннего
for the duration of the service contract, поставщика услуг; (ii) сторонний
(iii) the third-party use of the Licensed поставщик услуг будет
Software is and remains only as strictly использовать Лицензионное ПО
necessary to provide services of the исключительно для целей и в
third-party service provider to the интересах Лицензиата по
Licensee under the relevant service соответствующему договору об

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contracts, (iv) the third-party service оказании услуг и такое
provider agrees to tolerate, and использование будет происходить
cooperate with respect to, controls by только в течение срока действия
the Licensor pursuant to clause 15 and договора об оказании услуг; (iii)
(v) the third-party service provider is использование сторонним лицом
not a competitor of the Licensor (and/or Лицензионного ПО осуществляется
a competitor of Phoenix Contact, if the и будет осуществляться только по
Licensor is an Authorized Distributor). мере необходимости для оказания
This right applies to both a Company услуг таким лицом Лицензиату по
License and a Group License; in the соответствующему договору об
latter case, this clause 5.6 applies оказании услуг; (iv) сторонний
provided that the service agreement поставщик услуг дает согласие
with the third-party service provider содействовать Лицензиару в
may also be entered into by an осуществлении контроля согласно
authorized Affiliate according to clause п. 15, и (v) сторонний поставщик
5.5 instead of by the Licensee and/or услуг не является конкурентом
the use by the third-party service Лицензиара (и (или) конкурентом
provider may take place for the «Феникс Контакт», если Лицензиар
purposes of such an authorized является Авторизованным
Affiliate. дистрибьютором). Данное право
применяется и к Лицензиям для
компании, и к Групповым
лицензиям. В последнем случае
настоящий пункт 5.6 применяется
при условии, что соглашение об
оказании услуг со сторонним
поставщиком услуг также может
быть заключено уполномоченным
Аффилированным лицом согласно
п. 5.5 вместо Лицензиата, и (или)
использование ПО сторонним
поставщиком услуг может
осуществляться в интересах такого
Аффилированного лица.

5.7 The Licensed Software may only be 5.7 Лицензионное ПО может быть
sublicensed to third parties, made предоставлено по сублицензии или
available to third parties, used by the иным образом третьим лицам,
Licensee for the purposes of third использоваться Лицензиатом для
parties, or used by third parties for the целей третьих лиц или третьими
purposes of the Licensee, if and to the лицами для целей Лицензиата
extent explicitly permitted in these только в том случае и только в том
Software License Terms. Any other объеме, в котором это
sublicensing, making available to, or разрешается в настоящих
usage by third parties is prohibited. The Условиях лицензии на ПО. Любое
Licensee is responsible for all actions другое сублицензирование,
and omissions by its sublicensees or предоставление или
third-party users in connection with the использование третьими лицами
use of the Licensed Software to the запрещается. Лицензиат отвечает
same extent as for its own actions and за все действия и бездействие со
omissions. The right to sublicense, стороны своих сублицензиатов или
make available to or use for third сторонних пользователей в связи с

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 93/194

parties or use by third parties on the использованием Лицензионного
Licensee’s behalf does not affect the ПО как за свои собственные
number of licenses purchased by the действия или бездействие. Право
Licensee. If the Licensee has reason to на сублицензирование,
assume that a sublicensee or third- предоставление третьим лицам,
party user is using the Licensed использование для третьих лиц
Software contrary to the terms of или использование третьими
licensing, the Licensee must inform the лицами по поручению Лицензиата
Licensor without delay and prevent any не влияет на количество лицензий,
further use of the Licensed Software by приобретенных Лицензиатом. Если
the sublicensee and/or third-party user Лицензиат имеет основания
in question. предполагать, что сублицензиат
или сторонний пользователь
использует Лицензионное ПО с
нарушением условий
предоставления лицензии,
Лицензиат обязан
незамедлительно уведомить об
этом Лицензиара и прекратить
дальнейшее использование
Лицензионного ПО таким
сублицензиатом и (или) сторонним

5.8 Pre-release software 5.8 Предварительные версии /

versions/prototypes прототипы ПО

5.8.1 The Licensor and Licensee may agree 5.8.1 Лицензиар и Лицензиат могут
on the provision of pre-release software заключить соглашение о
versions. Software pre-release предоставлении предварительных
versions are marked especially as версий ПО. Предварительные
alpha, beta, release candidate, версии ПО обозначаются
prototype or similar labels. Unless «альфа», «бета», «предвыпускная
individual arrangements or other версия», «прототип» или имеют
agreements have been made, the аналогичную маркировку. В случае
provision of software pre-release отсутствия отдельных
versions is conclusively set forth below: договоренностей или других
соглашений предоставление
предварительных версий ПО
окончательно осуществляется
согласно следующей процедуре:

5.8.2 The software pre-release versions are 5.8.2 Предварительные версии ПО

development versions, test versions, представляют собой пилотные
preliminary versions and/or built-in версии, тестовые версии,
versions that were only partly tested, предварительные версии и (или)
may be incomplete and are provided to встроенные версии, которые
the Licensee solely for test purposes. прошли лишь частичное
They are prototypes. тестирование, могут быть
неполными и предоставляются
Лицензиату исключительно для
тестирования. Они являются

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5.8.3 The software pre-release versions may 5.8.3 Предварительные версии ПО могут
only be deployed by Licensee in быть развернуты Лицензиатом
accordance with the approved purpose только для использования в
and at the approved location. Even утвержденных целях и на
upon approval as a pre-release утвержденной площадке. Даже
version, the software has not been после утверждения в качестве
sufficiently tested to be used in a предварительной версии такое ПО
company under all conditions. The еще не прошло тестирование в
software pre-release versions must достаточном объеме, чтобы в
therefore be used in protected полном масштабе использоваться
conditions in a secure test environment в корпоративной среде. Поэтому
to avoid damage to other objects or предварительные версии ПО
people and must not be used in real должны использоваться в
operations (production facilities). защищенных условиях, в
Additionally, the software pre-release безопасной тестовой среде во
versions must only be used so that избежание нанесения ущерба
uninvolved third parties and their людям или другим объектам, и они
employees cannot be harmed even if не должны использоваться для
the prototypes fail. The software pre- совершения реальных операций
release versions are only to be used by (на производственных объектах).
persons with the necessary expertise in Кроме того, предварительные
a physically separate area and using версии ПО должны использоваться
protective devices. The personnel used только таким образом, чтобы
must be instructed accordingly by the исключить нанесение вреда не
Licensee and informed of the dangers имеющим к ним отношения
due to lack of series maturity and третьим лицам и их персоналу в
functional restrictions. случае сбоя в работе прототипов.
Предварительные версии ПО
должны использоваться только
лицами, обладающими
необходимыми знаниями, на
физически изолированной
площадке, с применением средств
защиты. Персонал должен
получить соответствующие
инструкции от Лицензиата и
информацию о возможных рисках,
связанных с неготовностью ПО, и
функциональных ограничениях.

5.8.4 The information provided at the same 5.8.4 Предоставленная информация в то

time does not rule out the Licensee’s же время не исключает
own testing under its own возможность проведения
responsibility, especially with regard to Лицензиатом собственного
suitability, and must not be used тестирования под свою
without testing. ответственность, в частности, в
отношении пригодности ПО, и не
должна использоваться без

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 95/194

5.8.5 The Licensee must not pass on the 5.8.5 Лицензиату запрещается
transferred software pre-release передавать предоставленные
versions and any accompanying предварительные версии ПО и
documentation to third parties in full, as сопроводительную документацию
excerpts, or as a copy. каким-либо третьим лицам
полностью, в виде выдержки или


6.1 If the Licensee is an End Customer, the 6.1 Если Лицензиат является
provisions of this clause 6 apply without Конечным пользователем,
any restriction. положения настоящего пункта 6
применяются без каких-либо

If the Licensee is an Authorized Если Лицензиат является

Distributor, the following applies: The Авторизованным дистрибьютором,
Authorized Distributor is entitled to применяются следующие
distribute the Licensed Software to End положения: Авторизованный
Customers according to the relevant дистрибьютор имеет право
License Agreement between Phoenix распространять Лицензионное ПО
Contact and the Authorized Distributor; среди Конечных пользователей в
in this respect the clauses 6.2 and 6.5 соответствии с Лицензионным
(i) do not prevent distribution to End соглашением между «Феникс
Customers permitted under the License Контакт» и Авторизованным
Agreement and are not to be дистрибьютором. В связи с этим
interpreted as a restriction on this right пункты 6.2 и 6.5 (i) не препятствуют
of distribution. Clause 6.6 does not сбыту Конечным пользователям,
apply to the Authorized Distributor. которым такое распространение
Clauses 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 (ii) apply разрешено согласно
without restriction. Лицензионному соглашению, и не
должны истолковываться в
качестве ограничения такого права
на распространение. Пункт 6.6 не
применяется в отношении
Авторизованного дистрибьютора.
Пункты 6.3, 6.4 и 6.5 (ii)
применяются без ограничений.

6.2 Unless specified otherwise in these 6.2 Если в настоящих Условиях

Software License Terms, the Licensee лицензии на ПО не указано иное,
is not permitted to provide the Licensed Лицензиату не разрешается
Software to third parties, display it предоставлять Лицензионное ПО
publicly or make it publicly available, третьим лицам, публично
whether for a fee or free of charge and демонстрировать его или
whether temporarily or permanently. выкладывать в открытый доступ,
как безвозмездно, так и за плату и
как на ограниченный, так и на
неограниченный срок.

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6.3 Unless specified otherwise in the 6.3 Если в Лицензионном соглашении
License Agreement or third-party или лицензионных условиях
license terms and/or provided it is not третьих лиц не указано иное и
Open Source Software, the Licensee is (или) при условии, что
prohibited from modifying, translating, Лицензионное ПО не является ПО
arranging or otherwise changing the с открытым кодом, Лицензиату
Licensed Software. If the Licensee запрещается модифицировать,
violates this obligation, the Licensee переводить, конфигурировать или
hereby assigns to the Licensor (or if the иным образом изменять
Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, to Лицензионное ПО. Если Лицензиат
Phoenix Contact) in full and extensively нарушает данное обязательство,
all rights to all such non-permitted Лицензиат настоящим отчуждает
modifications, translations, Лицензиару (или если Лицензиар
arrangements or other changes made является Авторизованным
in contravention of these License дистрибьютором компании «Феникс
Terms. Should such a transfer not be Контакт») все без исключения
legally admissible, the Licensee grants права на такие
the Licensor (or if the Licensor is an несанкционированные
Authorized Distributor, Phoenix модификации, переводы,
Contact) the exclusive, irrevocable, конфигурации или другие
transferrable, sublicensable, royalty- изменения, выполненные в
free and worldwide right to make нарушение настоящих Условий
derivative works of, reproduce, use and лицензии на ПО. Если такая
exploit the modifications, translations, передача недопустима по закону,
arrangements and/or changes made in Лицензиат предоставляет
contravention of these License Terms Лицензиару (или если Лицензиар
by all known and unknown means and является Авторизованным
without any restriction in terms of time, дистрибьютором компании «Феникс
space and content, especially to copy, Контакт») исключительное,
distribute or make publicly by wire or безотзывное, подлежащее
wireless means, including the right to передаче и сублицензированию,
make these publicly available. безвозмездное и действующее на
территории всех стран мира право
на создание производных
произведений, воспроизведение,
использование и эксплуатацию
модификаций, переводов,
конфигураций и (или) изменений,
выполненных в нарушение
настоящих Условий лицензии на
ПО, всеми известными и
неизвестными способами, без
ограничений по времени,
пространству и контенту, в
частности права на копирование,
распространение, доведение до
всеобщего сведения с
использованием проводных или
беспроводных средств, включая
право предоставления
неограниченному кругу лиц.

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6.4 Unless specified otherwise in the 6.4 Если в Лицензионном соглашении
License Agreement or third-party или лицензионных условиях
license terms and/or provided it is not третьих лиц не указано иное и
Open Source Software, the Licensee is (или) при условии, что
prohibited from accessing or trying to Лицензионное ПО не является ПО
access the Source Code of the с открытым кодом, Лицензиату
Licensed Software by its own means or запрещается получать или
via third parties by reverse engineering, пытаться получить доступ к
decompiling, disassembly or other Исходному коду Лицензионного ПО
measures. The Licensee may take собственными силами или с
such measures to achieve привлечением третьих лиц
interoperability of the Licensed посредством обратного
Software with other, independently инжиниринга, декомпиляции,
created computer programs solely дизассемблирования или другими
insofar as the information in question is способами. Лицензиат может
essential for achieving interoperability предпринять меры для
and provided the Licensee informs the обеспечения совместимости
Licensor accordingly in writing Лицензионного ПО с другими,
beforehand giving the Licensor the независимо разработанными
opportunity to provide the Licensee компьютерными программами,
with the necessary information within a исключительно в том объеме, в
reasonable time period and the котором рассматриваемая
Licensor fails to do so. информация необходима для
достижения совместимости, при
условии, что Лицензиат
заблаговременно уведомит об этом
Лицензиара в письменном виде,
давая Лицензиару возможность
предоставить Лицензиату
необходимую информацию в
разумные сроки, и Лицензиар не
сделал этого.

6.5 The Licensee is also prohibited, without 6.5 Лицензиату также запрещается без
the prior written consent of the предварительного письменного
Licensor, (i) subject to clause 5.6, from согласия Лицензиара (i) и в
granting third parties access to or use соответствии с п. 5.6
of the Licensed Software in the context предоставлять третьим лицам
of services, application service доступ или возможность
provision, software as a service, использования Лицензионного ПО
outsourcing, time sharing or in a similar в контексте сервисов,
way, whether or not it is a matter of предоставления служб
corresponding activities by the приложений, программного
Licensee for third parties or such обеспечения как сервиса,
activities by third parties for the аутсорсинга, использования в
Licensee, or (ii) from removing, режиме разделения времени или
changing or disguising any references аналогичным образом, независимо
to industrial property rights, labels or от того, является ли это предметом
trademarks on the Licensed Software соответствующей деятельности
or documentation. Лицензиата для третьих лиц или
деятельности третьих лиц для
Лицензиата; или (ii) удалять,
изменять или скрывать какие-либо

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 98/194

ссылки на права на промышленную
собственность, этикетки или
товарные знаки на Лицензионном
ПО или документации.

6.6 The Licensee is entitled to resell to 6.6 Лицензиат имеет право

third parties Licensed Software for перепродавать третьим лицам
which it has purchased a perpetual Лицензионное ПО, на которое
right of use, with simultaneous transfer Лицензиат приобрел бессрочное
of the rights of use granted under these право пользования, с
Software License Terms, provided that одновременной передачей прав
пользования, предоставленных
согласно настоящим Условиям
лицензии на ПО, при условии, что:

a) it is a perpetual and not only a) Это бессрочная передача, а

temporary transfer; не передача на какой-либо

b) the Licensee fully and irrevocably b) Лицензиат полностью и

deletes all copies it has of the окончательно удаляет все
Licensed Software; and экземпляры Лицензионного
ПО, которые у него имеются;

c) the third party accepts the d)c) Такое третье лицо

applicability of these Software соглашается с тем, что на
License Terms as between отношения между таким
Licensor and third party. третьим лицом и
распространяются настоящие
Условия лицензии на ПО.


7.1 In the event of an infringement of the 7.1 В случае нарушения положений

provisions of clauses 5 to 6 by the пунктов 5–6 Лицензиатом
Licensee, the Licensee shall pay a последний выплачивает
contractual penalty to the Licensor in Лицензиару договорную неустойку
the amount of: (i) 10 % of the total fees в сумме: (i) 10 % общей суммы,
paid and payable under the affected уплаченной и подлежащей уплате
License Agreement, or (ii) EUR 25,000, по соответствующему
whichever is higher. Any other rights of Лицензионному соглашению, или
Licensor, including without limitation (ii) 25 000 евро, в зависимости от
damage claims, shall remain того, какая сумма больше. Все
unaffected. прочие права Лицензиара,
включая, помимо прочего,
требования компенсации убытков
остаются без изменений.

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7.2 In the case of Cloud Products and 7.2 В случае с Облачными продуктами
other Licensed Software provided for a и другим Лицензионным ПО,
limited time, the Licensor may, in the предоставляемым на
event of an infringement by the ограниченный срок, Лицензиар
Licensee of a material provision of может в случае нарушения
these Software License Terms and Лицензиатом существенных
Licensee’s failure to cure this положений настоящих Условий
infringement within thirty (30) days of лицензии на ПО и неустранения
receipt of a written warning notice, Лицензиатом такого нарушения в
suspend access to the Licensed течение 30 (тридцати) дней после
Software until the infringement is cured. получения письменного
This includes but is not limited to предупреждения приостановить
Licensee’s infringement by its breach of доступ к Лицензионному ПО до
any terms in clauses 5, 6 or 10. устранения нарушений. Это
положение распространяется, в
том числе, и на нарушение
Лицензиатом любых положений
пунктов 5, 6 или 10.



The Product Description may contain Описание продукта может

certain system requirements and содержать определенные
compatibility information for the use of системные требования и
the Licensed Software. In particular, it информацию о совместимости для
may contain information on which использования Лицензионного ПО.
hardware, operating environment and В частности, оно может содержать
operating systems the Licensed информацию о том, для какого
Software is designed for and/or to what аппаратного обеспечения, какой
extent it is compatible with such операционной среды и
components. If the Licensee does not операционных систем разработано
use the Licensed Software in Лицензионное ПО и (или) в каком
accordance with the system объеме оно совместимо с такими
requirements or compatibility компонентами. Если Лицензиат не
information given in the Product использует Лицензионное ПО в
Description, the Licensor assumes no соответствии с системными
warranty for such use and the требованиями или информацией о
functioning of the Licensed Software in совместимости, указанной в
this respect and is not liable for any Описании продукта, Лицензиар не
consequences of such use. дает никаких гарантий в отношении
такого использования и
функционирования Лицензионного
ПО, а также не несет
ответственности за любые
последствия такого использования.


If certain professional services, e.g., Если Лицензиат желает получить

training, consulting, development or определенные профессиональные
implementation services, are desired услуги, например в области

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 100/194

by the Licensee and such professional обучения, консультирования,
services are generally part of the разработки и внедрения, и такие
Licensor’s service portfolio, the профессиональные услуги входят в
Licensor and Licensee may agree that портфель услуг, предлагаемых
the Licensor shall provide the Лицензиаром, Лицензиар и
corresponding services on the agreed Лицензиат могут заключить
conditions. These Software License соглашение о том, что Лицензиар
Terms do not apply to such services. будет оказывать соответствующие
услуги на согласованных условиях.
Настоящие Условия лицензии на
ПО к таким услугам не



10.1 Unless the Licensor provides the 10.1 Если Лицензионное ПО не было
Licensee with the Licensed Software предоставлено Лицензиаром
free of charge, the Licensee shall pay Лицензиату безвозмездно,
the respective price for the purchased Лицензиат обязуется выплатить
Licensed Software and for соответствующую цену за
maintenance and support services. The приобретенное Лицензионное ПО и
price is specified in the License услуги поддержки и обслуживания.
Agreement and/or Maintenance Стоимость указывается в
Agreement. If the License Agreement Лицензионном соглашении и (или)
and/or Maintenance Agreement does Соглашении об обслуживании.
not include prices, the prices on the Если в Лицензионном соглашении
Licensor’s price list current at the и (или) Соглашении об
effective date of the License обслуживании стоимость не
Agreement/Maintenance Agreement, or указывается, то применяются
its successor (as the case may be), расценки, указанные в прайс-листе
shall apply. Лицензиара, действующем на
момент вступления в силу
Лицензионного соглашения и (или)
Соглашения об обслуживании или
заменяющих их документах (в
зависимости от ситуации).

10.2 All prices are net of any statutory value- 10.2 Стоимость указывается без учета
added tax, customs duties and other предусмотренных законом налога
taxes or fees. These are payable by the на добавленную стоимость,
Licensee. таможенных пошлин и других
налогов и сборов. Все
вышеперечисленное оплачивается

10.3 In the case of Licensed Software 10.3 Если Лицензионное ПО

provided perpetually for a fee, the предоставляется бессрочно за
Licensor invoices the purchase price плату, Лицензиар выставляет счет
upon delivery of or granting of access после доставки или
to the Licensed Software, unless предоставления доступа к
otherwise agreed. Лицензионному ПО, если не

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 101/194

согласованы иные условия.

10.4 In the case of Licensed Software 10.4 Если Лицензионное ПО

provided for a limited time for a fee, предоставляется на ограниченный
remuneration is due and payable срок за плату, вознаграждение
without deduction подлежит выплате без вычетов

a) in the case of fixed prices, in a) в случае фиксированных цен

advance by the 3rd working day — заблаговременно, не
of the agreed regular billing позднее 3-го рабочего дня
period at the latest; согласованного регулярного
периода, за который
выставляется счет;

b) in the case of varying, e.g., User- (e) b) в случае меняющихся цен,

dependent prices например цен, зависящих от
Пользователя —

either (i) within ten (10) days of (i) в течение 10 (десяти) дней
expiration of the regular billing с момента выставления счета
period and invoicing; the amount и истечения регулярного
of remuneration is determined by периода, за который
the number of licenses existing in выставляется счет. Сумма
the regular billing period to be вознаграждения зависит от
invoiced; количества лицензий,
действующих в течение
периода, за который
выставляется счет;

or (ii) in advance within ten (10) или (ii) заблаговременно в

days of invoicing for the agreed течение 10 (десяти) дней
regular billing period, whereby the после выставления счета за
price for this billing period is согласованный период, за
calculated from the actual который выставляется счет,
quantity used during the previous при этом цена за такой
billing period; период рассчитывается на
основе фактического
количества в периоде
выставления счета;

if a varying price calculation is если по условиям соглашения

agreed, but not a due-date rule, применяется плавающая
variant (i) applies. цена, а не правило с
использованием конкретного
срока платежа, применяется
вариант (i).

Unless otherwise agreed, the regular Если не согласовано иное,

billing period is quarterly. регулярный период, за который
выставляется счет, равен одному

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10.5 Maintenance and support services are 10.5 Счет на услуги поддержки и
invoiced by the Licensor on a quarterly обслуживания выставляется
basis in advance. Лицензиаром заблаговременно
каждый квартал.

10.6 The remuneration is due and payable 10.6 Вознаграждение подлежит выплате
without deductions within thirty (30) без вычетов в течение 30
days net starting from the invoicing (тридцати) дней с даты
date. Except as provided for by выставления счета. За
mandatory applicable laws (e.g., in исключением случаев, когда иное
case of warranty claims subject to предусмотрено действующим
clause 11, or a pre-mature termination законодательством (например, в
of a time-limited license by the случае гарантийных требований
Licensee pursuant to clause 17.5, all согласно п. 11 или досрочного
payment obligations under any and all расторжения ограниченной по
License Agreements and/or времени лицензии Лицензиатом
Maintenance Agreement are non- согласно п. 17.5), все платежные
cancellable and all payments made are обязательства по всем без
non-refundable. исключения Лицензионным
соглашениям и (или) Соглашениям
об обслуживании не подлежат
отмене, а все внесенные платежи
не подлежат возврату.

10.7 For Cloud Products, other Licensed 10.7 Для Облачных продуктов, другого
Software provided for a limited period, Лицензионного ПО,
and maintenance and support services, предоставляемого на
the Licensor is entitled once per ограниченный срок, и услуг
Contractual Year beginning upon the поддержки и обслуживания
second Contractual Year, with three (3) Лицензиар вправе один раз в
months’ advance notice, to increase течение Контрактного года,
the prices agreed for the current начиная со второго Контрактного
contract with effect for the future, in года и при условии направления
order to adjust the price structure to соответствующего уведомления за
altered costs for the procurement and 3 (три) месяца, повышать цены,
provision of the Licensed Software установленные в текущем
and/or the maintenance and support договоре, на будущий период, с
services, including price increases of целью корректировки ценовой
third-party suppliers or service структуры, чтобы отразить
providers, higher wage costs and изменившиеся расходы на
increases in the tax to be paid upon снабжение и предоставление
procurement, but by a maximum of ten Лицензионного ПО и (или) услуг
percent (10 %) in comparison with the поддержки и обслуживания,
price valid at the time in question. включая повышение цен
независимыми поставщиками и
повышение налогов, уплачиваемых
с закупок, но не более чем на 10%
(десять процентов) по сравнению с
действующей ценой.

10.8 If the Licensee defaults on payment, 10.8 Если Лицензиат не совершает

the Licensor is entitled to charge платежи, Лицензиар вправе
default interest (i) at the maximum взимать неустойку (i) в

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 103/194

amount allowed by applicable statutory максимальном размере,
law, or (ii) of nine percent (9 %) p.a., предусмотренным нормами
depending on which is lesser. Other действующего законодательства
rights of the Licensor, especially или (ii) в размере 9% (девяти
compensation claims, remain процентов) годовых, в зависимости
unaffected. от того, какая сумма меньше.
Прочие права Лицензиара,
включая требования компенсации
убытков, остаются без изменений.

10.9 The Licensee is only entitled to offset 10.9 Лицензиат имеет право лишь на
or withhold payments on the basis of зачет или удержание платежей в
claims that are undisputed by the результате претензий, не
Licensor, or claims that have been оспариваемых Лицензиаром, или
finally awarded by a competent court. претензий, по которым
компетентным судом вынесено
окончательное решение.




12.1 To the extent allowed by applicable 12.1 В той степени, в которой это
laws or statutes, and except for допустимо согласно применимому
liabilities resulting from (a) Licensor’s законодательству или
willful misconduct or gross negligence нормативным актам, и за
or (b) Licensor’s personal injury, исключением обязательств,
Licensor will not be liable (whether in возникающих в связи с (а)
contract or tort) to Licensee for any умышленными или неосторожными
consequential, incidental, indirect, or действиями Лицензиара или (b)
exemplary damages arising out of or нанесением Лицензиаром вреда
relating to these Software License здоровью какому-либо лицу,
Terms. Лицензиар не несет
ответственности (в силу договора
или деликта) перед Лицензиатом
за любые условные, случайные,
косвенные или штрафные убытки,
возникающие в связи с
настоящими Условиями лицензии
на ПО.

12.2 To the extent allowed by applicable 12.2 В той степени, в которой это
laws or statutes, and except for допустимо согласно применимому
liabilities resulting from (a) Licensor’s законодательству или
willful misconduct or gross negligence нормативным актам, и за
or (b) personal injury caused by исключением обязательств,
Licensor, Licensor’s aggregate liability возникающих в связи с (а)
arising out of these Software License умышленными или неосторожными
Terms will not exceed the fees paid by действиями Лицензиара или (b)
Licensee during the twelve (12) months нанесением Лицензиаром вреда
preceding the incident giving rise to здоровью какому-либо лицу,

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Licensor’s liability (if Licensee received совокупная ответственность
the Licensed Software free of charge, Лицензиара, возникающая на
Licensor’s aggregate liability will not основании настоящих Условий
exceed EUR 5). лицензии на ПО, не превышает
суммы платежей, внесенных
Лицензиатом в течение 12
(двенадцати) месяцев,
предшествующих такому
происшествию, в результате
которого возникла обязанность
Лицензиара (если Лицензиат
получает Лицензионное ПО
безвозмездно, совокупная
ответственность Лицензиара не
превышает 5 евро).

12.3 The Licensee is required to adequately 12.3 Лицензиат обязан обеспечивать

back up data and for this purpose to резервное копирование всех
make backup copies of all data and данных и программ в
programs in machine-readable form at машиночитаемой форме по
least once a day. If there is a data loss крайней мере один раз в день. В
that is the fault of the Licensor, the случае потери данных по вине
Licensor’s aggregate liability is limited Лицензиара совокупная
to the reasonable and actual costs of ответственность Лицензиара
restoring data that the Licensee could ограничивается обоснованными
not have prevented the loss of by фактическими издержками на
meeting the aforementioned obligation восстановление данных, потери
or by taking other reasonable которых Лицензиат не мог
measures. предотвратить, выполнив
вышеуказанное обязательство или
предприняв другие разумные

12.4 For avoidance of doubt, this clause 12 12.4 Во избежание разночтений,

applies to personal liability of настоящий пункт 12 применяется к
employees, representatives and agents личной ответственности
of the Licensor. работников, представителей и
агентов Лицензиара.


13.1 The Licensee shall maintain the 13.1 Лицензиат обязуется соблюдать
confidentiality of any Confidential конфиденциальность любой
Information of the Licensor and not Конфиденциальной информации
disclose it or make it accessible to third Лицензиара и не раскрывать ее и
parties. This obligation survives for a не предоставлять доступ к ней
period of five (5) years after the end of третьим лицам. Данное
the relevant License Agreement and/or обязательство сохраняет свою
Maintenance Agreement. силу в течение 5 (пяти) лет с
момента истечения срока действия
соответствующего Лицензионного
соглашения и (или) Соглашения об

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13.2 Confidential Information does not 13.2 Конфиденциальной информацией

include such information не является такая информация,

a) that the Licensee verifiably a) уже была известна

already knew upon entering Лицензиату до заключения
into the relevant License соответствующего
Agreement and/or Лицензионного соглашения и
Maintenance Agreement or (или) Соглашения об
that later becomes known from обслуживании, что может
a third party without any быть подтверждено, или была
infringement of a non- получена в дальнейшем от
disclosure agreement, третьего лица без нарушения
statutory provisions or official условий соглашения о
orders; конфиденциальности,
положений законодательства
и официальных

b) that is publicly known upon b) является общеизвестной на

entering into the relevant момент заключения
License Agreement and/or соответствующего
Maintenance Agreement or later Лицензионного соглашения и
becomes publicly known, unless (или) Соглашения об
this is due to an infringement of обслуживании или стала
these Software License Terms; общеизвестной в
дальнейшем, за исключением
тех случаев, когда это
происходит вследствие
нарушения настоящих
Условий лицензии на ПО.

13.3 If Confidential Information has to be 13.3 Если Конфиденциальная

disclosed due to statutory obligations or информация должна быть
by order of a court or an authority, the раскрыта согласно требований
Licensee, insofar as legally admissible, законодательства или по
shall first inform the Licensor and give it распоряжению суда или другого
the opportunity to take action against компетентного органа, Лицензиат
the disclosure. обязан, если это разрешено
законом, сначала уведомить об
этом Лицензиара и дать ему
возможность принять меры для
предотвращения такого раскрытия.

13.4 If the parties enter into a separate 13.4 Если стороны заключают
agreement on confidentiality before or отдельное соглашение о
after entering into the License конфиденциальности до или после
Agreement, the relevant agreement заключения Лицензионного
takes precedence over the provisions соглашения, соответствующее
of this clause 13 in the event of any соглашение о конфиденциальности

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 106/194

contradictions. имеет преимущественную силу над
положениями настоящего пункта
13 в случае разночтений.



14.1 In execution of the contract, the 14.1 В ходе исполнения соглашения

Licensor processes personal data of Лицензиар обрабатывает
the Licensee and its involved персональные данные Лицензиата
employees (name, contact details, и привлеченных им сотрудников
other personal data for contract (ФИО, контактные данные, другие
execution), as well as of any other персональные данные,
people (such as Users) to the extent необходимые для выполнения
this is necessary for proper условий соглашения), а также
performance of the contract taking into персональные данные других лиц
account the relevant licensing model. (например, Пользователей) в том
объеме, в каком это необходимо
для надлежащего выполнения
условий соглашения с учетом
соответствующей модели

14.2 The Licensor shall comply with the data 14.2 Лицензиар обязан соблюдать
protection laws applicable to the требования законодательства о
Licensor’s services under these защите персональных данных,
Software License Terms. Insofar as the предъявляемые к услугам
Licensee receives personal data of the Лицензиара по настоящим
Licensor, the Licensee is likewise Условиям лицензии на ПО. Если
required to comply with the applicable Лицензиат получает персональные
data protection laws. Personal data of данные Лицензиара, Лицензиат
which the Licensee obtains knowledge аналогичным образом обязан
may be processed by the Licensee only соблюдать применимое
to execute the contract and shall in no законодательство о защите
event be shared, sold or otherwise персональных данных.
made available to third parties for Персональные данные, которые
purposes other than the становятся известны Лицензиату,
aforementioned ones. могут обрабатываться
Лицензиатом только с целью
выполнения условий соглашения, и
Лицензиат ни в коем случае не
имеет права распространять,
продавать или иным образом
предоставлять такие данные
третьим лицам для целей,
отличных от вышеуказанных.


15.1 The Licensor is entitled to take legally 15.1 Лицензиар имеет право
permissible technical measures to использовать допустимые по
monitor and/or ensure the contractual закону технические меры для

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use of the Licensed Software by the мониторинга и (или) обеспечения
Licensee, e.g., license keys, dongles, использования Лицензионного ПО
license servers or logging of the Лицензиатом в соответствии с
Licensee’s technical usage data. The условиями договора, например
Licensee undertakes not to disable, лицензионные ключи, физические
modify and/or circumvent such электронные ключи, сервера
measures or to attempt to do any of the лицензий или регистрацию
foregoing. технических данных об
использовании ПО Лицензиатом.
Лицензиат обязуется не
деактивировать, не
модифицировать и (или) не
обходить такие меры, а также не
предпринимать таких попыток.

