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Clearly organized Fails to meet this Disorganized, Paper has intro, Easy to read, topic
introduction, body, criteria by obvious leaves reader body, and introduced,
conclusion disregard for the wondering what is conclusion but may organization clearly
expectations stated being said; abrupt take a re-reading evident with proper
in the criteria; ending to understand introduction, body,
Disorganized and conclusion
the reader can not
follow the paper at
any length

Does this paper The topic of the Student does not The entire paper’s The student’s reflection
address the paper is not clearly identify content relates to about the topic is
prompt or the addressed at all; his/her reflections the prompt or topic; explained in clear
topic? Fails to stick to the about the topic; the student language; immediately
topic therefore fails may veer from explains his/her interesting and
reflections about
to meet this criteria topic supported with detail
the topic but may
take a rereading to

Paragraph Fails to meet this Paragraphs are Each paragraph Each paragraph has a
Organization and criteria by obvious disorganized; ideas has a central idea central idea; ideas are
Writing Style: disregard for the are included which that is supported connected and
Ideas are clearly expectations stated do not relate to the with details; ideas paragraphs are
connected and in the criteria main idea; ideas are connected and developed with details;
make sense are not connected important points paper is easy to read
and have little or no
make sense and “flows” naturally in
supporting details;
one sentence an organized pattern

Does this paper Fails to meet this Paper is shallow The paper shows Paper provides
show evidence of criteria by obvious and does not that the student evidence (through the
deep thought disregard for the present detailed has thought about use of description,
about the topic? expectations stated evaluation of the topic although details, and use of
in the criteria reflection about the written nursing literature) that
the topic; little use presentation may the student has
examined his/her own
of nursing appear weak or
belief systems and
literature to lack clarity; use of related this to their
support thought nursing literature to current views about the
support thought topic; use of nursing
literature to support

Olcvcaragos CU Graduate School @2020



Basic writing More than 8 4-7 grammatical , Between 1-4 No errors whatsoever!
expectations: grammatical , punctuation , or grammatical,
mechanics, punctuation, or BWE errors punctuation, or
spelling, BWE BWE errors, but
grammar, or errors they are minor and
punctuation errors do not detract from
the paper
Use of transitions Fails to meet this Choppy; sentences Paper expresses Paper is easy to read
to connect criteria by obvious do not connect or the ideas of the and makes sense the
sentences and disregard for the transition well; author; sentences first time it is read. It is
ideas expectations stated ideas do not relate to one interesting and well
in the criteria connect another; may take written; sentences
a re-reading to connect and flow.
Correct choice of Fails to meet this Improper use of Occasional wrong No wrong word choice
verb tenses, criteria by obvious language or slang; word choice; or slang; uses correct
words, avoidance disregard for the wrong word somewhat wordy verb tense and
of wordy phrases, expectations stated choice; appears but not enough to pronouns. Well written
correct use of in the criteria “padded” detract from the and use of words
pronouns summary; May convey meaning
occasionally use
the wrong tense.


Follows APA Fails to meet this Meets this criteria Meets this criteria Exceeds this by
professional criteria by obvious with 2 errors with 1 error completely meeting all
writing style of disregard for the of these requirements
using 12 point expectations stated with NO exception!
Times New in the criteria; 3 or
Roman font, 1inch more errors
all around, correct
APA headings
Correct format of Fails to meet this Meets this criteria Meets this criteria Perfect title page,
title page criteria by obvious with 2 errors with 1 error running head, page
including running disregard for the numbers, and page
head, page expectations stated justification!
in the criteria; 3 or
numbers, correct
more errors
page justification
Correct use of Fails to meet this Meets this criteria Meets this criteria Perfect use of citations
citations within criteria by obvious with 2 errors with 1 error within paper per APA
paper according disregard for the format; Correct
to APA; Correct expectations stated reference page!
APA reference in the criteria; 3 or
page more errors

Olcvcaragos CU Graduate School @2020

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