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Diabetes in ageing: pathways for developing the evidence

base for clinical guidance
Medha N Munshi, Graydon S Meneilly, Leocadio Rodríguez-Mañas, Kelly L Close, Paul R Conlin, Tali Cukierman-Yaffe, Angus Forbes, Om P Ganda,
C Ronald Kahn, Elbert Huang, Lori M Laffel, Christine G Lee, Sei Lee, David M Nathan, Naushira Pandya, Richard Pratley, Robert Gabbay, Alan J Sinclair

Older adults with diabetes are heterogeneous in their medical, functional, and cognitive status, and require careful Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol
individualisation of their treatment regimens. However, in the absence of detailed information from clinical trials 2020; 8: 855–67
involving older people with varying characteristics, there is little evidence-based guidance, which is a notable limitation Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, USA
of current approaches to care. It is important to recognise that older people with diabetes might vary in their profiles
(M N Munshi MD,
according to age category, functional health, presence of frailty, and comorbidity profiles. In addition, all older adults Prof P R Conlin MD, O Ganda MD,
with diabetes require an individualised approach to care, ranging from robust individuals to those residing in care Prof C R Kahn MD,
homes with a short life expectancy, those requiring palliative care, or those requiring end-of-life management. In this Prof L M Laffel MD,
Prof D M Nathan MD,
Review, our multidisciplinary team of experts describes the current evidence in several important areas in geriatric
R Gabbay MD); Joslin Diabetes
diabetes, and outlines key research gaps and research questions in each of these areas with the aim to develop evidence- Center, Boston, MA, USA
based recommendations to improve the outcomes of interest in older adults. (M N Munshi, O Ganda,
Prof C R Kahn, Prof L M Laffel,
Introduction R Gabbay); Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center,
Over the past decade, several diabetes organisations and societies have published position statements, guidelines, and Boston, MA, USA (M N Munshi);
consensus reports to guide the management of older research and clinical guidance on the care of older adults University of British Columbia,
adults with diabetes with consideration of the unique with type 1 diabetes. Thus, there is an increasing and Vancouver, BC, Canada
(G S Meneilly MD); Servicio de
challenges that are involved.1–11 In addition, there have urgent need to develop evidence-based treatment Geriatria, Hospital
been published articles with a main focus on diabetes and recommendations for this growing population that has Universitario de Getafe, Getafe,
older adults where the emerging science, the complexity unique and often unmet needs. In this Review, we Spain (L Rodríguez-Mañas MD);
of management, and the goals of care have been describe the current evidence in seven important areas in The diaTribe Foundation
San Francisco, CA, USA
discussed12 in varying situations, such as the presence of geriatric diabetes (figure), and outline key research gaps (K L Close MBA); Close Concerns,
cognitive dysfunction13 or the management of inpatient and research questions in each of these areas. San Francisco, CA, USA
hyperglycaemia.14 This literature supports the view that (K L Close); Veteran Affairs
many factors necessitate different approaches to diabetes Screening and prevention of diabetes in older Boston Healthcare System,
Boston, MA, USA
care in older adults compared with younger adults. adults (Prof P R Conlin); Division of
Older adults are a heterogeneous population and are Current evidence Endocrinology, Diabetes and
frequently defined on the basis of chronological age, Several international organisations have developed criteria Metabolism, Gertner Institute,
functional status, or the presence of comorbid conditions. for screening for diabetes. Although large data sets have Ramat Gan, Israel
(T Cukierman-Yaffe MD); Sheba
This variability in definitions is seen in the studies in found that mean glycaemia increases with age,16–19 most of Medical Centre, Ramat Gan,
current literature focusing on older adults. Because of this the guidelines do not have age-specific criteria or Israel (T Cukierman-Yaffe);
variability, defining older adults in the context of the recommendations for screening frequency based on Epidemiology Department,
purpose of the study or review might be necessary. In the age.11,20,21,22 In addition, data suggest that if only fasting Sackler School of Medicine,
Herczeg Institute on Aging,
past decade, various guidelines and consensus reports plasma glucose or HbA1c concentrations are measured, a Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv,
have provided clinical recommendations based on the substantial number of patients with impaired glucose Israel (T Cukierman-Yaffe);
presence of severe comorbidities, cognitive status, and tolerance or diabetes will be missed.23,24 If an oral glucose King’s College London, London,
UK (A Forbes PhD,
functionality, avoiding chronological age as the defining tolerance test is done, it might diagnose diabetes in some
Prof A J Sinclair MD); Center for
factor. The three groups of older adults with diabetes that individuals who were otherwise diagnosed as having Chronic Disease Research and
are usually defined for the purposes of allocating impaired glucose tolerance or normal glucose concen­ Policy, Section of General
recommendations are: (1) individuals in good health with trations by other screening methods. However, how such a Internal Medicine, University
of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
little or no cognitive or functional impairment and a long diagnosis or its treatment would alter clinically meaningful
(Prof E Huang MD); Division of
life expectancy (eg, >10–15 years); (2) those who have some outcomes in an older population is unclear. Diabetes, Endocrinology and
comorbidities and mild disabilities; and (3) those who have Several interventions have been shown to be effective at Metabolic Diseases, National
a high number of comorbidities or disabilities, or both, preventing diabetes. The Diabetes Prevention Programme Institute of Diabetes and
Digestive and Kidney Diseases,
and a shorter life expectancy (eg, <5 years). investigated the effects of lifestyle modifi­ cation,
National Institutes of Health,
The recommendations from these guidelines offer metformin, or placebo in the prevention of diabetes in Bethesda, MD, USA
important information for clinicians providing care for indivi­ duals at high risk for diabetes develop­ ment (C G Lee MD); University of
older adults with diabetes. However, older adults, (ie, impaired glucose tolerance plus impaired fasting California San Francisco,
San Francisco, CA, USA
particularly those who have evidence of functional loss, glucose in individuals who have overweight or obesity),
(Prof S Lee MD); Geriatrics and
frailty, and cognitive impairment, are under-represented and found that a lifestyle intervention aimed at weight loss Extended Care, San Francisco
in clinical trials leading to management guidelines that and increased physical activity was highly effective
rely on expert opinions only. In addition, there is little (58% reduction) and that metformin was less effective Vol 8 October 2020 855