15.2 The Licensor is entitled to audit the 15.2 Лицензиар вправе проводить аудит
Licensee solely for the purpose of Лицензиата исключительно для
verifying the use of the Licensed проверки надлежащего
Software by the Licensee (but at most использования Лицензионного ПО
once every twelve (12) months), Лицензиатом (но не чаще одного
provided the Licensor has no other раза каждые 12 (двенадцать)
reasonable but equally effective месяцев) при условии, что у
opportunity to verify the use of the Лицензиара нет другой
Licensed Software by the Licensee. эффективной возможности
Such audit may only be carried out by проверить использование
an independent auditor who is subject Лицензионного ПО Лицензиатом,
to a professional or other non- кроме аудита. Такой аудит может
disclosure obligation. The auditor may проводиться только независимым
only provide information to the Licensor аудитором, на которого
to the extent necessary for the распространяются
assertion and enforcement of rights to профессиональные обязательства
the Licensor’s intellectual property. The о неразглашении информации.
Licensor shall bear the costs of such Аудитор может предоставлять
audit unless the audit shows that the информацию Лицензиару только в
Licensee infringed the Licensor’s том объеме, который позволяет
intellectual property rights to a not just удостовериться в характере
immaterial extent; in the latter case the использования Лицензионного ПО
Licensee shall pay the auditor’s costs. и реализовать интеллектуальные
права Лицензиара. Лицензиар
берет на себя расходы на такой
аудит, за исключением тех
случаев, когда результаты аудита
подтверждают нарушение
Лицензиатом интеллектуальных
прав Лицензиара в существенной
степени — в таких случаях
расходы на аудит несет Лицензиат.

15.3 The Licensee shall cooperate with the 15.3 Лицензиат обязан сотрудничать с
Licensor in this regard; in particular, it Лицензиаром в этом направлении.
shall (a) at the Licensor’s request, В частности, Лицензиат (а) по
produce a license report, (b) allow visits требованию Лицензиара
and/or audits on site by the auditor to составляет лицензионный отчет,

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 108/194

monitor, assess and verify the use of (b) разрешает посещение своей
the Licensed Software during normal площадки аудитором и (или)
business hours and with sufficient проведение аудита с целью
advance notice. When the audit is мониторинга, оценки и проверки
conducted, both parties must observe использования Лицензионного ПО
the applicable data protection laws. в обычные рабочие часы и с
The Licensee must ensure that no заблаговременным уведомлением
personal data are provided to the об аудите. При проведении аудита
auditor and/or the Licensor in обе стороны обязаны соблюдать
connection with the audit. If and insofar применимое законодательство о
as the audit cannot be carried out защите персональных данных.
without providing personal data to the Лицензиат обязан гарантировать,
auditor, the Licensee shall take the что в связи с аудитом аудитору и
necessary measures to ensure that (или) Лицензиару не будут
only the personal data necessary for предоставлены никакие
the audit to be conducted is provided. персональные данные. Если аудит
не может быть проведен без
предоставления аудитору
персональных данных, Лицензиат
обязан предпринять необходимые
меры, гарантирующие
предоставление только
необходимых для проведения
аудита данных.


16.1 The Licensee is responsible for 16.1 Лицензиат обязан обеспечить

ensuring that its use of the Licensed использование Лицензионного ПО
Software is compatible with all statutory в соответствии с требованиями
and regulatory requirements applicable законодательства и нормативными
to the Licensee. требованиями, действующими в
отношении Лицензиата.

16.2 The Licensee is informed that the 16.2 Лицензиат осведомлен о том, что
export of the Licensed Software, экспорт Лицензионного ПО,
information and documentation информации и документации в
according to the relevant export соответствии с экспортными
provisions of the Russian Federation, правилами Российской Федерации,
the countries in which the Licensor стран, в которых находятся
and/or the Licensee is located, the Лицензиар и (или) Лицензиат,
European Union and/or the United стран Европейского союза и (или)
States of America (US (re-)export Соединенных Штатов Америки
provisions) – e.g., due to its type or ((ре)экспортные правила США),
purpose or final location – may require например в связи с типом ПО, или
authorization or may be excluded and целью экспорта, или конечным
any contravention subject to criminal пунктом, может требовать
prosecution. The Licensee is therefore получения разрешения или может
responsible for strictly observing all быть запрещен, а любой обход
nationally or internationally applicable таких правил будет основанием

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 109/194

(re-)export provisions and in any case для уголовного преследования.
the EU dual use and sanction law and Поэтому Лицензиат обязан строго
obtaining any necessary permits. The соблюдать все национальные или
Licensee therefore undertakes to check международные (ре)экспортные
and ensure in particular that правила, в частности,
законодательство ЕС о двойном
назначении и санкциях, и получать
все необходимые разрешения. В
частности, Лицензиат обязуется
проверять и гарантировать

a) insofar as the Licensed a) если Лицензионное ПО,

Software, information and информация и документация
documentation may be могут поставляться для
supplied for defense-related, использования, связанного с
nuclear or weapon-related use обороной, ядерной или
or delivered to a military оружейной
recipient with authorization промышленностью, или
from the relevant, in particular военному получателю с
national, authorities, all разрешения
authorizations must be соответствующих, в частности
obtained from the authorities национальных, компетентных
and Licensor in advance of the органов, все разрешения от
supplying of the Licensed компетентных органов и
Software, information and Лицензиара должны быть
documentation; получены до поставки
Лицензионного ПО,
информации и документации;

b) the relevant UN resolutions, b) (b)соответствующие

EU Regulations and Russian резолюции ООН, Регламенты
laws and other applicable laws ЕС, российское и иное
and regulations of the законодательство и
competent authorities are предписания компетентных
observed; органов соблюдаются в
полном объеме;

c) no Licensed Software, c) (c)Лицензионное ПО,

information and documentation информация и документация
is provided directly or indirectly не предоставляются прямо
to the persons and companies или косвенно лицам и
listed on the relevant sanction компаниям, находящимся в
lists. санкционных списках.

16.3 The supply and service obligations 16.3 Обязательства по поставке и

under the relevant License Agreement обслуживанию по
(contract performance) are subject to соответствующему Лицензионному
the condition that no obstacles or соглашению (выполнение
prohibitions based on national or соглашения) зависят от условия,
international provisions, especially что никакие запреты и ограничения
export control regulations, embargoes на основании национальных или
or other sanctions prevent международных положений,

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performance. The parties undertake to особенно правил экспортного
provide all information and documents контроля, эмбарго и других
needed for the export/shipment/import. санкций, не препятствуют
Any delays due to export controls or исполнению Соглашения. Стороны
authorization procedures nullify agreed обязуются предоставлять всю
deadlines and delivery times. If the информацию и документы,
necessary authorizations are not необходимые для экспорта /
issued despite proper application by отгрузки / импорта. Любые
the party required to do so, with respect задержки в связи с экспортным
to the affected parts the License контролем или получением
Agreement shall be deemed not разрешений отменяют
concluded; damage claims in this согласованные сроки и периоды
respect and related of the поставок. Если необходимые
aforementioned exceeding of deadlines разрешения не будут выданы,
are excluded. несмотря на надлежащее
обращение ответственной за это
стороны, Лицензионное
соглашение в части затронутых
компонентов считается
незаключенным. При этом
исключаются любые требования
компенсации убытков в связи с
этим, а также продлением сроков,
как указано выше.

16.4 The Licensor shall specify the relevant 16.4 Лицензиар обязан по запросу
points of contact for further information указывать контактных лиц для
to the Licensee on request. дальнейшего информирования

16.5 If the Licensee infringes its obligations 16.5 Если Лицензиат нарушает свои
under this clause 16, it shall indemnify обязательства по настоящему
the Licensor upon first demand against пункту 16, он обязан по первому
all claims and compensate all damages требованию Лицензиара оградить
that sub-suppliers of the Licensor, его от любых требований и
rights holders, other third parties or компенсировать Лицензиару все
government and/or international убытки и претензии,
authorities or organizations assert предъявляемые ему
towards the Licensor, unless the субпоставщиками, держателями
Licensee is not responsible for the прав, третьими лицами,
infringement. правительственными органами,
национальными и (или)
международными органами и
организациями, за исключением
тех случаев, когда Лицензиат не
несет ответственности за

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 111/194


17.1 These Software License Terms shall 17.1 Настоящие Условия лицензии на
continue to apply for as long as the ПО продолжают действовать на
Licensee is entitled to use the Licensed протяжении всего периода пока
Software under a License Agreement. Лицензиат вправе использовать
Лицензионное ПО в рамках
Лицензионного соглашения.

17.2 Intentionally left blank 17.2 Пустое место оставлено


17.3 For temporarily provided Licensed 17.3 Для временно предоставленного

Software and for maintenance and Лицензионного ПО, а также для
support services, the relevant License услуг поддержки и обслуживания в
Agreement and/or Maintenance соответствующем Лицензионном
Agreement contains an initial term. соглашении и (или) Соглашении об
Unless otherwise agreed, the initial обслуживании указан
term of a License Agreement for первоначальный срок. Если не
temporarily provided Licensed Software согласовано иное, первоначальный
runs until the end of the calendar year срок Лицензионного соглашения
in which it is purchased. The same для временно предоставленного
applies for the initial term of a Лицензионного ПО длится до конца
Maintenance Agreement. календарного года, в котором
Лицензионное ПО было
приобретено. Аналогичное
положение действует в отношении
первоначального срока
Соглашения об обслуживании.

17.4 The Licensor and Licensee may 17.4 Лицензиар и Лицензиат могут
terminate any time-limited License расторгнуть любое Лицензионное
Agreement and/or any Maintenance соглашение и (или) Соглашение об
Agreement after the initial term and/or обслуживании с ограниченным
any Extension Period (as defined сроком после истечения
below) with three (3) months’ notice первоначального срока и (или)
prior to the expiry of the applicable любого Периода продления (см.
term. If the relevant License Agreement ниже), направив уведомление не
and/or Maintenance Agreement is not позднее чем за 3 (три) месяца до
terminated in time, it shall be extended истечения соответствующего
by another twelve (12) months each срока. Если Лицензионное
(“Extension Period”). соглашение и (или) Соглашение об
обслуживании не расторгнуты в
срок, они могут быть продлены на
следующие 12 (двенадцать)
месяцев каждое (далее «Период

17.5 Each Party may terminate a time- 17.5 Каждая сторона вправе
limited License Agreement and/or a расторгнуть Лицензионное
Maintenance Agreement in writing соглашение и (или) Соглашение об
without notice for cause. A cause обслуживании с ограниченным

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 112/194

justifies termination by the Licensor сроком в письменном виде без
particularly if the Licensee has infringed уведомления при наличии
the rights of use of the Licensor by основания. Основание для
using the Licensed Software to an расторжения у Лицензиара, в
extent beyond that permitted in these частности, возникает в том случае,
Software License Terms and does not если Лицензиат нарушил права
cease this infringement within fourteen Лицензиара, используя
(14) days of a warning by the Licensor. Лицензионное ПО способом,
который не разрешен настоящими
Условиями лицензии на ПО, и не
устраняет такое нарушение в
течение 14 (четырнадцати) дней с
момента получения
соответствующего извещения от

17.6 If a time-limited License Agreement is 17.6 Если Лицензионное соглашение с

terminated, the Licensee shall cease ограниченным сроком будет
using the Licensed Software and расторгнуто, Лицензиат
remove all installed copies of this прекращает использование
Licensed Software from its computers Лицензионного ПО и удаляет все
and return to the Licensor at its choice установленные экземпляры
any backup copies made without delay. Лицензионного ПО со своих
Upon corresponding written request by компьютеров, а также без
the Licensor, the Licensee shall, промедления возвращает
instead of returning them, irrevocably Лицензиару все резервные копии
destroy all copies of the Licensed по усмотрению последнего. По
Software according to the appropriate соответствующему письменному
instructions of the Licensor such that запросу Лицензиара Лицензиат
they cannot be restored. The Licensee обязан вместо возврата
shall confirm to the Licensor within окончательно уничтожить все
thirty (30) days of receipt of the request экземпляры Лицензионного ПО в
that the Licensee has met the above соответствии с указаниями
obligations. Лицензиара таким образом, чтобы
их нельзя было восстановить.
Лицензиат подтверждает
Лицензиару выполнение указанных
обязательств в течение 30
(тридцати) дней с момента
получения запроса.

17.7 All notices regarding a party’s intent to 17.7 Все уведомления о намерении
terminate a License Agreement and/or стороны расторгнуть Лицензионное
a Maintenance Agreement require соглашение и (или) Соглашение об
Written Form to be valid. обслуживании считаются
действительными, если они
выполнены в письменном виде.

17.8 The provisions of these Software 17.8 Положения настоящих Условий

License Terms which, by their terms, лицензии на ПО, которые по
require performance after the своему характеру
termination or expiration of these предусматривают сохранение в
Software License Terms, or have силе после расторжения или

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 113/194

application to events that may occur истечения срока действия
after the termination or expiration of настоящих Условий лицензии на
these Software License Terms, will ПО или действуют в отношении
survive the termination or expiration of событий, которые могут возникнуть
these Software License Terms. The после расторжения или истечения
foregoing includes clauses 6.3, 10.8, срока действия настоящих Условий
12, 13, 16, 18.1, and 18.2 - 18.7. лицензии на ПО, продолжают
действовать после расторжения
или истечения срока действия
настоящих Условий лицензии на
ПО. Вышеуказанное
распространяется на пункты 6.3,
10.8, 12, 13, 16, 18.1 и 18.2–18.7.


18.1 Licensee’s General Terms and 18.1 Общие условия Лицензиата не

Conditions do not apply. применяются.

18.2 Governing Law and Venue 18.2 Применимое законодательство и

место рассмотрения споров

18.2.1 Any License Agreement, Maintenance 18.2.1 Любое Лицензионное соглашение,

Agreement and these Software License Соглашение об обслуживании и
Terms are governed exclusively by the настоящие Условия лицензии на
laws of the Russian Federation. ПО регулируются исключительно
законодательством Российской

18.2.2 All disputes arising from or in 18.2.2 Все споры, возникающие в связи с
connection with any License каким-либо Лицензионным
Agreement, Maintenance Agreement соглашением, Соглашением об
and/or these Software License Terms обслуживании и (или) настоящими
or about its validity shall be definitively Условиями лицензии на ПО или их
settled in the Commercial Arbitrazh действительностью, окончательно
Court of Moscow. разрешаются в Арбитражном суде
города Москвы.

18.2.3 The UN Convention on the 18.2.3 Конвенция ООН о договорах

International Sale of Goods of 11 April международной купли-продажи
1980 (UN sales law) is excluded. товаров от 11 апреля 1980 года не

18.3 All notices under these Software 18.3 Все уведомления, направляемые
License Terms to Licensor will be given Лицензиару согласно настоящим
in Written Form and will refer to the Условиям лицензии на ПО, должны
relevant License Agreement and/or быть составлены в письменном
Maintenance Agreement and to these виде и содержать ссылку на
Software License Terms. Any notice соответствующее Лицензионное
provided in any other manner will be соглашение, Соглашение об
deemed NOT received by Licensor обслуживании и настоящие
unless Licensor specifically Условия лицензии на ПО. Любое

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 114/194

acknowledges receipt of such notice in уведомление, сделанное иным
Written Form. образом, считается НЕ
полученным Лицензиаром, за
исключением случаев, когда
Лицензиар признает получение
такого уведомления в письменном

18.4 Licensee will not assign any License 18.4 Лицензиат не может уступать свои
Agreement, Maintenance Agreement права по Лицензионному
and/or these Software License Terms, соглашению, Соглашению об
in whole or in part, without Licensor’s обслуживании и (или) настоящим
prior written consent. Any attempt to Условиям лицензии на ПО
assign in violation of this clause is void полностью или частично без
in each instance. All the terms and предварительного письменного
conditions of the relevant License согласия Лицензиара. Любая
Agreement, Maintenance Agreement попытка осуществить уступку в
and these Software License Terms will нарушение настоящего пункта в
be binding upon, will inure to the любом случае не будет иметь
benefit of, and will be enforceable by юридической силы. Все условия
the parties and their respective соответствующего Лицензионного
successors and permitted assigns. соглашения, Соглашения об
обслуживании и настоящих
Условий лицензии на ПО носят
обязательный характер и служат
интересам сторон и их законных
преемников и цессионариев, а
также могут быть принудительно
исполнены только указанными

18.5 If any provision of any License 18.5 Если какое-либо положение

Agreement, Maintenance Agreement Лицензионного соглашения,
and/or these Software License Terms Соглашения об обслуживании и
is to any extent held invalid or (или) настоящих Условий лицензии
unenforceable by a court of competent на ПО признается в какой-либо
jurisdiction, the remainder of such степени недействительным или
License Agreement or Maintenance неисполнимым судом
Agreement (as the case may be) and of компетентной юрисдикции, это не
these Software License Terms will not влияет на остальные положения
be affected thereby, and each term and такого Лицензионного соглашения,
condition will be valid and enforceable Соглашения об обслуживании и
to the fullest extent permitted by law. настоящих Условий лицензии на
ПО (в зависимости от
обстоятельств), которые будут
действовать в максимальном
объеме, допустимом по закону.

18.6 These Software License Terms, 18.6 Настоящие Условия лицензии на

together with all its associated exhibits ПО, включая все сопутствующие
and schedules, as well as the License дополнения и приложения, а также
Agreements and Maintenance Лицензионные соглашения и
Agreements, all of which are Соглашения об обслуживании,

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 115/194

incorporated by this reference, которые считаются включенными в
constitute the complete and final настоящий документ посредством
agreement of the parties pertaining to отсылки, представляют собой
the Licensed Software and related полный и окончательный объем
services and supersede the parties’ договоренностей между сторонами
prior agreements, understandings and относительно Лицензионного ПО и
discussions relating to the foregoing связанных услуг и заменяют
subject matter. No modification of any предшествующие договоренности
License Agreement, Maintenance и обсуждения сторон по данному
Agreement and/or these Software предмету. Любые изменения в
License Terms is binding unless it is in Лицензионное соглашение,
Written Form and signed by both Соглашение об обслуживании и
parties. This also applies to any (или) настоящие Условия лицензии
amendment or waiver of this clause. на ПО могут быть внесены только в
Any License Agreement, Maintenance письменном виде и действительны
Agreement and/or these Software при условии подписания обеими
License Terms and amendments may сторонами. Это положение также
be executed electronically and may be применяется к любым поправкам в
signed in counterparts (which may be настоящий пункт или отказу от
scanned or faxed copies), which него. Любое Лицензионное
together will constitute one agreement. соглашение, Соглашение об
The parties may use standard business обслуживании и (или) настоящие
forms or other communications, but use Условия лицензии на ПО, а также
of such forms is for convenience only поправки к ним могут быть
and does not alter the provisions of the оформлены в электронной форме
relevant License Agreement, и подписаны в нескольких
Maintenance Agreement or these экземплярах (в том числе на
Software License Terms. NEITHER сканированных копиях или
PARTY WILL BE BOUND BY, AND направленных по факсу), которые
EACH SPECIFICALLY OBJECTS TO, совокупно представляют собой
ANY PROVISION THAT IS одно соглашение. Стороны могут
DIFFERENT FROM OR IN ADDITION использовать стандартные
TO THESE SOFTWARE LICENSE деловые формы или другие
TERMS (WHETHER PROFFERED сообщения, но такие формы
VERBALLY OR IN ANY QUOTATION, используются исключительно для
INVOICE, SHIPPING DOCUMENT, удобства и не изменяют положения
ONLINE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, соответствующего Лицензионного
ACCEPTANCE, CONFIRMATION, соглашения, Соглашения об
CORRESPONDENCE, OR обслуживании или настоящих

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18.7 Except as otherwise expressly set forth 18.7 За исключением тех случаев, когда
in these Software License Terms, the в настоящих Условиях лицензии на
failure of either party to enforce any ПО указано иное, неспособность
provision of this Software License любой из сторон принудительно
Terms will not constitute a waiver of the реализовать любое положение
party’s rights to subsequently enforce Условий не является отказом от
the provision. The remedies specified права такой стороны реализовать
in these Software License Terms are in его впоследствии. Средства
addition to any other remedies that may защиты прав, указанные в
be available at law or in equity. настоящих Условиях лицензии на
ПО, дополняют любые другие
средства защиты прав, которые
могут быть доступны сторонам по
закону или по праву

18.8 These Software License Terms contain 18.8 Настоящие Условия лицензии на
in two columns a Russian and an ПО содержат русский и английский
English text. In the event of any текст в двух колонках. В случае
discrepancies between the Russian каких-либо расхождений между
and English texts of these Software русским и английским текстами
License Terms, the Russian text shall преимущественную силу имеет
prevail. текст Условий лицензии на ПО на
русском языке.





19.1 The Licensor shall, at its discretion, 19.1 Лицензиар по своему усмотрению
either (i) make the Licensed Software (i) обеспечивает возможность
available for downloading from a скачивания Лицензионного ПО с
server, (ii) supply a copy of the сервера, (ii) поставляет экземпляр
Licensed Software in machine- Лицензионного ПО в форме
executable object code on a physical объектного машинного кода на
data carrier (e.g., CD-ROM or flash физическом носителе данных
drive) to the agreed delivery address or (например, CD-ROM или флеш-
(iii) activate functions of the Licensed накопитель), используя
Software via a licensing mechanism. If согласованный адрес поставки, или

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 117/194

the Licensed Software is made (iii) активирует функции
available on a data carrier, the Лицензионного ПО через механизм
Licensed Software is supplied FCA лицензирования. Если
Licensor’s principal place of business in Лицензионное ПО предоставляется
accordance with INCOTERMS 2010. на носителе, оно поставляется на
условиях FCA местонахождение
Лицензиата в соответствии с

19.2 The Licensor is not obliged to install 19.2 Лицензиар не обязан

and/or configure the Licensed Software устанавливать и (или) настраивать
and/or instruct the Users unless the конфигурацию Лицензионного ПО и
Licensor and Licensee agree (или) инструктировать
separately on the provision of such Пользователей, за исключением
services by the Licensor. тех случаев, когда Лицензиар и
Лицензиат заключают отдельное
соглашение об оказании таких
услуг Лицензиаром.

19.3 If the time of provision of the Licensed 19.3 Если стороны договариваются о
Software is of relevance as between том, что время предоставления
the Parties, the Licensed Software shall Лицензионного ПО имеет значение,
be deemed provided at the time the оно считается предоставленным в
Licensor тот момент, когда Лицензиар:

a) in the case of clause 19.1 (i), a) в случае пункта 19.1(i) —

provides the Licensed Software предоставляет Лицензионное
for downloading on the ПО для скачивания на
corresponding server and informs соответствующий сервер и
the Licensee thereof; информирует об этом

b) in the case of clause 19.1 (ii), b) в случае пункта 19.1(ii) —

hands over the Licensed передает Лицензионное ПО
Software to the carrier, freight перевозчику, экспедитору и
forwarder etc. т.д.;

c) in the case of clause 19.1 (iii), c) в случае пункта 19.1(iii) —

gives the Licensee the necessary предоставляет Лицензиату
information for activation. необходимую информацию
по активации.

19.4 Unless explicitly specified otherwise in 19.4 Если иное явно не указано в
the License Agreement or third-party Лицензионном соглашении или
terms (e.g., OSS terms of use), the условиях третьей стороны
Licensee receives the Licensed (например, условия использования
Software solely in the machine- ПО с открытым кодом), Лицензиат
executable object code and receives no получает Лицензионное ПО
access to the Source Code. исключительно в форме
объектного машинного кода и не
получает доступа к Исходному

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 118/194

19.5 If the Licensor provides the Licensee 19.5 Если Лицензиар предоставляет
with Client Software to use the Лицензиату Клиентское ПО для
Licensed Software, clause 32 applies использования Лицензионного ПО,
mutatis mutandis. пункт 32 применяется с
соответствующими изменениями.



20.1 There are different types of licenses for 20.1 Для Продуктов, устанавливаемых
On-Premise Products. The relevant локально, существуют разные типы
license type is specified in the License лицензий. Соответствующий тип
Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in лицензии указывается в
the License Agreement, the Licensor Лицензионном соглашении. Если в
grants the Licensee a non-exclusive, Лицензионном соглашении не
limited, non-transferable (except as указано иное, Лицензиар
provided otherwise in clause 6.6, non- предоставляет Лицензиату
sublicensable right to use the Licensed неисключительное, ограниченное,
Software according to this clause 20 не подлежащее передаче (кроме
and clause 5 in accordance with the предусмотренного пунктом 6.6) и
relevant Product Description. сублицензированию право на
использование Лицензионного ПО
в соответствии с настоящим
пунктом 20 и пунктом 5, а также
Описанием продукта.

20.2 With the exception of the time-limited 20.2 За исключением ограниченных по

demo license (clause 20.4.2 b), rights времени демонстрационных
to the Licensed Software in On- лицензий (пункт 20.4.2 b), права на
Premise Products are generally Лицензионное ПО в Продуктах,
granted perpetually. However, the устанавливаемых локально, как
Licensor can state in the License правило, предоставляются на
Agreement that the Licensed Software неограниченный срок. Однако
is provided to the Licensee not on a Лицензиар может указать в
perpetual basis but for a limited period. Лицензионном соглашении, что
In this case the rights are granted on a Лицензионное ПО предоставляется
time-limited basis for the duration of the Лицензиату не бессрочно, а на
relevant License Agreement. ограниченный период времени. В
таком случае права
предоставляются на ограниченный
срок, равный сроку действия
соответствующего Лицензионного

20.3 In the case of perpetually provided 20.3 В случае с бессрочным

Licensed Software, the Licensee is предоставлением Лицензионного
granted the aforementioned rights of ПО Лицензиат получает указанные
use on the condition precedent of full выше права пользования при
payment of the licenses in question. To условии полной оплаты
ensure that the Licensee may lawfully соответствующих лицензий. Для
use the Licensed Software in the time того чтобы гарантировать, что

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 119/194

between receipt of the Licensed Лицензиат сможет на законных
Software and payment of the основаниях использовать
remuneration in compliance with the Лицензионное ПО в период между
contract (i.e., especially on time), the получением Лицензионного ПО и
Licensor further grants the Licensee for выплатой вознаграждения в
such On-Premise Products the right to соответствии с договором (т.е. в
use the relevant Licensed Software течение этого периода), Лицензиар
according to these Software License далее предоставляет Лицензиату
Terms for a limited period until (i) the для таких Продуктов,
time of full payment of the relevant устанавливаемых локально, право
licenses or (ii) expiration of the использовать соответствующее
payment term in accordance with Лицензионное ПО согласно
clause 10.6, depending which of these настоящим Условиям лицензии на
two events occurs earlier. ПО на ограниченный срок до (i)
полной оплаты соответствующих
лицензий или (ii) истечения срока
оплаты в соответствии с пунктом
10.6, в зависимости от того, какое
из этих событий наступит раньше.

20.4 The individual types of license are: 20.4 Отдельные типы лицензий:

20.4.1 Workplace License 20.4.1 Лицензия для рабочего места

If the Licensee purchases a Workplace Если Лицензиат приобретает

License, the Licensee is permitted to Лицензию для рабочего места,
install, run and use the Licensed Лицензиату разрешается
Software for the intended purposes on устанавливать, запускать и
one (1) Workplace in accordance with использовать Лицензионное ПО по
the Product Description. If the Licensee прямому назначению на 1 (одном)
purchases several Workplace Рабочем месте в соответствии с
Licenses, the number of installations Описанием продукта. Если
must not exceed the number of Лицензиат приобретает несколько
Workplace Licenses purchased. Лицензий для рабочего места,
Installation of the Licensed Software on количество установок не должно
a central Server for use in a network is превышать число приобретенных
not permitted in the case of the Лицензий для рабочего места.
Workplace License. Установка Лицензионного ПО на
центральный Сервер для
использования в сети в случае
приобретения Лицензии для
рабочего места не допускается.

With the free Workplace License, the С безвозмездной Лицензией для

Licensee receives the Licensed рабочего места Лицензиат
Software without a license key and получает Лицензионное ПО без
without a dongle. The Licensed лицензионного ключа и
Software is then not tied to any физического электронного ключа.
particular hardware. Лицензионное ПО в этом случае не
привязано к какому-то конкретному

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 120/194

аппаратному устройству.

For the paid-for Workplace License В случае платной Лицензии для

(Single User License), the Licensed рабочего места (Лицензия на
Software comes with a license key, одного пользователя)
may be protected with a dongle and Лицензионное ПО поставляется в
may be dependent on certain комплекте с лицензионным
hardware. ключом, может быть защищено
физическим электронным ключом и
может привязываться к
конкретному аппаратному

20.4.2 Demo License 20.4.2 Демонстрационная лицензия

Clause 20.4.1 applies correspondingly Пункт 20.4.1 применяется

to a Demo License (free of charge), соответствующим образом к
provided that: Демонстрационной лицензии
(предоставляемой безвозмездно)
при условии, что:

a) the scope of functions of the a) объем функций

Licensed Software is limited Лицензионного ПО ограничен
compared with the Workplace по сравнению с Лицензией
License in accordance with the для рабочего места в
provisions of the License соответствии с положениями
Agreement and/or the Product Лицензионного соглашения и
Description, or (или) Описания продукта, или

b) if the Licensed Software is b) если Лицензионное ПО

provided to the Licensee for a предоставляется Лицензиату
fixed time period with the same на фиксированный срок с тем
scope of functions as the же набором функций, что и
Workplace License; the Licensor Лицензия для рабочего места.
grants the Licensee a Лицензиар предоставляет
correspondingly time-limited right Лицензиату соответствующее
to use the Licensed Software in ограниченное по времени
accordance with the provisions of право на использование
the License Agreement and/or Лицензионного ПО в
the Product Description. соответствии с положениями
Лицензионного соглашения и
(или) Описания продукта.

20.4.3 Network License 20.4.3 Сетевая лицензия

If the Licensee purchases a Network Если Лицензиат приобретает

License, it is permitted to install the Сетевую лицензию, ему
Licensed Software in the Network and разрешается устанавливать
to grant a certain number of Users Лицензионное ПО в Сети и
access to the Licensed Software предоставлять определенному
(“Floating License”). In this case the числу Пользователей доступ к

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 121/194

Licensee is entitled to have the Лицензионному ПО («Плавающая
Licensed Software used simultaneously лицензия»). В таком случае
by a maximum number of Users Лицензиат имеет право на то,
equivalent to the number of licenses чтобы Лицензионное ПО
purchased (“Concurrent Users”). одновременно использовалось
максимальным числом
Пользователей, равным числу
приобретенных лицензий
(«Одновременные пользователи»).

20.4.4 Server Parameter License 20.4.4 Лицензия по параметрам сервера

If the Licensee purchases a Server Если Лицензиат приобретает

Parameter License, it is permitted to Лицензию по параметрам сервера,
install the Licensed Software on one (1) ему разрешается установить
central Server and to grant an unlimited Лицензионное ПО на 1 (один)
number of Users access to the центральный Сервер и
Licensed Software provided the Server предоставить неограниченному
does not exceed certain thresholds for числу Пользователей доступ к
technical parameters in accordance Лицензионному ПО при условии,
with the provisions of the License что технические параметры
Agreement and/or the Product Сервера не превышают
Description (e.g., number of processor определенные пороговые значения
cores, number of clients, etc.) в соответствии с положениями
Лицензионного соглашения и (или)
Описанием продукта (например,
количество ядер процессора,
количество клиентов и т.д.).

20.5 The number of licenses purchased is 20.5 Число приобретаемых лицензий

specified in the License Agreement. указывается в Лицензионном
The Licensee may purchase more соглашении. Лицензиат может
licenses in addition to the licenses приобрести новые лицензии
originally purchased in the License дополнительно к уже
Agreement. The Purchase of more приобретенным ранее по
licenses is done either by a Лицензионному соглашению.
corresponding order by the Licensee in Приобретение дополнительных
text form or by use of the Licensed лицензий осуществляется либо
Software by additional Users according путем направления Лицензиатом
to the following provisions: соответствующего заказа в
письменном виде, либо
посредством использования
Лицензионного ПО
дополнительными Пользователями
на следующих условиях:

20.5.1 In the case of Workplace Licenses, 20.5.1 В случае Лицензий для рабочего
each additional installation on a места — каждая дополнительная
Workplace shall be deemed a установка на Рабочем месте
Purchase of an additional Workplace считается Приобретением
License. дополнительной Лицензии для

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 122/194

рабочего места.

20.5.2 In the case of Network Licenses, use 20.5.2 В случае Сетевой лицензии —
within the meaning of clause 20.4.3 использование согласно пункту
beyond the number of permitted 20.4.3 с количеством
Concurrent Users shall be deemed a Параллельных пользователей,
Purchase of an additional Network превышающем разрешенное,
License. считается Приобретением
дополнительной Сетевой

20.5.3 In the case of Server Parameter 20.5.3 В случае с Лицензиями по

Licenses, the following applies: If one параметрам сервера применяются
or more parameters of the Server used следующие положения: если один
exceed(s) the threshold given in the или несколько параметров
License Agreement and/or the Product используемого Сервера
Description, this shall be deemed an превышают пороговые значения,
order of one or more new additional установленные в Лицензионном
Server Parameter Licenses depending соглашении и (или) Описании
on the factor by which the Server продукта, это считается заказом на
exceeds the thresholds in question. If одну или несколько
the Licensed Software is used on more дополнительных Лицензий по
than one Server, this shall be deemed параметрам сервера в
an order of one or more new additional зависимости от значения, на
Server Parameter Licenses, depending которое Сервером превышены
what number of Servers the Licensed пороговые значения. Если
Software is used on. Лицензионное ПО используется
более чем на одном Сервере, это
считается заказом на одну или
несколько дополнительных
Лицензий по параметрам сервера в
зависимости от того, на каком
количестве Серверов используется
Лицензионное ПО.

