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Marissa Mallahan

OGL 350
September 19,2018
Professor L. Terken Gupur
Module 5 Reflection

The cultural clash that occurred in the video between Adinaya and her manager is the

difference in how the two perceive time and its importance. On one side, Adinaya did not view

being late ten minutes as of high importance and argued that she makes up the time during other

periods of the day. However, the manager place great importance on being punctual each and

every day. These cultural differences exist as companies begin to operate in the global

marketplace; globalization and technology advancements which is changing the business

landscape. As managers we must learn to effectively communicate with people from different

cultures. Moore (2008) points out “communication across differences is a challenge that has

magnified as we live and work with more and more people who come from different places

intellectually, emotionally, and culturally” (p.173). The manager in this situation could of tried to

understand why Adinaya does not see how being ten minutes late is important, and furthermore,

she should have clarified and should not compare herself situation to other employees’. The

manager allowed Adinaya to dominate the conversation and therefore, controlling the narrative.

Adinaya did not have effective intercultural communication skills, and instead of taking

responsibility for her actions, she deflects. Adinaya, in this situation could have listen to the

manager and seek clarity rather than making assumptions. As the manager in this situation first I

would try to take control of the conversation to provide explanation and clarity on the polices

and regulations of the organization. The elusive nature of culture as Lawrence (2015) place it is

an important part of strategic communication. I have experience similar situations culture clash

with regards to perceptions of time where I have been on both ends of the spectrum.
Module 5 Reflection

Moore, G.T. (2008) Effective Intercultural Communication. Chapter 7 in Effective Multicultural

Teams: Theory and Practice. ASU Library Electronic Collection.

Lawrence, T. (2015). Global Leadership Communication: A Strategic Proposal. Creighton

Journal of Interdisciplinary Leadership, 1_1_, 51-59. Retrieved August 14, 2015, from

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