Veterans Affairs Health Care (31% reduction) in preventing the progression to out­comes. In addition, there is no universal agreement
System, San Francisco, CA, USA diabetes.25,26 Of note, the Diabetes Prevention Programme regarding which outcomes should be measured. Because
(Prof S Lee); Diabetes Research
Center and Clinical Research
lifestyle inter­vention was relatively more effective in the there are not enough older people with multiple comor­
Center, Massachusetts General subcohort aged 60 years or older at baseline, with a bidities in screening studies, there is also little under­
Hospital, Boston, MA, USA 71% reduction in diabetes development compared with the standing regarding the possible implications of those
(Prof D M Nathan); Department 48–59% reduction in the younger groups (<60 years). In comorbidities and related treatments on the screening
of Geriatrics, Kiran C. Patel
College of Osteopathic
other studies, acarbose,27 rosiglitazone,28 and pioglitazone29 tests and the risk of diabetes. It is unclear if an oral glucose
Medicine, Nova Southeastern were effective in preventing diabetes in older adults. tolerance test should be done in patients who have
University, Aventura Hospital, However, no studies have shown that preventing diabetes prediabetes (established by HbA1c or fasting plasma
Aventura, FL, USA in older people alters clinically important outcomes. All glucose tests) to identify further cases of diabetes, or if an
(Prof N Pandya MD);
AdventHealth, AdventHealth
diabetes organisations have acknowledged the long time oral glucose tolerance test should be done in patients who
Diabetes Institute, period required for the development of complications and have normal screening values for these parameters. The
AdventHealth Translational suggested that screening is not necessary when life cost implications of such a programme need to be
Research Institute, Orlando, FL, expectancy is short enough that benefits are not likely to considered carefully, particularly since the benefits have
USA (R E Pratley MD); and
Diabetes Frail, London, UK
happen. not been defined. All the crucial research gaps in current
(Prof A J Sinclair) evidence and the important new research questions that
Correspondence to: Research gaps should be investigated are summarised in panel 1.
Dr Medha N Munshi, Joslin Whether age-specific criteria (regarding screening
Diabetes Center and Beth Israel methods, frequency, and glycaemic concentrations) Comorbidities and complications
Deaconess Medical Center,
Harvard Medical School, Boston,
should guide screening decisions in older adults is Current evidence
MA 02215, USA unclear. No studies have shown that screening for diabetes One of the great clinical challenges of managing and sub­ sequent treatment alters clinically meaningful diabetes in older adults is that the disease is frequently

Screening and Comorbidities Glycaemic goals Glucose lowering Type 1 diabetes Application of Long-term and
prevention and complications agents and ageing technology palliative care
Main gaps in













Data creation and Frailty, dementia, long-term care

data sources facilities, palliative care

• RA







Anticipated benefits

Improved quality Improved physical Decreased hospital Increased cost-effective Macrovascular and Shared decision making
Effect on clinical care
of life function and cognition admissions care microvascular risk

Figure: Research roadmap for diabetes in older people, with a focus on establishing the most important outcomes and a focus on registry-based real-world populations
Modified from Sinclair and colleagues.15 *With a focus on establishing the outcomes most important to older adults. †With a focus on registry-based real-wold populations.

856 Vol 8 October 2020


accompanied by multiple comorbidities.30,31 On the basis

of concepts such as mortality caused by competing Panel 1: Screening and prevention of diabetes in older
illnesses and lag time to benefit,32 classifying older adults
patients by comorbidities has been viewed as an Crucial knowledge gaps
important way to individualise the intensity and • Age-specific criteria for the diagnosis of impaired glucose
approach to diabetes management. There have been few tolerance, pre-diabetes, and diabetes
studies to classify older patients by comorbid conditions, • Best method to screen for diabetes in older adults and the
but these few studies have been the basis for the current role of the oral glucose tolerance test in varied settings
three-tiered management system adopted by several • Impact of intervention on clinically meaningful outcomes
diabetes care guidelines. post-screening
In one study,30 older adults with diabetes (age
57–85 years) were classified into three distinct subgroups Important research questions
according to the presence of 14 highly prevalent comorbid • Should screening criteria (methods, glycaemic
conditions with the use of latent class analysis to identify concentration, and frequency) for pre-diabetes and
those who were more or less likely to benefit from inten­ diabetes be age specific?
sive glycaemic control. Although relying on a particular • What are the implications for screening for diabetes on
pattern of comorbid conditions alone might not be interventions and clinically relevant outcomes in older
sufficient to guide all treatment decisions, a key finding adults?
was that those with cardiovascular disease and six or • Can existing large population or cohort-based data sets be
more comorbid conditions were a subgroup unlikely to made use of to establish new criteria for impaired glucose
benefit from intensified therapy. In another study,31 the tolerance pre-diabetes, and diabetes in older people?
presence of some health status characteristics was shown • Should older people be screened with both a HbA1c and
to influence the ability of an individual to self-manage fasting plasma glucose test instead of one or the other?
their diabetes and thus increased the risk of worse • Is an oral glucose tolerance test needed in older people
clinical outcomes. Separation into three groups on the who have fasting plasma glucose or HbA1c concentrations,
basis of health status characteristics, including comorbid or both, in healthy or prediabetes ranges?
profiles, appeared to be related to mortality risk as
previously shown.30,32 Data from the US Health and
Retirement study33 also found that this method of Panel 2: Comorbidities and complications
separation into three groups was of value in establishing
how clinically complex individuals with diabetes can be Crucial knowledge gaps
effectively managed and what research is necessary in • Development of a reliable comorbidity classification system that identifies clinically
this area.34 distinct phenotypic subgroups of older patients
Two further studies provide additional insight into • Inclusion of adequately sized subgroups of older patients with diabetes and pre-diabetes
comorbidity profiling and outcomes in older adults with in major randomised controlled trials of diabetes prevention, treatment, and care
diabetes.33,34 One study making use of a diabetes • How glycaemic control–outcome relationships differ in older people compared with
simulation model showed that a combination of multiple younger people with pre-diabetes and diabetes
comorbid illnesses and functional impairments was a • How the effects (glucose lowering, side-effects, and long-term consequences) of
more important predictor of a lower life expectancy and diabetes medications differ by age
diminished benefits of intensive glucose control, com­ Important research questions
pared with age alone.33 Another 5 year observational • How do we identify the important subgroups of older patients with diabetes?
study characterised partici­pants with type 2 diabetes into • What specific glycaemic goals should be recommended by subgroup?
different comorbidity groups on the basis of the use of a • What is the optimal study design for acquiring the evidence for treatment selection by
patient-reported measure (total illness burden index) subgroup?
and observed the occurrence of cardiovascular events • How do we incorporate health status into clinical decisions in busy practice?
according to the concentrations of glycaemia measured • How do we communicate with older patients about changing health statuses and
by HbA1c.35 Those with a HbA1c concentration at baseline goals?
of 7·0% (53 mmol/mol) or less with low to moderate • How do we acquire the evidence to show whether or not personalising diabetes care can
number of comorbid conditions had significantly fewer improve outcomes for older patients?
cardiovascular events compared with those in the high
comorbidity group. Of note, this observational study
included a relatively young group of older adults (mean Research gaps
age, 77 years ±7·5), and causal inferences were not There are many important knowledge gaps related to
possible. However, together these studies suggest that comorbidities and diabetes. At present, we do not have a
the comorbidity profile should be considered when reliable comorbidity classification system that identifies
tailoring glycaemic goals and glucose lowering therapies subgroups of older patients that are clinically distinct. In
in older adults with type 2 diabetes. addition, not all comorbidities are of equal severity, and the Vol 8 October 2020 857


