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Clinical comparison and performance perspective of

three aligning arch wires

T. Justin W. Evans, BDS, MScD, MOrth, FDSRCS,a

Malcolm L. Jones, BDS, MSc, PhD, DOrth, FDSRCS,b and
Robert G. Newcombe, MA, PhD
Cardiff, Wales, U. K.

Objectives: To clinically evaluate three commonly used orthodontic tooth aligning arch wires: 016 3
022 inch active martensitic medium force nickel titanium, 016 3 022 inch graded force active
martensitic nickel titanium, and 0.0155 inch multistrand stainless steel.
Design: A prospective randomized clinical trial.
Data source: Measured serial study casts of dental arches for 112 assigned arch wires from 56
consecutive patients. Analysis based on completed records for 98 arch wires and 51 patients.
Method: A consecutive sample of 56 patients requiring both upper and lower fixed appliance
therapy were randomly allocated two different arch wires from a possible three under trial. Good
quality impressions were taken of the dental arches at the designated serial stages of alignment
(start, T0; 4 weeks, T4; 8 weeks, T8). The resultant casts were measured on a Reflex Microscope to
record the change in individual tooth alignment both in three and two dimensions (horizontal plane
Results: The measurement error was within acceptable limits (range, 0.05 to 0.09 mm) and showed
no significant bias. ANOVA statistical models were fitted to the data to adjust for a number of
variables. No significant difference in aligning capability (p . 0.05), in either two or three
dimensions, was demonstrated between the three arch wires in the trial.
Conclusion: Heat activated nickel titanium arch wires failed to demonstrate a better performance
than the cheaper multistrand stainless steel wires in this randomized clinical trial. The failure to
demonstrate in vivo superiority at the clinical level may be due to the confounding effects of large
variations in individual metabolic response. Alternatively, it may be that in routine clinical practice
NiTi-type wires are not sufficiently deformed to allow their full superelastic properties to come in to
play during initial alignment. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1998;114:32-39)

Fixed appliance therapy is a treatment

modality based on the theory that by applying light
and the type of tooth movement induced.11-14 In
order for the clinician to choose the most appropri-
continuous force to a tooth, it may be moved ate arch wire during fixed appliance therapy, an
optimally through the alveolar bone of the jaws understanding of the optimal characteristics is nec-
without causing permanent damage.1-10 However, essary. In the past these properties have been as-
quantifying this force is difficult because of individ- sessed almost exclusively by ex vivo “bench-testing”
ual variation in tissue response, root morphology, methods. However, it does not necessarily follow
that these properties are mirrored in vivo in the
Support for this project came from the Welsh Scheme for the Develop- clinical environment.
ment of Health and Social Research. In an attempt to provide clinical meaning to
From the University of Wales College of Medicine.
Registrar at Department of Dental Health and Development, University
much of the recent ex vivo testing, a number of arch
of Wales College of Medicine. Now Senior Registrar at Westmead Dental wire characteristics have been described that are
Hospital, NSW, Australia. desirable for optimum performance during treat-
Professor of Orthodontics and Head of Department of Dental Health and ment: springback, stiffness, formability, modulus of
Development, University of Wales College of Medicine.
Senior Lecturer in Medical Statistics, University of Wales College of
resilience, biocompatibility, low friction, and join-
Medicine. ability.9,15-17 If the ideal aligning arch wire is one
Reprint requests to: M. L. Jones, BDS, MSc, PhD, DOrth, FDSRCS, capable of producing light and continuous forces
Department of Dental Health & Development, Dental School, University over a prolonged time period, then multistranded
of Wales College of Medicine, Heath Park, Cardiff. Wales CF4 4XY.
United Kingdom.
stainless steel, stable and active nickel titanium
Copyright © 1998 by the American Association of Orthodontists. alloys would seem to be the closest arch wire
0889-5406/98/$5.00 1 0 8/1/85119 materials to fulfilling the ideal requirements.18 Such
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Evans, Jones, and Newcombe 33
Volume 114, No. 1

