Evidencia 4 Sesión Virtual Prepositions

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 Para lograr el objetivo de esta evidencia se requiere que prepare una lista de diez oraciones
relacionadas con el tema de los canales de distribución, utilizando en cada oración por lo

menos una preposición; adicionalmente escuche el audio que se encuentra adjunto a esta

evidencia descargable con el nombre Learn English Teens y prepárese para algunas

preguntas que el instructor le hará al respecto en la sesión virtual. Recuerde que el

instructor es el encargado de crear y habilitar esta sesión en línea.

1. For a product to be delivered safely and quickly, effective distribution channels must be

used that are adequate for the process, with adequate personnel and with all the security


2. The diversity of products must always be found in order to increase the possibility of sale to

the public

3. If the service is good and along with it the cost of the product is affordable, it is a sign that

the logistics management has been efficient.

4. The three strategies must be analyzed in order to know which one best suits the business

model, among them we find: the selective, exclusive and intensive strategy.

5. Whether direct or indirect, the company must adapt an optimal way to ensure that its

products are distributed efficiently.

6. Choosing a distribution channel is essential since through them it is possible to offer

diversity in costs and forms of sale, in the same way it is essential to choose the distribution

channel according to the size of the market, the most appropriate is adjusted.

7. To choose the most appropriate distribution channel for the manufacturing company, the

country to which it is going to enter and the type of product must be studied and taken into


8. The ultimate goal of seeking a greater number of customers on factors such as brand

recognition is highly pursued in intensive distribution

9. When a manufacturer produces, and its products take them directly to the final consumer

without any intermediary in between, it is called a short distribution channel, but if, on the

contrary, two or more intermediaries act between the manufacturer and the final consumer,

it is a long channel, and they are a kind of subdivision of something called an indirect

distribution channel

10. It is important to seek the way in which supply and demand can have a good balance and

that the procedures between buyers and sellers are practical, for this reason having

intermediary allies is ideal since they are specialists in achieving that this can be carried out


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