studies to date have not accounted for disease severity. practice guidelines have recognised the need for age-
Thus, clusters and counts are difficult to operationalise in specific guidelines and have proposed treatment goals that
clinical practice, since types and severity of the comorbid align with older patients’ unique characteristics and goals
conditions are likely to matter more than an overall count. of care.
Newer classification systems also need to consider Several observational studies show a J-shaped relation­
additional independent variables, such as frailty and ship between HbA1c and mortality in older adults.38–40
sarcopenia, and should be externally validated beyond the Threshold values for HbA1c at which mortality is increased
original development data set. An alternative to classifying are generally <6·0–6·5% (42–48 mmol/mol) and
patients on the basis of clusters of baseline comorbidities >7·5–10·0% (58–86 mmol/mol). In addition, the mortality
is to classify patients on the basis of risk prediction models risks associated with lower HbA1c values are amplified in
for premature mortality and adverse drug events, such as patients taking medications associated with hypoglycaemia
hypoglycaemia.36 Apart from improving the approach to (eg, insulin).41 In fact, the secondary analysis of trial data in
patient classification, evidence is needed regarding optimal ACCORD shows a greater mortality risk for older adults,
targets for glycemic control and drug selection for the even with high HbA1c if they were on intensive therapy.42
distinct classes of patients. Even after establishing a classi­ Owing to the dearth of acceptable, high quality data in
fication system, there are still many remaining research the older population with diabetes, guideline-directed
questions regarding implementation. All the crucial glycaemic targets in older adults1,2,6,11,43 are generally based
research gaps in current evidence and the important new on expert opinions. These targets are generally designed
research questions that should be investigated are to balance the risks associated with acute hyperglycaemia
summarised in panel 2. and microvascular disease, while taking into account
comorbidities, life expectancy, the presence or absence of
Glycaemic goals complications, polypharmacy, hypo­glycaemia and other
Current evidence adverse events, treatment burden, and the social
In older adults with diabetes, a multidimensional and determinants of health. However, new information is
individual treatment and management approach is emerging that might well influence future recommen­
needed.37 Microvascular complications develop over time, dations in glycaemic control in older adults. A cross-
and for many older patients with a lower life expectancy, sectional study44 has shown an association between
intensive glycaemic treatment will offer no net benefits. diabetes and disability, partly explained by glycaemic
Factors such as functional status, comorbidities, life expec­ control (with a higher risk for those who have a HbA1c
tancy, social factors, and patient preferences, need to be ≥8% [64 mmol/mol]). Several longitudinal studies have
considered. These aspects will also establish the approp­ also shown a relationship between diabetes and increased
riate target ranges for glycaemia. Indeed, many clinical frailty and mobility disorders,45,46 and worse cognitive
outcomes47 in those with poor glycaemic control.
As described in the section on comorbidities,
Panel 3: Glycaemic goals
recommen­­dations for glycaemic targets and thresholds
Crucial knowledge gaps are different for individuals with different comorbidites:
• Individual glycaemic goals to optimise functional, cognitive, and quality of life outcomes (1) individuals in good health with little or no functional
as well as the use of resources (eg, hospital admissions, long-term care, impairment and a long life expectancy (eg, >10–15 years);
and institutionalisation) (2) those who have some comorbidities and mild
• Risks and effectiveness of different HbA1c thresholds in older populations disabilities; and (3) those who have high comorbidities
• Role of HbA1c target ranges (eg, 7–8% or 53–64 mmol/mol) and time-in-range as or disabilities, or both, and a shorter life expectancy
glycaemic goals, balancing risks and benefits in older adults (eg, <5 years). In general and even in the absence of
• Effectiveness of clinical decision support tools (eg, shared decision-making), electronic direct data, recommended targets for the first group are
medical record tools (eg, decision aids and clinical reminders), and quality measures to HbA1c concentrations of 7·0–7·5% (53–58 mmol/mol),
guide clinical care for the second group at 7·5–8·0% (58–64 mmol/mol), and
the third group at 8·0–8·5% (64–69 mmol/mol).11 Lower
Important research questions
targets are deemed appropriate in some patients on the
• Develop real life observational studies to assess the relationship of HbA1c to microvascular
basis of shared decision-making, while considering the
and macrovascular disease risk, mortality, functional status, and quality of life in older
safety and tolerability of the therapy.
Unfortunately, many older adults with diabetes might
• What are the appropriate HbA1c targets to minimise different outcomes (eg, functionality
be over-treated. For example, approximately 50% of
and quality of life) in older adults with different categories of risk (eg, young-old or old-
patients >65 years with diabetes have a HbA1c
old age, frailty, mild or severe disability, impaired cognition)?
<7% (53 mmol/mol)48,49 when using insulin or a
• Is it feasible and useful to implement alternative measures of glycaemic control to HbA1c?
sulfonylurea, regardless of their functional status. This
• Are current technologies to improve glycaemic control cost-effective, such as continuous
low concen­tration of HbA1c creates a potential for harm,
glucose monitoring, and do they promote the empowerment of older adults with
particularly with the accompanying burdens of the
treatment (eg, polypharmacy, monitoring, adverse events,