wires are termed “active” because they are subject ● Wire B, 0155 inch multistranded stainless steel
to phase transformation under different conditions (Dentaflex/Dentarium)
of temperature and stress. Essentially the body- ● Wire C 016/022 inch graded force, active mar-
centered cubic austenitic phase predominates under tensitic nickel titanium (Bioforce Sentalloy/
higher temperatures and reduced stress, whereas GAC inc.).
the hexagonal close packed martensitic phase pre-
dominates with decreasing temperature and increas- MATERIAL AND METHODS
ing stress. By varying the temperature during the After a pilot study28 and previous work in this area,25
manufacturing stage, the relative percentages of it was estimated that the inclusion of 100 dental arches in
austenite/martensite can be changed to alter the this trial, in other words 50 subjects (50 upper and 50
eventual force delivery/deflection characteristics for lower arches), would provide adequate statistical power
a given diameter of arch wire. It has been recog- (80%) to detect a significant difference in the perfor-
nized that a martensitic wire will deliver 25% to mance of any two separate arch wires (p , 0.05). A
30% of the force of an austenitic wire initially32 and detailed protocol was designed and approval obtained for
with a greater working range such a wire should the project from the local ethics committee.
confer benefits during the initial tooth alignment
phase of a fixed appliance treatment. The various Inclusion criteria
theoretical advantages of these different types of Fifty-six consecutive patients, drawn from two centers,
wire have been reviewed previously in more detail that required upper and lower arch alignment were in-
by one of us.18 cluded in the study. This provided a total of 112 fitted arch
With an ever-increasing range of alloys, and wires. Each patient, from whom informed consent had
alloy specifications on the market, claims of “vastly been obtained previously, was allocated one upper and
superior” wire characteristics should be assessed at one lower aligning arch wire, each of a different type from
the clinical level. However in vivo interpretation of a possible three under investigation; allocation was pre-
aligning properties has been largely limited to anec- determined and randomized.
dotal case reports.19-23 Patients were eligible to take part in the trial provided
In view of the fact that material science has that the following conditions were met:
provided the clinician with aligning and leveling
arch wires possessing superior force/delivery char- ● Upper and lower fixed appliances were required.
acteristics, one might confidently expect this to be ● The patient had not received previous orthodontic
evident in the rate and amount of tooth alignment at treatment.
the clinical level. Although assessment of clinical ● Any initial phase of expansion with a quadhelix had
behavior can only be determined through con- been stabilized for 2 months.
trolled, prospective, randomized, clinical trials, ● Any initial phase of active distal molar movement
there have only been two published trials of this kind had been stable for 2 months.
to date,24-26 and neither has been able to substanti- ● The patient was under 18 years of age.
ate vastly superior behavior of ‘active’ austenitic It was felt that all patients who may have experienced
(superelastic) arch wires at the clinical level. periodontal disease, and hence loss of attachment, also
O’Brien et al.24 compared the aligning capabilities should be excluded.
of a superelastic wire versus its stabilized martensitic
variant, whereas West25 compared the clinical effec- Data collection
tiveness of a superelastic alloy versus multistranded
For each patient a good quality alginate impression of
stainless steel.
each dental arch was taken at the prealignment phase (T0)
However, neither study assessed the aligning and
after placement of bonded attachments and bands. The
leveling capability for greater than 42 days, and
allocated arch wire was then ligated by one of six clinicians
neither study assessed the clinical performance of
as fully as possible into the bracket with the clinicians
active martensitic (heat-activated) arch wires.
preferred method (usually elastomeric rings), and at the
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the
routine follow-up appointment at 4 weeks (T4) a further
aligning and leveling capabilities of three arch wires
alginate impression taken. After full relegation, a further
currently (in 1996) available,27 over a 4- and 8-week
4 weeks of alignment and leveling was allowed to con-
period, in order to assess their ability to deliver the
tinue, and at this stage (T8, 8 weeks into the trial) further
clinical advantages claimed by manufacturers based
impressions were taken, and the initial aligning arch wire
on data derived from previous bench test analyses.
The three arch wires to be tested clinically were:
● Wire A, 016/022 inch medium force active Cast analysis
martensitic nickel titanium (Titanium Heat Alginate impressions were cast with a 50/50 mixture of
Memory Wire/American Orthodontics) plaster and stone. The models were then trimmed for ease
34 Evans, Jones, and Newcombe American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 1998

