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ecb (hc competed Ff] Heeger angus — - thelial EXAMINATION ANSE PRE SOLO Pee Dae yapenm-day KARAN DHANTAL 214 - 06- It 4, Deer fetal Deine, Unit 104 Nepean K2G 3K 6 Fivig ub or shock 0. ine al ny Aes a Aviation Services a a i Bea Bre-Ralo 7. Cans aa eatin i NTS aN 2. Read eaetuly sac question and is nunbcredansoae 2. hen you have dacided which answer Is corre place an Xin tho coorespendingepace ents shat 4. you change your mind block au ncaeet arcu. Fiore than one anower fs given fo a question, austen wl bo mkod wong. 5, BEFORE FIRST SOLO FLIGHT IS AUTHORIZED te canddale MUSY ootrecty answara miko of 45 of the 80 questions onthe examination andthe ‘questions answered icorecty are fo be reviews and suiciont incrucer: ivan io tha eandeata to enaure that the core expanses aro undrsio, EXAMPLE 1. cosas? teen (@ ady — @ amnion) seanty ame, faa 4 1234 1234 1234 23 4 ‘oomoO” *o60m” »oowo +«oo8a~ “goed dass L234 aaa tea 434 soOOR7 »O8O0O” ®OOWOY soooR” 8oOoag te aa, fa 1234 1234 1234 “OOOR~ #0RO00- *OOOR" “ORoOO- sgood 4234 tae 1234 234 1234 eOoOOB” BOO” *eooo7 ®so00- =owO L234 1a 4 Las 4 tas 4 123 4 *QOR8OY 2OMOOY =OOURO” *~OOwO” =o00R 234 1234 1234 t234 i234 S2O00R~ ~OO0R~ =OROOY =DORO" »OnO 1204 Las te 34 L234 tas 4 “ORDO =DRBOO0Y =g8OOO” “oOOmY *soo0g85 1234 L234 1234 1234 234 *OORO% »00RO0~ “OO0B8- *O800- “soo taea, tag aeiuat nts den uiemisd ae iden ataatte “OROY #DOOR~ *OOB8O7 “OOO «ono 1234 1234 t234 ta 34 234 *mOO0” «O800” “ooOB8O0% *Booo” —moo ‘FS st a eA RSS Sarees ARABS FAME —a- es ata Tica eT 0 eset neiv ey Pere ce oes secu 0-09 Canada Pago t 2 eee

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