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This is one of my life stories. For the first time, I brave to publish it in front of many people. I
had a tumor. I’ve known it since 8 th grade in middle school. How do I know that? My counseling
teacher told the sign of breast cancer to all female students in my class. She also told about how
to check the disease. After school, I immediately tried to check it. How shocked when I knew
that I had a sign of the disease. And I choosed to keep everything myself.

Day after day passed, I didn’t feel any disease. Until I’m in 11 th grade, I often feel pain in my
breast. So, I’d tried to told my parents. When they heard that, they were shocked because I never
told them. They immediately looked for the hospital and doctor’s schedule. The next day, we
came to the hospital, and the doctor said that I had a tumor. My parents decided to remove the

Two days after I checked, I was in surgery. Since morning I’d been in the hospital to follow the
applicable procedure. At first I was very scared when I wanted surgery. Until my best friends
came to support me, I began to calm down.

I was in the surgery room for three hours. When I left the surgery room, I was cold and feeling
pain. I see my best friends and all my family. I was touched because they were willing to wait for
me in front of the room.

I was hospitalized for three days. I was always with the person I love. They are my parents, my
brother and someone who is not part of my family but he really cares about me. After three days,
the doctor said that I could go home. And I didn’t have a tumor.

Name : Galuh Fajrika Lintang Kirana

Class : XII Science 2

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