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Offboard Diagnostic Information System Service (ODIS Service)

Subject: ODIS Software Cleanup Date: June 12, 2020

1.0 – Introduction
ODIS Service software can become corrupt for several reasons, including an outdated install version and
ODS errors. Occasionally, Windows retains ODIS related files even after the uninstaller is run. Below are
detailed instructions for removing ODIS Service entirely from your VAS diagnostic tablet or laptop.

Note: All attempts to uninstall ODIS using the Uninstallation & Reinstallation Instructions found on
erWin should be made prior to attempting these cleanup activities. Be sure to read these
instructions fully before proceeding.

2.0 – Uninstalling ODIS Service

Be sure to review the Uninstallation & Reinstallation Instructions found on erWin. These can be found
under Vehicle Diagnostics & Reprogramming Tab > Step 4.

1. Go to: Start > All Programs > (ODIS Service) > ODIS Service Uninstallation Program >
2. Check all boxes in the prompt window (scroll down), and then select Continue.


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3. Wait while several stages of uninstallation take place. Click Finish. Click Yes to automatically
restart the PC.


3.0 – Removing ODIS Applications

1. Open Control Panel.
a. Windows 7 – Open the start menu and select Control Panel.
b. Windows 10 – Use the search function on the bottom left to search for Control Panel. Click
to open.

Windows 7 Windows 10
2. Change View by: from Categories to Large icons or Small icons.

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3. Select Programs and Features.

4. Wait for Windows to load all applications.

5. You will uninstall the following applications, if found. Not all will be present if previous uninstalls
were attempted.
a. DTSS 7.XX
b. Offboard Diagnostic Information System Service
c. Softing D-PDU API for V1.20.XXXX
d. VAS6154 Driver Package
e. VW-MCD ODX (Note: there could be 1 to 8 versions of this. Delete all that appear.)

6. Select the apps you wish to remove and click Uninstall. Repeat the same for each app that

4.0 – Remove ODIS Shortcuts

1. Open All Programs.
a) Windows 7 – Click the Start Menu and then All Programs.
b) Windows 10 – Click the Start Menu. All Programs will appear in the scrolling list.

Windows 7 Windows 10


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2. Remove any of the below shortcuts that remain:
a. DTSS 7.XX
b. Offboard Diagnostic Information System Service
c. Softing D-PDU API for V1.20.XXXX
d. VAS6154 Driver Package
e. e. VW-MCD ODX (Note: there could be 1 to 8 versions of this. Delete all that appear.)

3. Right-click the shortcut and click Delete or Uninstall. Repeat for any shortcuts that remain.

Windows 10

Windows 7

5.0 – Remove ODIS Folders from Windows

1. Open Windows Explorer.
a. Windows 7 – Click the Windows button. Select Computer.
b. Windows 10 – Using the search function on your taskbar, search for My PC.
2. Click Local Disk (C:)

Windows 7 Windows 10

3. Windows 7 - Change your folder settings to show hidden folders

a. Click Organize at the top left of the window.

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b. Select Folder and Search Options
c. Click the View tab
d. Scroll through Advanced settings.
e. Under Hidden files and folders, select Show hidden files, folders, and drives.

4. Windows 10 – Change your folder settings to show hidden folders.

a. Click the View tab at the top left. The navigation pane will appear.
b. Check the box for Hidden items

5. Under the Local Disk (C:) folder, remove the below folder by right-clicking and selecting Delete
6. Navigate back to Local Disk (C:) using the arrows next to the address bar., double-click the Program
Files (x86) folder.

Windows 7 Windows 10

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7. If any of the below folders appear, right-click and select Delete.
a. I+ME Actia GmbH
b. Softing
c. Offboard_Diagnostic_Information_System_Service

8. Navigate back to Local Disk (C:) using the arrows next to the address bar, double-click the
ProgramData folder.

9. If any of the below folders appear, right-click and select Delete.

b. I+ME Actia GmbH
c. Softing

6.0 – Next Steps

Restart your PC. After performing any kind of clean-up of this scale, it is best to reboot before starting a
new process.

Continue with reinstalling ODIS Service using Re-installation documentation located in erWin under the
Vehicle Diagnostics & Reprogramming Tab > Step 4.

In the event that you are still unable to reinstall ODIS after
performing these steps, you may need to perform a
Windows Recovery. Please contact the Diagnostic Tester
Software Support team at 888-896-1298 with questions.

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