20.5.4 In the case of On-Premise Products 20.5.4 В случае с Продуктами,

provided for a limited time, each устанавливаемыми локально,
additional license or license upgrade предоставленных на ограниченный
runs until expiration of the agreed term срок, каждая дополнительная
of the original license for the Product in лицензия или расширение
question. лицензии действуют до истечения
согласованного срока
первоначальной лицензии на
соответствующий Продукт.


Unless otherwise specified in the Если в соответствующем Описании

relevant Product Description, the продукта не указано иное,
Licensee is entitled subject to clause 8 Лицензиат имеет право с учетом
to use On-Premise Products in пункта 8 использовать Продукты,

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 123/194

conformity with the license while устанавливаемые локально, в
observing the agreed license volume соответствии с лицензией,
on any available hardware and in any соблюдая согласованный в
system environment, provided that this лицензии объем, на любом
system environment corresponds to the доступном аппаратном
specified machine type, if any. обеспечении и в любой системной
However, if the Licensee changes среде при условии, что такая
hardware, it is required to delete the системная среда соответствует
previously installed On-Premise типу оборудования. Однако если
Product and the related license key Лицензиат изменяет аппаратные
from the previously used hardware. средства, он обязан удалить ранее
установленный Продукт,
устанавливаемый локально, и
соответствующий лицензионный
ключ с ранее используемого
аппаратного средства.





22.1 The Licensor makes the Licensed 22.1 Лицензиар обеспечивает

Software available for download from a возможность скачивания
Server via a designated website or a Лицензионного ПО с Сервера
dedicated online marketplace (app через указанный веб-сайт или
store) of a third party. специальную онлайн платформу
(магазин приложений) третьего

22.2 Clauses 19.2 and 19.4 apply mutatis 22.2 Пункты 19.2 и 19.4 применяются с
mutandis. соответствующими изменениями.



23.1 Unless otherwise agreed in the License 23.1 Если в Лицензионном соглашении
Agreement, the Licensor grants the не указано иное, Лицензиар
Licensee a limited, non-exclusive, non- предоставляет Лицензиату
transferable (except as provided неисключительное, ограниченное,
otherwise in clause 6.6, non- не подлежащее передаче (кроме
sublicensable right to use the Licensed предусмотренного пунктом 6.6) и
Software according to this clause 23 сублицензированию право на
and clause 5 in accordance with the использование Лицензионного ПО
relevant Product Description. в соответствии с настоящим
пунктом 23 и пунктом 5, а также
Описанием продукта.

23.2 The Licensee is permitted to install, run 23.2 Лицензиату разрешается

and use the Licensed Software for the устанавливать, запускать и
intended purposes on a mobile device использовать Лицензионное ПО по
(smartphone, tablet) in accordance with прямому назначению на

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 124/194

the Product Description. мобильном устройстве
(смартфоне, планшете) в
соответствии с Описанием

23.3 Rights to the Licensed Software in 23.3 Права на Лицензионное ПО в

Mobile Apps are generally granted Мобильных приложениях, как
perpetually. However, the Licensor may правило, предоставляются на
specify in the License Agreement that неограниченный срок. Однако
the Licensed Software is provided to Лицензиар может указать в
the Licensee not on a perpetual basis Лицензионном соглашении, что
but for a limited period. In this case the Лицензионное ПО предоставляется
rights are granted on a time-limited Лицензиату не бессрочно, а на
basis in accordance with the provisions ограниченный период времени. В
of the relevant License Agreement таком случае права
and/or the Product Description. предоставляются на ограниченный
срок в соответствии с положениями
соответствующего Лицензионного
соглашения и (или) Описания


Clause 21 applies accordingly to Пункт 21 применяется

Mobile Apps with the proviso that for соответствующим образом к
Mobile Apps, the term “hardware” Мобильным приложениям с
refers to the mobile device of the User. оговоркой, что для Мобильных
приложений термин «аппаратные
средства» относится к мобильному
устройству Пользователя.





25.1 If the Licensee purchases Embedded 25.1 Если Лицензиат приобретает

Software, the Licensor grants the Встроенное ПО, Лицензиар
Licensee a limited, non-exclusive, non- предоставляет Лицензиату
sublicensable right to use the Licensed ограниченное, неисключительное,
Software as software integrated into не подлежащее
the device in machine-executable сублицензированию право на
object code according to this clause 25 использование Лицензионного ПО
and clause 5 for proper use of the как программного обеспечения,
respective device in accordance with интегрированного в устройство, в
the relevant Product Description соответствии с настоящим пунктом
(“Runtime License”). The use of the 25 и пунктом 5 по прямому
Licensed Software is limited to the назначению соответствующего
respective device. The Licensee is устройства согласно Описанию

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 125/194

therefore in particular not authorized to продукта (далее «Лицензия на
use the Licensed Software separately использование»). Использование
from this device (standalone) on other Лицензионного ПО ограничивается
hardware. соответствующим устройством.
Поэтому Лицензиат не может, в
частности, использовать
Лицензионное ПО отдельно от
устройства (автономно) на других
аппаратных средствах.

25.2 In deviation from clause 6.6, for 25.2 В отличие от пункта 6.6, в случае
Embedded Software the Licensee is со Встроенным ПО Лицензиат
entitled to resell the Licensed Software имеет право перепродавать
as part of the respective device but Лицензионное ПО как часть
solely in compliance with clause 25.1. соответствующего устройства, но
только в соответствии с пунктом





26.1 Regarding the delivery and provision of 26.1 В отношении поставки и

access to SDKs and Source Code, предоставления доступа к SDK и
clauses 19.1 - 19.3 apply mutatis Исходному коду пункты 19.1–19.3
mutandis. применяются с соответствующими

26.2 If the subject matter of a License 26.2 Если предметом Лицензионного

Agreement is a SDK, the Licensor соглашения является Комплект
grants the Licensee a perpetual, non- средств для разработки ПО (SDK),
exclusive license to the object code of Лицензиар предоставляет
the Licensed Software solely for the Лицензиату бессрочную
purposes of developing its own неисключительную лицензию на
products for the named system of объектный код Лицензионного ПО
Phoenix Contact or of the End исключительно для целей
Customer. The specific scope of the разработки собственных продуктов
permitted use of the relevant SDK and для указанной системы «Феникс
applicable restrictions, e.g., Контакт» или Конечного
development environment and target пользователя. Определенный
systems, are set forth in a separate разрешенный объем
agreement between Licensor and использования соответствующего
Licensee (e.g., the License SDK и применимые ограничения,
Agreement). If the SDK also contains например в отношении среды
Source Code, the Licensor grant the разработки и целевых систем,
Licensee a perpetual, non-exclusive устанавливаются в отдельном
license for this Source Code solely for соглашении между Лицензиаром и
the purposes of internal debugging of Лицензиатом (например, в
the Licensed Software. The Licensee Лицензионном соглашении). Если
may compile the so-modified Licensed SDK также содержит Исходный
Software and integrate it into the код, Лицензиар предоставляет

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 126/194

respective devices of the Licensor. Any Лицензиату бессрочную
other use of the Source Code of the неисключительную лицензию на
Licensed Software is strictly prohibited. такой Исходный код исключительно
In particular, the Licensee is not для целей внутренней отладки
entitled to make functional Лицензионного ПО. Лицензиат
modifications to the Licensed Software. может скомпилировать измененное
таким образом Лицензионное ПО и
интегрировать его в
соответствующие устройства
Лицензиара. Любое другое
использование Исходного кода
Лицензионного ПО строго
запрещается. В частности,
Лицензиату не разрешается
вносить функциональные
изменения в Лицензионное ПО.

26.3 If the subject matter of a License 26.3 Если предметом Лицензионного

Agreement is a Source Code, the соглашения является Исходный
Licensor grants the Licensee a код, Лицензиар предоставляет
perpetual, non-exclusive license to one Лицензиату бессрочную
(1) copy of the Source Code of the неисключительную лицензию на 1
Licensed Software solely for the (один) экземпляр Исходного кода
purposes of developing its own Лицензионного ПО исключительно
products for the named system of для целей разработки собственных
Phoenix Contact or of the End продуктов для указанной системы
Customer. The specific scope of the «Феникс Контакт» или Конечного
permitted use of the relevant Source пользователя. Определенный
Code and applicable restrictions, e.g., разрешенный объем
development environment and target использования соответствующего
systems, are set forth in a separate Исходного кода и применимые
agreement between Licensor and ограничения, например в
Licensee (e.g., the License отношении среды разработки и
Agreement). целевых систем, устанавливаются
в отдельном соглашении между
Лицензиаром и Лицензиатом
(например, в Лицензионном

26.4 Unless otherwise agreed, SDKs and/or 26.4 Если не согласовано иное, SDK и
Source Code are licensed as a Facility (или) Исходный код
License. предоставляются на основании
Лицензии для объекта.

26.5 If the Licensee wishes to resell a 26.5 Если Лицензиат желает

perpetually provided SDK or перепродать предоставленные в
perpetually provided Source Code to a бессрочное пользование SDK или
third party, clause 6.6 applies provided Исходный код третьему лицу,
that the Licensee, in addition to the применяется пункт 6.6 при условии,
requirements stated therein, informs что Лицензиат дополнительно к
the Licensor in writing about the resale указанным требованиям сообщает
and the identity and address of the third Лицензиару в письменном виде о
перепродаже, с указанием имени /

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 127/194

party. названия и адреса такого третьего




27.1 Cloud Products within the meaning of 27.1 В рамках настоящих Условий
these Software License Terms are лицензии на ПО Облачные
web-based, multi-client-capable продукты являются
systems offered individually or in многоклиентными системами с
combination with other components доступом через Интернет,
and services. предлагаемыми индивидуально
или в сочетании с другими
компонентами и услугами.

27.2 It is specified in the License Agreement 27.2 В Лицензионном соглашении

which Cloud Products the Licensee указывается, какие Облачные
purchases. The quality of the Cloud продукты приобретает Лицензиат.
Products is conclusively specified in the Качество Облачных продуктов
individual Product Descriptions окончательно устанавливается в
available at отдельных Описаниях продукта, for доступных по адресу:
each Cloud Product and in these для
Software License Terms. каждого Облачного продукта и в
настоящих Условиях лицензии на

27.3 The Licensor grants the Licensee 27.3 Лицензиар предоставляет

access to the Cloud Products Лицензиату доступ к Облачным
according to these Software License продуктам в соответствии с
Terms in the version generally kept настоящими Условиями лицензии
available by the Licensor. на ПО в версии, предоставленной

27.4 The Licensor is obliged to maintain the 27.4 Лицензиар обязан обеспечивать и
Cloud Products available for the поддерживать доступ к Облачным
Licensee for use via the internet and to продуктам для Лицензиата для
make them accessible. The Cloud пользования ими через сеть
Products are available to the Licensee Интернет. Облачные продукты
via the internet according to these доступны Лицензиату через сеть
Software License Terms. The Cloud Интернет в соответствии с
Products are 98 % available on a Условиями лицензии на ПО.
monthly average (30 days) unless Облачные продукты имеют
another availability rate is agreed in the коэффициент доступности 98 % в
License Agreement. Availability of среднем в течение месяца (30
Cloud Products exceeding the period дней), если в Лицензионном
stated above is not part of the Cloud соглашении не согласовано иное.
Products and the Licensor is not Доступность Облачных продуктов,
required to provide the relevant Cloud превышающая указанный выше
Product for any such additional period. период, не является частью

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The point at which the availability of the Облачных продуктов, и Лицензиар
Cloud Products is measured is the не обязан предоставлять
WAN-side router output of the data соответствующие Облачные
center in which the relevant Cloud продукты на любой такой
Product is hosted. Maintenance times дополнительный период. Точка, в
in accordance with clause 30 are to be которой измеряется доступность
deducted from the “target availability” Облачных продуктов, находится на
when calculating availability. выходе роутера со стороны WAN в
дата-центре, который
обеспечивает хостинг
соответствующего Облачного
продукта. Периоды технического
обслуживания согласно пункту 30
должны вычитаться из показателя
«целевой доступности» при
расчете показателя фактической

27.5 If the Licensor’s offer specifies that 27.5 Если в предложении Лицензиара
certain devices (“Devices”) may be указано, что конкретные
connected to the Cloud via the internet, устройства («Устройства») могут
such Devices can only be connected быть подсоединены к Облаку через
with the relevant Cloud Product. In this сеть Интернет, то такие Устройства
respect the option of connecting могут быть подсоединены только к
Devices with each other is not a feature соответствующему Облачному
of the Cloud Products. продукту. В связи с этим Облачные
продукты не имеют опции
соединения Устройств друг с

27.6 Cross-customer visibility or accessibility 27.6 Облачные продукты также не

of the Licensee’s Devices by other имеют опций видимости клиентов
Users on Devices of another customer друг для друга или доступа к
is not a feature of the Cloud Products Устройствам Лицензиата другими
either. Пользователями на Устройствах
другого клиента.

27.7 The Licensee acknowledges that the 27.7 Лицензиат признает, что Облачные
Cloud Products are a multi-client продукты — это многоклиентная
system and the Licensee has no right система, и Лицензиат не имеет
to the benefit from a dedicated physical права использовать
system for its own exclusive use. предназначенную для строго
определённой цели физическую
систему исключительно в своих

27.8 The License Agreement for Cloud 27.8 Лицензионное соглашение на

Products and these Software License Облачные продукты и настоящие
Terms do not include any internet Условия лицензии на ПО не
access for the Licensee, but solely the предусматривают предоставление
internet connection of the Cloud доступа к сети Интернет для
Products. Лицензиата, и в них говорится
только, что Облачные продукты

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 129/194

требуют подключения к Интернету.



28.1 The Licensor provides the Licensee 28.1 После регистрации Лицензиар
after its registration with the necessary предоставляет Лицензиату
data for access (User name, необходимые данные для доступа
password). The Licensee undertakes to (имя Пользователя, пароль).
keep its access data and passwords Лицензиат обязуется хранить в
confidential and to inform the Licensor тайне данные для получения
without delay in writing or by email if доступа и пароли и немедленно
third parties obtain knowledge of the уведомить Лицензиара в
usage data and/or passwords of the письменном виде или по
Licensee. Clause 4.5 remains электронной почте, если третьим
unaffected. лицам станут известные данные и
(или) пароли Лицензиата. Пункт 4.5
остается без изменений.

28.2 To use the Cloud Products for a certain 28.2 Для использования Облачных
Device, it is necessary for the Licensee продуктов на определенном
to register the Device in question in the Устройстве Лицензиату
relevant Cloud Product. The device is необходимо зарегистрировать
enabled for using this Cloud Product by такое Устройства в
such a registration. All enabled devices соответствующем Облачном
of the Licensee are described as продукте. После регистрации
“Active Devices” below. Устройство будет активировано
для работы с Облачным
продуктом. Все активированные
устройства Лицензиата ниже
описываются как «Активные

28.3 The Licensee is entitled at any time to 28.3 Лицензиат имеет право в любое
deregister an Active Device again and время деактивировать Активное
thus to disable it. All disabled devices устройство через функцию отмены
of the Licensee are described as регистрации. Все
“Inactive Devices” below. In the case of деактивированные устройства
Cloud Products that require a User Лицензиата ниже описываются как
account with a certain usage allocation, «Неактивные устройства». В
all Active Devices are automatically случае с Облачными продуктами,
disabled and become Inactive Devices требующими наличия аккаунта
when the Licensee’s account contains Пользователя и определенного
no more usage allocation. распределения среди
пользователей, все Активные
устройства автоматически
деактивируются и становятся
Неактивными устройствами, когда
аккаунт Лицензиата не
предусматривает дополнительного
распределения среди

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28.4 To use the Cloud Products in a manner 28.4 Для использования Облачных
corresponding to the Product продуктов таким образом, который
Description, certain technical system соответствует Описанию продукта,
requirements must be met by the Лицензиат должен обеспечить
Licensee. The necessary browsers for выполнение определенных
using the Cloud Products are described требований к технической системе.
in the latest Release Notes for each Необходимые браузеры для
Cloud Product. Licensor is not использования Облачных
responsible for any consequences of продуктов указаны в последних
Licensee’s failure to meet such Примечаниях к версии для каждого
technical system requirements. Облачного продукта. Лицензиар не
несет ответственности за любые
последствия несоблюдения
Лицензиатом таких требований.

28.5 The Licensor is entitled to amend the 28.5 Лицензиар вправе внести
Release Notes at its discretion while изменения в Примечания к версии
ensuring that at least two (2) browsers по своему усмотрению, гарантируя
available free on the market are always поддержку по крайней мере для 2
supported. (двух) бесплатных браузеров,
доступных на рынке.

28.6 The Licensee is required to use the 28.6 Лицензиат обязан использовать
Cloud Products (i) only in the context of Облачные продукты (i) только в
applicable law and any restrictions in рамках применимого права и
the User manual and (ii) not in a любых ограничений,
manner that jeopardizes the safety or установленных Руководством
performance of the Cloud Products. пользователя, и (ii) таким
способом, который не ставит под
угрозу безопасность или
эффективность Облачных



29.1 If the Licensee orders Cloud Products, 29.1 Если Лицензиат заказывает
the Licensor grants the Licensee a non- Облачные продукты, Лицензиар
transferable, non-exclusive, global предоставляет Лицензиату не
right, limited to the term of the relevant подлежащее передаче,
License Agreement, to use the relevant неисключительное, действующее
Cloud Products online in accordance на территории всех стран мира
with this clause 29 and clause 5. This право, ограниченное сроком
includes the right to access the web- соответствующего Лицензионного
based portal application and enable соглашения, использования
copies arising during such access of Облачных продуктов в режиме
the program code in the unaided онлайн в соответствии с
memory of the Licensee. настоящим пунктом 29 и пунктом 5.
Сюда входит право доступа к
приложениям на веб-портале и

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 131/194

активации копий программного
кода, непроизвольно запомненных
Лицензиатом в результате такого

29.2 The Licensor maintains at any time a 29.2 Лицензиар обеспечивает

current version of the Product постоянное наличие последних
Description for the Cloud Products at версий Описания продукта для for Облачных продуктов по адресу:
electronic retrieval by the Licensee., где
The Licensor hereby grants the Лицензиат может получить их,
Licensee a non-exclusive right, limited используя электронные средства.
to the term of the relevant License Лицензиар настоящим
Agreement, to electronically retrieve предоставляет Лицензиату
and print out the Product Description неисключительное право,
once and to produce a backup copy. ограниченное сроком
соответствующего Лицензионного
соглашения, с помощью
электронных средств извлечь и
распечатать Описание продукта
один раз, а также сделать
резервную копию.



The Licensor may carry out scheduled Лицензиар может проводить

maintenance during scheduled запланированное техническое
maintenance times. These scheduled обслуживание в установленные
maintenance times are usually carried сроки. Запланированное время для
out between 6pm (CET) and 8pm технического обслуживания —
(CET) and take a maximum of 2 hours между 18 часами
per calendar month. The Licensor shall (центральноевропейское время
notify the Licensee of planned СЕТ) и 20 часами
maintenance times with appropriate (центральноевропейское время
advance notice as far as possible and СЕТ). Техническое обслуживание
reasonable. In addition, the Licensor is не может занимать более 2 часов в
entitled to carry out unplanned течение календарного месяца.
maintenance work of up to two (2) Лицензиар уведомляет Лицензиата
hours a month. During these times, the о запланированном обслуживании
relevant Cloud Product will not be заранее, насколько это возможно и
available. целесообразно. Кроме того,
Лицензиар вправе проводить
внеплановые технические работы в
течение срока, не превышающего 2
(два) часа в месяц. В периоды
технического обслуживания
соответствующий Облачный
продукт будет недоступен.

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31.1 As between the Licensor and Licensee, 31.1 В отношениях Лицензиара и

the Licensee is the sole owner of all Лицензиата последний является
property rights, ownership rights and единственным владельцем всех
claims to the Customer Data. The имущественных прав, прав
Licensee grants the Licensor and its собственности и прав требования в
vicarious agents a non-exclusive right отношении Клиентских данных.
to use the Customer Data for providing Лицензиат предоставляет
the Cloud Products. Additionally, the Лицензиару и его доверенным
Licensor is entitled to make copies of лицам неисключительное право
Customer Data in anonymized form использования Клиентских данных
(i.e., without information identifying the для предоставления Облачных
customer) and to analyze the продуктов. Кроме того, Лицензиар
anonymized data on an aggregate вправе делать копии Клиентских
basis with anonymized data of other данных в обезличенной форме (т.е.
customers, e.g., for statistical purposes без информации,
and to improve and develop the Cloud идентифицирующей заказчика) и
Products. With reference to personal анализировать такие данные,
data, the prevailing provisions of clause агрегировав их с данными других
14 and the agreement on contract data клиентов, например в целях
processing remain unaffected. ведения статистики для
усовершенствования и развития
Облачных продуктов. В отношении
персональных данных имеющие
преимущественную силу
положения пункта 14 и соглашение
об обработке данных остаются без

31.2 The Licensee is prohibited from 31.2 Лицензиату запрещается загружать

uploading Customer Data to the Cloud в Облачные продукты Клиентские
Products which: данные, которые:

a) infringe third parties’ rights a) нарушают права третьих лиц;

b) violate applicable law; b) нарушают применимое


c) may lead to an infringement of c) могут привести к нарушению

applicable law by the Licensor; законодательства

d) impair the security of the Cloud d) подрывают безопасность

Products or Облачных продуктов; или

e) substantially impair the e) существенно ухудшают

performance of the Cloud работу Облачных продуктов.

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31.3 Upon request by the Licensor the 31.3 По требованию Лицензиара
Licensee shall delete from the Cloud Лицензиат удаляет из Облачных
Products any Customer Data that продуктов любые Клиентские
breaches clause 31.2 by a reasonable данные, которые нарушают пункт
period of time set by the Licensor. 31.2, в разумные сроки,
Depending on the risk arising from the установленные Лицензиаром. В
Customer Data breaching clause 31.2 зависимости от риска, связанного с
for the Cloud Products or the Licensor, нарушением пункта 31.2 о
in individual cases a request for direct Клиентских данных в отношении
deletion may also constitute a Облачных продуктов или
reasonable period of time. The Лицензиара, в отдельных случаях в
Licensor is entitled to delete or block требовании об удалении может
from the Cloud Products any Customer также быть указан разумный срок.
Data that the Licensee does not delete Лицензиар имеет право удалить
from the Cloud Products by the или заблокировать в Облачных
aforementioned period of time. No продуктах любые Клиентские
period needs to be set where the данные, которые не удалены
Licensor would face more than merely Лицензиатом из Облачных
immaterial disadvantages if the продуктов в указанный срок. Срок
respective Customer Data is not удаления не устанавливается, если
immediately deleted or blocked. In this в отсутствие немедленного
case the Licensor is entitled to delete удаления или блокировки
or block the Customer Data in question соответствующие Клиентские
immediately. данные могут нанести
существенный ущерб Лицензиару.
В этом случае Лицензиар вправе
немедленно удалить или
заблокировать соответствующие
Клиентские данные.

31.4 If the Licensee stores Customer Data in 31.4 Если Лицензиат хранит в
Cloud Products that infringe clause Облачных продуктах Клиентские
31.2, the Licensee shall indemnify the данные, нарушающие пункт 31.2,
Licensor against all resulting claims Лицензиат обязуется оградить
asserted against the Licensor and the Лицензиара от всех связанных с
Licensee shall bear the resulting costs этим претензий и требований и
unless it is not at fault. This also covers понести соответствующие затраты,
appropriate legal costs for the defense за исключением тех случаев, когда
of such claims. The Licensor shall вина Лицензиата отсутствует.
inform the Licensee of such third-party Данное положение также
claims. распространяется на юридические
и судебные издержки на защиту от
таких претензий и требований.
Лицензиар обязуется сообщать
Лицензиату о таких претензиях и
требованиях третьих лиц.

31.5 The Licensee (i) is solely responsible 31.5 Лицензиат (i) несет единоличную
for the accuracy, quality, integrity and ответственность за точность,
legality of the Customer Data and of качество, целостность и законность
the methods by which it procures the Клиентских данных и методы,
Customer Data, (ii) shall make которыми он получает Клиентские
commercially reasonable efforts to данные, (ii) обязан приложить

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 134/194

avoid unauthorized access to or разумные с экономической точки
unauthorized use of Cloud Products, зрения усилия, чтобы исключить
and shall inform the Licensor without несанкционированный доступ к
delay about every such unauthorized Облачным продуктам или их
access or unauthorized use and (iii) несанкционированное
shall use the services solely in использование, и обязуется
accordance with the Product незамедлительно уведомлять
Description. The Licensor is under no Лицензиара о таком
obligation to check the legality of несанкционированном доступе или
Customer Data. использовании, и (iii) обязуется
использовать сервисы
исключительно в соответствии с
Описанием продукта. Лицензиар не
обязан проверять законность
Клиентских данных.

31.6 The Licensee explicitly acknowledges 31.6 Лицензиат в прямой форме

that the Licensor does not monitor or признает, что Лицензиар не
control the content of communication or осуществляет мониторинг и
data of the Licensee or its Users that is контроль в отношении содержания
uploaded to the Cloud Products or коммуникаций или данных
transferred via the Cloud Products, and Лицензиата или его
that the Licensor is not liable for the Пользователей, которые
content of the communication or загружаются в Облачные продукты
transmissions. или передаются с помощью
Облачных продуктов, и что
Лицензиар не несет
ответственности за содержание
коммуникаций или передаваемых



32.1 If Client Software is needed for access 32.1 Если для доступа к определенному
to a certain Cloud Product, (i) the Облачному продукту требуется
Licensor will provide the Licensee with Клиентское ПО, (i) Лицензиар
the Client Software for the Cloud предоставляет Лицензиату
Product in question according to clause Клиентское ПО для Облачного
19 and grant the Licensee during the продукта в соответствии с пунктом
term of the relevant License Agreement 19 и предоставляет Лицензиату на
a non-exclusive, non-transferrable right срок действия соответствующего
to use the Client Software solely for Лицензионного соглашения
accessing the related Cloud Product неисключительное, не подлежащее
and for its use according to the terms передаче право использования
and provisions of these Software Клиентского ПО исключительно
License Terms. для доступа к Облачному продукту
и его использования в
соответствии с настоящими
Условиями лицензии на ПО.

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32.2 If Client Software is needed according 32.2 Если Лицензиар устанавливает,
to the Licensor, the Licensee may only что для доступа требуется
access the Cloud Product in question Клиентское ПО, Лицензиат может
via the Client Software. Any other type получить доступ к Облачному
of access is prohibited. The Licensor продукту только через Клиентское
assumes no warranty and is not liable ПО. Любой другой тип доступа
for access or attempts to access the запрещен. Лицензиар не несет
Cloud Product in question by the ответственности за доступ или
Licensee in any way other than via the попытки доступа к Облачному
Client Software and is not responsible продукту, совершаемые
for defects or damage resulting from a Лицензиатом другими способами
breach of the aforementioned (без применения Клиентского ПО),
obligation by the Licensee. а также за дефекты или ущерб,
возникающие по причине
нарушения указанного выше
обязательства со стороны

32.3 The Licensee shall return all copies of 32.3 Лицензиат обязуется вернуть все
the Client Software as soon as one of экземпляры Клиентского ПО, как
the following events occurs: (a) the только наступает одно из
termination of the License Agreement следующих событий: (а)
for the relevant Cloud Product or (b) Лицензионное соглашение в
communication by the Licensor that the отношении соответствующего
Client Software is no longer necessary Облачного продукта расторгается;
for accessing the relevant Cloud (b) Лицензиар сообщает о том, что
Product (e.g., in the case of updates or Клиентское ПО более не требуется
upgrades), together with a request by для доступа к Облачному продукту
the Licensor to return the Client (например, в случае обновлений
Software. Upon corresponding written или модернизаций), и направляет
request by the Licensor, the Licensee Лицензиату запрос на возврат
shall definitively destroy all copies of Клиентского ПО. По
the Client Software instead of returning соответствующему письменному
them according to the appropriate запросу Лицензиара Лицензиат
instructions of the Licensor such that обязан уничтожить без
they cannot be restored. The Licensee возможности их восстановления
shall confirm to the Licensor within все экземпляры Клиентского ПО
thirty (30) days of receipt of the request вместо его возврата в
that the Licensee has met the above соответствии с указаниями
obligations. Лицензиара. Лицензиат
подтверждает Лицензиару
выполнение указанных
обязательств в течение 30
(тридцати) дней с момента
получения запроса.

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33.1 If the Licensor and Licensee agree on 33.1 Если Лицензиар и Лицензиат
maintenance and support services for заключают соглашение об
perpetually provided Licensed Software оказании услуг поддержки и
by entering into a corresponding обслуживания предоставленного в
Maintenance Agreement, the Licensor бессрочное пользование
shall provide these maintenance and Лицензионного ПО, заключив
support services in accordance with Соглашение об обслуживании,
these Software License Terms and the Лицензиар оказывает такие услуги
Maintenance Agreement. In case of в соответствии с настоящими
contradictions between the provisions Условиями лицензии на ПО и
of these Software License Terms and положениями Соглашения об
the provisions of the Maintenance обслуживании. В случае
Agreement, the provisions of the расхождений между настоящими
Maintenance Agreement shall prevail. Условиями лицензии на ПО и
This clause 33 shall apply accordingly положениями Соглашения об
to SW Updates and SW Upgrades that обслуживании преимущественную
the Licensor provides to the Licensee силу имеют положения
in accordance with clause 1 in a Соглашения об обслуживании.
warranty case in the context of Настоящий пункт 33 применяется
remedying defects. соответствующим образом к
Обновлениям ПО и
Модернизациям ПО, которые
Лицензиар предоставляет
Лицензиату в соответствии с
пунктом 1 в гарантийных случаях в
связи с устранением дефектов.

33.2 The maintenance and support services 33.2 Услуги поддержки и обслуживания
comprise correcting defects, telephone включают исправление дефектов,
and/or electronic User support as well службу поддержки Пользователей
as the provision of updates of the по телефону и (или) с
Licensed Software. In particular, использованием электронных
Licensor shall provide, if available, SW средств связи, а также
Updates and SW Upgrades of the предоставление обновлений
Licensed Software (and the updated Лицензионного ПО. В частности,
documentation in each case) in Лицензиар предоставляет, при
accordance with the Maintenance наличии, Обновления и
Agreement. The Licensee is not Модернизации для Лицензионного
entitled to modules, components or ПО (и обновленную документацию
other products for which the Licensor в каждом случае) в соответствии с
issues separate licenses or charges Соглашением об обслуживании.
additional fees. Unless otherwise Лицензиат не имеет права на
agreed, the provision of Major получение модулей, компонентов
Releases is not part of the или других продуктов, на которые
maintenance and support services and Лицензиар выпускает отдельные
requires a separate agreement лицензии или за которые взимает

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 137/194

between Licensor and Licensee. дополнительную плату. Если не
согласовано иное, предоставление
Основных версий не входит в
услуги поддержки и обслуживания
и требует заключения отдельного
соглашения между Лицензиаром и

33.3 The Licensee shall install all SW 33.3 Лицензиат обязуется

Updates and SW Upgrades without незамедлительно устанавливать
delay after receiving them or as soon все Обновления ПО и
as they become available and the Модернизации ПО после их
Licensee is notified by the Licensor of получения или как только они
the availability of SW Updates and SW станут доступны, и Лицензиат
Upgrades, in order to cease an будет получать уведомление от
infringement of a third-party intellectual Лицензиара о доступности
property right or to remove a defect in Обновлений ПО и Модернизаций
the Licensed Software. ПО с целью прекращения
нарушения интеллектуальных прав
третьих лиц или удаления дефекта
в Лицензионном ПО.

33.4 The maintenance and support services 33.4 Услуги поддержки и обслуживания
are provided for the current version of предоставляются в отношении
the Licensed Software and for a period действующей версии
of twelve (12) months maximum from Лицензионного ПО на период, не
when the current version is made for превышающий 12 (двенадцать)
the previous version (n-1) unless the месяцев с момента
use of the latest version is предоставления текущей версии
unreasonable for the Licensee, e.g., if для предыдущей версии (n-1),
the current version contains defects or кроме тех случаев, когда
security risks; other version qualify for использование последней версии
maintenance and support only if для Лицензиата нецелесообразно,
separately agreed between the например, если текущая версия
Licensor and Licensee. содержит дефекты или риски,
связанные с безопасностью.
Другая версия подлежит
обслуживанию и поддержке только
при наличии отдельного
соглашения между Лицензиаром и

33.5 Further details on the scope of the 33.5 Более подробная информация об
maintenance and support services are объеме услуг поддержки и
set forth in the Maintenance обслуживания приводится в
Agreement. The Licensor may adapt, Соглашении об обслуживании.
modify, reduce and/or amend the Лицензиар может адаптировать,
scope therein of maintenance and модифицировать, уменьшать и
support services in accordance with (или) изменять объем услуг
clause 4.4. поддержки и обслуживания в
соответствии с пунктом 4.4.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 138/194

33.6 Clause 1 of these Software License 33.6 Пункт 1 настоящих Условий
Terms applies only to maintenance and лицензии на ПО применяется
support services, insofar as the только к услугам поддержки и
services in question are subject to обслуживания в том объеме, в
mandatory statutory provisions related каком на рассматриваемые услуги
to contracts for work, leases or распространяются обязательные
purchase contracts. положения законодательства,
регулирующие договоры подряда,
аренды или купли-продажи.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 139/194

Software License Terms for Turkey Türkiye için Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları

This document contains the terms and Bu belge, Türkiye’deki kullanıcılar için,
conditions for your use of the Licensed Lisanslı Yazılım’ın kullanımına ilişkin hüküm
Software (“Software License Terms”) if you ve koşulları (“Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları”)
are located in Turkey. içermektedir.


