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CAMBRIDGE face2face @«) (Advanced Workbook Nicholas Tims with Gillie Cunningham & Jan Bell — —— Prepositions and phrases (9 @ A Fill in gaps 1-3 with these | prepositions er outof on a) the long run a a } @ touch 2 b) Fill in gaps a)-i) with these words/phrases. a regular basis your depth the same wavelength necessity phases average common habit touch 1B Friends - the new family? Replace the underlined words/phrases with prepositions and phrases from 1. in touch My sister and | are good at staying 1 and we speak on the phone reasonably “regularly, “ypcally, one of us wil plone perhaps once a fortnight. But | know that we usually do it “vithout thinking about it rather than because we really want to speak 40 each other. From time to time, Il forget’ to call her “intentionally, because | know we won't have much to say “The problem is that we aren't Ssimilar in the way we think at all and apart from our parents, we have litle Yin the way of shared interests. For short periods of time, we sometimes might speak quite frequently, ‘But thats usualy because of a need, for instance family things, rather ‘han anything else, Occasionally, tl call her for advice ~ for instance, when | feel ®L don't have the experience to deal with something and | think she can help. [really hope we don’t end up "not speaking with each other in the future Although | don't particularly worry about it now, | can imagine that “after a long period of time, we'll both probably regret it if we do Cleft sentences: what and it clauses (5) © Complete the conversations using the words in brackets. 1a You're late. Did you run into bad traffic? B No, (1/ home / left / what / my / happened / wallet / was / at) and had to go back. 2 A Arent you hungry? 8 Not really, no. (What /Iate / lunch /a/1/ had / was / happened) because I was in a meeting most of the day: 3A Did you first meet your boyfriend at work? 8 No, (happened / was / he / chat up / ried / to / friend / my / what) in a bar but she was already seeing someone 4A Have you been in touch with Liz recently? 8 Not really. (of / periods / through / go / we / happens / is / What / daily / chatting) by email and then life gets busy again. 5 A Why are you and Tom always breaking up? B (happens / weeks / get on / a / for / few / well / What / is / we) and then we always fall out about something silly: 2A b) Rewrite the sentences in 5a) to be less formal. 1. Thejob which | applied for required three years’ Relative clauses (29 @ oir hese sentences, Relative clauses with prepositions replacing each * with a relative clause. Make necessary changes. 1 Anex-soldier * has become the oldest person to be awarded a PhD by Cambridge University. He is 91 years old ‘Anex-soldier. who is 91 years old, has become the oldest person to be awarded a PhD by Cambridge University. 2 Colonel Michael Cobbs PhD * is called The Railways of Great Britain: A Historical Atlas. He began it in 1978, 3 The examiner * said, “It is a remarkable piece of scholarship.” The examiner marked Michaels thesis. 4 The ceremony * will be attended by 40 members of Michael’ family. It is being held in Cambridge. 5 Michael got his first degree at Cambridge at Magdalene College *. He studied mechanical sciences in the 1930s. 6 The Reverend Edgar Dowse * is the oldest person in the world to receive a PhD. He received his from Brunel University in 2004, aged 93, a) Complete these sentences with whom or which and these phrases. applied required three yeors-experience | have great admiration the Nobel Prize is named | complained was very tall | invested went bust the film Twenty-One was based he never came back 1 The job for experience, 2. My first teacher, Mr Turner, is someone for which Lapplied required three years’ 3 The person to 4 He set off on a mission from 5 The business in 6 This is the book on 7 Dynamite was discovered by Alfred Nobel, after o experience, Make these sentences more formal by rewriting, the phrases in bold, using relative clauses with prepositions. to which he confessed 1. The murder which-he-confessed-to was merely one of his avful acts 2. I would like to introduce someone who Lowe any life to 3. The person who I was in correspondence with seems to have left the company onal holiday 4 The day that he died om is now a 5 His wile, who he always collaborated with, was at first given little credit for the discovery 6 She loved charity work, which her life was dedicated to, 7 The room which we are standing in is where Anne wrote most of her diary 8 The politician who millions are protesting about is a strong candidate for president Choose the correct words. 1. Shes got three brothers, one/all of which/whom | ‘went to school with. He was incredibly intelligent. 2 Tma big fan of hers, She’ released two albums asa solo artist, Both/most of whichAvhom I've got on CD. 3 [cant stand where I work. My office is full of gossips, neither/none of which/whom | get on with 4. He just isn'ta very convincing actor. I've seen him in two films recently, neither/both of which/whom I've particularly enjoyed. 5 I'd read several of his books, none/all of which/whom Vd thoroughly enjoyed. So I was really looking forward to this one. 6 L was disappointed when I heard you weren't coming. However, Marta had invited over 50 people, few/most of which/whom I had met before 2B Memorable places Adjective word order (29 Complete the table with these adjectives, fur middle-aged turquoise Northern European ‘ancient phenomenal frustrating gigantic West African minuscule beige polyester stainless steel tiring elderly Mediterranean pinkish immense What do you think about it? How big is it? How oldis it? What colour is it? Where is it from? What is it made of? Put these words in order and add a/an. Use the table in 1 1 clay / Moroccan / ancient / vase anancient, Moroccan clay vase. 2 island / Alantic / tiny / stunning, 3 modern / inspiring / building / glass 4 peaceful / town / medieval / medium-sized 5 tropi 6 colour / 1 / brownish / huge / fish ge / Victorian / inoffensive greyish / stone / attractive 7 mate These phrases have too many adjectives. Rewrite them by putting the underlined in a separate clause using with or in ora relative pronoun. + a'smart, young, dark: ind blue-eyed man a smart young man with dark hair and blue eyes 2a breathtaking, early, signed and dated painting by Picasso 3 a massive, old Italian metal and wooden sculpture 4 a miserable, tiny, one-bedroomed 70s-built flat 5 along, black, white-buttoned wool coat Participle clauses (© Verb+ing and past participles (=) @ Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1 Lwas a little worrying about calling her so late. you listen for one minute without butt in? 3. [found the level of security on to enter the building quite worrying, 4 The prize, establish according to the wishes in Alfred Nobel will, is awarded every year, 5 Passengers to leave on the 7.30 flight should be ready for embarkation at 7.00 6 Icant help to gossip when I get bored at work. ‘These sentences are taken from a story you will read in 7. Choose the correct connecting word. 1 @hen 1 waited for the kettle to boil in the kitchen at my office, 1 listened to everyone chatting over their coffee 2 Because/So we were faced with a night sleeping in the car, we started the long journey home. 3 While/After we had rung numerous other places, and even a campsite, we were feeling more stressed than when wwe had left 4 When/After we think about that weekend, even months later, we stil fail to see the funny side 5 We were bickering for over an hour, when/so we didn't notice how low we ‘were on petro. 6 We agreed a short break was a good idea, so/because we packed a small suitease and set off on Saturday morning 7 Sofif you looked at it from the outside, the house looked fine 8 After/White | overheard them swap plans, I couldnt help feeling a litle envious 9 The owner of the hotel was dressed entirely in black, so/because he didnt look the friendliest of hosts. 10 Because/After we hadn't thought that hotels would be full, we hadnt bothered to book anywhere.

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