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Rights under Copyright Jamaica Copyright Licensing Agency, (JAMCOPY), Copyright Tribunal functions cont’d

17 Ruthven Road. Kingston. 10

Copyright gives two types of rights: Economic rights which  determine the rate of royalties to rights-
Telephone: 876 754 8910,
give exclusive rights to the copyright owner to copy, distrib- holders for the rental of films, computer pro-
ute, publicly perform, broadcast and adapt their work. Jamaica Music Society (JAMMS), grams, sound recordings to the public and re-
7 Stanton Terrace. Building #2 Kingston 6 transmission of cable programmes or broad-

Moral rights give the author the right to be identified as the
Telephone : 876 978 3275 casts;
creator of the work (right of paternity), and the right to ob-
 review the prescribed rate of royalties payable
ject to any derogatory treatment of a work ( right of integri- How to Enforce Copyright
to a performer for adaptations of original re-
ty). An author also has the right to object to being falsely
If your Copyright has been infringed, you may refer the mat- cordings;
attributed as the author of a work which he
did not create.
ter to mediation or arbitration at The Dispute Resolution
Foundation at the Peace Centre, 5 Camp Road, Kingston 4
 give consent for a user to make subsequent
recordings of a performance where the per-
If the author makes an agreement in writing
Telephone 876 906 2456, or you may seek legal recourse by former unreasonably withholds consent, or
to give his copyright to someone else, the
filing a law suit in the civil court. the identity or whereabouts of the performer
author retains his moral rights and the new
cannot be ascertained,; and
copyright owner owns the economic rights obtained. If your work has been pirated i.e. where copies are repro-
duced without permission on a commercial scale, the matter  make recommendations to Government on
Licensing Copyright Works should be reported to the Organized Crime Investigation the rates of royalty for works used in national