1.1 These Software License Terms apply 1.1 Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları, Lisans
to each case in which the Licensor Alanın işyeri merkezinin Türkiye’de
provides Licensed Software to the bulunması halinde, Lisans Verenin
Licensee, regardless of whether for a Lisans Alana, sınırlı bir süreyle veya
limited period or perpetually, daimi olarak verilmiş olduğuna
provided the Licensee has its bakılmaksızın, Lisanslı Yazılım
principal place of business in sağladığı her halde uygulanır. Bu
Turkey. For the purpose of these Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarının amacı
Software License Terms, the terms için, “sürekli” ve “sürekli olarak”
“perpetual” and “perpetually” shall terimleri “Lisanslı Yazılıma ilişkin
mean“ for the whole term of validity münhasır hakların geçerliliğinin bütün
of exclusive rights to the Licensed dönemi için” anlamına gelir.

1.2 Direct and indirect distribution 1.2 Doğrudan ve dolaylı dağıtım

1.2.1 These Software License Terms apply 1.2.1 Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları hem (1)
both to cases where (1) a company Phoenix Contact Grubunun bir
of the Phoenix Contact Group şirketinin doğrudan bir Nihai Müşteriye
provides the Licensed Software Lisanslı Yazılım temin ettiği
directly to an End Customer and to durumlarda hem de (2) Phoenix
cases where (2) a company of the Contact Grubunun bir şirketinin
Phoenix Contact Group provides the Lisanslı Yazılımı dolaylı olarak bir
Licensed Software by way of indirect Yetkili Distribütöre dağıtım yaptığı ve
distribution to an Authorized bir Nihai Müşterinin bu Lisanslı
Distributor and an End Customer Yazılımı bu Yetkili Distribütör’den
purchases this Licensed Software satın aldığı hallerde uygulanır.
from this Authorized Distributor.

1.2.2 The “End Customer” is a company 1.2.2 “Nihai Müşteri” doğrudan bir Phoenix
that purchases the Licensed Contact şirketinden veya dolaylı
Software directly from a Phoenix olarak Yetkili Distribütör aracılığıyla
Contact company or indirectly via an Lisanslı Yazılım satın alan ve Lisanslı
Authorized Distributor and uses the Yazılımı, belirlediği gerçek kişiler
Licensed Software for its own vasıtasıyla (bu kişiler, “Kullanıcılar”)
business purposes by certain kendi işi için kullanan bir şirkettir.
designated natural persons (such
persons, “Users”).

1.2.3 The “Authorized Distributor” is a 1.2.3 “Yetkili Distribütör” Phoenix Contact

company authorized by a Phoenix şirketi tarafından belirli Lisanslı
Contact company to distribute certain Yazılımları Nihai Müşterilere yetkili

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 140/194

Licensed Software to End Customers satıcı sıfatıyla kendi adına ve kendi
as an authorized reseller in its own hesabına dağıtması için yetkilendirilen
name and on its own account. şirkettir. Phoenix Contact tarafından
Authorization by Phoenix Contact yetkilendirme, Phoenix Contact şirketi
may occur on the basis of a ile söz konusu şirket arasında bir
distributor contract between the distribütörlük sözleşmesi imzalanarak
Phoenix Contact company and the veya Phoenix Contact tarafından
company in question or in another öngörülen başka bir şekilde yapılabilir.
manner, as stipulated by Phoenix

1.2.4 In the aforementioned case 1 in 1.2.4 Yukarıda belirtilen madde 1.2.1’deki 1.

clause 1.2.1, i.e., direct distribution of durumda, yani Lisanslı Yazılımın
Licensed Software by Phoenix Phoenix Contact tarafından Nihai
Contact to the End Customer, the Müşteriye doğrudan dağıtımında,
“Licensor” refers to the relevant “Lisans Veren” Phoenix Contact
company of the Phoenix Contact Grubunun Lisanslı Yazılımı Nihai
Group that provides the Licensed Müşteriye temin eden ilgili şirketini
Software to the End Customer and ifade eder ve “Lisans Alan” da
that the “Licensee” refers to the Lisanslı Yazılımı satın alan ilgili Nihai
relevant End Customer that Müşteriyi ifade eder.
purchases the Licensed Software.

1.2.5 In the aforementioned case 2 in 1.2.5 Yukarıda belirtilen madde 1.2.1’deki 2.

clause 1.2.1, i.e., indirect distribution durumda, yani Lisanslı Yazılımın
of Licensed Software via an Yetkili Distribütör aracılığıyla dolaylı
Authorized Distributor: (a) as dağıtımında: (a) Bir tarafta Lisanslı
between the Phoenix Contact Yazılımı temin eden Phoenix Contact
company that provides the Licensed şirketi ile, diğer tarafta Yetkili
Software on one side and the Distribütör arasında, Phoenix Contact
Authorized Distributor on the other, şirketi “Lisans Veren”, Yetkili
the Phoenix Contact company is the Distribütör de “Lisans Alan”
“Licensor” and the Authorized konumundadır, ve (b) bu Yetkili
Distributor is the “Licensee” and (b) Distribütör ile ilgili Nihai Müşteri
as between this Authorized arasında, Yetkili Distribütör “Lisans
Distributor and the relevant End Veren”, Nihai Müşteri de “Lisans
Customer, the Authorized Distributor Alan” konumundadır. Tereddüde
is the “Licensor” and the End mahal vermemek adına, Yetkili
Customer is the “Licensee”. For the Distribütör aracılığıyla bu gibi bir
avoidance of doubt, such indirect dolaylı dağıtım nedeniyle, Phoenix
distribution via an Authorized Contact ile Nihai Müşteri arasında bir
Distributor does not constitute a sözleşme ilişkisi kurulmaz.
contractual relationship between
Phoenix Contact and the End

1.3 Part A of these Software License 1.3 Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarının A

Terms contains general provisions Bölümü, bütün Lisanslı Yazılımlar ve
that apply to all Licensed Software mutabık kalınan bakım ve destek
and to any agreed maintenance and hizmetleri için uygulanacak genel
support services. hükümleri içerir.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 141/194

1.4 The special provisions in Part B 1.4 B Bölümündeki özel hükümler, Lisans
apply only to On-Premise Products if Alanın İş-Yerinde Ürünler satın alması
and insofar as the Licensee halinde, sadece İş-Yerinde Ürünler
purchases On-Premise Products. için uygulanır.

1.5 The special provisions in Part C 1.5 C Bölümündeki özel hükümler, Lisans
apply only to Mobile Apps, if and Alanın Mobil Uygulamalar (Mobile
insofar as the Licensee purchases App) satın alması halinde sadece
Mobile Apps. Mobil Uygulamalar için uygulanır.

1.6 The special provisions in Part D 1.6 D Bölümündeki özel hükümler, Lisans
apply only to Embedded Software, if Alanın Gömülü Yazılım satın alması
and insofar as the Licensee halinde sadece Gömülü Yazılım için
purchases Embedded Software. uygulanır.

1.7 The special provisions in Part E 1.7 E Bölümündeki özel hükümler, Lisans
apply only to Software Development Alanın Yazılım Geliştirme Araç Setleri
Toolkits (SDKs) and Source Code, if (SDK’lar) ve Kaynak kod satın alması
and insofar as the Licensee halinde sadece Yazılım Geliştirme
purchases SDKs or Source Code. Araç Setleri (SDK’lar) ve Kaynak kod
için uygulanır.

1.8 The special provisions in Part F 1.8 F Bölümündeki özel hükümler Lisans
apply only to Cloud Products if and Alanın Bulut Ürünleri satın alması
insofar as the Licensee purchases halinde sadece Bulut Ürünleri için
Cloud Products. uygulanır.

1.9 The special provisions in Part G 1.9 G Bölümündeki özel hükümler Lisans
apply only to maintenance and Alanın bakım ve destek hizmetleri
support services, if and insofar as satın alması halinde bakım ve destek
the Licensee purchases hizmetleri için geçerlidir.
maintenance and support services.

1.10 The offer to purchase the Licensed 1.10 Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarındaki
Software on these Software License Lisanslı Yazılım satın alma teklifi
Terms is aimed only at natural and/or sadece kendi ticari veya serbest
legal persons or partnerships that meslek (girişimcilik) faaliyetlerinde
purchase the Licensed Software in kullanmak amacıyla Lisanslı Yazılım
exercise of their commercial or self- satın alan gerçek ve/veya tüzel
employed professional activities kişilere veya ortaklıklara yöneliktir.



In addition to the definitions in Madde 1’deki tanımlara ek olarak, bu Yazılım

clause 1, for the purposes of Lisansı Koşullarının yorumlanması
interpreting these Software License bakımından, aşağıdaki terimler, işbu Madde
Terms the following terms have the 2’de belirtilen anlamlara gelir.
meanings ascribed to them here in

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 142/194

clause 2.

2.1 “Affiliate” is any company controlled 2.1 “İştirak” Lisans Sözleşmesinin ilgili
by the relevant party to the License tarafınca kontrol edilen veya ilgili tarafı
Agreement or that controls the kontrolü altında bulunduran veya ilgili
relevant party or that is under the tarafla birlikte bir üçüncü şahsın ortak
joint control of a third party along kontrolü altında olan bir şirketi ifade
with the relevant party. For the eder. Bu hüküm bakımından, “kontrol”
purpose of this provision, “control” (i) ilgili şirketin oy hakkına sahip
means (i) holding over 50 % of the hisselerinin %50’sinden fazlasını
voting shares in the relevant elinde bulundurmayı veya (ii) ilgili
company or (ii) having the legal şirketin yönetimini ve/veya belirli başlı
and/or actual option of determining iş kararlarını vermek için yasal
the management and/or the major ve/veya fiili tercihe sahip olmayı ifade
business actions of the relevant eder.

2.2 “Client Software” means the 2.2 “İstemci Yazılımı” Lisans Alanın,
application software (if available) in varsa ilgili kullanıcı
its latest version that the Licensee dokümantasyonuyla birlikte belli İş-
must install on a client to gain access Yerinde Ürünlere veya Bulut
to certain On-Premise Products or Ürünlerine erişim sağlamak için bir
Cloud Products including the istemciye (varsa) en son versiyonunda
relevant user documentation, if kurması gereken uygulama yazılımını
available. ifade eder.

2.3 “Cloud Product” means Licensed 2.3 “Bulut Ürünü” doğru kullanım için
Software that does not require Lisans Alanın sunucularına
installation on the Licensee’s servers yüklenmesi gerekmeyen, fakat
for proper use but is operated on the Phoenix Contact’ın veya onun
systems of Phoenix Contact or third tarafından görevlendirilen üçüncü
parties commissioned by it and kişilerin sistemlerinde çalışan ve
which is accessed by the User by Kullanıcının uzaktan veri iletimi
remote data transmission (internet, (internet, VPN, vb.) yoluyla erişim
VPN, etc.). sağladığı Lisanslı Yazılımı ifade eder.

2.4 “Company License”: If the Licensee 2.4 “Şirket Lisansı”: Bu Yazılım Lisansı
purchases a Company License, it is Koşullarına göre Lisans Alanın bir
entitled to use the Licensed Software Şirket Lisansı satın alması halinde, ,
according to these Software License Lisanslı Yazılımı şirketler grubunda
Terms only for its own company and değil, sadece kendi şirketi için
not in a group of companies. kullanma hakkına sahiptir.

2.5 “Confidential Information” is all 2.5 “Gizli Bilgi” diğer Tarafın gizli olarak
information and documents of the belirlenmiş veya durumun gereklerine
other party designated as göre gizli sayılacak bütün bilgilerini ve
confidential or to be considered belgelerini, özellikle iş süreçleri, iş
confidential based on the irtibatları ve know-how hakkındaki
circumstances, especially bilgileri ifade eder.
information about business
processes, business contacts and

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 143/194


2.6 “Contractual Year” is a period of 2.6 “Sözleşme Dönemi” Lisans

twelve (12) months from entering into Sözleşmesinin ve/veya Bakım
the License Agreement and/or Sözleşmesinin akdedildiği tarihten
Maintenance Agreement and the itibaren on iki (12) aylık dönem, ve ilk
period from the first day following veya sonraki her 12-aylık dönemin ilk
expiry of the first or each subsequent gününden başlayan on iki (12) aylık
12-month period. dönemlerdir.

2.7 “Customer Data” means all 2.7 “Müşteri Verisi” bir İş-Yerinde Ürünün
electronic data or information aktivasyonunu sağlamak için, Lisans
transferred by or in the name of the Alan tarafından veya adına veya
Licensee or by the User - to or via Kullanıcı tarafından, Bulut Ürünlerine
Cloud Products, or to licensing veya Bulut Ürünleri aracılığıyla, veya
systems (e.g., ticket number of a lisanslama sistemlerine aktarılan
license) enabling activation of an On- bütün elektronik verileri veya bilgileri
Premise Product. (ör., bir lisansın etiket numarası) ifade

2.8 “Embedded Software” is Licensed 2.8 “Gömülü Yazılım” bir Phoenix

Software that is integrated into a Contact cihazına entegre edilmiş veya
Phoenix Contact device or designed bir Nihai Müşteri cihazına, ör., bir
for integration into an End Customer kontrol birimine, akıllı kontrolöre veya
device, e.g., in a control unit, an ekrana entegre edilmek üzere
intelligent controller or a display and tasarlanmış bir Lisanslı Yazılımı ifade
also encompasses runtime licenses eder, ve fonksiyon blok kütüphaneleri
for function block libraries and ve görselleştirme kütüphaneleri için
visualization libraries. runtime lisanslarını da kapsar.

2.9 “Facility License”: If the Licensee 2.9 “Tesis Lisansı”: Lisans Alan bir Tesis
purchases a Facility License, it is Lisansı satın alması halinde, Lisanslı
entitled to use the Licensed Software Yazılımı bu Yazılım Lisansı
according to these Software License Koşullarına göre, sadece Lisans
Terms only at the facility named in Sözleşmesinde adı belirtilen tesiste
the License Agreement. kullanma hakkına sahiptir.

2.10 “Group License”: If the Licensee 2.10 “Grup Lisansı”: Lisans Alan bir Grup
purchases a Group License, it is Lisansı satın alması halinde, (i)
entitled to sublicense the Licensed İştirakin adını ve iletişim bilgilerini, alt-
Software according to these lisanslama veya gruptaki üçüncü-
Software License Terms to Affiliates kişilerin kullanımını, önceden yazılı
of the Licensee, to use it for such olarak Lisans Verene bildirmeyi ve (ii)
Affiliates or to allow it to be used by ilgili İştirakin, madde 15 uyarınca
such Affiliates for the benefit of the Lisans Verenin kontroller yapmasına
Licensee on condition that (i) the izin vermeyi ve bu konuda işbirliği
Licensee informs the Licensor in yapmayı kabul etmesi şartıyla,
writing in advance about such Lisanslı Yazılımı bu Yazılım Lisansı
sublicensing or third-party use in the Koşullarına göre, Lisans Alanın
group, giving the name and contact İştiraklerine alt-lisanslama, ilgili
details of the Affiliate and (ii) the İştirakler için kullanma, veya o
Affiliate agrees to tolerate, and İştiraklerin Lisans Alanın yararına

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 144/194

cooperate with respect to, controls kullanmasına izin verme hakkına
by the Licensor pursuant to clause sahiptir..

2.11 “License Agreement” means any 2.11 “Lisans Sözleşmesi” Lisans Veren ile
contractual agreement between Lisans Alan arasında, yazılımın Lisans
Licensor and Licensee about the Veren tarafından ücretli veya ücretsiz
paid-for or free-of-charge provision of temini konusunda anlaştıkları
software by the Licensor to the sözleşmeyi ifade eder. Ürüne bağlı
Licensee. Depending on the product, olarak, böyle bir sözleşme farklı
such an Agreement can arise in şekillerde ortaya çıkabilir, özellikle
different ways, especially by Lisans Veren ile Lisans Alan arasında
conclusion of a License Sheet Lisans Sayfası akdedilmesi, yazılımın
between Licensor and Licensee, Lisans Alan tarafından Lisans Verenin
downloading of the software by the bu amaçla belirlediği bir lokasyondan
Licensee from a location specified by (ör., Lisans Verenin, İştirakinin web
the Licensor for that purpose (e.g., sitesi veya yetkili partner veya Lisans
website of the Licensor, its Affiliate or Veren tarafından dağıtım için
authorized partner or a cloud kullanılan bir bulut pazaryeri, ör., app
marketplace used for distribution by store) indirilmesi ve/veya entegre
the Licensor, such as an app store) Gömülü Yazılımı olan bir cihazın
and/or purchase of a device with Lisans Alan tarafından satın alınması
integrated Embedded Software by şeklinde gerçekleşebilir.
the Licensee.

2.12 “License Sheet” is a document 2.12 “Lisans Sayfası” Lisans Veren

issued by the Licensor for certain tarafından belirli Lisanslı Yazılımlar
Licensed Software as part of or in için, bir Lisans Sözleşmesinin parçası
addition to a License Agreement and olarak veya ona ek olarak
containing detailed provisions to be düzenlenen, ve Lisans Verenin,
observed by the Licensee regarding Lisanslı Yazılımın adı ve türü, lisanslı
the Licensed Software such as kullanıcılar ve lisansın süresi gibi,
Licensor, name and type of Licensed Lisanslı Yazılıma ilişkin olarak Lisans
Software, licensed Users and Alanın uyması gereken detaylı
duration of the license. hükümleri içeren dokümandır.

2.13 “License Upgrade” means an 2.13 “Lisans Yükseltme” mevcut bir

extension of the license scope on the lisansa dayalı olarak lisans
basis of an existing license. kapsamının genişletilmesini ifade

2.14 “Licensed Software” is the 2.14 “Lisanslı Yazılım” Lisans Alanın

computer program in the object code Lisans Verenden yaptığı alımın
and/or Source Code – depending on konusu olan, ve ürüne bağlı olarak
the product – including the related hedef kod ve/veya Kaynak Kod
documentation in the agreed halindeki bilgisayar programını,
language that is the subject of the üzerinde anlaşılan dildeki ilgili
purchase by the Licensee from the dokümantasyon da dahil olmak üzere,
Licensor. This includes all SW ifade eder. Bu, Lisans Alana bu
Updates, SW Upgrades and License Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları, bir Lisans
Upgrades insofar as they are Sözleşmesi ve bir Bakım Sözleşmesi
provided to the Licensee according uyarınca temin edildikleri ölçüde bütün
to these Software License Terms, a SW Güncellemelerini, SW

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 145/194

License Agreement and a Yükseltmelerini ve Lisans
Maintenance Agreement. The Yükseltmeleri kapsar. Lisanslı
Licensed Software can include third- Yazılımlar, üçüncü-kişi yazılımı,
party software, especially Open özellikle Açık Kaynak Yazılımları
Source Software and/or be combined içerebilir ve/veya bir üçüncü şahsın
with such third-party software that is ayrı kullanım koşullarına tabi üçüncü-
governed by the separate terms of kişi yazılımı ile birleştirilebilir.
use of the third party.

2.15 “Login” means registering or logging 2.15 “Login” başlangıçta bir Kullanıcının
in by a User onto the system at the sisteme kaydolması veya giriş
start, and as a requirement for, every yapması, ve Lisanslı Yazılımın her
use of the Licensed Software, when kullanımı için zorunluluk olarak
the User is required to enter certain Kullanıcı tarafından girilmesi gereken,
individual information such as name, isim, kullanıcı adı, şifre veya müşteri
user name, password or client ID. ID gibi belli bireysel bilgileri ifade eder.

2.16 “Maintenance Agreement” means 2.16 “Bakım Sözleşmesi” Bakım ve destek

any contractual agreement between hizmetlerinin Lisans Veren tarafından
the Licensor and the Licensee about Lisans Alan’a sağlanması hakkında,
the provision of maintenance and Lisans Veren ve Lisans Alan
support services by the Licensor for arasındaki herhangi bir sözleşmeyi
the Licensee. ifade eder.

2.17 “Maintenance Sheet” is a document 2.17 “Bakım Sayfası” Lisans Veren

that may be issued by the Licensor tarafından sağlanan bakım ve destek
for maintenance and support hizmetleri için, Bakım Sözleşmesi’nin
services as part of or in addition to a bir parçası olarak ya da ona ek olarak
Maintenance Agreement and düzenlenebilecek, bakım ve destek
containing detailed provisions to be hizmetleri konusunda Lisans Alan’ın
observed by the Licensee regarding uyacağı detaylı hükümleri içeren
the maintenance and support belgedir. Bakım Sayfası, Lisans
services. A Maintenance Sheet can Sayfası ile aynı belgede birleştirilebilir.
also be combined with a License
Sheet in one document.

2.18 “Major Release” is a new version of 2.18 “Büyük Çaplı Sürüm” Lisanslı
the Licensed Software with Yazılımın, kapsamlı yeni fonksiyonları
comprehensive new functionality olan ve/veya yeni bir teknolojik temele
and/or on a new technological basis. dayalı yeni sürümünü ifade eder.
The change in the version Versiyondaki değişim, örneğin
designation is expressed as 2.4.0 to 2.4.0’ten 3.0.0’e olarak ifade edilir.
3.0.0, for example.

2.19 “Mobile App” means an application 2.19 “Mobil App” özellikle akıllı telefonlar
specifically designed for use on veya tabletler gibi mobil cihazlarda
mobile devices such as smartphones kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmış
or tablets. This includes the enabling uygulamayı ifade eder. Bu uygulama,
of additional functions of the Lisanslı Yazılımın ek fonksiyonlarının,
Licensed Software via in-app uygulama içi işlemlerde kullanıma
transactions. açılmasını da kapsar.

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2.20 “Network” means the linking of 2.20 “Ağ” Lisans Alanın şirketi içerisindeki
Workplaces and/or Servers within İşyerlerinin ve/veya Sunucuların birbiri
the Licensee’s company. ile bağlantısını ifade eder.

2.21 “On-Premise Product” is Licensed 2.21 “On-Premise Ürün” Lisans Alanın

Software that requires installation on işyerine veya sunucusuna kurulması
a Workplace or Server of the gereken Lisanslı Yazılımları ifade
Licensee. On-Premise Products eder. On-Premise Ürünler, yukarıdaki
therefore include desktop software belirtilen masaüstü yazılım ve
and libraries that come within the kütüphaneleri içerir.
above description.

2.22 “Product Description” means the 2.22 “Ürün Açıklaması” Lisanslı Yazılım
description and technical satın alındığında Lisans Alan’a temin
specifications of the Licensed edilen veya Lisans Alan’ın Lisans
Software, which may also include the Veren tarafından belirlenen web
security, data backup and other sitesinden ulaşabileceği, Lisanslı
relevant descriptions and which is Yazılımın açıklama ve teknik
provided to the Licensee upon özelliklerini ifade eder, güvenlik, veri
Purchase of the Licensed Software yedekleme ve diğer ilgili açıklamaları
or which is available to the Licensee da kapsayabilir.
on a website specified by the

2.23 “Purchase”, “purchasing” or 2.23 “Alım”, “satın alma” veya benzeri

variants thereof mean the gaining of ifadeler, Lisans Verenin yürürlükteki
access (whether paid-for or free) koşulları uyarınca erişim hakkı
pursuant to Licensor’s applicable kazanmayı (ücretli veya ücretsiz
terms, which may vary by the olarak) ifade eder. Bu ifadeler işlem
product. konusu ürüne göre değişiklik

2.24 “Server” is a type of computer 2.24 “Sunucu” diğer bilgisayarların ve/veya

hardware that provides computer bilgisayar programlarının bir ağ
programs, data and/or other aracılığıyla erişim sağlayabilmesi için
resources so that other computers bilgisayar programları, veri ve/veya
and/or computer programs can başka kaynaklar sağlayan bilgisayar
access these via a network. donanımı türüdür.

2.25 “Software Development Toolkit 2.25 “Yazılım Geliştirme Araç Seti (SDK)”
(SDK)” is a set of program libraries yazılım geliştirmek için program
and programming tools for software kütüphaneleri ve programlama
development. gereçleri setidir.

2.26 “Source Code” is the text of a 2.26 “Kaynak Kod” bilgisayar programının,
computer program written in a programlama dilinde yazılı ve bireyler
programming language and readable tarafından okunabilen metnini ifade
by humans. eder.

2.27 “SW Update” describes a version of 2.27 “SW Güncellemesi” Lisanslı Yazılım
the Licensed Software with the same ile aynı veya ondan gelişmiş
or refined functions with minor fonksiyonlara sahip olan ve Lisanslı
improvements but with the intention Yazılımdaki hata (bug), kusur veya

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of removing bugs, defects or arızaları giderme niyetiyle yapılan ufak
malfunctions in the Licensed çaplı iyileştirmeler içeren versiyondur.
Software. The change in the version Versiyon numarasındaki değişim, ör.,
number, e.g., from 2.4.1 to 2.4.2 2.4.1’den 2.4.2’ye (hata düzeltmeye,
(corresponding to a bug fix or veya genişletilmiş fonksiyon
changes that do not contain any içermeyen değişikliklere tekabül eden)
extended functionalities) determines Güncelleme sınıflandırmasını belirler.
classification as an Update.

2.28 “SW Upgrade” describes a higher- 2.28 “SW Yükseltmesi” Lisanslı Yazılımın
level version of the Licensed daha yüksek düzeyde bir versiyonunu
Software (new version) or a version (yeni versiyon) veya genişletilmiş
with extended functionalities or fonksiyonları veya özellikleri olan,
features, possibly with a change to muhtemelen versiyon adında bir
the version name, e.g., from 2.4.0 to değişiklik yapan versiyonunu ifade
2.5.0 (higher configuration level). eder, ör., 2.4.0’dan 2.5.0’a (daha
yüksek konfigürasyon düzeyi).

2.29 “Use/usage” designates any use of 2.29 “Kullanma/Kullanım” Lisanslı

the Licensed Software, especially by Yazılımın, özellikle bu yazılımdaki
reproduction, transfer or uploading to sistem talimatlarını veya bilgileri
the memory (RAM) or installation on işlemek için çoğaltma, transfer veya
a permanent storage medium (e.g., hafızaya (RAM) yükleme veya kalıcı
hard disk, DVD-ROM or other depolama ortamına (ör., hard disk,
storage media) and/or hardware for DVD-ROM veya diğer depolama
processing system instructions or medyası) ve/veya donanıma kurulum
information contained in this software yoluyla her türlü kullanımını, sisteme
and access by a User to the giriş ve sistemden çıkış arasındaki
Licensed Software starting with dönemde Kullanıcının bir faaliyet
Login of the User and ending with gerçekleştirip gerçekleştirmediğine
automatic or manual logout of the veya hangi faaliyetleri
User regardless of whether and gerçekleştirdiğine bakılmaksızın,
which activities the User performs in Kullanıcının sisteme girişi ile başlayan
the period between Login and logout. ve Kullanıcının otomatik veya manuel
çıkışı ile sona eren sürede
Kullanıcının Lisanslı Yazılıma erişimini
ifade eder.

2.30 “Workplace Software” is Licensed 2.30 “İşyeri Yazılımı” her lisans başına
Software that may only be installed sadece bir İşyerine kurulabilen
on one Workplace per license. Lisanslı Yazılımdır.

2.31 “Workplace” means an individual 2.31 “İşyeri” münferit kişisel bilgisayar veya
computer or computer workstation. bilgisayar çalışma istasyonunu ifade

2.32 “Written Form” requires that the 2.32 “Yazılı Şekil” Yazılım Lisansı
declaration of intent and/or Koşullarında başka türlü
declaration of knowledge, unless belirtilmedikçe, niyet beyanının
otherwise specified in the Software ve/veya kabul beyanının, yazılı olarak
License Terms, be signed by duly yapılıp ilgili tarafın usulünce
authorized representative(s) of the yetkilendirilmiş temsilci(ler)i tarafından

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 148/194

respective party in writing. imzalanmasını gerektirir.



3.1 The subject of these Software 3.1 Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarının

License Terms is the temporary or konusu, Lisanslı Yazılımın geçici veya
perpetual Purchase of the Licensed daimi alımıdır ve madde 5‘teki
Software and includes the license kullanım için lisans verilmesini ve B ile
grants for such use in clause 5 and F Bölümleri arasında ilgili ürünler için
the specific granting of rights for the hakların özel olarak verilmesini
relevant products in Parts B to F. In kapsar. Ayrıca, Lisans Veren ve
addition, Licensor and Licensee may Lisans Alan, Lisans Veren tarafından
agree on the provision of bakım ve destek hizmetleri verilmesi
maintenance and support services konusunda da anlaşabilir.
by the Licensor.

3.2 Further details such as the type of 3.2 Lisanslı Yazılımın türü, lisans süresi,
Licensed Software, duration of lisans türü, lisans sayısı ve fiyat
licensing, type of license, number of (ücretsiz verilmedikçe) ve üçüncü-kişi
licenses and price (unless provided lisans koşulları ve OSS yazılım lisansı
free of charge) and third-party koşulları gibi diğer detaylar, ilgili
license terms and OSS software Lisans Sözleşmesinde belirtilmiştir. Bu
license terms are set forth in the Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarının
relevant License Agreement. The hükümleri, Lisans Veren ve Lisans
provisions of these Software License Alan arasında bağlayıcı olarak
Terms apply to every purchase üzerinde anlaşılan her alım için
agreed with binding effect between geçerlidir. Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları
Licensor and Licensee. In case of ile Lisans Sözleşmesinin koşulları
any contradictions between these arasında farklılık olması halinde,
Software License Terms and the Lisans Sözleşmesinin hükümleri
terms of the License Agreement, the amirdir.
provisions of the License Agreement
shall prevail.


4.1 As the Licensed Software is a 4.1 Lisanslı Yazılım standart bir ürün
standard product, the Licensor is not olduğundan, yürürlükteki kanunların
responsible to the Licensee for emredici hükümleri Lisans Veren için
meeting industry-specific, legal or doğrudan uygulanmadıkça ve/veya
regulatory requirements unless they Lisans Sözleşmesinde aksi
apply directly to the Licensor by belirtilmedikçe, Lisans Veren, Lisans
applicable mandatory law and/or Alana karşı sektöre özgü, yasal veya
unless otherwise specified in the idari gereklilikleri yerine getirmekten
License Agreement. It is therefore sorumlu değildir. Dolayısıyla, Lisanslı
the obligation of the Licensee to Yazılımının, yürürlükteki yasal ve idari
check the suitability of the Licensed gerekliliklere göre kullanıldığını kontrol
Software for use according to the etmek, Lisans Alanın yükümlülüğüdür.
applicable legal and regulatory

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 149/194

requirements for the Licensee.

4.2 The Licensed Software is not 4.2 Lisanslı Yazılım, nükleer elektrik
designed for operating nuclear power santrallerini işletmek, araçlarda veya
plants, for use in cars or for flight uçuş navigasyonu, hava trafik kontrolü
navigation, air traffic control or flight veya uçuş iletişim için kullanılmak
communication. üzere tasarlanmamıştır.

4.3 Provided no explicit “security 4.3 Ürün Açıklamasında açıkça “güvenlik

features” are listed in the Product özellikleri” belirtilmedikçe, bu tür
Description, no such services are hizmetler dahil değildir.

4.4 The Licensor may at all times update 4.4 Değişiklikler, Lisans Alanın
the Licensed Software and make değişiklikler uygulanmadan önce satın
changes to it (such as infrastructure, almış olduğu Lisanslı Yazılımın
security, technical configurations, fonksiyonlarında ve işlevselliğinde
application functions, etc.) and veya performans, güvenlik veya
amend the Product Description uygunluk düzeyinde önemli oranda
accordingly, provided that the azalmaya yol açmadığı sürece, Lisans
changes do not lead to a significant Veren her zaman Lisanslı Yazılımı
reduction in the functions and güncelleyebilir ve üzerinde (altyapı,
functionalities or of the performance, güvenlik, teknik konfigürasyonlar,
security or availability level of such uygulama fonksiyonları, vb. gibi)
Licensed Software that the Licensee değişiklikler yapabilir ve Ürün
has purchased before the changes Açıklamasını ona göre değiştirebilir.
come into effect.

4.5 The Licensee is required to secure 4.5 Lisans Alan, Lisanslı Yazılımı yetkisiz
the Licensed Software by üçüncü kişilerin erişimine karşı uygun
appropriate measures against tedbirlerle korumak, özellikle Lisanslı
access by unauthorized third parties, Yazılımın bütün kopyalarını korumalı
in particular to store all copies of the bir yerde tutmak ve erişim şifrelerini
Licensed Software in a protected yetkisiz tarafların erişimine karşı
location and to protect access korumak zorundadır. Her erişim şifresi
passwords from access by sadece bir gerçek kişi tarafından
unauthorized parties. Each access kullanılabilir. Lisans Alanın, erişim
password may only be used by one şifrelerini diğer kişilere aktarması veya
natural person. The Licensee is açıklaması yasaktır. Lisans Alan,
prohibited from transferring or Kullanıcıların her oturumun sonunda
disclosing access passwords to other hesaplarından çıkış yapmalarını
people. The Licensee must ensure sağlamalıdır. Lisans Alan, faaliyetlere
that Users log out of their account at Lisans Alan tarafından yetki verildiği
the end of each session. The veya tolerans gösterildiği ölçüde, veya
Licensee is responsible for all Lisans Alan tarafından yetki
activities in its account to the extent verilmediği veya tolerans
the activities were either authorized gösterilmediği fakat gereken özen
or tolerated by the Licensee, or were gösterildiği takdirde önlenmiş
not authorized or tolerated by the olabileceği ölçüde, hesabındaki bütün
Licensee but which could have been faaliyetlerden sorumludur.
prevented by exercising due care.