Table I. Summary statistics for placement of three arch wires


Upper Archwires 19 14 16
Lower Archwires 13 17 19
Mean T0-T4 time span (days) 28.4 29.0 28.3
Mean T4-T8 time span (days) 28.7 28.3 29.2

mid point (T4), and end of the trial (T8). This was carried
out to give a value for reproducibility throughout the
whole trial period. The produced mean value for each
variable was used in the analysis of the data.
Fig. 1. White dots show digitized points from which the
alignment measure was derived. Points on cusps were
used to generate an occlusal plane. Statistical analysis
Raw data consisted of measurements of each of the 11
of horizontal orientation to the table of a reflex micro- intertooth point distances within each arch from the
scope (Reflex Measurements, Ltd., Butleigh, England). mesial of the first molar to the mesial of the contralateral
Once a series of three consecutive casts for a specific arch molar.
had been attained, (T0, T4, and T8), each one was placed For each arch, data were available for two- and
on the moveable Reflex Microscope table. Fiducial points three-dimensional readings, at the 0, 4, and 8 week stage
were noted for each tooth from the mesial aspect of the (T0, T4, T8). The changes at each intertooth point distance
first molar to the contralateral first molar, and digitized in from one visit to the next were designated T0 to T4, and T4
turn (Fig. 1). Posteriorly the external and occlusal line to T8, along with the overall change from T0 to T8.
angle of each bracket/band was used while anteriorly the Changes in intertooth distances were then summated to
incisal edges were used (Fig. 1). represent overall tooth movement for the whole arch, the
The raw data consisted of measurements of each of anterior segment (mesial of canine to mesial of canine),
the 11 intertooth (contact) point distances within each and posterior segments (mesial of molar to distal of
arch; these readings were available at the 0, 4, and 8 week canine).
stage. The changes at each intertooth point distance from Analysis of variance (ANOVA) models were fitted in
one visit to the next were collected, along with the change order to assess differences between the three arch wires to
from the first to last visit. Perhaps it should be stressed determine whether a significant difference exists in their
that although the points were digitized in three dimen- ability to bring about rapid alignment. Because of the
sions, the data for the intertooth distance in each instance number of variables involved for each wire type, the
gave one value that could then be added to give a score for ANOVA model was fitted to take account of the main
each dental arch. effects for subject, order of wire placement, upper or
In order to assist in statistical analysis of the raw data lower arch, and arch wire material. This was carried out in
and to fulfill the objectives of the study, data for the a hierarchical manner so that the assessment of differ-
intertooth distances were collated and then summated for ences between the three arch wire materials would take
anterior (3-2, 2-1, 1-1, 1-2, 2-3), and posterior (6-5, 5-4, account of the confounding effect from other variables.
4-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6) sites, allowing analysis of arch segments,
as well as producing a figure for the average alignment
over the whole arch. RESULTS
In addition to these three-dimensional measurements, Fifty-six patients requiring upper and lower arch
the buccal cusps of the premolars and the mesiobuccal alignment were included in the study. Data provided
cusp of the first permanent molar were digitized to by 51 subjects and 98 arch wires were finally avail-
produce two-dimensional alignment readings by projec-
able, with full records, for analysis. Forty-seven
tion to a horizontal plane, reducing the potential source of
vertical measurement error as previously described.29,30
subjects had usable data for both maxillary and
This method of measuring the tooth alignment capabili- mandibular arch wires; the remaining four had data
ties of arch wires has been described, in detail, previous- just for one of the arches. Five patients were ex-
ly26 and is well established. cluded from the trial either because of failure of
attendance for arch wire adjustment at the correct
Measurement error time interval or bracket debond where rebonding
In order to assess measurement error, duplicate read- was not performed, as per the protocol, within 48
ings were taken of cast series at the commencement (T0), hours. Table I gives basic study data for the total
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Evans, Jones, and Newcombe 35
Volume 114, No. 1

Table II. Reproducibility of 2 and 3 dimensional contact point


Number of Mean d2/2 SD
pairs of
Contact point readings 3D 2D 3D 2D

6-5 174 0.001 0.001 0.039 0.036

5-4 177 0.002 0.002 0.052 0.051
4-3 261 0.013 0.005 0.116 0.073
3-2 246 0.009 0.004 0.095 0.063
2-1 264 0.006 0.004 0.076 0.060
1-1 132 0.003 0.002 0.057 0.044
Fig. 2. Mean three dimensional tooth movement for
anterior and posterior segments of dental arches.
Table III. Reproducibility of 2 and 3 dimensional
measurements for upper arch, lower arch and whole sample

