La 3 (Cause&effect)

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Veno Mahardhika




1. ​Andy​ : Oh, It’s very cold, Mark, poke the fire for a change , please !
6. ​Mark​ : Right. It’s a cold and wet day. Do you realize how much coal must be
burned to warm the country in winter?
4. ​Andy​ : It must be a lot of coal. But there are a great many kinds of forests in our country, aren’t there?
8. ​Mark​ : You’re right. Long ago, when the land was covered with forest, the people made their fires of
wood. Wood is perhaps the most common fuel all over the world.
3. ​Andy​ : Because of illegal logging, the level of deforestation in our country is becoming high. ​The loss of
green forests is caused by the people’s negative behavior as far as forest is concerned.
9. ​Mark​ : I don’t think so.​ ​It’s the government’s fault because they fail to enforce the law and preserve
our forests.
5. ​Andy​ : You might be right,but how so?
7. ​Mark​ : they destroy forests for new streets,housing,etc.Have the government done something to
recover what’s lost?
2. ​Andy ​: ok, I think you are right.

B. Check your comprehension by answering the following questions.

1. Where does the dialog take place ?

= ​at home

2. Why is it difficult to find green forests ?

= ​because of illegal logging. the level of deforestation country is becoming high

3. What causes the loss of green forests ?

= ​the loss of green forests is caused by the people’s negative behavior as far as forest is


4. Why does Mark blame the government for the lost of green forests ?

= ​because the government fail to enforce the law and preserve our forests

5. Underline all statements that express cause and effect

Veno Mahardhika


•because of illegal logging, the level of deforestation in our country is becoming high

• The loss of green forests is caused by the people’s negative behavior as far as forest is concerned.

• It's the government’s fault because they fail to enforce the law and preserve our forests.

C. Write sentences based on the picture. 

1. Picture 1 

​Answer :
1. •Gum makes messes in the classroom, consequently students aren’t allowed to chew gum
•Student aren’t allowed to chew gum because gum makes messes in the classroom
2. •Gum is a distraction, therefore student are not allowed to chew gum
•Student aren’t allowed to chew gum because gun is a distraction

2. Picture 2
Veno Mahardhika



1. House torn apart because of Earthquake

2. There was a lot of smashed car owing to Earthquake
3. Due to the Earthquake, people need a new home.
4. There was an Earthquake, as a result rubble everywhere.
5. Because of Earthquake, they will need to do a lot of work to clean it up

D. Choose one of the topic given below and create a dialog

Jimmy: Have you seen the teacher's office?

Mella: I haven’t, what's there?

Jimmy: Very crowded with students. Caca's parents came to school ​because​ their child was sick and it
was ​due to ​senior treatment of Caca yesterday.

Mella: what's wrong with her?

Jimmy: She missed school, ​because​ she was traumatized.

Mella: trauma because of what?
Veno Mahardhika

Jimmy: Yes, she's mentally ill ​since​ she was bullied by a popular senior yesterday. They bullied her until
she cried. They take Caca's bag and throw it from the 2nd floor of the school​ as a result​ Caca's cell phone

Mella: Very embarrassing. Seniors should protect their juniors instead of dropping them mentally.
Jimmy: Yes I agree, that's why Caca’s parents came to school. They didn’t accept their child being bullied
until Caca gets sick.
Mella: Yep, that's right. Bullying is forbidden, and shouldn't be created in this school. School is a place to
study, not a contest of popularity. And also not about who is the strongest and most powerful here.

Jimmy: Exactly. Shall we visit the caca at his house?

Mella: Yes of course, at 4 in the evening huh!

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