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5.1 If the Licensee is an Authorized 5.1 Lisans Alanın Yetkili Distribütör olması
Distributor, Phoenix Contract grants halinde, Yetkili Distribütörün hiçbir
the Authorized Distributor the right to koşulda, hiçbir Nihai Müşteriye bu
distribute the Licensed Software to Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları
End Customers in accordance with çerçevesinde Lisanslı Yazılım
the agreements between Phoenix üzerinde Lisans Alana verilen haklar
Contact and the Authorized haricinde farklı veya ek hak vermemek
Distributor (e.g., in a distribution şartıyla Phoenix Contact Yetkili
agreement), provided the Authorized Distribütöre, Phoenix Contact ile
Distributor shall not and cannot in Yetkili Distribütör arasındaki (dağıtım
any case grant an End Customer any sözleşmesi gibi) sözleşmeler uyarınca
other or further rights to the Licensed Nihai Müşterilere Lisanslı Yazılımı
Software other than the rights dağıtma hakkı tanır. Yetkili
granted to the Licensee under these Distribütörün Lisanslı Yazılımı
Software License Terms. The right of kullanma hakkı, yukarıda açıklanan
the Authorized Distributor to use the dağıtım hakkıyla sınırlıdır. Yetkili
Licensed Software is limited to the Distribütörün Lisanslı Yazılımı başka
right of distribution described above. bir şekilde kullanmasına izin
The Authorized Distributor is not verilmemektedir, ve Phoenix Contact
permitted to use the Licensed ile Yetkili Distribütör arasında aksine
Software in any other manner and anlaşma olmadıkça (ör., Nihai
the following provisions of clause 5 Müşteriye sunum için demo versiyon)
do not apply unless otherwise madde 5‘in aşağıdaki hükümleri
agreed between Phoenix Contract uygulanmaz. Bu madde 5 kapsamında
and the Authorized Distributor (e.g., verilen dağıtım hakkı, Lisans
demo version for presentations at the Sözleşmesinde aksi belirtilmedikçe
End Customer). The right of münhasır değildir.
distribution granted under this clause
5 shall not be exclusive, unless
otherwise specified in the License

If the Licensee is an End Customer, Lisans Alanın Nihai Müşteri olması

the grant of rights to the End halinde, Nihai Müşteriye Lisans Alan
Customer as Licensee is set forth in olarak tanınan haklar, bu madde 5‘in
the provisions of this clause 5 and hükümlerinde ve alınan Lisanslı
the relevant provisions in Parts B to Yazılımın türüne bağlı olarak B ile F
F, depending on the type of Licensed Bölümleri arasındaki ilgili
Software purchased. hükümlerinde belirtilmiştir.

5.2 The Licensor grants the Licensee a 5.2 Lisans Veren Lisans Alana, Lisanslı
license to use the Licensed Software Yazılımı bu Yazılım Lisansı
according to these Software License Koşullarına ve Lisans Sözleşmesine
Terms and the License Agreement. göre kullanması için bir lisans
This license grant applies solely to vermektedir. Bu lisans verme işlemi,
the Licensed Software named in the Lisans Alanın diğer yazılımlara da
License Agreement even if it is erişmesi ve/veya kullanması teknik
technically possible for the Licensee olarak mümkün olsa dahi sadece
to access and/or use other software Lisans Sözleşmesinde belirtilen
too. The Licensor grants the Lisanslı Yazılım için geçerlidir. Lisans

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 151/194

Licensee only the rights of use Veren, Lisans Alana sadece bu
explicitly named in these Software Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarında ve
License Terms and the License Lisans Sözleşmesinde açıkça
Agreement. The Licensee is not belirtilen kullanım haklarını
entitled to use the Licensed Software vermektedir. Lisans Alan Lisanslı
in any additional way. Yazılımı başka bir şekilde kullanma
hakkına sahip değildir.

5.3 The Licensor offers Licensed 5.3 Lisans Veren, Lisanslı Yazılımı ürüne
Software under various license types bağlı olarak çeşitli lisans türleri altında
depending on the product. The sunmaktadır. Münferit lisans türleri bu
individual types of license are Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarının B ile F
described in Parts B to F of these Bölümleri arasında belirtilmiş olup, bu
Software License Terms and apply to kısımlarda belirtilen ürünler için
the products named there. The geçerlidir. Belli bir ürün için ilgili lisans
relevant license type for a particular türü, Lisans Sözleşmesinde ve/veya
product is specified in the License bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarında
Agreement and/or these Software belirtilmiştir. Lisanslama, Lisanslı
License Terms. The licensing Yazılım için Lisans Alanın kesinlikle
constitute specifications and uyması gereken kullanım haklarının
restrictions of the grant of rights of verilmesinin özelliklerini ve
use for the Licensed Software, which kısıtlamalarını teşkil eder.
the Licensee must strictly adhere to.

5.4 The Licensee may only use the 5.4 Lisans Alan Lisanslı Yazılımı sadece
Licensed Software for its internal kendi işi için, veya bu madde 5.4‘e
business purposes, or for göre ticari amaçla kullanabilir. Bu
commercial use according to this madde 5.4 bakımından “Ticari
clause 5.4. For the purpose of this kullanım”, Lisanslı Yazılımın kar elde
clause 5.4 “Commercial use” means etme amacıyla veya kar amacı
usage of the Licensed Software for gütmeksizin mallar, hizmetler veya
the purposes of producing, veriler veya diğer hizmetler üretmek,
developing or refining, marketing geliştirmek veya düzeltmek, üçüncü
and/or offering goods, services or kişilere pazarlamak ve/veya sunmak
data or other services to third parties için kullanımını ifade eder. Ancak,
with or without the intention to make ticari kullanıma izin verilse dahi,
a profit. However, even if commercial Lisans Alan Lisanslı Yazılımı
use is permitted, the Licensee shall tamamen veya kısmen üçüncü kişilere
not distribute, market, sell, lease, dağıtmayacak, pazarlamayacak,
rent, make publicly available or satmayacak, kiralamayacak, kiraya
otherwise publicly display the vermeyecek, kamuoyuna açmayacak
Licensed Software to third parties in veya başka bir surette kamuoyuna
whole or in part. Any other provisions açık şekilde görüntülemeyecektir. Bu
of these Software License Terms, Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarının, 5. ve 6.
including without limitation clauses 5 maddeleri dahil ancak bunlarla sınırlı
to 6, remain unaffected. olmamak üzere diğer hükümleri
etkilenmeksizin geçerli olmaya devam

5.5 The licenses listed in Parts B to F 5.5 B ile F Bölümleri arasında belirtilen
are granted either as a Facility lisanslar ya Tesis Lisansı, ya Şirket
License, Company License or Group Lisansı ya da Grup Lisansı olarak
License. The restrictions of these verilir. Bu Yazılım Lisansı

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Software License Terms, in particular Koşullarındaki kısıtlamalar, özellikle
the number of licenses purchased alınan lisansların ve yetkili
and authorized Users, remain Kullanıcıların sayısı, bu her durumda
unaffected by this in any case. etkilenmeksizin geçerli olmaya devam
Whether the Licensee purchases a edecektir. Lisans Alanın Lisanslı
Facility License, Company License Yazılım Tesis Lisansı, Şirket Lisansı,
or Group License for the Licensed ya da Grup Lisanslarından hangisini
Software is specified in the License satın aldığı, Lisans Sözleşmesinde
Agreement. If the License belirtilmiştir. Eğer Lisans
Agreement does not specify the Sözleşmesinde lisans türü
license type, the Licensee purchases belirtilmemişse, Lisans Alan ilgili
the relevant Licensed Software as a Lisanslı Yazılımı, SDK’lar için bir Tesis
Facility License for SDKs, and Lisansı olarak, aksi halde Şirket
otherwise as a Company License. Lisansı olarak almaktadır.

5.6 Unless the License Agreement 5.6 Lisans Sözleşmesinde aksi

states otherwise, the Licensee is belirtilmedikçe, (i) Lisans Alanın
entitled in accordance with these Lisans Vereni üçüncü-kişi hizmet
Software License Terms (i.e., sağlayıcının adını ve iletişim bilgilerini
including without limitation the vererek, üçüncü-kişi kullanımı
restrictions of this clause 5) in the hakkında önceden yazılı olarak
context of service contracts, e.g., bilgilendirmesi, (ii) üçüncü-kişi hizmet
data center outsourcing or hosting, to sağlayıcının Lisanslı Yazılımı sadece
allow the respective third-party ilgili hizmet sözleşmeleri kapsamında
service provider to use the Licensed Lisans Alanın amaçları ve menfaati
Software provided that (i) the için ve sadece hizmet sözleşmelerinin
Licensee informs the Licensor in süresi boyunca kullanması, (iii)
writing in advance about such third- Lisanslı Yazılımın üçüncü-kişilerce
party use, giving the name and kullanımının, ilgili hizmet sözleşmeleri
contact details of the third-party kapsamında üçüncü-kişi hizmet
service provider, (ii), the third-party sağlayıcının Lisans Alana hizmet
service provider uses the Licensed sağlaması için kesinlikle gerekli
Software solely for the purposes and olması, (iv) üçüncü-kişi hizmet
for the benefit of the Licensee under sağlayıcının, madde 15 uyarınca
the relevant service contract and that Lisans Veren tarafından kontroller
the use occurs only for the duration yapılmasına tolerans göstermeyi ve
of the service contract, (iii) the third- bu konuda işbirliği yapmayı kabul
party use of the Licensed Software is etmesi ve (v) üçüncü-kişi hizmet
and remains only as strictly sağlayıcının, Lisans Verenin bir rakibi
necessary to provide services of the (ve/veya eğer Lisans Veren bir Yetkili
third-party service provider to the Distribütör ise, Phoenix Contact’ın
Licensee under the relevant service rakibi) olmaması şartıyla Lisans Alan
contracts, (iv) the third-party service bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarına göre
provider agrees to tolerate, and (bu madde 5‘teki kısıtlamalar da dahil
cooperate with respect to, controls ancak bunlarla sınırlı olmamak
by the Licensor pursuant to clause kaydıyla) hizmet sözleşmeleri
15 and (v) the third-party service bağlamında, ör., veri merkezi
provider is not a competitor of the outsourcing veya hosting, ilgili
Licensor (and/or a competitor of üçüncü-kişi hizmet sağlayıcının
Phoenix Contact, if the Licensor is an Lisanslı Yazılımları kullanmasına izin
Authorized Distributor). This right verme hakkına sahiptir. Bu hak hem
applies to both a Company License Şirket Lisansı hem de Grup Lisansı
and a Group License; in the latter için geçerlidir; Grup Lisansında,

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 153/194

case, this clause 5.6 applies üçüncü-kişi hizmet sağlayıcıyla hizmet
provided that the service agreement sözleşmesine Lisans Alan yerine,
with the third-party service provider madde 5.5‘e göre yetkili bir İştirakin
may also be entered into by an taraf olması ve/veya üçüncü-kişi
authorized Affiliate according to hizmet sağlayıcı tarafından söz
clause 5.5 instead of by the Licensee konusu yetkili İştirak için kullanılması
and/or the use by the third-party halinde bu madde 5.6 uygulanır.
service provider may take place for
the purposes of such an authorized

5.7 The Licensed Software may only be 5.7 Lisanslı Yazılım sadece eğer bu
sublicensed to third parties, made Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarında açıkça
available to third parties, used by the izin verilmişse ve izin verildiği ölçüde,
Licensee for the purposes of third üçüncü kişilere alt-lisanslanabilir,
parties, or used by third parties for üçüncü kişilere temin edilebilir, Lisans
the purposes of the Licensee, if and Alan tarafından üçüncü kişiler için
to the extent explicitly permitted in kullanılabilir, veya üçüncü kişiler
these Software License Terms. Any tarafından Lisans Alan için
other sublicensing, making available kullanılabilir. Diğer alt-lisanslamalar,
to, or usage by third parties is üçüncü kişilere temin etme veya
prohibited. The Licensee is üçüncü kişilerce kullanım yasaktır.
responsible for all actions and Lisans Alan, Lisanslı Yazılımın
omissions by its sublicensees or kullanımıyla ilgili olarak, alt-lisans
third-party users in connection with alanların veya üçüncü-kişi
the use of the Licensed Software to kullanıcıların bütün eylemlerinden ve
the same extent as for its own ihmallerinden, kendi eylemleri ve
actions and omissions. The right to ihmalleriymiş gibi aynı derecede
sublicense, make available to or use sorumludur. Alt-lisanslama, üçüncü
for third parties or use by third kişilere temin etme veya üçüncü kişiler
parties on the Licensee’s behalf does için kullanma veya üçüncü kişilerce
not affect the number of licenses Lisans Alanın adına kullanım hakkı,
purchased by the Licensee. If the Lisans Alan tarafından alınan
Licensee has reason to assume that lisansların sayısını etkilemez. Lisans
a sublicensee or third-party user is Alanın, alt-lisans alan veya üçüncü-
using the Licensed Software contrary kişi kullanıcının Lisanslı Yazılımı
to the terms of licensing, the lisanslama koşullarına aykırı
Licensee must inform the Licensor kullandığını varsaymak için bir sebebe
without delay and prevent any further sahip olması halinde, Lisans Alan
use of the Licensed Software by the gecikmeksizin Lisans Verene haber
sublicensee and/or third-party user in vermeli ve Lisanslı Yazılımın söz
question. konusu alt-lisans alan ve/veya
üçüncü-kişi kullanıcı tarafından
kullanılmaya devamını engellemelidir.

5.8 Pre-release software 5.8 Ön-sürüm yazılım

versions/prototypes versiyonlar/prototipler

5.8.1 The Licensor and Licensee may 5.8.1 Lisans Veren ve Lisans Alan ön-
agree on the provision of pre-release sürüm yazılım versiyonlarının temini
software versions. Software pre- konusunda anlaşabilir. Yazılım ön-
release versions are marked sürüm versiyonları, özellikle alfa,
especially as alpha, beta, release beta, sürüm adayı, prototip veya

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 154/194

candidate, prototype or similar benzer etiketlerle işaretlenir. Münferit
labels. Unless individual düzenlemeler veya diğer sözleşmeler
arrangements or other agreements yapılmış olmadıkça, yazılım ön-sürüm
have been made, the provision of versiyonlarının temini kesin olarak
software pre-release versions is aşağıda belirtildiği gibidir:
conclusively set forth below:

5.8.2 The software pre-release versions 5.8.2 Yazılım ön-sürüm versiyonları, sadece
are development versions, test kısmen test edilmiş, eksik olabilecek
versions, preliminary versions and/or geliştirme versiyonları, test
built-in versions that were only partly versiyonları, geçici versiyonlar ve/veya
tested, may be incomplete and are “built-in” versiyonlardır ve Lisans
provided to the Licensee solely for Alana sadece test amaçlı temin
test purposes. They are prototypes. edilmektedir. Bunlar prototiptir.

5.8.3 The software pre-release versions 5.8.3 Lisans Alan, yazılım ön-sürüm
may only be deployed by Licensee in versiyonlarını sadece üzerinde
accordance with the approved anlaşılan amaçla ve onaylanmış
purpose and at the approved lokasyonda kullanabilir. Ön-sürüm
location. Even upon approval as a versiyon olarak onaylanması halinde
pre-release version, the software has dahi, yazılım bir şirkette bütün koşullar
not been sufficiently tested to be altında kullanılmak için yeterince test
used in a company under all edilmemiştir. Dolayısıyla yazılım ön-
conditions. The software pre-release sürüm versiyonları, diğer objelere
versions must therefore be used in veya kişilere zarar vermesini önlemek
protected conditions in a secure test için korumalı koşullarda, güvenli test
environment to avoid damage to ortamında kullanılmalı ve gerçek
other objects or people and must not operasyonlarda (üretim tesisleri)
be used in real operations kullanılmamalıdır. Ek olarak, yazılım
(production facilities). Additionally, ön-sürüm versiyonları sadece,
the software pre-release versions prototipler başarısız olsa dahi, dahil
must only be used so that uninvolved olmayan üçüncü kişilerin ve onların
third parties and their employees çalışanlarının zarar görmeyeceği
cannot be harmed even if the şekilde kullanılmalıdır. Yazılım ön-
prototypes fail. The software pre- sürüm versiyonları sadece gerekli
release versions are only to be used uzmanlığa sahip kişilerce, koruyucu
by persons with the necessary cihazlar kullanılarak ve fiziksel olarak
expertise in a physically separate ayrı alanlarda kullanılmalıdır. İlgili
area and using protective devices. personele, Lisans Alan tarafından
The personnel used must be uygun talimatlar verilmeli ve yazılımın
instructed accordingly by the yeterli şekilde geliştirilmemesinden ve
Licensee and informed of the fonksiyonel kısıtlamalarından
dangers due to lack of series kaynaklanabilecek tehlikeler
maturity and functional restrictions. bildirilmelidir.

5.8.4 The information provided at the 5.8.4 Aynı zamanda sağlanan bilgiler,
same time does not rule out the Lisans Alanın kendi sorumluluğu
Licensee’s own testing under its own uyarınca, özellikle uyumluluğa ilişkin,
responsibility, especially with regard kendi testini yapmasına engel değildir,
to suitability, and must not be used ve (ön-sürüm versiyonları) test
without testing. etmeden kullanılmamalıdır.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 155/194

5.8.5 The Licensee must not pass on the 5.8.5 Lisans Alan, aktarılan yazılım ön-
transferred software pre-release sürüm versiyonlarını ve beraberindeki
versions and any accompanying dokümantasyonu üçüncü kişilere
documentation to third parties in full, tamamen, alıntılar olarak veya kopya
as excerpts, or as a copy. olarak iletmemelidir.


6.1 If the Licensee is an End Customer, 6.1 Lisans Alanın bir Nihai Müşteri olması
the provisions of this clause 6 apply halinde, bu madde 6 hükümleri,
without any restriction. sınırlama olmaksızın uygulanır.

If the Licensee is an Authorized Lisans Alanın Yetkili Distribütör olması

Distributor, the following applies: The halinde, şu şartlar uygulanır: Yetkili
Authorized Distributor is entitled to Distribütör, Phoenix Contact ile Yetkili
distribute the Licensed Software to Distribütör arasındaki ilgili Lisans
End Customers according to the Sözleşmesine göre Lisanslı Yazılımı
relevant License Agreement between Nihai Müşterilere dağıtma hakkına
Phoenix Contact and the Authorized sahiptir; bu bağlamda madde 6.2 ve
Distributor; in this respect the 6.5 (i), Lisans Sözleşmesi
clauses 6.2 and 6.5 (i) do not prevent kapsamında izin verilen Nihai
distribution to End Customers Müşterilere dağıtımı engellemez ve bu
permitted under the License dağıtım hakkının sınırlanması olarak
Agreement and are not to be yorumlanmaz. Madde 6.6 , Yetkili
interpreted as a restriction on this Distribütöre uygulanmaz. Madde 6.3,
right of distribution. Clause 6.6 does 6.4 ve 6.5 (ii), sınırlama olmaksızın
not apply to the Authorized uygulanacaktır.
Distributor. Clauses 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5
(ii) apply without restriction.

6.2 Unless specified otherwise in these 6.2 Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarında aksi
Software License Terms, the belirtilmedikçe, Lisans Alanın Lisanslı
Licensee is not permitted to provide Yazılımı, gerek ücret karşılığı gerekse
the Licensed Software to third ücretsiz olarak, ve gerek geçici veya
parties, display it publicly or make it kalıcı olarak üçüncü kişilere temin
publicly available, whether for a fee etmesine, kamuoyuna açık şekilde
or free of charge and whether görüntülemesine veya kamuoyuna
temporarily or permanently. açmasına izin verilmemektedir.

6.3 Unless specified otherwise in the 6.3 Lisans Sözleşmesinde veya üçüncü-
License Agreement or third-party kişilerce lisans koşullarında aksi
license terms and/or provided it is belirtilmedikçe ve/veya Açık Kaynak
not Open Source Software, the Yazılım olmaması şartıyla, Lisans
Licensee is prohibited from Alanın Lisanslı Yazılımı modifiye
modifying, translating, arranging or etmesi, tercüme etmesi, derlemesi
otherwise changing the Licensed veya başka bir değişiklik yapması
Software. If the Licensee violates this yasaktır. Eğer Lisans Alan bu
obligation, the Licensee hereby yükümlülüğü ihlal ederse, Lisans Alan,
assigns to the Licensor (or if the izin verilmeyen ve bu Lisans
Licensor is an Authorized Distributor, Koşullarına aykırı olarak yapılan bütün
to Phoenix Contact) in full and bu modifikasyonlar, çeviriler,
extensively all rights to all such non- derlemeler veya diğer değişiklikler

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 156/194

permitted modifications, translations, üzerindeki bütün hakların tamamını,
arrangements or other changes tam kapsamlı olarak Lisans Verene
made in contravention of these (veya eğer Lisans Veren bir Yetkili
License Terms. Should such a Distribütörse, Phoenix Contact’a)
transfer not be legally admissible, the temlik etmektedir. Bu gibi bir devrin
Licensee grants the Licensor (or if kanunen mümkün olmaması halinde,
the Licensor is an Authorized Lisans Alan, Lisans Koşullarına aykırı
Distributor, Phoenix Contact) the olarak yapılan modifikasyonların,
exclusive, irrevocable, transferrable, çevirilerin, derlemelerin ve/veya
sublicensable, royalty-free and değişikliklerin, bilinen ve bilinmeyen
worldwide right to make derivative bütün yollarla ve zaman, yer ve içerik
works of, reproduce, use and exploit kısıtlaması olmaksızın türev
the modifications, translations, çalışmalarını yapmak, çoğaltmak,
arrangements and/or changes made kullanmak ve yararlanmak, ve özellikle
in contravention of these License kopyalamak, dağıtmak veya kablolu
Terms by all known and unknown ya da kablosuz yollarla kamuoyuna
means and without any restriction in açmak için münhasır, gayrikabili rücu,
terms of time, space and content, devredilebilir, alt-lisanslanabilir, telifsiz
especially to copy, distribute or make ve dünya çapındaki hakları, ve bunları
publicly by wire or wireless means, kamuoyuna iletim hakkı ile birlikte,
including the right to make these Lisans Verene (veya eğer Lisans
publicly available. Veren bir Yetkili Distribütörse, Phoenix
Contact’a) vermektedir.

6.4 Unless specified otherwise in the 6.4 Lisans Sözleşmesinde veya üçüncü-
License Agreement or third-party kişilerce lisans koşullarında başka
license terms and/or provided it is türlü belirtilmedikçe ve/veya Açık
not Open Source Software, the Kaynak Yazılım olmaması şartıyla,
Licensee is prohibited from Lisans Alanın, Lisanslı Yazılımın
accessing or trying to access the Kaynak koduna kendi imkanlarıyla
Source Code of the Licensed veya üçüncü kişiler aracılığıyla,
Software by its own means or via tersine mühendislik yaparak, geri
third parties by reverse engineering, derleyerek, parçalara ayırarak veya
decompiling, disassembly or other diğer yollarla erişim sağlaması veya
measures. The Licensee may take erişim sağlamaya çalışması yasaktır.
such measures to achieve Lisans Alan, Lisanslı Yazılımın,
interoperability of the Licensed bağımsız şekilde yaratılmış başka
Software with other, independently bilgisayar programlarıyla birlikte
created computer programs solely çalışabilmesini sağlamak için gereken
insofar as the information in question tedbirleri, söz konusu bilginin birlikte
is essential for achieving çalışabilirliği sağlamak için zorunlu
interoperability and provided the olması, ve Lisans Alanın, Lisans
Licensee informs the Licensor Verenin gerekli bilgileri makul bir süre
accordingly in writing beforehand içinde Lisans Alana temin etmesi
giving the Licensor the opportunity to fırsatını vererek bunu Lisans Verene
provide the Licensee with the önceden yazılı olarak bildirmesi ve
necessary information within a Lisans Verenin o bilgileri
reasonable time period and the sağlayamaması şartıyla, alabilir.
Licensor fails to do so.

6.5 The Licensee is also prohibited, 6.5 Lisans Alanın ayrıca, Lisans Verenin
without the prior written consent of önceden yazılı izni olmadan, (i)
the Licensor, (i) subject to clause madde 5.6 uyarınca, Lisans Alan

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 157/194

5.6, from granting third parties tarafından üçüncü kişiler için yapılan
access to or use of the Licensed faaliyetler veya üçüncü kişilerce
Software in the context of services, Lisans Alan için yapılan faaliyetler
application service provision, olmasına bakılmaksızın, hizmetler,
software as a service, outsourcing, uygulama hizmeti temini, hizmet
time sharing or in a similar way, olarak yazılım, outsourcing, zaman
whether or not it is a matter of paylaşımı veya benzer bir yolla,
corresponding activities by the üçüncü kişiler Lisanslı Yazılıma
Licensee for third parties or such erişimine veya kullanmasına izin
activities by third parties for the vermesi, veya (ii) Lisanslı Yazılım
Licensee, or (ii) from removing, veya dokümantasyon üzerindeki sınai
changing or disguising any mülkiyet haklarına yapılan
references to industrial property referansları, etiketleri veya ticari
rights, labels or trademarks on the markaları sökmesi, değiştirmesi veya
Licensed Software or documentation. gizlemesi yasaktır.

6.6 The Licensee is entitled to resell to 6.6 Lisans Alan, daimi kullanım hakkını
third parties Licensed Software for satın almış olduğu Lisanslı Yazılımı,
which it has purchased a perpetual bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları
right of use, with simultaneous kapsamında verilen kullanım
transfer of the rights of use granted haklarının eş zamanlı devriyle birlikte,
under these Software License üçüncü kişilere satma hakkına
Terms, provided that aşağıdaki şartlarda sahiptir:

a) it is a perpetual and not only a) sadece geçici bir devir değil,

temporary transfer; daimi bir devir olmalıdır;

b) the Licensee fully and b) Lisans Alan, elindeki Lisanslı

irrevocably deletes all copies it Yazılımın bütün kopyalarını, geri
has of the Licensed Software; dönülemez şekilde ve tamamen
and silmelidir; ve

c) the third party accepts the c) üçüncü kişiler bu Yazılım

applicability of these Software Lisansı Koşullarının, Lisans
License Terms as between Veren ile üçüncü kişiler arasında
Licensor and third party. uygulanabilirliğini kabul


7.1 In the event of an infringement of the 7.1 Madde 5 ila 6 hükümlerinin Lisans
provisions of clauses 5 to 6 by the Alan tarafından ihlali halinde, Lisans
Licensee, the Licensee shall pay a Alan Lisans Verene: (i) etkilenen
contractual penalty to the Licensor in Lisans Sözleşmesi kapsamında
the amount of: (i) 10 % of the total ödenmiş ve ödenecek toplam
fees paid and payable under the ücretlerin %10’u, veya (ii) 25,000 EUR
affected License Agreement, or (ii) (hangisi daha yüksekse) tutarında
EUR 25,000, whichever is higher. cezai şart ödeyecektir. Lisans
Any other rights of Licensor, Verenin, tazminat talebi dahil ancak
including without limitation damage bununla sınırlı olmaksızın diğer
claims, shall remain unaffected. hakları bundan etkilenmez.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 158/194

7.2 In the case of Cloud Products and 7.2 Bulut Ürünleri ve sınırlı bir süreyle
other Licensed Software provided for sağlanan diğer Lisanslı Yazılımlar
a limited time, the Licensor may, in bakımından, bu Yazılım Lisansı
the event of an infringement by the Koşullarının esaslı bir hükmünün
Licensee of a material provision of Lisans Alan tarafından ihlali ve Lisans
these Software License Terms and Alanın bu ihlali yazılı bir ihtar
Licensee’s failure to cure this almasından itibaren otuz (30) gün
infringement within thirty (30) days of içinde düzeltmemesi halinde, Lisans
receipt of a written warning notice, Veren Lisanslı Yazılıma erişimi, ihlal
suspend access to the Licensed düzeltilene kadar askıya alabilir. Bu,
Software until the infringement is Lisans Alanın madde 5, 6 veya 10‘un
cured. This includes but is not limited herhangi bir koşulunu ihlal etmesini de
to Licensee’s infringement by its kapsar fakat bununla sınırlı değildir..
breach of any terms in clauses 5, 6
or 10.



The Product Description may contain Ürün Açıklaması, Lisanslı Yazılımın

certain system requirements and kullanımı için belli sistem
compatibility information for the use gereksinimleri ve uyumluluk bilgisi
of the Licensed Software. In içerebilir. Özellikle, Lisanslı Yazılımın
particular, it may contain information hangi donanım, işletim ortamı ve
on which hardware, operating işletim sistemleri için tasarlanmış
environment and operating systems olduğu ve/veya o bileşenlerle ne
the Licensed Software is designed derecede uyumlu olduğu hakkında
for and/or to what extent it is bilgiler içerebilir. Eğer Lisans Alan
compatible with such components. If Lisanslı Yazılımı Ürün Açıklamasında
the Licensee does not use the verilen sistem gereksinimlerine veya
Licensed Software in accordance uyumluluk bilgilerine göre
with the system requirements or kullanmazsa, Lisans Veren o kullanım
compatibility information given in the için Lisanslı Yazılımın bu bağlamda
Product Description, the Licensor çalışması bakımından hiçbir garanti
assumes no warranty for such use üstlenmez ve o kullanımın
and the functioning of the Licensed sonuçlarından sorumlu değildir.
Software in this respect and is not
liable for any consequences of such


If certain professional services, e.g., Eğer Lisans Alan belli profesyonel

training, consulting, development or hizmetler, ör., eğitim, danışmanlık,
implementation services, are desired geliştirme veya uygulanma hizmetleri
by the Licensee and such talep ederse ve o profesyonel
professional services are generally hizmetler genel olarak Lisans Verenin
part of the Licensor’s service hizmet portföyünün bir parçasıysa,
portfolio, the Licensor and Licensee Lisans Veren ve Lisans Alan, Lisans
may agree that the Licensor shall Verenin o hizmetleri üzerinde
provide the corresponding services anlaşılan koşullarda sağlaması
on the agreed conditions. These konusunda anlaşabilir. Bu Yazılım

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 159/194

Software License Terms do not apply Lisansı Koşulları bu hizmetler için
to such services. uygulanmaz.


10.1 Unless the Licensor provides the 10.1 Lisans Veren Lisanslı Yazılımı Lisans
Licensee with the Licensed Software Alana ücretsiz olarak temin
free of charge, the Licensee shall etmedikçe, Lisans Alan, alınan
pay the respective price for the Lisanslı Yazılım için ve bakım ve
purchased Licensed Software and destek hizmetleri için ilgili fiyatı
for maintenance and support ödeyecektir. Fiyat, Lisans
services. The price is specified in the Sözleşmesinde ve/veya Bakım
License Agreement and/or Sözleşmesinde belirtilmiştir. Eğer
Maintenance Agreement. If the Lisans Sözleşmesinde ve/veya Bakım
License Agreement and/or Sözleşmesinde fiyatlar yer almıyorsa,
Maintenance Agreement does not Lisans Sözleşmesinin/Bakım
include prices, the prices on the Sözleşmesinin yürürlük tarihinde
Licensor’s price list current at the Lisans Verenin güncel fiyat
effective date of the License listesindeki, veya (yerine göre) onun
Agreement/Maintenance Agreement, yerini alan listedeki fiyatlar uygulanır.
or its successor (as the case may
be), shall apply.

10.2 All prices are net of any statutory 10.2 Bütün fiyatlar, yasal katma değer
value-added tax, customs duties and vergisi, gümrük vergileri ve diğer
other taxes or fees. These are vergiler veya ücretler hariç nettir.
payable by the Licensee. Bunlar Lisans Alan tarafından

10.3 In the case of Licensed Software 10.3 Bir ücret karşılığında daimi olarak
provided perpetually for a fee, the temin edilen Lisanslı Yazılımlarda,
Licensor invoices the purchase price Lisans Veren, aksine anlaşılma
upon delivery of or granting of olmadıkça, Alım Fiyatını, teslimatı
access to the Licensed Software, veya Lisanslı Yazılıma erişim hakkının
unless otherwise agreed. verilmesi üzerine faturalandırır.

10.4 In the case of Licensed Software 10.4 Bir ücret karşılığında sınırlı süreli
provided for a limited time for a fee, temin edilen Lisanslı Yazılımlarda,
remuneration is due and payable ücretlendirme, herhangi bir kesinti
without deduction yapılmaksızın,

a) in the case of fixed prices, in a) fiyatlar sabit ise, anlaşılan

advance by the 3rd working faturalandırma döneminin en
day of the agreed regular geç 3. çalışma gününe kadar
billing period at the latest; peşin olarak ödenmeli;

b) in the case of varying, e.g., b) fiyatlar değişken, ör., Kullanıcıya

User-dependent prices bağlı ise

either (i) within ten (10) days of ya (i) normal faturalandırma

expiration of the regular billing döneminin dolmasından ve
period and invoicing; the faturalandırmadan sonraki on

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 160/194

amount of remuneration is (10) gün içinde (ücretlendirme
determined by the number of tutarı, faturalandırılacak normal
licenses existing in the regular faturalandırma döneminde
billing period to be invoiced; mevcut lisansların sayısına göre

or (ii) in advance within ten ya da (ii) üzerinde anlaşılan

(10) days of invoicing for the normal faturalandırma dönemi
agreed regular billing period, için fatura düzenlenmesinden
whereby the price for this sonraki on (10) gün içinde peşin
billing period is calculated from olarak ödenmelidir (bu
the actual quantity used during faturalandırma döneminin fiyatı,
the previous billing period; önceki faturalandırma
döneminde kullanılan fiili miktara
göre hesaplanır);

if a varying price calculation is eğer son ödeme tarihi kuralı

agreed, but not a due-date üzerinde değil de, değişken fiyat
rule, variant (i) applies. hesaplaması üzerinde
anlaşılırsa, (i) bendi uygulanır.