Mean d2/2 SD

Arch Number 3D 2D 3D 2D

Upper 603 0.008 0.003 0.092 0.056

Lower 651 0.005 0.003 0.072 0.060
All 1254 0.006 0.003 0.082 0.058

numbers of each arch wire used and the time span in

Fig. 3. Mean two dimensional tooth movements for
days for the use of each wire during the clinical trial. anterior and posterior segments of dental arches.
Measurement error
Table IV. Mean values for 3 dimensional tooth movements
Reproducibility for two- and three-dimensional
measurements are expressed in Tables II and III. Arch movement (mm 3 100)
Sig of F
Values are expressed for individual tooth point
wire A wire B wire C F (p value)
reproducibility, the mean upper, and mean lower
arch reproducibility, and mean value for all inter- 6-6 441 414 502 0.63 0.54
0-4 wks 3-3 204 232 252 1.70 0.19
tooth distances in both arches, where the reproduc- 3-6 238 182 250 0.18 0.83
ibility standard deviation is given as =Ed2/2n. 6-6 349 290 336 1.93 0.16
All values in three dimensions show acceptable 4-8 wks 3-3 141 129 139 0.45 0.64
3-6 208 161 197 1.33 0.27
unit values for reproducibility. Measurements in the 6-6 612 573 662 0.30 0.74
lower arch are open to less error than the upper, but 0-8 wks 3-3 263 294 298 1.19 0.31
the difference is slight. Figures for specific “digitized 3-6 349 279 365 0.05 0.95

points” on the teeth suggest similar values of mea-

surement error in each case, with measurements
involving the canine contact point recognition giving Comparative arch wire performance: Two- and
the greatest error. For two-dimensional readings three-dimensional measurements of change in
reproducibility is once again acceptable. Overall tooth alignment
values of standard deviation (SD) for the whole Figs. 2 (three dimensions), and 3 (two dimen-
population demonstrate the reduction in error im- sions) show the main data for mean units of move-
puted when one dimension has been discarded (the ment of the whole arch, the anterior arch, and the
vertical axis alignment). The upper and lower arches posterior arch for each wire type. This information
have closer correlation for two-dimensional mea- is depicted in graphic, and tabulated form in Tables
surement error. For intertooth measurement repro- IV and V, for each time period.
ducibility is once again improved, but measurements Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) values are in-
involving the use of canine contact points continue cluded in a hierarchical manner, taking account of
to yield greater error. the main effects listed previously. The conventional
36 Evans, Jones, and Newcombe American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 1998

Table VI. Mean 3 dimensional tooth movement for

upper/lower arches

Arch movement
(mm 3 100)
Sig of F
Upper Lower F (p value)

6-6 514 395 5.15 0.02

0-4 wks 3-3 267 193 6.88 0.01
3-6 247 202 2.11 0.15
6-6 329 322 0.18 0.67
4-8 wks 3-3 148 125 4.94 0.03
3-6 181 198 1.00 0.32
Fig. 4. Mean three dimensional differential dental arch 6-6 674 562 3.43 0.07
0-8 wks 3-3 338 233 10.4 0.02
alignment, comparison of arches.
3-6 337 329 0.15 0.70

Table VII. Mean 2 dimensional tooth movement for

upper/lower arches

Arch movement
(mm 3 100)
Sig of F
Upper Lower F (p value)

0-4 wks 6-6 486 382 6.09 0.02

3-3 234 181 4.33 0.04
3-6 252 201 2.73 0.10
6-6 329 312 0.62 0.43
4-8 wks 3-3 145 121 4.79 0.03
Fig. 5. Mean two dimensional differential dental arch 3-6 184 191 0.50 0.48
alignment, comparison of arches. 6-6 643 537 4.82 0.03
0-8 wks 3-3 297 222 7.06 0.01
3-6 346 315 1.10 0.30
Table V. Mean values for 2 dimensional tooth movements

Arch Movement (mm 3 100)

Sig of F tion is depicted in graphic and tabulated form
wire A wire B wire C F (p value) (Tables VI and VII) for each time period. ANOVA
6-6 463 371 464 0.20 0.82 was used to calculate the level of significance of
0-4 wks 3-3 195 193 231 1.10 0.33 differences in the degree of tooth movement for
3-6 267 177 233 0.28 0.75
upper versus lower arch. The main effects studied
6-6 349 292 319 2.42 0.10
4-8 wks 3-3 138 133 128 0.12 0.88 here were subject, order, and upper or lower arch. It
3-6 211 159 191 2.10 0.13 is important to note here that the arch wire type was
6-6 632 530 605 0.05 0.95
not considered. Therefore, figures for significance
0-8 wks 3-3 254 258 265 0.50 0.58
3-6 377 271 339 0.50 0.58 given by ANOVA relate to differences in the degree
of tooth movement regardless of the wire used.
For three-dimensional tooth alignment mea-
level of significance (p , 0.05), has not been sures, a statistically significant difference between
achieved between arch wires for either two- or arches is noted for whole dental arch tooth move-
three-dimensional measurements, when considering ment during the first 4 weeks and for anterior arch
mean alignment of the whole arch or anterior/ alignment throughout the 8 week trial period. The
posterior segments alone. difference in movement of the anterior segment for
the 0 to 8 week period is highly statistically signifi-
Upper versus lower arch analysis: Two and three cant at p , 0.001. The posterior segment shows no
dimensional measurements significant difference in upper versus lower arch
Figs. 4 (three dimensions) and 5 (two dimen- movement.
sions) show the mean units of movement for the In two dimensions, where the element of vertical
whole arch, the anterior segment, and the posterior tooth alignment is eliminated, a statistically signifi-
segment for the upper or lower arch. The informa- cant difference in horizontal tooth movement is
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Evans, Jones, and Newcombe 37
Volume 114, No. 1