858 Vol 8 October 2020


and costs) and increased risk of hypoglycaemia with real-life observational studies to assess the relationship of
insulin and sulfonylureas in the older population,50,51 HbA1c to microvascular and macrovascular disease risk,
patient preferences,1,2,6,43 caregiver perspec­
tives (when functional status, and quality of life. All the crucial
appro­priate),9 and treatment adherence,52 are important research gaps in current evidence and the important new
aspects of diabetes management in all adults. However, in research questions that should be investigated are
older adults they are essential in determining appropriate summarised in panel 3.
HbA1c targets and in identifying specific treatments to
reach those targets. Glucose-lowering agents in older adults
Current evidence
Research gaps Most clinical guidelines for the treatment of diabetes now
The heterogeneity of older patients with diabetes raises recommend personalising therapy through a shared
the issue of HbA1c targets that take into account the decision-making approach. In the majority of cases, these
personal characteristics and the care environment and guidelines have relied on data extrapolated from trials in
the benefits to be achieved. Further complicating this younger, generally healthier individuals or are based on
heterogeneity is the fact that many older people with expert consensus opinion. Minimising hypo­glycaemia is
diabetes have conditions that alter red blood cell life often a key goal when guidelines are tailored for older
span, such as anaemia, making HbA1c a less reliable people, and guidance often precludes the use of glyburide
measure of glucose control.10 Thus, an alternative to (glibenclamide) because of its long half-life and propensity
HbA1c as a glycemic target, especially in populations with for provoking hypoglycaemia, although great caution is
a high prevalence of these conditions, such as those recommended in the use of any sulfonylurea where there
residing in subacute care facilities or nursing homes, is are additional risk factors for hypoglycaemia. Similarly,
needed.9 One such approach might be related to the use complex insulin regimens are not advised because of the
of fasting blood glucose variability, which in one study of excess risk of unwanted hypoglycaemia, particularly in
older adults (mean age, 60 years) was shown to be an those who have a shortened life expectancy or those who
effective predictor of ischaemic stroke.53 have extensive comorbidity profiles.9
One approach to setting a goal for HbA1c is to
consider establishing a target range, for example Panel 4: Glucose-lowering agents in older adults
7–8% (53–64 mmol/mol), and then tracking how often
the measured concentrations reside within that range. Crucial knowledge gaps
This method avoids looking only at the absolute • Little focus on participants who are older and frail with diabetes in randomised control
concentrations, which are subject to both biological and trials and clinical development programmes for medications
measurement variability, and focuses attention on • Data on the safety and efficacy of glucose-lowering drugs in older populations
upper and lower bounds that are appropriate for an • Identifying the most important outcomes with different classes of medications for
individual to balance risks and benefits. This approach older individuals with diabetes by patient type, complications, and comorbidities
might have the advantage of moving the locus of • Defining an optimal treatment approach in different settings such as home,
glycaemic control from a dichotomous framework rehabilitation facilities, hospitals, or in nursing homes
(ie, good vs poor control) to a more continuous and Important research questions
comprehensive one. • The value of long-term randomised control trials making use of newer agents in older
There is little evidence of a benefit to older adults by populations focusing on outcomes of interest in older age and cost effectiveness
achieving and maintaining lower HbA1c concentrations regarding the outcomes of interest
(eg, <7% [53 mmol/mol]), and there is concern about risk • Results of pooled analyses on the efficacy and safety of specific drug classes within
and lag time to accruing benefits as part of the shared clinical development programmes, cardiovascular outcome trials, and real-world
decision-making process with patients.32 evidence from databases around the world
The effect of maintaining target HbA1c concentrations on • What is the optimal sequence of drugs for type 2 diabetes management in older adults
other outcomes, such as functional deterioration, cognitive with different categories of risk (eg, young-old or old-old age, different racial groups,
impairment, falls, institutionalisation, hospital admissions, frailty, mild or severe disability, impaired cognition, or various patient preferences)?
and premature death, has not been studied in any detail. • What are optimal combinations of drugs in specific populations of older adults,
Similarly, the effect of glycaemic targets on quality of life including those with cognitive and physical decline? What is the add-on value of new
measures, diabetes-related distress, or disease burden classes of glucose-lowering medications?
indices, is not well studied. There are scarce data from • What are the optimal glucose-lowering treatments in older patients with comorbidities
interventional studies assessing the effectiveness of including atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, heart failure, and chronic kidney
achieving different glycaemic targets to improve or disease?
maintain functional status in older adults.54, 55 • What are the effects of SGLT2 inhibitors on mechanisms of reducing the progression of
Last, there is a need to examine clinical decision support heart failure and on long-term renal outcomes?
tools (eg, shared decision-making), electronic health • What is the optimal approach in different settings such as hospital admissions in older
record tools (eg, decision aids and clinical reminders), adults or patients in long-term care?
quality measures to track potential overtreat­ ment, and Vol 8 October 2020 859