Unless otherwise agreed, the regular Aksine anlaşma yoksa, normal

billing period is quarterly. faturalandırma dönemi üç ayda birdir.

10.5 Maintenance and support services 10.5 Bakım ve destek hizmetleri Lisans
are invoiced by the Licensor on a Veren tarafından üç aylık bazda peşin
quarterly basis in advance. olarak faturalandırılır.

10.6 The remuneration is due and 10.6 Ücret, kesinti olmaksızın,

payable without deductions within faturalandırma tarihinden itibaren net
thirty (30) days net starting from the otuz (30) gün içinde ödenmelidir.
invoicing date. Except as provided Yürürlükteki mevzuatın emredici
for by mandatory applicable laws hükümleri aksini belirtmedikçe (ör.,
(e.g., in case of warranty claims madde 11’e, tabi olarak garanti
subject to clause 11, or a pre-mature iddiaları veya Lisans Alan tarafından
termination of a time-limited license madde 17.5 uyarınca süre sınırlı bir
by the Licensee pursuant to clause lisansın erken feshi durumu), Lisans
17.5, all payment obligations under Sözleşmeleri ve/veya Bakım
any and all License Agreements Sözleşmeleri kapsamındaki hiçbir
and/or Maintenance Agreement are ödeme yükümlülüğü, iptal edilmez ve
non-cancellable and all payments ödemeler iade edilmez.
made are non-refundable.

10.7 For Cloud Products, other Licensed 10.7 Bulut Ürünleri, sınırlı bir süre için
Software provided for a limited sağlanan diğer Lisanslı Yazılımlar, ve
period, and maintenance and bakım ve destek hizmetleri için, Lisans
support services, the Licensor is Veren ikinci Sözleşme Döneminden
entitled once per Contractual Year başlayarak her Sözleşme Döneminde
beginning upon the second bir kez, fiyat yapısını üçüncü-kişi
Contractual Year, with three (3) tedarikçilerin veya hizmet
months’ advance notice, to increase sağlayıcıların zamları, artan bordro
the prices agreed for the current giderleri ve tedarik üzerine ödenecek
contract with effect for the future, in vergilere yapılan zamlar dahil olmak

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 161/194

order to adjust the price structure to üzere, Lisanslı Yazılımın temin ve
altered costs for the procurement tedarikinin ve/veya bakım ve destek
and provision of the Licensed hizmetlerinin değişen maliyetlerine
Software and/or the maintenance göre ayarlamak için, üç (3) ay
and support services, including price önceden bildirimde bulunarak, güncel
increases of third-party suppliers or sözleşme için üzerinde anlaşılan
service providers, higher wage costs fiyatları, gelecek dönemler için geçerli
and increases in the tax to be paid olmak üzere, söz konusu zamanda
upon procurement, but by a geçerli fiyata göre maksimum yüzde
maximum of ten percent (10 %) in on (%10) kadar artırma hakkına
comparison with the price valid at the sahiptir.
time in question.

10.8 If the Licensee defaults on payment, 10.8 Eğer Lisans Alan ödemede temerrüde
the Licensor is entitled to charge düşerse, Lisans Veren (i) yürürlükteki
default interest (i) at the maximum mevzuatın izin verdiği azami tutarda,
amount allowed by applicable veya (ii) yıllık yüzde dokuz (%9)
statutory law, or (ii) of nine percent (hangisi daha düşükse) oranında
(9 %) p.a., depending on which is temerrüt faizi uygulama hakkına
lesser. Other rights of the Licensor, sahiptir. Lisans Verenin diğer hakları,
especially compensation claims, özellikle tazminat talepleri,
remain unaffected. etkilenmeden kalacaktır.

10.9 The Licensee is only entitled to offset 10.9 Lisans Alan sadece, Lisans Verenin
or withhold payments on the basis of itiraz etmediği iddialara, veya yetkili bir
claims that are undisputed by the mahkeme tarafından kesin karara
Licensor, or claims that have been bağlanan tazminat taleplerine
finally awarded by a competent istinaden ödemelerden mahsup veya
court. kesinti yapma hakkına sahiptir.



11.1 Solely for Licensed Software 11.1 Sadece ücret karşılığı verilen Lisanslı
provided for a fee, the Licensor Yazılımlar için, Lisans Veren, Lisanslı
covenants that the Licensed Yazılımın Ürün Açıklamasında
Software will perform as described in açıklandığı gibi performans
the Product Description. For the göstereceğini taahhüt eder. Bulut
Cloud Products, the foregoing Ürünleri için, yukarıdaki taahhüt
covenant will apply only during the sadece üzerinde anlaşılan uygunluk
period of the agreed availability süreci boyunca geçerli olacaktır
(clause 27.4). If the performance (madde 27.4). Eğer bu madde
standard in this clause 11.1 is not 11.1’deki performans standardı,
met due to Licensor’s fault other than Lisans Verenin ağır kusur dışında bir
gross fault, the Licensee’s sole and kusuru nedeniyle karşılanamazsa,
exclusive remedy is to request a Lisans Alanın yegane ve münhasır
repair of the defect from Licensor çaresi, Lisans Verenden madde 11.2
pursuant to clause 11.2. Upon uyarınca kusurun giderilmesini talep
Licensor’s receipt of the foregoing etmektir. Lisans Verenin yukarıdaki
request, Licensor may at its solely talebi alması üzerine, Lisans Veren
discretion remedy this defect by tamamen kendi takdirine göre, bu

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 162/194

repairing it or by supplying defect- ayıbı gidererek ya da ayıp içermeyen
free Licensed Software. The bir Lisanslı Yazılım temin ederek
Licensor also may remedy the defect giderebilir. Lisans Veren ayrıca ayıp,
by providing an SW Update or SW SW Güncellemesi veya SW
Upgrade. The Licensor bears no Yükseltmesi sağlayarak da giderebilir.
responsibility for the Licensed Lisans Veren, Lisans Alanın
Software that meets the expectations beklentilerini karşılayan Lisanslı
of the Licensee. Yazılımdan sorumlu değildir.

11.2 The Licensee must notify the 11.2 Lisans Alan, açık ayıplar için
Licensor in writing of obvious defects gecikmeksizin fakat en geç iki (2) gün
without delay but at the latest within içinde, diğer ayıpları ise en az sekiz
two (2) days, and of other defects at (8) gün içinde yazılı olarak Lisans
least within eight (8) days and Verene bildirmeli ve hataya sebep
describe the error symptoms in olan durumları detaylı olarak
detail. This period starts (i) for açıklamalıdır. Bu süre, (i) açık ayıplar
obvious defects, upon provision of için, Lisanslı Yazılımın temini üzerine,
the Licensed Software, (ii) for other (ii) diğer ayıplar için, ayıbın fark
defects, upon discovery of the edilmesiyle başlar. Daimi olarak temin
defect. For perpetually provided edilen Lisanslı Yazılımlar için,
Licensed Software, the warranty for zamanında bildirilmeyen ayıplar
defects not reported on time shall be garanti kapsamı dışında tutulacaktır.

11.3 The Licensor warrants that the 11.3 Lisans Veren, Avrupa Birliği, EFTA,
Licensed Software within the ABD ve Çin’de Lisanslı Yazılımın,
European Union, EFTA, US and Lisanslı Yazılımın yukarıda belirtilen
China is not subject to third party memleketlerde Lisans Alan tarafından
claims for infringement of their akdi olarak mutabık kalınan
intellectual property rights that impair kullanımına halel getirebilecek şekilde
the contractually agreed use of the üçüncü kişilerin fikri mülkiyet hakkı
Licensed Software in the ihlal iddiasına konu olmadığını garanti
aforementioned territories by eder.

11.4 If third parties assert claims before 11.4 Eğer garanti süresi (madde 11.8)
expiration of the warranty period dolmadan önce, üçüncü kişiler Lisans
(clause 11.8) against the Licensee Alan aleyhinde, madde 11.3’te
for infringement of intellectual belirtilen memleketlerden birisinde
property rights within one of the kendilerinin fikri mülkiyet haklarının
territories listed in clause 11.3, the ihlal edildiğini ileri sürerse, Lisans
Licensee’s sole and exclusive Alanın yegane ve münhasır çaresi,
remedy is to request Licensor to Lisans Verenin bu ayıbı gidermesini
remedy this defect. Licensor may talep etmektir. Lisans Veren bu ayıbı
remedy this defect at its sole tamamen kendi takdirine göre (i)
discretion by (i) acquiring the Lisanslı Yazılımın üçüncü-kişi fikri
necessary rights for the Licensee so mülkiyet haklarını artık ihlal
that the Licensed Software no longer etmeyeceği şekilde, Lisans Alan için
infringes any third-party intellectual gerekli hakları edinmek, (ii) Lisanslı
property rights, (ii) replacing the Yazılımı, benzer işleve sahip ve
Licensed Software wholly or partly herhangi bir ihlale yol açmayan başka
with another product with similar bir ürünle tamamen veya kısmen
functionality that causes no değiştirmek, veya (iii) benzer işlevi

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 163/194

infringement, or (iii) modifying the korurken, üçüncü-kişilerin fikri
Licensed Software in such a way that mülkiyet haklarının ihlal edilmeyeceği
no third-party intellectual property şekilde Lisanslı Yazılımı düzeltmek
rights are infringed while maintaining suretiyle giderebilir; bu, bir SW
similar functionality; this can be done Güncellemesi veya SW Yükseltmesi
by providing an SW Update or SW sağlayarak yapılabilir.

11.5 Subject to Licensee’s compliance 11.5 Lisans Alanın bu Yazılım Lisansı

with these Software License Terms, Koşulları uyması şartıyla ve (i) söz
the Licensor shall indemnify the konusu hak talebinden Lisans Vereni
Licensee against any claims of third gecikmeksizin yazılı olarak haberdar
parties within the meaning of clause etmesi; (ii) Lisans Verenin talep
11.3 awarded by a court provided edeceği bütün makul desteği Lisans
that the Licensee (i) informs the Verene sağlaması, ve (iii) giderleri
Licensor in writing without delay Lisans Verene ait olmak üzere o hak
about such a claim; (ii) provides the talebine karşı savunma ve uzlaşma
Licensor with all reasonable support konusunda, taraflar arasındaki tek
requested by the Licensor, and (iii) kontrol ve karar verme yetkisini Lisans
gives the Licensor as between the Verene vermesi halinde Lisans Veren
parties the sole control and decision- Lisans Alanı, üçüncü kişilerin bir
making power about defending and mahkeme tarafından karara bağlanan
settling such a claim at the madde 11.3 anlamındaki hak
Licensor’s expense. The Licensor taleplerine karşı tazmin edecektir.
will indemnify the Licensee in this Lisans Veren, Lisans Alanın bu
respect against any court fees and kapsamda yapacağı her türlü
fees for the Licensee’s lawyer mahkeme masraflarını ve Lisans
necessary to defend against claims Alanın taleplere karşı yapılan
up to the value of the statutory fees. savunmalarından doğacak avukatlık
Any lawyer’s fees exceeding that ücretlerini, yasal sınırları aşmamak
amount shall be assumed only with kaydıyla tazmin etmeyi taahhüt eder.
the prior written consent of the Bu tutarları aşan avukatlık ücretleri
Licensor. The indemnification ancak Lisans Verenin önceden yazılı
obligation does not apply if the izniyle üstlenilir. Eğer fikri mülkiyet
Licensor is not responsible for the haklarının ihlalinden Lisans Veren
infringement of intellectual property sorumlu değilse, tazminat hükmü
rights. geçerli olmayacaktır.

11.6 The Licensee is only entitled to 11.6 Lisans Alan ancak Lisans Verenin
remedy defects itself or have third açıkça ve kesin olarak kusuru
parties remedy them if the Licensor gidermeyi reddetmesi veya makul bir
genuinely and definitively refuses to süre geçtikten sonra dahi kusuru
remedy the defect or takes no gidermek için uygun bir tedbir
appropriate measures to remedy the almaması halinde, kusuru kendisi
defect even after a reasonable grace giderme veya üçüncü kişilerce
period has expired. giderilmesini sağlama hakkına sahip

11.7 If the Licensor demonstrates that 11.7 Lisans Verenin bu madde 11

there was no defect for which it is hükümleri uyarınca kendi
responsible according to the sorumluluğunu gerektiren bir kusuru
provisions in this clause 11, the bulunmadığını ispat etmesi halinde,
Licensor may request the Licensee Lisans Veren, Lisans Alanın, iddia

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 164/194

to reimburse the Licensor for its ettiği kusuru zamanında ve esaslı
expenses related to its activities to olarak gidermek için yaptığı
remedy the alleged defect on a time masrafları, Lisans Verenin yürürlükteki
and material basis at the generally genel ücret esasına göre iade
applicable rates of the Licensor. etmesini talep edebilir.

11.8 Notwithstanding anything to the 11.8 Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları (özellikle

contrary in these Software License sınırlama olmaksızın madde 11.9’da)
Terms (in particular without limitation saklı kalmak kaydıyla, kendisine
clause 11.9), for any Licensee who Lisanslı Yazılımı daimi kullanım hakkı
has been granted a perpetual right of verilmiş bir Lisans Alan için, ve madde
use the Licensed Software, and 12.1 kapsamında hariç tutulan hak
except for the types of claims talebi türleri (yani, kast veya ağır
exempted under clause 12.1 (i.e., kusur, veya bedensel zararlar) hariç,
willful misconduct or gross Lisanslı Yazılımın performans
negligence, or personal injury), the standartlarını veya diğer performans
Licensee’s claims related to any beklentilerini karşılamaması ile ilgili
failure by the Licensed Software to Lisans Alanın talepleri, Lisanslı
meet performance standards or other Yazılımın aslen alınmasından on iki
performance expectations become (12) ay sonra zamanaşımına uğrar.
time-barred upon twelve (12) months DOLAYISIYLA, YUKARIDAKİ ON İKİ
the original purchase of the Licensed (12) AYLIK DÖNEMİN SONUNDA,

11.9 To the extent permitted by applicable 11.9 Uygulanabilen kanunun izin verdiği
law, and except when otherwise ölçüde, ve Yazılı Şekilde başka
stated in Written Form, Licensed türlüsünün belirtildiği durumlar hariç,
Software provided free of charge is ücretsiz sağlanan Lisanslı Yazılım,
provides “as is” without warranty of ticarete elverişliliğe ve belli bir amaca
any kind, either expressed or uygunluğa dair zımni garantiler dahil
implied, including, but not limited to, ancak bunlarla sınırlı olmaksızın, açık
the implied warranties of veya zımni hiçbir garanti olmaksızın
merchantability and fitness for a “olduğu gibi” temin edilmektedir.
particular purpose.

11.10 Clause 11 conclusively describes the 11.10 Madde 11‘de, Lisans Verenin garanti
scope of Licensor’s warranty yükümlülüklerinin kapsamı kesin
obligations. olarak açıklanmaktadır.


12.1 To the extent allowed by applicable 12.1 Yürürlükteki mevzuatın izin verdiği
laws or statutes, and except for ölçüde, ve (a) Lisans Verenin kasıtlı
liabilities resulting from (a) Licensor’s eyleminden veya ağır kusurundan
willful misconduct or gross veya (b) Lisans Verene verdiği
negligence or (b) Licensor’s personal bedensel zararlardan doğan
injury, Licensor will not be liable sorumluluklar haricinde, Lisans Veren
(whether in contract or tort) to bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarından

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 165/194

Licensee for any consequential, kaynaklanan veya bununla ilgili arızi,
incidental, indirect, or exemplary tali, dolaylı, veya emsal niteliğinde
damages arising out of or relating to hiçbir zarardan (gerek akdi herekse
these Software License Terms. haksız fiil kapsamında) Lisans Alana
karşı sorumlu olmayacaktır.

12.2 To the extent allowed by applicable 12.2 Yürürlükteki mevzuatın izin verdiği
laws or statutes, and except for ölçüde, ve (a) Lisans Verenin kasıtlı
liabilities resulting from (a) Licensor’s eyleminden veya ağır kusurundan
willful misconduct or gross veya (b) Lisans Verene verdiği
negligence or (b) personal injury bedensel zararlardan doğan
caused by Licensor, Licensor’s sorumluluklar haricinde, Lisans
aggregate liability arising out of these Verenin bu Yazılım Lisansı
Software License Terms will not Koşullarından kaynaklanan toplam
exceed the fees paid by Licensee yükümlülüğü, Lisans Verenin
during the twelve (12) months yükümlülüğüne sebebiyet veren
preceding the incident giving rise to olaydan önceki on iki (12) aylık
Licensor’s liability (if Licensee dönemde Lisans Alan tarafından
received the Licensed Software free ödenmiş ücretlerden fazla olamaz
of charge, Licensor’s aggregate (eğer Lisans Alan Lisanslı Yazılımı
liability will not exceed EUR 5). ücretsiz almışsa, Lisans Verenin
toplam yükümlülüğü 5 Avrodan fazla

12.3 The Licensee is required to 12.3 Lisans Alan en az günde bir kez
adequately back up data and for this verileri yeterince yedeklemek ve bu
purpose to make backup copies of all amaçla bütün verilerin ve programların
data and programs in machine- makinede okunabilir formatta yedek
readable form at least once a day. If kopyalarını almak zorundadır. Eğer
there is a data loss that is the fault of Lisans Verenin bir hatası sonucu veri
the Licensor, the Licensor’s kaybı olursa, Lisans Verenin toplam
aggregate liability is limited to the yükümlülüğü, Lisans Alanın yukarıda
reasonable and actual costs of belirtilen vecibeyi yerine getirerek
restoring data that the Licensee veya diğer makul tedbirleri alarak
could not have prevented the loss of kaybını önleyememiş olacağı verileri
by meeting the aforementioned geri kurtarmanın makul ve fiili
obligation or by taking other maliyetleriyle sınırlıdır.
reasonable measures.

12.4 For avoidance of doubt, this clause 12.4 Tereddütlere mahal vermemek adına,
12 applies to personal liability of bu madde 12, Lisans Verenin
employees, representatives and çalışanlarının, temsilcilerinin ve
agents of the Licensor. vekillerinin kişisel yükümlülüğü için


13.1 The Licensee shall maintain the 13.1 Lisans Alan, Lisans Verenin Gizli
confidentiality of any Confidential Bilgilerinin gizliliğini koruyacak ve
Information of the Licensor and not bunları üçüncü kişilere açıklamayacak
disclose it or make it accessible to veya üçüncü kişilerin erişimine
third parties. This obligation survives açmayacaktır. Bu hüküm, ilgili Lisans

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 166/194

for a period of five (5) years after the Sözleşmesinin ve/veya Bakım
end of the relevant License Sözleşmesinin sona ermesinden
Agreement and/or Maintenance sonra beş (5) yıl süreyle yürürlükte
Agreement. kalacaktır.

13.2 Confidential Information does not 13.2 Gizli Bilgiler aşağıdaki bilgileri
include such information kapsamaz

a) that the Licensee verifiably a) Lisans Alanın, ilgili Lisans

already knew upon entering Sözleşmesine ve/veya Bakım
into the relevant License Sözleşmesine girerken zaten
Agreement and/or bildiğini ortaya koyabildiği, veya
Maintenance Agreement or sonradan, açıklamama
that later becomes known from sözleşmesi, yasal hükümler
a third party without any veya resmi emirler ihlal
infringement of a non- edilmeden bir üçüncü kişilerden
disclosure agreement, edindiği;
statutory provisions or official

b) that is publicly known upon b) Lisans Sözleşmesine ve/veya

entering into the relevant Bakım Sözleşmesine girerken
License Agreement and/or kamuya mal olmuş, veya bu
Maintenance Agreement or Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarının
later becomes publicly known, ihlali nedeniyle olmadıkça,
unless this is due to an sonradan kamuya mal olan
infringement of these Software bilgiler;
License Terms;

13.3 If Confidential Information has to be 13.3 Eğer Gizli Bilgilerin yasal

disclosed due to statutory obligations yükümlülükler nedeniyle veya bir
or by order of a court or an authority, mahkemenin veya resmi makamın
the Licensee, insofar as legally emriyle açıklanması zorunlu olursa,
admissible, shall first inform the Lisans Alan, kanunen mümkün olduğu
Licensor and give it the opportunity kadarıyla, öncelikle Lisans Verene
to take action against the disclosure. haber verecek ve ifşaya karşı tedbir
alma fırsatını ona tanıyacaktır.

13.4 If the parties enter into a separate 13.4 Eğer taraflar, Lisans Sözleşmesine
agreement on confidentiality before taraf olmadan önce veya sonra ayrı bir
or after entering into the License gizlilik sözleşmesi imzalarsa, çelişki
Agreement, the relevant agreement halinde taraflar arasında imzalanan
takes precedence over the sözleşme bu madde 13 hükümlerinin
provisions of this clause 13 in the yerine geçer.
event of any contradictions.


14.1 In execution of the contract, the 14.1 Sözleşmeyi yerine getirirken, Lisans
Licensor processes personal data of Veren Lisans Alanın ve ilgili
the Licensee and its involved çalışanlarının ve üçüncü kişilerin
employees (name, contact details, kişilerin (Kullanıcılar gibi) kişisel

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other personal data for contract verilerini (isim, iletişim bilgileri,
execution), as well as of any other sözleşmenin ifası için diğer kişisel
people (such as Users) to the extent veriler), ilgili lisanslama modelini
this is necessary for proper hesaba katarak sözleşmenin gereği
performance of the contract taking gibi ifası için gerekli olduğu ölçüde
into account the relevant licensing işler. Bu amaçlarla, Lisans Alan,
model. For this purposes, Licensee verileri işlenenlerin, bu Sözleşmenin
shall obtain explicit consent of the hükümleri ışığında verilerinin
data subjects regarding processing işlenmesi konusunda açık
their data in light of the provisions of muvafakatlerini alacak ve Lisans
this agreement and makes the best Verenin Türkiye’deki kişisel verilerin
efforts in order for the Licensor to koruması mevzuatına uyması için en
comply with the personal data iyi gayretini sarf edecektir.
protection legislation in Turkey.

14.2 The Licensor shall comply with the 14.2 Lisans Veren, Lisans Verenin bu
data protection laws applicable to the Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları
Licensor’s services under these kapsamındaki hizmetleri için geçerli
Software License Terms. Insofar as olan veri koruma kanunlarına
the Licensee receives personal data uyacaktır. Lisans Alan Lisans
of the Licensor, the Licensee is Verenden kişisel veriler aldığı ölçüde,
likewise required to comply with the Lisans Alan da benzer şekilde,
applicable data protection laws. uygulanabilen veri koruması
Personal data of which the Licensee kanunlarına uymak zorundadır. Lisans
obtains knowledge may be Alanın edindiği kişisel veriler, Lisans
processed by the Licensee only to Alan tarafından sadece sözleşmeyi
execute the contract and shall in no icra etmek için işlenecek ve hiçbir
event be shared, sold or otherwise durumda yukarıda belirtilenlerin
made available to third parties for dışında hiçbir amaçla üçüncü kişilerle
purposes other than the paylaşılmayacak, satılmayacak veya
aforementioned ones. üçüncü kişilerin erişimine


15.1 The Licensor is entitled to take 15.1 Lisans Veren, Lisanslı Yazılımın
legally permissible technical Lisans Alan tarafından sözleşmeye
measures to monitor and/or ensure uygun kullanıldığını izlemek ve/veya
the contractual use of the Licensed bundan emin olmak için kanunen izin
Software by the Licensee, e.g., verilen, ör., lisans anahtarları, dongle,
license keys, dongles, license lisans sunucuları veya Lisans Alanın
servers or logging of the Licensee’s teknik kullanım verilerinin
technical usage data. The Licensee kaydedilmesi gibi teknik tedbirler alma
undertakes not to disable, modify hakkına sahiptir. Lisans Alan bu
and/or circumvent such measures or tedbirleri engellememeyi,
to attempt to do any of the foregoing. değiştirmemeyi ve/veya önlememeyi
ve bunlara teşebbüs etmemeyi
taahhüt eder.

15.2 The Licensor is entitled to audit the 15.2 Lisans Verenin Lisanslı Yazılımın
Licensee solely for the purpose of Lisans Alan tarafından kullanıldığını
verifying the use of the Licensed doğrulamak için makul fakat eşit

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 168/194

Software by the Licensee (but at olarak etkin bir başka fırsatı olmaması
most once every twelve (12) şartıyla, Lisans Veren Lisans Alanı
months), provided the Licensor has sadece, Lisanslı Yazılımın Lisans Alan
no other reasonable but equally tarafından kullanıldığını doğrulamak
effective opportunity to verify the use için (fakat her on iki (12) ayda en fazla
of the Licensed Software by the bir kez) denetleme hakkına sahiptir.
Licensee. Such audit may only be Bu denetim ancak profesyonel veya
carried out by an independent diğer bir açıklamama yükümlülüğüne
auditor who is subject to a tabi bir bağımsız denetçi tarafından
professional or other non-disclosure yürütülebilir. Denetçi, Lisans Verene
obligation. The auditor may only sadece Lisans Verenin fikri mülkiyeti
provide information to the Licensor to üzerindeki hakların ileri sürülmesi ve
the extent necessary for the icrası için gerektiği ölçüde bilgi
assertion and enforcement of rights verebilecektir. Denetim, Lisans Alanın
to the Licensor’s intellectual property. Lisans Verene ait fikri mülkiyet
The Licensor shall bear the costs of haklarını önemsiz olmayan bir
such audit unless the audit shows derecede ihlal ettiğini göstermedikçe,
that the Licensee infringed the denetimin maliyetlerine Lisans Veren
Licensor’s intellectual property rights katlanacak; aksi halde denetçinin
to a not just immaterial extent; in the maliyetlerini Lisans Alan ödeyecektir.
latter case the Licensee shall pay the
auditor’s costs.

15.3 The Licensee shall cooperate with 15.3 Lisans Alan Lisans Verenle bu
the Licensor in this regard; in bağlamda işbirliği yapacaktır; özellikle,
particular, it shall (a) at the (a) Lisans Verenin talebi halinde, bir
Licensor’s request, produce a license lisans raporu çıkaracak, (b) Lisanslı
report, (b) allow visits and/or audits Yazılımın kullanımını izlemek,
on site by the auditor to monitor, değerlendirmek ve doğrulamak için
assess and verify the use of the normal çalışma saatlerinde ve yeterli
Licensed Software during normal süre önceden bildirimle denetçinin
business hours and with sufficient ziyaretlerine ve/veya yerinde
advance notice. When the audit is denetimlerine izin verecektir. Denetim
conducted, both parties must yürütüldüğünde, iki taraf da
observe the applicable data uygulanabilen veri koruma
protection laws. The Licensee must kanunlarına uymalıdır. Lisans Alan,
ensure that no personal data are denetçiye ve/veya Lisans Verene
provided to the auditor and/or the denetimle ilgili olarak hiçbir kişisel veri
Licensor in connection with the audit. verilmemesini sağlamalıdır. Eğer
If and insofar as the audit cannot be denetçiye kişisel veri temin etmeden
carried out without providing denetim yürütülemezse ve
personal data to the auditor, the yürütülemeyeceği ölçüde, Lisans Alan
Licensee shall take the necessary sadece denetimin yürütülmesi için
measures to ensure that only the gereken kişisel verilerin temin
personal data necessary for the audit edilmesini sağlamak için gerekli
to be conducted is provided. tedbirleri alacaktır.

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16.1 The Licensee is responsible for 16.1 Lisans Alan, Lisanslı Yazılımı
ensuring that its use of the Licensed kullanmasının, Lisans Alanın tabi
Software is compatible with all olduğu bütün yasal ve idari
statutory and regulatory zorunluluklara uygun olmasını
requirements applicable to the sağlamaktan sorumludur.

16.2 The Licensee is informed that the 16.2 Lisans Alan, Türkiye’nin, Lisans
export of the Licensed Software, Verenin ve/veya Lisans Alanın
information and documentation bulunduğu ülkelerin, Avrupa Birliği
according to the relevant export ve/veya Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinin
provisions of the Turkey, the ilgili ihracat hükümlerine (ABD
countries in which the Licensor ihracat/reeksport hükümleri) göre
and/or the Licensee is located, the Lisanslı Yazılım, bilgi ve belgelerin
European Union and/or the United ihracatının – ör., türü veya amacı veya
States of America (US (re-)export nihai lokasyonu nedeniyle – izin
provisions) – e.g., due to its type or gerektirebileceği veya men ve buna
purpose or final location – may aykırılıkların cezai kovuşturmaya tabi
require authorization or may be olabileceği konusunda
excluded and any contravention bilgilendirilmiştir. Dolayısıyla, bütün
subject to criminal prosecution. The ulusal veya uluslararası çapta
Licensee is therefore responsible for uygulanabilen bütün ihracat/reeksport
strictly observing all nationally or hükümlerine ve her durumda AB çifte
internationally applicable (re-)export kullanım ve yaptırım kanununa mutlak
provisions and in any case the EU surette uymaktan ve varsa gerekli
dual use and sanction law and izinleri almaktan Lisans Alan
obtaining any necessary permits. sorumludur. Dolayısıyla Lisans Alan
The Licensee therefore undertakes özellikle aşağıdakileri kontrol etmeyi
to check and ensure in particular that ve sağlamayı taahhüt eder

a) insofar as the Licensed a) savunmayla ilgili, nükleer veya

Software, information and silahlarla ilgili kullanım için,
documentation may be özellikle ulusal olmak üzere ilgili
supplied for defense-related, makamlardan izinle askeri bir
nuclear or weapon-related use alıcıya Lisanslı Yazılım, bilgi ve
or delivered to a military belge temin veya teslim
recipient with authorization edilebileceği durumlar
from the relevant, in particular bakımından, Lisanslı Yazılım,
national, authorities, all bilgi ve belgenin temininden
authorizations must be önce o makamlardan ve Lisans
obtained from the authorities Verenden bütün izinlerin
and Licensor in advance of the önceden alınması;
supplying of the Licensed
Software, information and

b) the relevant UN resolutions, b) ilgili BM kararlarına, AB

EU Regulations and Turkish Yönetmeliklerine ve Türk
laws and other applicable laws kanunlarına ve yetkili

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 170/194

and regulations of the makamların diğer uygulanabilen
competent authorities are kanunlarına ve yönetmeliklerine
observed; uyulması;

c) no Licensed Software, c) ilgili yaptırım listelerinde adı

information and documentation geçen kişilere ve şirketlere
is provided directly or indirectly doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak
to the persons and companies hiçbir Lisanslı Yazılım, bilgi ve
listed on the relevant sanction belgenin temin edilmemesi.

16.3 The supply and service obligations 16.3 İlgili Lisans Sözleşmesi kapsamındaki
under the relevant License temin ve hizmet yükümlülükleri
Agreement (contract performance) (sözleşmenin ifası), ifayı engelleyen
are subject to the condition that no ulusal veya uluslararası hükümlere
obstacles or prohibitions based on istinaden hiçbir engel veya yasak,
national or international provisions, özellikle ihracat kontrol yönetmelikleri,
especially export control regulations, ambargolar veya diğer yaptırımlar
embargoes or other sanctions olmaması şartına tabidir. Taraflar
prevent performance. The parties ihracat/sevkiyat/ithalat için gereken
undertake to provide all information bütün bilgileri ve dokümanları temin
and documents needed for the etmeyi taahhüt eder. İhracat kontrolleri
export/shipment/import. Any delays veya izin prosedürleri nedeniyle
due to export controls or herhangi bir gecikme olması, üzerinde
authorization procedures nullify anlaşılan son tarihleri ve teslimat
agreed deadlines and delivery times. zamanlarını hükümsüz kılar. Eğer izni
If the necessary authorizations are alması gereken tarafın doğru şekilde
not issued despite proper application başvuru yapmasına rağmen gerekli
by the party required to do so, with izinler alınamazsa, Lisans
respect to the affected parts the Sözleşmesinin etkilenen bölümleri
License Agreement shall be deemed akdedilmemiş sayılacaktır; bu
not concluded; damage claims in this bağlamdaki tazminat talepleri ve bunla
respect and related of the ilgili olarak yukarıda belirtildiği gibi son
aforementioned exceeding of tarihlerin aşılması hariç tutulacaktır.
deadlines are excluded.

16.4 The Licensor shall specify the 16.4 Lisans Veren, talep halinde Lisans
relevant points of contact for further Alana ilave bilgi vermek için irtibat
information to the Licensee on kurulacak kişileri bildirecektir.

