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Ni a F lle

Pe al P i i i Pla
Ja a : E e g ! 
To start the ear off right :
​I ill prepare for bed b doing rela ing total bod
stretching for 5 minutes to get m bod loose. Doing these
stretches ill help me let go of the stress and tension
gathered during the da . I ill also use m phone as a hite
noise machine using and place m phone on the
other side of the room to not be tempted b it.
E idence :
​A stud found that getting an e tra hour of sleep each
night ould be more aluable to a person s happiness than
getting a raise (Rubin, 2009). Most people do not get the
recommended 8 hours of sleep each night, hich can be
harmful to one s health as sleep depri ation impairs memor ,
eakens the immune s stem, slo s metabolism, and might
foster eight gain (Rubin, 2009, p. 19).
Feb a : S cial Rela i hi  

To increase social support :

I ill reach out to famil members and friends once a
eek b phone or te t and speak ith them for at least 15

E idence :
Buss (2007) states that from an e olutionar
perspecti e, people are designed to deri e happiness from
contact ith our famil net ork. . This can be satisfied b
keeping regular contact ith famil members e en hen
separated (Carr, 2011).
Ma ch: G d a d Fai h
To strengthen m faith ​:
I ill do this through stud and pra er. I ill learn and
memori e a specific chapter (surah) once a eek to use in
pra er. If I ork to ards becoming a more pious person b
remembering God, I ill induce emotions like jo .

E idence ​:
​ Pargament (2000) concluded that ell-being is
associated ith a religion that is internali ed, intrinsicall
moti ated, and based on a secure relationship ith God.
M ers, Eid, & Larsen (2008) ha e found that religious and
spiritual emotions such as jo , a e, compassion, and
transcendence (Carr, 2011).
A il: A he ic Self
To encourage being m authentic self :
In a eekl journal for 10 minutes, I ill reflect on m
authentic self b listing out 5personal alues and e panding
on h the are essential to me and ho I am.

E idence :
Killen and Smetana (2006) ha e found that research
on the ps cholog of moral de elopment sho s that the
acquisition of attributes such as speaking the truth oneself
and personal integrit is affected b personal attributes like
temperament and en ironmental factors (Carr, 2011, p. 62).
Authentic people speak the truth about themsel es and the
orld and present themsel es in a genuine a ithout
pretense and take responsibilit for their beliefs, feelings,
and beha ior (Carr, 2011, p. 62).
Ma : E e ci e
To increase ph sical acti it :
I ill follo Blogilates s Beginner Challenge, hich has
guided e ercise ideos bet een 10-20 minutes long (if multiple
ideos in a da ) for 28 da s. To make it orth hile, I ill
also re ard m self ith a Nintendo S itch Lite to pla
Animal Crossing if I complete the 28 da s.

E idence :
A stud found that 25 percent of Americans do not
get an e ercise (Rubin, 2009, p. 21). People ho e ercise
regularl tend to be healthier, think more clearl , sleep
better (Rubin, 2009, p. 21).
J e: I i ic M i a i
To satisf intrinsic needs :
I ill find some clips of dance games like Dance
Central on and dance m heart out. This is a
game from childhood that I reall enjo ed and al a s had lots
of fun ith. I ill do this 2 times a eek for 20 minutes.

E idence :
Csiks entmihal i (1997) obser ed the autotelic
personalit , hich is characteri ed b placing greater
emphasis on doing certain tasks for their o n sake instead
of doing them for the outcome. To specif , autotelic
e periences are done simpl to satisf intrinsic needs that
come from immediate re ards (Carr, 2011).
Jl:F e Time Pe ec i e
To e perience positi e outcomes from a future time
perspecti e :
I ill enroll m self in an academ of sorts to learn
about trading, specificall FOREX. To learn the skill, I ill gi e
m self a 30-da challenge here I dedicate 2 hours e er
da to go through 2 informational ideos hile taking notes.

E idence :
Boni ell (2009) found that future time perspecti e is
associated ith positi e outcomes such as high moti ations, a
sense of responsibilit , planfulness, self-efficac , academic
achie ement, and constructi e adaption to unemplo ment
(Carr, 2011, p. 104).
A g : Vi ali a i
To practice isuali ation :
I ill e ercise isuali ation through journaling in great
detail about m future in general and m desired future
successes. I ill rite once a eek for 10 minutes about a
specific section of m life (relationships, career, personal
de elopment, etc.) and include detail b mentioning things
concerning m senses and emotions.

E idence :
Sheldon and L ubomirsk (2006) found that people
ho are assigned at random to carr out such an e ercise
[ isuali ation] sho a reliable increase in their positi it
relati e to those ho carr out more mundane
self-reflections (Fredrickson, 2009, p. 189).
Se embe : Bec mi g C i
To become more curious :
I ill dedicate a month to making a montage of m life
during that month. I ould do this b creating a 1-minute ideo
a da for 3o da s that ould later be edited into a montage.
This ould foster m curiosit and a e of the orld b
forcing me to ideotape m life, the thing I find cool and
beautiful, and an thing that piques m interest.

E idence :
Sil ia and Kashdan (2009) found that both the trait of
curiosit and transient states of interest support intrinsic
moti ations to in ol e oneself in ne tasks and master them.
Simpl put, intrinsic moti ations come from doing something
because ou like the acti it ou are partaking in, leading to
more interest, e citement, and confidence (Carr, 2011).
Oc be : Self-E eem
To increase self-esteem :
I ill appl the concept of skill training and learn ho
to t pe correctl . I ill use a t ping program called T pes
and dedicate 20 minutes a da for 30 da s to reach at least
60 WPM. B doing this, I am impro ing m self-esteem b
accomplishing something.

E idence :
Hane and Durlack (1998) found that self-esteem
enhancement programs for children and adolescents ere
moderatel effecti e (Carr, 2011, p. 240). The strategies for
impro ing one s self=esteem include skills training,
en ironmental change, cogniti e therap , and capitali ing in
transitions that promote self-esteem (Carr, 2011, p. 239).
N embe : P i i e I e V ice
To increase optimism :
I ill atch/engage in positi e affirmation ( I am )
meditation ideos to de elop a positi e inner dialogue. I ill do
this 3 times a eek ith ideos that are about 10 minutes

E idence :
Sn der (2000) concluded that hopeful adults ha e
distincti e profiles that foster personal belief in their abilit
to adapt to challenges. These specific adults also de elop an
ongoing positi e internal dialogue ith statements such as I
can do it, I ill not gi e up (Carr, 2011, p. 99).
Decembe : G a i de
To become more grateful :
I ill use Fredrickson s idea of positi it portfolios
ith gratitude through journal entries. At the end of the
eek, I ill create a journal entr that includes 5 items
(pictures, quotes, e ents, etc.) of things I am grateful for.

E idence :
Emmons & McCullough (2004) ha e found that
gratitude inter entions can impro e ell--being (Carr, 2011, p.
286). People ho are grateful tend to be agreeable,
emotionall stable, non-materialistic, self-confident but not
narcissistic (Carr, 2011, p. 286).
Refe ence

Ca , A. (2011). ​P e ch g : The c e ce f ha e a dh a e g h ​. Ro ledge.

F ed ick on, B. (2009). ​P :T - ch e ea ch e ea he ad a ha

cha ge fe​. Th ee Ri e P e .

R bin, G. (2009).​The ha e ec : O h I e a ea g g he g,

c ea c e , f gh gh , ead A e, a d ge e a ha e ef ​. Ha pe Collin .

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