Following advice issued in December, 2008, by cardiovascular disease; and those aged younger than
the US Food and Drug Administration to the 65 years at baseline had no significant reduction in the
pharmaceutical industry, all new agents for the treatment primary outcome compared with the control
of diabetes have had to undergo long-term cardiovascular (n=3793, HR 1·04); whereas those aged 65 years or older
outcomes trials to show safety. A detailed review of this did (n=3127, HR 0·71). Overall, the scarce data on older
area by an expert review group is available56 and the adults suggest there is a need for further studies to
results of subgroup analyses relating to event rate by age compare the differences in the outcomes. A
of various cardiovascular outcome trials has also been comprehensive, evidenced-based review of diabetes care
reported.57 All manufacturers of DPP-4 inhibitors, GLP-1 in older people has been published.69
receptor agonists,58–64 and SGLT2 inhibitors,65,66,67 have
carried out many cardiovascular outcomes trials. Overall Research gaps
cardio­vascular safety has been shown across all A main limitation of most randomised controlled trials
three classes with the use of the composite major adverse in general is that the mean age of participants varies
cardiovascular events endpoints (cardiovascular death, between 62 years and 66 years, and a smaller proportion
non-fatal myocardial infarction, and non-fatal stroke). of adults 65 years or older are recruited. This limitation is
SGLT2 inhibitors also appear to have a more marked relevant in view of the increasing population in the age
effect on preventing hospital admissions for heart failure group older than 65 years, developing cardiovascular
and the progression of kidney disease.68–70 There are some disease including heart failure, as well as advancing renal
results of interest regarding the older age group. For complications, where the outcomes with the newer
example, in a post-hoc analysis of the LEADER trial with agents are not clear. Additional safety data are needed in
liraglutide68, those aged 50 years and older and with this age group. Another limitation is the uncertainty
cardiovascular disease at baseline had a reduction in regarding the potentially adverse renal effects with
primary outcome (n=7598; hazard ratio [HR] 0·83); SGLT2 inhibitors in the long term (>3 years) in the older
however, those aged 60 years and older, but with no population.70 Other questions with regards to an older
established cardiovascular disease, had a significantly population include the need for trials dedicated to an
more adverse outcome (n=1742; HR 1·20, p=0·04), except older age group and trials in those who are frail with
in a small subgroup of those aged 75 years and older.62 A multiple comorbidities. Guidance from the Food and
similar trend was seen in the HARMONY trial with Drug Administration will go a long way in improving the
albiglutide,58 comparing participants aged younger than enrolment of the number of participants older than
65 years with those aged 65–75 years, and a smaller group 65 years, and those who have comorbidities, such as
of people aged 75 years and older. In the EMPA-REG trial chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease in
with empagliflozin,71 all participants had established trials of drugs for glycaemic control.72 Finally, there are
notable questions about the optimal choice of drugs for
type 2 diabetes in older adults, optimal combination
Panel 5: Older adults with type 1 diabetes
therapy (which is usually required), and the optimal
Crucial knowledge gaps sequence of their use. All the crucial research gaps in
• National and global data sources for the epidemiological current evidence and the important new research
profiling of type 1 diabetes questions that should be investigated are summarised in
• Effect of ageing on metabolic regulation and self- panel 4.
management behaviour
• Risk for and of hypoglycaemia and preventive interventions Older adults with type 1 diabetes
• Interaction between physical and mental function, Current evidence
with diabetes self-management People with type 1 diabetes are living longer in high-
income societies.73 Although there is a survival gap
Important research questions
between people with and without diabetes,74 the life
• What age-related factors mediate diabetes outcomes and
expectancy for people with type 1 diabetes is getting closer
adverse treatment events in older people with type 1
to the population average.75 Studies of people with type 1
diabetes who survive into older age have identified many
• What are the experiences of older adults living with type 1
protective factors, including: a family history of longevity;
diabetes (age-related changes and challenges)?
elevated HDL; good glycaemic control (HbA1c <7·8%,
• What are the optimal methods for risk assessment and
62 mmol/mol); a non-smoking status; and low alcohol
minimisation in older people with type 1 diabetes,
consumption.76 Survival might be related to genetic
considering metabolic objectives, self-management
factors and residual β-cell function.77 It is also important
support, and hypoglycaemia prevention?
to note that the development of type 1 diabetes is not
• What are the needs of formal (eg, visiting nurses) and
restricted to children and adolescents and continues
informal (eg, family members) care providers in supporting
throughout adult life, extending into old age.78,79 Hence,
older people with type 1 diabetes?
the population of older people living with type 1 diabetes

860 Vol 8 October 2020


is a heterogeneous group, with varying diabetes duration

and potential underlying pathology. Panel 6: Technology use in older adults
There are multiple hazards for older people with type 1 Crucial knowledge gaps
diabetes, including: hypoglycaemia, cognitive dysfunction, • Data regarding the efficiency (outcomes, glucose control,
and comorbidity. Hypoglycaemia is an important hazard, and hypoglycaemia events) and safety of pump therapy,
increasing the risk of falls, fractures, and hospital sensor augmented pump therapy or hybrid closed loop,
admissions. The incidence of hypoglycaemia (including and continuous glucose monitoring in older people with
severe hypoglycaemia) in older people with type 1 diabetes diabetes as a whole or in those with multiple morbidities,
is increased,80 and hypoglycaemia awareness can become including cognitive and functional decline
impeded in older age.81 Cognitive impairment is another • Data relating to the use of home-based technological
important hazard that could lead to insulin errors and support or mobile phone, smartphone-based support in
hypoglycaemia. Studies have reported higher risks for effective diabetes management of older adults
cognitive dysfunction in older people with type 1 diabetes
compared with people without diabetes.82,83 Comorbidities Important research questions
are also more prevalent in older people with type 1 diabetes, • Which older adults are likely to benefit and which are
with negative effects on mental and physical function. likely to be harmed by use of varied technologies, and
Collectively, these comorbidities can increase care which tools might be used to identify those who would be
complexity and contribute to frailty. There have been no harmed?
conclusive clinical trials assessing the optimal metabolic • What diabetes lifestyle or management apps, or both,
targets in older people with type 1 diabetes, although some can be put into use successfully in older populations?
observational studies have shown lower diabetes • How can technology be harnessed for older people with
complications in older people with a more intensive special needs with cognitive or functional deficits?
control of cardiovascular risk factors (eg, cholesterol and • How can we create a platform that includes additions to
blood pressure).84 the existing technological tools (eg, insulin pumps and
continuous glucose monitoring) for diabetes related to
Research gaps cognitive rehabilitation modules, such as reminders,
Older age is associated with changes that mediate alerts and caregiver or case manager interaction modules,
metabolic processes that might affect glucose regulation and physical activity monitoring and promotion tools?
and increase the risk of hypoglycaemia. These changes
include reduced activity and nutrition and alterations in
the fat-to-muscle ratio. These age-related changes might
affect insulin sensitivity, so we need to understand how Panel 7: Diabetes in long-term care and palliative care
to compensate for them clinically and provide better self-
management support. Crucial knowledge gaps
Older peoples’ experiences of ageing and how it affects • Roadmap for incorporating current evidence, patient preference and values, and
their diabetes is not well understood. Such an insight prognosis into their therapeutic plan
would be important in understanding the issues older • Data on target range of HbA1c and frequency of glucose monitoring
people with type 1 diabetes face. In addition, as older • Best approach to select an oral glucose-lowering regimen or an insulin scheme
people become less independent, their reliance on formal • Best nutritional-based and exercise-based approaches to maintaining physical function
and informal caregivers increases, so identifying the • Value of implementing end of life care guidance and approaches as a basis of planning
perspectives of relatives and caregivers also need to be palliative care
considered.85 In the same context, there is a need for care Important research questions
models and the education of providers in different • What is the best approach to select individualised glycaemic goals and what is the best
settings, such as long-term care facilities, where it is measure of glycaemic control (HbA1c vs glucose monitoring by glucometers or
assumed that older adults have type 2 diabetes, which continuous glucose monitoring) for patients with diabetes and those at the end of life?
leads to mistakes such as stopping insulin because of the • What is the best approach to using glucose-lowering regimens that reduce the risk of
fear of hypoglycaemia. hypoglycaemia, meet acceptable targets of glycaemia, and improve outcomes of
There is also little knowledge about the role of newer interest to this population?
technologies used by older adults with type 1 diabetes, • Is there an average glucose, glucose excursion, or HbA1c concentration above which
such as insulin pumps or continuous glucose monitoring clinical outcomes can worsen in patients receiving palliative care?
(CGM) in these facilities. Finally, although international • What are the best nutrition-based and exercise-based approaches in long-term care
expert-based clinical guidelines are now available,86 there and at end-of-life care?
are still substantial evidence gaps in relation to optimal • What outcome indicators can be universally put in use to assess the standards of
approaches for the clinical assessments of age-related risks diabetes care within care homes and longer-term aged care facilities?
and for effective clinical intervention to minimise risk and • Is there a need for open real life and observational studies to acquire more data on the
promote physical and mental function. It is also important effect of diabetes on patients from care homes and at the end of life?
to recognise that changing care approaches can be more Vol 8 October 2020 861