16.5 If the Licensee infringes its 16.5 Eğer Lisans Alan bu madde 16
obligations under this clause 16, it kapsamındaki yükümlülüklerini ihlal
shall indemnify the Licensor upon ederse, Lisans Vereni, Lisans Verenin
first demand against all claims and alt-tedarikçilerinin, hak sahiplerinin,
compensate all damages that sub- diğer üçüncü kişiler veya hükümet
suppliers of the Licensor, rights ve/veya uluslararası otoritelerin veya
holders, other third parties or organizasyonların Lisans Verene karşı
government and/or international ileri sürdüğü bütün tazminat
authorities or organizations assert taleplerine karşı (ihlalden Lisans
towards the Licensor, unless the Alanın sorumlu olmadığı durumlar
Licensee is not responsible for the hariç) ilk talepte tazmin edecek ve beri

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 171/194

infringement. kılacaktır.


17.1 These Software License Terms shall 17.1 Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları, Lisans
continue to apply for as long as the Alan bir Lisans Sözleşmesi
Licensee is entitled to use the kapsamında Lisanslı Yazılım kullanma
Licensed Software under a License hakkına sahip olduğu sürece geçerli
Agreement. olmaya devam edecektir.

17.2 Therefore, no term is provided for in 17.2 Dolayısıyla, daimi olarak temin edilen
the case of perpetually provided Lisanslı Yazılımlar için herhangi bir
Licensed Software. süre öngörülmemektedir.

17.3 For temporarily provided Licensed 17.3 Geçici olarak temin edilen Lisanslı
Software and for maintenance and Yazılımlar için ve bakım ve destek
support services, the relevant hizmetleri için, ilgili Lisans Sözleşmesi
License Agreement and/or ve/veya Bakım Sözleşmesinin bir ilk
Maintenance Agreement contains an süresi bulunmaktadır. Aksi üzerinde
initial term. Unless otherwise agreed, anlaşılmadıkça, geçici olarak temin
the initial term of a License edilen bir Lisanslı Yazılım için Lisans
Agreement for temporarily provided Sözleşmesinin ilk dönemi, alındığı
Licensed Software runs until the end takvim yılının sonuna kadardır. Aynı
of the calendar year in which it is husus, Bakım Sözleşmesinin ilk
purchased. The same applies for the dönemi için de geçerlidir.
initial term of a Maintenance

17.4 The Licensor and Licensee may 17.4 Lisans Veren ve Lisans Alan, süre
terminate any time-limited License sınırlı bir Lisans Sözleşmesini ve/veya
Agreement and/or any Maintenance Bakım Sözleşmesini ilk dönemden
Agreement after the initial term ve/veya bir Uzatma Döneminden
and/or any Extension Period (as (aşağıda tanımlandığı üzere) sonra,
defined below) with three (3) months’ ilgili sürenin dolmasından üç (3) ay
notice prior to the expiry of the önce yapılan ihbarla feshedebilir. Eğer
applicable term. If the relevant ilgili Lisans Sözleşmesi ve/veya Bakım
License Agreement and/or Sözleşmesi zamanında
Maintenance Agreement is not feshedilmezse, her seferinde on ikişer
terminated in time, it shall be (12) aylık sürelerle uzatılacaktır
extended by another twelve (12) (“Uzatma Dönemi”).
months each (“Extension Period”).

17.5 Each Party may terminate a time- 17.5 İki Taraf da, süre sınırlı bir Lisans
limited License Agreement and/or a Sözleşmesini ve/veya Yazılı Bakım
Maintenance Agreement in writing sözleşmesini, haklı sebeple ihbarsız
without notice for cause. A cause yazılı olarak feshedebilir. Özellikle
justifies termination by the Licensor eğer Lisans Alan, Lisanslı Yazılımı bu
particularly if the Licensee has Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarında izin
infringed the rights of use of the verilenin ötesinde bir derecede
Licensor by using the Licensed kullanarak Lisans Verenin kullanım
Software to an extent beyond that haklarını ihlal etmişse ve bu ihlale

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 172/194

permitted in these Software License Lisans Verenin uyarısından itibaren on
Terms and does not cease this dört (14) gün içinde son vermezse, bu
infringement within fourteen (14) durum Lisans Veren tarafından feshin
days of a warning by the Licensor. bir haklı sebebini oluşturur.

17.6 If a time-limited License Agreement 17.6 Eğer süre sınırlı bir Lisans Sözleşmesi
is terminated, the Licensee shall feshedilirse, Lisans Alan
cease using the Licensed Software gecikmeksizin Lisanslı Yazılımı
and remove all installed copies of kullanmaya son verecek ve bu
this Licensed Software from its Lisanslı Yazılımın kurulmuş bütün
computers and return to the Licensor kopyalarını bilgisayarlarından
at its choice any backup copies kaldıracak ve varsa çıkarılmış
made without delay. Upon kopyalarını, Lisans Verenin tercihine
corresponding written request by the göre ona iade edecektir. Lisans
Licensor, the Licensee shall, instead Verenin buna dair yazılı talebi halinde,
of returning them, irrevocably destroy Lisans Alan bunları iade etmek yerine,
all copies of the Licensed Software Lisanslı Yazılımın bütün kopyalarını,
according to the appropriate Lisans Verenin talimatlarına göre, geri
instructions of the Licensor such that kurtarılamayacak şekilde imha
they cannot be restored. The edecektir. Lisans Alan, talebi
Licensee shall confirm to the almasından itibaren otuz (30) gün
Licensor within thirty (30) days of içinde, Lisans Alanın yukarıdaki
receipt of the request that the yükümlülükleri yerine getirdiğini Lisans
Licensee has met the above Verene teyit edecektir.

17.7 All notices regarding a party’s intent 17.7 Bir tarafın bir Lisans Sözleşmesini
to terminate a License Agreement ve/veya bir Bakım Sözleşmesini
and/or a Maintenance Agreement feshetme niyetine dair bildirimlerin
require Written Form to be valid. geçerli olması için Yazılı Şekil şartı

17.8 The provisions of these Software 17.8 Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarının, kendi
License Terms which, by their terms, koşullarına göre, bu Yazılım Lisansı
require performance after the Koşullarının feshinden veya süresinin
termination or expiration of these dolmasından sonra ifayı gerektiren,
Software License Terms, or have veya bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarının
application to events that may occur feshinden veya süresinin dolmasından
after the termination or expiration of sonra gerçekleşebilecek olaylara
these Software License Terms, will uygulanabilecek hükümleri, bu Yazılım
survive the termination or expiration Lisansı Koşullarının feshinden veya
of these Software License Terms. süresinin dolmasından sonra da
The foregoing includes clauses 6.3, yürürlükte kalacaktır. Yukarıdaki
10.8, 12, 13, 16, 18.1 and 18.2 - husus, madde 6.3, 10.8, 12, 13, 16,
18.7. 18.1 ve 18.2 - 18.7’i kapsar.


18.1 Licensee’s General Terms and 18.1 Lisans Alanın Genel Hüküm ve
Conditions do not apply. Koşulları uygulanmaz.

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18.2 Governing Law and Venue 18.2 Uygulanacak Hukuk ve Yargı Yeri

18.2.1 Any License Agreement, 18.2.1 Herhangi bir Lisans Sözleşmesi,

Maintenance Agreement and these Bakım Sözleşmesi ve bu Yazılım
Software License Terms are Lisansı Koşulları, münhasıran Türkiye
governed exclusively by the laws of Cumhuriyeti kanunlarına tabidir.
the Turkey.

18.2.2 All disputes arising from or in 18.2.2 Herhangi bir Lisans Sözleşmesinden,
connection with any License Bakım Sözleşmesinden ve/veya bu
Agreement, Maintenance Agreement Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarından veya
and/or these Software License geçerliliğinden kaynaklanan veya
Terms or about its validity shall be bunlarla ilgili her türlü ihtilafın
subject to the jurisdiction of the çözümünde İstanbul (Anadolu)
Istanbul (Anadolu) Courts and Mahkemeleri ve İcra Müdürlükleri
Execution Offices. yetkilidir.

18.2.3 The UN Convention on the 18.2.3 11 Nisan 1980 tarihli Malların

International Sale of Goods of 11 Uluslararası Satışına Dair BM
April 1980 (UN sales law) is Sözleşmesi (CISG - BM satış kanunu)
excluded. hariç tutulmaktadır.

18.3 All notices under these Software 18.3 Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları
License Terms to Licensor will be kapsamında Lisans Verene yapılacak
given in Written Form and will refer bütün bildirimler, Yazılı Şekilde
to the relevant License Agreement verilecek ve ilgili Lisans Sözleşmesine
and/or Maintenance Agreement and ve/veya Bakım Sözleşmesine ve bu
to these Software License Terms. Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarına referans
Any notice provided in any other yapılacaktır. Diğer bir biçimde verilen
manner will be deemed NOT bildirimler, Lisans Veren o bildirimi
received by Licensor unless Licensor aldığını Yazılı Şekilde spesifik olarak
specifically acknowledges receipt of tasdik etmedikçe Lisans Veren
such notice in Written Form. tarafından ALINMAMIŞ sayılacaktır.

18.4 Licensee will not assign any License 18.4 Lisans Alan, Lisans Verenin önceden
Agreement, Maintenance Agreement yazılı izni olmadan Lisans
and/or these Software License Sözleşmesini, Bakım Sözleşmesini
Terms, in whole or in part, without ve/veya bu Yazılım Lisansı
Licensor’s prior written consent. Any Koşullarını, tamamen veya kısmen
attempt to assign in violation of this temlik edemez. Bu maddeye aykırı
clause is void in each instance. All olarak herhangi bir temlik teşebbüsü,
the terms and conditions of the her seferinde hükümsüzdür. İlgili
relevant License Agreement, Lisans Sözleşmesinin, Bakım
Maintenance Agreement and these Sözleşmesinin ve bu Yazılım Lisansı
Software License Terms will be Koşullarının bütün hüküm ve koşulları,
binding upon, will inure to the benefit Taraflar ve onların halefleri ve izinli
of, and will be enforceable by the temlik alanları üzerinde bağlayıcıdır,
parties and their respective onlar lehine hüküm ifade eder, ve
successors and permitted assigns. onlar tarafından icra edilebilir.

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18.5 If any provision of any License 18.5 Eğer bir Lisans Sözleşmesinin, Bakım
Agreement, Maintenance Agreement Sözleşmesinin ve/veya bu Yazılım
and/or these Software License Lisansı Koşullarının herhangi bir
Terms is to any extent held invalid or hükmü, yetkili bir mahkeme tarafından
unenforceable by a court of herhangi bir ölçüde geçersiz veya
competent jurisdiction, the remainder uygulanamaz kılınırsa, o Lisans
of such License Agreement or Sözleşmesinin veya Bakım
Maintenance Agreement (as the Sözleşmesinin (yerine göre) ve bu
case may be) and of these Software Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarının geri
License Terms will not be affected kalanı ondan etkilenmeyecek, ve diğer
thereby, and each term and condition tüm hüküm ve koşullar, mevzuatın
will be valid and enforceable to the izin verdiği azami ölçüde geçerli
fullest extent permitted by law. olacaktır ve yürürlükte kalacaktır.

18.6 These Software License Terms, 18.6 Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları,

together with all its associated kendisine atıfta bulunulan bütün ilgili
exhibits and schedules, as well as ekleri ve çizelgeleri ve Lisans
the License Agreements and Sözleşmeleri ve Bakım Sözleşmeleri
Maintenance Agreements, all of ile birlikte, tarafların Lisanslı Yazılıma
which are incorporated by this ve ilgili hizmetlere dair tam ve nihai
reference, constitute the complete sözleşmesini teşkil eder ve tarafların
and final agreement of the parties yukarıdaki konuya dair önceki
pertaining to the Licensed Software sözleşmelerini, mutabakatlarını ve
and related services and supersede görüşmelerini iptal ederek yerine
the parties’ prior agreements, geçer. Lisans Sözleşmesinde, Bakım
understandings and discussions Sözleşmesinde ve/veya bu Yazılım
relating to the foregoing subject Lisansı Koşullarında yapılan hiçbir
matter. No modification of any değişiklik, Yazılı Şekilde yapılıp her iki
License Agreement, Maintenance tarafça imzalanmadıkça bağlayıcı
Agreement and/or these Software değildir. Bu şart, işbu maddenin tadili
License Terms is binding unless it is veya feragati için de geçerlidir. Lisans
in Written Form and signed by both Sözleşmesi, Bakım Sözleşmesi
parties. This also applies to any ve/veya bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları
amendment or waiver of this clause. ve tadilatlar, elektronik olarak tanzim
Any License Agreement, edilebilir ve nüshalar halinde
Maintenance Agreement and/or imzalanabilir (taranmış veya faks
these Software License Terms and kopyaları olabilir), ve bu nüshalar
amendments may be executed birlikte tek bir sözleşmeyi teşkil eder.
electronically and may be signed in Taraflar standart iş formlarını veya
counterparts (which may be scanned diğer iletişimleri şekillerini kullanabilir,
or faxed copies), which together will fakat bu formların kullanılması sadece
constitute one agreement. The kolaylık amaçlıdır ve ilgili Lisans
parties may use standard business Sözleşmesinin, Bakım Sözleşmesinin
forms or other communications, but veya bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarının
use of such forms is for convenience hükümlerini değiştirmez. HER İKİ
only and does not alter the TARAFCA YAZILI OLARAK
provisions of the relevant License ANLAŞILMADIĞI TAKDİRDE
Agreement, Maintenance Agreement (GEREK SÖZLÜ OLARAK GEREKSE
or these Software License Terms. BİR FİYAT TEKLİFİNDE, FATURA,

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18.7 Except as otherwise expressly set 18.7 Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarında

forth in these Software License açıkça aksi belirtilmedikçe, iki tarafın
Terms, the failure of either party to da bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarından
enforce any provision of this doğan herhangi bir hakkını talep
Software License Terms will not etmemesi, o tarafın hakkında feragat
constitute a waiver of the party’s ettiği anlamına gelmez. Bu Yazılım
rights to subsequently enforce the Lisansı Koşullarında belirtilen çareler,
provision. The remedies specified in kanun veya hakkaniyet çerçevesinde
these Software License Terms are in başvurulabilecek diğer çarelere
addition to any other remedies that ilavedir.
may be available at law or in equity.

18.8 These Software License Terms 18.8 İşbu Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları Türkçe
contain in two columns a Turkish and ve İngilizce olarak iki dilde
an English text. In the event of any hazırlanmıştır. Yazılım Lisansı
discrepancies between the Turkish Koşullarının Türkçe ve İngilizcesi
and English texts of these Software arasında farklılık olması halinde,
License Terms, the Turkish text shall Türkçesi esas alınacaktır.





19.1 The Licensor shall, at its discretion, 19.1 Lisans Veren, kendi takdirine göre, ya
either (i) make the Licensed (i) Lisanslı Yazılımı bir sunucudan
Software available for downloading indirilmeye uygun hale getirecek, ya
from a server, (ii) supply a copy of (ii) Lisanslı Yazılımın bir kopyasını,
the Licensed Software in machine- makinede çalıştırılabilir bir hedef kod
executable object code on a physical halinde fiziksel veri taşıyıcıda (ör., CD-
data carrier (e.g., CD-ROM or flash ROM veya flash sürücü) mutabık
drive) to the agreed delivery address kalınan teslimat adresine temin
or (iii) activate functions of the edecek, ya da (iii) Lisanslı Yazılımın
Licensed Software via a licensing fonksiyonlarını bir lisanslama
mechanism. If the Licensed Software mekanizması aracılığıyla aktif hale
is made available on a data carrier, getirecektir. Eğer Lisanslı Yazılım bir
the Licensed Software is supplied veri taşıyıcıda temin edilirse, Lisanslı

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 176/194

FCA Licensor’s principal place of Yazılım INCOTERMS 2010’a göre
business in accordance with Lisans Verenin iş merkezine FCA
INCOTERMS 2010. olarak temin edilecektir.

19.2 The Licensor is not obliged to install 19.2 Lisans Veren ve Lisans Alan bu
and/or configure the Licensed hizmetlerin Lisans Veren tarafından
Software and/or instruct the Users verilmesi konusunda ayrıca
unless the Licensor and Licensee anlaşmadıkça, Lisans Veren Lisanslı
agree separately on the provision of Yazılımı kurmak ve/veya konfigüre
such services by the Licensor. etmek ve/veya kullanıcılara öğretmek
zorunda değildir.

19.3 If the time of provision of the 19.3 Eğer Lisanslı Yazılımın temin zamanı
Licensed Software is of relevance as taraflar arasında önemli ise, Lisanslı
between the Parties, the Licensed Yazılım Lisans Verenin
Software shall be deemed provided
at the time the Licensor

a) in the case of clause 19.1 (i), a) madde 19.1(i) bakımından,

provides the Licensed Lisanslı Yazılımı ilgili
Software for downloading on sunucudan indirilmeye hazır
the corresponding server and hale getirdiği ve bunu Lisans
informs the Licensee thereof; Alana bildirdiği;

b) in the case of clause 19.1 (ii), b) madde 19.1(ii) bakımından,

hands over the Licensed Lisanslı Yazılımı taşıyıcıya,
Software to the carrier, freight nakliyeciye vb. teslim ettiği
forwarder etc.

c) in the case of clause 19.1 (iii), c) madde 19.1(iii) bakımından,

gives the Licensee the Lisans Alana aktivasyon için
necessary information for gerekli bilgileri verdiği anda
activation. temin edilmiş sayılacaktır.

19.4 Unless explicitly specified otherwise 19.4 Lisans Sözleşmesinde veya üçüncü-
in the License Agreement or third- kişi koşullarında (ör., OSS kullanım
party terms (e.g., OSS terms of use), koşulları) açıkça aksi belirtilmedikçe,
the Licensee receives the Licensed Lisans Alan Lisanslı Yazılımı sadece
Software solely in the machine- makinede çalıştırılabilir hedef kod
executable object code and receives halinde almakta ve Kaynak koda
no access to the Source Code. erişim kazanmamaktadır.

19.5 If the Licensor provides the Licensee 19.5 Lisans Verenın Lisans Alana Lisanslı
with Client Software to use the Yazılımı kullanmak için İstemci
Licensed Software, clause 32 applies Yazılımıyla birlikte temin etmesi
mutatis mutandis. halinde, gerekli değişiklikler
yapıldıktan sonra madde 32 uygulanır.



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20.1 There are different types of licenses 20.1 İş-Yerinde Ürünler için farklı tür
for On-Premise Products. The lisanslar vardır. İlgili lisans türü Lisans
relevant license type is specified in Sözleşmesinde belirtilmiştir. Lisans
the License Agreement. Unless Sözleşmesinde başka türlü mutabık
otherwise agreed in the License kalınmadıkça, Lisans Veren Lisans
Agreement, the Licensor grants the Alana, Lisanslı Yazılımı bu madde 20
Licensee a non-exclusive, limited, ve madde 5‘e göre, ilgili Ürün
non-transferable (except as provided Açıklamasına uygun olarak, münhasır
otherwise in clause 6.6), non- olmayan, sınırlı, devredilemez (madde
sublicensable right to use the 6.6‘da öngörülenin haricinde), alt-
Licensed Software according to this lisanslanamaz bir kullanma hakkını
clause 20 and clause 5 in vermektedir.
accordance with the relevant Product

20.2 With the exception of the time-limited 20.2 Süre-sınırlı demo lisansı (madde
demo license (clause 20.4.2 b)), 20.4.2 b)) istisna olmak üzere, İş-
rights to the Licensed Software in Yerinde Ürünlerdeki Lisanslı Yazılım
On-Premise Products are generally hakları genelde daimi olarak
granted perpetually. However, the verilmektedir. Ancak Lisans Veren,
Licensor can state in the License Lisans Sözleşmesinde Lisanslı
Agreement that the Licensed Yazılımın Lisans Alana daimi esasa
Software is provided to the Licensee göre fakat sınırlı bir süre için temin
not on a perpetual basis but for a edildiğini belirtebilir. Böyle bir
limited period. In this case the rights durumda haklar, ilgili Lisans
are granted on a time-limited basis Sözleşmesinin süresi boyunca süre-
for the duration of the relevant sınırlı esasa göre verilmiştir.
License Agreement.

20.3 In the case of perpetually provided 20.3 Daimi olarak temin edilen Lisanslı
Licensed Software, the Licensee is Yazılımlar bakımından, söz konusu
granted the aforementioned rights of lisansların bedelinin tamamının
use on the condition precedent of full ödenmesi ön şartıyla Lisans Alana
payment of the licenses in question. yukarıda belirtilen kullanım hakları
To ensure that the Licensee may verilmektedir. Lisans Alanın, Lisanslı
lawfully use the Licensed Software in Yazılımı almasıyla, sözleşmeye göre
the time between receipt of the (yani, özellikle zamanında) ücreti
Licensed Software and payment of ödemesi arasındaki zamanda Lisanslı
the remuneration in compliance with Yazılımı yasal olarak kullanabilmesi
the contract (i.e., especially on time), için, Lisans Veren ayrıca (i) ilgili
the Licensor further grants the lisansların bedelinin tamamının
Licensee for such On-Premise ödendiği zamana veya (ii) madde
Products the right to use the relevant 10.6‘ya göre ödeme süresinin
Licensed Software according to dolmasına kadar (bu iki olaydan
these Software License Terms for a hangisinin önce gerçekleştiğine bağlı
limited period until (i) the time of full olarak) sınırlı bir süre için, söz konusu
payment of the relevant licenses or İş-Yerinde Ürünler için ilgili Lisanslı
(ii) expiration of the payment term in Yazılımı bu Yazılım Lisansı
accordance with clause 10.6, Koşullarına göre kullanma hakkını da
depending which of these two events Lisans Alana vermektedir.
occurs earlier.

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20.4 The individual types of license are: 20.4 Münferit lisans türleri şöyledir:

20.4.1 Workplace License 20.4.1 İşyeri Lisansı

If the Licensee purchases a Lisans Alanın İşyeri Lisansı satın

Workplace License, the Licensee is alması halinde, Lisans Alanın, Ürün
permitted to install, run and use the Açıklamasına göre bir (1) İşyerinde
Licensed Software for the intended istenilen amaçlarla Lisanslı Yazılımı
purposes on one (1) Workplace in kurmasına, çalıştırmasına ve
accordance with the Product kullanmasına izin verilmektedir. Eğer
Description. If the Licensee Lisans Alan birden fazla İşyeri Lisansı
purchases several Workplace satın alırsa, kurulum sayısı, alınan
Licenses, the number of installations İşyeri Lisansları sayısını aşmamalıdır.
must not exceed the number of İşyeri Lisansında, Lisanslı Yazılımın
Workplace Licenses purchased. bir ağda kullanılmak üzere merkezi bir
Installation of the Licensed Software sunucuya kurulmasına izin
on a central Server for use in a verilmemektedir.
network is not permitted in the case
of the Workplace License.

With the free Workplace License, the Ücretsiz İşyeri Lisansı ile, Lisans Alan
Licensee receives the Licensed Lisanslı Yazılımı lisans anahtarı
Software without a license key and olmadan ve dongle olmadan alır.
without a dongle. The Licensed Lisanslı Yazılım belli bir donanıma
Software is then not tied to any bağlı değildir.
particular hardware.

For the paid-for Workplace License Ödemeli İşyeri Lisansı (Tek kullanıcı
(Single User License), the Licensed Lisansı) için, Lisanslı Yazılım bir lisans
Software comes with a license key, anahtarıyla gelir, bir dongle ile
may be protected with a dongle and korunabilir ve belli bir donanıma
may be dependent on certain bağımlı olabilir.

20.4.2 Demo License 20.4.2 Demo Lisansı

Clause 20.4.1 applies Madde 20.4.1 bir Demo Lisansı

correspondingly to a Demo License (ücretsiz) için de buna göre uygulanır,
(free of charge), provided that: şu şartla ki:

a) the scope of functions of the a) Lisanslı Yazılımın

Licensed Software is limited fonksiyonlarının kapsamı,
compared with the Workplace Lisans Sözleşmesinin ve/veya
License in accordance with the Ürün Açıklamasının hükümlerine
provisions of the License uygun olarak, İşyeri Lisansına
Agreement and/or the Product göre sınırlıdır, veya
Description, or

b) if the Licensed Software is b) eğer Lisanslı Yazılım Lisans

provided to the Licensee for a Alana, İşyeri Lisansıyla aynı
fixed time period with the same fonksiyon kapsamıyla sabit bir

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scope of functions as the süre için temin edilirse; Lisans
Workplace License; the Veren Lisans Alana, Lisans
Licensor grants the Licensee a Sözleşmesi ve/veya Ürün
correspondingly time-limited Açıklamasının hükümlerine
right to use the Licensed uygun olarak Lisanslı Yazılımı
Software in accordance with sınırlı süreyle kullanma hakkını
the provisions of the License vermektedir.
Agreement and/or the Product

20.4.3 Network License 20.4.3 Ağ Lisans

If the Licensee purchases a Network Lisans Alanın Ağ Lisansı satın alması

License, it is permitted to install the halinde, Lisanslı Yazılımı Ağa
Licensed Software in the Network kurmasına ve belli bir sayıda
and to grant a certain number of kullanıcının Lisanslı Yazılıma erişimin
Users access to the Licensed sağlamasına izin verilmektedir
Software (“Floating License”). In this (“Değişken Lisans”). Böyle bir
case the Licensee is entitled to have durumda Lisans Alan Lisanslı Yazılımı
the Licensed Software used en fazla, alınan lisansların sayısı
simultaneously by a maximum kadar kullanıcıya eş zamanlı olarak
number of Users equivalent to the kullandırtma (“Eşzamanlı Kullanıcılar”)
number of licenses purchased hakkına sahiptir.
(“Concurrent Users”).

20.4.4 Server Parameter License 20.4.4 Sunucu Parametre Lisansı

If the Licensee purchases a Server Lisans Alanın bir Sunucu Parametre

Parameter License, it is permitted to Lisansı satın alması halinde, Sunucu
install the Licensed Software on one Lisans Sözleşmesinin ve/veya Ürün
(1) central Server and to grant an Açıklamasının hükümlerine göre
unlimited number of Users access to teknik parametreler için belli eşiklerini
the Licensed Software provided the (ör., işlemci çekirdeği sayısı, istemci
Server does not exceed certain sayısı, vb.) aşmaması şartıyla Lisanslı
thresholds for technical parameters Yazılımı bir (1) merkezi Sunucuya
in accordance with the provisions of kurmasına ve sınırsız sayıda
the License Agreement and/or the kullanıcının Lisanslı Yazılımı erişim
Product Description (e.g., number of sağlamasına izin verilir.
processor cores, number of clients,

20.5 The number of licenses purchased is 20.5 Alınan lisans sayısı Lisans
specified in the License Agreement. Sözleşmesinde belirtilmiştir. Lisans
The Licensee may purchase more Alan, Lisans Sözleşmesinde aslen
licenses in addition to the licenses satın alınan lisanslara ilaveten daha
originally purchased in the License fazla lisans alabilir. Daha fazla
Agreement. The Purchase of more lisansın alımı, Lisans Alan tarafından
licenses is done either by a metin halinde sipariş verilmesiyle ya
corresponding order by the Licensee da Lisanslı Yazılımın aşağıdaki
in text form or by use of the Licensed hükümlere göre ek kullanıcılar
Software by additional Users

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 180/194

according to the following provisions: tarafından kullanımı yoluyla yapılabilir:

20.5.1 In the case of Workplace Licenses, 20.5.1 İşyeri Lisansları bakımından, bir
each additional installation on a İşyerine her ilave kurulum, ek bir İşyeri
Workplace shall be deemed a Lisansı alımı sayılır.
Purchase of an additional Workplace

20.5.2 In the case of Network Licenses, use 20.5.2 Ağ Lisansları bakımından, madde
within the meaning of clause 20.4.3 20.4.3 anlamında, izin verilen
beyond the number of permitted Eşzamanlı kullanıcıların sayısından
Concurrent Users shall be deemed a fazla kullanım, ek bir Ağ Lisansı alımı
Purchase of an additional Network sayılır.

20.5.3 In the case of Server Parameter 20.5.3 Sunucu Parametre Lisansları

Licenses, the following applies: If bakımından, şu şartlar uygulanır: eğer
one or more parameters of the kullanılan sunucunun bir veya daha
Server used exceed(s) the threshold fazla parametresi, Lisans
given in the License Agreement Sözleşmesinde ve/veya Ürün
and/or the Product Description, this Açıklamasında belirtilen eşiği aşarsa,
shall be deemed an order of one or sunucunun söz konusu eşikleri aşma
more new additional Server faktörüne bağlı olarak bu, bir veya
Parameter Licenses depending on daha fazla yeni ek sunucu Parametre
the factor by which the Server Lisansı siparişi sayılır. Eğer Lisanslı
exceeds the thresholds in question. If Yazılım birden fazla Sunucuda
the Licensed Software is used on kullanılırsa, Lisanslı Yazılımın
more than one Server, this shall be kullanıldığı Sunucuların sayısına bağlı
deemed an order of one or more new olarak bu, bir veya daha fazla yeni ek
additional Server Parameter sunucu Parametre Lisansı için sipariş
Licenses, depending what number of sayılacaktır.
Servers the Licensed Software is
used on.

20.5.4 In the case of On-Premise Products 20.5.4 Sınırlı süreyle temin edilen İş-Yerinde
provided for a limited time, each Ürünler bakımından, her ek lisans
additional license or license upgrade veya lisans yükseltmesi, söz konusu
runs until expiration of the agreed Ürün için orijinal lisansın üzerinde
term of the original license for the anlaşılan süresinin dolmasına kadar
Product in question. işler.


Unless otherwise specified in the İlgili Ürün Açıklamasında aksi

relevant Product Description, the belirtilmedikçe, Lisans Alan madde 8
Licensee is entitled subject to clause uyarınca, İş-Yerinde Ürünleri,
8 to use On-Premise Products in anlaşılan lisans hacmine uyarak,
conformity with the license while herhangi bir donanım ve sistem
observing the agreed license volume ortamında lisansa uygun şekilde bu
on any available hardware and in sistem ortamının, varsa, belirli bir

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 181/194

any system environment, provided makine türüne uygun olması şartıyla
that this system environment kullanma hakkına sahiptir. Ancak
corresponds to the specified Lisans Alan donanımı değiştirirse,
machine type, if any. However, if the önceden kurulmuş İş-Yerinde Ürünü
Licensee changes hardware, it is ve ilgili lisans anahtarını, önceden
required to delete the previously kullanılan donanımdan silmek
installed On-Premise Product and zorundadır.
the related license key from the
previously used hardware.





22.1 The Licensor makes the Licensed 22.1 Lisans Veren Lisanslı Yazılımı,
Software available for download from belirlenmiş bir web sitesi veya bir
a Server via a designated website or üçüncü kişinin buna özel online
a dedicated online marketplace (app pazaryeri (app store) aracılığıyla bir
store) of a third party. sunucudan indirilmeye hazır hale

22.2 Clauses 19.2 and 19.4 apply mutatis 22.2 Madde 19.2 ve 19.4 gerekli
mutandis. değişiklikler yapıldıktan sonra



23.1 Unless otherwise agreed in the 23.1 Lisans Sözleşmesinde aksine hüküm
License Agreement, the Licensor yoksa, Lisans Veren Lisans Alana,
grants the Licensee a limited, non- Lisanslı Yazılımı bu madde 23 ve
exclusive, non-transferable (except madde 5‘e göre, ilgili Ürün
as provided otherwise in clause 6.6), Açıklamasına uygun olmak üzere
non-sublicensable right to use the sınırlı, münhasır olmayan,
Licensed Software according to this devredilemez (madde 6.6 da aksine
clause 23 and clause 5 in öngörülenin haricinde), alt-
accordance with the relevant Product lisanslanamaz kullanma hakkı
Description. vermektedir.

23.2 The Licensee is permitted to install, 23.2 Lisans Alanının Lisanslı Yazılımı Ürün
run and use the Licensed Software Açıklamasına uygun olarak bir mobil
for the intended purposes on a cihazda (smartphone, tablet) istenilen
mobile device (smartphone, tablet) in amaçlar için kurmasına, çalıştırmasına
accordance with the Product ve kullanmasına izin verilmektedir.

23.3 Rights to the Licensed Software in 23.3 Mobil Uygulamalardaki Lisanslı

Mobile Apps are generally granted Yazılım üzerindeki haklar genelde
perpetually. However, the Licensor daimi olarak verilmektedir. Ancak
may specify in the License Lisans Veren, Lisans Sözleşmesinde

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 182/194

Agreement that the Licensed Lisanslı Yazılımın Lisans Alana sürekli
Software is provided to the Licensee olarak değil sınırlı bir süre için temin
not on a perpetual basis but for a edildiğini belirtebilir. Böyle bir
limited period. In this case the rights durumda haklar, ilgili Lisans
are granted on a time-limited basis in Sözleşmesinin ve/veya Ürün
accordance with the provisions of the Açıklamasının süresi boyunca süre-
relevant License Agreement and/or sınırlı esasa göre verilmiştir.
the Product Description.


Clause 21 applies accordingly to Madde 21, Mobil Uygulamalar için de

Mobile Apps with the proviso that for buna göre uygulanacak olup, Mobil
Mobile Apps, the term “hardware” Uygulamalar için “donanım” terimi,
refers to the mobile device of the Kullanıcının mobil cihazını ifade eder.