noted for whole arch alignment over both the 0 to 4 0.082 mm for the three-dimensional equivalent. For
and 0 to 8 week periods, and also for anterior arch individually digitized points, all two-dimensional
alignment throughout the period of the clinical trial. values show improved reproducibility over their
The posterior segment alignment shows no signifi- three-dimensional counterparts, and the range of
cant difference in a comparison of upper versus values is also reduced from 0.036 mm at first molar
lower dental arches. to second premolar to 0.073 mm at the first premo-
lar to canine intertooth distances.
DISCUSSION Although the two-dimensional values represent
Measurement error and the ‘modified point an improvement, this is slight, and certainly does not
identification’ technique for the assessment of invalidate the use of three-dimensional measure-
tooth alignment ments to evaluate tooth movement. Because two-
The intention in using bracket line angles and dimensional values ignore the contribution of the
incisal edges as fiducial points was to limit point vertical plane one could only expect there to be
identification measurement error, particularly for greater variation in three dimensions.
three-dimensional readings, and hence improve Upper and lower arch reproducibility. Once again
point reproducibility. The use of projected planes reproducibility is improved for two-dimensional
improves point digitization reproducibility, but the measurements of both arches, but this is more
validity of using such a two-dimensional measure- marked for the upper arch measurements. This
ment technique to measure alignment and leveling strongly suggests that vertical error plays a greater
is questionable because, by definition, the vertical role in error contribution for the upper arch.
element of any tooth movement is ignored.
Comparison with previous arch alignment studies
Three-dimensional measurement reproducibility In a previous similar study24 the measurement
Whole arch and individual digitized tooth point reproducibility SD was 0.167 mm. The value in the
reproducibility. The SD of the measurement error current study of 0.082 mm compares very favorably
for the whole arch was found to be 0.082 mm, which and suggests that the occlusal line angle measure-
is acceptable for the purposes of this study, with ment of brackets used to assist point identification
values ranging from 0.039 mm at first molar to does offer an improvement in reproducibility.
second premolar, to 0.12 mm at the first premolar to The study by West25 (1992) used the reflex
canine intertooth distances. From molar to canine, microscope to a similar regimen and analyzed re-
the fiducial points were taken as the occlusal line producibility for whole arch and individual anatomic
angles of the brackets. The poorer reproducibility at contact point measurements in two and three di-
the premolar-canine contact point is difficult to mensions with pooled standard deviations for trip-
explain but may be related to a greater “reading” licate readings. In three dimensions, the values for
error in the vertical plane at the corner of the arch, SD for the upper arch averaged 0.392 mm, and for
where the canine is situated. the lower 0.322 mm. In two dimensions, these values
Upper and lower arch reproducibility. The vari- were 0.216 mm and 0.191 mm, respectively.
ables measured for the upper and lower arches also Contact point separation can be used to assess
show acceptable reproducibility. Upper arch mea- the degree of initial arch crowding, and this allows
surements were subject to greater error than in the analysis of subsequent tooth movement in relation
lower. This is likely to be a result of increased to the initial crowding. Because the current study
interbracket span in the upper arch providing used bracket line angles and incisal edges rather
greater contact point distance and therefore a than anatomic contact points, it was not possible to
greater chance of measurement error. determine the amount of tooth movement in rela-
tion to initial crowding; this is one disadvantage of
Two-dimensional measurement reproducibility the technique used in the current study.
This data had the vertical element of the tooth
alignment measure removed. Performance trends for wires A, B, and C
Whole arch and individual contact point reproduc- ANOVA was used to test for statistically signif-
ibility. As expected, the SD of measurement error icant differences in the aligning and leveling capa-
values are improved when compared with three- bilities of the three arch wires at the 4 week period
dimensional measurements. The two-dimensional (T4) and the 8 week period (T8). Visual interpreta-
value is 0.058 mm for the whole arch, compared with tion of the descriptive statistics for two and three
38 Evans, Jones, and Newcombe American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 1998