challenging for older people as they might have to adjust pump therapy versus multiple daily injections in
long-learned behavioural patterns; hence, we need to individuals aged 35–75 years with type 2 diabetes
identify new approaches for self-management support in inadequately controlled on multiple daily injections, and
helping people with type 1 diabetes prepare for and adjust showed an improvement in HbA1c that was independent
to older age. All the crucial research gaps in current of diabetes duration and cognitive score measured with
evidence and the important new research questions that use of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment.
should be investigated are summarised in panel 5. Good evidence exists in individuals with type 1 diabetes
with respect to the efficiency of CGM in improving glucose
Technology use in older adults control and reducing hypoglycaemia rates;93–95 however,
Current evidence these studies have generally excluded older individuals. In
Despite good evidence in younger individuals with type 1 the DIAMOND trial96 of CGM, 20% of individuals were
diabetes, with respect to the efficiency and safety of older than 60 years. Over the 24 weeks of the trial, a
insulin pump use, few data exist for those older than 0·6% (6·6 mmol/mol) reduction in HbA1c was noted with
65 years, as many of the randomised controlled trials no significant interaction of the effect according to age.97
excluded older people.87,88 Studies making use of sensor- Another trial done in individuals 60 years or older with
augmented pump therapy and automated insulin type 1 and type 2 diabetes with the use of multiple
delivery, specifically the hybrid closed loop G670 system, daily injections showed a HbA1c reduction of 0·4%
have included individuals older than 60 years and (4·4 mmol/mol). The Wireless Innovations for Seniors
reported a similar improvement in glucose indices for With Diabetes Mellitus trial98 randomised 203 individuals
the entire cohort.89,90 Real life data for 1946 individuals with type 1 diabetes older than 60 years to CGM versus
60 years of age or older using the hybrid closed loop finger-stick glucose monitoring. Over 6 months, CGM was
show similar improvements in glucose indices when associated with significant reductions in the time spent in
compared with the younger cohort after initiating auto the hypoglycaemic range (<70 mg/dL [3·9 mmol/L] and
mode.91 The Opt2mise trial92 tested the effect of insulin <54 mg/dL [3·0 mmol/L]) and in severe hypoglycaemic
events. The group randomly assigned to CGM also had a
Panel 8: Crucial studies to guide implementation significantly greater time-in-range (70–180 mg/dL
[3·9–10·0 mmol/L]) and decreases in hyperglycaemia and
Crucial knowledge gaps HbA1c.98 Although most studies assessing the use of CGM
• Knowledge of the amount and duration of hyperglycaemia leading to symptoms have been done in type 1 diabetes, trials of multiple daily
• Frequency of hypoglycaemia in various populations of older adults (ie, community- injections in individuals with type 2 diabetes, including
dwelling vs nursing home; cognitively intact vs cognitively impaired, and across the approximately 50% of participants being older than
spectrum of frailty) 60 years, showed a reduction in HbA1c ranging from 0·3%
• When does hyperglycaemia lead to geriatric outcomes such as falls, physical functional to 0·5% (3·3 mmol/mol to 5·5 mmol/mol).97,99
decline, and cognitive decline? There is increasing evidence for the role of mobile
• What is the best approach for the deintensification of glycaemic treatment near the end phone applications for the management of diabetes. A
of life? review of randomised controlled trials that included
Important research to be undertaken individuals 55 years or older with type 2 diabetes reported
• A prospective study to associate symptoms with glycaemic concentrations with the use an improvement in various outcome measures including
of app-based tracking of symptoms, done across different subsets of older adults HbA1c, bodyweight, physical activity, blood pressure, and
• An observational study that examines the current state of glycaemic control across lipid profiles.100
those in long-term care facilities and other settings
• Qualitative studies to examine what outcomes are important to older adults with Research gaps
diabetes, ultimately informing the consensus on outcome measures for future studies It is not clear if the existing data with respect to the use of
• An interventional study aimed at different patient subtypes (ie, those living at home, in insulin pumps and CGM in older populations might be
assisted living, or in long-term care facilities hospice), which would include qualitative generalisable to individuals with cognitive or functional
feedback on symptoms and ultimately would examine longer term complications where deficits, or both. It is also not clear how the ability of the
appropriate (cerebrovascular events, cardiovascular disease, and chronic kidney disease) individual to use technology might be assessed. Because
• As evidence accumulates, studies will be needed to identify optimal glycaemic targets both insulin scheduling and coping with hypoglycaemia
and treatments in different patient subgroups, such as those with type 1 diabetes, become a challenge in older adults with cognitive or
dementia, and moderate to severe frailty functional deficits, it might be that adapting existing
• Observational measures across large care networks identifying variation in care and staff technological tools (eg, insulin pump and CGM) by
education regarding appropriate medication review, nutrition and exercise creating a platform that also includes diabetes-related
interventions, and individualised care plans, to disseminate knowledge to the care cognitive rehabilitation modules, such as reminders,
settings these individuals use alerts, and caregiver or case manager interaction modules,
• Identify potential cost savings (ie, reduced admissions to hospital) to accelerate might benefit this population. In this context, it is
adoption of interventions worthwhile mentioning the ongoing technological
advances in glucose management in older adults study

