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Race Subrace Size Speed Language Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Extra Source

Aarakocra (none) M 25 Common, Aarakocra, 2 1 50' Flying; Talons 1d4 ELM 4

Aasimar (none) M 30 Common, Celestial 1 2 Darkvision (60'); Necrotic & Radiant res.; Celestial Legacy DMG 286
Changeling (none) M 30 Common, +2 1 1 Shapechanger; Deception skill Ebb 1
Dragonborn (none) M 30 Common, Draconic 2 1 Breath Weapon; Selected elemental res. PHB 32-34

Dwarf (choose one) M 25 Common, Dwarf 2 Darkvision (60'); Dwarven Combat Training; Stone-cunning; Adv. on poison saves; Poison PHB 18
Res.; Smith's, Brewer's or Mason's Tools prof.; Speed not reduced by heavy armor
Hill 1 HP max +1 per level PHB 20
Mountain 2 Light & Medium Armor prof. PHB 20
Gray (Duergar) + Undercommon 1 Darkvision (120'); Sunlight Sensitivity; Duergar Magic; Illusion, charm and paralysis res. SCG 104
Elf (choose one) M 30 Common, Elvish 2 Darkvision (60'); Fey Ancestry; Perception skill PHB 21-23
Drow 1 Trance; Darkvision (120'); Sunlight Sensitivity; Drow Magic; Drow Weapons Training PHB 24
Eladrin 1 Trance; Elf Weapon Training; Fey Step DMG 286
High +1 1 Trance; Elf Weapon Training; +1 Wizard cantrip PHB 23
Wood +5ft 1 Trance; Elf Weapon Training; Mask of the Wild PHB 24
Tajuru -2 2 1 +2 skill/tool PSZ 18-19
Joraga +5ft -1 2 Elf Weapon Training; Mask of the Wild PSZ 18-19
Mul Daya 1 -2 2 Darkvision (120'); Sunlight Sensitivity; Elf Weapon Training; Mul Daya Magic PSZ 18-19
Genasi (choose one) M 30 Common, Primordial 2 EE 7
Air 1 Unending Breath; Mingle with the Wind EE 9
Earth 1 Earth Walk; Merge with Stone EE 9
Fire 1 Darkvision; Reach to the Blaze; Fire res. EE 9
Water 1 Amphibious; Call to the Wave; Acid res.; 30' swim EE 10
Gnome (choose one) S 25 Common, Gnomish 2 Darkvision (60'); Adv. on INT, WIS, & CHA saves against magic PHB 35
Darkvision (120'); Adv. on Stealth to hide in rocky terrain;
Deep + Undercommon 1 (Feat opportunity: Svirfneblin Magic) SCAG 115

Forest 1 Minor Illusion cantrip; Speak with Small Beasts PHB 37

Rock 1 Artificer's Lore; Tinker PHB 37
Goblin (choose one) S 25 Common, Goblin 2 Darkvision (60'); Fire & Psychic res.; Unarmored AC (11+DEX mod) PSZ 16-17
Grotag Animal Handling skill
Lavastep Adv. on Stealth to hide in rocky or subterranean places
Tuktuk Thieves' Tools prof.
Goliath (none) M 30 Common, Giant 2 1 Stone's Endurance; Powerful Build; Mountain Born; Athletics skill ELM 10
Halfling (choose one) S 25 Common, Halfling 2 Lucky; Brave; Nimbleness PHB 26
Lightfoot 1 Can attempt to hide behind creature Medium or larger PHB 28
Stout 1 Adv. on poison saves; Poison res. PHB 28
Ghostwise + Silent Speech 1 SCG 110
Half-Elf (optional) M 30 Common, Elvish 0 0 0 0 0 2 +1 ASI (x2); Darkvision (60'); Fey Ancestry; Skill Versatility (+2 skills) PHB 38
Race Subrace Size Speed Language Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Extra Source

Half-Wood (-Skill Versatility); Elf Weapon Training SCG 116

or Fleet of Foot or Mask of the Wild

Half-Moon/Sun (-Skill Versatility); Elf Weapon Training SCG 116

or a cantrip
Half-Drow (-Skill Versatility); Drow Magic SCG 116
Half-Aquatic (-Skill Versatility); 30' swim SCG 116
Half-Orc (none) M 30 Common, Orc 2 1 Darkvision (60'); Relentless Endurance; Savage Attacks; Intimidation skill PHB 40
Human (optional) M 30 Common, +1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PHB 29
Variant 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 ASI (x2); +1 skill; +1 feat PHB 31
Kor (none) M 30 Kor silent speech 2 1 Lucky; Brave; Athletics & Acrobatics skills; 30' climb PSZ 11

Merfolk (choose one) M 30 Common, Merfolk, +1 1 Amphibious; 30' swim PSZ 13

Cosi 1 1 1 Bard cantrip; Sleight of Hand & Stealth skills
Wind (Emeria) 2 1 Druid cantrip; Deception & Persuasion skills
Water (Ula) 2 1 Wizard cantrip; Survival skill; Navigator's Tools prof.

Minotaur (none) M 30 Common 1 0 0 0 0 0 +1 to STR, INT, or WIS; Horns; Hammering Horns; Goring Rush; Labyrinthine Recall; Water 1-3
Navigators' Tools & Vehicles (Water) prof.
Shifter (choose one) M 30 Common, Sylvan 1 Darkvision (60'); Shifting Ebb 2-3
Beasthide 1 While shifted, +1 to AC
Cliffwalk 1 While shifted, 30' climb
Longstride 1 While shifted, Dash as bonus action
Longtooth 1 While shifted, bite as an action, with extra damage & possible grapple
Razorclaw 1 While shifted, dex-based unarmed strike as bonus action
Wildhunt 1 While shifted, adv. on all WIS checks and saves
Tiefling (optional) M 30 Common, Infernal 1 2 Darkvision (60'); Infernal Legacy; Fire res. PHB 42
Variant (-Infernal Legacy); Devil's Tongue or Hellfire or Winged SCG 118
Feral 2 -2 (-Infernal Legacy); Devil's Tongue or Hellfire or Winged SCG 118
Abyssal Common, Abyssal 1 -1 (-Infernal Legacy); Abyssal Arcana; (-Fire res.); HP max increases by half your level TOBM
Vampire (none) M 30 Common, Vampire 1 2 Darkvision (60'); Necrotic res.; Blood Thirst PSZ 15
Warforged (none) M 30 Common, +1 1 1 +1 AC; Living Construct Ebb 3

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