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Dok : FAA-UNIGA-022
Jl. Raya Samarang No. 52-A, FORM Tgl. Terbit : 30/09/2013
Jl. Cimanuk No. 285-A, Garut AKADEMIK (FAA) No. Revisi : 1
Jl. Jati No. 42-B, Garut
Jumlah hal : 1



1. Program Studi : Manajemen

2. Kode dan Nama Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris 1
3. Bobot SKS : 2
4. Semester/ Kelas : 1/ A, B, C and T
5. Ruang :
6. Hari/ Tanggal :
7. Waktu :
8. Jenis/Sifat Ujian : Closed Book
9. Tahun Akademik : 2020/2021
10. Dosen : Teten M. S. M, M.Pd
11. Asisten Dosen :

A. Grammatical Review Section

1. You look so tired. What (has/have/did) she (did/do/done) lately?
2. The action movie is (boring/ more boring) as boring) than horror movie.
3. Excuse me, (Must/ Might/ Should) I register here?
4. We have been working in this company (since/ for) 4 hours ago.
5. The jobs of manager are (difficult/ more difficult/ so difficult) than (that/
those) of head of divisions.
6. I’ve got two tickets to the cinema. (Can you go/ Did you like/ Will you go)
to come with me?
7. Yesterday’s weather was even (more hotter/ hotter/ hot) than today.
8. (Have/ Has/ Do) John ever (applied/ applying/ applies) for a job?
9. We (must/ may/ should) be so happy today because we won a game.
10. Someone in the room (has waited/ have waited/ is waited) for you since 7
in the morning.
11. Our companies (has achieve/ have achieved/ has achieved) many
rewards this year.
12. I think you (may/ must/ should) see the new movie on the cinema.
13. When I was younger, I (must/ could/ shall) cook very well.
14. The profit the company earned last month was (bad/ more bad/ worse)
than this month.
15. All passengers (can/ must/ should) carry their identity card

B. Reading Section
Read the following text carefully and answer the questions!
Bars and Stripes

Every time we go shopping at a supermarket, the price of each item is read

from the barcode. Bar codes appear on just about everything we buy. They
are patterns of thick and thin stripes, or bars, which an electronic scanner
reads. The stripes represent the 13-digit number underneath. An 8-digit bar
code is used if there is not enough space on the packaging.
There are four main pieces of information on a bar code. The first two
numbers represent the country in which the product was registered. This
does not have to be the country of manufacture. The code for the UK and
Ireland is 50. Some countries have three-digit codes: South Korea is 880 – to
commemorate the 1988 Seoul Olympics.
Next comes the manufacturer’s or supplier’s code. Each manufacturer has a
unique code. For example, Cadbury is 00183. Nestle is 00243 and McVitie is
00168. The third group which has five numbers represents the product and
the package size, but not the price. The manufacturers can choose any
number they want. Different products can have the same number for their
goods. 20389 might be a tube of toothpaste for one manufacturer and a tin of
tomatoes for another. Bar codes also help shops with re-ordering. A shop’s
computer recognizes the whole shape of a bar code when it passes across
the scanner at a shop’s checkout counter. It reads the bar code and the price
of the product appears on the till display. At the same time one time is
deducted from the stock total.
Finally the code finishes with a check digit that makes sure the bar code has
been keyed in correctly. If not, the item will either not be recognized or will be
shown as a totally different product.

No. Doc Tanggalterbit No. Revisi Halaman

1. What is bar code used for?
2. When is 8-digit bar code used for?
3. What is the information you can know from the bar code?
4. Why does the company use bar code?
5. Please write down what you have understood from the text! (In Bahasa
or English, 5 sentences only)

Develop one of the following topics below into a good paragraph!
1. The similarities between management and business
2. How to be a good student
3. Differences between Manager and Director

Please do not copy and paste from the internet.

No. Doc Tanggalterbit No. Revisi Halaman


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