862 Vol 8 October 2020


(NCT03078491)] that will assess the effectiveness of CGM care protocols, the absence of agreement on glycaemic
enhanced by a diabetes manage­ment platform in the care targets, and inconsistent and often unsafe insulin admini­
of individuals with type 1 diabetes over the age of 65. We stration regimens.103
need more data to understand how caregivers can facilitate By the end of 2018, there were ten intervention studies
the use of technology by older adults. It is important to with a focus on diabetes care in long-term care facilities.
integrate the perspectives of older adults to improve and The study topics included staff education,104,105 retrospective
ease the adaptation of these technologies (eg, larger reviews examining guideline adherence106 or the com­para­
buttons, better contrast, etc.) in this population. tive effectiveness of basal insulin approaches,104 diabetes
Other interesting alternatives to pump therapy that medication withdrawal,108 teleconsultation between an
might have a role in ageing populations with diabetes are endocrinologist and care staff,109 and four random­ ised
Bluetooth-enabled insulin delivery devices that enable clinical trials that included patient education,102 use of
tracking of insulin dosing through a smartphone app. sliding scale insulin versus basal-bolus insulin,110 and the
There are several devices on the market. Some make use of effect of linagliptin (a DPP-4 inhibitor) or other oral agents
reusable pens with a smartphone app with tracking and on hypoglycaemia risk and glycaemic control (compared
advisory features. Some are caps that are put on disposable with insulin glargine).111,112 These studies have, in general
insulin pens and track insulin dosing. This technology, been, short term (<6 months) and have a small sample
combined with a bolus adviser, alert system, case manage­ size, and in some cases have not had objectivity and
ment, and the addition of other technology-based consistency in outcome assessment. None have had a
techniques for changing health behaviour, could potentially major influence on clinical practice, but offer some
aid in meeting the unmet needs of older people with important support for good clinical practice in promoting
cognitive deficits who need a basal bolus regimen along staff education and in reducing hypoglycaemia risk by
with support for insulin dosing to prevent hypoglycaemia. avoiding sliding scale insulin methods and over-intensifi­
There are few long-term studies on the role of mobile cation of treatment approaches.
phone applications in the management of diabetes, and
few of the current existing studies have included Research gaps
individuals older than 70 years or individuals with There are substantial shortfalls in our knowledge of
cognitive or functional impairment, or both.100 Finally, patients in care homes with diabetes, those with diabetes
studies on the development, design, and efficiency of in other long-term care facilities, and particularly those
educational or training programmes, or both, for the use with diabetes in palliative care settings. The expression
of technologies in older patients and their caregivers, end-of-life care might be applied to those in palliative
including cost-effective assessments, are needed. All the care, where new momentum is required to undertake
crucial research gaps in current evidence and the both descriptive and intervention studies for this
important new research questions that should be neglected area of research and to assess the value of
investigated are summarised in panel 6. implementing clinical guidelines.113, 114
There is a paucity of controlled clinical studies of
Diabetes in long-term care and palliative care intervention in the area of long-term care and during
Current evidence palliative care. A study of doctors and nurses working in
It has been recognised for some time that for the patients the palliative care settings suggested the use of a range of
in long-term care facilities, there is little evidence of practices and blood glucose testing frequencies on the
structured diabetes care or clear oversight on the safety basis of experience and not according to robust evidence.115
and efficiency of different treatment regimens.101 Together, There is moderate evidence describing the characteristics
a position statement of diabetes in long-term care and of older people with diabetes residing in long-term care or
skilled nursing facilities4 and a comprehensive review of care homes5 but little descriptive information for adults
this area97 have provided priority lists of actions that if with diabetes at the end of their life.2 The value of a multi­
undertaken are likely to lead to an improvement in the dimensional approach (nutritional planning, exercises,
quality of care provided in these settings. Older adults staff education, hypoglycaemia risk manage­ ment, and
residing in long-term care are not homogenous in their medication review) to improving key outcomes, such as a
clinical and functional characteristics. In addition, they reduction in the hospital admission rate, the hypoglycaemia
frequently need bidirectional care transitions between the rate, and the infection rate, as well as the maintenance of
hospital, the care home, a skilled nursing facility for physical function and the quality of life, is also not well
rehabilitation, assisted living, or their home. Patients in understood. Studies are also needed to understand the
long-term care have a high prevalence of diabetes and variations in care provided in different residential settings
multimorbid states, high admission rates to hospitals and how they affect outcomes. In long-term care facilities,
because of metabolic decompensation or infection, and a few, if any, studies have addressed concerns regarding the
poor quality of life.9,102 Some of these adverse outcomes are ratio of patients, such as staff and temporary staffing, and
likely owing to poor diabetes training and inexpertise of the role of the clinical pharmacist in diabetes management.
care staff, combined with little implementation of diabetes Data are also needed in regards to stakeholders and their Vol 8 October 2020 863


