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Name: _____________________________________ Score: _________________________

Schedule: ___________________________________
Essay: Answer should not be less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences.
1. Explain the nature of nuclear reactions by using visual representation.
2. How will you know that a reaction is not an ordinary chemical reaction but a nuclear
3. Compare and contrast nuclear stability and nuclear reactivity.
4. Compare and contrast nuclear stability and transmutation.
5. Compare and contrast nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
6. Cite the benefits and effects of nuclear radiation.
7. Explain the biological effects of nuclear radiation.
Problem Solving: Show your solution.
1. The half-life of cobalt-60 is 5.3 years. If 2.0 g of Cobalt-60 is allowed to decay for a
period of 15.9 years, how many grams of Cobalt-60 remain?

2. Iodine-135 is a nuclide found in radioactive fallout from nuclear weapon explosions.

Its half-life is 6.70 hours. How long, in hours, will it take for 75.0% (three- quarters
(3/4) of the Iodine-135 atom in a “fall-out” sample to undergo decay?

3. If Francium undergo alpha decay, what are the products formed? (atomic number is
87 and mass number is 221). Show the equation

4. If Potassium decays by beta emission what are the products? (atomic number is 19
and mass number is 40). Show the equation.

5. Write the nuclear equation for the reaction in which Argon (atomic number is 18 and
mass number is 37) reacts by capturing an electron.
¾ has decayed then ¼ of the sample has remains undecayed. In terms of ½ , ¼ is equal
to ½2 that is ½ x ½ = 1/2 2 = ¼

2 half lives have elapsed in reducing the amount of iodine-135 to ¼

Its half-life is 6.70 hours

. Iodine-135 is a nuclide found in radioactive fallout from nuclear weapon explosions.

Its half-life is 6.70 hours. How long, in hours, will it take for 75.0% (three- quarters (3/4) of the
Iodine-135 atom in a “fall-out” sample to undergo decay?

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