dimensional measurements would seem to suggest Although statistical and clinical significance do
that both the active martensitic wires (wire A and not necessarily equate, it is also possible that the
wire C) were capable of achieving greater arch metabolic response of the periodontal ligament af-
alignment than the multistranded steel (wire B) arch ter force application, and the technique of arch wire
wire, at virtually all time intervals, and particularly ligation may have varied both between patients and
in the posterior aspects of the arch. However, clinicians. This in turn may have given rise to
ANOVA did not demonstrate any clear statistically significant confounding variables. Although use of a
significant difference in the aligning capabilities of single operator might in part address one of these
wires A, B, and C. Such a finding does not lend problems, this could be at the cost of introducing a
support to manufacturers claims that active marten- systematic error that would not be easy to either
sitic wires are able to bring about a much more rapid identify or quantify. However, any variation in met-
and efficient arch alignment. abolic response might be identified, at least in part,
It is possible that although the trend demon- by collecting gingival crevicular fluid before treat-
strated is not statistically significant, it may not rule ment in order to assess base levels of bone turnover
out a clinically important effect. Certainly, one for each individual.31
would expect the martensitic arch wires to perform
better than multistranded stainless steel arch wires, Variation in alignment of upper and lower arches
as is apparent in the posterior of the dental arches, Statistical analysis of tooth movement in the
but when one visualizes differences in the anterior upper arch and lower arch demonstrated that in this
segment any such trend is less obvious. In view of study the mean upper arch movement was generally
the graded force delivery provided by wire C (Bio- greater than for the lower dental arch. This was
force), one might also expect this arch wire to show statistically significant in comparisons of anterior
a trend for greater alignment in the posterior seg-
segments in both two and three dimensions, al-
ment when compared with wire A (medium force/
though not demonstrated as conclusively for poste-
Titanium Heat Memory Wire), however, this is not
rior segment readings. This may be related to the
apparent from this data.
larger interbracket width in the upper arch, increas-
Previous authors have also failed to demonstrate
ing the length of arch wire present, giving rise to
a substantial significant difference in the aligning
increased resilience, and a more physiologic force
capabilities of superelastic nickel titanium and mul-
distribution. However, one might expect this factor
tistranded stainless steel after 6 weeks of alignment.
to be of limited importance for wires demonstrating
As with the current study, the comparisons in these
hysteresis. Tooth movement may also have been
clinical trials have been between materials, which
show very different properties under bench test restricted in the lower labial segment because of the
conditions. There is no doubt that active austenitic proximity of cortical bone and the smaller volume of
and active martensitic arch wires demonstrate ideal cancellous bone within.
behavior ex vivo. However, the clinical advantages
of the “vastly superior” properties of active marten- CONCLUSIONS
sitic nickel titanium could not be demonstrated in 1. A controlled, prospective, and randomized clinical
this extensive clinical trial. Drescher (personal com- trial was carried out to assess the aligning capabil-
munication) has speculated that in order to properly ities of three arch wires commonly used in initial
use the superelastic properties of NiTi-type wires, it orthodontic tooth alignment. The three arch wires
is necessary to deform them beyond a certain bend- investigated in the study were the following: a
ing angle when a maligned tooth/bracket is attached multi-stranded stainless steel arch wire (wire B), a
to the wire. This angle can be quite large, as much as medium force thermodynamic nickel titanium alloy
(wire A), and a graded force delivery thermody-
50° to 70°, in order to reach the superelastic plateau
namic nickel titanium alloy (wire C).
of the wire. It may be that such bending angles are
2. The use of an intertooth measurement system
only rarely encountered in clinical practice and evolved from a previously established method of
therefore, most often, one is taking advantage of the assessing tooth alignment was shown to improve
linear elastic, rather than the superelastic properties error in both two and three dimensions measure-
of the arch wire. This makes it more difficult in a ments in comparison with previous studies.
random sample of crowding cases to demonstrate 3. ANOVA modeling of the initial tooth movement
statistically significant differences over a more con- produced by three arch wires, taking subject, order,
ventional braided steel arch wire. and upper or lower arch wire as main effects, failed
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Evans, Jones, and Newcombe 39
Volume 114, No. 1

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