Division of the Jamaica Constabulary Force who are located cultural events.
The Copyright Owners may grant an assignment or license to
at the UDC Building, Shop # 68, Kingston. Telephone: 876
another person to perform any of the restricted acts in re- International Copyright Treaties
spect of the protected work which are copying the work;
to which Jamaica is Signatory PROPERTY RIGHTS
issuing copies of the work to the public; performing the work
Copyright Tribunal  Berne Convention for Protection of Literary &
in public, making an adaptation of the work, or in the case of
Artistic Works 18 Trafalgar Road
a sound recording, film, broadcast or cable programme play- The Copyright Act makes provision for the establishment of a
 Rome Convention for the Protection of Per- JAMPRO Building, Ground Floor
ing or showing the work in public; broadcasting the work or Copyright Tribunal, which is a quasi-judicial body with the
formers, Producers of Phonograms and Kingston 10
including it in a cable programme service. power to hear matters relating to the licensing of works under
Broadcasting Organisations Phone: 876 946 300/ 876 946 0789
It is recommended that Copyright owners become members copyright protection.
876 946 9216
 Brussels Convention on distribution of pro-
of recognized collective management societies, to facilitate Fax:: 876 927 6744
The Tribunal is made up of a Chairman, two Deputy Chairmen, gramme carrying signals
the licensing of their rights. These societies will act on behalf who must be Attorneys-at-Law, and no more than eight other
of their members to negotiate licenses with persons wishing
 Geneva Convention for the Protection of Pho-
members. nograms against Unauthorized Duplication of
their Phonograms
The Tribunal has jurisdiction to do the following:
The Jamaican collecting societies are:  WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and WIPO Per-
 hear and determine matters relating to the licensing
The Jamaica Association of Authors, Composers & formances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT)
schemes run by, or licences granted by copyright societies
Publishers (JACAP),  World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreement
for the use of copyright works. Users of copyright works
21 Connolly Ave., Kingston 4 on Trade related aspects of Intellectual Prop-
are entitled to bring a matter to the Tribunal; erty Rights (TRIPS Agreement)
Telephone: 876 948 5937, 876 948 6439,
What is Copyright? Related Rights give protection to performers If necessary, this sealed envelope may be used to prove
over the recording of their performances, ownership of © in a court of law where the envelope will Are Jamaican Copyright Owners
Copyright is an intellectual property right. It consists owners of master sound recordings over be opened by the Court. Protected Abroad?
of a bundle of different rights that a creator has in their records and broadcast organisation and
his/her intellectual creation. The Copyright owner This is an internationally accepted procedure used in Jamaicans qualify for international Copyright protec-
operators of cable programme services over
has an exclusive right to exploit his/her creative work tion in over 160 countries who are all members of the
their transmissions. countries, that are members of the Berne Convention for
and has the authority to prevent others from using
the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. international Treaties for Copyright protection.
the work without permission.
Works Not Protected by Copyright
Other forms of Voluntary registration are possible in other
Copyright does not protect ideas, concepts, processes, principles countries such as in the USA: Registrar of Copyrights, The
or procedures.
How long does Copyright Last?
Library of Congress , Dept. 17 Washington D.C. 20540.
USA. Tel: (202) 287 8700/ (202) 287 9100 Copyright in literary, dramatic, musical and artistic
Works protected by Copyright How does copyright arise? works lasts for the lifetime of the author plus a period
Or in Canada : The Canadian Intellectual Property Office,
Under Jamaica’s Copyright Act 1993, copyright applies of fifty (50) years after the death of the author.
Copyright protection arises once the original work Place du Portage 1, 50 Victoria Street Hull
to original literary, dramatic, artistic works, sound re-
is in a written or recorded form. The copyright In cable programmes and broadcasts Copyright lasts
cordings, films, broadcasts or cable programme, typo-
graphical arrangements of published editions. notice -,that is, the word ‘Copyright ‘ and the copy- Legal Deposits for fifty (50) years from the end of the year in which
right symbol ©, should be visible on the recorded medium along the programme was included in a cable programme
It is a requirement under the Legal Deposits Act, that a
with the date of creation and the name of the author of the work. service, or the year in which the broadcast was made.
Literary works include works (other than a dramatic or copy of all library matter published in Jamaica ,including
musical work) which are written, spoken or sung, such The symbol should be placed on sound recordings to indicate Copyright in a typographical arrangement of a pub-
books, CDs, DVDs, must be deposited with the National
as a computer program, lyrics or poetry. the owner of the master recording. These symbols will give the lished edition lasts for 25 years from the year in which
Library of Jamaica for archival and historical purposes.
public notice of the author’s or copyright owner’s claim of Copy- the edition is first published.
This also provides a public record supporting an author’s
Musical works refer to music compositions. right in the work.
claim of copyright.

Artistic works include graphic works such as paintings,

Is registration required for copyright protection? Work of Art
drawings, maps, charts, plans, engravings, etchings, Registration is not a compulsory requirement to obtain Copyright Who can own Copyright?
lithographs, woodcut or similar works, as well as pho- protection under the Copyright Act or any of the
tographs, sculptors, collages, buildings and models of The author of a created work is the initial owner of the
copyright laws of the countries that are members of
buildings. Dramatic works include dance choreogra- Copyright in that work.
the Berne Convention for the protection of Literary
phy and mimes. All Jamaican nationals, citizens and habitual residents and
and Artistic Works.
corporate bodies established under Jamaican Law can
There is also no requirement for a work to be deposit-
Visit our web site at
qualify as owners under the Copyright Act.
ed at JIPO in order to obtain protection.
Nationals, citizens and habitual residents and corporate
Literary Works You can keep a record of your Copyright work by also mailing a copy
bodies established under the laws of other specified coun- © copyright 2013 JIPO
of your work to yourself by registered mail at your local post office.
tries (listed in an Order under the Act) including United
When it returns to your address, keep the sealed envelope in a safe
States, Canada, countries of the European Union, Asia and
Africa, are also protected under Jamaican Law.

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