socioeconomic burden to inform changes in care practices

for stakeholders. All the crucial research gaps in current Search strategy and selection criteria
evidence and the important new research questions that An International Geriatric Diabetes workshop was held in
should be investigated are summarised in panel 7. Boston, USA, on Sept 23–24, 2019, to address the need for
evidence-based recommendations in the management of older
Crucial studies to guide implementation adults with diabetes. The workshop organisers selected topics
Current evidence that were deemed the most important in clinical practice, and
In the absence of an adequate evidence base, guidelines had notable knowledge gaps. The participants included authors
are almost exclusively based on expert opinion and of this paper, clinicians, leading researchers, policy leaders,
extrapolated from trials in younger or healthier popu­ patient representatives, and industry partners focusing on the
lations.1–11 Thus, additional studies are urgently needed to: care of older adults with diabetes. Each speaker, selected for
(1) identify which older adults with diabetes would benefit their expertise in the given topic, did literature searches for
from which diabetes interventions and (2) establish which relevant articles, and also provided their own recommen­
outcomes are most important for subpopulations of older dations on the basis of their extensive expertise. Speakers
adults with diabetes. discussed current evidence-based recommendations in the
diagnosis, prevention, and management of diabetes in older
Research gaps adults, and then identified important evidence gaps, research
Since relatively little is known about diabetes in older questions, and possible strategies to fill the gaps in each topic
adults, a wide variety of studies are needed across the area. Figure shows the schematic representation of the topics
spectrum of older adults with diabetes. Different types of covered in the workshop. Each presentation was followed by a
studies, including observational, qualitative, and inter­ group discussion and was summarised by the workshop chairs.
vention studies should be done to provide complementary A summary of the discussion in each topic area is presented in
insight. Future research should also explicitly focus on this paper.
the wide spectrum of older adults, from healthier young-
old adults to frail, cognitively impaired old-old adults
residing in nursing homes. decisions and highlight potential targeted interventions to
There are many crucial knowledge gaps in geriatric decrease risk.
diabetes. We outline three specific gaps. First, it is unclear Third, it is currently unclear how best to care for older
when older adults experience symptoms of hyper­ adults approaching the end of life and receiving palliative
glycaemia. For many older adults with a lower life care. Although there is a general recognition that decreased
expectancy, the goal of glycaemic treatment is focused on oral intake of food often leads to lower hyper­glycaemia,
avoiding symptomatic hyperglycaemia. However, it is lessening the need for glucose lowering medications, the
uncertain what degree of hyperglycaemia and for what appropriate timing and extent of deinten­ si­
fication is
period of time lead to specific symptoms. For example, unknown. This uncertanity results in a substantial burden
does a 30 min glycaemic excursion to a glucose concen­ of both hyperglycaemia and hypo­ glycaemia in these
tration of more than 350 mg/dL (19·4 mmol/L) lead to patients.116 All the crucial research gaps in current evidence
fatigue? Does a 1 day glycaemic excursion to a glucose and the important new research questions that should be
concentration of more than 200 mg/dL (11·1 mmol/L) investigated are summarised in panel 8.
lead to worsening urinary incontinence or infection risk?
Patient characteristics might also be important factors in Conclusion
whether hyperglycaemia leads to symptoms or poor With the increasing number of older adults with diabetes
outcomes. Since the goal of glycaemic treatment in many around the world,117 and the emerging recognition that
older adults with lower life expectancy is to avoid goals of care might vary according to the health profiles of
symptomatic hyperglycaemia, establishing when hyper­ these individuals, we feel it is timely to emphasise the
glycaemia results in symptoms could inform the clinical impor­tance of further research (figure). This knowledge
care of many older adults with diabetes. will provide a more robust platform to develop evidence-
Second, the prevalence and effect of hypoglycaemia is based recommendations to improve the outcomes of
poorly understood in this population. For example, how interest in this population. We hope that this paper will be
frequently does hypoglycaemia lead to falls and fractures of interest and use for future investigators in diabetes and
in older adults? How often do older adults experience ageing.
hypoglycaemia during sleep? What factors lead to hypo­ Contributors
glycaemia in older adults? Could this outcome be because MNM and AJS did most of the overall editing and organisation of this
of skipped meals, or cognitive or visual impair­ ment Review. GSM, LR-M, KLC, PRC, TCY, AF, OPG, CRK, EH, LML, CGL,
SL, DMN, NP, RP and RG participated equally in the literature research,
leading to dosing errors? Does hypoglycaemia accelerate literature interpretation, writing, and editing of this Review.
cognitive decline? A more granular under­ standing of
Declaration of interests
hypo­glycaemia and its effect on older adults could provide MNM is a consultant for Sanofi and Lilly. GSM is on the advisory board
pivotal information that could inform glycaemic treatment for Merck, Abbott, and Novo Nordisk. KLC receives DiaTribe funding

864 Vol 8 October 2020


from the Helmsley Charitable Trust, Abbott, Adocia, Ascensia, the Apple 11 LeRoith D, Biessels GJ, Braithwaite SS, et al. Treatment of diabetes in
Pickers Foundation, AstraZeneca, Becton Dickinson, Beta Bionics, older adults: an Endocrine Society* clinical practice guideline.
BigFoot BioMedical, Boehringer Ingelheim, the Boston Consulting J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2019; 104: 1520–74.
Group, BrightInsight, Cellnovo, CeQur, Dexcom, the Ella Fitzgerald 12 Kalyani RR, Golden SH, Cefalu WT. Diabetes and aging: unique
Charitable Foundation, Glooko, Insulet, Intarcia, Johnson & Johnson/ considerations and goals of care. Diabetes Care 2017; 40: 440–43.
Janssen, Lexicon, Lilly, Livongo Health, MannKind, Medtronic, Merck, 13 Munshi MN. Cognitive dysfunction in older adults with diabetes:
Novo Nordisk, Onduo, Profil, Prosciento, Qualcomm, Roche, Sanofi, what a clinician needs to know. Diabetes Care 2017; 40: 461–67.
Sensionics, Tandem, WellDoc, and Xeris. PRC reports grants from the 14 Umpierrez GE, Pasquel FJ. Management of inpatient hyperglycemia
Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Institutes of Health. and diabetes in older adults. Diabetes Care 2017; 40: 509–17.
TCY reports grants from Medtronic, and speaker honoraria from Merck 15 Diabetes Times. Why more research is required to explore the
Sharp & Dohme, Medtronic, Sanofi, Astra Zeneca, and Lilly. OPG increased risk of COVID-19, frailty and diabetes in older people.
reports personal fees from Sanofi, Amarin, and Boehringer-Ingelheim/ June 10, 2020.
Eli Lilly, and grants from Amarin. CRK reports personal fees from required-to-explore-the-increased-risk-of-covid-19-frailty-diabetes-in-
older-people/ (accessed June 19, 2020).

CohBar and Kaleido Bioscience. EH reports grants from the National
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individuals without diabetes: evidence from the Framingham
Kidney Diseases of the National Institute of Health. LML reports
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Eli Lilly, Insulet, Insulogic, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Johnson &
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Merck, Novo Nordisk, Roche Diagnostics, and Sanofi. NP discloses that NHANES 2011–2014. Ann Epidemiol 2018; 28: 681–85.e2.
she is a speaker for Eli Lilly. RP reports speaker fees from AstraZeneca, 18 Edelstein SL, Knowler WC, Bain RP, et al. Predictors of progression
consulting fees from AstraZeneca, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Eisai, from impaired glucose tolerance to NIDDM: an analysis of six
GlaxoSmithKline, Glytec, Janssen, Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Lilly, Merck, prospective studies. Diabetes 1997; 46: 701–10.
Mundipharma, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Sanofi, Takeda, Sanofi US Services, 19 Schöttker B, Raum E, Rothenbacher D, Müller H, Brenner H.
grants from Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Lilly, Prognostic value of haemoglobin A1c and fasting plasma glucose for
Merck, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, Takeda, and speaker fees from Novo incident diabetes and implications for screening. Eur J Epidemiol 2011;
Nordisk and Takeda. Except for consulting fees in February, 2018, 26: 779–87.
and June, 2018, from Sanofi US Services, RP’s services were paid for 20 American Diabetes Association. 2. Classification and diagnosis of
directly to AdventHealth, a nonprofit organisation. RG reports being on diabetes: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2019. Diabetes Care
the advisory boards of Onduo, Form Health, Vida Health, Lark, and 2019; 42 (suppl 1): S13–28.
Health Reveal. All other authors declare no competing interests. 21 Ekoe J-M, Goldenberg R, Katz P. Ekoe JM, Goldenberg R, Katz P.
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