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Deadline for homework: Tuesday, Sep 22nd , 9AM.

1) {9.2, 14.1, 9.8, 12.4, 16.0, 12.6, 22.7, 18.9, 21.0, 14.5, 20.4, 16.9}
Find the sample mean, standard deviation
Find the 30 and 60th percentile by applying Excel method

Find the probability that the system operate smoothly given that P1=P2=P3=P4=0.9
3) In American lottery, people will select 5 number from 01…50; If all the number that they
selected they will get the 1st prize. After the 1 st prize is announce 2 more numbers are drawn to
determine the 2nd prize. If people select correctly 5 numbers among 7 numbers they get the 2 nd
Find the probability that person who buys one 1 ticket will win the 1 st prize.
Find the probability that person who buys one 1 ticket will win the 2nd prize. (Note: Are the
subspace of win the 1st prize and 2nd prize mutually exclusive? )
4) Homework number 22/ Page 83 (Ross Book)
5) A company decides to hire 3 floors to set up 3 departments. In each floor, company will only
assign one department to that floor. Each department is comprised of several rooms. Assumed
that we have 3 departments as follow
Research & Development: 3 rooms
Human Resources: 4 rooms
Project Management: 3 rooms
Find many different layouts are possible.
Assumed that the total number of moving between any two departments per day is given in
following table

R&D 100 120 140
HM 150 170
PM 140
The effort of moving around a floor is zero. The effort of moving between 2 floors is equal to the
distance between two floors. For example, the effort of moving between the 1 st and the 4th floor
is (4-1)=3. Find the optimal assignment so as to the total effort of moving is minimum. Assumed
that, the company can only hired the 1 st , 4th and 6th floor.

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