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August 4th, 2020

In this English class I met somethings

about my news classmates. I met the
teacher and I though he to be youngest
but is ok

When my
participation moment
come, I get nervous.
I don’t wanted to my
classmates know that
I speak English so
But then I let it pass.
August 13th, 2020

Today in my English
class we learn about
present perfect. Today I
participated more than
other days and some of
my partners do it too,
some don’t try
participated and I would
like they do that.

Before we see some examples on a

presentation conversation between
persons. And then the teacher Juan let
us homework.
August 18th, 2020
On this English class
I participated in the
reading an when my
participation moment
come, I felt so
nervous, but I did
Since I started doing workout at home I feel how
my mind and my body change I used to feel tired
all the time but I don’t anymore My back pain
that I used to have with me killing me is over as
the same that my headache. I feel very good with
mi body and the way I’m progressing I feel very
good for real for real.
I used to feel sad and depressed, but I don’t
anymore, and I hope ho keep on that way.
August 27th, 2020
On the English class we just
had the little quiz it was easy
I hope to have a good score.

In the other hand I’m very exciting because

in a few days I’m gonna have a date with my
boyfriend. I haven’t seen him in a long time,
and I miss him so much.
I just wanna Hug him and spend good time
together. I`m not in the best time of mi life
and I know that those are hard days for
everybody and spending time in home is very
hard for me.
I need distractions and I know that if I hang
out it would make me feel better
September 01st 2020

On this English class we studied about

body gestures and all about hand
gestures we see the name of the
different finger in our hands, we took a
look about the gestures in different
countries which U.s, China, Europe. I
participated ain class and I won 5.0

I have been very happy those

days, I had a date with my
boyfriend finally, we go eating
and spend good time together.

My mom gave to me a new pair of shoes and

it is weird because she don’t give me things
At home we are having dinners together and
we talk between us more than before
September 3rd, 2020

In this English class we take

a look about adjectives ed
and ing, teacher let us know
the questions for the first
interview- im really
nervous- and the best at all
the teacher made a activity
with a dialogue and
everybody have
participated, he gave us 2
points for everybody.
In other way Im happy
because the preventive
quarantine has over, I hope
people to have behaviour on
streets without crowds.
Today at home we made chores
September 08th, 2020
mi momma she trashed a lot of
trinkets and thing we don’t use
In class we talked about so much as she says “el
how to learn to describe checherero”
the time, the teacher
give us the quiz themes I feel like full of jobs and
and after that I made workshops sometimes I get tired
my interview he asked
me if I ever shooted a and I don't want to do anything
gun, I told them the last
else but hey, what else can I do,
dish that I’ve prepared,
I told them about an just try harder to fulfill my
interesting experience
dreams, I hope and all this
of mine, I felt a little bit
nervous but then I let it happens and I meet again with
all my friends.
September 12th, 2020

In this time I remembered things that I had forgotten like have never and the
past participle that are very useful to know how to communicate in English
but well sometimes without practice you forget things and that is how I see
English classes as a review of topics that I already know.

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