Math Course Work

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i) Angle FAW is 36 degrees because two chords subtended from the diameter is equal
to 90 degrees. Therefore 90-54=36.
ii) Angel SFK is equal to 54 degrees since point ASKF forms a cyclic quadrilateral. It
states that in a cyclic quadrilateral that opposite sides are equal to each other and
the sum of the four interior angles must add up to 360 degrees.
iii) From part (ii) we use the cyclic quadrilateral law to reason out this value. Angle ASW
is equal to 126 degrees due to Angle SAF is equal to 54 degrees Therefore Angle SKF
is also equal to 54 degrees. We then sum these two angels which gives us 108
degrees, we then minus 108 from 360 which leaves us with 152 degrees. We then
divide 152 by two which leaves us with 126 degrees.

i)Angle ADC is 90 degrees because chords AD and CD are subtended from the diameter
AC which forms a 90 degrees at angle ADC

ii) Angle ACD is equal to 36 degrees because chord AD is subtended from two radius it
forms a equilateral triangle which means two sides are equal, Since angle AOD is 72
degrees we minus 72 from 180 degrees which gives us 108, we then divide 108 by 2
which leaves us with 54 degrees. Angle ADC forms a right angle due to chords
subtended from a diameter we simply add 54 and 90 degrees which gives us 144
degrees we then subtract 144 from 180 degrees because sum of angle sin a triangle add
up to 180 degrees this leaves us with 36 degrees.

Iii) Angle CAD is equal to 54 degrees because angles in a triangle sum up to 180 degree.
We found angle ADC to be 90 degrees and angle ACD to be 36 degrees we then sum
these two angles which gives us 126 degrees we then minus this from 180 degrees
which leaves us with 54 degrees for angle CAD

iv) Angle OEA is equal to 18 degrees because angles in a triangle sum up to 180
degrees. Angle OAE is equal to 90 degrees since radius OA intersects a tangent TE.
Therefore Angle AOE is equal to 72 degrees and angle OAE is equal to 90 degrees we
sum these two angles which gives us 162 degrees. We then minus 162 from 180
because angles in a triangle sum up to 180 degrees which leaves us wit angle OEA
being 18 degrees.
i) ABC = 48 degrees
ii) AOC = 96 degrees
iii) BCD = 64 degrees
iv) BAC = 64 degrees
v) OAC = 42 degrees
vi) OAB = 22 degrees

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