25.1 If the Licensee purchases Embedded 25.1 Eğer Lisans Alan Gömülü Yazılım
Software, the Licensor grants the satın alırsa, Lisans Veren Lisans
Licensee a limited, non-exclusive, Alana, Lisanslı Yazılımı bu madde 25
non-sublicensable right to use the ve madde 5‘e göre ve ilgili Ürün
Licensed Software as software Açıklamasına uygun olarak; makinede
integrated into the device in çalıştırılabilir hedef kod olarak cihaza
machine-executable object code entegre yazılım olarak, sınırlı,
according to this clause 25 and münhasır olmayan, alt-lisanslanamaz
clause 5 for proper use of the kullanma hakkı vermektedir (“Runtime
respective device in accordance with Lisansı”). Lisanslı Yazılımın kullanımı,
the relevant Product Description ilgili cihazla sınırlıdır. Dolayısıyla
(“Runtime License”). The use of the Lisans Alan özellikle Lisanslı Yazılımı
Licensed Software is limited to the bu cihazdan (tek başına) ayrı olarak
respective device. The Licensee is diğer bir donanımda kullanmaya yetkili
therefore in particular not authorized değildir.
to use the Licensed Software
separately from this device
(standalone) on other hardware.

25.2 In deviation from clause 6.6, for 25.2 Gömülü Yazılım için madde 6.6‘ya
Embedded Software the Licensee is uyulmaması halinde Lisans Alan
entitled to resell the Licensed Lisanslı Yazılımı ilgili cihazın bir
Software as part of the respective parçası olarak, fakat ancak madde
device but solely in compliance with 25.1‘e uygun olarak tekrar satma
clause 25.1. hakkına sahiptir.

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26.1 Regarding the delivery and provision 26.1 SDK’ların ve Kaynak kodların
of access to SDKs and Source Code, teslimine ve erişim sağlanmasına
clauses 19.1 - 19.3 apply mutatis ilişkin olarak, madde 19.1 – 19.3
mutandis. gerekli değişiklikler yapıldıktan sonra

26.2 If the subject matter of a License 26.2 Lisans Sözleşmesinin konusu SDK
Agreement is a SDK, the Licensor ise, Lisans Veren, sadece Phoenix
grants the Licensee a perpetual, Contact’ın veya Nihai Müşterinin
non-exclusive license to the object belirlenmiş sistemi için kendi ürünlerini
code of the Licensed Software solely geliştirme amacıyla Lisanslı Yazılımın
for the purposes of developing its hedef kodu üzerinde daimi, münhasır
own products for the named system olmayan lisansı Lisans Alana
of Phoenix Contact or of the End vermektedir. İlgili SDK’nın izin verilen
Customer. The specific scope of the kullanımının spesifik kapsamı ve
permitted use of the relevant SDK geçerli kısıtlamalar, ör., geliştirme
and applicable restrictions, e.g., ortamı ve hedef sistemler, Lisans
development environment and target Veren ve Lisans Alan arasındaki ayrı
systems, are set forth in a separate bir sözleşmede (ör., Lisans
agreement between Licensor and Sözleşmesi) belirtilmiştir. SDK aynı
Licensee (e.g., the License zamanda Kaynak kod da içeriyorsa,
Agreement). If the SDK also contains Lisans Veren Lisans Alana, kendi
Source Code, the Licensor grant the içinde Lisanslı Yazılımın hatalarını
Licensee a perpetual, non-exclusive gidermek için bu Kaynak kodun daimi,
license for this Source Code solely münhasır olmayan lisansını da
for the purposes of internal vermektedir. Lisans Alan modifiye
debugging of the Licensed Software. edilen o Lisanslı Yazılımı derleyebilir
The Licensee may compile the so- ve Lisans Verenin ilgili cihazlarına
modified Licensed Software and entegre edebilir. Lisanslı Yazılımın
integrate it into the respective Kaynak kodunun diğer kullanımları
devices of the Licensor. Any other kesinlikle yasaktır. Özellikle, Lisans
use of the Source Code of the Alan Lisanslı Yazılımda fonksiyonel
Licensed Software is strictly modifikasyonlar yapma hakkına sahip
prohibited. In particular, the Licensee değildir.
is not entitled to make functional
modifications to the Licensed

26.3 If the subject matter of a License 26.3 Lisans Sözleşmesinin konusu bir
Agreement is a Source Code, the Kaynak kod ise, Lisans Veren sadece
Licensor grants the Licensee a Phoenix Contact’ın veya Nihai
perpetual, non-exclusive license to Müşterinin belirlenmiş sistemi için
one (1) copy of the Source Code of kendi ürünlerini geliştirme amacıyla
the Licensed Software solely for the Lisanslı Yazılımın Kaynak kodunun bir
purposes of developing its own (1) kopyası üzerinde daimi, münhasır
products for the named system of olmayan lisansı Lisans Alana

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 184/194

Phoenix Contact or of the End vermektedir. İlgili Kaynak kodun izin
Customer. The specific scope of the verilen kullanımının spesifik kapsamı
permitted use of the relevant Source ve geçerli kısıtlamalar, ör., geliştirme
Code and applicable restrictions, ortamı ve hedef sistemler, Lisans
e.g., development environment and Veren ve Lisans Alan arasındaki ayrı
target systems, are set forth in a bir sözleşmede (ör., Lisans
separate agreement between Sözleşmesi) belirtilmiştir.
Licensor and Licensee (e.g., the
License Agreement).

26.4 Unless otherwise agreed, SDKs 26.4 Başka türlü üzerinde anlaşılmadıkça,
and/or Source Code are licensed as SDK’lar ve/veya Kaynak kod, Tesis
a Facility License. Lisansı olarak lisanslanır.

26.5 If the Licensee wishes to resell a 26.5 Lisans Alan, daimi olarak sağlanan bir
perpetually provided SDK or SDK veya daimi olarak sağlanan
perpetually provided Source Code to Kaynak kodu bir üçüncü şahsa
a third party, clause 6.6 applies satmak isterse, Lisans Alan, o satışta
provided that the Licensee, in belirtilen zorunluluklara ilaveten, satış
addition to the requirements stated ve üçüncü şahsın kimliği ve adresi
therein, informs the Licensor in hakkında Lisans Vereni yazılı olarak
writing about the resale and the bildirmesi şartıyla madde 6.6
identity and address of the third uygulanır.




27.1 Cloud Products within the meaning 27.1 Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları
of these Software License Terms are anlamında Bulut Ürünleri, münferiden
web-based, multi-client-capable veya diğer bileşenlerle ve hizmetlerle
systems offered individually or in birlikte sunulan, web-tabanlı, çok
combination with other components istemciye hitap eden sistemlerdir.
and services.

27.2 It is specified in the License 27.2 Lisans Alanın hangi Bulut Ürünlerini
Agreement which Cloud Products the aldığı, Lisans Sözleşmesinde
Licensee purchases. The quality of belirtilmiştir. Bulut Ürünlerinin kalitesi,
the Cloud Products is conclusively her bir Bulut Ürünü için
specified in the individual Product
Descriptions available at adresinden ulaşılabilecek münferit for Ürün Açıklamalarında ve bu Yazılım
each Cloud Product and in these Lisansı Koşullarında kesin olarak
Software License Terms. belirtilmiştir.

27.3 The Licensor grants the Licensee 27.3 Lisans Veren, genel olarak Lisans
access to the Cloud Products Veren tarafından sağlanan versiyonda
according to these Software License Bulut Ürünlerine bu Yazılım Lisansı
Terms in the version generally kept Koşullarına göre erişim hakkını Lisans

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 185/194

available by the Licensor. Alana vermektedir.

27.4 The Licensor is obliged to maintain 27.4 Lisans Veren Bulut Ürünlerini internet
the Cloud Products available for the üzerinden kullanılmak üzere Lisans
Licensee for use via the internet and Alana sağlamak ve bunları erişilebilir
to make them accessible. The Cloud hale getirmek zorundadır. Bulut
Products are available to the Ürünlerine Lisans Alan tarafından bu
Licensee via the internet according Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarına göre
to these Software License Terms. internet üzerinden erişilebilecektir.
The Cloud Products are 98 % Lisans Sözleşmesinde başka bir
available on a monthly average (30 erişilebilirlik oranı üzerinde
days) unless another availability rate anlaşılmadıkça Bulut Ürünleri aylık
is agreed in the License Agreement. ortalama (30 gün) %98 erişilebilir
Availability of Cloud Products olacaktır. Bulut Ürünlerinin yukarıda
exceeding the period stated above is belirtilen süreyi aşan erişilebilirliği,
not part of the Cloud Products and Bulut Ürünlerinin bir parçası değildir
the Licensor is not required to ve Lisans Veren ek süre için ilgili Bulut
provide the relevant Cloud Product Ürününü temin etmek zorunda
for any such additional period. The değildir. Bulut Ürünlerinin
point at which the availability of the erişilebilirliğinin ölçüldüğü nokta, ilgili
Cloud Products is measured is the Bulut Ürününün barındırıldığı veri
WAN-side router output of the data merkezinin WAN-tarafı yönlendirici
center in which the relevant Cloud çıkışıdır. Erişilebilirliği hesaplarken,
Product is hosted. Maintenance madde 30‘a göre bakım süreleri
times in accordance with clause 30 “hedef erişilebilirlik”ten düşülecektir.
are to be deducted from the “target
availability” when calculating

27.5 If the Licensor’s offer specifies that 27.5 Eğer Lisans Verenin teklifinde, Buluta
certain devices (“Devices”) may be internet üzerine belli cihazların
connected to the Cloud via the (“Cihazlar”) bağlanabileceği
internet, such Devices can only be belirtilmişse, o Cihazlar sadece ilgili
connected with the relevant Cloud Bulut Ürünüyle bağlanabilir. Bu
Product. In this respect the option of bağlamda, Cihazları birbirine bağlama
connecting Devices with each other seçeneği, Bulut Ürünlerinin bir özelliği
is not a feature of the Cloud değildir.

27.6 Cross-customer visibility or 27.6 Lisans Alanın Cihazlarının, başka bir

accessibility of the Licensee’s müşterinin Cihazlarındaki diğer
Devices by other Users on Devices kullanıcılarla çapraz-müşteri
of another customer is not a feature görünürlüğü veya erişilebilirliği de
of the Cloud Products either. Bulut Ürünlerinin bir özelliği değildir.

27.7 The Licensee acknowledges that the 27.7 Lisans Alan Bulut Ürünlerinin çok-
Cloud Products are a multi-client istemcili bir sistem olduğunu ve Lisans
system and the Licensee has no Alanın kendi münhasır kullanımı için
right to the benefit from a dedicated buna özel bir fiziksel sistemden
physical system for its own exclusive yararlanma hakkı olmadığını tasdik
use. eder.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 186/194

27.8 The License Agreement for Cloud 27.8 Bulut Ürünleri için Lisans Sözleşmesi
Products and these Software ve bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları,
License Terms do not include any Lisans Alan için internet erişimini
internet access for the Licensee, but değil, sadece Bulut Ürünlerinin
solely the internet connection of the internet bağlantısını içermektedir.
Cloud Products.


28.1 The Licensor provides the Licensee 28.1 Lisans Veren kayıttan sonra erişim
after its registration with the için gerekli verileri (Kullanıcı adı, şifre)
necessary data for access (User Lisans Alana temin eder. Lisans Alan,
name, password). The Licensee erişim verilerini ve şifrelerini gizli
undertakes to keep its access data tutmayı ve eğer Lisans Alanın
and passwords confidential and to kullanım verileri ve/veya şifreleri
inform the Licensor without delay in üçüncü kişilerin eline geçerse
writing or by email if third parties gecikmeksizin Lisans Vereni yazılı
obtain knowledge of the usage data olarak veya e-postayla haberdar
and/or passwords of the Licensee. etmeyi taahhüt eder. Madde 4.5
Clause 4.5 remains unaffected. bundan etkilenmez.

28.2 To use the Cloud Products for a 28.2 Belli bir Cihaz için Bulut Ürünlerini
certain Device, it is necessary for the kullanmak üzere, Lisans Alanın
Licensee to register the Device in sözkonusu Cihazı ilgili Bulut Ürününe
question in the relevant Cloud kaydettirmesi gerekmektedir. O kayıtla
Product. The device is enabled for Cihazın bu Bulut Ürününü
using this Cloud Product by such a kullanmasına izin verilecektir. Lisans
registration. All enabled devices of Alanın izin verilen bütün cihazları
the Licensee are described as aşağıda “Aktif Cihazlar” olarak
“Active Devices” below. adlandırılacaktır.

28.3 The Licensee is entitled at any time 28.3 Lisans Alan herhangi bir zamanda
to deregister an Active Device again aktif bir Cihazın yeniden kaydını
and thus to disable it. All disabled sildirme, yani pasifleştirme hakkına
devices of the Licensee are sahiptir. Lisans Alanın pasifleştirilen
described as “Inactive Devices” bütün cihazları aşağıda “İnaktif
below. In the case of Cloud Products Cihazlar” olarak adlandırılacaktır. Belli
that require a User account with a bir kullanım tahsisi için kullanıcı
certain usage allocation, all Active hesabı gerektiren Bulut Ürünlerinde,
Devices are automatically disabled Lisans Alanın hesabında artık
and become Inactive Devices when kullanım tahsisi kalmadığında, bütün
the Licensee’s account contains no aktif Cihazlar otomatik olarak pasif
more usage allocation. hale getirilecek ve İnaktif Cihazlar
haline gelecektir.

28.4 To use the Cloud Products in a 28.4 Bulut Ürünlerini Ürün Açıklamasına
manner corresponding to the Product uyan bir şekilde kullanmak için, Lisans
Description, certain technical system Alan belli teknik sistem ge-
requirements must be met by the reksinimlerini karşılamalıdır. Bulut
Licensee. The necessary browsers Ürünlerini kullanmak için gereken
for using the Cloud Products are tarayıcılar, her Bulut Ürünü için en son
described in the latest Release Sürüm Notlarında belirtilmiştir. Lisans

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 187/194

Notes for each Cloud Product. Alanın bu teknik sistem
Licensor is not responsible for any gereksinimlerini karşılamamasının
consequences of Licensee’s failure olası sonuçlarından Lisans Veren
to meet such technical system sorumlu değildir.

28.5 The Licensor is entitled to amend the 28.5 Lisans Veren, piyasada ücretsiz
Release Notes at its discretion while bulunabilen en az iki (2) tarayıcının
ensuring that at least two (2) her zaman desteklenmesini sağlamak
browsers available free on the şartıyla, Sürüm Notlarını kendi
market are always supported. takdirine göre güncelleme hakkına

28.6 The Licensee is required to use the 28.6 Lisans Alan, Bulut Ürünlerini (i)
Cloud Products (i) only in the context sadece uygulanabilen kanun ve
of applicable law and any restrictions kullanıcı kılavuzundaki kısıtlamalar
in the User manual and (ii) not in a bağlamında ve (ii) Bulut Ürünlerinin
manner that jeopardizes the safety or güvenliğini veya performansını
performance of the Cloud Products. tehlikeye atmayan bir şekilde
kullanmak zorundadır.


29.1 If the Licensee orders Cloud 29.1 Eğer Lisans Alan Bulut Ürünleri sipariş
Products, the Licensor grants the ederse, Lisans Veren, ilgili Bulut
Licensee a non-transferable, non- Ürünlerini bu madde 29 ve madde 5 ‘e
exclusive, global right, limited to the uygun olarak çevrimiçi kullanmak için
term of the relevant License ilgili Lisans Sözleşmesinin süresiyle
Agreement, to use the relevant sınırlı, devredilemez, münhasır
Cloud Products online in accordance olmayan, global hakkı Lisans Alana
with this clause 29 and clause 5. vermektedir. Bu, web-tabanlı portal
This includes the right to access the uygulamasına erişim hakkını ve bu
web-based portal application and erişim sırasında ortaya çıkan program
enable copies arising during such kodunun kopyalarını Lisans Alanın
access of the program code in the kendi başına kullandığı hafıza
unaided memory of the Licensee. ortamına alma hakkını içerir.

29.2 The Licensor maintains at any time a 29.2 Lisans Veren Bulut Ürünleri için Ürün
current version of the Product Açıklamasının güncel versiyonunu,
Description for the Cloud Products at Lisans Alanın elektronik olarak for indirebilmesi için
electronic retrieval by the Licensee.
The Licensor hereby grants the adresinde her zaman
Licensee a non-exclusive right, bulundurmaktadır. Lisans Veren, ilgili
limited to the term of the relevant Lisans Sözleşmesinin süresiyle sınırlı
License Agreement, to electronically olarak, elektronik olarak ulaşma ve
retrieve and print out the Product Ürün Açıklamasının bir kez çıktısını
Description once and to produce a alma ve bir yedek kopyasını üretmek
backup copy. için münhasır olmayan hakkı Lisans
Alana vermektedir.

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The Licensor may carry out Lisans Veren planlı bakım

scheduled maintenance during zamanlarında planlı bakım yapabilir.
scheduled maintenance times. Bu planlı bakımlar normalde akşam 6
These scheduled maintenance times (CET) ve akşam 8 (CET) saatleri
are usually carried out between 6pm arasında yapılır ve bir takvim ayında
(CET) and 8pm (CET) and take a maksimum 2 saat sürer. Lisans Veren
maximum of 2 hours per calendar planlı bakım zamanlarını, olası ve
month. The Licensor shall notify the makul olduğu kadarıyla uygun süre
Licensee of planned maintenance önceden Lisans Alana bildirecektir. Ek
times with appropriate advance olarak, Lisans Veren ayda en fazla iki
notice as far as possible and (2) saate kadar, planlanmamış bakım
reasonable. In addition, the Licensor çalışması yapma hakkına sahiptir. Bu
is entitled to carry out unplanned sürelerde, ilgili Bulut Ürünü erişilebilir
maintenance work of up to two (2) olmayacaktır.
hours a month. During these times,
the relevant Cloud Product will not
be available.

31. CUSTOMER DATA 31. Müşteri Verisi

31.1 As between the Licensor and 31.1 Lisans Veren ve Lisans Alan arasında,
Licensee, the Licensee is the sole Müşteri Verisinin bütün mülkiyet
owner of all property rights, hakları, sahiplik hakları ve hak
ownership rights and claims to the taleplerinin tek sahibi Lisans Alandır.
Customer Data. The Licensee grants Lisans Alan, Bulut Ürünlerini
the Licensor and its vicarious agents sağlamak için Müşteri verisini
a non-exclusive right to use the kullanma hakkını münhasır olmamak
Customer Data for providing the üzere Lisans Verene ve onun
Cloud Products. Additionally, the vekillerine vermektedir. Lisans Veren
Licensor is entitled to make copies of ayrıca, Müşteri verilerinin
Customer Data in anonymized form anonimleştirilmiş halde (yani, müşteri
(i.e., without information identifying kimliğini belli eden bilgiler olmadan)
the customer) and to analyze the kopyalarını çıkarma ve
anonymized data on an aggregate anonimleştirilmiş verileri, diğer
basis with anonymized data of other müşterilerin anonimleştirilmiş
customers, e.g., for statistical verileriyle toplulaştırılmış esasa göre,
purposes and to improve and ör., istatistiksel amaçla ve Bulut
develop the Cloud Products. With Ürünlerini iyileştirme ve geliştirme
reference to personal data, the amacıyla analiz etme hakkına sahiptir.
prevailing provisions of clause 14 Kişisel verilere ilişkin olarak, madde
and the agreement on contract data 14‘ün amir hükümleri ve veri işleme
processing remain unaffected. sözleşmesi etkilenmeden kalacaktır.

31.2 The Licensee is prohibited from 31.2 Lisans Alanın, Bulut Ürünlerine:
uploading Customer Data to the
Cloud Products which:

a) infringe third parties’ rights a) üçüncü kişilerin haklarını ihlal

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 189/194


b) violate applicable law; b) yürürlükteki mevzuatı ihlal eden;

c) may lead to an infringement of c) yürürlükteki mevzuatın Lisans

applicable law by the Licensor; Veren tarafından ihlaline yol

d) impair the security of the Cloud d) Bulut Ürünlerinin güvenliğini

Products or bozan veya

e) substantially impair the e) Bulut Ürünlerinin performansını

performance of the Cloud önemli ölçüde düşüren Müşteri
Products. verileri yüklemesi yasaktır.

31.3 Upon request by the Licensor the 31.3 Lisans Verenin talebi halinde Lisans
Licensee shall delete from the Cloud Alan, madde 31.2‘yi ihlal eden Müşteri
Products any Customer Data that verilerini, Lisans Verenin belirleyeceği
breaches clause 31.2 by a makul bir süre içinde Bulut
reasonable period of time set by the Ürünlerinden silecektir. Madde 31.2‘yi
Licensor. Depending on the risk ihlal eden Müşteri verilerinin Bulut
arising from the Customer Data Ürünleri veya Lisans Veren için
breaching clause 31.2 for the Cloud doğurduğu riske bağlı olarak, münferit
Products or the Licensor, in durumlarda doğrudan silme talebi de
individual cases a request for direct makul süre teşkil edebilir. Lisans
deletion may also constitute a Alanın yukarıda belirtilen süre içinde
reasonable period of time. The Bulut Ürünlerinden silmediği Müşteri
Licensor is entitled to delete or block verileri olursa, Lisans Veren bunları
from the Cloud Products any Bulut Ürünlerinden silme veya bloke
Customer Data that the Licensee etme hakkına sahiptir. İlgili Müşteri
does not delete from the Cloud verisi derhal silinmez veya bloke
Products by the aforementioned edilmezse Lisans Verenin önemsiz
period of time. No period needs to be dezavantajlardan çok daha fazlasıyla
set where the Licensor would face karşılaşacak ise, süre belirlenmesi
more than merely immaterial gerekmez. Böyle bir durumda Lisans
disadvantages if the respective Veren söz konusu Müşteri verilerini
Customer Data is not immediately derhal silme veya bloke etme hakkına
deleted or blocked. In this case the sahiptir.
Licensor is entitled to delete or block
the Customer Data in question

31.4 If the Licensee stores Customer Data 31.4 Lisans Alan, Bulut Ürünlerinde madde
in Cloud Products that infringe 31.2’yi ihlal eden Müşteri verileri
clause 31.2, the Licensee shall saklarsa, Lisans Alan bunun
indemnify the Licensor against all sonucunda Lisans Verene karşı ileri
resulting claims asserted against the sürülen bütün taleplere karşı Lisans
Licensor and the Licensee shall bear Vereni tazmin edecek ve bundan
the resulting costs unless it is not at doğan masraflara, kendi hatası
fault. This also covers appropriate olmadığı durumlar hariç Lisans Alan
legal costs for the defense of such katlanacaktır. Bu düzenleme, taleplere

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 190/194

claims. The Licensor shall inform the karşı yargılama masraflarını ve
Licensee of such third-party claims. avukatlık ücretlerini de kapsar. Lisans
Veren, üçüncü-kişi hak
iddialarını/taleplerini Lisans Alana
haber verecektir.

31.5 The Licensee (i) is solely responsible 31.5 Lisans Alan (i) Müşteri verilerinin ve
for the accuracy, quality, integrity Müşteri Verilerini temin etme
and legality of the Customer Data yöntemlerinin doğruluğundan,
and of the methods by which it kalitesinden, bütünlüğünden ve
procures the Customer Data, (ii) yasallığından tek başına sorumludur,
shall make commercially reasonable (ii) Bulut Ürünlerine yetkisiz erişim,
efforts to avoid unauthorized access veya yetkisiz kullanımını önlemek için
to or unauthorized use of Cloud ticari anlamda makul gayret sarf
Products, and shall inform the edecek, ve bu yetkisiz erişim veya
Licensor without delay about every yetkisiz kullanımların her biri hakkında
such unauthorized access or gecikmeksizin Lisans Vereni haberdar
unauthorized use and (iii) shall use edecek ve (iii) hizmetleri sadece Ürün
the services solely in accordance Açıklamasına uygun olarak
with the Product Description. The kullanacaktır. Lisans Veren, Müşteri
Licensor is under no obligation to Verilerinin yasallığını kontrol etme
check the legality of Customer Data. yükümlülüğü altında değildir.

31.6 The Licensee explicitly 31.6 Lisans Alan, Lisans Verenin, Lisans
acknowledges that the Licensor does Alana veya onun kullanıcılarına ait
not monitor or control the content of olan, Bulut Ürünlerine yüklenen veya
communication or data of the Bulut Ürünleri aracılığıyla aktarılan
Licensee or its Users that is iletişim veya verilerinin içeriğini
uploaded to the Cloud Products or izlemediğini ve kontrol etmediğini, ve
transferred via the Cloud Products, iletişim veya aktarımların içeriğinden
and that the Licensor is not liable for Lisans Verenin sorumlu olmadığını
the content of the communication or açıkça bildiğini kabul eder.


32.1 If Client Software is needed for 32.1 Belirli bir Bulut Ürününe erişim için
access to a certain Cloud Product, (i) İstemci Yazılımı gerekirse, (i) Lisans
the Licensor will provide the Veren söz konusu Bulut Ürünü için
Licensee with the Client Software for madde 19’a uyarınca İstemci
the Cloud Product in question Yazılımını Lisans Alana temin edecek
according to clause 19 and grant the ve ilgili Lisans Sözleşmesinin süresi
Licensee during the term of the boyunca ilgili Bulut Ürününe erişim
relevant License Agreement a non- için ve bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarının
exclusive, non-transferrable right to hüküm ve koşullarına göre kullanması
use the Client Software solely for için İstemci Yazılımının münhasır
accessing the related Cloud Product olmayan, devredilemez kullanma
and for its use according to the terms hakkını Lisans Alana verecektir.
and provisions of these Software
License Terms.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 191/194

32.2 If Client Software is needed 32.2 Lisans Verene göre İstemci Yazılımı
according to the Licensor, the gerekirse, Lisans Alan sözkonusu
Licensee may only access the Cloud Bulut Ürününe sadece İstemci
Product in question via the Client Yazılımı aracılığıyla erişebilir. Diğer
Software. Any other type of access is tür erişimler yasaktır. Lisans Veren,
prohibited. The Licensor assumes no Lisans Alanın İstemci Yazılımı
warranty and is not liable for access aracılığıyla olanın dışında herhangi bir
or attempts to access the Cloud yolla sözkonusu Bulut Ürününe erişimi
Product in question by the Licensee veya erişim teşebbüsü için hiçbir
in any way other than via the Client garanti üstlenmez ve yükümlü değildir,
Software and is not responsible for ve Lisans Alanın yukarıda belirtilen
defects or damage resulting from a vecibeyi ihlalinden doğan hasar veya
breach of the aforementioned kusurlardan sorumlu değildir.
obligation by the Licensee.

32.3 The Licensee shall return all copies 32.3 Lisans Alan, aşağıdaki olaylardan
of the Client Software as soon as birisi gerçekleşir gerçekleşmez
one of the following events occurs: İstemci Yazılımının bütün kopyalarını
(a) the termination of the License iade edecektir: (a) ilgili Bulut Ürünü
Agreement for the relevant Cloud için Lisans Sözleşmesinin feshi veya
Product or (b) communication by the (b) ilgili Bulut Ürününe erişim için
Licensor that the Client Software is İstemci Yazılımının artık gerekli
no longer necessary for accessing olmadığına dair Lisans Verence
the relevant Cloud Product (e.g., in yapılan bildirim (ör., güncellemeler
the case of updates or upgrades), veya yükseltmeler durumunda), ve
together with a request by the Lisans Verenin İstemci Yazılımını iade
Licensor to return the Client etmesi talebi. Lisans Verenin buna
Software. Upon corresponding dair yazılı talebi üzerine Lisans Alan,
written request by the Licensor, the Lisans Verenin talimatlarına göre iade
Licensee shall definitively destroy all etmek yerine, İstemci Yazılımının
copies of the Client Software instead bütün kopyalarını, geri
of returning them according to the kurtarılamayacak şekilde kesin olarak
appropriate instructions of the imha edecektir. Lisans Alan, talebi
Licensor such that they cannot be almasından itibaren otuz (30) gün
restored. The Licensee shall confirm içinde, Lisans Alanın yukarıdaki
to the Licensor within thirty (30) days yükümlülükleri yerine getirdiğini Lisans
of receipt of the request that the Verene teyit edecektir.
Licensee has met the above





33.1 If the Licensor and Licensee agree 33.1 Eğer Lisans Veren ve Lisans Alan,
on maintenance and support daimi olarak sağlanan Lisanslı Yazılım
services for perpetually provided için, bir Bakım Sözleşmesine
Licensed Software by entering into a akdederek bakım ve destek hizmetleri
corresponding Maintenance üzerinde anlaşırsa, Lisans Veren bu
Agreement, the Licensor shall bakım ve destek hizmetlerini bu
provide these maintenance and Yazılım Lisansı Koşulları ve Bakım

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 192/194

support services in accordance with Sözleşmesine göre temin edecektir.
these Software License Terms and Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarının
the Maintenance Agreement. In case hükümleri ile Bakım Sözleşmesinin
of contradictions between the hükümleri arasında farklılık olması
provisions of these Software License halinde, Bakım Sözleşmesi hükümleri
Terms and the provisions of the uygulanacaktır. Kusurların giderilmesi
Maintenance Agreement, the bağlamında garanti durumunda
provisions of the Maintenance madde 33‘e göre Lisans Verenin
Agreement shall prevail. This clause Lisans Alana temin ettiği SW
33 shall apply accordingly to SW Güncellemeleri ve SW Yükseltmeleri
Updates and SW Upgrades that the için de bu madde 1 uygulanacaktır.
Licensor provides to the Licensee in
accordance with clause 1 in a
warranty case in the context of
remedying defects.

33.2 The maintenance and support 33.2 Bakım ve destek hizmetleri, kusurların
services comprise correcting defects, giderilmesinden, telefon ve/veya
telephone and/or electronic User elektronik kullanıcı desteğinden ve
support as well as the provision of Lisanslı Yazılımın güncellemelerinin
updates of the Licensed Software. In sağlanmasından oluşmaktadır.
particular, Licensor shall provide, if Özellikle, Lisans Veren, Lisanslı
available, SW Updates and SW Yazılımın eğer varsa SW
Upgrades of the Licensed Software Güncellemelerini ve SW
(and the updated documentation in Yükseltmelerini (ve her durumda
each case) in accordance with the güncel dokümantasyon) Bakım
Maintenance Agreement. The Sözleşmesine uygun olarak
Licensee is not entitled to modules, sağlanacaktır. Lisans Alan, Lisans
components or other products for Verenin ayrı lisanslar düzenlediği veya
which the Licensor issues separate ek ücretler uyguladığı modüller,
licenses or charges additional fees. bileşenler veya diğer ürünler üzerinde
Unless otherwise agreed, the hak sahibi değildir. Üzerinde başka
provision of Major Releases is not türlü anlaşılmadıkça, Büyük Çaplı
part of the maintenance and support Sürümlerin temini, bakım ve destek
services and requires a separate hizmetlerinin parçası değildir ve
agreement between Licensor and Lisans Veren ile Lisans Alan arasında
Licensee. ayrı bir sözleşme gerektirir.

33.3 The Licensee shall install all SW 33.3 Lisans Alan, üçüncü-kişi fikri mülkiyet
Updates and SW Upgrades without haklarının ihlaline son vermek veya
delay after receiving them or as soon Lisanslı Yazılımdaki bir kusuru
as they become available and the gidermek için, bütün SW
Licensee is notified by the Licensor Güncellemelerini ve SW
of the availability of SW Updates and Yükseltmelerini, almasından itibaren
SW Upgrades, in order to cease an gecikmeksizin, veya SW
infringement of a third-party Güncellemelerinin ve SW
intellectual property right or to Yükseltmelerinin erişilebilir hale gelip
remove a defect in the Licensed Lisans Alana Lisans Veren tarafından
Software. bildirilir bildirilmez yükleyecektir.

33.4 The maintenance and support 33.4 Bakım ve destek hizmetleri, en son
services are provided for the current versiyonun kullanımının Lisans Alan
version of the Licensed Software and için makul olmadığı, ör., güncel

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 193/194

for a period of twelve (12) months versiyonun kusurlar veya güvenlik
maximum from when the current riskleri içerdiği durumlar haricinde,
version is made for the previous Lisanslı Yazılımın güncel versiyonu
version (n-1) unless the use of the için ve önceki versiyon (n-1) için
latest version is unreasonable for the güncel versiyonun yapılmasından
Licensee, e.g., if the current version itibaren maksimum on iki (12) ay
contains defects or security risks; süreyle sağlanmaktadır; diğer
other version qualify for maintenance versiyon ancak eğer Lisans Veren ve
and support only if separately agreed Lisans Alan arasında ayrıca
between the Licensor and Licensee. anlaşmaya varılmışsa bakım ve
destek almak için gereken şartlara

33.5 Further details on the scope of the 33.5 Bakım ve destek hizmetlerinin
maintenance and support services kapsamının diğer detayları, Bakım
are set forth in the Maintenance Sözleşmesinde belirtilmiştir. Lisans
Agreement. The Licensor may adapt, Veren, bakım ve destek hizmetlerinin
modify, reduce and/or amend the kapsamını madde 4.4‘e göre adapte
scope therein of maintenance and edebilir, değiştirebilir, azaltabilir
support services in accordance with ve/veya tadil edebilir.
clause 4.4.

33.6 Clause 1 of these Software License 33.6 Bu Yazılım Lisansı Koşullarının 1.

Terms applies only to maintenance Maddesi sadece bakım ve destek
and support services, insofar as the hizmetleri için, söz konusu hizmetlerin,
services in question are subject to iş sözleşmeleri, kiralar veya alım
mandatory statutory provisions sözleşmeleri ile ilgili mecburi yasal
related to contracts for work, leases hükümlere tabi olduğu ölçüde
or purchase contracts. geçerlidir.

Phoenix Contact Software License Terms (date of May 2018) 194/194

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