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7/19/2020 How To Warm Up in Table Tennis Correctly • PingSunday

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How To Warm Up in Table Tennis Correctly… 1/18
7/19/2020 How To Warm Up in Table Tennis Correctly • PingSunday

Last updated 17 Jun 2019

First published 10 Jun 2019
by Coach EmRatThich

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Warm up is very important in table tennis. Unfortunately, even at major

events such as the World Championships or Europe, it is clear that some top
athletes are not familiar or are not well informed about warm-up and
stretching. The majority of injuries occur during a training process or a
competition. This is particularly interesting as it may indicate insufficient
warm-up and lack of stretching exercises before training.

Today, let’s learn the right way to warm up in table tennis.

Table of Contents

How long should you warm up?

1. Off the table warm up
2. On the table warm up
1. Off the table warm up
Step 1 – Neck
Step 2 – Shoulders
Step 3 – Trunk3Back Hips
Step 4 – Trunk Twist
Step 5 – Wrist
Step 6 – Hamstrings
Step 7 – Quadriceps… 2/18
7/19/2020 How To Warm Up in Table Tennis Correctly • PingSunday

Step 8 – Calves
2. On the table warm up
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How long should you warm up?

There are 2 types of warm up in table tennis: On the table warm up and off
the table warm up.

In general, off the table warm up should be done before on the table warm

Dimitrij Ovtcharov is jumping and warming up before an important match (ITTF)

1. Off the table warm up… 3/18
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Off the table warm up is crucial to prevent the injury in table tennis.

Many table tennis players go straight to the table when they want to play.
Their muscles are cold and contracted and not only can they not play their
best, but they can also be injured before their muscles warm up. Before
playing, you must warm up your muscles (called “off the table warm up”).

Off the table Warm-up duration: from 10 to 20 minutes. You don’t need a
table to warm up, just follow the warm-up routine below.

Warming up in table tennis is3crucial before every training

2. On the table warm up

On the table warm up help you get the “feeling” of the ball and the
ambiance before an important table tennis match. Based on the official table… 4/18
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tennis rule, you have only 2 minutes to warm up on the table.

During training sessions, when either player has not warmed up, a longer
warm-up is acceptable. But if the players wait for the table (at the table
tennis club), the warm-up should not last more than 10 minutes.

During a competition, I recommend that you warm up with your opponent

for only 2 minutes before the start of any major table tennis event, even a
friendship games.

Stretching in table tennis

Here is the correct way3 to warm up in table tennis.

1. Off the table warm up… 5/18
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A good warm-up is necessary before starting to play. The warm-up involves

10-20 minutes of light physical activity to raise your heart rate and make
your muscles warmer. Then do some gentle stretching to complete the

On all stretches, move slowly through a full range of motion.

Do not go too fast, you do not want to hurt yourself during the warm-up.

“All you want is for the blood to flow and for the muscles to
warm up”, coach Larry Hodges

Here are a good warm-up and stretching routine at the Olympic

TrainingCenter at Colorado Springs. These warm-up routines are presented
in “Warming Up for Success” chapter, in the book “TABLE TENNIS Steps to
Success“ (ISBN-lO: 0-87322-403-5, Copyright © 1993 by Human Kinetics, Inc.)
of coach Larry Hodges.… 6/18
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Book Table Tennis: Steps to Success (Steps to Success

Activity Series) (more info)

Coach Larry Hodges is USATT Certified National Coach, Member of USATT

Hall of Fame, and Former USATT Coaching Chairman. Larry Hodges is a
coach at the Maryland Table Tennis Center (MDTTC), where he used to coach
full-time. He is certified as a USATT national coach. He was inducted into the
USATT Hall of Fame in 2003.

With the permission of coach Larry Hodges, I would like to present these
good warm-up routines for every table tennis players. Just follow these
routines to warm up (from
3 top to down).

There are 8 steps to warm-up in table tennis:

Step 1 – Neck… 7/18
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Inhale as you bring your head back to the original position. Remember to
only move your head, not your spine. Do each of these stretches 10 times.

Step 1 – Warmup neck

Step 2 – Shoulders

After circling forward for 10 rotations, change direction and circle both arms
slowly backward 10 times. Inhale when you raise your arms and exhale when
you lower them.… 8/18
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step 2 – shoulder

Step 3 – Trunk Back Hips… 9/18
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Step 3 – Trunk Back Hips

Reach high above your head with one arm while leaving the other dangling
at your side. Feel the stretch in your side. Alternate on each side 10 times.

Step 4 – Trunk Twist… 10/18
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Step 4 – Trunk Twist

Push against your thigh with your right elbow and feel the stretch in your
hips and your lower back. Perform the stretch on each side three times. Hold
the position each time for 6 to 8 seconds.

Step 5 – Wrist
Squeeze a rubber or tennis ball in your palm, then extend your fingers, 10 to
20 times. This helps to strengthen your wrist and
forearm while also warming up your wrist.

Step 5 – Wrist… 11/18
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Step 6 – Hamstrings

Step 6 – Hamstrings

Stretch your arms as far as you can comfortably. You will feel the tension in
the back of your right thigh. Hold for 6 to 8 seconds,
then release.

Step 7 – Quadriceps… 12/18
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Step 7 – Quadriceps

Grab the foot with your left hand and gently pull the foot up and closer to
your buttocks. You can feel the stretch in the front of your leg increase as
you pull harder. Hold the stretch for 6 to 8 seconds.

Step 8 – Calves

Step 8 – Calves

Keeping your feet together

3 and your knees straight, lean forward and feel
the stretch in your calves. Hold for 6 to 8 seconds. Remember to keep your
heels on the floor and your feet parallel.

2. On the table warm up… 13/18
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During the warm-up, do not try to “win” the point, but focus on the rally and
the feeling. In rallying, place your shots so that your opponent can warm up
rather than practicing your winning shots.

The typical on the table warm-up should follow these 4 steps. You only have
2 minutes to finish these 6 steps.

Step 1 – Forehand to Forehand Warmup

1) Forehand-to-forehand drive (20 seconds). Simply hit back and forth

from your forehand to the opponent forehand. These are regular forehand
drive, not loops. Focus on the consistent and the feeling.
2) Forehand loop – block (20 seconds). One player will start looping, and
the other should block passively to allow them to loop comfortably.
3) Forehand block 3– loop (20 seconds). The first player will stop looping
and start to block back passively, this indicates that they’re done looping.
Other player starts looping.
4) Repeat steps 1-3 but with the backhand: backhand to backhand drive,
backhand loop-block, and backhand block-loop.… 14/18
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Backhand to backhand warmup – Ma Long vs Fan Zhendong

If you block the return too quickly or if you continue to crush the ball, they
can not warm their strokes comfortably. And this can be considered as
“unpolite” in table tennis. Please read the etiquette rules in table tennis too.

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3 COMMENTS   Most Voted 

1 year ago


Here is a idea for your next pingsunday article; what body conditioning
exercise in the gym is good for table-tennis players!

3 Reply

Coach EmRatThich Author

 Reply to spinnerz 1 year ago

great. I will ask a gym-coach about that.

2 Reply


1 year ago

Thank you coach. Warming is a great way to reduce the injury.

2 Reply… 17/18
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